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Good old-fashioned dirty-minded fun, even when Jennifer Love Hewitt isn't on screen.
Victor Field20 July 2002
Director David Mirkin used to write for "The Simpsons," which explains why Danny Elfman did the main theme for "Heartbreakers" - a movie that, success-wise, has more in common with The Greatest TV Show Ever than with Mirkin's earlier "Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion," and not just because Shawn Colvin makes a guest appearance here as well. Don't get me wrong, it's not nearly as clever - but it IS often as funny. Plus you get to look at Jennifer Love Hewitt a lot.

Mother/daughter grifter duo Sigourney Weaver and JLH are on the verge of splitting up, but agree to do One Last Big Score (isn't it always the way) in order to get out of trouble with the IRS and part sufficiently loaded; Gene Hackman, as a chain-smoking pensionable zillionaire ("His liver spots are positively luminous") is their mark in Palm Beach and also the source of a lot of the fun. In fact, he and an under-used Ray Liotta come close to swiping the film from the leads, but Sig and Love make a good team, each complementing the other - Weaver's the better actress, but Hewitt holds her own; and though the former's attractive, the latter - even in her blonde disguise - is smokin' (something the film never forgets - you get to look at Jennifer Love Hewitt a lot).

The Robert Dunn/Paul Guay/Stephen Mazur script won't win plaudits from the PC brigade; "Heartbreakers" is often a farce in a good sense, but the female characters come off for the most part not as morally upright as their male counterparts (though Hackman's moneybags is by far the most repellent person here). Pacy for sure, and often funny if not always in what the late British DJ Kenny Everett's Cupid Stunt character called "the best possible taste" (witness the oral sex gags early on), there's a distinct slowing down as the tale unfolds and Jen's growing feelings for a potential mark (Jason Lee) makes it more sentimental than cynics would like; the first half of the movie is funnier and edgier than the second. But you get to look at Jennifer Love Hewitt a lot.

In the end, "Heartbreakers" has a tone a bit too much like the likes of "Are You Being Served?" to be a must-view for all; the movie sometimes comes across like a "Carry On" film. Only with a budget. And good performances. And decent writing. And funny. And with a fine soundtrack. Okay, so it's not much like a "Carry On" film, but it does make for a good two hours' watching; Weaver fans will get a particular kick out of her rendition of "Back In The U.S.S.R.", and Hackman fans will enjoy seeing him upstage everyone except for Hewitt's anatomy; I gave this 7 out of 10, but I should have given this an 8 purely on that count. This is one movie that lives up to its title.

And did I mention you get to look at Jennifer Love Hewitt a lot?
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Screwball comedy; Hackman steals the show
FlickJunkie-24 November 2001
This screwball comedy brings together some great dramatic actors in unaccustomed comedic roles. The results are mixed (but mostly good), with some terrific slapstick and some pure drivel. Maxine (Sigourney Weaver) and Paige (Jennifer Love Hewitt) are two very slick con artists who find rich patsies and marry them, only to divorce them for big settlements after enticing them into indiscretions. When they get nabbed by the IRS for not paying their taxes, they must score one more time to climb out of their financial mess. The target is chain smoking billionaire William B. Tensy (Gene Hackman) who is dying before our eyes of lung disease. The only question is whether Maxine can get him to propose before he keels over. Meanwhile, Paige is running her own scam on Jack (Jason Lee) who owns a bar resting on prime real estate worth $3 Million.

It is mostly pratfall humor, with lots of sight gags and general nuttiness, which is often uproariously funny. The whole idea that the diminutive Paige could have been spawned from the Amazonian Maxine is implied comedy at its finest, leading us to conclude that Paige's father could only have been a midget.

Gene Hackman completely steals the show as the wheezy billionaire. Hackman, who is one of our national treasures as a dramatic actor, shows magnificent range, and he turns out to be the best comedian of the bunch. Sigourney Weaver is also in rare form brandishing some bodacious outfits and undergarments. She is especially funny as Olga, trotting out impressive broken English and even doing some vocals accompanied by a Russian balalaika band. Ray Liotta gives a lighthearted and funny performance as a chop shop owner who can't get over his love for Maxine, even though he knows she scammed him. Jason Lee's understated nice guy portrayal serves as the perfect counterpart to Jennifer Love Hewitt's bratty vamp. The perennially cute Hewitt still can't seem to transition into grownup roles. No matter how sexy they make her up (and they do quite a good job with her considerable attributes), her pubescent mannerisms and delivery still make her come off as a teenage harpy. In her defense, this is what the role required, but it doesn't do much to move her out of her character rut.

