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(I) (2017)

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Underrated flick that deserves a viewing
imdbuser3319 April 2017
I wasn't sure about seeing this film because of the rating, but the concept was interesting and being a fan of Rooney Mara's work I decided to give it a shot. And I am glad I did.

The opening scene is very well done because it grabs your attention from the first second. But what comes after is what bothered most of the viewers who felt disappointed - the personal story line between Jason Siegel's and Rooney Mara's characters becoming the center of attention instead of the concept of an afterlife and how it works.

Personally, while watching the movie, I did feel a little bit deceived, because "the discovery" took a back seat, BUT after finishing the movie it all made sense. I think the film was very well structured and managed to get across it's idea and explanation of how afterlife works very well to the audience, without having to talk about it and explain it in every scene as if the viewers are little children. I do not agree with some statements that the concept of "the discovery" was not well done, finished or explained well. Last 10 min. do contain a lot of information and the viewer should pay attention.

The acting was very good, however overall I must agree that it is not the most exciting film. What I mean is that it won't be in your "most memorable or favorite"movie list. It's a good watch on lazy night though. Give it a go.
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Interesting premise and good acting, then kind of falls apart
UncleLongHair21 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I actually started watching this by accident by hitting the wrong button on Netflix, and was intrigued by the premise and seeing craggy old Robert Redford and so I kept watching. Without any spoilers (though maybe you've already read some) I thought the basic idea featuring the afterlife was interesting and well-presented. There is a reason why Robert Redford has been a leading man for over 50 years and it's always a pleasure to see him on screen.

I also thought the supporting actors were very good, a lot of personality came across from each character, I also liked the scenes and cinematography, which in a quiet way set a great backdrop. Suffice it to say I was drawn in, and about a third the way through the movie it sets up something that could be Dr. Frankenstein, or The Sixth Sense, or Jonestown, or some combination.

This unfortunately was the peak of the movie. It had set up a sweet romance between the characters played by Jason Segel and Rooney Mara, and that romance turned saccharine sweet and ended up being the main point of the movie which was a surprise. The whole science / religion / afterlife / from the beyond premise was dropped on the floor and nothing developed from it which was the reason I was watching. I thought there was enough depth to the idea that I wondered if they could wrap it up in an hour, in fact I checked to make sure I wasn't watching the pilot of a series. But instead they just pulled the plug. At the scene where the plot twisted in this direction I literally rolled my eyes.

Overall an interesting watch but disappointing in the end.
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A Great Idea That Just Never Comes Together
zkonedog30 April 2017
There are a number of good things that can be said about Netflix's "The Discovery": It is good to see Netflix tackling big-budget, dramatic/sci-fi fare. It's encouraging that actors with the reputation such as Robert Redford has are now willing to work with the premiere streaming service. Plus, "The Discovery" actually has a germ of a really great idea at its core. Unfortunately, however, the film never really comes together like it should, essentially wasting that inventive idea with clunky acting and even worse pacing.

For a basic plot summary, "The Discovery" takes place in a future where noted scientist Thomas (Redford) has definitively proved the existence of an afterlife. The problem? Now people are committing suicide by the millions knowing that "something else" is beyond this mortal coil. The next logical step for Thomas, then? Discovering exactly what this afterlife consists of. This is where his son Will (Jason Segel) comes into the picture, visiting the scientist for the first time since a major falling-out to try and convince him to scrap the entire project. Along the way, younger son Toby (Jesse Plemons) chooses sides, while Will finds a mysterious woman (played by Rooney Mara) who has her own relationship with the "discovery".

Like I said, the concept behind this film is fascinating: What would happen if the afterlife were proved scientifically? Also, and I won't give away spoilers here, but even the research into what that afterlife consists of is fascinating in what it entails.

Unfortunately, though, the film is only a middling effort because of two glaring missteps that drag down the whole production:

1. The romance angle between Will & Isla. If you've seen the film "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", that one nails this dynamic much better. In "Discovery", however, there is just no reason to believe that these two will fall in love, much less how that angle comes to dominant much of the film's runtime.

2. Perhaps better acting would have saved that romance angle, but alas it wasn't to be found here. Mara is much too bland as Isla, while Segel is terribly miscast as the lead. More than blank, brooding stares were needed for the role, but that is all Segel seems to be able to provide here. Redford is his usually solid self, and Plemmons steals the show from time to time, but other than that none of the other acting performances are above average (with some being quite below that line).

