13 Fanboy (2021) Poster


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BandSAboutMovies26 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Written, directed and produced by Deborah Voorhees (Tina from Friday the 13th: A New Beginning but also Roxie from Avenging Angel), this film fills the void that the lawsuit of the ownership of the Friday the 13th movies has left by making a movie that has stars Dee Wallace (pretty much everything good about the 80s), C. J. Graham (Jason in Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives), Kane Hodder (the actor who pretty much is Jason), Corey Feldman (Tommy Jarvis in Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter), Lar Park Lincoln (Tina in Friday the 13th: A New Beginning), Judie Aronson (Samantha from Friday the 13th: The Final Chapter), Ron Sloan (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning), Jennifer Banko (Friday the 13th: A New Beginning), Tracie Savage (Debbie from Friday the 13th Part III 3D) as pretty much themselves for the most part.

After witnessing the murder of her grandmother Deborah Voorhees - get yourself out of the way so that you can direct - Kelsie has ben traumatized. She's also the only one that realizes that other Friday the 13th actresses are being killed by a fan who is redoing the death scenes from the movies. For some reason, he also wants Dee Wallace dead.

The result is a fine slasher - not good or great, but serviceable - that stays around a bit too long and has a few too many twists at the end, but hey - we have't had one of these movies for this cast in too long. So it's nice to see all of these actors on screen and getting paid, as the lack of conventions over the coronavirus shut down had to ruin their finances.

I wish the killer looked a little more unique, but the practical kills work well enough. I also kind of hope that everyone shooting digital realizes they can do more than a simple color pass on their film and works to make it look richer and more unique, but dare to dream, right?
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Unintentionally humorous, but not unintentionally good
HorrorFilmHellion10 December 2021
Not going to spend a lot of time on this review that will disappear into a sea of ominous perfect 10s. If you can get past the questionably executed self serving tongue in cheek script, and the choppy inconsistent editing, you too will get a small amount of entertainment from mostly cringy, non-plausible actions and dialogue. Fun to see a few old familiar faces show up from the franchise, and a few chuckles from Kelsey fright-punching her boyfriend a couple of times. A smile from the micro-gag reel, post credits.
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Pretty good by Corey's standards
kffalk9 November 2021
Not even joking. For a movie starring a grown up Corey Feldman this is pretty damn good.

And it's fun to point at the screen and say "I know who all these people are!" even if the story and the direction aren't amazing.

Also, this movie helped me quit my sleeping pills, which is great. Those things made me so groggy. I'd be goofing around in traffic all morning unable to open my eyes properly. So many needless deaths. Especially children, which is almost always sad.
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If Making "The Room" of Slasher Movies Was Their Intention, They Succeeded
sNate8723 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure where to begin with this one. I caught this film at it's premiere last night and only a couple minutes in I knew this was going to be real bad. It reminded me of something a child would have written.

There is no pacing in this film whatsoever. It seems like scenes are cut and pasted together with absolutely no sense of tone. It is very jarring how it jumps from one scene to the next. By the time Kane Hodder was giving his unnecessarily long monologue as he died in someone's arms, I was cracking up. It was then that I realized I had to treat this movie like I was watching The Room. It truly is unbelievable how flawed it was at times, but it makes for some great unintentional comedy. The bad dialogue, editing, poor soundtrack choices, and performances are cringe-worthy. I even felt embarrassed for the dogs that were involved in this production (though I will admit there were several cute dogs in this film, and those were probably my favorite parts).

If I absolutely *had* to give one positive note, I would say that it was shot decently. It did look like a "real movie". But in order to make a good movie, you need more than a good camera and a bunch of horror veteran actors involved.

As the film ended, I turned to my girlfriend and paraphrased Billy Madison to her. "Everyone in this theater is dumber for having to sit through that. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul." We laughed, and no more than thirty seconds after, the man seated next to us rose up with a microphone and announced that he was the producer. I then realized I was sharing the theater with mostly people who worked on this film. How embarrassing! I assume they're the ones currently giving this a 10/10 rating as well. Avoid unless you're looking for a slasher film that seems to have had Tommy Wiseau as a ghostwriter!
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paul_haakonsen31 October 2021
However, I must say that the movie's synopsis sounded like it could be a fun movie to watch, especially with all the amazing apperances of horror icons mostly from the "Friday the 13th" franchise. So of course I opted to sit down and watch the 2021 horror movie "13 Fanboy" from writers Joel Paul Reisig and Deborah Voorhees.

Oh Jeebus, this was a swing and a miss.