Overall, there is a lot of good fun here that is often dissipated by puerile absurdity. Still, there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments, mostly delivered by Weaver and Hackman, that make this a better than average comedy. I rated it 7/10. Fans who like seeing Sigourney and Jennifer in sexy outfits will not be disappointed.
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The Con Is On
jhclues16 April 2001
A movie that proves that what you see is not necessarily what you get, as a mother/daughter team con one well-heeled member of the opposite sex after another, in `Heartbreakers,' directed by David Mirkin and starring Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt. Yes, the con is on, as mom takes ‘em to the altar, daughter seduces ‘em (getting caught in the act by mom, of course), and mom settles for a divorce and some big bucks. For the women, it's like having the goose that laid the golden egg, and all is going well; the bucks are rolling in and Cupid's path is being littered in their wake with the carnage of the men they've despoiled. Then Page (Hewitt), much to the chagrin of her mother, Angela (Weaver), decides it's time to strike out on her own and take down a score for herself. But as fate, luck, chance or what-have-you would have it, at that moment the IRA steps in and not only wipes out their bank account, but hands them a bill for back taxes that far and away exceeds the amount already confiscated. At that point, what's a girl to do, but find another mark. Only this time, it has to be one rich beyond their wildest dreams. And with that, the hunt is on.

An amusing, and at times hilarious comedy, the fact that it works as well as it does can be attributed to two things, by category: Weaver and Hewitt; and Ray Liotta and Jason Lee. For what the movie lacks in originality is made up for with the performances of the aforementioned four. As far as the women, such a pair of femmes fatales you've never seen; Hewitt has it and flaunts it, but she's still overshadowed by the gorgeous Weaver. Looks aside, however, what really makes it cook is their shared if-you-see-me-comin'-better-step-aside, take-no-prisoners attitude, a Mae West meets Kate Hepburn persona that gives their con its zing. Weaver plays it to the hilts, saucy, seductive and sharp as a tack. And not to be outdone by her co-star, Hewitt stays right there with her, by giving a performance that makes you believe that this is a young woman who could actually pull this stuff off. Together, their antics on screen are reminiscent of Lemmon and Curtis in `Some Like It Hot,' or Caine and Martin in `Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.' There's a refreshing lack of pretentiousness about them that really makes them fun to watch.

As for the guys, Liotta gives a sharp performance as Dean, a guy with a hard edge and a soft spot for Angela, and Lee does a notable turn as Jack, a regular guy who finds himself in the eye of Angela and Page's storm. Lee has an especially engaging screen presence, and some of the most memorable moments of the film are in the scenes he shares with Hewitt.

Last, but far from least, Gene Hackman scores some guffaws as billionaire tobacco magnate William Tensy. He gets a bit tongue-in-cheek with his character, who with his tobacco stained teeth and smoker's cough is at the same time hilarious and repulsive. When Angela demurs his attempted kiss, you'd swear you can smell his breath and the reek of smoke from his clothes. And you have to give Hackman credit for this one, because to play this role all vanity had to be stuffed in the closet for the duration.

