Frozen (2010) Poster

(I) (2010)

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I don't want to see this movie again
gokillyourself-x24 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
First of all let me start by saying, Frozen is a really GOOD movie. The reason why I never want to see it again because this is one of those movies that will haunt u forever. I went through some of the reviews & I'm surprised at the amount of negative reviews, I agree to some extent with them, but some of those reviews are way exaggerated.

I wasn't expecting much of the movie, I only predicted that I'm not going to like it, & I was wrong. The first half hour of the movie didn't grab my attention what so ever, the main characters don't really grow into u, in fact, you are going to hate them all a little bit. That being said, you can't stop but feel sorry & terrified by what happens to them after they got stuck up there, I was literally feeling & living the scenes with them & I was really disturbed/stressed/sad......., & all along one thing was going through my head, what if this happened to me, because lets face it, this has happened before & will happen again, & if you are unlucky u could end up going through the same. As much as the characters sucked, they didn't deserve that kind of death "getting eaten by a pack of wolves ALIVE", specially when they turn out not so bad after all, u will really feel sad for them. The scenes are too graphic, even to me (I see blood & guts & laugh: hahaa it's all makeup), I was holding my hands to my face most of the time & holding my breath every time something was coming up.. Stuff shown in this movie happens in real life that's why this movie will be like a slap in the face if u watch it & keep asking yourself, what if it was me in their shoe, what would I do, what would u wish u had learn before to help you save your life here..

We all know we're going to die one day, but it is unexpected, it could be in the most unexpected time or place, & watching this movie & putting yourself in their shoes, will make you appreciate your time & situation & might motivate you to finally do at least one the things you kept postponing all this time. Death is right around the corner, make sure u make the most of your moments alive.
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Strong addition to the 'trapped' thriller genre
Leofwine_draca15 October 2011
I've always loved 'trapped in a single location' type films – from the likes of PHONE BOOTH to CUBE. Frozen is the latest effort, a thriller with horrific overtones in which a trio of people find themselves trapped on a chair lift in sub-zero temperatures. There's very little in the way of build-up and exposition, and instead the film gets on with tackling the various dangers that the stranded folk face: everything from frostbite to the possibility of being eaten alive by wolves.

The movie emphasises realism throughout; there are no outlandish heroics here, no contrivances, just a very real chance of dying in an increasingly horrible way. I always judge the success of movies by how well they make you feel like you're there in the situation with the characters, and FROZEN achieves that effect very well. There's plenty of suspense en route, and if the characters aren't the most likable or interesting you'll find in a film, then they're far from the least interesting either. Instead they're presented as ordinary folk, little different from you or me, adding to the 'what would I do?' feel.

Director Adam Green – the man behind the HATCHET movies – is clearly a horror lover first and foremost, thus the emphasis here is on the horrible nature of the scenario. Although much of what occurs is kept off screen, this makes it all the more powerful and there's no denying the sickening feeling that accompanies one unforgettable event, achieved through sound effects alone. Don't be fooled - there's also a fair amount of gore and unpleasant stuff on-screen, too. All in all this is an effective and tension-filled little thriller with much to recommend it.
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Good effort!
mdnobles197 February 2010
I'm not jumping up and down for this one but I thought it was a very well done survival/thriller that had some shocking, gruesome scenes as well as some thrills and definitely chills. The acting was pretty decent but the stand out here is newcomer Emma Bell who gave an heartbreaking performance as one of the stranded skiers on a ski lift, man I felt all of her pain. I thought the director did a great job using different techniques with the camera and used his one location effectively that makes you think and feel that you're right there with them on that ski lift, the thought just terrifies me but doesn't make me fear going skiing just makes me think twice about going on a ski lift. I think it's a tad overrated saying it does for skiing what Jaws did for swimming, not really and to be honest it's more Open Water than Jaws just with more action and a different situation, sorry it just didn't put the fear in me, it just had me feeling sorry for them and rooting for them than actually being scared. It will have you thinking throughout questioning what would you do in that situation, what lengths would you go in order to survive and some of it to me wasn't plausible while other scenes were very realistic and will have you on the edge of your seat. What makes this so special is the fact that they took a simple idea and went to great lengths to make it powerful and had three leads that could be anyone's friend, sister, brother, lover and it makes you feel for them even more and makes the whole situation more unsettling and shattering with some scenes that will make you a little teary eyed, good effort. This film actually has a heart and is refreshing from most horror offerings lately but it's more of a drama/thriller and I can't wait to see what director Adam Green has up his sleeve next! Overall it could of had a slightly better conclusion and I don't think it's going to be the best genre flick of the year because I just don't see that happening but if you want to see something different, new and bone chilling go support Adam Green's latest effort Frozen, though more of a renter on a snowy night to me. Recommended!
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Top-notch survival horror
Cujo10812 May 2010
A college student goes on a weekend ski/snowboard outing with his girlfriend and his jealous buddy. It was supposed to be just the guys, but Parker came along, much to buddy Lynch's dismay. She is still learning, and as a result of this, the trio spends most of the day on a bunny slope. After some complaining from Lynch, they decide to go on a quick run down the mountain before the day is through, but there's bad weather moving in. They manage to convince the lift operator to let them go, but through a series of unfortunate circumstances, the lift is stopped midway up the mountain leaving them stuck as the place shuts down for the week. With bad weather, the freezing cold and a large drop between them and the ground, the chances for survival are looking slim. And that's not taking the pack of hungry wolves into account.

