Stargate Universe (TV Series 2009–2011) Poster


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Perhaps It's Not What You Like.
kamikaze_kats22 November 2010
I read a really negative review of this program on this site and I wanted to put my two cents in on the internet for a change. And for the record, I'm not one of these "paid" individuals at the url posted in the review before me (I didn't click it, but urls in posts make me weary anyways). Stargate Universe is a drama about a group of individuals who are trapped on a ship half way across the known universe. The idea behind this show is that the people on the ship are attempting, to the best of their own personal abilities, to find a way for day-to-day survival and how to gain control of this massive intergalactic spaceship. Many on the ship are either scientists or military personal, with a few civilians littered in.

Now where most would say this show is garbage, I disagree. This show is a welcome break from the standard Stargate TV plot line. So far, this season and last, the only goal has been trying to gain control of the ship. They've dealt with some alien life forms and other assorted baddies, but the main arc has always been trying to control the ship so they can get home. Yes, it is incredibly slower paced than the other Stargate programs, but it wasn't intended on being like them. It was suppose to be different, dealing with the intrapersonal and interpersonal issues these people face while staring potential death at any wrong move in the face.

This show gives me a sense of realism (well, as well of one can hope for when watching a science fiction program) when they are faced with problems. There's no room for error. There's no intergalactic space police that can come swooping in to their rescue at the convenient time right after they come back from commercials, they have literally no help what so ever beyond consultation from people on Earth via the Communication Stones. This isn't the hour long show where Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill run through the Stargate, pick a fight with someone, someone gets caught or incapacitated or whatever cliché tension builder they decided to use this week, they get rescued by their friends and run back through the gate to Earth. It's almost like their playing a universal game of "Ding Dong Ditch".

Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Stargate SG-1, I watched all 10 seasons, but after awhile the story structure got stale and it was just the same thing with different people every week. The episodes I enjoyed the most were the ones where someone had to make a personal sacrifice for the betterment of their friends. That's what it's like in real life. It humanized them for me. And that's what SGU does for me.

Now granted, I will admit that the creation of SGU after the success of the new Battlestar was pretty evident, but fact of the matter is that it works for some and doesn't for others. Think of all the shows that got canceled in the late 90s, early 2000s that everyone and their dog has breathed life back into? Family Guy, Futurama, even American Dad. These programs failed on their first run, but had such a successful run in later years that they're now part of the main stream and people are enjoying them once more.

This show isn't for everyone, it's not. If you're looking for fights with aliens or saving the world after the 10 p.m. news is over, you're going to be disappointed. But, if you're looking for something a little different with something familiar to relate with, you might enjoy it. I know I do. My name is Matt, I'm from Montana, and no one paid me a f-ing thing to write this review. Cheers.
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LouieInLove4 September 2020
The current IMDB rating for Stargate Universe is 7.6 & that is not reflective of, what is, one of the most underrated sci-fi shows of all time.

I watched & enjoyed the original movie but couldn't get into any of its spin-offs; they just weren't my bag.

I tried Stargate Universe because I noticed the lead was Robert Carlyle; who is one of the best actors of his generation. Trainspotting, The Full Monty, James Bond... He's brilliant & I wasn't disappointed.

Stargate Universe is engaging & accessible; it leads you through a world of wonders with verve.

Well written & brilliantly acted.

Dare I say it? Yes! The last great sci-fi show.
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A Successful Merger of Concepts
w_r_perry26 April 2010
I'm going to try to address the many issues swirling about this series without spoiling the plot:

1) Similarities to other shows: There has been a great deal of speculation that the show is a 'ripoff' of Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, or even Lost. While I certainly don't disagree that it bears a striking similarity to Battlestar Galactica, I don't count that as a strike against it.

Prior shows are always going to have an impact on future shows. Film-making (whether it be TV or Feature) is an art that builds upon itself, and stands on the shoulders of those who came before it. The fact is the Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, and Lost are all GOOD shows, regardless of your impression of it or whether or not it struck you the right way, they were the best of their genres at the time, and even bent their genres into something new.

