Ghost in the Shell (2017) Poster

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High Hopes - not too bad/ fun watch
mikeshelp7 May 2018
Loved the anime original, watchable MOVIE adaptation. Good action. (Yeah sequel could be done)
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Solid 7-star. Very good.
Exsosus215 April 2018
The film plays like a six, in that the story line is good but maybe not top-notch, but the ending is spectacular, and by spectacular I mean better than your average excellent film out there.

So this is a seven to me, and recommended to all my friends and family.
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Ghost in the shell
skullfire-4801223 April 2019
If you have watched the original, this will leave you wanting. Watched as it is, dismissing the original, it still seems rushed, but, not as terrible an outing as some have said, in my opinion.
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Empty, but great looking
neil-47614 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
It is the future. In an unnamed far East city, a young woman's brain is transplanted into an artificial body by Hanka, a company specialising in cybernetic enhancements. A year later, now dubbed Major, she is an operative for Section 9, a semi-official law enforcement body combating cyber-crime. But fragmented memories of her earlier life lead her to try to find out who she was and what happened to her.

This American adaptation of Masamune Shirow's manga is an interesting mixture of success and failure. It looks absolutely spectacular. It captures the manga-style look of a stylised Japanese-flavoured future incredibly well. The DVD/Blu-ray will reward re-watching in slow motion for the many tiny details, like the word "Police" on high-viz jackets cycling between red and blue. The film is packed with visual invention.

The action sequences are also excellent. They blend fluent martial arts with smart camerawork, greenscreen, and physical sets, and do so seamlessly. I have one criticism: much as I like Scarlet Johansson's *rse, rear views of her running don't do her any favours.

We know the story, unfortunately - it's the same story as Robocop. The origin is dealt with in an efficient prologue, and doesn't interfere with narrative flow. But although the trimmings are fresh, the story holds no real surprises.

The performances are all fine, although I don't think the film will feature in next year's acting Oscars. Juliet Binoche plays an important, but underwritten, character and is completely wasted.

But is ScarJo right? I don't think so. She has done enthusiastic PR for the film, but that's not enough. She's there to generate box office results, of course. It's seen as a role like Black Widow, and she will surely put bums on seats internationally. But I don't think this should have been colour blind casting. Although an artificial body can be any race, I think the film would have looked right with an Asian actress.

Through much of the film, Miss Johansson wears a skintight bodysuit. Perhaps this is a CGI motion-capture suit. In either case, it makes her look strangely completely naked and not naked at all. At the same time.

The part of the story which is intended to make you care is Major's search for her past. But, if I'm honest, the film didn't make me care very much. For a story which is about a soul - the Ghost - in an artificial body - the Shell - the film ironically has very little soul of its own.

If you are a geek - let's face it, if you are reading this then you probably are - then of course you should see it. If nothing else, you will geek out over the visuals. If you like something a bit deeper - well, maybe you'll get more out of it than I did. And a review is only one person's opinion, so go and make up your own mind!
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All the sex-appeal, none of the heart.
gborkhataria9 August 2018
Clearly, the design team are talented and this film is indeed a visual spectacle, but the director clearly doesn't understand why the anime was special. This barely touches on the core themes of the original, it is hollow, beautiful, but hollow.
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Visually Engaging Adventure
claudio_carvalho9 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
In the future, human organs are enhanced by the cybernetics technology developed by the powerful Hanka Robotics Corporation owned by Cutter (Peter Ferdinando). Dr. Ouelet (Juliette Binoche) is the responsible for the development of the secret project 2571 of a full mechanical body to be connected to a human brain. She uses the brain of a young woman (Scarlett Johansson) that lost her parents in a cyber attack as subject of a prototype. One year later, the woman is ranked Major and has joined the Section 9, an anti-terrorist division commanded by Chief Saisuke Aramaki (Takeshi Kitano), working with agents Batou (Pilou Asbæk) and Togusa (Chin Han). She needs to use a medicine to help the integration of her brain with the mechanical body and has no recollections of her previous life. When Section 9 hunts down the terrorist Kuze (Michael Carmen Pitt), Major learns secrets about Hanka and the experiment she was subjected. What will happen next?

