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The creme de la creme of cheesy action flicks
Aphex9724 May 2001
I went into this movie with the no expectations, except to see a cheesy action flick. This means I desired high-flying, over-the-top action that includes lots of cool martial arts, mushroom cloud explosions, high speed car chases and catastrophic crashes, and ultra-violent death scenes. Boy does this movie deliver!

I've been reading some of the other user reviews here on imdb and many are saying this is Seagal's best flick. I would probably agree that it is close. His stiff under-acting makes him perfect for this Dirty Harry type part.

The plot is nothing new. Seagal is a strung-out lone ranger cop who plays by his own rules...well you know the type, this character has been used in countless movies. Basically, Seagal's character finally goes too far (by throwing the Vice President off a bridge no less!) Thus, Seagal gets demoted down to the most dangerous precinct in town. Once there, he begins to discover crooked cops and internal conspiracies. With no one to trust and people trying (emphasis on "trying") to kill him left and right, Seagal starts kicking ass and taking names.

Yes I know, this storyline is as old as they come, but I maintain that cheesy action flicks aren't about great or novel plot lines. No, cheesy action flicks are about great action with all the things I listed above, in which, this movie delivers the goods with a bang.

This movie also stars DMX, who is surprisingly competent as one of the main and most interesting characters of the movie. Generally good performances all around. I never noticed any laughably bad acting. Flashy directing and nice production design are also bonuses. This tired plot even still manages a few interesting twists (I won't reveal anything for those who haven't seen the movie, but lets just say everyone is not how they seem, including the bad guys).

FINAL RATING: 7/10 - As good as a cliched action flick can be. Semi-interesting characters, a few plot twists here and there, steady, interesting action, flashy directing, decent performances, plenty of cool explosions, exciting car chases, and numerous excellent violent death scenes. This movie is truly the creme de la creme of cheesy action flicks! Recommended for all action lovers!

Noob Aalox
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I loved it! A total blast!
mattymatt4ever4 August 2001
Anybody should know when you're getting ready to see a Steven Seagal movie you're not getting ready to see a Greek tragedy. What makes "Exit Wounds" special is it's all in good fun. There's no pretentions whatsoever. In fact, it even leaves a good share of the running time for comic relief. You have spectacular action in one corner...you have hilarious comedy in the other...what the hell more can you ask for?

Seagal hasn't made an action flick in a while, so it was great to see him again on the silver screen. He takes a lot of flack for gaining a little weight. OK, so he's heavier than normal. So maybe him and Sammo Hung been hanging out in the same buffet. But Seagal can still kick butt like he did back in "Above the Law" and "Hard to Kill." His action scenes are always fun to watch. As I tell people, I'm not easily aroused by action scenes. I can be just as bored by an action scene as one would get bored during an episode of "Masterpiece Theater." But Seagal's action scenes have a sense of originality and flare. Big deal. He's not the best actor. Does his work require great dramatic acting? Would a dramatic monologue be appropriate during one of HIS movies? Let's be sensible. I think people are way too hard on the man. He's still cool with me.

In the comedy department, we have the uninhibited Tom Arnold. Arnold plays the stereotypical cheesy talk show host, who takes anger-management classes with Seagal. There's a hilarious scene where Seagal loses his temper and throws a fit, yelling to the teacher "I'm a happy person!" with anger in his eyes. Then Arnold decides that Seagal would be a perfect guest for his show. Also, we have Anthony Anderson of "Me Myself and Irene" fame. He was one of the foul-mouthed African-American brothers in the Farrelly Brothers comedy. He gets an even bigger opportunity to flaunt his comic chops in this flick. In fact, him and Tom Arnold have a hysterically funny conversation at the end credits, so PLEASE don't be so quick to walk out the theater.

DMX is not a terrific actor, but he's fairly good. He proves his discipline as an actor in a more restrained role than his starring role in Hype Williams' "Belly." In that film, he pretty much portrayed a character out of all his rap videos. So that wasn't a big stretch. "EW" gives him more to work with. Not the role of a lifetime, but meatier than a drug-dealing "gangsta." And did I mention Jill Hennesy is in the cast? Oh...mannnnn! She is an absolute knockout! Perfect eye candy! Throw in a gratuitous strip club scene(which this film has), and we have the ultimate guy flick.

With DMX in the lead, naturally we have to expect some of his songs on the soundtrack. And he provides some good stuff. One--which was used in the previews and thankfully was used in the movie too--is a remix of "Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone." It's quite innovative how they insert an artist's songs into a movie's soundtrack. There's also a scene where DMX is picking out a car and blasts on the stereo his song "Why Do Good Girls Love Bad Guys."

