Do Over (TV Series 2002–2003) Poster


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Great idea, great execution
Elori28 May 2006
I've often wondered what I would differently if I could return to my childhood. It seems creators Schwartz, Wiener et al also have had this idea, but they didn't settle to wonder, they decided to show. And that's where the idea of 'Do Over' stems from.

The setting is that Joel Larson, in his thirties and disappointed with his life, gets into a freak accident, and is sent 20 years into the past, into his teen years in the 80s. Incredulous at first, he soon starts to accept that he really is reliving his youth, and that he has the chance to try and use his knowledge of the future to better that future for himself and the people immediately around him. He finds out, though, that just knowing how things went wrong doesn't make it easy to make them right. This is also one of the strengths of the show: it doesn't take the easy way out, where Joel is able to change whatever he wants, but instead has to settle for compromises, and even finds new sides to the events he re-lives.

Penn Badgley in the main role strikes a believable chord as a teenager, but one that knows something that others don't. Supporting him as his friends are Josh Wise and Natasha Melnick, both personal and interesting individuals that stand separate from usual teen stereotypes. Melnick's role Isabelle Meyers is especially noteworthy, since she has an exceptionally well written female role, showing much more depth and independence than the majority of on-screen teenage girls. The casting for Joel's family is spot-on as well. His father and mother are no hollow fill-in roles, and since they have a major influence even in Joel's second life, it's natural that their characters are well developed as well. Gigi Rice as the sister seems to get a little less attention, though.

The theme of "do over" is carried subtly through all the episodes, although there is variation between episodes where Joel's knowledge affects more mundane, but no less interesting, affairs, and ones where he strives for major changes compared to his previous life as it was. All this is delivered through excellent, intelligent writing, with plenty of humor throughout the show as well. It often borders on the comedic, with some great laughs to be had, but since this isn't really a sitcom, there is no obnoxious laugh track. It all makes for exciting, interesting and engaging viewing, and even though the show was cut short, it is absolutely worth it to see what there is of it.
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Excellent Cast and Bend-Over Laughs: A Fresh "Back In Time" Sitcom
AudioFileZ4 June 2021
Pretty much out of the gate this is good fun with wicked smart humor. Roundly based on the totally whacked out premise that a less than fulfilling life of 34-year old Joel Larson is transported backt 20-years and, well, has a chance of a "do-over" complete with all the knowledge and experience of the 34-year old but in his 14-year old body.

If the above doesn't sell the show then I say "just watch". The cast is a treat, the music adds loads of smart period nostalgia. Did I mention the writing exhibits killer humor? There's some less obvious but interesting tidbits sprinkled like Jason Schwartzman being on stage as Joel delivers his raucous VP speach to the student body. This is very smart "dumb" humor.

Here we ae in 2021 and I still go back and watch this show because it rocks. What's perplexing is that it has remained a hidden jewel. On twenty four reviews as I make this 25th one on IMDB! Really? I can only guess is because the show has never been officially re-released in any format. Why? And why was such a great show given only one season? While that glaring omission can't be corrected it would be a better world if the singular one season was made available in the best quality streaming or on DVD (if that's still a thing). So as for now I highly recommend anyone who reads this to seek it out on YouTube. It is not the best quality, but the show is so good it really doesn't matter. Just see this imaginative conception of "time travel" with sharply delivered humor. It's one of the most fun shows I've seen period.
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A good (and sadly, short-lived) series Warning: Spoilers
I honestly don't why this series wasn't very successful, since it had all the potential and necessary virtues to become a cult classic. Sadly, that's how television works: There have been many occasions when good series are canceled after one or two seasons, while bad shows tend to last longer.

Anyway, this was a good series. It had an interesting premise, funny jokes, a good use of cultural references and likable characters. Somehow, it reminded me the first "Back to the Future" movie and "The Wonder Years"...I think that it is shame that it was canceled too soon, because I would like to see more episodes of this.