So, while "The Discovery" is a film that I really want to like more than 5-stars out of 10, the end product just isn't worthy of anything more. Had the sci-fi aspect been the focus throughout, I think that would have improved things considerably. A better, less confusing ending would have helped as well. As it stands, though, "Discovery" comes off as a very second-rate "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" clone. Netflix may be taking strides in the right direction when it comes to original feature films, but there is still a ways to go to compete with the big studios.
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Teases With An Interesting Idea But Fails To Fill A Convincing Plot Around It
CinemaClown11 April 2017
The idea behind the premise of The Discovery is an interesting one but its implementation isn't as refined as expected and only works in bits n pieces. It's a thoughtful feature that experiments with existential elements and poses some intriguing questions but it neither presents it in a convincing manner nor remains thoroughly gripping.

Set in the near-future, the story of The Discovery takes place in a world where suicide rate is at an all-time high after a scientist's breakthrough research proved the existence of an afterlife. The plot follows his son who is skeptical of his father's discovery and a mysterious young woman he meets on a ferry who wants to find out more about the afterlife.

Co-written & directed by Charlie McDowell, the film opens with a prologue that skilfully sets up the future the rest of the plot unfolds in. For a while, it appears as if the director is taking more time to properly establish the characters & explore the metaphysical elements but the longer it continues to ponder over the same stuff, the more tedious it becomes.

The script is where the problem lies, for the brilliant hypothesis that the writers came up with isn't meticulously explored as if they couldn't figure out what to do with it, plus none of the characters inhabiting its future-setting are compelling enough. The plot wrapped around its theory begins on a promising note but by the time it ends, it finds itself in a familiar territory.

The cold colour palette, overcast ambiance & muted textures evoke a grim, hopeless future which fits the story requirements. Pacing is an issue as the movie plods through its 102 minutes runtime before concluding with a rushed ending. Rooney Mara, Robert Redford & Jesse Plemons play their part well but Jason Segel is severely miscast, and his chemistry with Mara is absolutely flat.

On an overall scale, The Discovery is one of those sci-fi flicks that teases with a fascinating idea but is unable to fill a compact & captivating narrative structure around it. Deficient in storytelling department and further marred by its cluelessness & lack of vision, it is a dull & sterile mess that had the opportunity to offer a sensory & stimulating experience but what it ultimately delivers is a cinematic ride that's as frustrating as it is hollow.
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Mediocre writing and directing wasted a great concept
vithiet2 November 2019
What a waste. The concept and overall story were fantastic. Unfortunately, that is where Netflix is showing its limits with Originals and the sub-par, lazy writing and directing that is barely above novice level. Even the great cast giving their best are unable to save it. This could have been an amazing, smart and original movie but ends up falling flat.
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If you love low budget sci-fi with interesting ideas - this is a miss for you
kuarinofu16 February 2019
They bait you into thinking that this will provide for some interesting ideas for you to reflect on, but nope.

The main problem is that the story doesn't hold. I mean, the message of the movie is good and inspiring, but the story is just a mess that is full of holes.

They just took one good old movie and re-told it slightly adjusting the focus. I won't spoil it for you so check this out if you're interested anyways.

But be warned, this movie is slow and packs quite a run time. What's more interesting is that they actually stretch it out intentionally, it has a lot of unnecessary scenes they should've cut and it wouldn't hurt the movie. Probably they had a run time to meet or something.

The dialogue is often forced, some scenes are written so badly they are barely believable. Also, the lead seriously underperforms, his acting is unconvincing and he is unable to deliver emotional moments (you'll see).

If you're a hardcore sci-fi fan, the ending will disappoint you (mostly because of how random it is). But you will know long before that the movie is going nowhere.
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An interesting premise, plagued by unlikable characters
siderite11 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is another take on the popular motif of the afterlife. This time, it all starts from a point where it has been proven some part of us goes somewhere when we die and we get what this does to people. It was interesting, it raised some questions about the nature of personal reality and regret, but it was difficult to like almost any of the characters in the film. The "regular guy" lead is just a selfish and self centered ass, while the woman he falls for is almost as bad, the dad is awful, the mother horrible. The only normal person there was his brother, who of course has a simple supporting role. Robert Redford's character was equally obnoxious, but in his case I think it was necessary, as the scientist who apparently thinks only of his work, hurting the people around him.