"Ghost in the Shell" is a visually engaging adventure based on the Japanese manga and animation. The vision of future in the big city is scary, visually polluted with excessive billboards and humans blended with human enhanced. Unfortunately the characters are not well developed and the Japanese Major is now Caucasian. Scarlett Johansson has great performance as usual and despite the above flaws, the film is entertaining. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "A Vigilante do Amanhã: Ghost in the Shell" ("The Tomorrow's Vigilant: Ghost in the Shell")
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Ghost in the shell for dummies
dmanchon26 March 2017
Maybe I had my hopes too high for this one. Like many other fans of the original material, this adaptation has intrigued me since the first trailers were available online, because it really looked nice visually, but, Is this movie worth to be part of the GitS universe?

  • Short answer: Not really. Not even nice try.

  • Long answer: The cinematography its truly remarkable, it somehow reproduce the atmosphere of the original anime, the decaying, depressing, dark megalopolis is correctly reproduced here (despite the giant weird advertisements that are spread around, that doesn't really make any sense, and didn't appear in the anime, what are they trying to sell?), the costumes, robots, and the general look and feel of the characters are quite satisfying and solid. The music is not bad at all, includes some of the original score and it work towards creating a dense and dark environment. The acting is standard, not bad at all. The script is.... ohhh boy, let me breath... to use nice words, the script seems to be written addressed to children or to very 'slow' people. All the rich complexity, all the mature and philosophical themes, all the sides of the story that the original material let out to be imagined by the viewer, all that is gone here. Here you can find a bland, generic script, that explain a generic origin story, that never tries to get into the philosophical or ethical implications of human body enhancements or AI. Where the characters are one-sided, good vs bad people. We are use to that over-simplification of a movie plot, since we sadly live in a world conquered by the 'marvel'/'batman' method of making a movie, where the plot should be simple and thin, the characters shouldn't have any grays and the action should be convoluted and confusing, full of minions to destroy for the sake of fill 100 minutes (well at least this adaptation has correct action scenes, that are easy to follow and most of the time are not annoying). To wrap up, a correct movie, that shines in the visual and action sides, but has a forgettable script and characters. It will probably perform good in the box office, and that worries me because what could come next, it will be really sad to see how they reduce Akira, Jin-roh, Evangelion or Cowboy bebbop to a generic action blockbuster without any of the things that made those stories great.
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An underappreciated (by some) beauty
nandanchoudhury17 December 2017
Thank you for this film. It really tries to stay true to its original elements and the visuals don't disappoint. Some take the nitpicking, whitewashing, feminism etc too far, none of which are the intention of this film. The makers of this feature film must have had been fans of the original series so as not to ruin it. If good anime are to have live action movies, then I say this is the bar, the benchmark.

And I would absolutely love a sequel!
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The Queen of Frowns does it again.
nigelhalseyf2 August 2022
This is one of those films that gets better the more you watch it. The action is solid, effects are excellent, HOWEVER.

WHY DOES EVERY DIRECTOR SJ WORKS WITH MAKE HER SPEND THE FILM FROWNING????? Black widow frowns, her character in this film (GUESS, GO ON , GO ON!!), FROWNS!

Please Hollywood, let this lovely lady smile.
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It is beautiful to look at...that's about it.
trublu21529 March 2017
Ghost in the Shell is arguably one of the most beloved anime films of all time. Approaching nearly 22 years old, the original film still holds up as, not only a great film, but a thought provoking one too. Fast forward to 2017, we're introduced to the CGI spectacle that many believed was going to be the first great live action adaptation especially when the first trailer was released. Instead of appeasing fans of the original, this film decides to clip its own nuts and wants to be seen on a broader spectrum. Throw in some heavily edited fight sequences, a PG-13 rating and Scarlett Johansson, we get 2017 Ghost in the Shell...and it is downright painful at times.

The film is, more or less, a shot for shot remake at times and then other times it tries to do its own thing. Truthfully, Rupert Sanders' erratic direction and Jamie Moss' lackluster adapted script make this a very hard film for a fan to watch. While it may be easily looked over because of the wonderful use of CGI and cinematography, under the surface the film is superficial and very idiotic at times. Scarlett Johansson as Major is a major miscast (no pun intended). She is wooden and feels like she is sleepwalking through this role. While it is clear that after Lucy and The Avengers, Johansson is wanting to be an action hero icon. She is a tremendous actress in every way but it is hard to buy her as Major.