The supporting cast includes Anne Bancroft (Barbara), Jeffrey Jones (Mr. Appel), Nora Dunn (Miss Madress), Julio Oscar Mechoso (Leo), Carrie Fisher (Mrs. Surpin), Ricky Jay (Dawson's Auctioneer) and Elya Baskin (Vladimir). Director Mirkin must be given credit for his imaginative approach to some fairly unoriginal material, and for making up for it's lack of substance by extracting some top performances from his actors. The real strength of `Heartbreakers,' however, is the fact that it never takes itself too seriously. If you look deep enough, you may find some insight into human nature, but for the most part this is a movie that was made with nothing but fun in mind. It's entertaining, there's some laughs and some nice moments, and it's easy on the eyes. If you let it, it's a movie that will let you off the hook for awhile and show you a good time. And for my money, that's not such a bad deal. I rate this one 7/10.
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Utterly delicious!
Cipher-J2 December 2002
Stories this luscious and sumptuous, well directed and seamlessly edited, with characters faultlessly portrayed by an outstanding cast, come along rarely, and this is one of the best. It is so good that there are not superlatives enough to do it credit. The basic setup is that the principal characters, a mother, tantalizingly portrayed by Weaver, and her daughter, multifacetedly portrayed by Hewett, are "artistes confidence" to the core of their superficial existences. They cannot so much as have "lunch" without practicing their arts of the scam, but mainly they work the old "betrothal" game. Mom gets her rich mark to the alter, then even before the marriage can be consummated, the daughter, pretending to be unrelated, exploits the man's foolish libido, resulting in a substantial settlement after mom catches them apparently "in flagrante." But then things start going haywire when the daughter decides to strike out on her own, because the guy she fixes on as a mark is not like other guys at all. How he is not, and how her character develops as a result, makes for two hours of outstanding comedy and drama.
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A "female" Dirty Rotten Scoundrels
kraziken28 July 2002
After laughing thru most of this movie, it just really reminded me of another "CON artist" movie that made me laugh quite a bit. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels.

Although possibly not as great a comedy as that movie, this flick has many good laughs. And for the complaints of the happy ending, this movie is really a romantic comedy.

Sigourney Weaver is great, and is another female Hollywood lead that proves that older women can be incredibly sexy.

Jennifer Love Hewitt does a convincing job of playing daughter and has good chemistry from Weaver.

Honestly, the people who don't enjoy this movie, are trying to be some sort of online "Siskel and Ebert." We aren't grading a drama or something here, it is a comedy. It is supposed to make you laugh, and in this respect for me, it succeeds.

I was definately laughing thru most of the movie. What more could you want. It is definately worth a rental. Don't let the few bad comments scare you from getting a few good chuckles from this movie.
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Calicodreamin12 January 2020
Heartbreakers has always been one of my low key movie favorites. It's funny, and the acting and plot are actually pretty good. Hewitt and Weaver play mother and daughter so well and really compliment each other. The storyline is well developed and just the right amount of ridiculous. It's just a good mindlessly entertaining movie.
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Extraordinary Love Comedy
ebiros214 October 2012
Funny how easily guys can be fooled by women, but this movie is all about that. Tragically some women can't be trusted, especially when they're working on man's weakness, by using temptation.

The movie takes maximum advantage of all the funny things that can happen when a mother and daughter team of marriage con goes out to dig the gold out of rich men. Unfortunately, the daughter falls for incorruptible decent bar owner. But the plan is still to con the guy into being seduced by the mother (who's pretending to be the cousin of her own daughter) on the night of the wedding of the daughter to the bar owner.

The movie is a comedy but hits close to home about how men can be conned by having wool put over their eyes in the name of love, and by some forceful means. That's what makes this movie an extra delight to watch.

The movie is actually a love comedy with a twist, and lives up to both the comedy, and romance aspect of the story as well.

Jennifer Hewitt and Sigourney Weaver puts on great performance as well as the supporting casts.

Great movie that I wish they made more of its kind.
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Heartbreaking waste of talent
SFLYNNLV25 December 2001
2/10 for the best efforts of Sigorney Weaver and Gene Hackman in this waste of time comedy wanna-be. Ms. Weaver does her best to bolster a stupid story and a poor script. Hackman manages to walk through most of the film and still give it some credibility.

Typical sight gags can not save this poorly written and directed film about a mother and daughter whore team. Out to whoo rich men and then grab huge divorce settlements or death benefits is so 1960's. It would have been somewhat more comic if it were a father-son team (although less politically correct, I suppose - we have too many buddy films already).

Jenifier Love Hewitt is a pleasure to watch. Her skin tight outfits are almost worth the admission or rental fee. That's it. She has minimal acting or comic ability. "Walk-ons" by Anne Bancroft and Ray Liotta were another waste of talent.
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Romantic Comedy (Not Exactly)
mjw23057 March 2004
The film was billed as a romantic comedy, but I didn't see it that way. It's certainly a comedy (with a little romance) but this is far closer to Dirty Rotten Scoundrels than Pretty Woman.