I didn't even manage to sit through the entire ordeal, because the storyline was just downright rubbish, and there was very little of any interest going on really, so if you have problems sleeping, you might want to put "13 Fanboy" on.

Now, what was impressive about director Deborah Voorhees's 2021 horror movie was all the horror icons that participated in the movie. And as a life-long fan of the "Friday the 13th" franchise, I have to say that the cast ensemble here was just overwhelmingly impressive. Just a real shame that the storyline and the movie was such rubbish.

"13 Fanboy" tried, well director Deborah Voorhees tried, but ultimately failed to deliver anything wholesome or entertaining. And this is certainly not a movie that I will be returning to finish watching, as it just effectively managed to fall short of being entertaining.

My rating of, this rather disappointing horror movie, lands on a generous two out of ten stars. As a massive fan of "Friday the 13th", this was just a disappointing experience to say the least.
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Don't Waste Your Time
dench-6434926 October 2021
What a mess of a movie that seemingly took ages to make. It tries too hard to bank on nostalgia, but ends up just coming across as boring, stale, and quite frankly, stupid.

The meta angle died in the early aughts. This is 20 years too late.
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Great concept, terrible execution
udar5522 November 2021
It takes something truly special to get more than a paragraph out of me nowadays, but 13 FANBOY (2021) deserves it. I'll leave it up to you to decide which definition of "special" I am talking about. The film is a long-time passion project by the aptly-named Deborah Voorhees, probably best known as the hedge shears-into-the-eyes victim from FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V (1985). She parlayed that association into co-writing and directing this meta project over the last few years.

The film opens thirteen years ago with Voorhees appearing as "herself" as she is stalked and killed in front of her daughter. Fast forward to the present and said daughter Kelsie Voorhees (Hayley Greenbauer) is a MMA fighter and star of a cheapo slasher series called BLOODLUST. She is good friends with her mom's pal Dee Wallace (Dee Wallace) and is doing a convention with a buncha FRIDAY alumni. Trouble arises quickly when they notice Lar Park-Lincoln (Tina in FRIDAY 7) has not shown up to the show. A horror celeb missing an autograph signing? Send up the flares! Release the hounds! It is soon clumsily revealed (at the hotel bar!) that a video of Lar being kidnapped and murdered surfaced "on the dark net" (apparently horror vloggers break news like CNN nowadays). Soon Dee and Kelsie are both being stalked by the same killer.

So, yeah, this thing is packed with tons of former Jason fodder and even some Jasons. In addition to the aforementioned Deborah Voorhees and Lar Park-Lincoln, we have Judie Aronson (raft girl in FRIDAY 4), Tracie Savage (hammock girl from FRIDAY 3), Jennifer Banko (young Tina from FRIDAY 7), Vincente DiSanti (Jason from the NEVER HIKE ALONE fan films), C. J. Graham (Jason from FRIDAY 6), and Kane Hodder (Jason from FRIDAY 7-10). And look for a "blink and you'll miss them" appearance by Carol Locatell and Ron Sloan (the redneck mom and son from FRIDAY 5). Oddly, the only person NOT playing themselves is Corey Feldman (Tommy from FRIDAY 4), who is cast as a Weinstein-esque producer and gives a meshuggeneh performance on a planet away from everyone else. Even odder, we have the focus on Dee Wallace. Doing her patented weeping mom routine, Wallace never had the good fortune of being in a FRIDAY film. However, the stalker makes sure to mention her turn in Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN (2007). Wait a sec...they are an obsessed F13 stalker fan and dig Rob Zombie's HALLOWEEN? They are legit certifiable!

There is a germ of such a great idea in 13 FANBOY. Anyone who has ever been to a horror convention in the flesh can attest to the wide swath of oddball folks who show up there and Adrienne King, the first FRIDAY's leading lady, has told of a terrifying real life stalking encounter. The fan-gone-crazy has hit before with the likes of FADE TO BLACK (1980), THE KING OF COMEDY (1982), WES CRAVEN'S NEW NIGHTMARE (1994) and even Charles Band's shockingly similar TROPHY HEADS (2014), but something centered on the horror convention circuit could have been truly special. Unfortunately, this scenario gets bogged down by some truly side splitting moments. I will give you just a couple of my favorites. Early in the film Banko finds out the stalker is literally outside her window as they send her a pic of her inside her house. So, naturally, she calls the police, right? Nope! She calls...wait for it...Kane Hodder! To the film's benefit, he says, "Have you called the cops?" To the film's detriment, she says, "They won't believe me." To the film's total peril (and my unending amusement), Hodder decides the best plan of action is to go to her house alone and beat up the stalker. This results in a Hodder death speech where he is just acting his little heart out, thinking he is going to get an Oscar (he'd settle for a Fango Chainsaw Award).