Bottom line: you work through a lot of painful scenes of obvious attempts at video art and deep meaning, which by their very nature are neither artistic nor meaningful, only to get to the somewhat interesting twist at the end. The movie is watchable, but nothing beyond average.
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Interesting premise, disappointing overall
redeyes-002028 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The movie starts off with an intriguing premise, the scientific discovery of the afterlife. Good cast, should be a decent story... what could go wrong? Well, I guess a lot could.

Nice seeing Redford in a film, some of the supporting cast is fine, but Mara seems miscast, and her 'leading man' has the personality of a house plant. Zero chemistry between them, and at no point do you really find their romance believable. It's difficult to figure out why the filmmakers basically decided to make the film into a love story between such boring characters when the simple premise of the film is much more interesting. Mara apparently can play just one type of character, which we see in every single film she is in -- the sullen girl. And she's paired up with the least curious, least interesting, scientist in the world. Will (her love interest) seems to sleepwalk through the movie with a pained looked on his face, like he has a nail in his shoe or he simply doesn't want to be in the film.

Meanwhile they have Redford, supposedly the most important discovery in the history of humanity, and they end up with a looping love story more reminiscent of Sisyphus than anything else.

Anyway, the science of course is hokum, but there are several large plot holes. Like giant gaping craters. Afterlife proved incontrovertibly would seem to imply peer review and other scientists being involved. Then why does the film act like Redford's character alone can do this research? Why do they pretend like if he hides his findings it will even matter? Surely someone else in the World is doing this same research.

Instead of tackling the subject head on, the film veers off into little adventures, like finding a corpse -- which of course is a great opportunity for our lovebirds to bond.

After a weak middle, the film takes a turn into stupid, with our previously never-curious scientist doing the death dance himself. This results in a final explanation of how the afterlife works ... which feels like the film ran out of ideas and wanted to wrap things up real quick.

Personally I would have preferred they simply went with the idea that the research was flawed, humans look for meaning and patterns where there are none, and that Redford's character was responsible for millions of deaths. Not exactly a crowd-pleasing ending, but it's better than what they came up with.
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Well, im not reading reviews before the watching a movie anymore
andreideceu10 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
OK, i have stated several times now how users criticize sometimes in vain a movie that is actually good. I dont think all of us put some effort into seeing beyond the flaws of a movie into the heart of it, which destroys our perception of what we feel and think after seeing it. This will be my first full on review of a movie, because, i really think i should. First of all i will talk about the idea of the movie, so, beware of spoilers !!!

Regret is our worst enemy. We often get devided between what could have been if we wouldnt take a certain path, what we could have reached if only we wouldve done things a bit differently than we did - and the present . All of us have regrets, and all of us either overtake them or they overtake us. This is, in my opinion, very well linked to the idea of suicide. People suicide cause they regret. Either you regret losing a lost one, or regret screwing up your life...the list can go on indefinetly, but at the heart of every suicide is regret(or mental illness but we will stick with regret for the sake of the movie, although, they are relating). This movie tries to embody a world in which if you die, you get to go back and change your biggest regret ( kind of like the idea of the butterfly effect, but a little...different). In my humble opinion they do it perfectly ! I dont know the ages of people commenting on here, but i can tell you, this is not a movie for a teen to enjoy. Its a slow, pretty well thought movie that actually touches a very good concept : the possibility (and reality in the movie) that life after death, in other form, can exist, and the chase to see what exactly that other form is. As i touched before - its the undoing of ones biggest regret. I will not spoil the ending - but i would say this, for people who seen it before, its not random, as other users "reviewed". The twist really got me by surprise because i expected something different, also relating to Lacey, but not the thing that happened. So yea, if it was predictable for others, for me it was not. And i enjoy thinking while watching a movie, especially of this type. So yeah. To wrap this first point up, In my opinion the idea of the movie was great ! The execution was at times sloppy but overall was great ! I recommend it fully !

