9/11 (2017)
It wasn't great, BUT
10 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I saw 9/11 the other day in a theater filled with two other people. Honestly, the movie has some stumbles in terms of pacing, dialogue, and logic: - Whoopie Goldberg's character works in a elevator control room in one of the towers. She stays behind (possibly disregarding orders to evacuate; this isn't made clear) to assist the trapped party in the elevator via intercom. When the first tower collapses, she explains to Jeffrey Cage (Sheen's character) that "one of the towers has just collapsed." Why would she mention "one of the towers" when she was IN one of them? -The high point of the trailer was the "elevator plummeting" sequence. They're in free-fall, terrifying slow-mo, and the elevator crashes to a halt... but it doesn't pay off. The next scene, they're basically uninjured, fully mobile.

But 9/11 does some other aspects well. The dialogue (keen 90s action-movie fans will notice Charlie Sheen deliver a recycled Bill-Paxton joke from 'Predator 2') is realistic enough for strangers finding themselves in a perilous situation. Personal prejudices bubble to the surface. Desperate times create desperate solutions, and challenges are risen to.

'9/11' knows its production values are limited, but manages to show a claustrophobic, small-scale depiction of Sept. 11th in a respectful manner. It doesn't wander too far into ultra-sappy melodrama territory (what 9/11 film doesn't?), and thankfully not all into ultra-patriotic or conspiracy theory territory. The characters' performances deliver for the most part. '9/11' might find some legs on downloads and rentals. 6 of 10.
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