Anyway, when i watched it i found the film to be one of the best comedies i've seen for years. Its about a sexy mother and daughter pairing of Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love-Hewitt who basically marry men for their money; every character seems to be double crossing every other character, and it makes for terrific viewing.

Each member of the cast puts in a top performance, the characters are all intelligently written and the story is very strong and interesting.

I have to recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a good laugh, this is definitely not just a another chick flick, it is a brilliantly funny movie. 8/10
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The chemistry makes the movie work
blazesnakes925 September 2013
Heartbreakers starts out with a simple idea. An mother and daughter con team scams men out of their money. One marry a guy, and the other seduces the guy to lead the guy to be caught. And the mother and daughter con team is played by Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt. At the beginning of the movie, Weaver marries an chop-shop dealer, played by Ray Liotta. Soon enough, everything is going well. Then, Liotta is seduced by Weaver's daughter, played by Jennifer Love Hewitt. And that leads Liotta into a divorce. After scamming Liotta out of his money and taking away his car, Weaver and Hewitt decide to head to Palm Beach, Florida. But, the movie quickly turn another direction. Hewitt wants to go on her own, but Weaver convinces her to stay together. When arriving in Palm Beach, the duo targets an tobacco dealer, played by Gene Hackman, who does a pretty good job. Meanwhile, Hewitt meets a bar owner, played by Jason Lee and quickly falls in love with him. What I liked about Heartbreakers is the chemistry between Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt. The chemistry between the two really holds the movie together. They are really fun and interesting to be see. To be honest, I really have a celebrity crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt. In this movie, I think she does a pretty good job, playing Weaver's daughter. She is funny and pretty throughout this movie. I laughed a lot during this movie and it may not be the best comedy of 2001, but the question I ask myself always when watching a comedy, Did I laugh? The answer that I have is Yes. I laughed during Heartbreakers. An good comedy. ★★★ 3 stars.
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Heartbreaker, dream maker, love taker don't you mess around with me... *SPOILERS*
FeverDog15 June 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I'm dumbfounded at the generally positive comments here for HEARTBREAKERS. This movie starts out shaky and completely derails before it's over; a couple of funny bits don't make up for 2+ hours of idiocy one must endure to find them.

First of my complaints is the movie's lack of characters to care about. Take Jack, played by Jason Lee, for example. Can he be any more stupid? I don't understand why he would fall in love with a girl who treats him so horribly; "Jane"'s schizoid feelings and obvious lying would make any man of reasonable intelligence kick her to the curb. Why is he so blind? Yes, she's got a nice body, but men don't fall in love with a girl's physical attributes, no matter how well they're displayed.

What's going on with Jason Lee, anyway? KISSING A FOOL? STEALING HARVARD? A GUY THING??? Kevin Smith frequently chides Ben Affleck about his more questionable Hollywood movies (ARMAGEDDON, PHANTOMS); I wonder if he's given Lee any pithy comments regarding his failed non-View Askew attempts at romantic-lead status.

But back to J. Love. It's nice to see her continuing to pursue an acting career by way of the Wonderbra. I'm amused that she believes she's got a real future in the movie business, as much as I snickered when her latest CD dropped (off the charts). She should do the Playboy layout while her girls can still hold themselves up.

Enough about Ms. Love - let's talk about Paige, her character in HEARTBREAKERS. How, I wonder, does a mother purposefully raise a child to be an amoral criminal? Did she ever question her mother's way of life? Rebel as a teenager? Turn her mother in for spite? A movie as long as this should have provided some backstory, so we could understand where these people have come from.

Both she and Weaver employ in HEARTBREAKERS screenplay device I abhor: talking to "themselves" (i.e. the audience). The makers of this movie have such a low opinion of their audience's intelligence that they give dialogue to their actresses that can be left unsaid. Hello! HEARTBREAKERS is easy enough to follow - we don't need people muttering what's obvious to anyone with half a brain.

