Formula 51 (2001)
Best Spin-Off Ever
25 July 2003
It's easy to critique 'Formula 51' and personify the comic book guy from the 'Simpsons'. "Worst Tarantino remake ever!"... DON'T This is not a typical Spin-Off of crime/comedy films of recent such as 'Who Is Cletis Tout' & 'Get Shorty'. Realistically, Tarantino is primarily a Spin-Doctor himself, brother mixes a mean party.

Pampered with Brittish Ghetto humor, 'Formula 51' is better titled 'An American Drug Dealer in Liverpool'. Samuel L. resumes his Bad MoFo persona, this time as a Pharmacist gone underground. He has developed a powerfully suggestive drug known as POS 51, more powerful than any drug on the market. After betraying The Lizard (Meat Loaf in a very tolerable role as a sleezy druglord) he ends up in Liverpool and situations just get worse from there. It seems every time Jackson get's close to sealing the deal, sh@t hits the fan (sometimes literally). Together with local hoodlum/tourguide Carlyle, they find themselves escaping assasin's bullets, crooked police and even worse the rival soccer team. With a cute love story amongst theives in the middle 'F 51' delivers a well humored, action ladden movie worth renting.

Bottom Line: Fans of the genre without ego-hatred for spin-offs will delight in this well constructed action/comedy. All other comic book store employees will continue to munch on their junk-food blabering that they could of done it better.
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