Secondly, there are people saying the lead actor was bad. Well, given the big reveal at the end, its quite normal the way he acted. He was having flashbacks in different parts of the movie, flashbacks not related to the scenes at hand. He was living a confused life not knowing what he is experiencing, and to add to that he was a neurologist who helped Dad make the Discovery ! Even if he never admits it, he gives it away that he feels responsible for all the people that commited suicide since the Discovery. Furthermore, i like this guy from HIMYM, and really was not expecting him to perform in such a layered movie, but eventually he did. Slow start, very weird the first half, but as the plot and twist were wrapping up i understood his acting. As for Isla, i really liked her. Nothing more to add to that. Yes, script couldve been way better, the acting couldve been a tad better from...well...from everyone, but it was not BAD , as other reviews tend to say over here. One thing id like to say, because, yea, i feel i need to : i do not appreciate movies that sell the suicide ideas ! These movies can be very...deteriorating for people that dont have an identity later in life, and the tricks that it can play on ones fragile mind can be devastating

To end this long review : i really found the movie interesting. I really wish people would stop looking only at surface in movies like this and try to peel the onion more. Im sure they would find things in themselves that would compliment the movie and vice versa. Its a good movie, not the best and not something you should watch if you like CGI sci fi films or stuff like that. And while im here, i should say that all of us have regrets, youre not alone! And all of us can overcome them, one way or another, but alive.
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Kept watching because I wanted to like it.
travinorbit-7273421 March 2019
Watching a movie made around Jason Segel (playing mopey and morose to boot) is like trying to start a fire under a wet blanket. There was an occasional spark, an idea or twist, that reinvigorated a hope for something more. An appealingly moody colour palate, cold blues and greys. Interesting premise/s. Rooney Mara was great, as usual, bringing charisma to an otherwise desolate and charmless experience that inevitably led me to write this. As mentioned by so many people before me: what a disappointing waste of a phenomenal idea. This could have been something riveting. Perhaps my reception was tainted by Jason Segel's lack of likability. Is it my fault? In any case, I don't care. I'll have completely forgotten about this movie before I finish this...
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A huge waste of a great idea
eddie_baggins9 April 2017
Talk about a wasted opportunity.

A fine cast led by the underrated Jason Segal (still doing his best to break out from his How I Met Your Mother persona and delivering a so-so turn when you look back at his role in End of the Tour) and backed up by Rooney Mara, Robert Redford and one of the finest supporting players going around Jason Plemon's isn't enough to save Charlie McDowell's Netflix original Sci-Fi/Drama The Discovery from a disappointing result and ending its runtime as one of the most frustratingly forgettable films in many a moon.

The core idea behind The Discovery, that Redford's scientist Thomas Harber has discovered evidence of a confirmed afterlife, leading to a world in which the suicide rates have ramped up to epidemic levels with Harber then working on a secret project that looks to record this afterlife for those alive to witness is a fantastic one and an idea that strikes up many a various conversation point but McDowell's film which ends up being more of an unbelievable romance between Segal's charisma free Will and Mara's mumbling and emo Isla than anything else feels unable to make the most of its idea.

Perhaps hampered by budget restraint's (although this hardly seems to be a problem for Netflix originals these days) or perhaps just a lack of overall vision. The Discovery showcases glimmers of what could be in stall for us whether it's the oft mentioned suicides, the cult like following Harber has garnered thanks to his work or Will's and Isla's investigation into a possible glimpse of the afterlife they have recorded but all these intriguing elements are quickly swept under the rug and while the film's final reveal makes the journey feel more rewarding than it actually is, you can't help but escape the feeling The Discovery has short-changed its viewers with a mediocre effort of a far more interesting story.

It's great seeing Netflix continue to invest in unique and original film properties but The Discovery will be marked down as one of their clear failures and while this intellectual thinking man's Sci-Fi has moments of greatness, overall this emotionally void experience is one of the dominate companies worst original studio efforts this side of their Sandler "comedies".

2 bunk beds out of 5
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Underrated Existential Weirdness
mikethebeckett2 April 2017
Don't know why this is getting some bad reviews. This was actually pretty darn good.

This movie has an interesting take on consciousness and death that is worth the time to watch. Perhaps people are not liking the existential weirdness and the questions it brings up but I enjoyed myself on this one.

I think we all need to ponder consciousness and reality a little more.
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Disappointing, due to the extremely promising premise and setup.
Hellmant10 January 2018
'THE DISCOVERY': Three and a Half Stars (Out of Five)

A sci-fi romantic drama about a world where an afterlife has been scientifically proven, and how that knowledge drastically affects society. It was directed by Charlie McDowell, and it was written by McDowell and Justin Lade (the duo also teamed on 2014's 'THE ONE I LOVE'). The film stars Jason Segel, Rooney Mara, Robert Redford, Jesse Plemons, Riley Keough and Ron Canada. It's received mixed reviews from critics, and it was released by Netflix through their streaming site. I found the movie itself to be a little disappointing, due to the extremely promising premise and setup.

