The Boss Baby: Family Business (2021) Poster

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Family friendly
waqassaleem-852014 July 2021
Fun film for kids. Definitely not as good as the first film. A lot of irrational things that don't make sense but worth the watch.
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Untied team is not a good story.
ahmedm0ustafa12 December 2021
Honestly, I didn't have as much fun as the first part.

I thought it was going to be more creative, but actually it became more real and less funny, which I don't need while watching an animation movie.
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Colourful, cute and adventurous
Gordon-113 July 2021
This film is quite a fun experience. It is colourful, cute and adventurous. It also has a deeper message about childhood innocence and brotherhood. I enjoyed it a lot.
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What Else Can I Say Other Then... It's Passable?
Clank_Zoka3 July 2021
Usually my reviews are quite long in detail, but this it'll be short since there isn't much to say about it, so..., this is a sequel that didn't need to exist, even though I like the first Boss Baby fine, Tobey McGuire got replaced by James Marsden and erm.., yeah, the trailers didn't grab me at all and my expectations were low, so I watched it yesterday and erm.., it was actually not terrible, not good but pretty split in the middle.

I like the animation overall, it's nice and simple and colourful with nice use of Cartoon slapstick, it's pretty good, it has a few funny lines and moments sprinkled across, I like Tina she was a pretty fun and expressive character, Tabitha was cute and relatable I suppose, the voice acting was... fine, but the cast did do the most of what they can with Alec Baldwin and Amy Sadaris being the big standouts!, I liked the ending and the film's nice heart and tone, it's quite nice and gives you a nice warm feel and finally the chases and fights are quite amusing and fun to watch, along with a really lovely song "Together We Stand" and a decent score by Hans Zimmer & Steve Mazzaro.

However, there are things that hold this back, like a very recycled and predictable plot, the villain here isn't as good as the first movie's villain, Tim and Ted are kinda annoying and not that interesting, same can be said with everyone else who are very one dimensional with one trope/goal, not to mention about 80% of the humour isn't funny and just drags on, so kinda basic DreamWorks humour and even the animation gets rather too much with how bland their characters look (despite how well designed they are).

So yeah, it's not good, or bad, it's kinda passable, Boss Baby 2: Family Business is just a step down from the first movie, not awful, but.., nothing wowing or leaps off the screen to amaze you, y'know?, it does have a good message and heart to it, along with nice animation and few funny gags, however it's insanely predictable and all over the way and expect for Tina and maybe Tabitha, every other character is just forgettable with mostly tiresome humour and sometimes phones in acting, (especially Jeff Goldblum), so it's a totally fine kids film, I know people will trash the heck of this film for sure, but it's really not bad, there are FAR worse animated films out there believe me I know, so if you like the first film, you'll like this probably or if you are vice verse then you'll LOATHE this movie, kids will enjoy and parents will get something out of it, but other then that, it's just a mediocrely average film for DreamWorks, but hey, looks better then the next film I'll be seeing from THEM!.

I'm going to give Boss Baby 2: Family Business a 6.3/10.
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Not as good as boss baby 2017.. but good
Story could be more thrilled.. but as a family related movie it's very good and motivational.
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Original Was Better
alltvlover2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Loved Precious!!! I think they tried so hard to out do the first movie, that they over did it. We were inside Tim's imagination for half the movie. Not to mention, why did Tina have to rip off her clothes every time? Boss Baby wore his suit without any apologies lol. Plus, did big Tim and little Tim have the same voice? Nobody heard that?
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A decent movie, though at times confusing and rushed.
adrianmcmahon-522993 July 2021
Overall, I enjoyed this movie, and though I think the first was better, I'm sure kids will love it just as much.

Intro: 3/10

The intro was by far the weakest part of this movie and felt incredibly rushed and made little sense. The problem and characters are barely developed at first which makes it difficult to follow, and before you know it major changes have already happened. As the movie went on, I had so many questions on what was happening because the introduction didn't explain the plot of the movie well.

