Review of Dhoom

Dhoom (2004)
Fun, entertaining but predictable action movie!
7 February 2006
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen it all before. The hero cop, the comic sidekick, the sexy girls that serve as movie decorations, the villainous but sexy villain and lots of slick, beautiful cars or motorcycles, things blowing up and a rather simple and predictable storyline. This is a pretty good Bollywood "B" movie.

What lifts it from total mediocrity are the actors, the one who played the hero cop (Abshishek) and the villain (John Abraham). Both men are gorgeous, both play off each other well in the few scenes they have together in the movie. I must point out an unusual scene that I've never seen done before: The cop, Jai Dixit has finally captured Kabir, the leader of the notorious gang of motorcycle thieves. The two men, who have been doing a cat and mouse dance throughout the whole movie finally meet. The cop has arrested Kabir. They are walking up the stairs of the hotel and I assume to the waiting arms of the police. The two men act like good friends as they chatted amicably. What they are talking about is how they were able to outwit each other. One scene, the two men are talking, the next scene you see the men reacting to each other as they realized how they were so easily duped by each other.

It's hard to explain the scene until you see the movie. I thought it was very unusual in that the two tough men would not show their reactions in front of each other, but in the other scene they clearly show their reactions. It's like the director of the movie wanted to show the thought processes of both men. I like that device, though it was a little awkward because the viewer doesn't catch on immediately.

I felt I had to point that out because I like what the director did.

John Abraham, John Abraham, John Abraham! My goodness, is this guy GORGEOUS! I actually paused the DVD for a few minutes just to gaze at this beautiful man! Just feasting my eyes on John Abraham was reward enough to sit through this entertaining but predictable action movie! Worth watching definitely!
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