The story takes place two years after 'the discovery of an afterlife', by Thomas Harbor (Redford). The scientific proof of an afterlife has caused an extremely dramatic increase in suicides. Thomas's son, Will (Segel), blames his father for the high suicide rate. He travels to see him, at an isolated mansion, where Thomas is doing more research on his findings. Will meets a suicidal woman on his trip, named Isla (Mara), who he later prevents from killing herself. He then brings Isla to his father's mansion, and the two assist him in his research there. The whole time Will is extremely skeptical about the damage they're doing to society, with these new findings.

The movie is extremely dark and depressing, for almost it's entire running length. Like I said, the idea for the film is really intriguing, and fascinating, but it's definitely not fun watching it play out. The performances are decent, and the climax is somewhat interesting, and unpredictable, as well. I had hoped for a lot more from it though, when I started watching it.
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Too ambitious, fails in form and substance
mingsphinx31 March 2019
Just reading the synopsis raised my expectations, which is perhaps why the movie fell flat for me. Instead of an exploration of an intriguing idea, the film really became a declaration of faith in what is essentially a notion that cannot be proven and thus cannot really be known. When assertions are made about the mysteries of consciousness, you either believe them or you do not.

I would have given this a higher rating just for tackling such a difficult topic but the direction, acting and even cinematography never really came together. There were plenty of big, proven names who lent their prestige to this project and yet surprisingly none of the people involved seemed willing to commit. It was like they all knew the outcome would stink but no one wanted to sully their reputations by doing a bad job.

It is worth a watch if you are fans of some of the actors as I am. The arc of the plot is not unsatisfying even though it is in many instances frustrating. A film perhaps to while away the time and put yourself in a more contemplative mood.
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A good try, but didn't hit the target
Tamith31 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't think I spoiled the plot for anyone, but just in case - spoiler warning.

In my opinion, the premise of this movie was a great one. Though I could have done without idea of a love story being pushed in the description, I felt that the plot made for a perfect psychological thriller, or just a perfect horror movie, if nothing else; though since the root of the concept the story ends up hinging on is pretty horrifying when the fuller implications of such are thought through, and especially when compared to the comforting finality of my own personal religion's afterlife, perhaps it did end up being a horror movie of sorts, for me, lol.

I was genuinely surprised by the direction the story took, despite the fact that, to agree with the other reviewer, it does end up boiling down to an over-sweet love story. I mean, the plot explains why such a strange pairing with such improbable coincidences bringing them together, would take place, but still, I think it's a shame that a story that was interesting on its own, had to suffer by being made the afterthought of such a shallow love story. ESotSM did it better, and actually had a reason for romance to be the root of it.

Nevertheless, though the movie tried to be prolific and profound, it was neither. Interestingly presented concept (and a phenomenally crafted opening scene), sure, but overall, it's an afterlife concept that's far from new and overused in other movies on the subject that try, but are unsuccessful at putting a new spin on an old religious idea.

So in the end, other critics were unfortunately correct in saying that the premise was good, but that little else was. A saving grace is that at least the production quality was there, however, which put it on par, in my opinion, with the likes of Melancholia, The Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bokeh, etc.

Worth a watch, sure, but don't expect much out of it when you do.
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An interesting idea but completely wasted
pissmop2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I began watching this movie I was very excited, I imagined all the directions they could take it. Without ruining anything, the plot is another plane of existence after death was discovered. People suddenly assumed it would be a better place than their current situation.

About 4.5 million people killed themselves because of this. They clearly stated that they did not know what this plane of existence was.I was thinking that maybe the afterlife was hell or some unimaginable nightmare. This would have been extremely interesting. Spoiler: It wasn't

They decided to take it in the lamest way they could. There was a big reveal in the last 40 minutes which completely ruins the tension and mystery.

There is some comedy in the film but the biggest laugh I got was the exposition given by one of the main characters. In the last 10 minutes they try to tie everything up in a neat bow almost as if they ran out of money or foresight shooting the film. It comes absolutely out of nowhere. There is no explanation nor is there any kind of resolution other than an implication that the main character finally finished what he needed to do.

