Collision Course (1989) Poster

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If you're from Detroit
joseroberto293 May 2005
The movie is worth watching if you're from Detroit or are familiar with the area, as a lot of the city's highlights are featured as scenery. It's also decent if you just have to watch Jay Leno as an actor. But there's a reason he's a show host. Pat Morita never seems confident in his role as the visiting cop. It's a little comical at first, especially if one is only familiar with his roles in the Karate Kid movies and Happy Days. Jay Leno seems overly smug as the guy who's smarter than his superiors and they resent him for it. He must have had a lot of fun driving the cars he got to in the movie. Maybe they were his own, as he is a huge auto enthusiast. It's a very clichéd cop movie that's been done dozens of times. But, no movie captures Detroit better.
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"Destiny put us together you know".
lost-in-limbo6 August 2011
Jay Leno? Yep comedian Jay Leno stars alongside Pat Morita (of "Karate Kid" fame) in director Lewis Teague's fundamentally nonsensical, but likable cross-cultural (there's plenty of gags stemming from that) action comedy that sees the mismatch pair team up to chase down a new turbo charged engine prototype that was illegally smuggled into the US. With murder on the cards, it doesn't look like its going to be easy for these two Tokyo and Detroit detectives. No surprise, but a genial Leno really chews it up with his wittily side-splitting dialogues and the script rapidly keeps it coming. Morita's dry style works off him well enough making a dynamic duo. Everything else (including its intrusive material that gets topical with its industrial backdrop of motor companies) feels secondary to their comical bickering and investigative follow-up. Sadly from that, the rest of the stellar cast are overshadowed. Tom Noonan (a survival nut) and Randall "Tex" Cobb make impressive henchmen thugs, who work for Chris Sarandon's seamy businessman. Also joining in is Ernie Hudson, John Hancock, Al Waxman, Denis Holahan Richard Grant and a blink-and-you-miss-it Mike Starr. Formulaic conventions aside, it's well shot, moves at a good pace and engineers some excitingly loud action (where it even rips Norris' famous jump-kick through car windshield) in this very much flamboyant 80s buddy cop product.

