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Horror story full of ghosts , nightmares and eerie deeds .
ma-cortes18 November 2010
ABANDONED is a sleek Spanish production with acceptable budget and packs genuine chills , suspense , tension , and shocks , it's a terror-thriller very exciting . It deals with an American film producer named Marie (Anastasia Hille) goes back to her homeland, Russia (although shot in Bulgaria), where her mother's (Paraskeva) dead body has been found under strange circumstances. She never knew her, having been adopted and brought to America as a baby. The only track as to what might have happened is an abandoned , isolated house in the mountains that supposedly belong to her natural parents. Being the only next of kin, she inherits the farm , but no one will take her there as the local superstitions state that the area is condemned . Only one man will embark on such a long and risked trip . A stranger that oddly seems to know quite a bit about her history. But once arrived the guide mysteriously disappears, forcing Marie to explore the derelict place alone. She discovers someone else on the property. A man named Nikolai (Karel Roden), who claims to have been lured there exactly in the same manner, so he could discover the truth behind his unknown past as well. They become stranded in the immense compound, plagued by horrifying, ghostly visions .The problem is that the ghosts that wander around are their own. Dead versions of themselves marauder between the house in the night . Time begins to change in reverse as history re-lives itself in front of their very eyes. While both their ghosts, illustrating how they will die, patiently await their living counterparts to expire. A cycle of terror comes to fruition, as they are revealed the reason they have been summoned for this perverse meeting . And the cruel secret behind their family takes place at the end of the movie.

This is a horror story with creepy atmosphere and plenty of twists and turns . It contains mystery,violence, gore , suspense in a dark environment with imposing tension and intrigue . This spooky movie produced by the successful Catalan producer Julio Fernandez displays terror, shocks, hard-edged drama , plot twists and creepy images . The story come to life in a terrifying fashion, giving it a haunting ominous ambiance that often shows the past , present and future at a nightmare's atmosphere. While the look is suitable atmospheric and ghastly , the argument stretches plausibility to the breaking point in a surprising finale . Xavi Gimenez cinematography is excellent creating a frightening and scary atmosphere filmed on location in Sofia, Bugaria, he's expert on sombre photography as proved in ¨ Fragile, Intact, and Nameless ¨. Mesmerizing and intriguing music by Alfonso Conde . The motion picture is well written and directed by Nacho Cerda who create a powerful story that blends chills , thrills , suspense and familiar drama in a cleverly devised plot that certainly offers more than the usual terror film . Cerda is a good director who formerly made amazing and gory shorts as ¨The awakening¨ , ¨Genesis¨and ¨Aftermath¨. Rating : Good : 6,5 . This is a frightening , chilling, and horror drama , all at their best that will appeal to terror buffs .
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This movie is criminally underrated. Yet far from perfect. Very much worth any horror movie fan's time!
baserock_love25 November 2011
Reading over almost every single one star review on this, it would appear that every single person that ranked it as such cannot follow even a fairly simple plot as this (I see lots of "It makes no sense" and "Nothing is explained" comments.). Really sad to see good gems in the rough like this getting trashed by people that frankly shouldn't be reviewing movies, maybe I'm an elitist, I don't know, but I'm sorry, if you couldn't follow the story of The Abandoned, I really don't know what to say.

This movie is kept from being a top tier creepy movie simply by pacing issues, that's probably my main problem with it which drags it's score into the 7 range (might as well be a 10 for the amount of drek horror made since the mid 90's). This movie has impeccable atmosphere, the kind you can cut through with a knife which is oh so important for any great haunted house film. The atmosphere itself was incredibly creepy, the director should have let the audience just stew in that a bit before getting right to the point so to speak within minutes of walking into the house, it really lessens the impact of the imagery and the antagonists in this movie, but doesn't destroy it by any means.

What stood out the most to me is that it was a very original idea (as far as i know, I have never seen anything quite like it) and like The Baby's room, I love wildly original takes on my favorite horror genre, the haunted house movie. It's deliciously dark without relying on cheap gore, but if that's what you're looking for, there's some incredibly brutal and disturbing scenes in it. The story and acting and characters are good enough to be very compelling but at the same time, I think a little more character development couldn't have hurt. yet we have people screaming "TOO SLOW TOO BORING" and 1 starring it so this is why character development is sadly all but dead in horror movies.