Overall, this film is yet another remake that misses the mark. Walking out of my screening, I kept hearing the comparisons to the remake of RoboCop from a group of people. I must say, this was an accurate comparison and I couldn't have made a better comparison even if I tried. The film suffers from blatant studio meddling, a poor script, and a very erratic director, much like that remake. These are three things that are too hard to ignore. Hardcore fans of Ghost in the Shell will probably be massively disappointed by this blatant cash grab. The young teenagers might get a kick out of the action sequences and CGI but the adults will be left watching the original for their enjoyment.
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Really good
In my honest opinion, I loved this movie. Maybe it's because I have a huge crush on Scarlett Johansson, but let's hope not. I thought everything, from the acting to the cinematography to the action, was amazing. It's definitely one of my favorites for 2017 so far.

I watched this without watching the original. I was going to at first, but gave up believing that I'll have expectations that are too high or get brainwashed somehow. I didn't want to review this movie as a live- action remake, but just a movie.

I wish I could go into more detail, but I have nothing more to say. I don't know if I recommend this movie or not in general, but give it a try if you like cyberpunk action movies or a fan of the original anime. Or just if you like Scarlett Johansson.
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Depends on how you watch it
nathanbrownsberger8 August 2021
I've watched this movie twice. Before I watched the original anime and after I watched the original anime. So for those that haven't seen the original movie, it's a decent sci-if flick. Visually looks gorgeous and decently fun to watch, good movie to watch while doing chores around the house or something similar. If you're comparing this to the original. This does not hold a candle to it at all and I would put much lower than my current rating. But on its own it's a pretty decent, nothing special.
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My fear was validated.
badoli30 March 2017
I was afraid the U.S. live version of one of my beloved classics might not turn out good and sadly it happened exactly the way i expected. I was slightly surprised in what glory it fails.

Pretty much everything semi-important of this movie works amazingly well. The visuals are fantastic, the effects are great, the atmosphere is beautiful and the music is very good. But in the central points of what made the original hauntingly beautiful, this one lacks: Instead of a delicate view at what it means to be human, this movie rather goes for a weak action plot. The screenplay does a mediocre Matrix impression. The dialogues are just blunt and miss the grace and sensibility of its 20 year old reference. I stopped caring after 30 minutes.

As such the action scenes don't carry any weight and all the citations from the original anime come across as hollow and weightless. Which is a shame, as they are executed great! What a waste. I really wanted to like this movie, but it hardly anything but another well made yet ultimately boring action flick.
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I love this movie, really underrated one
chera_khalid29 September 2023
Ghost in the Shell (2017), a cybernetic ballet of stunning visuals and philosophical musings. Scarlett Johansson's portrayal of Major was captivating, embodying the essence of a cybernetic being grappling with identity. The film editing embraced the high-tech aesthetic, seamlessly blending action sequences with moments of introspection. The movie's strength lies in its visual spectacle, transporting the audience to a dystopian world that feels both futuristic and eerily familiar. While the narrative occasionally stumbled in fully exploring its existential themes, the music added a haunting layer that complemented the film's atmosphere. Cinematography plunged us into a neon-soaked cityscape, capturing the beauty and complexity of a world where humanity and technology intertwine. At 7/10, Ghost in the Shell is a cyberpunk visual feast that sparks contemplation on what it means to be human in an increasingly digital age.
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What a Pretty Cyborg!
ini_ynti-2245720 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of Scarlett Johansson, I was back then astonished for not knowing that Scarlett Johansson had a new movie. Until a friend posted the trailer of this movie on her Facebook. So, thank you, friend.

When I saw the trailer for the first time, I was overwhelmed by the cinematography. The colors are so beautiful and so bright. And then I saw Scarlett as a cyborg, I couldn't wait any longer to watch the movie. Her expression and appearance was totally convincing. So cold and flat, like a poker face.

Finally I could watch this movie last month. And well, I never thought this movie would be so "slow" and "quiet". So many technology and science terms I didn't familiar with. And suddenly there was a rumble in a restaurant which I didn't know what that was all about. The point is, I couldn't grasp the plot in one sitting. I think sci-fi is a puzzling genre for my brain, lol.