"I don't get paid to be civilised".
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"Not Bad Action-Comedy!"
gwnightscream4 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Pat Morita, Jay Leno, Chris Sarandon, Tom Noonan and Ernie Hudson star in this 1989 action-comedy. This takes place in Detroit, Michigan where we meet detective, Tony Costas (Leno) who works homicide. We also meet Japanese detective, Fuji Natsuo (Morita) who is sent to Detroit to find a man who has stolen a prototype for a turbo charger. After Costas' ex-partner friend is killed, he investigates and soon works with Natsuo to find his killer and the stolen prototype. Sarandon plays crooked businessman, Philip Madras, Noonan plays his right-hand thug, Scully and Hudson plays Shortcut, a detective who works with Costas. I've always enjoyed this film even though it has some corny moments and Pat and Jay were great together. I think "Rush Hour" kind of bit off this and it's not a bad film I recommend.
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Absolute Corker
Lollie693 November 2001
When I saw the cover of this movie on the $2 rack at Blockbuster video, I absolutely cacked myself laughing and had to buy it. After about two years of keeping it under a table leg to stop the wobble, I finally watched it. Now, it wasn't the best movie I've seen but it sure kept me entertained. Stereotypical, yes.. Lame, absolutely.. but it was so damn funny. The 80's style car chase, the way Jay Leno seemed to forget that he'd been shot in the leg, the cheesey ending... brilliant! It was fun, it was action packed and it brought a tear to my eye.My favourite part would have to have been Tony and the guy from Karate Kid sitting in the kitchen getting sloshed. If you come across this gem in the video store or if it's coming on tele, don't pass up the opportunity to watch it. As long as your expectations aren't too high, you'll love Collision Course.
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Leno's Swearing All That's Memorable
ReelCheese30 June 2007
The novelty of hearing clean-cut Jay Leno spout four-letter words is the only memorable aspect of this formulaic mismatched-police-partners caper. In COLLISION COURSE, the pelican-faced comedian teams up with the late Pat Morita to track down a stolen prototype turbocharger (think car lover Leno played a hand in the plot?). The two leads try hard, they really do, but Leno is no actor and Morita's fish-out-of-water routine gets old in a hurry. The film carries a bit of cheesy '80s appeal, but its worthy moments become increasingly scarce as it fills out its overlong 100-minute running time. Fans of Leno's considerable comedic talents will feel let down; everyone else will just be bored.
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Collision Course: 2 hour suckfest
SHADO-530 December 1998
Collusion Course is even worse than the typical "evil white male corporate capitalist" movie of the week. This movie is less pleasant than a toothache. Jay Leno can act. He's good in his underrated debut movie, The Silverbears, in which he gives a performance consist with the demands of his character. This movie is so bad Leno's character, a sanctimonious buffoon, is less annoying than Morita's character, a sanctimonious fool.
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Collision Course
sdfd_1488 November 2005
There is a reason why Jay Leno himself will not acknowledge this film. It consistently ranks as one of the worst films of all time. The acting is horrible, the script lacks direction and the director himself doesn't seem sure on which way to take this film. "A buddy film," "an action/comedy," "mystery." Seems half way through, he gives up, and is just along for the ride. Jay Leno and Pat Morita are talented and dedicated performers. It is a shame that they wasted their time and gifts making this mess of a movie. Jay Leno and Pat Morita prior to involving themselves with this, had spent years pounding out their crafts on the Hollywood circuit. Mr. Morita had already been a star in his own right, acting steadily since the mid 1960s as the star of such cult TV and movie classics as "Happy Days," and the dismal but affable "Mr. T and Tina." And won the hearts of America with his roles in the powerful film, "Midway," "The Karate Kid," and a host of others. Mr. Leno can been seen on TV shows dating back to the mid 70s. And was a top performer in the comedy clubs of America. He can be seen in countless TV spots and in major films. It is a shame, that they agreed to be seen with this nonsense.
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Did Granny Rent a Vette?
GeoPierpont28 January 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I have to rate some of these reviews as 10s because I never laughed harder than even seeing Pat Morita karate kick a moving car windshield. I was very surprised how much they rough housed Morita continually, this guy is no youngin'!

It was great to see the mighty USA in grand auto production and recall how you were treated if you bought a toyota. I imagine the animosity was real between the two countries, especially in Detroit. They even hand a line by their own admission, we had it coming.

The Vette in the opening scene was stunning and super cherried, saweeet ride! I was waiting to see if the car rental lady was going to end up in that Formula One race, that would be hilarious. They only issued a yellow flag for that scene with non-racers on the track, so realistic!

The music score was extremely annoying and sounded so much like Beverly Hills Cop I was rather 'shocked' to find the song list contained primarily nobodies.

The train scene with the non-stop shotgun/rifle/? was very funny for one minute but 10, I almost turned this film off. I was piqued by the size of the famed supercharger and determined you might decrease power with that thing in the way.

High recommend to watch and then read the comments here and also to see Leno try to act with very limited results. The final scene was the icing on this cake of cheese!
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Jay Leno Can't act
Dave-43021 November 2001
This is a really stupid movie in that typical 80s genre: action comedy. Conceptwise it resembles Rush Hour but completely lacks the action, the laughs and the chemistry between the main characters of that movie. Let it be known that I enjoy Jay Leno as a stand-up and as a talk show host, but he just cannot act. He is awful when he tries to act tough - he barely manages to keep that trademark smirk off his face while saying his one-liners which, by the way, aren't very funny. And seeing him run (even back then) is not a pleasant sight. In addition, I have a feeling that Pat Morita - at least by today's standards - doesn't give a very politically correct impression of the Japanese. Don't even get me started about the story. I give it a 2 out of 10.
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The Best Movie Of All Time!
dmar575 August 2005
Well no, I tell a lie, this is in fact not the best movie of all time, but it is a really enjoyable movie that nobody I know has seen.

