Blessed (2004) Poster


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Rosemary's Clone
ghoulieguru4 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
With horror remakes being all the rage right now, I don't understand why these filmmakers didn't just remake Rosemary's Baby with Heather Graham instead of Mia Farrow. That's all that this movie really is... Rosemary's Baby with a dash of sci-fi cloning to make it feel like it's something new. Only "Blessed" is done with none of the subtle style of Roman Polanski or Ira Levin.

Instead, the suspense is supposed to be built with ultrasound images that have the Devil's face hidden in them like a Rorschach ink blot. Apparently, some rich guy has managed to procure a vial that contains a few drops of Lucifer's blood. Being a moron, he thinks it'd be a good idea to clone Lucifer using a local clinic that he owns. Poor Heather Graham has no idea what she's in for. When will girls learn that if you go to a fertility clinic, some old man will impregnate you with a Devil clone?

Sounds absurd, right? Well, it is.
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"Rosemary's Baby" and "Godsend" Cloning
claudio_carvalho27 June 2005
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The low middle class and young school teacher Samantha (Heather Graham) and her husband, the unknown writer Craig Howard (James Purefoy), move to an insemination clinic in Lakeview, a small town two hours far from New York City, for a free insemination treatment in the "Spiritus Reasearch Clinic". Samantha gets pregnant of twins and the life of the couple economically improve with the unexpected success of the book of Craig. However, Samantha notes that a hooded stranger is stalking her, and she becomes paranoid when she realizes that the place is indeed a cloning clinic and she was impregnated with the devil's seed.

Yesterday, when I saw "Blessed", I felt myself in a "déjà vu" situation, with the feeling that I have already seen this movie before, which is indeed a clone of "Rosemary's Baby" and "Godsend". There is nothing new in this plagiarized screenplay, which is dedicated to the memory of David Hemmings. This great British actor deserves a better homage to his name than this non-original story. My vote is five.

Title (Brazil): Not Available
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Rosemary's Baby for the 21st Century (only nowhere near as good).
BA_Harrison17 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When Samantha Howard (played by gorgeous Heather Graham) and her husband Craig decide that the time is right to start a family, they find that becoming pregnant isn't as easy as they had at first hoped.

Now personally, if I was having trouble getting Ms. Graham up the duff, I'd persevere and keep trying the way nature intended (two or three times a day should suffice, more if she was to wear roller boots and hot-pants); but rather than submit himself to the chore of regularly bunking up with his hot wife, Craig agrees to take her to a remote fertility clinic in the country where she can receive IVF treatment. Unfortunately, the owner of the facility is a devil worshipper who is trying to clone Lucifer, using Heather's eggs, her husbands sperm, and a drop or two of blood from Satan himself.

Despite solid performances from a more than capable cast (Graham, Purefoy, Stella Stevens, David Hemmings and Andy Serkis), this tepid little occult thriller flounders due to a lack of chills and a 'seen-it-all-before' storyline (Rosemary's Baby did it all much better). The film ambles along quite nicely until Serkis's nutty priest appears after which it rapidly goes downhill. And the film's ending is quite ridiculous.

Whilst not exactly boring, 'Blessed' really needed a creepy atmosphere and a few good scares in order to succeed, but unfortunately Simon Fellows's sedate direction provided neither, leaving me impressed only by Heather Graham and her very realistic prosthetic belly.
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A Big Let-down
gonzogm15 October 2004
This movie is not a real thriller. The entire movie the camera shows us mundane scenes to creepy music in a way so that we know that something weird's going on. But it is not really scary. And in the end, there is no follow-through. Many different suspicious scenes are showed to us, and often we never find out what they mean. There's very little action, nor explanations, throughout the movie so I had hope for the ending after it had been so built-up. I was let-down. Very little happened in the ending either, and some things did not even make sense. See this movie if you have a crush on Heather Graham -otherwise, it's too dull to bother with. Also, be warned that "evangelists" in this movie are explained to be "evil's agents". Characters get a funny look on their face when twins are mentioned as well. Just a heads up that people might be offended.
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Bad film making is coming.
saintcecilia27 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I decided to watch this film because it had an interesting cast and sounded like a remake of "Rosemary's Baby". A valid story line to copy - very archetypal in your Jungian sort of way - many women during pregnancy have, at some stage, felt like their body has been taken over by some force beyond their control. And, if the scriptwriters had just stuck to that, this probably would have been a routine but acceptable movie.