Despite these issues, It's a movie worth watching. Robert Redford, Jason Segel, and Jesse Plemons absolutely kill their roles. Rooney Mara was totally miscast as Isla. At first she seemed great but towards the end I was frustrated in the way she played it. It was likely not her fault but the directors.

Overall: Watchable
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Souls of the departed
Prismark102 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The Discovery is a slow burning but frustrating film. Deep down it really is a convoluted love story that borrows a little from sci-films such as Looper or Source Code.

Set in the not too distant future, Dr Thomas Harbor (Robert Redford) has discovered proof of the afterlife. When you die, your soul goes to another plane, wherever that is. This knowledge has led to a surge in suicides as people unhappy with their present life wish to move on elsewhere. The government actually keeps a running total of the suicides which is now over 4 million worldwide.

Dr Harbor's son, Will (Jason Segel) has hopped on to a ferry visiting his father's secluded estate, which is almost a cult like retreat. Dr Harbor is conducting further experiments but also guides people who in the past tried to kill themselves. Will's other brother Toby assists his father but it seems this is Will's first visit in a while. Ironically it was Will's childhood incident that actually lead to his father to research the afterlife.

On the ferry, Will meets a young woman named Isla (Rooney Mara). Isla looks familiar to him, but she icily puts him down with some wisecracks. Isla has her own reasons to visit the island, but realising who Will's father is, she spends more time with Will and helping in his father's research.

Redford plays an ambivalent scientist, shocked that his discovery has led to an upsurge in suicides, yet also at times playing like a cult leader, wanting people to open up their emotions. He is nearing a breakthrough as to where exactly the souls of the departed might be going to.

The central roles in the film belong to Segel and Mara. Although Will seems to be appalled by his father's discovery he goes on to play detective as to what his father's secret machine has actually recorded after death.

This is a low budget film, it does not overplay its sci-fi origins with elaborate special effects.
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Sophisticated Flatliners meets ...
kosmasp9 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
(Spoiler ahead as pointed out by the tag) ... Groundhog Day. That's how I would describe this movie. Now for some this may not sound like a major spoiler, but since the revelation is coming towads the end of the movie, I do think it's better that people know, before reading this.

Having said all that and not having read any spoilers before I watched the movie, I was kind of pleasantly surprised by it. It does move very slow in its storytelling, so obviously it is not for someone who wants things to go fast and quick. Flatliners is way more flashy and The Discovery does not have the humor of the Groundhog Day just to be clear about that. Though I'm guessing you've watched it already. It's tough to end a movie like this especially after that really mesmerizing turning point. It's still leaves a lot of things unanswered, at least for me, but I did dig it
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Anti-climatic Disappointment
CuratingAesthetics18 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The premise for this movie was really interesting, which is why I decided to watch it. However, the plot was really lacking in the imaginative details I was hoping for. We never hear any stories about the afterlife, or see the afterlife, or learn about how it was discovered. The characters spend the whole movie trying to film what they think is the afterlife, only to disprove the main plot line in the process. We just end up with an anticlimactic story line and an unnecessary love story that did nothing for the overall film. It's only purpose was to give the main character a reason to keep living in a time loop of what was primarily a very mundane moment.
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A solemn exploration of life and death.
interastral2 April 2017
Wow, this is a really cool, thoughtful and moving film. The kind of drama that really justifies film making because it explores the meaning and beauty of life in way that is emotive and intelligent.

The story is believable and intriguing and draws you into it's subtle mystery so that you really feel for the experiences that the characters themselves are having and their justifiable desire to unravel the mystery.

The pace of the drama is just right and never boring and there are numerous moments, that while not being comedic, make you smile or want to chuckle. But this film also deals with some really serious subjects in a mature and compassionate way. Overall it's a really beautiful and life affirming movie.

Highly recommended! :-)
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A great premise mired by a low budget and dumb ending.
gmickel-7524610 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Ahh, if they only still had the billboards on this site to not have to go through most of this tripe.

So the actors to a good job, beside Jason Segal who is just dour and boring throughout. The kind of character that would make you want to commit suicide after being around for awhile though he save Rooney from it.