That being said, to call this show a 'rip-off' or 'carbon copy' of any of those shows is grossly over simplifying things and intentionally misleading. Perhaps we should just create a new genre name, like 'Adult Sci-Fi', so we can get over all these intellectual property theft allegations.

2) Dissimilarities to other Stargate franchises: This review will probably take a lot of heat for this, but - past Stargate shows actually weren't very good. Don't get me wrong, I've watched every episode of SG1, and most of Atlantis (still working on that), and enjoy just about all of it, but even while enjoying it, I was fully recognizant of the fact that it wasn't actually good. It's campy. The acting is sub-par, even when there are good actors in the shows. The sets are generic and bland, reminiscent of the original series of Star Trek, the scripting is packed with fromage, and the plots, no matter how original, were all clearly predictable.

But to a niche crowd (myself included) they were thoroughly enjoyable through a mixture of silly humour, sci-fi gratification, and a unique self-aware self-deprecation. But even so, the cinematography was regularly lackluster, the effects unconvincing, and the ratings carried along by loyal fans.

SGU lacks most of these shortcomings. There is the occasional campy humour, though typically coming from the same character. In that way this one character, Eli, has come to be the only vestige of the old Stargate franchises. This is made believable, though, because this character is quite similar to the people (like myself) who enjoyed the camp of previous Stargate in real life.

3) The mood: Many would say it's much too dark, both in production design and in mood. I say that it's about time. In past Stargate series', no matter how far gone a situation was, no matter how much danger they were in, the show was never EVER tense. It never mattered. Nothing ever really mattered. The characters were always too happy and fun and funny and confident and amicable to be capable of expressing any kind of peril. As such, the plots were always completely hollow. Nothing mattered, because it would all be fine in the end.

The only episode in both original Stargate series' that managed to capture any kind of deep emotional commitment or tension was Heroes, which just happened to be filmed in the documentary style similar to that of SGU. I don't solely blame the cinematography for this effect, though, but instead, for just once, the characters were encouraged to be vulnerable and hurt, like real human beings.

When people are in a serious situation, they get serious (mostly), and their flaws become more apparent. This is evident in this series, as it should be in such situations.

4) The set/production design: As for the dark set design, it makes some sense, as the ship is very old, and trying to save power. In past Stargate, no matter how old something was, it always looked like it was cobbled together the day before. The ancient city of Atlantis looking like it was maintained by a team of maid-bots and carpenters right up until the team's arrival. I will admit that the purposeful gloom goes a bit too far at times, but as far as I'm concerned, that's better than skirting the edge of cardboard box grade production.

SGU is simply a great show. Yes, it shrugs off its past franchise for the sake of its artistic intent, but it does so with wonderful results. The acting is largely superb, and even the episodes that in other shows would be considered 'in betweeners' come off as being some of the best episodes on television (like the episode Human).

I definitely recommend this show to anyone, and I absolutely recommend that past Stargate fans try to leave their preconceptions at the door, and respect it as its own show.

UPDATE: You will no doubt notice a massive spree of negative reviews on top of the 'helpful' pile on IMDb. Please take these with a grain of salt, as they are largely spam generated by a select few alienated Stargate fans who are working very, very hard to get this show cancelled. Rest assured, I myself have yet to meet a single classic Stargate fan who doesn't LOVE SGU, and I sure do know a lot of them!
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One of the most underrated sci-fi series ever made
mark-fenwick2915 August 2022
SGU seemed to be frowned on from the fan base but as someone that saw the original in a theatre and watched every episode of SG-1 and Atlantis I loved every minute of this. I love the exploration and gradual discovery of the ship.

One thing I didn't like about Atlantis was the fact they had a whole city to explore and rarely did.

I can understand the new BSG style and ongoing story was a different approach but it was fresh. And the characters were fantastic and not clones of the previous iterations.