The imagery and photography was fantastic, sound appropriately creepy if severely overdone at times but only a few times.

Just see it. Even if it doesn't scare you like it didn't scare me (i can count the movies on one hand that have achieved this, this is the holy grail of horror for me.), it's very creepy and quite unnerving and just an all around enjoyable flick. Definitely gets the thumbs up from me.
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rivertam2619 November 2006
Make no mistake that unlike the previous film The Abandoned is polished, features stunning cinematography and a haunting score. What it doesn't have is any real entertainment value or true sense of logic. The film works best as horrifically beautiful sequences and hauntingly grotesque images. Some of which will be permanantly burned into your psyche. But Nacho Cerdas story of a young woman that returns to her native country to learn about her adopted parents and discovers horrifying truths just really isn't that involving. The film however does feature plenty of symbolism and subtext but feels like it goes on forever and doesn't feel as scary as it should've been. However, this is a respectable horror film the performances are soso and the pacing is off but the film looks gorgeous and works best as a piece of art. Certain scenes should be studied but as a whole just isn't completely successful. But the scenes that are effective and cringe worthy are disturbingly atmospheric and memorable, they just seem to drop the ball halfway through and keep teasing at some sort of payoff that never comes. Nonetheless the film makes for an interesting viewing.
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Frightening and Creepy Film of Ghosts, with a Nightmarish Atmosphere but a Dull Story
claudio_carvalho28 August 2011
In 1966, somewhere in Russia, a wounded woman drives a truck to an isolated farm with two babies. Forty years later, the film producer Marie Jones (Anastasia Hille) leaves her daughter in California and travels back to her home land in the wilderness of Russia. Marie is one of the children and had received a phone call from the notary public Andrei Misharin (Valentin Ganev) that had told her where the farm of her family is. Marie arrives in the abandoned house and meets the stranger Nicolai (Karel Roden) that tells her that he had also received a call from Misharin and he is her twin brother. Weird things happen in the house and Marie and Nicolai are haunted by eerie ghosts of themselves. Further, they find that they are trapped in the house and can not leave the place.

"The Abandoned" is a frightening and creepy film of ghosts, with a nightmarish atmosphere but a dull story. The unknown Anastasia Hille has great performance and the cinematography is very dark; but the story is very confused and predictable. Cristopher Smith used in "Triangle" (2009) a similar idea of people trapped in a location that can never leave the cycle. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): "Abandonados" ("Abandoned")

Note: On 04 January 2021. I saw this film again.
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Somethings are better left in the past and forgotten
KineticSeoul4 November 2011
This movie is a horror movie where the cinematography and the eerie atmosphere is what carries this movie most of the way through. There is however few plot holes and stuff that happens that doesn't make any sense sometimes. Everything seems dreamlike which is sort of a positive because I liked the vibe in this film. But there are just a lot of unanswered questions which is fine in some cases, but the movie comes off a bit too vague. It has few explanations in the dialogue but the premise isn't all that clear. Especially when it comes to the supernatural stuff your just going to have to go with it. There is some coincidences but it just doesn't make much sense as well sometimes. Also what is this supernatural stuff that is haunting them and the situation they are in isn't developed very well either. It just seems everything is happening is all a dream which works in some parts but falters in others. Even at the end your left with a bunch of questions like if this really happened or if it's a dream. This movie reminded me of the video games "Silent Hill" and could have been is decent adaptation if the stuff that is happening is explained a bit more and if there were a bit of other elements added into the movie. This is a horror movie with some creepy atmosphere but just doesn't have a plot that is developed very well, but the twists was decent at times. There is also some scary parts here and there that has a bit of tension in it and can also be haunting at times as well. For anyone that likes horror movies or like the feeling of being scared just might enjoy this flick.