There isn't much depth to "Exit Wounds." In fact, I don't know if there's any depth. But a film like this is meant strictly for exhibition. And in that department, it really really delivers! It's exciting! It's funny! It's rousing! It's a thrill a minute! You won't be bored for a second! An hour and thirty minutes of sheer, uninhibited fun! "Exit Wounds" won't have you heading to the exit. In fact, you probably won't even want to go out for popcorn you'll be having such a great time! Strap in!

My score: 7 (out of 10)
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A dance of violence...
Nazi_Fighter_David19 April 2004
'Exit Wounds' begins explosively with a terrorist raid on the Vice President, who is surrounded by an array of police escorts…

When renegade Detroit detective Orin Boyd (Seagal) takes on the whole Michigan militant group to save the man's life, in true action hero fashion, he is punished for his lack of respect for authority and procedure and sent to one of the toughest precincts in the city of Detroit, the 15th…

Once there, Seagal begins his usual habit of investigating things he's not assigned to, and quickly begins to suspect police corruption involving a major heroin operation…

Seagal plays a super tough cop who stays in trouble for complaints filed against him for excessive force…

He lands in a bad dangerous precinct and before you know it finds himself in nonstop furious action, trying to clean up the streets while taking on drug dealers and dirty cops pretty much all by himself…

Seagal is accompanied in this film by rapper DMX and a few other familiar faces including Anthony Anderson who is absolutely hilarious
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Guilty Action Pleasure
MrP82318 February 2003
Pretty straightforward action flick that is absolutely ridiculous and yet I can forgive it. You see there was nothing I loved more as a child than watching the movie heros fight the bad guys and ultimately take them out to restore peace to the free world. However, somewhere in the mid-90's, these kind of films (which I have appropriately labelled "The Big Dumb Action Movies") became a lost art and gave way to newer more complex action thrillers. In some instances this was for the better and in other instances, let's just say you were left longing for the days of old when Johnny Rambo dashed acrossed a battlefield in the jungle with his extra powerful M-60 machine gun and mowed down some Commie scum. One of the men at the frontline of the old action genre movies was Steven Seagal. His older movies were an action fan's wet dream. They had lots of shooting, lots of brutal fight scenes, and the occasional trademark Seagal staredown. Nevermind the fact that the man couldn't act well even if his children were kidnapped and one of the ransom demands from the kidnappers was for not only $5 million dollars but also for Seagal to play at least one scene in a new movie with a different tone of voice and a different facial expression.

But the entertainment was there and when I saw "Exit Wounds," I was automatically thrown back into the mind of a young boy all over again. Here's a movie that gives an old fan of action exactly what they could ever hope for. Lots of martial arts, lots of great shootouts, and over the top stunts (maybe with a little bit of help from those damn cables and CGI but let us ignore this for the time being). This movie is a lot of fun and I was glad to see Seagal make a return to the kind of movie that people actually will pay to see him in, even if this is just a one time deal for the pony tail sporting Aikdo artist. If it is simple minded action you crave, then you can't go wrong with "Exit Wounds," which is really more of a throwback than anything. When you see the legendary action film veteran Bill Duke on the screen with those crazy eyes, you know you're officially watching a "Big Dumb Action Movie."
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"I'm a sh*t magnet." Routine Seagal action thriller.
poolandrews13 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Exit Wounds is set in Detroit where an attempt is made on the Vice President's (Chris Lawford) life, tough city cop Orin Boyd (Steven Seagal) takes it upon himself to single handedly save the Vice President & start World War III in the process. Boyd's bosses aren't happy, the secret service aren't happy & the Vice President isn't happy so as punishment Boyd is sent to work in Precinct 15, the biggest s-hole in Detroit & undergo anger therapy. Boyd is partnered up with patrol cop George Clark (Isaiah Washington) who quickly stumble across a plot by a gang of corrupt cops to steal impounded heroin from the police lock up & sell it, unsure of who they can trust Boyd & Clark have to go it alone dodging bullets as they try to clean up Precinct 15...

This American Australian co-production was directed by Andrzej Bartkowiak & one has to say that Exit Wounds is a pretty ordinary & routine action thriller about some one man army super cop bringing down some drug dealers. The script by Ed Horowitz & Richard D'Ovidio was based on the novel by John Westermann & feels like a mishmash of action film clichés cobbled together. There's the obligatory white cop black cop partnership which never actually goes anywhere, the lone maverick cop whose wife left him because of the job & has to go it alone to catch the bad guy's, the predictable plot twists, various fight & action scenes which have little relevance to the story, some awful comedy relief & a fairly routine Hollywood thriller plot about drugs. Nothing really gels that well in Exit Wounds, most of the events seem unconnected & somewhat random. To be fair to Exit Wounds though it passes 100 odd minutes harmlessly enough, it's certainly not the worst film out there & there's one or two memorably spectacular action set-pieces & there's a funny little nod towards the brutality of Seagal's earlier films in that his character is forced to go to anger management therapy in a fairly amusing scene which also pokes a little bit of fun at his weight & that he is getting fatter & fatter with each passing film he makes. Unfortunately to balance that amusing scene out the ending is truly dire with the two main comedy relief character's talking to each other & trying to be funny, a truly embarrassing scene. While there's nothing hugely wrong with Exit Wounds there's nothing that great about it either, basically it's fairly predictable Hollywood stuff saved by some impressive action scenes.