If there's a reboot I hope the SGU canon has a place in it.
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SGU is not SGA
elfinspace2316 February 2011
Firstly i never give a 10 out of 10 as i believe everything can be improved, so this gets a 9.5.

Secondly to those people who have never seen any stargate episodes of any kind, this series is superior in all aspects - ALL. The people who rubbish this are the die-hards of the Original series who cant adapt or change to take a program on its credits.

Thirdly you cant compare the SGA to SGU they are two totally different projects, SGU is a thought provoking journey through space with all the conundrums that the human psyche can encompass. The acting and the script is second to none, the graphics top notch in fact it beats SGA on everything except gimmicky, off-beat (unfunny) humour.

As anyone looks through the reviews of Stargate Universe SGU you come across a very familiar pattern, that all of its bad reviews come from disgruntled SG & SGA fans, who are just blatantly out to rubbish the show and give it the worst reviews possible. And that unfortunately is where the makers of SGU went wrong, they tried to ride the success of the previous two shows. Thus its original viewing figures got depleted by the loss of the original SG fan base, instead of creating its own fan base from afresh.

I have to admit i nearly didn't watch the show due to it being branded with the Stargate label, and how i would have missed a deeply moving Sci-fi drama in space. And there lies its problem, it had great viewing figure to start, but quickly lost them due to it NOT being SG or SGA and it could never build its own fan base due to people who didn't like the show switching on to another SG.

I believe given time the show would have stood on its own through word of mouth, but now we will never be given the opportunity to find the origins of the stargates or was there life at the beginning of time.

I love this series, please don't axe and do a firefly and possibly destroy one of the greatest sci-fy series of all time. The reason this is only getting a 7.5 out of 10 (giving 1's) is the stuck in the mud original stargate lovers, otherwise it would be well above 9.

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Wish There Was More!!
knielsenkn24 August 2020
Watched this series 9 years after it ended I'm so disappointed there isn't anymore episodes. This series was amazing and it's a shame that they weren't able to give it a proper ending. It would be amazing if the powers that be decided to film a final movie to tie up the story line!
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Mature and Superior Stargate.
erik-29-38162622 January 2023
I watched all of Atlantis but not all of SG:1.

They were both similar in target audience (pre teens or early teens) and similar in small individual stories, light hearted, and action packed.

SG: Universe went a very different direction: We got to know all the characters deeply, every episode was well written with no goofs or silly plot holes for the sake of advancing the episode.

It was probably darker, the threats felt more like threats and less like "this week's goofy minor hick-up" or McKay talking about how he only has 10 seconds to save the world and that he would like people to give him some space and quiet time, because it's SUPER important that he does this now... with now only 3 seconds left!

That's fine every other episode if you are 12 and just want the day to be saved and there's nothing wrong with that. LIght hearted and nothing to invest too much into.

But Universe was for grown ups and I don't recall a single thing I thought was stupid or illogical. Even the "conscience swap" with people from back on earth was done elegantly and intelligently.

The reason it was doomed from the start was all the angry Atlantis fans who never forgave the cancellation of Atlantis, which means an open boycot was determined even before the first Universe episode aired.

A shame, so well written, and that score! I've heard that many many times ever since, it was masterful music for each episode, kind of like Firefly.

I still watch all 40 episodes from time to time, you can too if you want a really good show with an open ending. :)
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Less stargate, more sci-fi
joeri_sebrechts18 October 2009
This series is definitely not like Atlantis or SG-1. Those shows were set in outer space, but they were about war, and how humans cope with war. That's not the essence of sci-fi. The essence of sci-fi has always been about a small group of people trying to cope with the unimaginable. It has always been more about what it is that makes us human, and how we can hold on to that in the middle of situations that are beyond our comprehension.

