What's John Huston doing in this movie?
25 November 2005
Warning: Spoilers
It's official - I can't seem to get enough of Rene Cardona, Jr.'s brand of movie-making. When I got my hands on The Bermuda Triangle, I was expecting the usual stuff – planes and ships disappearing at sea, unknown lights, and the ocean changing colors. While The Bermuda Triangle gives you all this, Cardona has stuffed the movie with so much more including: a possessed doll, a girl who talks to dead people, sharks, underwater earthquakes, parrot attacks, hurricanes, and more. None of it is fleshed-out very well, but boy is it fun.

Please don't misunderstand – The Bermuda Triangle isn't really a very good movie. The acting is bad, the dubbing is horrible (people in normal conversation often have the same tone in their voice usually reserved for a radio announcer), the special effects are weak, and the story is often predictable. To top it off, Cardona feels the need as he does in some of his other movies to show sharks being slaughtered. But none of this kept me from having a good time with The Bermuda Triangle.
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