Last Exit (2006 TV Movie)
A poor man's (or in the case woman's) Falling Down
10 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This film was on CTV the other day so I decided to watch it figuring there was nothing else decent on TV at the time and my internet was down.

The film had potential it really did. The acting was decent, You really felt sympathy for the mother who had been fired from her job and was trying to look after her handicapped son all while about to fight a bitter custody battle over him with her ex husband. Throughout the film as more things go wrong for her she becomes more aggressive and violent in her behavior until she has a complete meltdown near the end of the film which causes a huge car accident involving the other character a business woman with an unemployed husband and 2 kids struggling to make ends meet.

The were several problems I had with this film. For one, there are a couple of instances that I didn't find all the plausible. For one if Diana was armed with gun why didn't she pull it out when the the beth first confronted her and start destroying her vehicle? The very sight of the gun would have been enough to get her to stop. Why did she wait until after the car accident already happened? Beth's car breaks down and Diana speeds off after the incident, yet she is able to get her car to start again and catch up to her? Not likely. The child doesn't seem all the broken up after hearing that his mother has just died.

The other problem I had was just the shear abruptness of how the film ended. The conclusion was less than satisfying. It was as if the writers literally ran out of ideas and just had the film end with Beth dying and her child living happily ever after with his father and stepmother they drive off into the sunset as if nothing happened. The father even has a smile on his face. I would think he would at least be more saddened by the fact that the mother of his child is dead. Diana loses her leg, but really I felt no such visceral reaction to that. It was a numbing experience. This film could have been so much more if they had more competent writers but hey what do you expect from a TV movie.
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