Time Trap (2017) Poster


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A very compelling premise that kinda blows your mind
ScoobySnacks6626 August 2020
Agree with some of the other reviewers that it's the writing and some of the acting that prevents this sci-fi thriller from being truly spectacular. However, the premise of the film is wildly fascinating and imaginative, I won't get into the details, as it's fun to discover what exactly is going on but once you know, you get totally sucked in until the end. If the writer and directors read these reviews, I'd love to see a sequel!!
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Great concept and effects. Characters so dumb that you'll be screaming at your screen
aabramsnt18 March 2020
Let me first disclose that this is my first review I have ever written on here. I made an account SPECIFICALLY just to review this movie because of how infuriated the characters made me while watching. Throughout the whole movie you'll constantly be asking yourself "why would they do that" or "why didnt you just do this". The most infuriating part was watching a group of the main characters standing over a dying man screaming that he's dying and what he's dying from, but then helplessly do nothing. "We have to save him!" one of them shouts as they do literally nothing, and then watch him helpessly struggle from another threat. Both of which they could have helped easily. It could have otherwise been a fantastic film if the writing for some of the characters wasn't so poor. Seriously, everything else was great. The ending could have been a bit better, as I feel like it could have answered a few more questions and been a little less mysterious.
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So much potential
asmorford28 September 2020
The concept and idea behind the film is such a strong one. Unfortunately the characters & screen play not so much. You'll definitely have the urge to yell at the characters and probably have more questions than answers with the flow of dialogue & scenes. I kept watching because of the concept of the movie but DANG the other aspects don't catch up.
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A solid premise, that chugged its way to a strong finish
rickswami26 September 2020
This could have had a better start if time was taken to develop the characters. It would have been a lot easier to be empathetic to their plight and be drawn in deeper as events unfolded. Nevertheless, given what the budget for this film was, I can understand why it was lacking in that respect. For the most part the acting was decent and the best actors seem to have smaller roles, Olivia Draguicevich who played Veeves a 13 yr old who exuded the confidence of a mature adult. Olivia delivered a nice performance. Max Wright was spectacular as Furby and I wish his character was featured more in this movie, because it would have brightened some of the less finer moments in this movie when you thought it might get bogged down by a weak script that created some unrealistic reactions to what was happening at that moment. I can't say more without being a "spoiler" so I will just say that I liked this one a lot. I liked the fresh and unique approach to this Sci-Fi genre. The FX was exceptional for a movie of such a low budget. Definitely worth watching.
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fieneke-kroon26 August 2020
I liked the movie. At first I was horrified by the dialogue. The acting is not that good, but I actually enjoyed the storyline.
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It will Surprise
pawanpunjabithewriter11 November 2020
This is a next level movie. You will not like every bit of it. After 60 minutes, the movie becomes highly interesting and thrilling. It is another level Science Fiction. Seemed to be below average in the first hour. The next thirty minutes is a thrill to watch. It Surprises. It entertains. It makes your imaginations go beyond your expectations.
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Starts slow but a gem of a movie that rewards patience.
TxMike19 October 2021
The basic story is an Archaeologist going out to look for the old van from the 1970s, his parents were Hippies of sorts and disappeared all those years ago. He has some fresh ideas and knows there was a search for a fountain of youth in a cave. It is set and filmed in Texas, west of San Antonio, using the Sonora Caverns as the location for most of the filming.

When he does not return a couple of students of his and a couple of additional young friends set out to find him. That is when the action really starts. The first strange thing is when one of them exits the cave after only a few minutes, and looks up the jeep, the battery is dead and it is covered in old growth vines. That is the hint, somehow in the cave time slows way down. The cave is a "time trap."

All that spawns a number of other issues and builds to pretty interesting and exciting final couple of scenes. All in all a very different kind of movie and also very entertaining.

My wife and I watched it at home on DVD from our public library.
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Wasted potential, horrible dialogue
jonnemuistaa14 October 2020
You can't really talk about spoilers for this movie: The title of the film, combined with the clearly underlined "hints" at the beginning, already reveal everything. Video recordings as plot tools are lazy solutions. The dialogue is like Scooby-Do. It is a great pity that a good concept has been wasted in this way. I don't think Time Trap is worth watching, but it has its moments.
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What's with all the 1 ratings?
pedroandresantos21 August 2020
I don't get people giving this a 1 rating, seriously? Sure, the movie could have been done better, some parts could be polished and improved with better acting, but throughout the movie I felt it was entertaining and a good Sci-fi story.
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Good movie I wish it was longer...
CreativeMindSet25 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Good acting Good storyline

I wish it would've continued after the ship a little bit.

I wish they said what year it was when they left.

I want to know why did they end up moving to Mars.

They were in there for about 4-6 hours so I calculated this down below.

I calculated the time Frame to understand.