Plot: 7/10

Although it starts off bumpy, the plot of the movie does make sense, yet as I said before, I still feel that the main problem that the protagonists are facing is barely developed. The "villain" in this movie isn't shown in an evil light until what seems to be the end of the film.

Humor: 10/10

When I was in the theater a group of little kids sat behind us and they managed to laugh at almost every scene.

Ending: 9/10

Unlike the rest of the movie, Boss Baby 2 actually had a surprisingly good ending. The main problem, along with smaller problems within the show, are all satisfyingly resolved.
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Lost me in the first 10 minutes.
dangrmk21 August 2021
I'm pretty good about giving films a fair shake. Sat through, and mostly enjoyed, my share of B (and C) movies that others would've left. This, however, was like watching a bunch of toddlers after consuming way too much chocolate. Screaming, shrieking, flailing, all backed by a blaring music score. It was actually painful. Too bad.
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Cute Endearing Sequel That Is Just Fun and Simplistic
rgkarim3 July 2021

  • No surprise, the animation studios know what to do with the animation software when they invest in their work. Boss baby's dive into the realm of BabyCorp still has the flair that made it so much fun in, with interesting, big eyed design and a colorful setting that grabs attentions. Seeing the kids do surprisingly adult like moves, and capturing the anatomical function of the body is still done super well. No glitchy frame shifts, no dropped frame rates or obvious cuts to skip, and they don't take the lazy pathway and avoid doing things because it might take too much to do it.

  • Babies are cute, babies are adorable and babies can be trouble. Boss Baby proved just that in the presentation for the first installment, but to the level that did not annoy or make us want to walk out. Well, the sequel manages to do that once again, and perhaps to a better level than the first. The adorable baby calls of the new junior exec Tina make will melt the hearts of parents at that familiar call that brings joy. Not your cup of tea? Well don't worry, the family business extends to so many other cute factors to make this a family friendly adventure that will have many saying awwww. The new babies are cute, the family aspects are touching, and even the real life practical lessons have these elements of adorable nature to them and though a bit annoying at times, is mostly used to elevate the movie. Even the main villain is adorable in his own right, and though a bit odd for his intro, I loved how they embedded cuteness into him.

The Morals:
  • It would not be an animated feature without some life lessons being doled out to the young audience members and their parents. Family values are the core theme of the movie and it takes multiple facets during the course of the adventure. Reconnecting with family members as the trailers have shown gives adults a good lesson in the importance of work to not drift apart. The ideas of growing up too fast and yet refusing to grow up are well represented in this film, helping show how a balance is really the key to not losing the joy in life. Even more, the relative concept of family love and the stress of school are big elements in this theme and though they do trudge into preachy, in your face moments, it's still not the worst thing like the 90's sitcoms used to be.

The Story:
  • Simplistic? Yeah, it's the boss baby and so the complexity is not the most surprising or eye opening that we've seen in other studio works. However, the story is indeed fun, and works on so many levels to ingrain the morals into the movie without swallowing it whole. It's a sweet tale that hits on many levels, making sure to balance the adult and kid elements in a manner that never leans one way or the other. The simple layout also allows for the gimmicks they want to neatly arrange themselves into an adventure that makes sense, and not throwing too many convenience factors in that we sometimes get. Throw in just how much fun it is in regards to the pacing and entertainment components, and for once I felt I was watching a movie with little to no political agenda at all. It was a well-rounded tale that certainly was not groundbreaking, but also not too limited either so that's a victory to me.

The Voice Acting:
  • A choice of voice cast is essential for bringing these characters fully to life, and Boss baby's ensemble is certainly an ace in my book. James Marsden does well in the role, being the lame dad, nerd voice, but lacing it with the care and compassion of a loving father layered the character well and maximized the emotional moments. Amy Sedaris as the new baby, was funny, if a bit annoying/over the top, which worked given Tina's character. That nasally voice pitch and energy worked as sort of a parody to the normal chief of operations, and managed to remain limited enough to not over shadow the other aspects of the movie. Jeff Goldblum as the head of the school/professor, was perfect, an almost smarter, less bohemian version of the grandmaster that we saw in Thor. He was fun, witty, and that voice of his delivering his character's thoughts and insights was again arranged quite well to truly enjoy. As for Alec Baldwin, man was he on fire again. That snide, snooty, arrogant persona he radiates comes through in spades for the Boss Baby once more, adding that level of intelligence and confidence that made the character so much fun in the first film. He elevates the performance more in this movie, the direction of the character allowing him to do more with the character than the previous installment and I really liked it.