I caught this at the Parks Mall AMC back in February and thought it was fantastic. It's from the Open Water/Black Water/The Canyon school of survival horror. All of those films are intense portraits of people stuck in some form of wilderness nightmare with little hope of escape, but Frozen may just be my pick for best of the bunch. At one point early on into the trio's predicament, I discovered that I had unknowingly squeezed my hands together so tightly that they had fallen asleep, so it's safe to say that the tension got to me. The characters also really grew on me as the film wore on, and I actually felt really bad for them. This is Emma Bell's first film, and I was quite impressed with her performance. While she has a spotty moment or two, for a first-timer, I'd say she knocked it out of the park. Her standout scene takes place when she's relaying her fears about what might happen to her puppy if she dies on the lift, and if he'd think she abandoned him.

Kudos to Adam Green for shooting this film on location. There are no green-screens or studio sets to be found here. Green and company found an actual lift to go out and shoot on. Equal amounts of kudos must go to the actors, as they were the ones up on the lift braving the elements for the authenticity a film of this type needs. Their hard work and tolerance paid off, as I often felt like I was right there on the lift with the characters. The chilly atmosphere vividly leaps off the screen, the bleak nature of the situation in which these three find themselves never in doubt. This film also hit a little closer to home for me, as I spent a week of skiing, etc. in Winter Park, CO not two months prior to watching this at the theater. With that fresh in my mind, I was left with an even stronger feeling of "What if?".

Also effective is the sparingly used score, usually played over visuals of the abandoned ski park. There are some gruesome bits, particularly the hand scene from the trailer and a discovery towards the film's end, but most of the tension comes from the predicament itself and some of the debasing things the characters have to do. Needing to take a leak while stuck on a ski lift may not be a big deal if you're a guy, but Parker's options aren't so easy.

I didn't think much of Adam Green's Hatchet. Frozen, on the other hand, is worth raving about.
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You won't thaw!
asda-man6 September 2012
"Frozen" is a beautifully crafted and original horror/thriller set on a ski lift. Now, you might watch the trailer like I did and thought, "that is going to be so bloody boring! It's just three people sitting on a ski lift!" But trust me, it's much more than that. Adam Green holds us there and always makes sure that we're captivated enough to keep watching. The characters were well-developed and likable, so you care about what's going to happen to them. It's also extremely thought provoking and realistic.

The acting is very good, especially as Adam Green, the director, actually tortured the actors so they come across genuinely cold. The direction is claustrophobic and uncomfortable in a good way! There are also some horrible cringe-worthy moments which are genuinely horrific. The special effects and music were also top notch, with the chilly wind effects getting right up your nostril.