It's a buddy cop movie starring Jay Leno and Pat Morita(Mr Miyagi) with some fluff story about a missing car engine prototype or something, but that doesn't matter. the reason this movie is fun is because of the interaction between the two leads, who initially dislike and distrust each other but in a shocking twist of fate end up becoming friends. The whole culture difference thing is done quite well,in that it's fun to watch, it's completely ridiculous but in a cheesy and enjoyable kind of way. The soundtrack is cool,once again in a cheesy 80's kind of way, it suits the movie, I've been trying to find one of the songs for ages, but as I'm working from memory of what I think a few of the words were i can't seem to find it.

Another thing this movie has is the most fantastic pay off of any movie ever, but I won't give that one away, oh no! In conclusion I'd take this movie over 48 Hours\most of Eddie Murphys output including Beverly Hills cop, and whatever buddy junk Jackie Chan or Martin Lawrence have to their names. If you're looking for a buddy cop movie and are getting fed up with "straight white cop meets zany streetwise black cop" give this a shot. You might be pleasantly surprised cos this turns the whole formula upside down with "straight Japanese cop meets zany streetwise white cop".

I'm giving this 7. to be honest I like it more than that. I'd rather watch this than a lot of stuff I'd give 8. But I guess I know deep down that it's some sort of insanity that makes me like this movie.
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This is a bad movie
chrisrmarshall16 January 2022
This was an unfunny and boring movie. Not only did it lack jokes, but the "Jokes" they did have were based on old and racial stereotypes. The main character portrayed by Jay Leno was an unlikeable and unamusing police officer that came off as more sexist and unfavorable than someone you wanted to root for. As bad as this plot and acting were the worst part about this movie as the lack of comedy.

Overall Grade: D-
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Unabashed silliness that's a lot more entertaining than you might think
tarbosh2200031 December 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Tony Costas (Jay "Men are like this, but women are like this" Leno) is a Detroit Police Detective, as you might expect. Fujitsuka Natsuo (Morita) is a "Detective First Class" in Japan. When his chief, Kitao (Oh), sends him to Detroit to investigate the corporate intrigue behind a very special car part that could revolutionize the auto industry, he immediately thinks of Jay Leno and tells him to find him. So while, initially, according to the back of the VHS box, the two men are "as different as hot dogs and sushi", they eventually learn to work together, despite cultural differences and Jay Leno's annoying presence. An impressive list of excellent names orbits the wacky goings-on, including the great Noonan, Sarandon, Cobb, Hudson, Starr and others. Will Costas and Natsuo get to the bottom of the matter before being killed by the baddies? No matter what, you're - again quoting the box - "guaranteed a lot of action. But you're guaranteed a lot of laughs!" Well, it finally happened. The day you knew was coming finally arrived. The ultimate action star, Jay Leno, has been set loose, has a gun, and is running around Detroit savagely murdering people. Okay, well, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, but as you can clearly see above, he does indeed have a gun. And he doesn't seem to be afraid to use it. The terms "Jay Leno" and "weaponry" should always be used together, and here they finally have a harmonious home. Naturally thanks to the greatest casting decision of all time. (Or at least since Art Garfunkel had a Short Fuse).

But really, this is your classic 80's buddy cop/action/comedy we've come to be very familiar with, very much in a similar vein to Action Jackson (1988) for the automobile-related intrigue in Detroit, but also Red Heat (1988) for the "wisecracking cop teaming up with a fish out of water from another country" theme. Jay Leno probably only agreed to be in it because the subject matter involves cars. Don't be afraid of his high-pitched squeakings; in actual fact, Collision Course is highly entertaining. It stacks one nutty scenario on top of another for pretty much the entire running time. For an action comedy that's 80's through and through, Collision Course definitively delivers the goods.

It's even fascinating to watch as a time capsule, because it was set in a time when Japan was considered a major threat and rival. And because Jay Leno is a cop who plays by his own rules and occasionally flouts the law himself, and lets fly with some classic casual racism, and goes up to any woman he sees and asks for their "home number", through the wildly PC eyes of 2013, Jay Leno would be seen as a fascist, womanizing racist. But it was all in good fun back then. Plus, at any moment you think he's going to tell the audience it's okay because "crunch all you want, we'll make more." It's a shame Leno gave up his budding career as an action star and chose to be the host of the Jay Leno Show (not The Tonight Show. The Jay Leno Show). What a waste.