This is what this show goes back to. The problems the crew runs across are not novel, they've been done a gazillion times, and you know from the start of the episode exactly how they'll solve them. The show is not about how they solve their problems, it's about how they cope with those problems, as people. It's a show where people have nervous breakdowns, where they sometimes just give up in despair. It's a show where you get a sense of the loneliness that the crew feels at being so far out there, and where the characters are not all super soldiers with wills of iron and hearts of gold. And luckily, it is portrayed by a group of actors who manage (mostly) to carry off their characters.

This is not a technology show. If you want geekspeak, go watch Atlantis reruns. But if you want stories, woven together by a set of unique characters who act like real humans would, then do watch this show.

This is not to say the show is perfect. It has flaws, just like its characters. But it has a lot more potential as a true sci-fi show than any of the previous stargates ever did.
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A more adult Stargate in a new direction.
alvarhaggis12 June 2010
There has been a lot of negativity about this show, but I disagree with the naysayers.

This show is more adult and serious. If your looking for a show that resolves each episode by the end of each episode, then this is not that show. If your looking for the usual Stargate humour, then this is not that show.

It has taken a leaf out of BSG and decided to go gritty and dark. Many have slated the show for adapting to BSG, but they need to realise that almost all TV and movies are rip offs of something else.

I am enjoying the show and hope it's renewed for another season as it has just started to pick up pace.

I enjoy the performance of many of the characters, but some could be easily ditched next season. Dr Rush is a great character and Robert Carlyle has done an excellent job. I also like most of the science guys. But, characters like Chloe and Eli have become a little tedious and as each episode goes on they don't grow but seem to conform to the bland recipe they have all season.

This is a good show and it seems to me like they are building a good story arc instead of the individually satisfying episodes.
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Stargate seems to grow up
pontram8 November 2009
It is true, that SGU is in some ways a kind of 'Battlegate Atlantica Light', especially in visuals and drama. That's why I like it much more than SG-1 and SGA. Especially the slightly shaky 'reality cam' with the much nearer approach to a person's face is what I liked on BSG, because it gives you the feeling of being right beside the actors. Anyone who hates this, or the colors of BSG, or its dramatic behavior, might be displeased, even with this 'Light' version of an obvious mixture of BSG, SGA, and (only in plot) Voyager.

After all, I wonder about the age of the audience the producers intend. I think that SG-1 and SGA are for younger people than Stargate Universe, because of the simplicity, nice women and militarism there, which fascinates mostly young people (= boys, who want have a girlfriend like Samantha Carter and a gun).

SGU has a little deeper approach, and fortunately (I just saw ep.07) not so many (cheap) missions in the greenery, which I always hated, from Star Trek TOS to BSG. Coming with this, there is much less military, almost no shooting (I am very surprised about that), and less McGuyverism (although they could not always withstand), although more personal problems, failures and obscurities.

That makes - in my opinion - SGU more human. The mastermind, Dr. Rush, is someways completely helpless with the Ancient ship's systems. It seems, he could have a plan - but he hasn't. He is in no way as brilliant as Samantha Carter or Rodney McKay, he is weak and struggles with his past. Col. Young is not as tough as Sheperd or O'Neill. And thats advantageous.

For the moment, we have no enemies except those inside the acting persons and inside the organization. The main enemy is ignorance, helplessness and inscrutable Ancient technology. Maybe thats a lack, because from where could an ally/enemy like Todd the Wraith (whose potential wasn't even fully used in SGA) come from ? - Let's see, what the producers have in mind for us.

After the first few episodes I fear alas, that the tensions and problems of the pilot will be solved in time, and the series go back to good old Stargate Business, to say so, everybody is happy with everybody, and go further and fight out problems (even with guns ?), using the ship's advanced technology more and more.

The actors in SGU are very good, beginning with Robert Carlyle, who fits perfectly in his character. Justin Louis has a great performance as a partially broken shepherd of a herd of civilians, and well, David Blue...he has the easiest part here and does it very well. The big surprise is J.W. Smith, who brings the most rude/cool and also maybe most wise marine in the Stargate Universe. He has definitively charisma. Unfortunately there are no female characters to mention, because the script doesn't give them much chances. In ep.07 there is more with the Chloe Armstrong Character, but it's only a half-hearted try. Ming-Na does well in ep.05, but her character also should have more to do than being afraid.