Although it did run out of steam in some sections, for the most part it was an engaging and exciting film that was superbly acted and directed. Adam Green is proving himself to be a top notch director and clearly knows his stuff when it comes to making horror. I'd highly recommend watching this on a cold day, or on a hot day if you want a cool down.
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...never going skiing. Ever.
Herpumpkin8 March 2011
For a film that mainly revolves around a cast of three to carry the movie, seven stars can seem like seventeen. What makes this film work is the realism. Every choice, every consequence, everything! Like a movie studio trying to emulate the moments before a car accident, then its aftermath.

I'm not one of these reviewers that will take you through the entire plot of the film. Especially in this case. This film's simplicity works. Three skiers accidentally get forgotten on a ski lift as the resort closes for the week.

That's it! Yet, this simple formula works better than any horror movie I have seen in a long, LONG time! This opinion may be a little biased and I'll tell you why. Personally, I am petrified of open heights. Adam Green's chosen camera placements are well picked, never once allowing any hints of fiction into the story. That's the beauty of shooting on location, despite how deadly the location can be.

Deadly, indeed! This movie really got under my skin. Not in anyway gore-filled, like "Hatchet" or its sequel. So for all the gore-hounds out there scanning the reviews for bloody details before watching it, make-up effects enthusiasts won't be completely disappointed, but it's no "Hatchtet". However, Adam Green focuses more on his Actor's/Actresses' reactions to the horrors within the film. This works! Lord, does it work! I'm a huge GOREHOUND, I welcome squeamish scenes, but the subtle incidents that happen to these characters while exposed to harsh weather works better than a graphic depiction of a chainsaw to the gut! I'm almost ashamed to admit that I had to turn away and groan at what I witnessed on screen! This is from someone who giggled like a girl-scout throughout "A Serbian Film"! "Frozen" works! In all the right ways! My only complaints about the film are the lack of themes. Usually a survival-horror like this contains some smug theme that ties the film together, a topic the film tries to make aware to its audience. Romero does the aforementioned flawlessly, just to provide one example. "Dawn of the Dead" and its issue of consumerism. For example, one would assume that being trapped with two other people in a situation like that, the throes of "cabin fever" would naturally work its way into the script. Yet, Adam Green chooses to focus on the reality of the situation his characters find themselves in. As a result, the film remains simple. Leaving the audience with no other thought to ponder upon besides their own feelings of fear. To some, this may be a compliment to the film, to others, a weak link.

The dialogue is probably the strongest device in the film. Revolving your film around only three characters, the script better be able to keep the dialogue interesting or your audience is going to give up on these characters. Adam Green's dialogue is just that, interesting. Realizing the situation the characters find themselves in, the conversations that follows feels significant, but above all genuine. Dialogue, outweighs the action, so be prepared for a lot of talking. However, when the action arrives it's like an avalanche; disastrous, yet magnetic. I was, literally, frozen, couldn't take my eyes off the screen.

I've said enough...

To reiterate a few points, I have to say, again, this film really shook me. After it was over I had a deeper appreciation for the bed I was watching it in. I also made a vow never, EVER to go skiing.
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enjoyable with a real sense of terror
antoniotierno24 March 2011
The director (whom I didn't know before this movie) gets to generate an authentic tension from a real suspense story: the panic gripping the trio is absolutely palpable, although the strong implausibility of no one having a cellphone is not that believable. The terror due to their predicament mounts minute by minute and is made genuine by showing a harsh environment and by imposing tension on each of the characters. The cast is not famous at all but the way the story is set and the three personalities are described keeps attention and tension high and strong. I recommend it also for the wonderful location (movie shot in Utah's Rockies).
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objviewer30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Why didn't they throw their skis on the truck when it was below them? Why didn't the guy use the skis to hit the wolves? Why didn't they try climbing up before dropping down an impossible distance? Why not make a rope out of their coats and clothes to get closer to the ground before dropping?

Why do some wolves look like German Shepards? Why is there a man-eating wolf pack hunting in the middle of a ski resort in the middle of the day?

Why do people like to watch teenagers terrorized? Guess it wouldn't be as entertaining watching senior citizens freeze to death - but the conversation would be more interesting.

Why am I watching this dumb movie?
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A chilling film ;p
lahna_may23 November 2012
Okay so this was a great movie, but i never want to watch it again.


You get so involved with their situation and you're sucked into it, you feel their pain and horror. Ir leaves you feeling unsettled. A lot like 'Buried' did if you have seen that film.

