The Open House (2018) Poster

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Error 404: story not found
kon-grigoriou30 December 2018
The whole consept of the film is interesting and I haven't seen something similar but there was no story at all. Not even the classic horror story that someone dies and becomes a ghost or how someone becomes a killer.
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How many of you went "BOOOOOOOO!!!" at that finish
Aaron137524 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched a Netflix original film a while back called, "The Ritual" and it was pretty good. Not perfect, mind you, but it had me and my fiance's full attention and though I would have done some things differently, it worked. So I was looking for a horror movie in the woods and though this one was not totally in the woods the description made it sound interesting and it also made it sound like a supernatural horror...IT ISN'T!!! It is a very stupid and lazy home invasion movie that seems to promise some revelation at the end, but doesn't!

The story has a father being killed leaving the mother and son in a tough situation. The mother's sister offers the use of her house in the woods since she is not using it and trying to sell it. Why the sister who is obviously loaded doesn't just help the mother with her bills is beyond me, but hell, I can deal with that. The catch with the house is that every Sunday there is an open house and the mother and son must leave during the time it is happening. After the first open house, strange things seem to happen as you guessed it...someone is now in the house. I was hoping something sinister was going on during the time on Sunday like demonic events, but no, the dude in the black boots is terrorizing mother and son while they throw red herrings all over the place and you get to watch him kill both of them and get away with it. Great ending...

So my guess is, if the writers of this film made The Sixth Sense, the twist would have been Bruce Willis' character cures the kid because there were no ghosts. The revelation would have been nothing! People theorize the killer is a serial killer and that his MO is hiding in houses during open house events, but that is unlikely. For one, the house was not being lived in, like a good deal of open houses. What, he is just going to hide out until he decides there is not anyone there? No, I am guessing he took offense to the mother almost hitting him so he went there to get even and decided he liked it so he was going to try again. Still sucks. I imagine the writers of this film with their man bun and puffing on their vapes thinking this was a totally clever ending and the only people who like this thing being hipsters themselves. What it really is, is lazy ass screenwriting.

The film was not all bad, as I did think the actors all did a great job and they did a good job making me wonder what was going to be going on; however, once I figured it was just a home intruder and not anything supernaturally sinister going on I began to lose interest. The ending made me want to punch the writers of this in the face. By the way, turning off the pilot light of a water heater will not cause the water to go ice cold immediately!
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The Open House: Just when I think Netflix is redeeming itself it releases something like this.....
Platypuschow8 December 2018
The Open House is a Netflix original movie and presently sits at no.55 on the IMDB bottom 100. So the IMDB community deems this to be the 55th worst movie ever made. I have to disagree, but there is no denying just how atrocious it is.

It tells the story of a mother and son who move into an open house after a tragedy befalls their family. As per the usual trope weird things begin to happen in the property.

The trouble is, well.................there are a lot of troubles but first of all the movie is..........wait, honestly I don't even know where to start here.

Awfully paced, dreadful characters you simply can't care about, a billion unanswered questions, the film ultimately goes nowhere at all! Basically the only redeeming features the film has are marginally decent cinematograpgy and a beautiful setting.

The Open House is fully deserving of all the poor ratings, it's the absolute pits.

The Good:

Beautiful location

The Bad:

Cliched to incredible levels

Unlikeable characters

Serves no purpose

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Nothing, in fact I'm pretty sure it caused brain leakage so I've probably forgot some stuff
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roddersladuk4 April 2018
Most of the 1 star reviews articulate the problem really well but if you're still unclear allow me to communicate it in another way.

Imagine you walked into your living room and saw Frank Sinatra playing world of warcraft. Then your neighbour came round several times and said some weird stuff to you. Then your cat takes a dump in your bed and moos at you. Then you start singing the lyrics to YMCA while Eiffel 65 is playing 'I'm blue' in the background

So you must be asking yourself, What was the relevance of sinatra and why world of warcraft? Why did my neighbour come around and what did they say? Why did your cat moo and why sing YMCA to a different tune?