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It's quirky and cute
Noria22 April 2003
I honestly enjoyed watching this show. It was really quite amusing and I think that the concept of going back and changing your life is really great. I was very disappointed that it got canceled and that it was never really given it's fair chance. I think Joel is an adorable and honest character, i would have liked to see more of him and his family!
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Not too shabby!
peachykeen20 September 2002
I watched this the other night, expecting it to suck. I was wrong. I actually found it relatively amusing. Everyone wants to go back and change their life and this 34-year old man, Joel, gets blasted back to be about 15, and he gets to relive his life. It's worth the watch as you remember the time that parachute pants, Devo and even Wham! were still in.
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Great while it lasted, a show before its time?
chanvat1 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this show when it was new in the fall of 2002, the baseball episode with Greg Maddux really stuck out to me then, and still holds up today. Only 11 of the episodes actually aired in the US, the last 4 that were produced aired years later in Britain for a total of 15, it took me years to see all 15, and I saw the complete series again for the 2nd time recently, thanks to the magic of Youtube and torrents, as I know this series will never be released on DVD or digital due to (sadly) low interest and expensive 1980s music rights clearance fees.

Some may consider this to be a companion series to Freaks & Geeks (as both are set in 1980-1981?), and they would be right, the shows actually share 2 actors, and a certain villain from Back to the Future plays basically the same role in both shows. Freaks & Geeks leans more on drama and awkward/embarrassing comedy while Do Over is a bit more of a "traditional" family sitcom with the added plot point of What If? and regret. Plus, 1980s pop culture is a bigger focus on Do Over, from the mom predicting numerous consumer trends (to the point of being ALMOST annoying) to music (soundtrack covers most of the decade, not just 1980-81) and clothing styles.

Overall, this was quite a unique show for WB for the time which is partly why I think it failed. Also, I get the sense that 1980s nostalgia shows were too "early" for mainstream acceptance in the late 1990s-2003 period. This show failed, Freaks & Geeks failed, and so did the That 70s Show spin-off, That 80s Show. If this show would have been made around 2010 on another network it would have had a shot, after all The Goldbergs became a smashing success with some similar concepts to Do Over.

A few reviewers said this needs to be rebooted, and I agree. How about the guy/gal wakes up in 1990 this time? By 2018 we are due for some early 90s nostalgia...
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How can they only make 11 episodes?
who_is_in_charge13 June 2004
Hey everyone. I am in UK, as you can see, so we got DO-OVER a lot later than USA, plus, it is shown at 3am on a Friday, which is really unfair coz i have to be up at 7am on Saturdays to work. I still always stay up to watch it, and i have developed a love for it. For anyone who is still debatin exactly how he was sent back in time, and the mathmatical faux-pas that takes place, for a start, the programme was made 3 years ago, which sorts that one out. Next, he was shocked by defribrillators when the ambulance arrives to attend to his father who has caused a fire in the house (since his wife left him, see episode 4 for details). He was shocked when his sister (recently out of rehab, see episode 6)laughs at his new hair plugs, since he lost his hair when he was quite young due to heightened stress levels (see episode 2). she uses the line 'lets jumpstart your hair', not realisin the machine is on. Pointin out now, thats impossible. Defribrillators will only work if put in the right place. Anyway, my main point is that the show is BRILLIANT! I fell in love with it (as well as natasha melnick, don't worry, i am only 17) when i saw the first episode, and boy am i hooked. Its so clever, and i love the nostalgia feel. Anyway, DO OVER rocks, and any directors or producers out there, please make more episodes.
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telavivid25 June 2022
This is a completely wholesome show, funny, cute, interesting, with enough twists, very likable characters and a drop of nostalgia. It's a shame that it's only 15 episodes, but it's definitely worth the watch. It's also heartwarming and very motivating. I wish more stuff like this was made.
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I hate that is canceled
daxl7022 April 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I used to love this series, it quickly become a must watch of my weeks, i hope they bring it back...some day, but i don't think its possible since the main character is now Dan Humphrey and its too old to start where he left off, it was a great show... :( It was very clever, the plot was great, the characters were OK. Why was this show canceled anyway? didn't get enough rating or something? it gets a perfect 10 from me even though the few episodes that aired. maybe they could remake it, they should use Jake from two and a half man, that will be funny =). Many fabulous moments, the Greg Maddux show, the one with the smells like teen spirit song was hilarious, the one when he spoiled the star wars movie, this show had something everyone dreams of, do over your life!, oh i feel nostalgic, bring it back!!
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Like The Incredible Hulk TV Show, this one should have gone on...
keal15 October 2016
Do Over is my all-time favorite TV series. Why did it end? To this day, I watch the 15 existing episodes at least once a year. I always show it to friends who've never heard of the show. Everyone loves it. At this point in time, a total reboot series would be the only way to go. I'm sure it would be up there with Superstore as the best current series (Superstore is the only show I'm currently watching).