Clever/Comedy Fun:
  • the best element of the movie though, comes in the clever writing of the film and the comedy styles that followed. Boss Baby 2 thrives in the fact of poking fun at things, and even more so challenging the modern trends with the classics for what styles work in a movie. Without revealing too much, the movie manages to utilize the morals as not only learning points, but also laugh sources as the error of certain ways of thinking is poked at by our group. The famous toy Wizzie hits comedic goals with pointing out the character flaws, all the while falling into his own limitations is just one example of what I'm talking about. Yet other sources of comedy are thrown in that left me in stitches due to how well timed they were. You want babies showing obsessions that only adults should have? Done. You want well timed one-liners utilizing future merchandise? Done. Need to see babies crafting works that are way above their caliber? That's there too. Along with so many pokes at things like how ridiculous school competitions have become, or how Enya's music can potentially cause insanity. It's well balanced, it's got a variety, and even more it's not the pure focus of the film and forced into our faces.


Some More Twists:
  • As I said, I enjoyed the movie for just the simplistic fun, but that does not mean I would have liked a little more challenge to be integrated into the film. Disney shows us how they push the envelope, sometimes too much, in their movies, but they at least get some surprises and depth that leave you bewildered. Not so much in this movie, and maybe a little more diving into those realms could have opened up a little more for the qualities I enjoyed in this movie.

Better Utilization of Characters:
  • Perhaps the second to worst thing about the movie, is that the characters are in need of a little more balance and integration into the film. The mom is one character that I felt kind of got the shaft given the involvement of just about every other member of the family. Used primarily for comedic purposes, there could have been more plot elements to integrate her into, or perhaps a side story involving primarily Tina trying to do her job while the mom tried to figure out more. Something needed to help take her involvement to the same level that the others were integrated in. However, there were other characters that really needed more elevation namely, the other classmates of Tabitha. The promo shows a baby who is into bad boys, who actually has a Dr. In front of her name, I would have liked to see more involvement with given the points. Was it just a clever name, or was there more? Don't know, but she could have been fun. And Tabitha's rivals were sort of one and done bullies that did little to muck up the gears and offer a way for some slight political agenda work depending on how you look at it. These characters may come back in the third sequel that can arise, but it would have been nice to see things from a new light.

Trailers ruin a lot:
  • I have a friend who states how much he avoids trailers due to how much they give away. While I think there are some trailers needed, Boss Baby's advertising got carried away with showing too much of the fun themes of the movie. Of the at least six combinations I have seen, many big parts and fun elements the movie holds and that further diluted the surprise away from me. In this case, my friend's style is right of not going too excessive with the trailers, or at least doing what he does and avoiding them to help maintain the surprise.

The songs:
  • A sweet component no doubt, but the Boss Baby was never known for being a soundtrack heavy component. So the fact they went out of their way for two original songs was kind of lost on me from an inclusion/logic point. They were fine, they are going to bring in cash, and they certainly accomplish the goals of moral driving and cute family themes. However, it could have been accomplished in other means and I think I would have liked focus on other characters over the attempt to induce tears with the melodies. A minor flaw for me, but hey we roll with it.