Yet more silliness ensues when Pat Morita is on screen and stereotypically "Asian" music plays. You want to scream "we get it, he's Asian!!!". And when asked his name, Natsuo says "Dwayne Johnson", predating The Rock by many years. Also there is a missile gun, fruit cart chases, sax AND funk on the soundtrack, and not just a freeze-frame, a split freeze frame. There's also a top-notch BYC (Black Yelling Chief), played brilliantly by John Hancock, who signs this movie with a huge signature (sorry about that, but it's true). The icing on the cake is an ad after the movie is over, informing us that if we weren't fully entertained, we could send in our "rental receipt" and get a full refund! Now who on God's green earth would do that? They must have been fully confident in the ability of Jay Leno to delight and amuse, even though lawsuits prevented the movie from being released on VHS for about six years (it was shot in 1986 and didn't come out on VHS until 1992. Presumably this was strategically timed for Jay Leno to be crowned victorious in the Late Night Wars of the early 90s. Whether people thought this would help or hurt his chances in said Wars remains unclear).

So for unabashed silliness that's a lot more entertaining than you might think, give Collision Course a try. Also, if you want to know what a "hard PG" looks like, here it is. After all, this may be your only chance to see Jay Leno brutally executing his rivals.
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not bad
jsn_reece27 January 2008
i think this movie was funny.i guess i look at it different than other people.i wish they would make more movies like this one.but it may not be that great for this kind of time.i remember i was fifteen when i saw this movie i saw that scene when jay and pat was getting chased by the villain that tom noon man played as.when the two got in the train,and then it stopped.and the bad guy got blow ed to bites by the grenade that they had hid in the price package.i remember reading a comment on here where some one had the movie and used it as a table leg or something,laughing out loud.jay Leno for once to try more acting and movie showbiz won't be the same without pat.
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Racist dreck
JohnSeal13 March 2001
This dreadful film assembles every Asian stereotype you can imagine into one hideous package. Money grubbing, devious Japanese business men send goofy but loveable policeman Pat Morita to recover industrial secrets in Detroit. Here he encounters a down at heel Jay Leno, who promptly refers to a murder victim as a Jap and calls Morita Tojo. It's all downhill from there.
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Cool Naive Entertainment !
elshikh422 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A decade after the godfathers of the buddy cop movie, (Busting - 1974) and (Freebie and the Bean - 1974), some changes had to be done, to refresh the genre, and avoid the bore. So let's play with the ethnic belongingness of one of the cops, to see an all American cop teaming up with: an Afro American in (Running Scared - 1986), an alien from outer space in (Alien Nation - 1988), and why not a Japanese in (Collision Course - 1989)!

While the buddy cop movie mostly has maverick cop, with by-the-book partner, fighting each other and else, through a world of comedy and action, (Collision..) has all of these elements, but its main problem is that it doesn't care much about most of them. Let's see..

The "All American maverick cop": Jay Leno could be a good host, but not a good actor, or - OH YES - an action hero!! His presence is flawed. And to make it worse, his character is deprived of anything special.

The "By-the-book partner": Pat Morita is a great comedian in my viewpoint. What a loss that he didn't make the number of comedies that I thought his talent deserved. I loved apart how he went here to play that beaten, little clumsy, and nice investigator, which is totally unlike the role that brought him the Oscar earlier; the tough, wise, and no-nonsense Mr. Miyagi in (The Karate Kid - 1984). He proved to be one of couple high points (Collision..) hit.

The "Fighting each other and else": In terms of plot wise, things run pretty weird near the end. Suddenly it's all about action scenes agglutinated to each other purely, without much talk. It even ends pretty fast and laconic (the last airport scene) with easy solution for everything. Some explanation could be found in Morita's talk, while being interviewed on The Tonight Show in (1989), by Leno himself, when he said something about how the movie had run out of money on the last day of filming, with key scenes yet to be shot, and no budget left for editing and post-production.

The "Comedy": The comic situations are missed. And the already present ones are so weak and unfunny. So it remained in Pat Morita, a possible chemistry with Leno, and the movie's title; which was clever one for a buddy cop movie, and better than titles like "Rush Hour"!