The truth reason at all. None of it related to anything. Pointless. No connection. Nothing
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The Worst Movie I Have Watched In A Long Time!
adunmire-7121320 January 2018
What??? There was no ending?? It was pointless to even watch! A waste of time for the viewer.
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Spoiler Alerts Don't Matter Because There Is Nothing To Spoil
pleasantcow20 January 2018
Good job Netflix! You bought total crap! After watching this I can't help but feel like the "writers" of this trainwreck are sitting in their beanbag chairs and taking turns patting each other on the back. Instead of congratulating themselves they should be taking script writing classes. This was the laziest piece of crap that I have seen in a VERY long time. "Oh! We have a great idea for a movie!...I mean...we don't have any structure and we don't have a clue how to finish it...but maybe people will think we're geniuses for just phoning in the entire ending of the movie!"

Listen...there are no spoiler alerts here. This movie is a complete waste of time. If these two morons ever hope to make another movie...maybe they should learn something about structure...plot...climax. I feel like this movie was written on a napkin at a Denny's and then left on the table and the busboy decided to make it.

It's just awful. Stay away. And pray they never make another film in their lives. There are too many talented writers and directors out there to waste any time on these two.

There...I said it.
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Waste of Time
redbirdfan200819 January 2018
I really don't know what happened here. It started off well, but then it just kind of fizzled. The acting wasn't bad, but the writing was. Certainly nothing original about the plot. I was really expecting more from this movie. Overall its just 90 minutes of my life that I can never get back.It almost seems like they just ran out of money and decided to just go ahead and end it.It will leave you unsatisfied and with a bunch of questions that will likely never get answered. Netflix must have acquired this movie for a bargain basement price not caring about their subscribers. Please no more recommendations Netflix
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Never been so angry or disappointed in a film...EVER
ali-bubble-hot-hot20 January 2018
I completely jinxed this movie by saying how good it was halfway through.

I've seen some pretty horrendous horror films in my lifetime, but you expect them to be horrendous because they are what they say on the tin. Cheap and easy.

This film is the opposite, it's deceptive and not in a "ahhh wasn't expecting that" sort of way. More a feeling of being completely ripped off and dissatisfied kinda way. We honestly really enjoyed a good majority of this film, so many things that look like they're building up to a really good twist at the end. Mysterious characters, red herrings, things that could be linked together in a really cool way.

How naive and utterly wrong we were.

There is no point to this film. Literally, why was this film made? It's like they employed a really good writer for the first half of the film who put together a brilliant structure and then some idiot decided to take over and realised he/she was in over their head. By the last shot I was honestly screaming "DO NOT ROLL CREDITS" and my sister had to restrain me when the goddam screen went black.

This review may seem extra, but I have never been so angry, frustrated and disappointed by a potentially great film.

I urge you not to waste your time.

I have to go cool off and try and forget the fact I ever watched this piece of rubbish.
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Sheer Unadulterated Garbage
adrian-1461919 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another example of writers who think they don't need to have a decent explanation and conclusion to a story. In other words they don't need to write; they just string some vents together, add some creepy locations and a few cookie cutter characters and ... bingo ... you've got a movie.

It starts off well enough as a creepy psychological thriller that actually holds the attention quite well, but then the last twenty minutes head off into tedious raving psycho stalker killer territory and some quite unnecessary violence. There is no proper resolution, no explanation for events, not even any justification for the killer nutbag's behaviour.

A truly abysmal piece of rubbish. Somebody at Netflix needs to have an urgent career review for deciding to commission this.
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A total BS of a movie
spooky_6419 January 2018
I thought the movie started really good, building up to something interesting...but boy was I wrong.

Still wanna say that the lead characters were very good and acted reliably.

After like 85% of the movie I was looking forward to see how the writers was gonna tie at least some of the knots together...but boy was I wrong again.

We, the audience are left in total darkness without an answer to a single thing what so ever.

Hmm, getting tired of writing this review now so I'll stop here and go on to watch another hopefully much much more satisfying movie.

