Predictable but fun — and men ARE like that!
25 January 2006
Though "Betrayed: A Story of Three Women" has its faults — it's VERY much to the Lifetime formula (just read the synopsis in TV Guide and you could practically write the script yourself), starting with a hot soft-core porn scene between the illicit lovers and at times getting so melodramatic I wondered if I should turn it off and watch something a little more understated, like "Il Trovatore" — I'm posting here because I really resent some of the sexist attacks on the movie. I'm a man and men ARE like the philandering husband in the movie, or at least enough men are to make the broad outlines of the story believable. (And if you'll look at the credits again you'll notice that the director and writer were both male.) I liked the film — it wasn't a world-beater and I found the ending WAY too optimistic, but it was well-crafted and did what it set out to do. Also, decent roles for middle-aged actresses are rare enough one can see why Meredith Baxter and Swooosie Kurtz wanted to do this one; they tore into their cat-fight scenes like starving tigers descending on a piece of raw meat.
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