Over all, I really adore the cinematography of this movie. Imagining the future would be exactly like what I've seen in this movie. The ads on the walls look so real and technology and science getting more advanced than today. Anyhow, I didn't get why the shape of cigarette doesn't get any change at all? It just looks the same as today. The foods and the utensils are no different. I think there should've been some differences to make the future reality of this movie much more convincing.

Although it's a bit boring, because it made me sleep a little, the ending of this movie's so absorbing. My eyes got teary seeing Major try to save her friend from the past by sacrificing her own self. It was so touching. Maybe the anime version of this movie is more engaging. If it's not, no one would have wanted to adapt the anime into movie, right?
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Good simple science-fiction
aheaven20058 March 2021
Good science-fiction in an eclectic future where technological enhancement is now part of the human body. The cast does a good job and the effects are impressIve. Great Atmos soundtrack that really shines all around you and put you in the middle of the action.
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Surprisingly good (but streamlined)
Exit_Music30 January 2018
Before I get into this review, let me start off by saying that I'm very familiar with the original Ghost in the Shell. Overall, the original was an excellent movie. Moving on, I'm pleasantly surprised how good Ghost in the Shell 2017 is. Within the first 5 minutes, I was immersed in the film's atmosphere. It seemed as if the music and sound, the camera angles, the lighting and effects, the acting, etc, all served a purpose for the greater good of the movie. Never once did I get the feeling that the special effects were there to just be eye candy. All the elements of production seemed to synergize off of each other. It seemed that every singe ounce and aspect of production effects were used to their full potential. The film looked gorgeous, and sounded awesome. Every scene had a sense of wonder to it as there was always something to visually admire. Wardrobe was amazing as well. The acting was ok, but I'm a little biased since I'm not too fond of Scarlet J.Beat Takishi was phenomenal (as always). The actor who stood out the most was Pilou Asbæk as Batou. His performance, body language, and overall presence was great to watch.

The only reservation I had about the film was the story line. The only comparison I will make to the original is that this 2017 counterpart is more streamlined compared to the nihilistic tone of the original. I'm not necessarily saying this is a bad thing, it's just different. This definitely had a more mainstream appeal to it. Again, not bad, just different. The action scenes were breathtaking and exciting. The few times I've felt this type of excitement towards action scenes were 1) The first time I saw the trailer for The 5th Element and 2) The first time I saw the trailer for The Matrix.

Overall, I have nothing but good things to say about Ghost in the Shell (2017). It's a pure sci-fi movie down to its core. While it doesn't alienate most of its viewers, it doesn't spoon feed plot, character motivation, or dialogue. In my completely subjective opinion, it is a visual appealing, streamlined masterpiece of the original.
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I liked it
diadectes587 October 2017
Just finished watching this movie on DVD. I got it from the local library today along with three others. I watched it first as I thought it would be rubbish; it wasn't. Not sure why all the bad reviews. I thought it was a good story and was well done. I knew nothing about the subject before I watched the movie so it was all new to me. I liked the way the main character developed (a bit like Robocop) and thought the supporting cast good. Do not get me wrong: the film is not great, but I was entertained and did not have to fast forward at all (always a bad sign) and I rewound quite a few bits to watch again (always a good sign). It's fantasy of course and definitely silly in parts. The CGI is poor in parts too. However, overall I liked it and would definitely watch it again.
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Wrong Headed Origin Story w/ CyberFrankensteins
thegwoe2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
GITS '17 is a sad failure that layers stupidity and incoherence upon a legendary SiFi anime. What we get is very bad acting located in an extremely cluttered yet visual interesting CGI landscape. In this prequel/origin story, a girl was a runaway teen who was kidnapped by the "stock villain" evil Corporation, had her brain removed, wiped clean, and implanted into a cyber-body. Low and behold, only a year later, she is a "Major" and the leader of Section 9 crime squad. It is perhaps the quickest rise in rank in military history?

Absurd and Absurdity continues because the "rebel terrorist" was also a teen runaway whose brain was also stolen…. and in what amounts to the closest thing to "romance" , CyberFrankenstein and the girl "knew" each other as teenagers!! PUKE! Finally, the Girl has to track down her mother and remember why she was so miserable in the first place that she needed to run away and live in the "outlaw" zone. Perhaps it's because she saw this movie?