To all you moviebuffs out there...don't bother with this one. /J
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Shut the front door!
cewebb-353644 May 2019
When I'm on my death bed and about to slip away, I'm really going to wish that I could get back the 90 minutes of my life that I lost watching this crock of shiz. I feel sorry for the actors because, apart from Martha, (what was the point of her?) they weren't to blame. It was the diabolical "writing" which let this film down. The trailer was really promising but the rest of the film was soooo pointless. Unfortunately, you don't realise this until the end. The end - what the heck was that all about?? I'm just annoyed that I didn't have an early night and save myself from the huge disappointment of watching this film. Save yourself - don't bother!
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Certain people enjoy it, others hate it.
noonamooo5 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed this movie since it's a lot different than other thrillers/ horrors. I don't entirely understand why people hate it so much to say it's the worst movie that they've ever seen. I appreciate that this movie has a lot tragedy in it, for instance the family mourns the death of the father/husband and decides to start new but gets killed in the end, I find it very realistic compared to other movies I've seen. The music is good and the acting is great. I also found it interesting how the killer was playing mind games with the main characters, by making loud bangs in the basement,. I wouldn't recommend this film to people who don't enjoy open endings.
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I quite enjoyed it.
Sleepin_Dragon3 February 2018
I am not surprised by the low reviews, and the low score, I have to say I enjoyed it. I get that it doesn't have a black and white conclusion, that ambiguity in the end of a film can irritate some, but I'd like to highlight The Strangers, a similar outcome, but a masterclass in movie making, and while The Open House doesn't even come close it raises a few questions. The ending was probably done in that way to allow for a second, and I wouldn't be shocked to see an Open House Part 2 made.

Solid performances, Dylan Minnette, who's always pretty good put in a solid performance, I thought the scenes where he lashed out in anger to his mother about his father's death were very well played out, films so often go way over the top, this had a sense of realism.

When you think that the budget for this film was $100,000 I think it should be applauded, many films with budgets many times that size fail in so many ways, this was a good hour and a half of escapism.

It's not to be taken too seriously, and we didn't get many answers, but that's life.I quite enjoyed it.
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Worst movie... Ever. Like ever ever.
eliasj1221 January 2018
All I can figure is the writer died of a stroke about 1/4 of the way through and Netflix said f it, let's run it like it is. This was an abomination.
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Keep this house closed
cpbuzzard19 January 2018
Everything leading up to the end seemed intentionally misleading into absolutely nothing. Cheap scares that led nowhere. Random killer whose face they never show. Half the fun of these mystery/thriller films is trying to guess the killer. In Scream, the killers were throughout the whole movie! This one just followed a boy and his mom grieving and getting scared shitless for whatever reason. It's like a short story that got stretched into a movie that never should've happened. It may be good for a campfire story but even then not so much. It's an incomplete garbage of a movie. Awful awful awful...

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if I could give it no stars I would
cenguiene20 January 2018
It's like the makings of a good movie wrapped in a bow...then someone opened the box and woosh it all flew out willy nilly with no purpose or reason...wasted my friday night...I want that time back
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Save yourself some time..
geniedevera19 January 2018
What the heck did i just watch? I need answers.. if you are reading this & planning to watch this film, don't! It's going to give you more questions in your life & waste absolutely your time.. XD I love thriller films but this has gone too far that it's way too vague.
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Utter garbage
veelio19 January 2018
Movie starts off pretty good, was enjoyed the first half.

Then it kinda felt like the writers got bored and couldn't be bothered putting in any effort for the second half.

The trailer made it look good...
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Terrible Film
ajshields-1664319 January 2018
I was really looking forward to this film. When the film started I was totally engaged thinking this was going to be a great film.

Unfortunately that quickly fizzled when I realised there was only 18 minutes left and there hasn't been any action yet.

