Vanguard (2020) Poster


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U { WILL 😔❗} Be Disappointed ...UNLESS Ur O.k With Watching { SEMIDUBBED } B-Films ; This 1 Was Created { PRIMARILY } 2 Enthrall 💥💣 Viewers For Chinese Lunar New🏮Year 2020 Warning: Spoilers
A -{ B i g }- Screen Review, republished -Several- months after the cinematic release of the picture, as a rewrite .


"Protection Beyond Frontiers" (Vanguard Tagline).


So, as you've probably gathered by now, by way of my rather { Un }-enthusiastic title ' ; this movie, or in other words the -{ Sixth }- no less , collaboration between Chinese cinematic 'All-rounder' Jackie Chan & veteran Action-filmmaker Stanley Tong ; 'Vanguard', is { Un }-equivocally... Nothing 🔴 to 'write home about'. Needless-to-say, the -glaringly- obvious dubbing issues in the film tend to feel -( Decidedly )- bothersome through the -entire- course of the film. And as a result, -Many- of the film's ( frequent ) attempts at humour -{ Also }- feel cheesy, badly timed, & simply 'Perfunctory', at-Best . -{ Unless }- of course, you are fortunate enough to watch it in its -{ All }- 'Spoken Chinese' iteration... as a Mandarin or Cantonese speaker... { which the vast majority of -English- Movie Watchers here in the U.a.e, ( which is also where -I'm- based, at the moment ), are unfortunately -Not- 😔 } .

And speaking -{ Of }- the U.a.e, I suppose the reason that I practically forced myself to watch -This- particular picture, would be the fact that the -Entire - final act of the film is shot in Dubai { my previous Hometown <3 , and the ' Crown Jewel ' of the U.a.e ) } , with -Several- of the "Tourist-Hotspot" sequences having been shot -{ Literally * ! }- " 7 minutes up the street " from my previous apartment. Unfortunately, However... having now 'been' to all those places featured in the movie { ( -Both- ) in Real-life, ( -As Well- ) as by way of Vanguard's 'big screen capture- of them } ...& consequently having -{ Contextualized }- their relevance to the ( Actual ) narrative of said picture ; I would be remiss to -{ Not }- point out to you that this -{ Whole }- bespoke Final-Act feels very much like a sort of promotional video for The Burj Khalifa & The Dubai Mall { i.e the 'World's Tallest Tower' & the 'World's 4th Largest Shopping Mall', respectively } ...not to mention, ( interestingly enough ), Dubai's Swat Team, & quite frankly, its whole Police-Force... as well .

But for those readers ( and writers ) amongst you who have come to -Know- , ( and understand ), my particular brand of -{ " Constructive 😇 Only " }- Review by now : well , here's three " Really Fun Things " to look out for over the course of the movie. 1 : ' The Extensive, & -{ Mindblowingly }- Good , Whitewater Rapids Chase-scene ' , filmed in South Africa. This is, incidentally, exactly where the " Supremely Dedicated " veteran Action-star Jackie Chan is said to -{ Actually❗}- have almost -Drowned- , doing his own Stunt-work, as he -Largely- does . 2 : The 'extraction'-scene, filmed in an Indian village, which features some -{ Truly }- " Dazzling " Hardcore-action scenes. 3 : A few undoubtedly -{ Novel }- ' Super hi-tech surprises ' , ( & mind you, I'm -Not- referring to the -Seriously- tacky looking fly & bumblebee drones here ) , that you will just have to discover for yourselves, I'm afraid .

Summary : I watched this film on the -{ Big }- screen because I felt like ( I ) just -{ Had }- to see our very cherished Dubai Landmarks, & City-scape itself, visually realized , " Writ Large " . Although, I want to be -{ Really }- clear in saying that ( You ) will be just -{ Fine }- watching it on Dvd or streaming it ; meaning that if -You- weren't able to catch it in the cinema on account of the Pandemic, ( Or Otherwise ), then -You- haven't really missed out , -{ At All }- . So, finally, I'm going to be as 'Gracious' as I humanly can be here, and give this picture a ' Scant , but Honest ✅ ' , 5.50 Marks out of 10 .
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khasding-6329319 December 2020
People seem to want too much for a movie these days this is just entertainment take it for what it is it's definitely entertaining
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The action is the icing on the cake.
takerutenkuji11 October 2020
I went to this movie expecting great action & I got more than great, fantastic action pieces. The casts are charismatic & likable but that's all to it. I feel like this movie is a sequel to a movie that doesn't exist. The world set-up is intriguing but the execution is generic. The characters are actually interesting but their time of interaction were consumed by the action. Wished we got some backstory behind these characters motivation but sadly the duration is short.