Instead, they seemed to have panicked and decided they needed more plot, lots more plot!! So we have the homophobic literary agent (based in New York - I don't think so) who decides to look a gift horse in the mouth by investigating the financial affairs of her client's new patron (maybe on Mars this would happen). All this frantic activity culminates in her being murdered for some reason that I missed.

Then there's the garbled story about an angel killing a saint (or a saint killing an angel), perfectly encapsulated in a really dreadful painting which we are supposed to believe would be on public display by David Hemmings' character, a supposed art connoisseur. There is an antique-looking tube full of blood (maybe) which belongs either the angel or the saint.

Then there's the fertility clinic which also does cloning as well. This causes great panic among several of the characters, even though there is no evidence that cloning was used. If they did, the ending shows that it clearly wasn't David Hemmings' character who was cloned.

Then there's the scene in the delivery room which is just plain dishonest. We see Heather Graham's abdomen and the scary little scaly things apparently in her womb ("Oh my God, I'm having an iguana!" Now there's a film.). The delivery nurse says "Oh my God!" and the scene fades to black. Next thing we see are the twins at their fourth birthday, looking quite normal if a bit subdued for a pair of four year old girls. So what was the nurse exclaiming over?

And then there's the mystery of what the girls are supposed to be. Are they the Devil, in which case, why are there two of them? Same question if they're supposed to be the angel. They are clearly something supernatural (as the demise of the annoying little boy at the party shows) but what? Angels don't go around melting four year old boys, do they?

Oh, and just to show that my attention really wandered watching this film, is David Hemmings' character Earl Sydney of Wherever, as in a member of the English aristocracy, or is he just Earl Sydney? If the latter, English boys of his age would not have been called Earl. Assuming the character is in fact English and it's not simply that Hemmings realised early on this film wasn't worth doing an accent for.
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Avoid this ultra-dull crap.
fedor814 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
From the word "go" this film had "Rosemary's Baby" written all over it. Not only is "Blessed" utterly predictable but it's also amazingly dull and drawn-out. The wafer-thin plot could have easily been told in under 30 minutes. There are so many irrelevant scenes, especially the ones showing how much Graham and her hubby love each other, you'll find yourself very restless and very soon. There is no tension at all. We know she's carrying the anti-Christ. I mean, what else could it be? Mickey Mouse? Roseanne? A pair of underwear? The fact that they're twins – and female - is hardly a huge enough leap in originality (that would have been necessary) to at least semi-save this stinker from total doom.

And there are cast problems, too. Obviously Hemmings died during the making so his voice was dubbed – and dubbed very badly. The guy playing Graham's husband is bland and a bad actor; check out the scene in which the two have a fight while he tries to write: there is some truly unconvincing acting on his part. However, it's Andy Serkis and his laughable imitation of an Italian priest that gets "top" honours. Serkis must have been thinking he was still playing Gollum because his over-acting is inane.
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Sick Waste Of A Movie
fts75926 March 2005
Simon Fellows could not have made a worse movie. This movie is at the bottom of the pool - however not as bad as "Fear X" or "Pumpkin", however this movie is a disturbing wanna be of Rosmarys Baby. So many un-finished scenes, so many retarded 'F-ed' up scenes, and so many scenes that just make you want to tear out your eyeballs just so you can have something to throw at the television. This movie frankly disturbed me, the ending not being quite there but still being enough to make you want to jump out of your skin. I first had my rating a 3 but now I change it too a 2, this movie sucks. I wouldn't think Simon Fellows would make such an awefull disappointment, but is that bad.
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A must see for all trainee directors.
iyates-125 July 2005
What should have been a good story ends up poorly executed by the director. That was my feeling after watching what could have been a real scary thriller. I continued to watch because I wanted to see just how uninteresting most of the actors performances were and playing the 'spot the best actor' game. Well into the movie I thought I was watching 24 except that this one was going to take nine months to get to the point. If you have ever watched those good directors comments that accompany DVD's and listened where they discuss deleted scenes and pace and so on, well 'Blessed' is and example of what happens when none of that occurs. Scenes and characters that lead nowhere, leaving you to wonder just where the story is leading. You get a vague idea except that the movie digresses many times before eventually arriving to the final scene where thankfully the really scary stuff takes place. Then the movie ends too soon.
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Stella and Heather go ahead, ahead!
fredk_us4 April 2004
Cool Rumanian thriller that mixes "Rosemary's Baby" with "The Omen." It's about time we had one of these good, psychological creepers! Real sad to hear about David Hemming's death during the filming; they had to use a body double and some facial CGs for the important party scene. Miss Stevens ("Betty") is spiritual and sassy as the real tor/godmother who shows the couple a house by the lake that they cannot resist. We don't see her as much these years as we did with "Girls, Girls, Girls!" and "The Poseidon Adventure," but Stella still works it on the silver screen. Heather Graham pulls her own as the so-so mother-to-be-to-be...