Director Bartkowiak does a decent job, the film looks nice with bright cinematography, some nice angles especially during the opening shoot-out on the bridge, there's plenty of clean lines, fast sports cars, hip music & it has a bit of style about it. The action scenes save Exit Wounds, from a huge shoot-out on a bridge to exploding cars to gunfights to martial arts fights to motorbike chases to car chases to all sorts of explosions, property damage & brutality. It actually looks like Seagal put some effort into the fight scenes in Exit Wounds, in fact Exit Wounds is probably the best film Seagal has made during the twenty first century & the last of his big budget Hollywood flicks with Warner Bros. While filming in Hamilton during the scene when the van rolls upside & skids along the street with everyone inside jumping out a stuntman died after the stunt went wrong, this scene was re-shot later which probably cost a lot since it's one of the more expensive looking action scenes in the film. Apparently filming was also delayed when actor David Vadim was arrested & charged with sexual assault by police on the set!

With a supposed budget of about $33,000,000 Exit Wounds did OK at the box-office taking about $20,000,000 during it's opening weekend. The film certainly has that big budget Hollywood polish about it & the production values are high & glossy. Set in Detroit but largely filmed in Canada. The acting is alright, Seagal is OK I suppose. When I first saw the credits & saw someone called DMX I thought isn't that a make of bike? But then I realised that's a BMX... Fine character actors such as Tom Arnold, Isaiah Washington, Bill Duke, Jill Henessey & Bruce McGill are all wasted in small roles but the films still definitely better for having them there.

Exit Wounds is a pretty routine action thriller that takes most of the Hollywood stereotype's & clichés & churns out a reasonable flick with which to pass 100 odd minutes. Exit Wounds is nothing amazing but it's not too bad & the action scenes provide plenty of bang for your money, neither the best action film out there or the worst.
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Exit Wounds is a passable action movie with lots of action and violent fights .
ma-cortes16 December 2021
In the movie there is action , tongue-in-cheek , struggles of Kung Fu style , pursuits , comedy and packs a lot of bemusement . This is a buddy movie action film with nice protagonists as Steven Seagal , DMX and Isaiah Washington Jr .Elaborately produced action film with two-fisted Seagal is just another action film full of struggles , thrills, noisy action , car crashes and lots of violence . Ever-wooden Seagal as almost always , playing a stalwart and loner fighter cop eliminating enemies of incredible manners , as he delivers the goods in his own style full of usual violence and fights with snapping wrists and worth it just to see Steve in action . He's Orin Boyd (Steven Seagal) , a Detroit cop who after saving the Vice President by violating every order he received he is transferred to one of the worst precincts in the city commanded by a stubborn boss , Annette Mulcahy (Jill Hennessy ) . Shortly after , he encounters a cobweb of corruption and dirty policemen . What Can Two Men Do Against A Gang Of Crooked Cops? Whatever It Takes. This Is Gonna Hurt .

Well-paced action film with two-fisted Seagal is just another action film full of struggles , thrills , noise and lots of violence with overwhelming and breathtaking set pieces . Violent and not particularly literary but worthy entry in action genre and realized in ¨Seagal¨ style . Wooden Seagal plays the violent Orin Boyd , he cleans up the city by means of punches , kicks and leaps by using abundant martial arts with fights certainly slick . Ever-wooden Seagal as almost always , playing a stalwart and loner fighter cop , he delivers the goods in his own style full of usual violence and fights with snapping wrists and worth it just to see Steve in action . Performances are middling but it's an action film where important are the quarrels and the pursuits . He picture was made in the Seagal's best period when he played high budget movies such as ¨Hard to kill¨(1990 by Bruce Malmuth) , ¨Under siege¨ ( Seagal's best film to date, 92) , and the sequel titled : ¨Dark territory¨ (1995, Geoff Murphy), ¨Executive decision¨ (96 by Stuart Baird), ¨Glimmer man¨ (96, John Gray) , ¨Exit wounds¨(2001, Andre Bartkowiak) , among others . Nowadays ,he does fairly low standards, lesser budget and direct to video , such as ¨Half past dead¨, ¨The foreigner¨ and its sequel, ¨Shadow man ¨, ¨Flight of fury¨, ¨Urban justice¨ and many others . Co-stars the recently deceased DMX who performed three nice action films : Romeo must die , Exit Wounds and Cradle 2 The Grave along with Seagal , Jet Li and Anthony Anderson. Cradle 2 the grave is not only the 2nd film to star DMX, Jet Li, and Anthony Anderson together , it is the first film where all three of them share screen time with each other . All three of them starred in Romeo Must Die . Support cast is pretty good , such as : Isaiah Washington , Anthony Anderson , Michael Jai White , Jill Hennessy , Bill Duke , Tom Arnold , Bruce McGill , David Vadim and Eva Mendes . Here stands out Tom Arnold and Anthony Anderson who interpret a humorous and first-rate couple .