The Incredible Hulk was cut short in season 5 and it was amazing at the time. Then Do Over was cancelled. I watched both shows while they were originally aired. I lost all hope in modern television because of that, and currently live on streaming options like Netflix.

Do Over. Best TV show EVER! Find it, watch it, enjoy what exists of it!
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Needs to be rebooted...
irehawk17 February 2017
Yeah, there was something wrong with the entire WB network and it has to do with the bad relationship WB network president Jamie Kellner and the rest of the entire WB network. Jamie's not favored on this show and that's why this show got messed up during the first half of its single season and then discontinued in the wrong time by the TV critics. Thank god, the WB network is officially shut down back in 2006.

This show is reasonable, but it needs to be rebooted in the low public cable network so it can last 1 or more seasons. Joel's current adult age should be changed from 34 to 54, this time.
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I love this show
afrish24 October 2002
This show is just so much fun. There's no other way to put it. You don't look for accuracy, or wish fulfillment, or deep dialogue or plot.

The show reminds me of when I was in high school - the times that make me sad they're over AND the times that made me cringe. It's fun to watch just to see all the 80s references. It's the kind of fun that That 80s Show SHOULD have been (but SO WASN'T).

The storylines are good, it's fun to think of going back and having the ability to make changes. Or seeing Joel know what happens in the future to the people he knew in high school, while he's back in high school this second time around.

I only wish that it was on a major network so that more people would "fall" into it. Hopefully, it will be found, and watched, by many - so that I can keep on seeing it.

Check out this little show. You'll have fun.
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One of the best new shows of the season!
jellyneckr20 September 2002
I watched the series premiere of this show last night and it is the funniest show I've seen on the WB Network in a while. Not only is it funny, but it's clever, thoughtful, and exciting as well. Although only one episode has aired so far, it has already became one of my favorite shows. On an unrelated note, It's good to see Thomas F. Wilson [probably best known as Bif in the BACK TO THE FUTURE TRILOGY] in a television show again. This is one of the best new shows of the season.
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Great Nostalgia
jersey-320 September 2002
My wife and I (her 32, me 29) enjoyed the first episode of the show. It was great nostalgia of high school in the early 1980s. (Granted some of the music didn't match up with the year 1981.) But it was enjoyable. It brought the enjoyment that we thought last years "That 80s Show" would bring. Of course "That 80s Show" was horrible!!! This show, so far, is doing it right. And since we were both HUGE fans of "Freaks & Geeks", it was nice to see Cindy Sanders and Coach Fredricks in this show. Watch the show and support it...maybe for once a network will allow a good show to last!
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better than its competition
Miles-1023 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
The unfortunate coincidence that somebody else had the same idea at the same time possibly helped sink this show. There was an hour show about an adult who went back to being a teen; I never saw that one but read critics who said that show took the premise way too seriously. "Do Over" did not make that mistake but did have touching moments along with the comedy.

I remember the episode "Block Party" in which the adult-minded teen, Joel, realized what was wrong with his family's relationship to their neighbors, and he ended up helping his father to realize it too, thus changing the history of his family. This show always raised the classic time travel question: if you change the past, does that mean when you return to the present everything will have changed because of it?

In another episode, Joel and his two best friends go to the premier of "The Empire Strikes Back." When a bully fighting over a place in line denies the three friends their opportunity to get the last available tickets, Joel gets him back by blurting out the all-time number one spoiler of the "Star Wars" series. Classic.

The other episode that stays with me is the one in which Joel enters a talent contest with a song he has written. Afraid that his own composition isn't good enough, he auditions by singing a song by the future band Green Day. Recognizing a classic when they hear one, everyone beats a path to his door; a talent scout for a record company attends the talent show. But Joel ultimately realizes that he can't live with being a cheat. He sings the song he actually composed himself, and, while everyone thinks it's OK, it's not as good as the other one they think he wrote. He doesn't get the record deal, but he is happy not to be living a lie. (Compare the movie "The Squid and the Whale" in which a teenager makes the opposite decision in the same kind of situation.)