I suppose, if there's anyone in this movie to like, it's the tobacco tycoon played by Gene Hackman. But the movie doesn't help us here, either; this character is just as clueless as Lee's. Surely a successful millionaire would be able to spot such a ruse like Weaver's noticeably spurious Russian act. Gimme a break.

But that's not all. What happened to him after he died? Was his death ruled a natural one? Did the cops wise up to these scam artists? Who discovered the body, and when? Who inherited his fortune? His former maid? Why did th e movie completely forget to resolve this plotline? Why is the movie so absentminded it can't remember its own plot?

Hackman is, by process of elimination, the only character we can possibly like in HEARTBREAKERS, even though he's in only about half the movie. Since the other males are either moronic (Lee) or crooked (Ray Liotta, whose character runs a chop shop), it's a grave error to dispose of Hackman so carelessly.

HEARTBREAKERS contains unlikable characters who inhabit the most contrived plot that's filled with improbable points (like the car accident and the manner of Hackman's final return to his home), all of which is wrapped up in, of course, a happy ending in which all sins are forgiving. These people deserve each other.

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one of the most underrated comedies in years
Heartbreakers is one of the most underrated comedies in years. The dialogue is chock full of juicy one-liners. The chemistry between Hewitt and Weaver is fantastic, and Liotta is terrific as a near-parody of his previous mobster roles. Hackman is solid as usual although he isn't given as much funny material to work with.
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Actually a very enjoyable con caper flick
lisafordeay22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Heartbreakers is a 2001 romantic comedy/crime starring Sigovery Weaver,Jennifer Love Hewitt,Jason Lee and Gene Hackman. A mother and daughter duo who con wealthy men for their money by marrying them and then ditching them, find another target in an old tycoon(Gene Hackman),however when the other girl(JLH) falls for a bar tender named Jack(Jason Lee) she has to wonder could she really be in love with Jack or try and con him just like her mother(S.Weaver)with the old billionaire.

Overall it's no masterpiece but it's still a decent film.
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Avoid at all costs
larserikg20 July 2002
How can Sigourney Weaver, Gene Hackman and Ray Liotta make such a bad

movie? The script stinks, the acting stinks, the phony happy ending stinks. We are supposed to laugh at a corpse with a hard-on. Even the soundtrack is

annoying. Do NOT rent this so-called comedy.
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This is almost worth going to see just because of Jennifer Love Hewitt!
paul_supercala12 May 2002
Much to my surprise, this movie is actually very funny and entertaining! It's about a mother/daughter con team of Max and Page (played by Sigourney Weaver of `Aliens' and Jennifer Love Hewitt of `Can't Hardly Wait') who prey upon wealthy men with the mom as bait and the daughter as cheating material to end the marriage in a fraudulent divorce. Therefore, they get half of everything he owns, which tides them over until the next poor sucker is tracked down. And these are supposed to be the good guys (or girls)? Just like `Hannibal', you end up rooting for the main characters, regardless of their motives. While this seems to work fine for them on a rich chop shop owner named Dean (Ray Liotta of `Goodfellas') and tobacco tycoon William Tensy (Gene Hackman of `Enemy of the State'), they run into a unexpected problem when Page falls for a bar owner named Jack (Jason Lee of `Chasing Amy') and actually grows a conscience on their supposed `last con'. Meanwhile, Dean tracks the two down and uncovers their scam. Due to the hilarious performances by Liotta and Hackman, and the amazing turn for Hewitt (from the dreadful `Party of Five'), this movie stayed on track and kept the laughs rolling. While this could've fizzled in so many spots, it managed to turn itself into one of the most surprisingly enjoyable comedies in a while, possibly due to director David Mirkin's (Romy and Michele's High School Reunion') fast-paced, yet lighthearted touch.
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Not bad
grantss3 January 2023
Max and Page Conners are a mother-and-daughter con team. Max singles out wealthy men and convinces them to marry her. Once married, Page seduces him, ensuring that Max catches them in the act. Cue divorce proceedings and a large settlement. What could possibly go wrong, except maybe falling in love?

A decent romantic-comedy. Plot is basic and predictable but there are some very funny moments. There's also some decent dramatic moments too.

Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt are great in the lead roles. Solid supporting cast that includes Ray Liotta, Gene Hackman, Jason Lee, Anne Bancroft, Carrie Fisher and Sarah Silverman.
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Jennifer Love Hewitt is hottest she has ever been in this
KineticSeoul23 February 2010
"Heartbreakers" is a comedy with 2 con artists both female named Max Conners(Sigourney Weaver) and her daughter Page Conners/Jane Helstrom(Jennifer Love Hewitt) that go around conning men out of there money, because usually when it comes down to it they know most of the time men tend to think with there dick instead of there brain when dealing with attractive women. And putting a actress such a Sigourney Weaver to play the con artist, the director or the writer probably thought the audience would actually root for her and her scheme. But besides the film portraying these two con artists as the not so bad girls being beyond me, it was actually pretty entertaining. I mean it's nothing to go rush out and see and Jennifer Love Hewitt was hottest she has ever been and the supporting cast did a decent job as well although not as hot as Love Hewitt. The plot and the character interaction is way over the top although it was probably for some comedic value, again okay film to check out if you have few hours to kill, just don't take the film seriously and you will be alright.

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Surprisingly Clever Film About Filthy, Dirty Women
gavin69427 August 2006
There was a rumor in high school that I had an incredible crush on Jennifer Love Hewitt, presumably based off my love of the movie "Can't Hardly Wait". Well, that rumor was false. But if I had seen this movie in high school (a temporal impossibility), things might have been different.

This film stars Hewitt, alongside Sigourney Weaver, as a pair of black widows who con men into marrying them so they can reap the divorce money. What is not so interesting is the plot (clever, but nothing special). It's the impressive list of guest stars they con along the way: Kevin Nealon, Ray Liotta, Jeffrey Jones, Gene Hackman and Jason Lee.

If the cast doesn't sell you, there are key scenes you won't want to miss: Sigourney Weaver posing as a Russian woman singing the Beatles' "Back in the USSR"... and Ray Liotta hunting fish with a pistol.

If nothing else, the subtle "Chasing Amy" reference probably makes this whole film worth it. (Okay, not true... but I appreciated it.) My only two complaints: Sarah Silverman needed a bigger part (maybe TJ Thyne did, too). And who is the guy who keeps thinking that Sigourney Weaver should be put in sexy roles? That person needs to be strung up in the alley.
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I've never looked at my watch so many times in 2 hours.
ToddGack6919 May 2001
How can people say that this movie is fresh and funny?