Jackie Chan was great & he doesn't overshadowed the rest of the characters which I'm glad. The plot & the villain motivation were so generic & stupid hence they stop me from loving this movie. I don't get how everyone saying the CG is terrible, imo its really good. The action pieces are definitely the highlight of the movie.
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Simply bad.
TimeSkipLuffy15 November 2020
Bad acting, bad action scenes, bad CGI, bad story... I could keep going on. There is so much wrong in this movie that I wish I haven't seen this. What's worse is that Jackie Chan is selling his soul to the China movie factory. It really hurts his amazing legacy. So many awesome HK movies and even some decent Hollywood movies. When judging a movie I rather want to keep politics aside but its very hilarious when all those new China movies try to sell how great China is. Like when they tell a story about an activist and portrait western people as wildlife hunters but don't say anything about a lot of Chinese people buying that stuff for "health" issues. 3 stars only because there is worse. China is so desperate to show the "pretty" Chinese people in their movies that acting becomes 2nd importance.
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FeastMode10 June 2021
Let's start with the positives. The fight scenes are pretty awesome, always clear with some cool moves.

The negatives. Where to start. Any action other than the fight scenes ranges from mediocre to bad. The CGI is awful yet used repeatedly, even on things that you don't expect them to CG. The story is nothing. The characters are nothing.

Most hilarious is that for some reason, even 40 some years later, jackie chan movies are terribly dubbed. And i don't mean dubbing with a different language. I mean voices speaking the same language as the character, yet never sounding like they're coming from them. I counted four different times when i saw how a character looks and then laughed out loud when they spoke.

By the end of the movie i cared about nothing. And the non-fight scene action became so monotonous and redundant. I was asking myself "why am i still watching this?" and i almost forgot about the hilariously blatant chinese propaganda (1 viewing, 6/9/2021)
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Do not trust the good reviews
lamebear18 October 2020
This movie is disaster. Terrible CGI, woeful transitions in between scenes and cringeworthy dialogues. What is more worrying than the cheesy villain in the movie is the fact that the reviewers giving 8-10 stars are most likely paid to do so. Just take a look at their review history and you will know. Ridiculous.
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When you got the money but not the talent
psy9999920 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is what a true 1 star movie looks like. Highlights include: Captain China, a giant DJI drone, horrible acting and a terrible script. If you are with friends and want to have a laugh, watch it.
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It's okay!
Leofwine_draca14 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jackie Chan's newest mainland Chinese films tend to be very poor indeed, but I was pleasantly surprised by VANGUARD. It's as cheesy and propaganda-laden as you'd expect, not to mention badly acted and featuring some awful CGI animals in the African section, but the action is generally decent and it tends to just about hold up throughout. I put this down to the presence of veteran director Stanley Tong, of RUMBLE IN THE BRONX fame, who still knows how to shoot cool action and fight scenes and generally keeps the momentum going from beginning to end. Chan himself is a disappointment and keeps getting doubled now, and there's constant lazy CGI when there doesn't need to be, but otherwise this is okay.
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Why Jacky .......!!!?
mecanada19 March 2021
This is the worst movie for Jacky chan I ever see. Its bad in everything , if you like to waste your time just see it
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Fighting and all that
kosmasp5 July 2021
The movie has a weird mixture of comedy and real action ("deaths" and violence) ... especially when Jackie Chan has to walk that thin line between what audiences are expecting from him and being someone who has to kill people in order to protect others ... I know it kind of feels strange him poking fun (no pun inteded) and in the next moment shooting someone dead ... but it is what it is.

The action choreography is quite something ... a lot of great stunts ... and Jackie Chan humor from time to time (like the escalator scene towards the end, a nice wink to all his fans and his career). There is some love/romance thing added for good measure ... all in all. A lot of scenes where people fall .. mostly on purpose included. This is over the top with quite a few locations to boost ... the villains are quite comical ... which I would not add to the positive attributes of the movie ... just know what to expect (not your regular Jackie Chan action comedy) and you should be good.
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Sad to see his movie getting bad to worse.
lsd-0244615 November 2020
The CGI sucks big time. Lion look so fake. Even the car drift scene also fake like fark. Seriously what kind of attire Jackie Chan wearing in Africa. Lol maximum fail.
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Jackie Chan is Back in his Form with Vanguard
supamcb5 October 2020
Vanguard was supposed to be released on 25th January, 2020 but due to global COVID-19 pandemic this movie has been delayed, and now it has finally arrived.

After a long time Jackie Chan has returned to his form even though it's a multicast movie. Other younger actors couldn't bypass his role in Vanguard. He is growing old but his performances won't allow to reflect it. His accurate timing in both comic scenes and actions are really entertaining.

The story is written in such a way with visually super VFX and CGI action stunts that you will be amazed to see it on the theatre. Stanley Tong is always at his best with a mixture of actions and hilarious comedy scenes. Locations are selected very wisely for high octane chasing scenes with combinations of captivating fights.

Don't miss this movie if you want to enjoy an on-the-edge thrilling ride in time of pandemic.

Highly recommended 👌🏻
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It's a Chinese action movie.
MsMovie28 May 2021
Jackie Chan has made many action movies - some were great, classics from their time - this is not one of those, but it's not horrible either.

If you've ever watch any of Jackie Chan's really old movies and enjoyed those well enough, then this one is no different.

Yes, there's some bad acting and questionable CGI, and of course it's going to toe the party line as it's a Chinese movie.