To say anymore would involve spoilers, so I pause for now! Recommended at the very, very least for your autographed DVDs library. This is a spooooooooky flick with some class and a bluish cast. I give it 4 out of 10.
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Twist on the Devil and DNA
newsdisk2 February 2006
To begin, I liked it. It follows the new idea of the devil being in our DNA like the Colson article: The Devil in the DNA and the books The Devil's DNA and Plato's Dream. The basic idea is that the devil exists and like God, is found in all of us.

While some literature traces the devil's DNA from Adam and Eve, The Devil's DNA and Plato's Dream, The Blessed has someone actually place the DNA.

Heather Graham is very beautiful and the sex scenes were appropriate. I disagree that the movie is like Rosemary's Baby.

I gave it a 6.
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Inept, by-the-numbers ripoff of Rosemary's Baby
krachtm20 December 2012
The plot: A couple visit a fertility clinic, not knowing that they also do research into human cloning... and devil worship. And book publishing.

This is an outright, brazen ripoff of Rosemary's Baby, though it's also somewhat influenced by other supernatural thrillers, such as The Omen. If you've seen Rosemary's Baby, you really don't need to see this. It's got a pretty decent cast, but that's about the best I can say for it.

There were some half-decent ideas here, and I think that they could have worked in the hands of a better director. I'm not saying that they were good ideas, but a skilled exploitation director could have turned this into an enjoyable, derivative waste of time. Instead, we get a somewhat inept attempt to plagiarize one of my favorite horror movies.

Despite all its faults, it's still watchable. I can't recommend it, though.
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Blessed Be - an Anti-Baby Whitman's Sampler!
Atomic_Brain27 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Blessed is a reasonably successful modern updating of several quirky horror genres, including the "devil baby" and "natalist conspiracy" genres, exemplified in the glory days with great films such as Rosemary's Baby, It's Alive and The Brood. While Blessed cannot hold a candle to those and other such flicks, it still has something going for it, not the least of which is a strongly anti-natalist message, and a satisfyingly downbeat ending. Heather Graham is convincing as the mother-to-be, and Stella Stevens is notable as a conflicted collegaue, sometimes foe, sometimes ally. The big problem with Blessed is that the central conspiracy - a cross between some sort of genetic cloning and religious sacrifice projects - is never clearly explained, and is thus a fairly wimpy modue operandi. Call Blessed "Rosemary's Baby Lite." Still, any vaguely anti-natalist project is fine by me, and the hilarious coda reinforces what we already know - all babies are monsters!
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KEELING19852 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I had put it off for the last 3 weeks because other films were out, but today, I finally lifted it off the Rental store shelf and took it home.

I'm not really a fan of any actors/actresses casted in the Movie so I stay totally neutral in this verdict and say - apart from the Movies slow pace, it was very interesting. I'm a 20 Year old lad who loves Action movies with lots of base so when my mates saw what movie I'd picked, they went home and left me to watch it alone. I cant say I was bothered as I cracked open some Wine (No beer in) and began to watch...