Things only start to actually happen in the last 12 mins and even then it isn't really that interesting. What a waste of my time. Shame though because dylan minnette is brilliant like he was in 13 reasons why just a shame this is his first movie since that. :(

Poor Show Netflix - Poor Show :(
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I opened an IMDB account to give this one star
william_elliss-9977030 August 2020
Over arching story was absent, 'scary' aspects weren't scary at all, and I found myself checking my phone most of the movie.
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katyamokolo19 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The main ( and big ) issue with this film is not the lack of answers or why, it's that everything is made to ( try ) to scare the viewer. Thus resulting in having main character do stuff no one in their right mind would normally do. And the eternal creepy dude that's is like a supernatural ninja never making a sound, damn that was bad.
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My first 2018 Review Of Pure Crap
LordCommandar19 January 2018
Omg! What a crapfest. Me and my wife just watched this movie after reading the negative reviews written on here. No big deal. Its a free download, so I said what's the hell. Boy were reviews spot on. This was so freaking bad, we had to watch it to the very end, to see if there were gonna be any redeeming qualities left. Not one answer to the who what when where or why of this s....tfest. This was my first 2018 review of pure crap, and when. I say crap, I'm being nice. AVOID at all cost. There are enough reviews on here to read that concur this movie sucks major ass. There is absolutely no plot to this film....NONE And to the writers of this garbage. You are clueless to what film making is all about. To the actors, if getting a paycheck is all you want ,then you need to change your careers. This was by far the very worst of the worst.
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Come on, people!
Judit_H_198917 March 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Don't complain about the end of the movie, because it is a proper ending. Why should evilness or cruelty always have a reason? For sick people only the joy of torture matter... And the logic behind it is also understandable. There is this man going from house to house killing people. Actually it is a great movie.
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Don't Judge by the Negative Reviews...
trinaa152 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I normally don't leave reviews on IMDB unless I find that the reviews of a movie I have seen are based on reviewers who leave one or two sentences about why they didn't like the movie without giving any real basis as to their opinions. The majority of the good reviews on this movie were thought provoking and along the same lines as what I am going to write here. First off, I started watching The Open House for a few minutes, and then decided to see what the reviewers on IMDB thought. That being said, I was hesitant to continue watching until a friend of mine said they liked it, so I resumed watching. I have to say, this movie was not at all what I was expecting. I thought it was going to be more of a supernatural haunted house ghost story, but clearly the Netflix description lists it as a "Thriller/psychological thriller", which off the bat, lets you know that you will be in for some twists and turns. SPOILERS AHEAD: The beginning starts off in typical horror movie fashion: A mother, father and teenage son are all happily living together. Then tragedy strikes and the mother and son need to leave their home and venture to a relative's house in the woods. From there, weird and strange people show up, leaving you wondering who is out to get the family, and who is not. I found myself questioning each supporting character's motives as they stopped to say HI to the mother and son, or interacted with them in other ways. Who should they trust? Who should they be wary of? It's very much like real life. When you are in a new environment and you don't know anyone, you're on guard and making sure that you are cautious of who you reveal too much information to. We see this when the son cuts off his mother's conversation with the strangers she meets. Clues within the movie are subtle but if you pay attention, you will pick up on the "why" right away. The son points this out when he discusses the actual process of an "open house". He states that you give realtors the run of the house, and strangers come in when you're not home, and have access to the house. And who is to say whether or not the realtors check the entire house before leaving? It's random. And that is the point of the whole movie. Randomness. Some crazy person sees an open house, decides that the house is big enough to hide out in and observes the family members while they are sleeping and stalks them while living in the basement. He finally seizes his opportunity to torture and kill them, and then moves on to the next open house. Do we know who the killer is? No, but my assumption was that it was the boiler man, given the fact that we see a shadow similar to his stature in one scene when Logan gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, and we see his shoes, which are clearly workman's boots. However, I was kept guessing until the very end, even so far as to think perhaps it was the police officers or even the neighbor's supposedly dead husband. . My guess as to why many people did not like this movie was because of the unsettled feeling they were left with, because it hits too close to a thought of "wow, this could happen to me." And indeed, it happens more often than we are led to believe. Was I left unsatisfied? In a way, yes. But that is the beauty of a well-written psychological thriller (NOT A HORROR MOVIE), it leaves you with questions, leaves your mind to be riddled with feelings of uneasiness and unsettled thoughts. After all, how well do we really know the people we deal with everyday? The people we let into our houses without a second thought about what their backgrounds may be...this movie makes us think, and maybe, cautions us to be more aware of who we allow into our lives and into our homes.
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dont bother
topcomp19 January 2018
So not a clue who, why and the end gave no clues sorry but it was a waste of my time,
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