What?? Meredith Baxter having marital troubles?? Who'd have guessed??
29 October 2006
Does anyone else wonder why some psychiatrist or clinical psychologist hasn't written a book entitled:

•••"A View of All the Problems Women Can Experience and Endure - from Marital Infidelity, to Being Menaced by Psycopaths, Along With Every Conceivalble Type of Problem Imaginable In-Between - as Depicted by Made-for-Television Movies Starring Meredith Baxter" ???????•••

In this movie, Meredith is blind-sided by the fact that her best friend's daughter has been having a protracted affair with her husband (she works for his law firm).

The husband, portrayed by John Terry, may not be the least-sympathetic, as well as completely "dull" character in the history of this genre (or any other, for that matter) - but he certainly is a contender.

Swoosie Kurtz's daughter (Swoosie is the inevitable "best friend") is also wholly-unsympathetic, and presents no qualities whatever which would make one like or care about her in the least.

It's also difficult to care much about Birney's character, and Swoosie Kurtz is the only one, whose widowed-mother-of-the-adulterous-daughter, and best-friend-of-the-betrayed-wife is remotely "realistic" and completely sympathetic in this Lifetime extravaganza.

As in most of the movies, the women have varying amounts of strength (even the daughter has a modicum), but the male characters schlep around like Woody Allen on downers. But at least Woody's characters are intended to be as he presents them, and are engaging.
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