This is another example of a good show that was never allowed to find its audience. Not as tragic as the demise of the superior series "Freaks and Geeks," but similar in that both shows deserved better than premature cancellation.
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Great Show
Citylove8826 October 2002
I think show is the wb's best and the best of the new season. Do Over is a trip to the 80's. It's great fun for those who lived through it and those who didn't. I, like the main character, am a freshmen in high school and it's funny to see what the character's freshmen year is like as I live through mine. Plus it's a major bonus when they cast major eyecandy like Penn Badgley. All in all the show is a hilarious trip through the past.
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I loved the lst episode of "Do Over"
Laurie_Brooks21 September 2002
"Do Over" is about a single 34 year old guy who ends up back in his 14 year old body reliving that part of his life. It's really funny and enjoyable to watch how he changes the past for the better. Michael Milhoan plays his macho father and he's excellent. His mother & sister are good too. So is his friend Pat Brody played by Josh Wise. Penn Badgley plays the 14 yr. old Joel Larsen and plays it just right. I hope the future episodes will be as good.
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I was thinking about the music also
lordkinbote15 November 2002
Along with some people who have stated before that the music doesn't match up to the year. That struck me also, but it didn't bother me since most of the music blurbs seem to be inside Joel's head as a memory in relating to a feeling. They're usually when he sees someone or remembers a situation and the content of the song relates to that. I don't think it's supposed to be anything more than his memory of the songs and since his memory isn't perfect, as in when he dressed up as a ghostbuster for Halloween and no one knew what he was, the songs in his head don't match up to the time exactly either, but no one can call him on it since it's only in his head. It's just used as funny accentuation. I like this show a lot 'cause it's right at my age point. I'm 35 and was a freshman in high school in '80 (started school a year early), so this show lines up perfectly with me and does make me consider "what would I do if this happened to me?" The prospect of it would probably drive me insane though. Having to go through all that again. It would be great to try things different but there is also the thing he stated in the first episode, "everything for the next 20 years is going to be a rerun." Ugh. Would drive me nuts. ;-)
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Loved it... while it lasted.
bg118 January 2008
I really loved this show! granted I was only in the 8th grade when it was on the air but it was my favorite show when it was on and I was heartbroken to see it go. This show was WAY under-rated. it was a really funny show and the storyline was pretty good. I think it could have gone at least a couple more seasons but unfortunately it seems I might have been the only religious watcher in its short run. I don't think I've ever met anyone else who remembers the show. I am quite happy now that Penn Badgely finally found a winning series by signing on to Gossip Girl, but before anyone knew his now quite familiar name his picture was hanging in my 8th grade locker... he was my crush for the year.
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Fun from a wish-fulfillment viewpoint
budikavlan20 September 2002
The main character Joel is zapped by his drug-addict sister and returns to his adolescence--disbelieving at first, he soon enthusiastically works to correct the problems with his life and his family. For every realistic viewer, this situation is highly appealing. Who doesn't have some situation or action they'd like to correct? The execution of the show isn't as good as it could be: it's never really laugh-out-loud funny, and the various plot developments aren't particularly original. Penn Badgley is OK as the lead character (Joel as a teen); Tom Everett Scott briefly plays him as an adult and narrates, much in the manner of Daniel Stern on "The Wonder Years." I liked the parents best among the rest of the characters. I wonder, though, how this situation can resolve itself (assuming, of course, that the show isn't cancelled before it gets a chance). His return to 1981 is not the result of a magic spell or a wrinkle in time--if they try to claim it is happening for real, rather than inside Joel's head, then their credibility goes right out the window. Even fantasy requires internal consistency to be taken seriously.
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Might has well have been called That 80's show.
mack317527 September 2002
I'm so busy on Thursday night, I never get time to watch it. But last Thursday I finally got to watch an episode. This show is slightly silly but watchable. Joel Larsen is a down on his luck 34 year old man, is suddenly pulled back in time to the year 1980, to his teen years, And he now wants to put things right, make up for his past mistakes. An entertaining series that reminds of bunch of shows like Quantum Leap, That 70's Show, and The Wonder Years. I hope I'll be able to watch more episodes. If it does not cancelled so quickly.
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Not Bad At All
meowlake28 September 2002
I saw this series and I thought it was going to suck majorly!!! Well I was wrong big time. It's really funny and fun to watch. It's fun to see a 34-year old get a blast to the past and relive hes life as it was when he's 14!!!
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Downhill fast...
falcotron24 October 2002
This show started off much better than I expected, but it's been going downhill episode by episode. This is a disappointment--a good cast (including the two newcomer stars), a great concept, an interesting start; it should be a good show. But it's not.