But if you can get past that and you have nothing else to do, it's an OK movie.
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Plain and bland action movie
daisukereds18 November 2020
This is what I call a "globetrotter". It's your generic action team going all around the world on a mission. And even if the stunts are good and the look of the movie is fine, there is simply nothing to it. Nothing stands out or is memorable, or would prompt a second watching. You can't even make fun of it (like the newest Charlie's Angels). At times, there's too many people shooting and you don't know who is who..

And for such a serious movie, Jackie stands out like a sore thumb... and not in a good way. Don't recommend it, it's too boring and simplistic.
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The worst movie I've ever seen!
moh-010127 October 2020
I will not write much. But trust me when i say that you will waste your money & time watching this.
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Really Disappointment
frihidit10 October 2020
I was disappointed in the story, the director and the motion affect.
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Nothing good about the movie
mohdraif-0340212 October 2020
Cringeworthy lines, dull acting, horrible CGI, lousy plot...if you're planning on watching this movie for Jackie, save your money and watch his older works instead.
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Don't believe the hate.
Eiriksterminator21 December 2020
It's unrealistic at times for sure, and the cgi is pretty bad, but the action is good. People complain too much. The movie takes place all over the world, and is a pretty fun ride. Not sure where the complaints about nationalism are coming from, I'm not really seeing it.
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The worst Jackie chan movie i've seen it ever
reellanoo10 October 2020
It's miserable the CGI is disaster With funny cheap action sciences
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Less Jackie But Amazing Stunts & Fights
stevendbeard21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "Vanguard", starring Jackie Chan-The Foreigner, the Rush Hour movies; Miya Muqi-Kung Fu Yoga, Tomb Robber; Brahim Chab-Abduction, Dragonwolf and Ruohan Xu-this is her first movie. I guess it depends on whether or not you are a Jackie Chan fan-I am-but if you are, you should enjoy this movie. It does have a little less Jackie-he is getting just a tad bit older, being 66-but the stunts and fights are pretty amazing. Jackie plays the head of a security and VIP protection service called Vanguard-that is one of the excuses for less Jackie, being behind a desk. An accountant has been kidnapped and Vanguard are called in to save the day. Vanguard saves the book keeper but his daughter Ruohan, is taken as a hostage/leverage to get what the bad guys want. Jackie does participate in some action/fight scenes but leaves the majority of it to his younger and highly trained agents, such as Miya. Brahim is the kidnapper that has to face Jackie's elite squad, but Brahim has his own mercenary soldiers that really love to get into scraps. There are lots of cool stunts-I really liked the flying skateboard-and fights, as well as car chases and gun battles. Oh yeah, the screening I was attending had sub_titles and there are the usual bloopers and out takes during the end credits that accompany a Jackie Chan movie. I didn't notice a rating but it had violence-not too bloody-and had a running time of 1 hour & 48 minutes. I really liked it and would buy it on Blu_Ray.
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What a waste of Time
tarig-6905712 October 2020
I left the Cinema after 15 mins- one word to describe this movie - garbage
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Not Jackie's best, but given his age, we can't expect classic Jackie!
forrealgames1454 October 2020
This movie, in my opinion, was a lot better than his previous collaboration with Stanley. Kung Fu Yoga was okay. If you enjoyed that, you'll definitely have a romp with this film. It's the same kind of action heavy but also goofy comedy that you can expect from some of Jackie's movies. His role here is a little more subdued, however, as he lets the other actors take bigger roles. Although he's the highest billed actor here, he plays more of a secondary role as the leader of this agency. That being said, there's enough Jackie in this movie where I don't feel misled. He definitely has more screen time than The Foreigner, another movie where he received top billing but, imo didnt appear enough in the film.

The action is great and it's definitely a good popcorn flick that'll distract you from the ongoing pandemic. It's what the world needs, really!
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Extraordinarily corny but loaded with very watchable action nonetheless......
s327616917 November 2020
"Vanguard" is probably one of the corniest action flicks I've seen this year but it has enough non stop action, to pull it off.

From start to end there's lot of martial arts and weapons play to keep the viewer happy. Jackie Chan's trade mark is everywhere to be seen with a large doses of the kind of semi comical, choreographed fight scenes, that made him famous.

On top of this is are large dollops of sugary, overly sentimental family and very tame romance scenes. I know from my time in China audiences there love this stuff. That said, it doesn't travel well and many Western viewers, like myself, will see it as downright corny.

If you can look past this and I think you should, there's enough excitement, fun and pure entertainment on offer here, to keep the majority of action fans more than satisfied.

6/10 from me.
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Absurd action and bad acting
tcat88822 November 2020
Most of the fighting scenes are just boring to watch and the actions in the movies are mostly absurd. The good guys never die and barely even get shot despite being outnumbered and under heavy fire. In many instances they could have killed the bad guys but somehow choose to just knock them out, and the bad guys soon come back chasing them again. The young female character playing the daughter cannot act! Her emotional scene with her dad seems so fake and the chemistry between her and the male lead is so forced it makes you want to stop watching the movie. And JC too many times trying to subtly show his praise to China, those moments just makes you cringe.
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Not expected
moathmac9 October 2020
Literally worst movie in my life Just showing us how beautiful Dubai is
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