95% of the film is set in the same location but this doesn't mean it is boring at all. Absolutely not.

So be prepared for an unsettling experience if you choose to watch this film.

By no means is it bad though, it just motivates powerful feelings.
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I love how many people think they are geniuses.
brian_kjersem7 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
So more or less I did not want to review this movie as much as call about half of the people reviewing it morons.I truly love(OK hate) all the people who say things such as..Why did they not do this? and why not that?....Truly and I mean TRULY put yourself in the same situation...I'm so sure that everyone would always have a complete clear head in a Very bad situation such as these people are in. So many Comments On why they did not make a rope out of there clothes....uhhhh hahahahaha is all I can respond with. Think about being up there at night, when its dark and snowing and making a rope....with clothes!? Clothes are not meant to support Weight its that simple. You go ahead and try to go up a few stories...and clime down the side of the building with.....rope clothes. Once again...Hahahahahaha.And that's in perfect weather with hours to plan it out..somehow I don't think it would work out so well. I thought the film was Very well done with what little there was to work with. The acting for pretty much unknown actors was pretty damn good. Best movie ever? No. But what it set out to do it accomplished very well. Why do people watch movies like this...and always want Albert Einstein as the main Character?
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Thanks for the laughs
misspriss924796 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Even if I wasn't stranded on a ski lift, in the dead of winter if you are outside more than ten minutes you ZIP YOUR COAT UP THE WHOLE WAY! Put your ungloved hand in your pocket you moron. That drove me the craziest the whole time. Secondly, she had a lighter in her pocket the whole time...just wanted to point that out, in case anyone wanted to be warm for a minute. The horrible leg breaking scene...and I don't mean horrible like it looked painful I mean horrible like it looked fake AF. Especially once he was sitting in the snow. And lastly...the wolves. So, let's get this straight, there's ravenous packs of wolves that live on a busy ski mountain (oh wait it's only open on weekends, damn they must make a lot of money) so the wolves must then know when it's Sunday and they are allowed to come out and attack people. Because, you know that is such a frequent behavior.
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Tension filled survival horror.
Fella_shibby5 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I first saw this in 2010 on a dvd which I own. As a fan of Adam Green, this film surpassed my expectations.

Revisited it few days back as I am planning to watch the remake Break.

It is about three friends who get stranded in their ski lift chair far above the ground on a Sunday afternoon. One of the fella feels he has no choice but to jump from the ski lift chair and get help, as they will not survive up there in the bitter cold until Friday.

What we have here is bitter cold, frostbite, dangerous height n wolves.

The movie is scary n tension filled. The compound fracture scene is not for the squeamish. Very well done.

In most Bollywood films, the hero jumps from 10 floors n land straight on the ground like a cat without any compound fracture or shin bone breaking.
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Just chillin'
Three college students are confined to a skilift suspended far above ground, isolated, with no one knowing about it(and no way to contact anyone), and realize that since they could be there for days while the resort is closed, they have to take matters into their own hands. That in itself wouldn't be enough to keep us interested, so there's conflict introduced right away, and the characters(and yes, we mostly focus on this trio), rather than being obnoxious, are sufficiently likable and different from one another. We have two friends that grew up together, and one of them now has a girlfriend, and that friend is now having trouble "choosing" between the other two, or making equal time for them. No one is shown as right or wrong in the situation, and we sympathize with all three. And yes, one of them is Iceman. I guess he doesn't have a handle on his powers yet. This is about the will to live, and we find ourselves really dreading into the threatening environment. Tension is built well(and it does not let up, there is *no* relief), there are no jumpscares, and the sound-side does much of it... we do see a bit(there's a little brutal, bloody, gory violence in this), though. I couldn't help cheer and yell advice at the screen. You want these people to make it. The acting is good. Dialog is realistic. This plays on primal fears, hypothermia, being eaten, heights, etc. The pacing is well-done, you don't stop caring... there are developments(not enough for it to be overwhelming), they're not just whining about their problem, and what happens is effective. Make-up and other FX are a bit hit and miss. This is 85 minutes sans credits. Done by the director of Spiral, while this is not as psychologically stunning as that, it does really *work*. It's entirely practically done, with no CGI, and yes, they were up there for filming. I recommend this to anyone who likes the concept. 7/10
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Dumb characters.
plan9913 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not a survival expert but I have walked and camped in sub zero temperatures in the Scottish Highlands so I do know a bit about common sense in low temperatures. The female character lost a glove but it didn't occur to her to put her bare hand in a pocket or double up with her remaining glove. The character that didn't jump appeared to be wearing an acrylic "woolly hat" which is not sufficient for sub zero temperatures, especially wet as it became later on, but for most of the film the hood on his jacket, which would have helped to keep his head warm, was down. The character that jumped leapt off the ski lift chair but if he had held onto the foot rest and dropped from there he would have fell 6 or 7 feet less and reduced his chance of serious injury. They were so dumb it was impossible for me to care if they died or not, in fact they deserved to die for being so dumb. Less dumb characters would have had some audience sympathy but not these three stooges.
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Spine tingling...
BangledTail24 September 2010
SO I picked up Frozen from work and brought it home to watch. I read a few reviews on here first and I was a little leery after that.. but it wasn't what I expected. Usually wolves are badly depicted in films, terribly misrepresented and maligned, but not in this film. It keeps you grounded in terrible reality the whole time.