The Movie is slow. That has to be said has I wasn't even expecting the slowness. The characters, Samantha and Craig are introduced right away of course but their decision on having a baby was so quick, if you'd looked away, you'd have missed it! Anyways, they quickly head off to a fertilising clinic has Samantha cant get pregnant and they dive right into IVF. It works. Now, I was expecting the story to speed up alittle but it didn't. Other characters start to appear and before long, everything is all-so perfect! In fact, Samantha ain't just having one baby, but shes getting two! Good deal? No it ain't because the babies she's expecting have been injected with Lucifiers blood during the fertilisation. When the egg and sperm were put together, the blood was also injected into the equation leaving a very messy situation! The story follows Samantha through the Highs and lows of pregnancy. As well as that, we see Craig - the Author, float to the roof as he becomes a big name in the book industry. The twist to the story is in there. The funds from the book deal which go towards the Move from the City to Lake View (Where the Clinic is based) all come from the man who owns the Clinic. Sam and Craig don't know this, only Craigs agent did but she was killed off once she found out. It all makes sense and the only character who wasn't used to full effect was Andy Serkis, the Priest. He featured heavy at the end but the character was bland and basically meaningless in what happened.

Then there's the ending. I personally thought it was good apart from the poor kid who died due to his skin burning off and his eye balls which sunk into his skull. That part didn't really shock anyone in the movie, even though there was 30 something guests in the room. The fear could have been captured right there and then, but it was sadly lost and for that scene, my score is 6, but it could have been 7.

All in all, I wasn't disappointed. I was extremely satisfied! The Actors/Actresses were great. The story was alittle under used but still involving and Lake Views community gave this uneasy feeling as if they were all waiting for something. I am still unaware at this time but I think they were all in on it ;)
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This movie is pathetic.
mdbarhorst3 January 2005
There were so many parallels to Rosemary's Baby that I kept waiting for some huge twist to throw me off, and it just never happened. Not only was the movie extremely predictable, but the acting was pathetic, the writing was pathetic, the directing was decent at best, all in all, this was just pathetic. There was absolutely no character development at all. There is no way that during the filming of this movie Heather Graham said to herself "This is going to be a great movie!" She was so unconvincing that it was almost comical. I seriously cannot think of one redeeming quality. This is the type of movie that you wait for to come out on DVD, and then don't rent it.
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it is imperative that you see "Rosemary's Baby" to understand this
artizon23 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just start this saying that it is an almost shot-for-shot remake of "Rosemary's Baby" with a few added twists. The newcomers to the film are: fertility clinics, hooded killers, and twin girls. Fortunately, most of it remains the same. There are anagrams, the one who can help her dies, her husband spends a lot of time with a man who helps the coven, and stuff like that. The ending is a little tweaked, though- think "The Astronaut's Wife"'s ending (which in itself WAS a shot-for-shot remake of the original). I recommend this, but only if you've seen the original. Several things happen that are unexplained and were only explained in the original. This movie is pretty creepy, and the main character is sympathetic. I have no clue as to why the original title was "Samantha's Child", as she is pregnant with twins. But that's straying far off the point of a review. I think either watch this one then "Rosemary's Baby" or vice versa. The original is unbeatable, and this one is- well, I've seen better, but this is not bad for being straight-to-video at all. If you want bad straight-to-video stillborn babies, try "666". This one is pretty creepy, with very convincing acting but a far-fetched plot. Satan's plasma is contained in a silver whiskey flask inside of a frozen ring-case in a fertility clinic, and some certain people just know that out of nowhere? THAT'S one thing not explained whether or not you actually SEE the original. Still watch this one and have a fun time, or be a snotty reviewer and say it's not worthy at all (Do I hear Ebert?!).
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Supporting roles are the only reason to watch this clone
marbleann4 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is about a young couple who get this offer to come and try in-vitro-fertilization at this clinic in a town called Lakeview in upstate NY. Well first I want to say there is a town named Lakeview, NY but not upstate but on Long Island. This tells me right away that the writer of this movie did not do their homework...a omen.