I don't think that there was one joke in this pathetic movie that was new. Even the jokes that were remotely funny, ceased to be funny because they were so predictable. Another strike against it? All of the characters were unlikable. Sure, Jason Lee was ok, but how could he like Jennifer Love Hewitt when she was such a bimbo bitch. Sigourney Weaver is now trying to play sexy roles with this movie and Galaxy Quest. WHY? She wasn't good looking in Alien and Gorrillas in the Mist, and she isn't good looking now. But at least in those movies she could act. How many times must we rehash the same old boring and tacky jokes? 1/10
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So cool to watch again and again!!!!!!
inga_cutebaby_ella29 April 2006
What a fabulously funny film!!!! Jennifer love Hewitt and Sigourney Weaver work so well together, and the emotional scenes in the film are so believable. Plus looking at Jennifer love Hewitt in a series of brightly coloured micro dresses is fabulous. You can really tell she is turning from a little bitch to a sensual beauty who cares. Sigourney Weaver is so funny, I was in stitches listening to her as "olga". What I did find confusing though was her constant hair colour and length change. One minute its long and red, the next like a bob and blonde, was it a wig, if so where was the indication!!!! Her rendition of "back in the U.S.S.R" was hilarious yet catchy. Ray Liotta, Gene Hackman and Jason Lee as the love-struck victims are perfectly cast.In the scene where Jennifer Love Hewitt is on the bed "sleeping", and opens her eyes crying, I was and still am choked when I see it. Fab film folks 10/10
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Jennifer Love Hewitt in Heartbreakers, you got the best of me.
tbills24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Oh my god, love this marvelous movie! Heartbreakers is 1 of the hottest, sexiest, funniest comedies around. Sigourney Weaver is a megabeauty, I repeat, a megabeauty and Jennifer Love Hewitt is just an ultracutie. Jennifer Love (a very underappreciated actress by many but not me because she's soooo hot it's like it almost counts against her) in her tight grey dress and black underwear in the office scene with Ray Liotta is genuinely exquisite. She shows her butt so nice. It IS the hottest thing I've ever seen on film. This movie's hilarious CONsistently and CONsensusly regardless of what haters say and also CONfidently too, no puns intended. Weaver's really sexy in this and quite flattering but Love Hewitt has so many hot dresses and sexy outfits and scenes that are purely delightful. Is there a sexier comedy than Heartbreakers? I don't know but this is a very well-written and extremely good movie. 1 of my all-time favorites. I heart Heartbreakers & I love Love Hewitt & Sigourney & when Gene Hackman is hacking on his cigarette swatting at the cat with his cane! This is purely enjoyable lighthearted fluff that's so funny all the way through. Jennifer Love Hewitt is so hot in this film, I repeat, sooo hot. Heartbreakers is very visually appealing and colorful as it also has a great original theme tune to it. Hewitt shows she's a great actress here a true A-lister who got screwed by Hollywood. She's a dazzling beauty.
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Barely made it through the first hour.
JulieKelleher5715 May 2002
After sitting through two excrutiating hours of "What Women Want," I promised myself I'd never sit past the first hour of a movie simply for the sake of finishing it. I was checking the elapsed playing time of "Heartbreakers" after only fifteen minutes. The movie was unfunny. The script was plodding, and the plot was, well, just not there. The acting was mediocre - if Sigourney Weaver makes one more mistake like this, she'll end up doing infommercials. I hope she, Liotta, and Hackman were paid well, though I doubt all the money in the world could not compensate for the damage this may do to their careers. And speaking of money, who was paid off to get a PG-13 rating on this trashy piece of bad soft-porn.
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I Loved Heartbreakers!
BettieTeese12 March 2005
Pussy Power is this films message,and Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love Hewitt are two hot actresses who team up to create Max and Page Conners,a seductively sexy mother/daughter con team who deviously lure men into marriage and then leave them broken hearted,and....Broke. Heartbreakers is a delightful comedy that proves how deceitful a clever woman can be,as Weaver demonstrates as the gorgeous and alluring Max Conners,who targets wealthy gentleman,walks them down the aisle,and then empties their pockets through divorce when she discovers that they have eyes for other women.But the amusing thing about this film is that the other women is Max's sexy younger daughter Page,and she can turn just as many heads as her mother.Unknown to her husbands,Page is trained to seduce them,helping her mother get out of her newest marriage with a few bucks in her pocket,and the freedom to put more foolish men under her spell.Ray Liotta is hilarious as Dean,and Vinnie Stagliano,the ex husband of Max,who is bitter and desperate for revenge when he discovers how much of a bitch his ex wife is.Meanwhile,Page believes she could just as easily lure men into marriage like her mother,and sets her sights on Jack Withroe (Jason Lee)a bar owner who falls in love with her,unaware of her game.But the plot really gets interesting when we learn that Page has a heart and is in love with Jack.The ending is exciting,enjoyable and romantic.Heartbreakers is a fun film for the females,with plenty of eye candy and cleavage for the males!
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Amazed, ashamed and loving it
soralapio8 July 2002
First a disclaimer - I would never rent or go see a movie like this. It's just not my cup of tea.

That being said, when I tore my ligaments and was forced to stay in bed all day long, I quickly ran out of things to do. My brother rents this kind of stuff all the time and out of boredom I popped the disc into my DVD player and prepared for pain. To my surprise I loved this movie. It's witty, it's funny and it's sexy. Of course scantily clad Sigourney Weaver and Jennifer Love-Hewitt contribute to the last item of praise.

Give the movie a chance and rent it. You might like it.
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not good
Srrmar22 January 2002
I did now enjoy this movie. The ladies in it weren't funny, and the only person who made me laugh was gene hackman's character. jut about everything he did made me laugh. but if he wasn't in the scene, then i was bored. there are better movies out there to watch. but you can watch it if youre bored. i think i'm dumber after watching this movie. 2/10
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