I was intrigued by the movie because many movies based on what the afterlife, if you believe in it, though they use different wording and I get the concept of eternity and the now and that linear time is an illusion made by Redford's character but it is empty. You really couldn't come up with more than grainy recordings and a hundred plugs on people and corpses? It's just a disappointment with how much I respect Redford and with the subject matter involved it just didn't get where I wanted it to. If you could record dreams, something I always wished for as a kid, that would be so wonderful. Memories after death that are different because of the perceived linear landscape of the mind and the experience of life after death, which means literally the heart stopping of course. Just dumb.

Much prefer Legion and it's take on it all, having used psychedelics it does and is fun. This whole movie had me wishing for more fun and a Kaufman vibe like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind when dealing with the mind and subconscious without the mind erasing. Yet it just depressing and dour.

Maybe if the original actor played the lead instead of Segal it would of been better. His character in the movie where he committed suicide that he was in with Eisenberg was much more enjoyable to watch then 4 million plus committing suicide because of some radio frequency or such that proved there is an afterlife? What was the draw, why would you want to? Most in this world believe in a life of some sort after death of all religions or just spiritual people.
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Enthusiasm Gives Way to Bitter Frustration, Maybe Anger
Marc_Action2 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, Robert Redford plays a scientist, Dr. Thomas Harbor, that has discovered proof of the afterlife, at least in some basic form. Dr. Harbor decides to go public with his findings, unexpectedly leading to a sharp rise in worldwide suicides as folks from all walks of life try to make it "there" (as the afterlife is so nonchalantly referred to by characters in the movie). Only problem is, Dr. Harbor doesn't know exactly what "there" is, and whether "there" is a good thing or bad thing.

To find out, Dr. Harbor sets up a Flatliners (1990)-style lab in an old, abandoned mansion reminiscent of any mental hospital of yesteryear. But then Harbor's oldest (Prodigal) son shows up to stop his father from "playing God" along with a mystery girl. And so now we have family drama, romance, and a syfy/thriller rolled into one, right? Well, yes, and no. Let me explain…

The Discovery starts out as more than just promising with Redford doing what first rate actors do, and without really doing much. However, what promises to be a more in-depth take on the dark, but thought-provoking plot of Flatliners from nearly three decades ago, soon takes a backseat to a contrived love story between Dr. Harbor's son and the mystery lady.

Sorry, but the love story can't carry The Discovery on its own. For one thing, the son, Will (Jason Segel) and the mystery woman, Isla (Rooney Mara) have zero chemistry and believability. A vacuum cleaner and a 1960s toaster oven could get together as replacements for Mara and Segel's scenes and there'd be more sparks. The half-baked script doesn't help matters either. Such a shame writers felt this relationship needed to be center stage at the cost of the afterlife syfy/thriller stuff. I really wanted to see what unique concepts they'd come up with for explaining the afterlife.

Well, those answers do come, sort of... But by the time the plot gets to that point, any enthusiasm the viewer has, has been killed by the utter boredom that transpires up to that point. There's also a big plot twist that isn't that big and combined with the revelation of what goes on in the afterlife, they both amount to one big snoozefest. This mess of a film just might cause folks to contemplate suicide in real life.

I also have problems with the plausibility of some things that go on in the film. For instance, Dr. Harbor has made arguably the greatest discovery in human history, and yet he has to resort to stealing cadavers to further his studies? I would think folks would be waiting in line to donate their corpses to Dr. Harbor's work after such an otherworldly discovery that has totally redefined life/mankind. Also, I'd think the government would help fund this man's quest to find definitive proof of what's on the other side, at the very least in an attempt to head off (or justify) all the suicides. There are other absurd happenings, but I think I've spent enough time on this dreadful film.

Redford's acting brings a little life to Discovery; however, everything else sinks it to bottom-barrel status. I've "discovered" this film is nothing more than a B-rated romance with Sundance-drenched syfy thriller lipstick on. And you know that saying about pigs and lipstick?
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The most fascinating concept of the afterlife that I've ever seen in a movie.
NeonDisguise31 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
No spoilers here, and the title pretty much sums up my sentiment towards this film.

I have always been interested in the concept of things like afterlife and reincarnation (or the exploration of a lack thereof), but rarely do I find a film that creatively and honestly explores this subject. This is an absolutely marvelous film if you're interested in these concepts.