Terrifying, brutal, bloody reality.. good acting, good story I really enjoyed this movie, and I generally don't like scary movies, I often find them cheesy and poorly acted. This film was different and I would really recommend watching it by yourself on a cold winters night.. It'll give you a nice chill.
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Brutal, but Terrific
ernesto6610 September 2012
Yes, brutal, like a lost Stephen King short story from the seventies, one of those with a small cast of characters that keeps getting smaller. You cross your fingers and just hope the ones you're rooting for survive to the end.

And terrific. The cast totally sells a script that could have either gone over the top into "Cliffhanger" territory or become sentimental, and ditto for the sparse direction. Nothing is wasted, everything works, and you are on the edge of your seat the whole time despite the almost non-existent plot. The script is a textbook example of taking a compelling hook and playing it out to its conclusion no matter the cost.

The perfect film to watch in the dead of winter, with all the lights on and - most importantly - a fire in the fireplace. Even then... you still may not be all that glad your character made it to the last page.
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Extremely Disturbed
knottk24 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was very well made, however I wish I had never watched it. I found it to be so disturbing its all I have been able to think about all day since I watched it. I know it sounds crazy but it really has bothered me. I haven't been able to sleep all night. I just keep hearing "Dont you let her look" over and over again in my head. I don't think I will ever go skiing again. Anyway if you like real movies this is one for you. You can definitely see yourself in the actors "skis". I will never watch this movie again. It is quite graphic in certain spots. This is not a movie for children or impressionable young adults as it does leave a lasting impression and you may have some sleepless nights because of it.
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Fun, frozen terror.
lewiskendell29 September 2010
"Remember that thing I said about having done this before? I totally lied. I'm scared sh*tless."

Frozen is a simple, effective horror/thriller about three people trapped on a ski lift with no one around to rescue them. Not at all a complicated premise, but it leads to a pretty good movie.

Director Adam Green has little problem keeping Frozen interesting for the entire hour and thirty-four minutes that it lasts, so don't worry about being bored. If you put yourself into the shoes of the characters and let yourself feel their helplessness and terror at their situation, this will be one of the scarier movies that you've seen in a while, simply because it's a scenario that could possibly happen. Nothing in the movie is far-fetched or overly artificial, and combining that with how brutal (I found myself wincing pretty often) it can be at times is a solid recipe for a tense, entertaining experience. 

I'd recommend Frozen to anyone. Be warned, though, it may make you want to avoid ski lifts and mountains for quite a while.
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I'm getting tired of being recommended bad movies because review say it's good.
mikekomljenovic10 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Like someone else reviewing this movie said....they took a decent 20 minute short film and turned it into a lame 90 feature.

I hate when writers and directors just run out of ideas and just finish a movie to "get it done".

It doesn't take a genius to realize that all they had to do the first night was suck up some cold for about a half hour so they could disrobe and make a clothing role that would have allowed a safe fall. Then go and find help as the other two put their clothes back on.