Until now, my best episode of Stargate Universe until now was nr.5, where the whole staff incl. writers successfully gave their best to create a real milestone. I'm curious if they can top it in the future.
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Still Waiting...
darkstar0077 October 2010
I really really want to like this but i am still waiting. Not sure what i am waiting for. And to think they canceled Atlantis and gave us this.

Atlantis and SG-1 i miss. If this were never to comeback i would not care.

Maybe it will get better. What is still do not get is what makes Destiny worth it? I am sure the technology on it is light years behind what is in Atlantis. This is more like regression instead of progress. If this ship is supposed to be super Bad @$$ shouldn't be ale to repair its self? It just seems to fall apart more as we go on. And in all this time so far only 1 first contact situation? So far they have shown me nothing original

But i am still waiting....
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SGU is Different! And Different is Good.
RainerRR29 May 2010
Other reviewers mention that Stargate Atlantis had become a bit of a cliché. It was the same as Stargate SG-1 with different characters. In some ways it had become a comedy.

Now, we see the dark side of the Stargate Universe in a very serious drama. It is vast, filled with new, unknown creatures, and emphasizes the basic struggle for human survival in a radical environment. It may even be closer to the original movie than the first two series.

The characters are better developed than in the previous two shows. They have ghosts that haunt them. They have vices they try to hide. They have different opinions on the way to handle things and without a strong military structure like in the past two series, they find conflict with each other as often as the others did with aliens.

Understand that it is different! If you were a fan of the other Stargate worlds, then it is a significant departure. SGU is a drama, and has no intention of using sarcastic humor to make it interesting. It uses the story line and the conflict to make it interesting. You don't have larger-than-life enemies singularly capable of destroying worlds anywhere.

There are glaring differences between this show and Battlestar Galactica, to which this SGU has been compared. In BG, there was one primary enemy (mixed with a good bit of internal political strife). In BG, their home was destroyed; in SGU their goal is to get home. There is no 'supernatural' element that we saw in BG. Many other facets would reveal spoilers, so watch this show without the expectations that it will be similar to either BG or SG-1 and SG Atlantis.

Can someone watch SGU without knowing the back story of the Stargate Series? Possibly. You might do well watching the movie that started it all. This show uses some technology found in the other series, but not much. Often, they are discussing the other events well enough to put together whatever history they may be referencing. Give it a shot. If it doesn't make sense, then watch a few shows from SG-1. Atlantis relies heavily on SG-1, so don't bother with it initially.

I hope you enjoy the series as much as I!
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Let Universe be Universe
gazawazaheza21 October 2009
I have to admit I didn't know what to expect when I heard about this show (to be honest I really wanted them to do another series of Atlantis) but having seen the first few episodes I am very exited about what this show will have to offer. To be honest I am bit annoyed with some of the fan responses, most responses I have read say that it's "Stargate does Battlestar", but SG-1 and Atlantis ran for 15 years with two Films and another on the way. I respect the executive producers for taking the series in a different direction. While some may be disappointed with the new direction If Universe was just another spin off I would be disappointed and very frustrated as there would be no new challenges and no new ideas it would end up team goes through gate, team runs into bad guys, team gets into trouble, team gets out at the last second with a couple of big explosions and fight scenes laced in between.