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Jump Factor, you bet.
tamannaearthman24 February 2007
This film is a solid 6, no it isn't going to win any awards or anything like that but what horror suspense film with 2 no name actors does anyway.. ever. What The Abandoned will do for you is keep you wondering what is down the hall or around the next corner. It is a suspense film, sprinkled in with some horror elements. I can't tell you how many times the audience jumped out of the room. It was great, the people were embarrassed for themselves because they got so scared. That to me is what going to these movies is all about, it is about the experience and the film and how it draws you in at 10:00 at night. I did think the movie had a lot of credits at the beginning, the writing caught me off guard, but I like how when the family was speaking Russian we didn't get subtitles, that was cool, we don't need to know every word these folks are saying, just know that something bad is about to go down and it did. Check out The Abandoned for a good time with friends, the movie is pretty solid in a day when a lot of these movies leave you wondering what you just wasted your darn money and time on, this one will keep you jumping and guessing the whole way through.
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Filmmakers and Premature Ejaculations
ebossert24 February 2007
The Abandoned was billed as the fan favorite of the Horrorfest (i.e., 8 Films to Die For) that occurred in late 2006. Most of the rating lists that I have seen from posters on IMDb have ranked The Abandoned very high, while ranking the Japanese film Reincarnation in the middle of the pack. I personally thought that Reincarnation was very good, so I figured that the re-release of The Abandoned would give me the opportunity to experience what everyone has been talking about. After the show one thing is for certain: The Abandoned could not have been the best film at the Horrorfest, because Reincarnation runs circles around this film in terms of storyline and entertainment value.

This film had everything it needed as far as atmosphere is concerned. The woodland areas, the river, and the house were perfect to build atmosphere and a sense of dread. Unfortunately, the filmmakers were too impatient to allow the fantastic environment to mature and reach the viewer in full effect. A character would be walking in the dimly lit forest, and just when I began to take in the atmosphere, the filmmakers would intrude with an excessively loud scream or noise for no apparent reason. There were so many "false scares" in this film that they effectively mitigated any atmospheric effect whatsoever. In other words, the filmmakers "prematurely ejaculated" with stupid sound effects before the viewer was able to reach "atmospheric orgasm."

Ironically, there were probably a dozen or so "jump-out-of-your-seat" scares during the first portion of the film, and most of them were in situations with no real danger. For example, the opening scene shows a few babies crying in a truck, which transitions to an airplane arriving at an airport. Regrettably, the director couldn't stand by and allow such a transition to pass without cranking up the damn sound to the point where my eardrums were ready to explode. The filmmakers are apparently stupid enough to think that scene transitions with sonic booms clocking in at over 200 decibels are somehow entertaining.

Perhaps the most common method of premature sound ejaculation in The Abandoned is the use of voices coming from nowhere. These voices begin at a whisper and crescendo to a loud scream in between scenes. Instead of just allowing the scene transition to occur, the filmmakers would use these idiotic gimmicks to make the viewer jump in their seat before continuing on to the next chapter. Imagine someone sneaking up behind you in a store, only to then scream in your ear and startle you. Any no-talent hack can do that. It's not scary. They're just being a jerk. That's what The Abandoned is – a jerk who annoys you at their every opportunity.

It's really too bad, because the concept that presents itself at the very end of the film is quite good. It's a blending of doppelgangers and premonitions that works well for the few seconds that it presents itself, but everything leading up to that point is nothing more than 90 minutes of sonic booms and premature ejaculations.