Or, shimmy across the wire to the a supposedly emaciated and frostbitten guy did at least a day later. Or, even better, kick your feet up onto the cable to increase your grip.

Then, she somehow breaks ZERO limbs in her fall from a chairlift that SUDDENLY has a bolt (that would NEVER be the only non-redundant connection to the cable) come loose, threatening to drop her. What a superhero. The other guy's bones come through his pants, but she's basically intact. Wow..... Oh, and....wolves don't operate that way. Not even close. They would NEVER be that close to humanity. Plus, there are literally only one incident of a wolf attack in the last century. They just don't like humans.

This was a dumb movie.
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Fascinating... a very hard trick to pull off with no human adversary!
johnnymonsarrat11 February 2010
The magic of Frozen is that there's no badguy. It's just humans against nature. I was worried at first that the film would be slow paced. I mean, how many things can happen within such a small space?

It turns out: plenty. Although time passes during the movie, the film does not give in to drawn out melodramatic sequences. They fight against nature, but the film is structured to attack them from all sides at once, but also in a way that's not transparently unrealistic. (Although personally I feel that nobody would have survived the cold and dehydration of the first night.)

We even learn a little about the characters, in a way that's more convincing than most disaster films, I am thinking for example of The Poseidon Adventure. There are no stereotypes here.

And they make mistakes. This isn't like Die Hard where the protagonist cleverly thinks of everything. Everything about the film, including their being trapped up so high, falls together like a series of coincidences, and that makes it even more horrific, because you start to believe that it might actually happen. There's even a little comedy to offset the horror, towards the beginning.

There is some gore in the film, but hugely less than I was led to believe. This is no Quentin Tarantino film and no slasher film either.

So having said what it's not, what is it? It's a thrilling look at how, even though we humans have extended ourselves into nature with technology, how reliant we are on that technology. It's an intellectual thriller rather than a supernatural or a serial killer freakshow thriller. It's normal people without heroic powers stuck in a situation that is near to real, the "Lost in Translation" of horror films.

I though it was fantastic. I'll give Frozen a 9 out of 10.
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"Capable Of Staying Frozen in Your Mind For Quite Some Time"
kimi_layercake8 October 2010
"Frozen" is an extremely well-made movie. It's a movie based on a unique script in the sense that it takes a very common leisure activities and makes it feel like a nightmare, when things goes all wrong!! Cast-wise, "Frozen" did a very nice job. Shawn Ashmore delivers a very worthy performance with extremely good backing from newcomer Ema Bell. Kevin Zegers has a comparatively smaller role,but does his best. A special mention for Emma Bell for she seems a talent to look forward to. Blessed with a gorgeous face and backed with good acting skills, she seems like someone meant for the longer race.

The best thing about "Frozen" is that it takes on a simple plot and deliver it with such great attention to details and turn of events that by the end of the movie, it feels like a very good movie experience. The Director deserve kudos for giving attention to every facets of the plot with apt details. The movie never stretches itself to make up time and hence, one never feels bored by it.

Overall, "Frozen" is a very nice experience. I am quite sure that "Frozen" will stay frozen in your mind for quite some time.

My Verdict: 8/10
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Complete and utter garbage
herecomesjuan4 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I will say that movies are meant to entertain and in this respect we can't always expect the most realistic of situations to play out. However, this film is just plain stupid!.

Let's say for one moment 3 snowboarders/Skiers get stuck on a chair lift and it's really high up. Could the Director have not treated the audience with a semblance of intelligence? I mean one guy decides just to jump down to be the hero without using any tools at his disposal. Doesn't try and tie a jacket or 2 to lower himself down. No of course not just jumps down and breaks both legs lol. If he had done this and then is unlucky and breaks his leg on a rock then it would have added a lot more credibility.

Before we even get to this stage, the movie was made in 2010 yet not one of them had a mobile phone to make a call. That's the most unbelievable part of this whole movie. I mean they could have got round this with the phones not having signal due to the bad weather. Still unreal but at least would have been better.

Big CAT drives below them and they throw down a few bits of clothing and a pole instead of a snowboard to catch the drivers attention. I mean really?