Please do not get me wrong I am a giant fan of both previous shows with every episode on DVD but if SGU was another remake of SG-1 with a bit of a twist I would most likely lose interest very quickly. I am very interested to see how the rest of the season turns out and I seriously hope that most of the people who were annoyed at the start change their mind because I believe that given enough time this series will come into it's own and will have the power to become a title that earns the respect of the most hardcore Stargate and science fiction fan.
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What happened to all of the technology?
CosmicJustice30 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This series is supposed to take place in the Stargate Universe and after the other two series. Where is all of the technology that Stargate Command has been accumulating for years? Why can't they figure out how to control a ship that predates all of the technology they already figured out how to control in Stargate Atlantis? Why is the ship smart enough to know how to defend itself, when to stop and fix itself, but not smart enough to interact with it's occupants? It's supposed to be fantastically advanced computer technology after all, where's the AI? Why does a ship that can FLY THROUGH A STAR to replenish it's power need to turn the lights off to conserve energy? How does a ship that can FLY THROUGH A STAR get damaged and holes cut in it by tiny alien ships full of blue fish men? This ship has been traveling for a million years or hundreds of thousands of years (it seems to change form episode to episode) so why the hard time limit for stops? I mean it's supposedly stopping because something they need that is on a nearby planet but it always, sadistically gives them barely enough time to get whatever it is that the ship stopped so they could get. Let's be honest BSG did very well and this is a ripoff of it to the point that the producers and writes just don't care about all of the inconsistencies. The Stargate audience was supposed to just go along no matter how absurd it got.
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Stargate, the Next Generation
Emera3 October 2009
I was nine when the original Stargate film released, and it was one of the first times I was awed by the truly limitless potential of science fiction. I got into the Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis franchises only a few years ago, and I have since seen every episode in the series. It was the reality-based fantasy of SG-1 that drew me in, and despite what budget and technological constraints the show had to endure in its 10-year run, I always felt it captured an aspect of human existence that was often left unexplored in fiction: our place in the universe.

After watching the premiere of Stargate Universe for the second time, I am convinced that the fate of the franchise has a true destiny aboard this ship. The quality of talent in every avenue of production is staggering, and it emanates through every facet on screen. From masterful talents like Robert Carlyle (28 Weeks Later) and Justin Louis (Durham County), to the many newcomers and rising stars, the crew brings humanity into the dark frontier of deep space with a raw and visceral tenacity that captures the essence of human nature.

Stargate Universe brings science fiction television into the twenty-first century with influences and lessons learned from every epic saga that came before it. From the cinematic tension of the recent Battlestar Galactica reboot, to the unpredictable realities of the universe in series like Sliders, Star Trek, Farscape, and Firefly.

With SG-1's legacy of imaginative writers and visionary directors behind it the future of the series is finally entering the next chapter. Stargate Universe may well be the next great space saga for a new era of television. Whether you know the lore, or you're on your first trip through the gate, you're in for a ride like nothing else on TV. You may not know what to make of the series from the pilot, but if its predecessors are any indication there are great things in store for newcomers and fans alike as the series progresses.

One thing the Stargate series has always been about is stepping through the puddle to something new and unexplored, and now we all have the opportunity to make that journey anew. In the series' past we were invited to explore the galaxy and learn something about our place in the epic fantasy of the saga. Now we're venturing into the unknown depths of the universe, and the ship of Destiny is just the right vehicle to take us there.

With the support of the fans, and the network, Stargate Universe may soon have its place among the classics, as a science fiction epic that explores humanity's infinite potential in the universe. Don't let its humble beginnings fool you, we are all in for an adventure, that will hopefully be engaging us for many years to come.
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Brilliant in its own right
peterlamswood11 December 2022
With very few links to the very successful original Stargate SG1 film, series and feature length one offs, or the spinoff Stargate Atlantis, this series stands in its own right. Well written, directed and acted it answers a few questions regarding the Ancients and poses a few more.