Not recommended.
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Russia 40 years later
carterkellysoccer24 February 2007
Taking us back and forth 40 years in Russia and it is obvious not a lot has changed from 1966 up until today, I found this to be an exceptional use of location to create a dark eerie presence and visual display on screen. Director Nacho Cerda got the most out of the 2 lead roles (Anastasia Hille and Karel Roden), I had never seen either one of them and I think they did a reasonably good job working out the kinks of the film. The story is the only thing that really bothered me, I tried to stay with it but honestly there were some times that I did get a little lost but every time I found myself wondering what was going on, the characters answered my questions. I was wondering how Nicolai got to the house and Marie asked him that very question. I thought the movie was well thought out and sound affects and visuals really helped draw you in to the film. A lot of moments that made my wife jump and grab my arm tighter.
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Had potential but doesn't work ultimately
TdSmth519 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of those puzzling parallel universes past/future movies that leaves you guessing who's who and what's what. It has some good things going for it: it's not filmed in LA but in Bulgaria (the story takes place in Russia) and Spain, it doesn't feauture skinny teenage models, it's somewhat thoughtful, it starts with some great shots of the sky and of fields. But with these kinds of movies, either the setup of the puzzle works but the resolution at the end fails, or the setup stinks and the resolution works. This movie falls into the latter. There's endless running around dark rooms and halls with flashlights and it's not clear when or why, there's countless instances of driving around in an old truck only to end up at the same place, and all of this is taking place without much story telling to give us reason to care. I fell asleep several times while all this was going on, it just seemed pointless. Near the end of the movie, things get interesting because one hopes that there's some type of resolution or explanation as to what on earth is going on. Some gore and very nice nudity is introduced as if the filmmakers finally remembered that they were doing a horror film. But in the end they fail to make sense of it all, which frankly is all too common in movies, where story-telling is sacrificed for the sake of sounds and visuals and the last 10 minutes they want to cram all the reasons for the existence of the movie. One can't care for any of the characters, and there are only 2 of them. One annoying American woman and a Russian guy who's accent is too heavy to understand what he's talking about. Even though it's a foreign movie the sound editing is done the American way for American ADD audiences: excedingly, annoyingly loud. Even though the ending doesn't succeed entirely it brought some live into an otherwise boring movie, it somehow it opened some possibilities that are interesting. Maybe that was the plan all along: to bore the audience during 9/10 of the movie while the puzzle is setup and then give you something to think about in the end so you'll end up liking the movie. Sorry, but there's just too much not to like about it.
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I liked it
sjarja15 July 2017
Objectively - i think this movie is pretty much average. The story is fairly slow but solid ... not really creative or surprising though. The visuals are well done though and the whole movie has a very somber, tranquil tone with no jump scares but just a slow ascent of suspense.

Where the movie falls short is the characters that are rather simple archetypes without any development and the story that --- does not quite make much sense to be honest. Then again - it is a horror movie that plays in a rural backwater place.

It is not as bad as some reviews make it out to be in my opinion - but not good enough to be memorable much.
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A Metaphysical Story That Went Right Over My Head
gavin694219 October 2007
A young woman is pulled out of Russia as a child and adopted by Americans. As an adult, she returns to her biological family's home, only to discover her brother and a whole slew of supernatural occurrences that are anything but welcoming. What are these doppelgangers? How will she make it out alive? (Or will she?)

This film had some serious problems, at least as far as I was concerned. It starts out in Russia and most of the movie takes place in Russia, which I thought would really add to the film. Russia is a mysterious and enchanting place for many people, including myself. But there really didn't seem to be any point in having it set in Russia as opposed to any other foreign location (besides getting some nice accents). So this hope of intrigue was crushed.

And after I was let down hard, there wasn't much to save me here. The woman and her brother are trying to find something about their family, but I was never sure what exactly they were looking for (maybe I was tired, but this seemed very unclear). And they encountered exact zombie copies of themselves, which included the humans getting hurt when the zombies did. What mythology are we working in? Is this a Russian myth? Because if it's something new (written by the authors) I think it needed to be explained much better. There was a feel of being in a time loop (because death wasn't really death) but that was never explained one way or the other.

The video quality was just alright and I can't recall anything unusual about the music or score. I could get picky about the filming, but I really have no reason to do so. The acting was quite alright, even if I wasn't sure what they were supposed to be doing half the time.

I guess that's the thing -- if you want a confusing story about lost families and body doubles in Russia (or at least backwoods Russia) then you have found a winner for yourself. But I didn't find it anything special and have no intention of picking up a copy in the future. If you want people stranded in the woods somewhere foreign, go with the Belgian film "Calvaire" -- that's a much better choice.
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One of the better ADHF Films
masakiuma23 June 2010
One of the original "After Dark Horrorfest: 8 Films to Die For," (ADHF) and the only one to get a nationwide release in theaters, The Abandoned tells the story of an American movie producer (Marie) who receives word that she has inherited a house and land in the back woods of Russia. She sets off to examine the property, which she has no interest in keeping, apparently just out of curiosity. There she meets a man claiming to be her fraternal twin brother (Nicolai), but the house appears to have its own plans for both of them. Their birthday nearing, they prepare to face their dark past.