It contains a colorful and evocative cinematography by Glen MacPherson . As well as a thrilling and stirring musical score by Damon 'Grease' Blackman and Jeff Rona . The motion picture was regular but professionally directed by Andrzej Bartowiak . This filmmaker as member of the American Society of Cinematographers (ASC) is considered to be one of the best cameramen and occassionaly has directed some movies . Breakthrough film was his work as a cameraman on the gritty urban thriller Prince of City (1981) , his first collaboration with Sidney Lumet. Bartkowiak worked on the director's next 11 films over the next 12 years. Bartkowiak became much in demand after his taut camera work in Speed (1994) and has worked twice for Barbra Streisand in Nuts (1987) and The mirror has two faces (1996) . Rating Exit Wounds(2001) : 5.5/10 , mediocre but entertaining . Acceptable and passable.
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Welcome Back Steven Seagal
Theo Robertson29 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
If there`s one thing I love about Steven Seagal it`s the hope he gives to humanity , no matter how untalented you are every man , woman and child on the planet can watch a Seagal movie and say " Wow , what a guy . A man whose talent has no beginning and he became a movie star . God bless the American dream "

***** SPOILERS *****

And what a comeback by Steven . EXIT WOUNDS opens with some fascist militia types trying to blow away a politician standing on an anti gun ticket , only to have our hero ride into the firefight and save the day . Ah but don`t be fooled into thinking this is another holistic PC thriller with ecological overtones because the rug is pulled from under our feet with Steven going after a bunch of drug dealing homeboy gangsters . Wow , what a change of pace for a man who makes ecological statement thrillers . Even more of an earthquake is the fact that EXIT WOUNDS contains a lot of humour at the expense of Steven Seagal . Has our hero found sophisticated post modernism ? Will he realise the irony of his initials being SS who `s made umpteen films where he blows away lots of fascists ? I`m telling you after seeing this film Mr Seagal has gone up in my estimation and Vin Diesel wins my vote as the worst action star Hollywood has ever produced
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Don't call it a come back....
kenandraf19 March 2001
Segal has been here for years and he has a lot of unfair critics becouse he is an unabashed liberal.He is a Budhist as well which ticks a lot of conservative USA's buttons.But with the growing open mindedness in the US population,Segal does not fade away.This action hero epitomises discipline and heroism.This movie was an average action movie but could have been a classic if the martial arts choreography was done better.There were a lot of cartoonish martial arts sequences that did not belong like DMX holding his own too much against Segal,DMX's shotgun trigger tied to belt sequences,and the like.The movie was very entertaining though and the comic relief was done well.Not the best Segal movie but certainly not the worst.Recomended for Segal fans,hiphop fans,action fans and cop movie fans......
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Worth it for the end credits
Lupercali26 December 2002
Warning: Spoilers
* Minor Spoilers and some adult content *

I rented this one up because I'd grabbed two other movies which looked slightly cerebral, and I wanted a stupid action movie to offset them - so I knew what I was getting myself into.

I remembered that Stephen Seagal basically couldn't act, but I couldn't remember what it was about him that kept getting him movie roles. I thought it might have been something to do with his having a more or less perfectly rectangular head, but then I remembered that he did martial arts stuff. So when all the martial arts sequences in this movie turned out to be in slow motion, I decided it had to be the rectangular head thing after all.

Anyway suffice to say Exit Wounds isn't that terrible a movie, so long as you go in expecting a stupid action B movie with incredibly bad acting, a ludicrous plot, and a guy with a rectangular head who can do great stunts in slow motion. As a matter of fact I fell asleep about 5 or 10 minutes from the end. But here's the good part - I woke up about 10 seconds into the closing credits.

This was a very surreal experience. What you get in the closing credits are two of the supporting characters who, to the best of my memory never even MEET each other in the movie - sitting down in one of those cute, quasi-outakes or bloopers they run during credits (except it can't be an outake or blooper, because the characters never met), and coming out with this 3 minute stream of increasingly graphic anecdotes about masturbation and defecation. I mean, they start talking about how many times a day they masturbate, what they wipe the semen up with, the fact that one of them once s*** the bed, etc, etc - and I wake up to this thinking what the hell is going on here? I mean, it's like outtakes from South Park rolling in the closing credits for a Charles Bronson film. It was one of the most incongruous things I've ever seen at the end a film. And sad to say it was considerably _funnier_ than the attempts at humour in the actual movie.

