Good low budget flick with style
26 August 2002
This is a movie (not the only one I am certain) that had to stop filming from lack of funds and finally good enough money to finish this nice little addition to Canadian modern films. The total budget was somewhere below a million, but this character and plot driven story does not need lavish sets or special effects.

Filmed and taking place in Montreal, it tells a story of a Czech immigrant who meets a woman with a crappy bank-robbing husband. She aspires to be a writer and reads Montreal-born Leonard Cohen, whom she idealize (this is however not really explored).

This simple setting enable us to meet interesting characters that are flawed, but rich and contribute greatly to the story. The directing is proficient and shine in a few instances (e.g. brothers sitting on couch or the stop-motion and color). The story and dialogue move well, although the ending is a bit forced and there may be a few slow part here and there. I personally thought the Leonard Cohen footage interspersed in the movie was unnecessary and irrelevant. There is however plenty of humor and fun on the whole.

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