This was my second time seeing this movie, and for some reason the first time I saw it I got the complete wrong idea about what happened at the end. It is way more psychological than your run-of-the-mill haunted house movie. There are only 2 or 3 "phantoms" in the movie that don't show up very often, so most of the "scares" are through the suspense of not knowing when the next horrible thing is going to happen.

I really love the setting of this film. The dark woods, withered house, and misty lake all contribute to the chilling couldn't really ask for a better set for a movie such as this.

There aren't that many special effects, but for the most part they are above average. The makeup on the crazy ghost zombie things is very convincing.

The acting is quite good for an independent film full of unknowns. There are really only two full characters in the movie, all others besides Marie and Nicolai can easily be considered extras (except maybe the main villain ghost thing, which gets a few minutes of screen time). I'm not exactly sure how good of an actor Karel Roden (Nicolai) is because of his Russian accent, but he appears to be acceptable.

The storyline was not my favorite, but when everything came together it ended up being a solid independent horror flick, definitely one of the better ADHF films.

Final Score - 8/10
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second time around
owenfrancin923 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing this movie at horror fest I was just OK with it. I thought it was good, but not anything to write home about. After seeing the television trailer I decided to give it another shot. I was impressed how much I liked it the second time around. There was a lot I missed in the first viewing. I like how everything comes full circle and how there is a circle of water surrounding the house, and how it plays on the circle of life and everything needing to be completed. I still thought the acting was great. I like how the actors actually play there own doppelgangers it adds to the creep factor. It was crazy to see Nicolai shoot his ghost and then see the bullet go threw his own leg, and when he cauterized his own wound, wow that part made me cringe.I thought that the special effects were another great part of this movie. They were for the most part created by hand instead of by a computer which for me is a lot more affective, ha ha. I'm glad I watched it again I really got a lot more out of it, before i thought the whole daughter in America thing was kind of unnecessary, but i realize it adds a lot to Marie's character. It shows how isolated she has been even from her immediate family. I think this film is definitely worth seeing.
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What? How was this even remotely scary?
jenn_hamblen24 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Unless you are petrified of Russian people or boars, this movie is a snorefest. Actually, I fell asleep about 40 minutes in & had to fight the urge to just leave the theater. I wish I had. A waste of a perfectly lovely Saturday evening.

Even "Silent Hill" was scarier. Heck, even "Pan's Labyrinth" was scarier. I'm still unclear on what was supposed to be scary in this flick.

To begin with, I'm very leery of movies that use "pidgin Russian" like this one did in the opening credits. It's embarrassing to me since I brought a group of my Russian friends & we all cringed. Oh my god.

Hmm. Well, luckily for me (& probably you, too) this movie has already escaped my brain & I just stepped out of it an hour ago. So I have no specifics, just murky visuals that go nowhere & some languishing-now-dead hope that anything would happen.

Perhaps I saw a completely mutilated version of this film because I can't believe it got such great reviews here (which is why I saw it) & ended up being so completely devoid of not only Horror or Suspense but Overall Entertainment Value as well.

I give it a 2 because, yes, I fell asleep & wanted to leave after 40 minutes but I woke up & didn't leave.
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What Decent Horror Should Be
aesgaard4122 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is what a decent haunted house movie should be like. That right sense of mystery and horror and of light and dark. The plot that drags in the viewer and doesn't offend you with unsightly images. A woman flees her murderous husband to save her children but dies herself. Her daughter grows up then goes in search of her ancestral home and ends up at the scene her story began but discovers her brother and ghosts; unfortunately, that's not where the story ends. Where the story loses me is in its time warp sub-plot where the siblings discover the house restoring itself as well as the ghosts of their future counterparts. They end up back in time and trapped reliving the events of their childhood, and when the woman tries to escape, she just ends up back to the house. It's scary, atmospheric and suspenseful, but it also becomes tedious, confusing and unbelievable at time. It is not just a simple haunted house movie and that's the shame, but still, it is worth watching if you don't mind a lack of logic in your story-telling.
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Where was the story?
freaky_dave26 August 2009
There were some scary scenes, which I've always liked more than straight out gore, but otherwise this movie was rather weak. THere were too many questions left unanswered, and when they tried to explain anything in the movie, it was still rather unclear. After watching this movie I still seemed lost in a lot of ways. It sort of reminded me of Silent Hill a few years back. That movie was also unsatisfying, but still better than this because it did try to work and the story did actually make sense. This one, not so much.