Boss Baby: Family Business, turned out to be a surprise by how much fun I had with the simplistic tale laid before me. It's linear plot works well to bring in the elements of fun, layering the tale with lots of moral lessons.
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atractiveeyes3 July 2021
Unfortunately it is way less interesting than the first movie. It's a total mess and it rushes annoyingly. It's not funny at all as well. It's boring and too childish for adults, and messy and confusing for kids. See it anyways only if you've seen the previous one.
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leighslysy3 July 2021
I actually never expected another Boss Baby after watching the first one but this one caught me by surprise!! When getting the ticket I didn't just know what to expect. Then again Tim is all grown up and actually even has a family so I was like...ok, we have ourselves new characters here!! I lobe how the story is adult but executed through a child's mind. I would watch a third installment, without any question.
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Good, until it started singing....
caedmonreveley4 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had me invested In a way. The story was relatable to older audiences and the performances were good. I liked James Marsden and Alec Baldwin. They were funny and I liked their characters. But, here's the thing wrong with this movie. SPOILERS : When Dr. Armstrong baby takes over the parents through the app at the play, Tabitha does her singing solo with the other kids. It's not that good. Her actresses' singing voice is good, but the singing is annoying and unnecessary. This movie isn't awful but not good. Better than the first one.
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It's really bad
sdot87876 July 2021
I don't do full reviews too often but I feel obligated to do one for this awful movie. It's not funny, it's not interesting, it's just bad. I understand I'm an adult and it's a kid movie but I usually tolerate kids movies and sometimes really enjoy them. I would compare this to the emoji movie at best. Trust me when I say once again, IT IS BAD.
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Solid enough for the family.
Darwinskid4 July 2021
It starts off rather fast and I must say that the original trailer told a better set-up than what was actually in the movie, but things pick up somewhere in the middle and the third act finally finds its footing and balances humor and heart better. Voice acting all good around - say what you will about Alec Baldwin as a person but as an actor there's no denying he's excellent, Amy Sedaris is clearly having the time of her life, and Jeff Goldblum...What's there to say? It's Jeff Goldblum he's always great. Overall just a fine enough sequel to a fine enough movie.
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Hilarious & heartfelt family fun. Jeff Goldblum is fantastic!!!
lukem-527603 November 2021
This sequel is way more fun than the first film. Yes i liked the first but the sequel is way better & that's thanks to the absolutely hilarious, show stealing voice performance by Jeff Goldblum as the baby villain of the piece. Goldblum is so funny & witty i had a huge smile the whole way through the movie.

The movie is more heartfelt this time with emphasis on growing up & family like most sequels lately (Frozen 2) but it is sweet & often emotional, especially to parents like myself. I was choked up a few times & yes some tears dropped.

All voice casting was fine but the absolute standout voice here was Goldblum.

Boss Baby 2: Family Business is alot of silly fun for the whole family & was way, way better than the very disappointing "Addams Family 2" which was a terrible unfunny mess.
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The New Age of Dreamworks
nicky-439534 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Boss Baby: Family Business lived up to the title it succeeds in its heartwarming theme of Family and it was creative to set it on Christmas even though it wasn't the right time. The heartwarming story about fatherhood and brotherhood.

The Protagonists' positive arcs of Tim, Boss Baby (Ted), and Tabitha tied with the flat arc of Tina ended happily and even the Antagonist got a meaningful change ending. There's some symbolism in there about the characters.

The reason I call this "The New Age of Dreamworks" is because of how Dreamworks is evolving into a more colorful and brighter studio aiming at a new audience. Which makes it hard to believe they created the fairy tale satire Shrek everybody remembers and the glee club colorful Trolls I wish I'd forget.
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Boring + Not Funny
GoodErsatz3 July 2021
Was looking forward to watching this with the kids but unfortunately we turned it off after about half an hour. The story line was boring but sometimes that's okay - if the movie is funny but this one is... hmm how you say in English? A stinker!
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I enjoyed it.
angelkitteh-327786 July 2021
Not sure what people were expecting from this. Sure the first one was good but so is this one. The animations aren't simple but top notch and portray the moments well. It's hilarious most times and touching with a message that a lot of people did not pick up because they were too busy hating or comparing it to the previous movie. The girl's singing is realistic, it's actually unrealistic to expect them to sing like super pop stars at that age especially when she couldn't get the right tune due to stage fright previously.