The Movie does look somewhat like the '95 version but opting to "quote" scenes verbatim from the original GITS '95 only highlights the labored and ridiculous script. All in all it's an F. Please go and rent the original GITS or any of the sequels/series and forget you ever saw this mess of a film.
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So much better than most of 2017's fare.
Disclaimer: Old fart sci-fi / fantasy fan, and I don't know a thing about the original anime or anime in general. Two things i do know:

First, this is more than just first-rate eye candy and directing, it has heart and soul and that bittersweet feeling that anyone who has any of the first two will instantly understand and be drawn to.

Second, 6.5 stars (Jan 2017) is a crime against this film. Surely there is some exterior reason the haters are going after it. I predict 5 years from now, it's true quality will be more accurately reflected. I'd wager it might even make it to the top 250 list someday.
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gaematt13 August 2022
Visually original, action well balanced. Decent acting - Batou is very well portrayed. Ending is good as well.

Maybe a bit close to the original? But the original being awesome that is fine.

Only the too explicit explanations of the philosophical issues of the story being spoken out by two major characters in the first 5 minutes of the movie made me uncomfortable.

Nice surprise and I would like to see the 2nd anime adapted by the same crew!
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There's no Ghost in this Shell. Should just call it "Generic Cyborg Action Film".
weng91029 March 2017
Firstly, let's get the metaphorical elephant out of the room by saying Scarlett Johansson did OK playing the Major. Next, the guy who played Batou did a better job.

In some aspects, a decent live-action re-enactment of all the iconic scenes from the 90s anime. The effects guys, the camera and lights guys, set creators, make-up artists, costume makers and this Sanders fellow got the looks, feel and mood of the original GITS environments of the manga and anime series absolutely spot on. It's eye candy for fans who've wondered how GITS can be visually represented in a live-action film. That's all there is to have; everything else is just utter rubbish.

This film is not worthy of the title, Ghost in the Shell, because apart from the visuals, there is no semblance of it to the source material that one can consider it generous to call this "a generic cyborg action film inspired by GITS". If we are to just listen to the dialogue, and all the character names are changed and Section 9 is called something else, we wouldn't have a clue that this film is adapted from GITS. The essence that makes GITS what it is in all its different incarnations (various manga and anime) is missing and we are left with bits of shallow musings about what it means to be human in a robotic body.

So all in, if you're unfamiliar with the source material, it'll be a mildly interesting plod through a pretty but rather boringly paced sci-fi. Fans of GITS would probably wonder why bother to make a live-action adaptation if you're not going to put the spirit of the source material into the movie.
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Much better than I expected
mts-7868022 October 2017
Scarlett Johansson continues to impress me in "action" flicks. While this is mostly sci-fi and CGI, you can see the range that she has. Plot is decent and action scenes solid but script took a little time to develop. Hope she gets more chances to do action but I'm sure it's by her design so she doesn't become bored. Wouldn't be surprised if a sequel came out of this.

Worth the time and will be rewarded if you make it thru first half of movie.
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Quick Non Spoiler Review from a GITS fan...
Jay_Nadiah30 March 2017
As a massive fan of the original films as well as stand alone complex..  this film disappointed me..  it tried to be clever but just constantly comes off as too simple and too self explanatory..  the changes made make it into a pretty simple and generic story..  it wasn't a bad film nor was it as terrible as some other adaptations are.. but it certainly was disappointing for a GITS fan..  its a 6 at best... maybe a 6.5 for the visuals.. which were the best thing about this movie.
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A beautiful upgrade
JoSantz30 March 2017
I went to this film expecting it not to be very good since Hollywood tends to spoil everything nowadays. However, IT'S AWESOME! I watched it on IMAX and I was amazed with what I saw, it's just gorgeous.

The film pays a tribute the the original GITS and brings new things to the table. Scarlett and Pilou are great... Even the way Major walks is identical, everything is great. I can't talk bad about this one cause there's no reason for it.

The only thing I didn't like was one or two dialog scenes where they dumb it down a little. I don't understand who are these super extremely smart people that decide that viewers are dumb. Apart from that....

I think it was great, I highly recommend IMAX for this one (this coming from someone finds IMAX a waste of money).

Forget the bad reviews, haters gonna hate.
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