The acting for the most part in the Abandoned was decent, but the movie dragged on an on, and never really gave any type of satisfying conclusion. Like I said above, there were some creepy scenes, but otherwise, this movie was a mess. Sorry, I can't recommend it.
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The stuff nightmares are made of
rojidodge25 September 2012
Have you ever been told not to eat cheese before going to bed because it will give you bad dreams? This film is like one of those bad dreams. You know how these dreams start off subtle then things start getting more bizarre, then it scares you because you can't tell what is real, and you find yourself in a dark place within your mind before you realize that your dreaming then you wake up. This film spends a lot of time in that dark place.

Very spooky, and very well directed. Some concepts used in this film I haven't seen in other films, which for me made it feel original. Everyone starring in this film is relatively unheard of, but the acting was very good.

If there is anything lacking about this film I could say, it would be that there didn't seem to be any big plot twist to pull you in. What could be considered as plot twists I think are just plot developments. But that's fair enough, because the story is fairly involved, and to add any major twist could make it too complicated.

If you're after a horror with lots of mindless gore then watch Feast (1, 2, and 3). But if you want to watch a scary story (including some gore), then check this out, but you may still be thinking about it long after you watch it.
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This movie is terrible
jl21w18 November 2006
This movie is a waste of time and money. Throughout the entire hour and a half, I continued to wait for it to get better and it never did. It was slow moving, the plot jumped around, it wasn't scary or interesting, and really never amounted to anything. The credits during the introduction were long and drawn out, which was basically like the rest of the movie (long and drawn out). Numerous parts of the plot made no sense. Several times during the movie I had thought that maybe I had "zoned out" because the incongruity of the plot, however, my companion had the same issue and assured me I did not "zone out" from boredom, but it was indeed the movie. I've actually never posted on here about a movie before and have been actively looking up movies on IMDb for numerous years. So the fact that I'm actually taking the time to write something should speak volumes of how bad this movie is and that you should not waste your time or money on it.
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i don't think it was that bad of a movie
apoemforyourdeath19 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this movie wasn't as bad as anyone has said it was the beginning was slow along with the gradual progress, but for a rated R movie i would say that it was a fairly decent one. it does give u the sense like you've seen a movie just like it before. i agree it was very long, the opening credits made u think it was in Russian dialog,but they weren't long. getting the story across wasn't really forced in this movie,there wasn't really any fighting against what they were trying to run from. i think the blood and gore really saved what there was of it to be saved,all the characters besides the main chick are suspicious and your not sure exactly whats going on.its a big run around in a maze where the exit is simple but not enough for the movie to end well
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From Russia without Love...
Coventry13 April 2007
Abandon all hope to see original or genuinely petrifying new horror here, as Nacho Cerdà's American long-feature debut reverts to all the known and dreadfully overused clichés of ghost stories and haunted mansion tales, but doesn't succeed in showing a single shocking image or surprising plot twist. "The Abandoned" is overlong, boring and soft and it's particularly disappointing because Cerdà built up quite an eminent reputation with his three controversial 90's short movies. Moreover, he wrote the script together with two other very eminent guys of the horror genre, Karim Hussein of "Subconscious Cruelty" and Richard Stanley of "Dust Devil", but even the three of them didn't manage to come up with something uniquely morbid and/or genuinely scary. This film too often feels like the typically Americanized remake of a popular Asian ghost story, only the Asian original doesn't exist in this case. Following a strange invitation, the American film producer Marie returns to her home country Russia. She was adopted as a baby, nearly 42 years ago, and already gave up all hope to ever discover the identity of her real parents when she now suddenly receives an invitation to visit her parental estate. She's transported to a forsaken area near a lake where meets her estranged twin brother, and together they slowly unravel their mysterious & horrific family background. Gee, do you think the place is infested with ghosts from the past? And do you honestly doubt they'll eventually get into contact with the restless spirits of their parents? I have to admit "The Abandoned" looks beautifully sinister and