It seems that the people in this town have some type of connection to the in-vitro clinic but also this cloning clinic that is in the same building. It looks like they want to clone the devil or want this woman to have the devils spawn. I am not to sure which one, because the movie seems not to be sure either. David Hemmings plays this super rich man who seems to have a golden opportunity for the hubby who is a unemployed writer. But it also seems that this man owns the cloning clinic and has gotten a hold of some of Satan's blood drops.

When they visit the town to get the treatment the wife notices that her neighbor who is pregnant is missing and this man with a black hooded robe was seen running from the last place she was seen. I am not going to spoil who the man is, but I think unless the viewer has a IQ of 2 they will be ahead of the plot. We also have the clueless hubby. I saw a movie the other day called Glow and it was about a young couple who moves in a brownstone with these senior citizens who are fitness fanatics, well a neighbor goes missing in this one too and it doesn't take genius to figure out what is going on. Well the hubby is a idiot in this movie too. If I was a twenty-something husband I would want to know why they are always portrayed as idiots, when their wife is in peril.

The wife in this movie played by Heather Graham isn't too bright either. She goes to get sonar gram of the baby and she doesn't even ask for a picture after complaining about something being very wrong. This fetus is punching holes in her stomach and all she needs is the doctor to tell her she is having twins as a explanation.

There was a terrible Joan Collins movie called "I don't want to be born" which this movie rivals. It is about a devils spawn baby who kills people, kind of like the Omen. This movie is a combo of that and Rosemary's Baby.

I watched this movie because when I first turned it on I noticed the man who plays Mark Anthony in the series Rome plays the husband. He really hasn't have much to do. I am going to miss David Hemmings, who played the rich man who owned the clinic, this was his last movie. And Fionulla Flanagen has a nice role as the husbands agent who is the first to get smart about what is happening. And Stella Stevens who is a real estate agent is very good, she looks great too. It is a OK movie to watch on cable but do not expect much.
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Eh.... could have been a lot better
jessicaviscariello2 September 2005
Warning: Spoilers
OK at best, but could have been a lot better. The writers made an attempt to take an original story, pepper it with a bit of science and Dean Koontz, and turn it in to a modern-day thriller....but something was still missing. The acting left much to be desired (note Heather Graham's unnecessary and excessive use of the words "amazing" and "friggin"); the multiple story lines made me have to grab a pen and a note pad to keep track; and the demon twins and their evil abilities were too reminiscent of Children of the Corn. After the first hour, it seems as though the writers scrambled to tie all the different lines together, and that just made it more confusing. Leave out the cloning, the hooded weirdo, the book deal, and one of the twins, and we could have had a nice harmless little remake of Rosemary's Baby. Better luck next time.
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Too Awful For Cinema
Alex-3725 March 2006
Why was this atrocity ever made? This is a terrible rip-off of Rosemary's Baby, which at least had John Casavettes as the husband.

Where to start? First, the absence of intelligent dialog. There is an absence of any plot - the movie just goes from vignette to vignette. The whole movie seems to be put together to get Heather Graham naked and into an IF clinic. This is a terrible little misstep for an actress who is not only beautiful, but actually quite intelligent. She has a beautiful body, and Bette Davis eyes, but here she is simply abused because the writer and director were too lazy and incompetent to come up with a story, dialog and a plot. Other than ripping off a 1968 movie, of course.

Then, almost all the actors have British accents, even though this is supposed to be set in upstate New York (one of the road signs at the beginning of the movie reads "Albany"). That is the kind of "detail" that someone looking for clues as to how the story is going to develop simply can't overlook.

What is worse, there are no discovery, no 'aha' moments, no payoff at all. Oh yeah, this is the before last role of David Hemmings, which is a crime in and of itself.

