Review of Heist

Heist (III) (2015)
☑ surprisingly...Above expectations
7 January 2016
As a truly De Niro admirer you can always expect something good out of him in almost any of his films. Regardless of his weak and poor choices in recent years. And considering, this movie does not have the cast, script and directing excellence of better flicks like Heat (1995), Ronin (1998) or even The Score (2001) -following in the same line- I was surprise the movie was above expectations and gives you enough entertaining for the 93 minutes's experience. His character on this one is called "The Pope" and managed to show some "sprinkles" of his old electricity, magnetism and humanity of some of his best action- gangster roles. Just do not raise expectation high and try not to find De Niro's brilliant performances from the 90's and before. After all, you have a miscast of Mark-Paul Gosselaar (Marconi, the main cop), D.Batista (Cox, the tough guy)and Gina Carano (Kris, the female cop). A plot with some holes...but with a surprising unusual ending. And of course, an inexperienced Director. Maybe, Harvey Keitel as the leading cop and some Diane Lane as female cop would make a big difference. But that of course, would rise our expectations as well. By the way, J.D.Morgan (Vaughn, lead role) does a decent and believable performance...despite the fact it is also a miscast. Enjoy your popcorn, adjust expectations and you will be fine.
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