I guess that Hollywood and small-town America just don't mix!
22 July 2005
When Hollywood (with all its ruthlessness, immorality, and other R-rated-or-are-they characteristics) comes to an idealistic small town (with its farms, mom-and-pop stores, and other G-rated-or-are-they characteristics), what could possibly go wrong? The answer is, of course, everything. Director Walt Price (William H. Macy) is uptight, while star Bob Barrenger (Alec Baldwin) can't keep his zipper shut in the presence of local teenager Carla (Julia Stiles). Meanwhile, everyone in town wants a piece of the movie's action, and they won't easily be discouraged from getting it.

"State and Main" just might be David Mamet's funniest movie ever. Poking fun at both Tinseltown and the "ideal small town", he creates a story that's as biting as it is zany.

I have a question, though. Charles Durning plays Mayor George Bailey. Was that name a reference to Jimmy Stewart's character in "It's a Wonderful Life"?
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