The anachronisms don't bother me too much. But then I was in 6th grade in 1980, so the fact that the show looks and sounds more like 1984 isn't too much of a problem for me.

Even the fact that Do Over is rarely funny would be excusable if it had something else going for it.

I wish the writers could decide whether the show was aimed at 30-somethings or teenagers, but I know 80s music is popular among teens, so I understand.

The real problem is that the characters make less and less sense with each episode. Cheryl, is decent as a sitcom evil sister, and Isabelle might work as a more minor character, but the major characters are completely implausible and impossible to relate to.

Let's start with Joel. Why is he so interested in Holly? Wouldn't he realize that she was nothing special after spending five minutes with her? And wouldn't he feel like a child-molester chasing a 14-year-old girl? Even what you'd expect from a formulaic sitcom (Joel gives a chance to the perfect girl he passed up the first time around--maybe Isabelle?) would be better than this. (Of course realistically, someone with a 14-year-old's hormones and a 34-year-old's experience would probably be picking up college-age girls and getting laid every weekend, but that wouldn't make a good show.)

Now, on to Pat. Since there was no real punk community for him to hang out with at that time, it's plausible that he'd be the weirdo in a semi-nerdish group like Joel and friends (that's pretty much what I was in 1984). I'd like to be able to relate to Pat, but I can't even understand him. Def Leppard?!? I see why he wanted to get Joel to sneak off to a concert, but wouldn't it be, say, an X show at some small club? (And wouldn't a Nirvana-quoting 34-year-old like Joel also be more interested in seeing some classic alternative band that he'd missed the first time around than Def Leppard?)

The parents are completely inconsistent; I get the feeling that whenever the writers don't know what to do with Joel's parents, they decide to write for Red and Kitty Forman (from That 70s Show) instead. This laziness means that the characters haven't been developed at all--and really can't be. They're just Eric's parents with a couple of extra one-shot jokes thrown in.

And other than the Larsens, Pat, Isabelle, and Holly, there are no other real characters at all.

I wish the creators had spent more time watching Square Pegs (or even That 80s Show).

Then again, I suppose I shouldn't have expected much from the "Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place" team, another show that wasted good actors on inconsistent and un-fleshed-out characters.
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My kind of show
Random Terrain21 September 2002
I always wanted to go back into my younger body to see if I could change things for the better. I know that if time travel is possible, the chances of finding the correct timeline would be almost impossible (where everything newsworthy happens exactly the way it did my first time around). I probably couldn't get rich from betting on famous games or get rich from the stock market because things would be different (or slightly different) in each timeline.

I wouldn't care if "Do Over" was a comedy or a drama because it's my kind of show. I just love the whole idea. It doesn't hurt that the show has a good cast and the quality is worthy of one of the major three or four networks.

There's only one thing to complain about, the music. I don't mean the music is bad, I just hate it when TV shows and movies pick a specific time in history and then use music from the future. Anyone with half a brain knows that most people use music as the soundtrack of their lives, and when you use music from the wrong time period, it breaks the reality. They start thinking about the screw-up and attention is pulled away from the story (and maybe even the commercials). If the people in charge of the music of a TV show like this aren't old enough to remember the 1980s, they could at least look in a top 40 hits book or get the information off the internet. Everything before 1990 didn't happen in the same year. Here are three songs used in "Do Over" that made my jaw hit the floor:

"Our House" by Madness - 1983

"Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go" by Wham! - 1984

"You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)" by Dead or Alive - 1985

Remember, it's supposed to be 1981, those songs should be in future seasons of the show. I'm sure they could have found appropriate songs to use from 1981 if they cared about the integrity of the show. I like "Do Over," but I would like it even more if they got the music right.
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Tries and fails
aorman26 February 2003
The biggest problem with this show is that it's supposed to be a sitcom, but actually isn't very funny.

The handful of episodes I've seen so far have been bereft of gags. The characters and situations bear painful resemblance to other sitcoms (Malcolm In The Middle, The Wonder Years) while still managing to avoid being humourous. The dialogue is dead.

The producers haven't been outrageous enough pointing out the foibles of 80s culture - fashion, music, the lack of social consciousness. And worst of all, the two offsiders to the main character can't actually act.

I suspect this is another great-idea-badly-executed that will disappear into the mists of television time.
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