I gave Exit Wounds 5 out of 10. Without the bizarre closing credits it would have copped a weak 4.
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Is admitting you're a cop always a good thing?
michaelRokeefe24 August 2002
High kicking, hard punching Steven Seagal is a renegade cop that fights police corruption inside the Detroit Police Department. Five million dollars worth of heroin is taken from evidence storage and becomes obvious that it is the work of crooked cops. Plenty of action, explosions and vivid fighting...obligatory for a Seagal movie. The very diverse cast includes:Isaiah Washington, Anthony Anderson, Bruce McGill, Tom Arnold, the gorgeous Jill Hennessy and an outstanding performance from rapper DMX. The story line and very good F/X take back seat to the dervish martial arts combat.

DMX not only plays a double roll in this tale of corruption in the toughest precinct of Detroit; but also is featured on the loud and hard hitting soundtrack. The highlight of which is a DMX remake of the Bill Wither's classic "Ain't No Sunshine.. When You're Gone".
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Watchable, but very forgettable Movie
mjw23052 January 2007
Seagal plays he usual style role of a renegade cop with no respect for authority. DMX is a gangster with whom Seagal teams up with to find out who has stolen fifty kilos of heroin from the vaults of a Detroit police vault.

The teaming up of a hard cop and a hard gangster in a different take on the buddy cop genre was a nice idea, but it raises too many plot flaws and the duo don't have the comedy timing to make it work well.

Exit Wounds does entertain with it's action and thrills, but its ultimately forgettable.

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Seagal proved he still had it, then flunked out again
Despite Fire Down Below being a No. 1 hit in America, it went straight to video here in the UK and killed Seagal's career for four years. But then veteran action producer Joel Silver thrust Steve back in the limelight, put him on the Slimfast diet gave him slightly better material to work with. After all, an actor can only do as good as the script.

From a novel of the same name by John Westerman (but bearing minimal resemblance to it) the plot centers on Orin Boyd, a cop busted down to patrolman after a rough encounter with the Vice-President. Once on the streets Boyd's suspicious nose can't keep him out of trouble with undercover cops who are trying to bust local Drug Boss Latrell Walker…or so it seems.

There are many attempts at irony throughout the movie and surprisingly enough most of them work. Boyd is forced to attend rage control classes in which he meets eccentric TV host Henry Wayne (Tom Arnold) who becomes his wannabe partner. But sadly enough the classes don't work as Boyd continues to uses violence first, ask questions later. And there is a public service announcement too; Seagal survives a car wreck by airbag. A later car crash victim doesn't have one and dies.

Dozens of cop movie clichés staple the flimsy script together. And the bad guys are obvious from the moment they appear on screen. Bartkowiak's direction is better than in his debut Romeo Must Die, and adds a heavy dose of frenetic rush to such a fast-paced film. However the set-up and execution of the story is so dull you'll forget about it half an hour after the credits roll.

Seagal has learned a little, just a little, more in the acting area but still doesn't know how to express himself much. There's too much frowning and not enough other emotions from Boyd. We do want to feel more from him but he won't allow us. I guess this is just how Seagal is. He just can't get away from himself no matter what role he plays. I wish Seagal would try harder, but he just never bothers with making an effort.
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First half a 9 and the second half a 3
mm-399 September 2001
The first half of this film is fun to watch. It has humor, action, and does not take itself to seriously. I like the scene where Stegal goes to a anger management class, but and there is a but in this review. The film loses steam in the second half. Unbelievable plot twists, the usual by the number action sequences, which tie up the movie in a boring ending.
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Not entirely unexpected
neil-4762 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Don't you hate it when the hero and his mate have the bad guys held up and then the hero's mate swings his gun round and points it at the hero, and it turns out he's one of the bad guys after all? Most recently seen in high profile in SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER Indiana Jones 4? Well guess what? Spielberg didn't think of it. And neither did the people behind Exit Wounds - it was already old hat when they came up with the idea of trotting it out towards the end of this rather routine Seagal vehicle.

Seagal is a problem cop, transferred to a problem precinct where the main activity is playing "Guess who's not corrupt". We have a black crime boss who has a monumentally irritating comedy fat black sidekick, plus Tom Arnold in screaming over-the-top mode (is he ever in any other mode?).

