Tru Confessions (2002 TV Movie)
Watch it, and you won't regret it...unless you do...and Clara Bryant is GREAT in this.
28 August 2003
I seriously saw this film by chance, and thank Hendrix i did. Actually, I don't watch Disney movies, and I probibly wouldn't have tuned in had I not remembered Clara Bryant was in it. I'm a fan of Buffy The Vampire Slayer, and Clara played a character named Molly this past season. I found not only the underdeveloped and underused character to be interesting, but more importantly, what Clara Bryant brought to it. She made the role so much better than it would've been if played by a weaker actor. Ok, so this comment thing isn't about Buffy, but it is about how great Clara is. Actually after seeing Tru Confessions, I've very upset Clara wasn't given a better part, because her acting really shows here, far more than on BTVS. For starters, she's the lead, which made this 90 minute movie really fun for me. I started watching it because she looked really hot, then I noticed her strong acting abilites. Once I noticed how natural she was delivering the lines, she ceased being Clara Bryant in a Disney movie, but BECAME Trudy Walker. I can't say that for a lot of actors in her age range, but she pulls it off so well. Story wise, it was very engaging. I mean, one thing, I never watch films like this, number two, if a movie isn't The Crow, La Bamba, or Edward Scissorhands, I don't cry. Now this movie didn't make me cry at the time...but it DID trigger alot of emotions in me, which I was surprised by. I got all emotional while explaining the plot to my mom. What's that about? I found Tru and Eddie's relationship in the film to be really..touching. Alright, i think I'm cutting it close here, coming close to 1000 words maybe. All I have to say is, if you haven't seen this movie, try to. It's entertaining at the very least, plus the story and acting are great, and the overall production of the movie doesn't reak of weak TV movie production. Oh yeah, and if anyone out there doubts Clara Bryant as an actor based on her less than stellar Cockny accent on Buffy The Vampire Slayer, watch this movie. There's no accent, but her acting comes through. I'd also like to say I want this thing on DVD at some point. Ok, I hope this rant here didn't ruin the movie for anyone, if it did, I'm sorry. Watch the movie. it's cool, and Clara Bryant rules.
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