dark. Xavi Giménez' camera-work provides the film with an atmosphere that is more unsettling than the plot suggests and also the rare moments of fright are entirely the courtesy of Giménez talented eye for visual terror. The rest of the film is an overlong series of false scares and implausible time-paradoxes that aren't likely to shock anyone. Nacho Cerdà may have had some success with his explicit short movies, but he's not yet on par with his Spanish colleagues Jaume Balagueró ("The Nameless") and especially Alejandro Amenàbar ("The Others") when it comes to suggestive horror that is compelling and creepy at the same time. The handful of gory sequences – among which a virulent attack by ravenous pigs – are wildly entertaining, but they don't even feel appropriate considering the overall sober tone of the film. Generally speaking, "The Abandoned" had great potential (I haven't mentioned the eerie scenery yet, like dolls and such) and easily could have been a small horror-triumph, but it sadly turned out a painful disappointment. Better luck next time, Nacho...
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I liked the Music...
saniyababinski26 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked the use of music in this movie, or should I say un-use. It was nice for once that every creepy moment wasn't foreshadowed by a few bars of a song, I mean there are some classic films which that works for, but sometimes it nice to have a change. I liked how this one had either really soft music or just silence to heighten the creepiness. Another good thing was the house; it was very scary. I like how it was sort of alive, and in control. I think a lot of old houses have personality and are really creepy. A lot of the cuts were clever to. I liked when it went from the picture on the t.v. two the farm. I sort of wish there would have been a little more interaction with some towns people or something, but the film still worked for me. I liked the river surrounding the house in a circle that was a good metaphor, and the scene where everything returned to the way it was 40 years ago was cool to. I think this movie had a lot going for it. The cinematography was great, the acting was good, the scenery was perfect. My only criticism would be that the story was a little hard to follow, but I definitely think it was worth seeing and I kind of want to watch it again. It seems like it's one of those movie you need to watch more than once to fully appreciate.
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welcome to the idiotic world of horrror
yyon469910 May 2009
What the hell? this is the first thought I had when I was half way through the movie while my boyfriend was sound asleep (thanks to the movie). Through out the film, I was waiting to see why people thought it was a good film, but apparently I wasted my time. I was hoping that the ending would make me change my mind but it didn't. I appreciate he fact that the writer of the story was trying his best to make a impressive story but sorry, he is just not that talented. I am a big fan of horror movie hence always have high expectations on them but after this one, I learnt to forgive and forget. this is what I am going to do about this film: FORGET...
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Incredibly Atmospheric and Effectively Frightening.
drownsoda9024 February 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Probably one of the few best supernatural horror films of the past few years, "The Abandoned" is a refreshing and scary movie. The film begins at a house in remote Russia, where a family discovers a dead woman and her two living twin infants in a truck. Cut to present day, a woman named Marie arrives in Russia in hopes of discovering her true birth mother and learning of her family. After she finds out her mother is actually dead, she inherits the old family farm, which is located miles and miles from civilization in the remote woods on an island. She is taken out there by a man, and arrives at night, only to have the man who drove her disappear in the forest. She finds the old house in the middle of the forest, where she has a frightening encounter and awakes to a man, Nicolai, who claims to be her twin brother. Turns out that their mother was murdered in the house, and they were meant to die that night too... and history is about to repeat itself and take their lives, just as it was originally supposed to forty years earlier.

The scariest supernatural thriller I've seen in quite a long time, "The Abandoned" is a unique and wonderfully crafted horror film that is reminiscent of the classic ghost stories of the '70s and '80s, but with an interesting and satisfying spin on it. The story itself is masterfully written and contains some very intriguing concepts and ideas - it really gets you thinking, and introduces some wonderful and refreshing into the genre. The idea of someone's "destiny" or "fate" coming back to haunt them and ultimately enact what was supposed to take their life years before is a really neat and original concept - for those thinking of something along the lines of "Final Destination", beware because this film is unlike that in almost every way possible, and also much, much scarier than your average horror fare.

