Les Miserables (1978 TV Movie)
Not bad
13 December 2006
Having never actually read the original, seen any other film adaptation or even watched it performed(due to a general lack of interest in the world of theater), I didn't know much about this before watching. What I did know has all been explained enthusiastically by a friend of mine who loves musicals and plays. As me and the rest of Philosophy class sat down to watch this, I quickly noticed several promising names in the opening credits - including that of Anthony Perkins - and I found myself even more interested in watching it. Though it is arguably less visually impressive than it could have been(and, I'm presuming, than the 1998 version), it's got fairly good direction and it goes into the themes of crime and punishment, dealing with what can cause crime... and what punishment may cause. It was interesting and involving throughout. Running at two and a half hours, it never loses neither momentum nor the audience's attention. The class-room was not always silent as the film's plot played out before us, but I didn't see anyone disinterested or not paying attention. The acting is quite good, though there are a few exceptions. I was surprised by, given that his name was in the credits and how skilled an actor he is, how small a part Ian Holm had. The man can't have been on-screen for more than a few minutes. Perkins is perfect as Javert, the embodiment of law, of order by discipline and punishment for misdeeds. His personal vendetta carries some of the film, alongside the good-hearted acts of Valjean. For anyone who knows the story, knows how the chase ends, I will say that I found the execution of it somewhat under-dramatized herein. My earlier mentioned friend, the theater aficionado, described how he had seen it achieved in a live performance, and I would choose that over the budgeted version we see here. Some of the cinematography also leaves a bit to be desired. However, all in all, I'd recommend this film to anyone interested in the themes it involves and/or a depiction of France leading up to the revolution. I recommend this to any fan of the original story and anyone interested in its well-delivered points about the traditional view on crime and punishment. 7/10
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