You may come to the conclusion at this point that I found this movie rather tiresome. If Seagal butt-kicking action is your thing - and it's OK, that's why I watched the movie - there's some of that in it, but this film severely lacked anything approaching originality - it was simply tired old formula from start to finish. And not even a good example of the formula, either.
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Good ideas. Bad production.
suspense1000323 February 2004
For a plot with a lot of potential and decent acting from decent actors, this film could have been much worse. Seagall played his typical role as a tough mouthed and tempered cop who can't comply with authority figures. DMX also stars as a supposed criminal involved in the drug game. I expected how Seagall's part would pan out, however i was surprised on how DMX's presence and acting were not horrendous, though not great. Overall great effects and some fun plot twists Exit Wounds not a bad film to sit down and watch.
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By-the-numbers flick but stylish with requisite action elements
shakercoola2 August 2018
An American action drama; A story about a reprimanded hero policeman who uncovers corruption in his new role at a notorious police district in Detroit. This is a film adaption of the novel by John Westermann. The role of a renegade cop with no respect for authority is a well-worn story and this one also has plenty of plot holes and dialogue which frequently goes amiss. However, it is engaging, well produced and directed with a lot of bangs for your buck, fizzing action and impressive stunts. A humourous take on the tough guy image of cops worked quite well. It's unoriginal but it is tautly plotted and the balletic flo-mo violence provides some distraction.
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Steven Seagal's last good movie: Action packed and full of great stunts.
yihdzelonh24 December 2016
Until very recently, I had never seen Exit Wounds. Until I just now saw it for the first time ever, my opinion was that Fire Down Below (1997) was the last 'good' movie that Seagal ever starred in. After seeing Exit Wounds, I have had a change of opinion: Exit Wounds is definitely a better movie than Fire Down Below in most aspects...and THIS is Seagal's last good movie.

I had always had the impression that right around the early 2000s, Seagal was 'done': Washed up, out-of-shape, difficult to understand when he talks, too raspy and subdued a voice, etc. Exit Wounds was a shocking surprise: Seagal was not difficult to understand at all, he was in the best shape I've seen him in I believe since the early 90s, and looked nearly as adept at hand-to-hand combat and running, jumping, etc. as I've ever seen him.

The stunts in Exit Wounds -especially the car chases- were for the most part extremely well, done, exciting, hard-core and very realistic. The movie was quite action-packed...and both for the better and worse 'hard-core': Too much 'sensuality,' 'black culture,' feminism, gangsta feel, profanity, etc. This resulted in a lot of humorous situations but also some 'cringe-inducing' situations as well. Why would Steven Seagal take orders from a woman. Difficult to realistically believe. I wouldn't. Women DO belong 'barefoot and in the kitchen': This isn't 'chauvanismn'; it's 'wisdom' and 'enlightenment.' Overall, the movie was fairly enjoyable, quite 'watcheable,' and entertaining.
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Cops and Corruption
Prismark1023 August 2014
Exit Wounds is a cheesy action film starring Steven Seagal as a lone wolf type. He saves the life of the Vice President from a right wing militia and for his efforts he gets demoted to a dangerous precinct in downtown Detroit as well as taking anger management classes.

Once there, he finds corruption and crooked cops begins to take things in his own hands to sort out the streets. Tom Arnold provides light relief as a chat show host.

Once again we see a Seagal action film with a liberal message and I guess the mystery of the head honcho of the crooked cops is rather predictable. Seagal by this time was looking over the hill, but its still a decent if dumb kick ass action film.
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One of the best Seagal movies!
NCDuke8913 March 2008
Now I purchased Exit Wounds last week for only $4, and while I have heard from what films Seagal made in 2003-2007 were not that good, I knew something unique was going to be in this movie if I was going to watch it, and something unique was really there.

Orin Boyd (Steven Seagal) is a stressed-out cop who has been moved to a ghetto precinct due to a ballsy ego to save a vice president, but as he progresses to crack a drug case and meanwhile trying to get along with his new boss, Lt.Annette Mulcahy (Jill Hennessy) he realizes that some kind of corruption is taking place within the department. For Orin, trying to crack a drug case and getting along with his fellow officers is close to impossible, but when he is signed to work with a reserved partner George Clark (Isaiah Washington), who also realizes that something deep is taking place, their teamwork is what counts. As Orin gets a lead on a Latrell Walker (DMX), and his quirky, comical criminal friend T.K. Johnson (Anthony Anderson).. a game of cat and mouse occurs within the streets of L.A. and a war is taking place. With more evidence coming up from the lead drug dealer Latrell, it becomes apparent that much of the operation is taking place by the cops in Orin's own precinct, and now it's up to Orin to stop the inside dirty work of his own department and restore peace in the city of L.A..

Supported cast stars: Michael Jai White, Bruce McGill, Bill Duke, and Tom Arnold.

