Review of Invasion

Invasion (1997– )
22 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
From time to time I watch a movie and get a sense of "detaching" from the action on-screen. Let me explain: Normally I concentrate on the story and stay focused all the way through, even though fellow movie watchers in a theater disturb me or even when we take short breaks when watching at home to get something to eat, bathroom breaks or whatever. I get back into the story like THAT. But then - sometimes I watch this movie that make me lose concentration and think: "What the h..ll?" and the movie experience is gone.

"Robin Cook's Invasion" is in that category. The all over feel of the movie gave me a feeling like somebody did not use their brains when making this movie. I mean, many of the elements of the movie did not explain very well - like the date shaped rocks raining down. Why did they have to float in the air over the waste basket? Why did it insert a black goo that had to look like saliva a moment later? When did meteor rocks land on top of sand without making even a tiny dent in it? What was the purpose of the vortex of fire that brought the first stone home (as in - WHY did the first stone go home)? I had huge problems understanding why the aliens poised a threat to Earth, why the aliens wanted to alter the human race, why it was bad if the portal opened and, for that matter, why the stupid space ship blew up because Beau lost his grip on the power dial (or whatever it was).

The looks of the "intelligent thingy" inside the stone. Complete with a huge brain, angry eyes and all was just too much. If I am not mistaken, they even managed to call that thingy the VIRUS. Woohoo! An intelligent virus! What exactly was their intended audience here? Children? No - they had some feeble attempts at sex scenes. I think their intended audience must have been the one with lesser IQ. Sorry, this movie did nothing for me.
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