Inferior 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea TV Movie
2 October 2006
In a running length of about 95 minutes you have this full featured story of Captain Nemo and the crew of the Nautilus and Professor Aronax and his daughter Sophie, with Ned Land in support. I was not very impressed by this production; first the Nautilus looked like a whale and the interiors were so cheap looking you would think they were plastic and cardboard.

This was without a doubt a very cheap production and the political correctness of adding a woman to the visitors on the Nautilus was pretty dumb, because you have a crew that hasn't seen a woman in a long time and everyone is well mannered and behaved, well you fill in the blanks.

From the very first scene where the US Navy comes looking for Professor Aronax and the daughter says I'm not sure we can help you I have a Biology degree and my father has a degree in Oceanography. If I was the US navy representative I would have said "excuse me Hun, we didn't come here looking for you" I think it's funny how Professor Aronax wrote books about the sea, but he never was beneath the waves, and must have based his knowledge of the sea on other peoples work.

Disappointed(** out of ****)
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