Started out good, then lost me when. . .
19 February 2003
Warning: Spoilers
For the most part, I liked this movie.

I liked that french was spoken in France. (So many American movies have the characters, in places other than the United States, speak only english, even when the character is a native of that "foreign" country. See the movie "Chocolate". This movie starred Juliet Binoche, living in France, yet, she speaks english.)

But, at the final quarter the movie lost me. . .A SPOILER IS APPROACHING. ..when, upon her leaving NYC to return to Paris, the dog--who loves her, and whom she loves--tries to meet up with her at the taxi cab. For whatever reason, she says to her friend, who is in the taxi with her, that she has had enough of the dog, and, then she tells the driver to get going. The dog then proceeds to follow her, by running, in NYC traffic, after the taxi. I just thought that was an incredibly uncaring scene: the dog would most definitely be hit by a car. But, voila!, miraculously, the dog meets up with her at the airport (If you don't live in NYC, you should know that the airport, any of the three airports, is miles and miles and miles away from Manhattan!), and he is unharmed.

I can suspend disbelief when viewing a movie, but this was definitely too much for me. For her character to have jeopardized the safety of the dog, by so carelessly allowing him to follow her taxi in heavy NYC traffic, is absolutely cruel and ridiculous, and out of character for her: She went to great lengths to get the dog back from the woman who removed him from the apartment. . .another scene,by the way, which made absolutely no sense!. swimming in the filthy water of the pond in Central Park.
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