This movie was really good.. I recommend this to anyone who is a Seagal fan. Awesome cast, awesome story and really just very awesome action scenes, I mean Seagal plays in a form I have never seen and it convinces me strongly, so concluding this review, I say.. go buy or rent it, which ever you prefer.. it's a darn good action flick, its not a intelligent action flick, but it's one that Seagal really shows his redemption as a action star.

By the way, the anger class scenes with Seagal are funny!
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Exit Wounds
questl-1859225 November 2019
Steven Seagal and DMX come together to bring us a... Pretty standard cop movie. Set in Detroit, we have Seagal playing a grouchy version of himself while DMX is... DMX. There's really not much to this one. It's not reinventing the wheel or anything and there are no real surprises to be had here. There are some fun action scenes but that doesn't manage to elevate this beyond a mediocre cop flick, and a largely forgettable one at that.
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The funniest Seagal Movie.
Li_8516 June 2006
Exit Wounds may not be a great film, in fact isn't a great film. Stevan Seagal has made far better movies like Marked for death, Under Siege, Hard to kill and Above the Law. Exit Wounds is simply the funniest of his movies I've seen. Seagal is a great Fighter, with very impressive arm moves. One of his speciality is twisting arm and hands in a certain blood vein of muscle. I know that doesn't quite make sense, but if you see his fights carefully, you'll know. DMX co stars in a unrealistic character role, which i still don't relate to. His trying to gather evidence on corrupt cops, with expensive tools used by FBI's and CIA's. It starts of very entertainingly but its the twist that sucked. The corrupt cop in charge copies Usual Suspects famous dialogue. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn't exist.
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Wounded by life...
fmarkland3223 May 2006
An ex-secret service agent turned police officer uses his deadly skills to fight police corruption with a gangster and his new partner. Oh god, this movie is just so bored with itself. It's like one of those police movies that vanishes from memory before the credits enter the twenty second mark. Seagal is also a lot more plump and his fight sequences rely more on camera trickery to disguise the fact that he's really getting to old for this crap. That being said Exit Wounds is probably Seagal's best movie since Under Siege. However that says very little, especially given his quality. There is one stand out moment where Seagal is forced to take anger management classes. However this is all brainless, forgettable stuff all the way through. Not terrible or even boring, just forgettable.

* * out of 4 (Fair)
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Seagal rides with DMX ...to nearly perfect pitch...
buzznzipp199518 February 2007
I took in this movie in the theater, in 01' surprised that Seagal was back with Warner Bros. after departing for a while. The first scene was kind of the beginning joke for the rest of the story. I was laughing when he took matters into his own hands and to avoid allowing the 'Vice" President to be killed in a firefight on the bridge with the impostor police officers that were there for a killing 'contract'. The 'Vice' Prez sort of looked like a cross between Al Gore and then 'future' now former Vice Presidential hopeful John Edwards all rolled into one. I laughed because the best expression that this 'Vice' Prez had on the bridge was...-clueless.

And from the exotic cars and the crazy players that brought game to the screen, this was a breath of fresh air, that year. I think that Steven Seagal played himself, as he always does but just like John Wayne and other big icons, that's what people generally go to see, these stars being the stars they are. I strongly felt that the action and confrontation between Seagal and DMX was a favorable match-up. Corruption in the heart of the downtown precinct. A couple of 'hood-ole'' boys to fight against and expose it. It's an age old tale, but they pulled this one off very well.

I recommend to action and martial-arts fans. This one is a lot of fun...(***)

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lukem-5276013 February 2020
First off let me say that i was a big Steven Seagal fan growing up, i loved the Action genre & watched everyone like Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Van Damme, Willis, Snipes & of course Seagal. I loved Seagal's 90's tough action Classic's such as Marked For Death, Out For Justice, Hard to Kill, Under Siege 1&2 & The Glimmer Man, but after those great Action Thriller's Seagal started slipping in quality of his movies, not sure exactly what happened but after say "The Glimmer Man" i didn't really like any of his films & i was a big fan that watched his 90's faves over & over on video!!!

Here Seagal seemed to really have fun with this film & he hadn't been this much fun before or since. A big film for me in the early 2000's & truly the last great film from Seagal. I did enjoy the cheesy "Half Past Dead" that Seagal made after this one. I so remember the early 2000's as if it were yesterday, it was so different then & better. Exit Wounds was one of the best Action films of the early 2000's in my opinion & i loved how Seagal was like a modern Serpico in the film. I have a connection to Exit Wounds because i grew up watching Seagal on video like we all did, i loved his titles like Marked for Death & Out for Justice & The Glimmer Man (to name a few) Seagal was a major part of my movie-loving-world as a teenager. So i grew up loving the action genre & Seagal was one of my first introductions to it (yes Schwarzenegger, Van Damme & Stallone also) but Seagal's films were so exciting. As the digital computer controlled world came big in the early 2000's Seagal was an ageing Action star of old school action cinema & there for he was an old school action hero dropped into a new digital age & that fitted into his role here perfectly. Exit Wounds was the first Action film i ever saw at the cinema so i have a fondness for it & a big dose of Nostalgia.