Hands down though my favorite stuff in this film are the interactions between Dee Wallace and her onscreen husband. I know I use this line a lot, but do the filmmakers know how humans interact? Have they seen people before? One bit has Wallace and her husband babysitting their grandkids when the killer shows up. Wallace sees the stalker outside their house and her husband won't believe her. Later the power gets cut, he looks at her and says, "You're on your own." WHAT!? Even funnier is she walks around the house with a gun and opens the door only to find her son and daughter-in-law there. In one hilarious bit of staging, they scoop up the kids in two seconds and leave while her husband bellows, "Jesus Christ! Now we've lost our grandkids!" Nothing (NOTHING!) however could prepare me for the sequence toward the end where Wallace is arrested for the murder thirteen years ago (thanks to a wonky videotape), hated by Kelsie, redeemed by Kelsie (who shows the cops the video has been doctored), and bailed out by Kelsie all in the span of three minutes. Even better, I got the best dialogue exchange I've heard all year outside of the police station.

Kelsie: "I'm sorry I doubted you." Dee: "That's okay. I was beginning to suspect me too."

WHAT!?! You didn't have enough faith in yourself that you started to suspect yourself? My GAWD, I thought my self esteem was low.

So does the film do anything right? As I said there is a great idea in there and it is cool to see all these familiar faces. There is also a nice bit at the end involving the killer that I can't tell without spoiling things. It is a very slick looking film too and we get to see C. J. Graham face off against another killer, so that is kinda cool. It worked best with the unintentionally funny moments. However, I am probably in the minority if the IMDb user reviews since the day of release are to be believed. Lotsa "10 out of 10"s and effusive praise from the fanboys.
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Great on paper horribly executed on screen
lukejknutson24 October 2021
As a long time fan of the friday the 13th series. I was excited when this project was announced. I can site almost the entire series scene by scene.. Im a diehard. This movies plot along with the cast sounded great on paper.. but after watching this. Id have to say.. Both CJ Graham and Kane Hodder deserve a razzie award each for two of the worst performances on screen. A few other cast members can be nominated too. Lots of plot inconsistences as well. Some of the cast in here seem like cheap cameo appearances and their characters have no idea what to do with the script. The movie seemed scrambled together.

I understand making movies is hard and takes alot of work. I have nothing but respect to deborah voorhees and the cast but overall this movie is a major mess. I also couldnt stand the youtuber police story cameos either. Brutally horrible. The kills.. not that creative. The killer(s) motives..horrible. The ending is pretty much a scream rip-off. 13 Fanboy makes Halloween Kills seem like a cinematic masterpiece.

I did like Deborah Sullivan's cameo though. Shes also great in Secret Santa which for being a low budget independent movie. Is a million times better.
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Great Cast Bad Execution.
treakle_197825 October 2021
I really wanted to love this movie but the performance's and script needed more work.

The direction needed some work as well. The kills were Good and the Cast is strong but it just didn't feel like the effort was there.

Tim Treakle.
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You almost had it
bmaccoy23 October 2021
I was very excited to see this movie get off the ground, and I was very excited to pay for it the day it was released on VOD. With that being said, this movie did not do it for me, casting Dee Wallace as your main focus was a mistake. She just did not have the presence to make the it work, as she seemed as a huge fish out of water, as a fan of hers, I'm not taking anything away from her, I just believe she was miscast. It was fun seeing all of the returning Friday the 13th actors, and I feel Deborah Voorhees has promise as a director, but this movie took the wrong route. A better story would have made this movie sail further then I feel this one has.
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Not a fan film. This is the real thing.
pfdsmokejumper23 October 2021
This film is what happens when an actor/actress remembers the fans and makes something she truly believes in with the help of other Friday icons from the horror genre. I am proud to have helped crowdfund this film and have my name in the credits. Hit this movie out of the ballpark. Give it your time this Halloween you won't be sorry. Thank you Deborah Voorhees for not forgetting where you came from.
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Some good kills
richardbrucejulien23 October 2021
I love Deb Voorhees. She's an amazing person and really created something special for friday fans...

For a fan fiction movie it's top notch but don't expect the same production value as a big studio, obviously.

There are a lot of characters in the movie... and if your just a casual fan of Friday , it might be a little confusing.