Wolves manage to eat the two male characters. Yet when the female faces the wolves they just walk away because they had just had dinner. LOL Ridiculous. These wolves must only come and eat people when the ski resort closes then. Film could have done without the wolves all together. May aswel had gone for a deadly snowman. Film was so stupid May aswell had gone whole hog, at least then people would have expected stupidity.

The resort closes for 5 days in peak season just when the protagonists get stuck. Suuuuuuuure!

We have no one zipping up their jackets. We have people falling asleep with bare hands touching metal. Why not just go one better and stick your tongue to the metal bar.

I reckon they could have made a really good movie here if they had thought about it a little more. I'm sure the audience would have appreciated it.

Instead we get absolute nonsense which is so stupid it insults everyones intelligence. AVOID
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Pretty impressive
BakuryuuTyranno13 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Essentially there's some people and they get trapped while using the ski-lift. They're stranded and things get worse when... well actually they're about as bad as things get.

Incredibly, there are gory parts and surprisingly enough what little gore there is strikes deeper than many "depraved" films. Considering the amount of agony from merely spraining an ankle, seeing the amount of leg trauma one character suffers while jumping is something I'd dread to imagine! And then the skin-peeling scene was just, well, describable.

The only problem is the protagonists scammed their way onto the lift, which makes it a little less believable they, specifically, would be the ones left trapped on a lift.
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Open Snow
thesar-23 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I'm one of the few people that enjoyed both Open Water 1 and 2. And you kind of have to like those movies, or at least part 1, to like Frozen.

Two best buds, Joe (Ashmore) and Dan (Zegers) along with third-wheel, Parker (Bell) – Dan's girlfriend, swindle their way to the top of the snow covered mountain in an attempt to save money. They do this by bribing the "guard" Jason (Ackerman) with $100. ?? Okay, so I don't know how much it costs, but is it really a lot more than $100 between three skiers to take the lift up the mountain?

At any rate, they get up there, argue, become friends again and we learn that Joe's horny and is enormously jealous of his BFF's newest partner. Of course, this is all both incidental and just the basic set up to what's to come.

They want to get down the mountain on the last run on Sunday since the ski-lift's closed until the following weekend. Well, this leads to that and that leads to a "leak" and the threesome gets stuck over a rather large drop.

At first it's funny, though a bit scary, but when the lights go out and the blizzard begins, it becomes rather desperate for our stranded "guests." Multiple options they come up with to get down the, probably, 4-5 story drop. You'd have to ask yourself: What would you do when it becomes increasingly fruitless that no one knows they're up there and it's not expected to move for another week?

Oh, and throw in: no cell. No food or water. A razor sharp cable above that's not easy to get to. A drop surely to either kill or maim you. No one can hear you. A forest below with wolves. A mile or more from civilization. A week to wait. And well below freezing temps.

Though this could happen, the set up seemed pretty silly and ill-constructed, though a bit plausible. The main movie starts when they feel they're doomed.

I won't give away the depths these characters go through or the events they must endure, but I will say, despite the weak set up and almost terrible and unbelievable acting, the suspense was ENORMOUSLY high. There were times I had to look away, or fret about upcoming scenes I saw in the trailer – think A Christmas Story.

So, Writer/Director Adam Green, who also did the similarly enjoyable Hatchet, did an extremely effective job of keeping me both on the edge of my seat and grossed out. I hope to see more from (and of; sorry, he's cute) him despite his movies making pennies.

If you like to be frightened and love those "If I were in their shoes, skis, fins, what would I do" (Open Water) films, this is the movie for you. Let it simmer for a bit because when the terror sets in, it almost doesn't let up. It also helps the backdrop of the mountain's gorgeous. At least enjoy that while waiting for their fates.
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Brain freeze
helenfurn1 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
3 people are stuck on a chair lift. All they had to do was undress, tie their clothes together to make a rope and one of them could have climbed down the 30ish foot drop very easily. Or they could have put some clothing over the cable and zipwired down. There was also someone underneath them in a snow plough. They could have thrown their skis onto the vehicle to alert the driver. But they choose instead to throw.......goggles. Then one of the clowns just jumps off the chairlift and breaks his legs. Stupid becomes ridiculous when a wolf pack arrives to eat the person with the broken legs. All three people would surely qualify for a 'Darwin' award.
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