Well... it has a nice personality...
25 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Recap: A film team practically invades a small rural town in Vermont after being kicked out of their last intended shooting location. Short on cash, short on time and with a lot of people talented in finding trouble they must convince the townsfolk to let the shoot their movie, and use their building. Problem is, the building they want to use burned downed in 1960.

Comments: A movie about all the small things that complicate your life as a movie producer or director. Never mind that you're short on cash and time, but when your lead star has an improper taste for (too) young girls, your shooting location burnt down a few decades ago and a town council member really hates you, then you almost appreciate the small troubles of life.

This intention to make the movie a hectic, intense and funny project that finds trouble everywhere it goes is also it biggest problem. There are so many small sub-plots that none of them are given much time to grow and evolve. The result is that there are a lot of small "ha-ha"s but you never got a joke that really is given time to build up and make you roll on the floor laughing.

It is nice, not hilarious. But it does redeem itself a little at the end, where it actually connects a lot of these sub-plots in one scene. And it also got a good cast with a few actually making a little something with the scarce screen time they get with so many plots to go around. I think especially of Macy, Stiles and Hoffman.

But I had expected more. A laugh or two maybe. Something to get the movie going. Something extra. Unfortunately I got a little disappointed.

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