Tom Arnold says to Seagal "Welcome to the computer age" so it's clear thsat old school action meets new age special fx & with a bumping rap soundtrack & very slick cinematography are all ingredients that make this flick so enjoyable, it's urban cool.

No over-the-top CGI just old school kick-ass action & bullets flying set pieces. In fact this was the perfect comeback vehicle for Seagal to enter a new era as it was a decent budget slick-looking action cop thriller & it was a decent box office movie. I put Exit Wounds up there with his earlier Classic's like Marked For Death & Out For Justice.

Seagal was lost to me until out came, his comeback movie "Exit Wounds" & it was a chance to finally see a "Seagal" film at the cinema & that was a big deal for me, as i grew up watching his violent (18) rated films on video & here was a chance to see a Seagal action movie as i had reached the age, i could actually see him on the big screen & i was so excited.

It turns out too that his "Exit Wounds" was Awesome in my opinion, i loved it as i got to see an older rugged Seagal that was still in decent shape starring as a tough no-nonsense Cop in an Action-packed Cop Thriller, it was exactly what i wanted!!!

I loved Cop films growing up & Seagal always played one hell of a tough Cop & here in the underrated "Exit Wounds" he plays Maverick Detroit Cop "Orin Boyd" who is demoted to a tough inner-city precinct because of his Take no-prisoners approach to his police work, IT'S a perfect part for Seagal who is moody & angry but often put in funny situations. I loved Seagal's performance here as it felt so suited to his style & approach of an action hero character, he doesn't listen to his superiors & he does things his way & often comes off funny & with some charisma!!!

Seagal uncovers corruption & crooked Cops at this new precinct & gets into all sorts of scraps & shootouts in typical action fashion, this is an Action Thriller & it does exactly what an action Thriller should do with explosions & lots of bullets fired & cool fighting scenes, with a bunch of funny characters like Anthony Anderson & Tom Arnold who supply the funny moments amongst the Action.

Also Rapper turned action star DMX is good here & also the always solid Isaiah Washington (Ghost Ship) has a good role & another cult action star Michael Jai White (Spawn) is great here too & we get intense veteran actor Bill Duke (Predator,Commando) in a solid role, so the cast is excellent.

I like the Corruption angle within the police force & i like the fact Seagal goes against the system like a rebel, there's still a darkness to it in a way with all the drugs business & corrupt Cops but it's definitely a fun piece of action entertainment.

This was the last big film of Seagal's to make it to the Cinema & although it wasn't a big hit or loved by critics, well to me it delivered on exactly what it was...An Action Cop Thriller. It's a slick looking film with some good music throughout & a more light-hearted feel at times as well as getting dark & brutal when needed. It was mandatory for those times to include a popular rapper in action films so here we get DMX (R. I. P) who is decent & adds to the hip cool soundtrack also pure early 2000's Hip Hop.

I have always enjoyed it & consider it one of Seagal's best films, it may not be an outstanding "CLASSIC" but it's a damn good fun piece of action entertainment & that's what's missing in today's over the top mega budget Cinema.

Now, just because Seagal has become a B-movie action star doesn't mean all his DTV films are bad!!! He's actually made some decent action Thriller flicks like, Belly of the Beast,Out for a Kill,Submerged, Driven To Kill,Pistol Whipped,A Dangerous Man,The Keeper & Urban Justice (aka Renegade Justice) so he's still enjoyable to watch just in smaller scale films. Also Seagal's Half Past Dead is a fun flick too.

But i do miss his tough rugged charisma & wise cracks, the likes of what's on display here in "Exit Wounds" i think this movie shows his most natural & human side to his character out of all his films & he's genuinely just alot of fun on screen. I love this flick.
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Junk food...
buiger10 March 2007
Unimaginative, full of clichés "off the rack" movie. To put it simply, fast food, and not even of the good, juicy kind. Better still, let's call it junk food. I readily accept that an action movie does not have to be an artistic masterpiece, but this one went really low into the gutter, especially considering the cast involved.

The screenplay is un-involving, in some instances doesn't even make much sense, it is totally unbelievable. The casting is ridiculous (just have a look at the precinct commander, and if you find her believable in her role...). To make things worse for an action movie, even the fighting scenes are not very good either. Most of them are way over the top, and Steven Seagal is by no means up to most of the stuff he is supposed to be doing in them. He looks overweight, slow and totally out of shape (so considering his acting talent, there's nothing left). It would have been much better if he had stayed in 'retirement'. Avoid if possible.
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