To resemble the inescapable fate of our characters, are mirror images of them, with whited-out eyes. According to legend, once you see yourself, that means it's time to die. These double-figures of our main characters are really scary looking, even though they are played by the same actors. They chase Marie and Nicolai, trying to extract the life from them - Nicolai even tries to shoot the figure of himself in fear, but finds a bullet in his own leg instead of the apparition - so these figures are actually part of the people themselves. Along with the spellbinding storyline, director Nacho Cerda directs the film excellently. There is plenty of suspense throughout the film, and it slowly builds on layers as the movie progresses to the surprising climax. For those who like gore, there is also a bit of that thrown in, and it was much more violent than usual considering this is a 'ghost' story.

Atmosphere is heavy and intense in this film, and I really loved that about it. The Russian countryside is an eerie location (although the movie was filmed in Bulgaria) to set the story and there are many simplistic but effective shots used throughout. It appears as though the old abandoned house is miles away from civilization (it took an entire day to get there for Marie), and is now overgrown and rundown - the set dressing is excellent and the house itself is one of the spookiest-looking (inside and out) haunted houses I've yet to see in a horror film. The house itself is very spooky, and is almost the epitome of a haunted house. Located in the complete middle of nowhere, dilapidated, and the site of grisly murders. All these haunted house elements may seem clichéd, but this is a haunted house film that is unlike any other - it is highly original and very well-written. Granted, there are a couple of typical horror clichés to be found (investigating by yourself in a dark basement, among a few others), but these are all forgivable in comparison to the rest of the movie. The film is consistently dark and dreary, and an eerie foreboding feeling of being unable to escape is laid out over the entire film. The atmosphere is really to die for. The acting is also excellent, our two leads really carry the film and are consistently believable and sympathetic. The semi-shocker of a conclusion was a brilliant and effective way to end the movie, and wasn't what I was expecting.

Overall, "The Abandoned" is an intense and atmospheric horror film that is sure to please fans of old-school supernatural films. The atmosphere is dark and menacing, there are plenty of very scary moments, the pacing is just right, and the performances were very well done. Definitely my favorite horror film of this year (so far), and probably the best supernatural-horror movie I've seen in a very long time. Forget about all of those PG-13 kiddie ghost films, like "The Grudge 2" and "The Messengers" - "The Abandoned" is miles above them all, and much more sophisticated and scary. Recommended to anyone who enjoys a good (but different) ghost story. 10/10.
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8 Films to Die For Horror Fest Reviews .5: The Abandoned
ChiefGoreMongral28 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The Abandoned is a rather interesting take on the traditional ghost tale as it spins a web of confusion throughout only to make perfect sense in the end. That in it's own self is a feat to give high praise for when so many J-Horror movies just end up being weird with no true resolution this film is weird and actually comes full circle in the end to give you the facts of what we just watched for the last 90 minutes.

The story is about a lady that goes back to her land of birth Russia to get what remains from her dead mother...namely her "estate". I use the term loosely as the estate is really a rickety old farmhouse. As the movie progresses she begins to see a weird ghost that looks exactly like her as well as a strange visitor that claims to be her brother. All this leads to more bizarre happenings and a possibility that she should not have lived to see her adulthood.

I really liked this movie on a technical level and as a story it does a good job of not leaving anything out of the details. That being said the main problem will be for most impatient horror fans as this one is a bit of a slow burner. More of an art-house horror than a traditional spook fest, if you want to see a well crafted and acted horror film this will no doubt be up your alley. For those who can not adapt to that kind of horror will more than likely give this the thumbs down as boredom will set in at times.

In the end however the pros definitely out weight the cons and those looking for a more serious style horror romp will be pleased. Others looking for anything less will more than likely have already "Abandoned" this one before it ends.

Score: 7/10: Good Film. Despite some lulls director Nacho Cerda has carved out a nice tale of the supernatural for the thinking man or woman brave enough to enter.
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Waste of time
Viator Veritatis18 February 2016
It all depends on what you are looking for.

Abandoned features beautiful cinematography, an interesting score and excellent photography, but will infuriate any viewer who, like myself, expects a logic, coherent storyline and sensible dialogs. Besides, it is so drawn out, repetitive and full of false scares as to compromise any entertainment value.

It works best for those interested in a piece of art or those who like kaleidoscopic, almost hallucinatory atmospheres packed to the brim with nonstop frantic action and explosive sounds, allowing the spectator no pause to come up for air and/or think about what's happening.
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