Skip this travesty of a horror movie at all costs.
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Awful. do not watch. spoiler alert.
alison-hayes15 January 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was horrible. Instead of filing it under suspense, it should be filed under boring. there was no plot, hardly any dialogue and NO suspense. Right when it started to get interesting, it ended. I'm not even sure what really happened. No one talked enough for me to know. The scenes ended to quickly and explained nothing. All I know is that someone was the devil, Heather Graham got impregnated with his clone, the babies were born, they were blonde and creepy and they caused a kid to die. Most of the movie is watching Heather Graham being pregnant. Don't watch this movie. This movie sucks. Heather Graham is stupid. But that English guy is pretty hot. P.S. The guy with the eyebrows is creepy.
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No story ,, just disappointment
zkaaki-697-5091936 August 2010
If it hadn't been the good performance of Heather I would not have completed the film..a total fail,,a friend told me it was not to be seen but, I did not think it was that bad,,Despite the fact it does not have a plot which normally spiritual film must have, the sequence was very confusing not to mention the ending .. A total disaster. Some shots were very unclear and got me totally lost , who's the bad and who is the good, guys what were you thinking... I mean people were going to see and pay money to see the movie not just through away time and money. I think the idea of the film was attractive but certainly the plot was a disaster. But the worst part was the end,,,so what do they want me to know or I just leave without a clue what I was watching for more than 90 min. And by the way evil is not that clever OK
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A Rosemary's Baby Film
whpratt13 April 2008
This story deals with a young couple named Samantha Howard, (Heather Graham) and her husband Craig Howard, (James Purefoy) who are a very happy couple in love and Craig is a writer who finally finds a publisher for his book which will provide excellent financial security. However, the only problem facing this couple is the fact they are having a very hard time having a baby. Eventually, Craig and Samantha find a company that can help them have insemination treatment which helps Samantha have twin babies. Samantha is very happy about her ability to have children but notices that where ever she goes a hooded stranger follows her. As you view this film you will find out just what type of children Samantha gave birth to in this world.
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A Devilish Mess
sol12185 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
**SPOILERS** Utterly ridicules re-make of "Rosemary's Baby" that should have been apply titled "Samantha's Babies" that's so convoluted that the film seems to completely fall apart in the last twenty or so minutes. It's not until I realized by reading the trivia part of the film on the IMDb that it's star David Hammings, playing the part of big shot book publisher and all around international power broker Earl Sidny, died during production that it dawned on me that the movie makers realized that had a king size turkey on their hands. They must have did everything possible to terminate it even at the cost of an understandable no matter how clumsy conclusion. Hemmings is so bloated and his voice, which I suspect was dubbed in, so low and raspy that he's both unrecognizable and hard to understand in the few scenes, before he suddenly passed away, that he's in.

Having trouble conceiving the Howard's Samantha & Carig, Heather Graham & James Purefoy,go to this clinic in the little town of Westview that's been recommended to them where it's said that miracles are preformed. The clinic is noted for giving women, who are totally barren like Samantha, the ability to give birth to healthy and beautiful babies. Being artificially inseminated with her husbands sperm Samantha quickly get's pregnant and to both her and her husbands Craigs happy surprise she finds out from her doctor at the clinic Dr. Leeds,Debora Weston,that she's expecting twins.

Craig a struggling writer who earlier in the film was introduced to book publisher Earl Sidney at a party in New York City is suddenly in demand to get his book published with Earl Sidney offering him $100,000.00 as a first down payment. It becomes obvious to anyone who saw read or knows about the film or book "Rosemary's Baby" that Craig had made some kind of demonic deal with Earl. We later learn that Earl is connected to this church called "The New Light of Dawn" that in effect is a secret Sanatic Order. The church is also being involved with the reproduction clinic that Samantha is being treated at.

You know where the movie is going when it then takes a sudden U-turn and we're introduced to this really creepy looking guy that for some strange reason Samantha, who at the time didn't know that he's a priest, takes a strong liking to a Father Carlo, Andy Senkis. Carlo shocks Samantha in telling her that she's carrying the spawn of Satan and that only he with some liquid concoction, that looks like a fizzed out glass of Mountain Dew, can save her. Samantha who seems like she's going through with Carlo's unusual plan suddenly, at his pad or apartment, takes the liquid that she's supposed to drink and splashes it in his face! where it reacts like it was acid burning a bloody scare onto it!

Samantha trying to get away from the crazed Carlo is then chased by him, in a car, all through the reproduction clinic with Carlo mindlessly busting through one operation room to another until he crashes in Dr. Leeds' office! In what seemed to be a prediction of things to come. As the gasoline in the car is spilling all over him Carlo tells the befuddled doctor that "He who walks with Satan shall burn in Hell" and then sets himself on fire with a lighter.