Had some good scenes and some really liked what Kane Hodder brought to the movie. He's such a likeable person...

Too many set up scenes and not a lot of character development... we could have shaved a few characters off and focused more on the fanboy backstory IMO...

If you liked the scream franchise and meta universe then you will possibly like this more tha I did.

Overall a t was nice to see some of the classic Friday fans in a new movie... I'm nostalgic about this franchise...

The ending was unexpected but a little sloppy and out of place...

See it for yourself... support this movie...
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Are we watching the same movie?
snapshotmama19 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILER ALERT: Most of the reviews for this on FB and in the DV group have been really good. With people raving how awesome it was and the acting was phenomenal. I just have to ask, are we watching the same movie? I was disappointed to say the least.

When I first heard of this movie in production a few years ago, I was excited. My husband and I are huge fans of the13th franchise so we were extremely anxious for this movie to arrive. Boy were we in for a disappointment. The acting was absolutely terrible, except for Dee Wallace...she may have been the only thing that saved this from a complete disaster of a movie. The storyline had potential, but the way it was executed was horrific. Whoever was in charge of editing did not understand the assignment because the way they put it all together made the movie confusing and really hard to watch. We are lucky to have made it through the entire thing because there were many times I wanted to turn it off but kept pushing through. Kane's death scene was definitely one of the hardest scenes to watch and not because it was so moving and he was so good at acting as everyone has been saying...no...it was hard to watch because it was terrible acting and just way over the top...like cmon dude die already, way too drawn out. Don't even get me started on the confusing as hell ending. All in all, I give this two stars and that's only because of Dee Wallace who played her part phenomenally and almost saved the movie if only the storyline had been better executed.
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Could have worked better as a comedy
coleektorrd22 June 2022
Opportunity missed. Killing the original actors that played in the movies was a bad idea for a serious slasher film. Why? Because we care too much for the actors. We know them, or feel we do. What works as a slasher film is the separation of the victims from reality. The suspension of disbelief.

This would have been far better if it was in the comedy tradition of scary movie.
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A Great Idea horribly executed
chaplaindad28 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The core idea of the film, that a fan stalks former Friday the 13th actors is wonderful. What a disappointment that it was poorly written and fraught with over-acting, especially from Dee Wallace and Corey Feldman. The improbability of a completely incompetent police force doing no investigating when there are metric tons of evidence: texts, phone calls, videos, notes, etc is laughable. That none of the victims seem capable of defending themselves (until the climax of the film) is not at all believable and undermines the effectiveness of the film. Spoiler alert: the plot line twist, which started well when the "Snuffed Out" director was revealed as the killer, is destroyed by the twist to the twist, that an Friday the 13th franchise actress is a partner in the killing because she despises Dee Wallace's stardom. Bottom line: this is a forgettable treatment of what could have been a truly haunting thriller.
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What a Shame
childyarien18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I scarcely know where to begin. It actually starts out good. The intro is phenomenal and surreal. I've met a few of these actor in person at a HORCON. Lar Park was a disappointment here. She looked a lot better in person than in this film.

A major disappointment is that when the villain started whacking the former actors of the film franchise, Kane Hodder was one of the first to go. And he's 'King' of the FT13th film series. To me, he should of been the one to put a stop to Fanboy. But instead, Debbie got C. J. Graham, who only has a few films under his belt. And Kane has 40 years of work built up in the entire film industry, as well with playing Jason in 4 of the FT13th films. Then most of these people are little more than has been hackers and 1 hit wonders. And instead of C. J owning this creep, he gets punked around and someone else had to finish the job, WITH A GUN, of all things. A slasher villain being taken out with a gun. WTF??? Then there's the "Lethal Weapon" quote that C. J. and Fanboy share. At the end of the original "Lethal Weapon," Mel Gibson says, "would you like a shot at the title." Whereupon the villain (Gary Busey) says, "Don't mind if I do."

The story jumps around a bit and gets confusing as to what's going on, like scenes being cut at odd times. The ending is another disappointment. The bad guy wins and the story ends at a really strange place (circumstances and characters).
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Lame attempt at riding coattails
firecrotchlove5 March 2023
This is probably the most pathetic attempt at riding coattails that you will ever see in horror. And that is saying something.

This was nothing more than a lame attempt for these former starts of the Friday the 13th franchise to regain some former relevancy. Nothing more. The story, characters and situations are all hokey and contrived. It's not even scary. Not even a little.

The production values are pretty weak, and the cinematography is flat with unimpressive shot compositions. This movie does not contain an ounce of originality.