However, if you're the god-fearing type or a hardcore fanatic of any western religion, this film might not be for you. This seems to be a film for people who try to look beyond what their religion explains to them, or perhaps people who do not follow a religion at all.

I rated this a 10 out of 10. Does that mean that this is equivalent to the best films I've ever seen in my life? No it does not. But because it explores such a magnificent concept that many of us tend to ignore while being surrounded by our material lives, it is well-deserving of a 10/10.

Side notes: The acting was superb, and Rooney Mara is adorable!

Bonus: If you enjoy this film, I would highly suggest that you watch "I Origins" (2014), as it explores the same type of topic.

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Hollywood still has some good ideas
Alexander_Blanchett25 July 2017
Solid film with an interesting story. The concept is great and probably a lot of people relate to it as it asks one of the biggest questions of humanity. Is there an after life and if there is how does it look like? I like that this is only the plot outline for something that goes very philosophical and even deeper. The twists were fine, and in the end it had a little bit of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" spice. Acting wise everybody was on the top of their game. Nothing award worthy but believable enough. Jason Segel nicely played against his typical character and it was definitely an inspired choice to cast him in the leading role of this film. Rooney Mara was great as usual. She really is one of the most interesting and versatile actresses around these days. I liked Robert Redford, who wasn't doing anything too special but still absolutely right for his role. Jesse Plemons is always a plus. The screenplay was good and it had some really nice shots. Its a film that works for its characters and story more than any effects. It has a nice moral and good ending. Sometimes it was maybe a little slow and not all of the final conclusion makes sense but especially he last scene really hit me at the right spots.
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Fascinating concept and great ideas, but not much of a compelling story
Movie_Muse_Reviews20 May 2017
"The Discovery" is built on one of those sci-fi concepts that holds immense promise, to the point that it elevates expectations for the film's quality. After all, you don't make a film about what would happen if an afterlife were scientifically proved without being prepared to meaningfully and intelligently tackle the tremendous questions doing so would raise.

Challenge accepted for Charlie McDowell ("The One I Love"), who with co-writer Justin Lader attempts to do these themes justice on Netflix, which couldn't be a safer space to run this experiment. And that's by and large how "The Discovery" feels, a bit like a movie that wants to play with ideas rather than one that knows exactly the right story to tell to make its notions sink deeply in our in our minds and hearts.

Two years after Dr. Thomas Harbor (Robert Redford) has proved the existence of an afterlife, suicide rates are through the roof. Harbor's son Will (Jason Segel), who is less than fond of how society has reacted to this information, arrives on an island where his father has holed himself up in a mansion compound surrounded by Will's brother Toby (Jesse Plemons) and various survivors of attempted suicide. They are assisting Dr. Harbor in his search for the next level of truth — finding out what the afterlife is.

On his way to the island, Will meets Isla (Rooney Mara), a seemingly troubled woman whom he laters saves from attempting to drown herself. Will brings her to the mansion, where she becomes part of the "cult" and the two grow close as they help Harbor with his machine that attempts to record what the dead see in the afterlife.

The Segel-Mara/Will-Isla dynamic feels almost unsubtly like the romance between Joel and Clementine in the Charlie Kaufman-scripted "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," a similar high-concept indie, only the film is built around that romance. In this film, while you do have a comedian in a dramatic role attempting to keep up with an Oscar- nominated actress, their relationship feels shoe-horned into the narrative.

Segel is simply not capable of the nuance necessary to take this film to the next level. A leading performance in a high-concept mystery-drama-indie like this needs to serve as a bridge between the cerebral, intellectual properties of the film's core concept to the emotional ones. We need help understanding the consequences of a reality that is real in the film's universe but not real to us, and an actor showing us what that would feel like is our only chance. Segel doesn't do that, and it makes "The Discovery" come off as though it's too caught up in its conceit to tell a story worth telling.

It's also a scripting issue. Segel can't be blamed for how ineffectual the Will-Isla romance is. Mara has done romance before ("Carol") and she's really good at it; Segel has his charms. The plot also gets too caught up in its mystery/thriller elements. At times these characters simply turn into detectives trying to answer the question of what happens when we die. The big reveal has an intellectual payoff, but again, it's not as moving as it might have been.

"The Discovery" is a film grown from a fascinating seed of an idea, one that warrants a lot of discussion, but the surrounding story doesn't offer much in the way of informing that discussion other than starting it.

~Steven C

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