The ending is so confusing, which like I feel is due to David Hemmings sudden death, that it makes what you saw up to it, as bad as that was, almost entertaining. We get to see the two twin girls born to Samantha grown up as preschool toddlers. The twins have this weird and spaced out look on their faces and at the same time doing what they do best in being blood-relatives to the Devil or Satan: Creating hell on earth for anyone that they come in contact with.
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the inadvertently delightful 'Blessed' frequently excels as a chucklesome calamity of cloven-hooved hysteria!
Weirdling_Wolf15 January 2024
This unexpectedly amusing, spectacularly schlock-mongous, bargain bucket, Rosemary's Baby has much to recommend it to rabid B-Horror fanatics! 'Blessed' finds photogenic married couple Chris (James Purefoy) and Samantha (Heather Graham) undergoing an 'experimental' IVF program at the shady Spiritus clinic, funded by sinister oligarch Earl Sydney (David Hemmings). Charmingly inept as a legitimate horror film, the inadvertently delightful 'Blessed' frequently excels as a chucklesome calamity of cloven-hooved hysteria!

While the Devil may well have the best music, it should also be noted that ol' Nick has more than his fair share of triumphant terror toss made in his name. The sublimely jape worthy jewel in this mildewed Luciferian muddle is Andy Serkis's caffeinated, deliciously overripe performance as the greasy, Gorgonzola-gargling priest tasked by 'im upstairs to righteously abort these fatal fetuses! On a more subjective note, the amiably goofy, diabolically dishy Heather Graham makes for an especially adorable, doe eyed satanic surrogate. If Hallmark ever made the diametrical leap from lachrymose melodrama to horror, it might just resemble this sulphurous stew of Satanic schlock. For me, any horror film that begins with a boozy, heavily preggers bint dramatically nosediving off a skyscraper has distinct potential!
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Not Great, Not Awful
AZINDN8 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Blessed stellar cast of James Purefoy, Finnula Flanagan, David Hemmings, Andy Serkis, and Heather Graham should have made this film a worthy contender for a new take on the Rosemary's Baby, Faust retelling. However, the script got in the way. While settings of upstate New York and Manhattan are lovely, the storyline is simply muddled and confusing.

James Purefoy and Heather Graham are an upwardly mobile yuppie couple who want to make a baby, but finances and the failing career of the husband seem to be keeping them down. Viola, a set of circumstances clear the way for the couple to move to a lake front ideal community where a fertility clinic is conveniently up the road and in no time, Heather is preggers with twins. However, a cloud seems to shadow her maternity bliss in the form of a hooded figure who spooks the naive woman, and her husband's waning interest in her blossoming body seem to spell the end of canoodles in the dark. In the mean time, James' writers block is over, he's knocking pages out and making friends with a mysterious and vastly wealthy elder man (David Hemmings), who seems able to make miracles happen.

It is only in the last third of the film that the story becomes tangled with a suspicious priest (Andy Serkis) tempting Graham's character to abort the twins as the spawn of science -- a little too extreme religion vs. science debate. And, it seems Mr. Hemmings passed away during the filming, as a double is used for several scenes. In the end, if the twin girls are angles or evil is left ambiguous, although equally questionable is whether one could be evil and the other good. That's not an altogether bad ending, either. It's up to the viewer to draw their own conclusions.

Watch for performances by Ms. Flanagan, Mr. Purefoy, and a bit role by Stella Stevens, the mother of the producer, Andrew Stevens, whose own acting career never got father than powdered wigs in the 70s.
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Unmitigated crap.
EvilMissQB11 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was flipping past a channel that had this on the other day so I decided to TiVO it. I always enjoy a silly horror movie. Unfortunately this movie isn't just silly it's slooooow and stupid and boring. I'm not sure why they had to shoot it in a foreign country and dub a lot of the English in - it's not hard to tell it is not an American made film and this added to the crappy cinematography make what might have been a moderately bad movie in to a very unwatchable piece of trash. What a shame to see Andy Serkis's talent wasted.It isn't creepy, it isn't suspenseful, it isn't entertaining. Rosemary's Baby is a better alternative if you like this kind of film.
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