It was only scheduled to run for three series but the shortsighted, and cash strapped, management at the commissioning network pulled the plug after series two leaving the audience with many unanswered questions. We can only hope that someone rediscovers this gem and releases the funds to complete the final series.
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duncan-hunter2 October 2009
I really enjoyed the season premier of Stargate Universe it seems far darker than any of it's predecessors, and to be honest I saw very little reference to Stargate throughout. While I really enjoyed it I missed the humor from previous incarnation but it does seem to have matured which may be to it's benefit. I believe it is a worthy successor and I am looking forward to next week and I hope the intensity that was shown this week is maintained. I really like the idea of the ship dictating where they go and the "running against the clock" build in is ingenious which I feel was the one thing Stargate (SG1, Atlantis) missed this should hopefully focus the attention to the action and intensity.
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The Universe is getting better!
Vic_max18 June 2010
Finally, some serious and great writing is back in a Stargate series. It was present in the original Stargate movie, the early seasons of SG-1 and then it disappeared (later SG-1 and SG-A were very different in nature). SG-U has the key elements of strong actors, characters, and story lines -- and it's all happening with great backdrop of the Stargate theme.

The show is well cast with actors who'd make you want to see what happens next even if it weren't sci-fi. Equally as important are the scripts - and they are very well written with conflict, suspense and unpredictability.

What remains to be seen is if the series can keep its current breadth of script ideas fresh - this tough task for any new series. It doesn't seem like it will win over die-hard SG-A fans, so it will have to develop a new base of it's own. If haven't checked out the series yet, it's definitely worth a look.
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Outlandish .... truly miserable
iratecaller66610 September 2010
Well, where to begin? Oh I know. A message to the fan-boys: SGU is not Stargate, and that's why we complain about it.

SGU is not an evolution of the franchise, it is a slap in the face to those following the franchise over the course of 15 seasons.

Thi is, without a doubt, the worst of all Stargate shows. The visual effects, although touted as better than sliced bread, and wayyy more expensive than the previous series fx, fails to prove itself to be any better. The music, and the montages, are simple emo pop/rock and lacks the grandiose feel of the classical music in the previous series. The camera work is amateurish, following the flavour of the month "shaky cam" and low budget kino-vision. Character development is non-existent. We are constantly bombarded with characters's whining, being jealous, flying off the handle. There's nothing to like about the characters, and I'm afraid the acting, governed and limited by the script, fails to elevate SGU beyond the teen drama that it truly is.

For anyone wanting a dark, shaky camera work, unimaginative scripts, no action, no fun, no science, no aliens, no real tension .. If all you're looking for is same-old-same-old Lost meets BSG meets 90210 with pop music montages, and jealous crying teenagers, but without the quality drama writing experience, then SGU is for you.

SGU is the most forgettable, un-compelling badly written teen soap masquerading as a Stargate franchise.

It does not belong on TV, nor does it belong in the premium section of DVD stores. It belongs in the dustbin of history, and the writers owe true Stargate fans, an apology.
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Stick to your strengths.
serpentville29 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
SGU is the classic example of a bunch of people trying to do something they have absolutely no clue about. SG-1 and SGA type of shows are the writers strengths and they should have stuck the traditional military sci-fi genre. The premise of the show is so great, the ninth chevron, unexplored galaxies and the history of the most ancient races, and all they have accomplished in each show is a bunch of whining idiots. They tried to marry a sci fi show with a soap opera, like BSG maybe, but failed completely. Its neither good soap opera (as far as i can tell), and its definitely not good sci fi. Heck, its hardly television worthy. The focus on drama should have been brought about through the struggles of the crew on the ship. However, it seems that icky sticky earth relationships are the things that elicit the greatest emotions, being zillions of miles away from home on an ancient starship isn't good enough. Nine episodes on, there's nothing to make me await the tenth one. Guys, stick to your strengths. Believe me, you cant write quality BSG- type show.
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Great Beginnings
kchscool13 June 2010
This show starts with an awesome premier having a good story to build upon. It takes the Stargate Franchise into a whole new direction, building upon SCIFI giants of the past. Compared to SG-1 (especially the beginning) this show has great camera footage, the story and characters are believable much like they would be in actual situations, and sorry for all you negative i...people this show has a much better story than Atlantis ,what were you expecting the same boring stuff. If you want the same SG this fails, if you want a creative combination of insightful story, setting, and character interactions this is the show to watch.

