Review of Boss

Boss (2011–2012)
Do Any TV Writers Actually Live In Chicago?
30 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
First off, I have to hand it to Kelsey Grammar. I've seen one episode of Boss so far and I am about to watch the second episode, and I'm already impressed with his dramatic acting after his long stint with Frasier and his failed attempt at that lousy sitcom about the rich family who lost everything, whatever it was called, who remembers and who cares? But . . . What is up with these shows purporting to take place in Chicago that have nothing to do with Chicago? For anyone's information, our last Mayor Daley could barely fart without being exposed by the Sun Times and placed under federal investigation, so the concept of some Chicago mayor pushing around the Hispanic community, ordering some guy's ears to get lopped off just for speaking out of turn, personally buying drugs with cash in a public park and otherwise acting like a modern day Caligula is so preposterous, so implausible, so dumb that I would have turned this bull off if not for the fine acting of Kelsey Grammar. That said, I'm about to watch episode two. I remember feeling slightly the same way upon watching the first episode of The Shield and that turned out to be one of my favorite all time shows. So I guess we'll see.
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