This was nothing but a cheap cash grab and from the looks of it, they didn't grab much. Do yourselves a favor and stay away. It has NOTHING to do with Friday the 13th or it's fandom.
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Bad. Really bad.
TheOneThatYouWanted8 March 2022
Low budget, in a really bad way. This is the type of film only super, super 80s slasher film nerds should watch. If you are a hardcore fan of horror films, save your time and rewatch one of your favorites.
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Better than expected...a trip down memory lane
tikitim-4709216 January 2023
Was this a fantastic movie? No it wasn't but it was nostalgic in a way and I liked seeing all of the original actors. I grew up in the '70s and '80s and watched all of the movies in the theater or drive-in even for some horror movies. Dee Wallace was great as usual. The acting overall wasnt that bad and for a low budget it could have been worse. I think what was lacking for me was the suspense but overall I was engaged for the duration. I applaud the efforts for them to put together this movie as I know it was a passionate project from the start and it took a lot of energy to put it together. Too bad they can't make a sequel and have other of the original actors in it. It keeps them employed and I think it is a great thing to do for the fans. I would probably see a sequel just to see how other original actors are holding up.
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Had high hopes
MadMovieMax7 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched every Friday the 13th movie multiple times, this movie had none of the charms. It was a dark gritty unenjoyable film.

I thought Corey Feldman, Dee Wallace, and Kane Hodder, this will be great. It wasn't.

I wished that I watched Kane Hodder as Stanley in Streetcar Named Desire.

If they make that watch that but don't waste your time with this crap.

Other than the scenes with Kane Hodder the best was the outtakes.
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lblackburnii22 October 2021
I thought it was great. Fairly original premise and cast from all the greats. Im partial tho, I'm an 80's horror fan. And for once Corey Feldman wasn't too much. A fantastic mix of characters as "themselves".

Also, I think they should leave it alone. No sequel please!
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No one is safe
kosmasp30 July 2022
As a character in the movie says, real life is different than movies. Of course that is way meta - since this is a movie too. That said, a lot of people play themselves (no not that kind of playing - get your mind straight ... no pun intended). Also they play a version of themselves of course - so while the character they portray is named after them, there is still some heightend reality. I hope that was clear enough.

That said, there is the movie within a movie ... within the four walls we are ourselves. No noteable nudity but a bit of violence and blood. It still is more emphasasing on the story rather than anything else. In case you are here for exploitation reasons - or for comedy ... there is not much of that, if any depending on how you rate that.

Decent horror, for those who love that kind of stuff - as they would say themselves.
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Great premise, Bad Execition
tkactor48 July 2022
What a promising premise! Dee Wallace gave a great performance (and looked fabulous) but was let down by the script in the final act. Horrific acting by Hayley Greenbauer, Corey Feldman, and Ron Sloan further work against the film. If only this could be remade with a better script, some key recasting, and a consistent tongue-in-cheek tone, this would be a masterpiece.
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lambgary44410 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
You will be surprised by some of the good acting like from Kane Hodder and C. J. Graham . A lot of the other actors were well awful, and you understand why they have only done cheesy horror films. What ruins this movie is really bad and lazy writing. You see Dee's character in this movie get arrested based on a video showing her at a murder. They have the police arrest her but leave the evidence at the house. Later on another character looks at the video and see's it's a fake. I don't have a problem with her figuring out it's a fake but on what planet would the police leave evidence behind. I must also point out she was charged with 2 murders her husband was the other. She woke up and found a pair of scissors stabbed in this throat. He is of course dead but for some reason she pulls the scissors out of his neck and tries CPR for a whole 6 seconds. This was a stupid scene and again the police left the scissors there. I could go on about the seriously bad flaws in the script but that would be every scene in the movie. The lead woman in this movie watched her grandma die when she was about 6 or 7 years old. The killer when revealed would have been 6 or 7 years old at the time to making their plot useless. I will say Corey Feldman's character was bad on that alone I will give him a break on his bad acting. My advice is don't waste your time on this movie there isn't even a close up of a naked woman which is a major part of any horror flick. If you are going to make a movie about a horror flick you have to have the basics victims, a bad guy, nudity, blood and gore and a hero take any one of these away and well you get what you got here a bad script and bad all-around movie.
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13 Fanboy
turtleloverules17 July 2022
This was a trip down memory lane seeing key characters from the series. After a while, I forget that I was watching a movie in a movie, and began rooting for the innocent 13 alums. A lot of fun.
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