The "Action": Now this is the other high point that this movie hit. It was abundantly and fairly made. Some sequences were so solid; like the breaking into the criminal's house, then the train gunfight. And that last jump into the car's front glass at the climax was outrageous and unforgettable to classic extent. Director Lewis Teague used to make TV series during the 1960s and the 1970s, like (Vega$) and (Barnaby Jones). In the 1980s, he went to pursue a career in directing cinematic movies. His most famous one I think was (The Jewel of the Nile - 1985). However, in the 1990s, he went back to directing TV series like (Profiler) or (Nash Bridges). Now, I miss him in the movies. Because putting in mind the production crises in (Collision..), he managed to deliver the wished-for entertainment. Although the movie looked eventually naive, but sure in a cool way.

Well, no problem with cool naive entertainment sometimes. And for the love of the 2 characters' irony, and Morita, I have to admit it: I longed for a sequel or - at least - a TV show!

PS: In one scene, the Japanese character was given a sort of a chance to defend his country against American accusations. At the same year, another American cop had a good Japanese cop as a partner in (Black Rain). A heyday for the "good" Japanese characters then, especially after a long age of bad, real bad, stereotypical Japanese characters, rather monsters, on Hollywood's screen. Maybe the reason of that development got something to do with earning objectivity - finally - along the years, or maybe it's related to the fact of investing some Japanese money in Hollywood since the end of the 1980s!
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biker_boy15 August 2002
This movie is AWFUL. I haven't laughed so hard at a movie that was unintentionally funny in a long time. Leno should've stuck to stand up and late night tv. The cars in the movie were cool, but the movie by itself is the dumbest movie I've ever seen. it's pathetic, the acting is horrible, and the plot could've been written by a 4 year old. don't get me wrong, jay leno is hilarious, but not in this movie!
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This is not karate kid
Prismark1010 May 2019
After the success of The Karate Kid movies, Pat Morita carried on his shtick as the crafty old Japanese. The joke in this movie is that he does not know karate.

In Collision Course, Morita is a Japanese detective Fujitsuka Natsuo chasing a stolen prototype turbocharger. He comes to Detroit, motor city itself and teams up with renegade cop Tony Costas (Jay Leno) to go after potential suspect Madras and his goons. It seems they gunned down one of Costas former colleagues and he wants payback.

While in America, Natsuo faces casual racism, gets blamed for the US trade deficit and the decline of the American motor car industry.

This buddy cop action comedy was made in the same year as Letha Weapon 2 and basically it is no contest between the two movies.

Collision Course is a dismal lame movie, not funny and embarrassingly racist.
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leno, five years before tonight show
ksf-218 February 2024
Jay leno and pat morita! A detroit cop is told to team up with a japanese investigator to track down an espionage spy, who has arrived here from japan.. it's pretty bad. They both get in some laughs; the story starts out well, but gets more cheesy as it goes along. Lots of cussing, and detective costas keeps asking the ladies for their home phone. (that was a wall mounted phone, for you younger folks) but it never works. Lots of racist comments from all parties. The usual shootouts. Driving the wrong way on a one way street. This starts to really come apart in the last fifteen minutes. And wow, there's an abrupt ending. See the trivia section for the explanation! Boo. Hiss. Filmed in spring and summer 1987, but not released until april 1989. That was the first sign of trouble. Leno has stated numerous times he regrets taking the role, as the producers ran out of money prior to completing it. This was filmed five years before leno got the tonight show, and i guess didn't have the big dough yet to chip in to finish the film! I'm sure having tonight-show-dough later, he would have contributed the cash just so it wouldn't be so cheesy. Morita made this in between karate kid films. He was even nominated for the first one! Who knew??
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Best movie ever made!
stanlee722 June 2005
This movie will go down down in history as one of the greats, right along side of Citizen Kane, Casablanca, and On The Waterfront. Someone please convince Leno to do a sequel! Leno and Morita are a comedy duo, the likes of which haven't been seen since Abbot and Costello. The evil that emanates from Chris Sarandon, Tom Noonan, and Randall "Tex" Cobb will give you the chills. Dingman's character as the buffoonish oaf hearkens back to the days of Shakespeare's comedies. And the climax. My goodness, the climax. I won't ruin it for you, but it makes the explosion of the Death Star pale in comparison. If you can track down this hard-to-find gem, do yourself and your family a favor and buy it immediately. I'm still holding out hope for a special edition DVD one of these days.
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Like a cop buddy movie, but good...
jpogatsh12 October 2001
I saw this movie recently. 2 hours later, my head still hurt from laughing. The plot was soo awful, the jokes were soo bad, but what I didn't count on were:

1. the 2 scenes before and after the movie that had Pat and Jay posing (that caused more than enough laughter)

2. The kick through the windshield that decapitated the evil-doer.

This movie is about 20 times better than the Rush Hour series, and my copy even came with a disclamer saying if you didn't like the movie, send certificate to HBO. While I considered it, the date you had to send it in was January 1991 (which also caused wackiness to ensue).
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Great police comedy set in detroit.
secrective23 January 2001
i saw this movie on cable, it was really funny, from the stereotype police chief to the stereotype big bad guys, jay leno and mr mayagi from karate kid star in this good comedy about a prototype car part. I compare this movie to "RUSH HOUR" in which a local cop has to partner up with an asian police officer to solve a case. The chase through farmers market in downtown detroit brings back memories. Enjoyable soundtrack, good script, i give it 10/10.
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Pure Fun
JPTritterey22 August 2002
Okay, I know I shouldn't like this movie but I do. From Pat Morita's loveable interpretation of a Japanese stereotype to Jay Leno's annoying yell, I laughed throughout this movie.As long as you take into account that this is not the best movie in the world, it's a good mvie.

My favorite part is Morita talking to his boss in Tokyo with the drinking a close second.
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Love it!
hillel22457 October 2004
Really a funny movie that no one knew/knows about. I remember I first saw it on HBO when it was already 2-3 years old, about 92-93. Still, very funny. If you watch it you'll know. Now that I think about it, it's the first Rush Hour; white(instead of black) cop and a Chinese partner who can't speak English, but really can, have hardships through the movie, which makes it interesting and funny, then bond and become friends in the end. Cool, funny movie. 8/10

I'm repeating this, because I am starting out a new commenting title. So I think just repeating this will be better and have an overall justifiable expense. Thank you. And word to your mother.

If you thought that was funny, please say so. I just did it on a whim and it cracked me a smile.
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Mr. Miyagi meets the Tonight Show!
buzznzipp199524 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Centered in the downtown and out skirts of Detroit, this comedy I found to be a terrific new comedic duo. 'Noriyuki Pat Morita' is a very funny man, who happens to be a cop from Japan on the trail of an industrial secrets thief, who has stolen a 'proto type' turbo super charger, reluctantly he goes to the United States to follow the thief, after being ordered by his commander. Pat's character collides with 'Jay Leno's' character, a fast talking' but down to business-player type Detroit cop. When they cross paths though, the honorable 'Ways' of Japan meet the all-out old school Detroit police investigative 'Ways'. The two stumble and trip over each other at first, but then develop a 'rythym' that turns into an explosive two layered powerhouse team, that solves the case, cold. After battling a city crime boss for the stolen 'equiptment' and closing the case, these two go from despising each other to being friends and working well together. A little worse for wear and in need of an extended-vacation on top of it all, they manage to come to a victorious closing. I rated this a 9. Lewis's direction makes' this a near perfect comedy. Fun for all ages. I recommend it highly.(***)
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Cool for use Detroit Auto Engineers
mike-311717 August 2006
The acting is pretty cheesy, but for the people in this area up in the 80s and are now Detroit area automotive engineers, this is a great movie. I even work with a Japanese supplier so that makes this movie even more funny.

Jay Leno was showing his age last night on The Tonight Show! He looks pretty young here...17 years ago. The opening scene, with the drag race on what appears to be Woodward Ave was great.

Leno also owns some bad a** cars now, it would e great to see a remake of this with his modern collection. I'm sure the blown Vette in the opening scene was his own car.

Typical 80s movie. Watch it and enjoy. No computer generated crap!
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