Review of Dog Park

Dog Park (1998)
Date flick
7 July 2008
Luke Wilson stars as a woebegone fellow who goes from one mating situation to another in DOG PARK. His gal pal has just left him and he meets Natasha Henstridge in a bar. One date, and she is done with him. He then runs into a blonde who loves to sleep around and is insatiable in the sack. Through all of this, he takes his dog to a dog park. He also is friends with co-workers Janeanne Garafalo and Bruce McCullough, who are a couple and may be getting married soon. Problem is, McCullough (also the film's writer/director) is cheating on her, which Wilson knows, much to his regret. The whole thing comes to a head in the dog park. The movie should be funnier than it is, and the drawing card -- Wilson -- sort of sleepwalks through it. Also, in reality, it is a chick flick and therefore unsuitable by viewing by real men. I made the mistake of watching it all the way through.
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