Villain could use more depth and conviction but it's a family friendly movie, what do you expect?

All in all, it was a very delightful watch, the whole film was bursting with energy and all the voice actors were great. Animations definitely take the cake as usual. My favourite character from all that was probably Tina.
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Terrible storyline
ashley-922794 July 2021
This movie was all over the place. Nowhere near as good as the first one. I became so uninterested pretty quick.
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Boss Baby 2 was entertaining and heartwarming but...
minerwolfminer22 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was it a good movie? YES! Was the whole movie good? NO ( I'll get to that in a sec. ) I definitely think this should have 6.9 as its average rating. It's not that bad. I know the reason why a good bunch disliked it and I totally understand them.

  • I like Tim because he reminds me of myself
  • ending is very good. Tim and Teddy are closer than ever! Moral Lesson: Be close with your family members and make sure to give them your time, love and understanding.

  • animation is very smooth
  • The animation and how the characters look is cute in a good way. I love it. I love the character's designs.

  • ending half of the movie was a redemption
  • GRANPA AND GRANDMA are here! Grandpa also looks like Iron Man's dad.

  • I know I've seen this kind of situation before... A father becomes a child again and gets to bond with his son/daughter/wife, I can't remember the movie though. But I like that it's a part of this movie.

  • First half was funny and entertaining but also annoying and weird.

  • Though I like Tim's imagination, it's a bit too much sometimes.

  • Tina's voice isn't perfect for her. It's bothering at times, but somehow... It does fit sometimes? Like what my mom says... " She sounds like a kid and an adult at the same time "
  • That one scary baby... I even told my siblings that it's probably the baby or "It" the scary clown.

That's all! I know it's a lot but it's really not that bad. Thank you Dreamworks and to everyone else who worked hard to make this movie!
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Soundtrack overlays every dialogue scene!
vaughanstarr2 July 2021
What lunatic thought it a good idea to overlay every single dialogue scene with distracting soundtrack? Were they getting paid for each second it was included? It made it impossible to focus upon what was being said a number of times, especially when the "new" Boss baby is speaking at a mile a minute. The rest of the time it diminished the scene. When used judiciously the right soundtrack passes right by conscious awareness and just seizes your emotions. When you are aware of it constantly though, so that the brief periods of its absence (and they are oh so brief) are greeted as merciful respite, then it has not only failed its purpose but is actively working against the movie!
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Good family movie
ilovefoodcoma2 July 2021
This will be a perfect family movie night! Great message in this movie.... family is the most important in life!! Love this animation, the facial expressions are so funny & creative!
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Message was good 👍 😊
abinavgs4 July 2021
The movie is mainly for children below 15 yrs , they can be easily connect to the characters in this movie. And the message was so good the concept is also good . But this movie can't be a better movie for teenagers who is above 18 years .
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adulthood problem
SnoopyStyle9 July 2021
Tim is now a father to two girls. He doesn't talk to his baby brother Ted who is very rich and successful. He's worried that he's losing his 7 year old Tabitha. He discovers that baby Tina is working for Babycorp. There is a problem and they need help from Ted. Babycorp has created a new formula to de-age people for 48 hours. They want Ted to return to his baby self despite not remembering being a baby agent. Tim insists on joining the mission and also drinks the formula.

It's a mistake to make Tim and Ted adults in this movie. It also pushes this world forward in time. There is no need to age up the characters. The original surprised me with its charm. Most of that charm has to do with the baby world being completely outside of the adults' understanding. It's a fun concept and there is no reason to change that. It's certainly unnecessary to attach this father-daughter emotional drama. Maybe the franchise runners are having some mid-life crisis. The franchise was fine with its original concept. This movie leaves the story rather a muddle. It should be simpler than this.
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Cool animation!
bryvill2 July 2021
I just love how the movie was made! Very cool graphics ... Normally, if it's a sequel, I already saw the first part but surprisingly for me, I haven't! So I got a bit lost of connection or interest from time to time, but overall I did appreciated it, just have to see this again and most of all have to see part 1!
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