Looking at season 1 we find an excellent beginning, something that most starting shows lack. This show has the potential to continue to inspire viewers with quality footage. There are a few problems, but far less than the original series, which like most good shows will fade into the background as the show gets time to develop.
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Horrible and without excuse
vipjerry23 January 2010
First of all i wander where is official score for this title. I just don't believe there wast not enough people to rate this title. I've seen comments 2 months ago people asking where is score. I know i gave it 2.

About series, this boring uninteresting title is insult to every SciFi fan. Myself probably seen every possible Scifi movie and series since 80' including low budget once and i must say it was not an easy task to ruin once successful franchise. Uninteresting characters, boring story, bad camera you name it. This series is epic fail and all i wish is to see the whole crew run into sun with this automatic space cruiser and see some funeral at the end (i believe funeral would be more interesting than this series).
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One of the few good Sci-Fi series on television
Zakaraeus15 June 2010
I keep hearing people say that they have problems with this show but I've enjoyed every episode. I watched the original stargate sg1 when it was on show time, and then occasionally when it moved to sci-fi, so I'm familiar with the stories universe. Maybe had I been more into the original series, and had expected this series to more closely match the sg1, I wouldn't enjoy it as much.

I've also say the show is a knock-off of star trek voyager, but I don't think so at all. Yes they share some the same points of trying to get home and being in unfamiliar territory, but there the similarities end. If you like stargate, star trek voyager, or great sci-fi in general then this show is worth checking out.
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If it moved any more slowly, it would play backwards
sgbeal10 May 2010
SGU has wonderful CGI, a well-cast team of actors, a believable mix of characters, realistic inter-office politics, and the drama which goes along with that. But while the passengers of the starship Destiny speed through the universe at unimaginable speeds, the story runs almost so slowly as to run in reverse.

The pilot episode, in particular, was poorly executed, with the first half hour spent switching, without warning or context, between past an present events, leaving me utterly stupefied as to what was supposed to be going on (and _when_ it was going on).

Firefly, canceled before the 14th episode was was aired, contained more plot, more action, more humor, more compelling science fiction, and more drama in its pilot episode than the SGU writers/directors have managed to scrape out of their first 16 episodes.

i'll probably continue to watch SGU because... well, because i'm bored... but to be honest i'll be surprised if anything significant and compelling happens in the story. It is my dearest hope that the budget for this show will be reallocated to something more engaging.
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Not Good
jim-46819 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Stargate Universe promised Sci-Fi fans a mature and thoughtful series in the Stargate Franchise. Stargate Universe delivered a soap opera populated with characters that I would sooner see dead than make it home.

The characters in Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis were interesting because they did heroic and interesting things. The characters on SGU were not interesting because they engaged in passive aggressive actions when they were not moping like spoiled emotional teenagers.

Because the characters in SG-1 and Atlantis were wholesome, intelligent, and heroic persons, I wanted them to succeed in whatever challenges that had to face in each episode. Because the characters in SGU were ignoble, unintelligent, and cowardly persons, I wanted them to die in the black of space.

SG-1 and Atlantis were Sci-Fi shows that took a loose approach to the principles of real world science. This was acceptable given the needs of dramatic television. However, Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper promised that SGU would be much more realistic. Therefore, it was only fair that the standards for scientific verisimilitude be higher for SGU.

This increased verisimilitude was not present. The pilot episode had a main character solving an unsolved mathematical problem via playing and beating a computer game that was distributed by the USAF. Unfortunately, in order to incorporate a mathematical puzzle into a computer game or program, one must solve the puzzle before writing the computer program. This basic principle of computer science, known to all programmers, was apparently not known by the writers and producers of SGU.

The pilot episode also went on to show the characters scrubbing carbon dioxide from the space ship with calcium carbonate that had not been baked off to remove carbon dioxide. This indicated that the writers and producers were ignorant of high school chemistry.

Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper needed to spend some more time developing this television program before casting the actors and writing the scripts.
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