(Underground - above Ground) 5 seconds = 1 Year 60 seconds = 12 years 60 minutes = 720 Years 4 hours = 2,880 Years.
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A Nice Surprise
erickdalexandrie24 August 2020
I watched this on Netflix, and based on previous experiences with sci-fi and horror movies there, I swear I was expecting this to be terrible, but it turns out it was exactly my kind of film. The movie never loses tension, the characters are likable but sometimes pretty dumb, especially the male lead. I thought the concept was pretty original and very well executed.
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Worth watching it
drodriguez-039549 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
After reading a couple of reviews and being surprised by some negative ones and by the accusation of the good ones being paid, I decided to post my first one. Nobody is paying me to do this. I just watched the movie and the result is beyond my expectations. I'm giving it a 7, from a realistic point of view. If I take into account the budget, I should give it higher valuation.

My favourite movies are time traveling sci-fi movies and I believe this one is worth watching it. It's new, from all point of views, and is not a story we have already seen. At least not me.

Some dialogues could be better, yes. Increase your budget and hire Tarantino to write them. They are just normal, not ridiculous. And I have seen many movies, much more expensive and advertised than this one, that were absolutely ridiculous and not worth my time. It's not the case now.

Some other reviews talk about flaws... I haven't seen them. At least not important ones. Actually, any time travelling movie has more flaws or paradoxes than this one as here there is no time travelling, just the fact that time slows down at a very specific location. Taking this into account, everything makes sense.

To make a comparison. I recently watched 12 monkeys and I can say that, of course, there is better acting there but the plot is much more predictable from the begining. And I will not dare to criticize the actors from this movie. I have seen much worse acting, even from very well known actors.
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What movie did these other reviewers watch?
jessica-cavin5 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Okay...why does this movie have glowing reviews?The premise sounded great. It started off with some intrigue then it swings wildly into left field. The "archeologist" sounds moronic, the students are even worse. Don't even get me started on the cavemen. It's like watching a giant trainwreck. It's so bad that you just can't look away and the entire time you're watching you have a WTF reaction screwed permanently to your face.
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Starts terrible, finishes strong.
Eli_Elvis5 June 2020
If that btch threw another one of those flares on the floor I was going to reach through the screen and strangle her.

Edit. I started my review at 1/10 after finishing it entirely I give it a 7.

Some parts are dumb, but great concept.
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Not exactly a mind bender but the ideas are there
kuarinofu26 January 2020
Time trap is sort of a mix of the 80ties adventure films (which they reference a lot in this) and a low budget sci-fi that has a general understanding of what it wants to be but goes off the rails along the way.

But beware, this is not a thinking man's low budget sci-fi.

It has an interesting start and feels quite engaging at first, young women are a little oversexualized here but this is for the younger male audiences I'm sure.

While the premise seems obvious enough it still takes a lot of time for the characters to actually start dealing with the story. They really should've spent more time on something interesting rather than running around, which they do in excess. They just throw more and more at you and then the ending sort of comes out of nowhere.

Without digging too much into the story, I kind of enjoyed this as a sci-fi fan just for the general idea of it. It was still unfocused and all over the place but I give them credit for sticking with their own ideas.

This could've been easily improved with some writing adjustments but it's fine for what it is. Not exactly a family adventure film and not really a budget intelligent sci-fi but something in-between.
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Liked it, would even like to see a sequel.
terrencepatrix2 May 2018
More than an adequate sci-fi mystery thriller right here. The plot is quite simple but there are definitely some unexpected twists throughout this movie and an ending I didn't see coming.

A professor is going off in search of an area that both his parents and his sister disappeared in decades ago only to go missing himself. A few of his students along with a sibling and a friend take it upon themselves to go in search of him and find themselves trapped within a cave with some mysterious properties. They soon discover that time passes much slower inside than outside and that years have passed on the outside. I can't say anymore without spoilers, but you probably won't see it coming.

This movie has a moderate budget and uses special FX sparingly, but when they do they're done well, and the set is put together quite well. The acting is mostly adequate, not spectacular, and some of the dialogue is delivered in a clunky way. One of the leading female actors is actually pretty annoying throughout much of it, screaming out her lines, but I'm not sure if it's due to the actress, the writing, or the direction. It's forgivable though.

I found it to be an enjoyable and easy to watch sci-fi flick. Recommended for sci-fi fans with moderate expectations.
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The IMDB reviews are far more entertaining than the movie itself
jack-4651821 September 2019
The movie contains an interesting concept, but the plot moves slower than the dude with the pistols (those of who who've suffered thr...I mean, seen this know what I mean). The dialogue is dreadful, and the characters say and do completely inane things. Not worth my time, to coin a phrase.

But the reviews here on IMDB are a hoot and well worth checking out They're clearly written by people whose connection to this film goes far beyond having seen it, if you know what I mean. It's obvious they were given talking points to build into their reviews, and the way they do it while trying to sound like they're not is precious.
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Very original B-movie
imdb-3806328 August 2020
This film is a true B-film: cheap suspense, poor acting, over the top storyline. And yet I enjoyed it. The story is intriguing as it messes with time, but contrary to many SF- movies, it does in no way attempt to offer any semi-scientific explanation. It simply uses the idea of 'time messed up' to create a sometimes horror-like suspense. Not a waste of time! Rated 8 for originality.
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3/10 don't fall for the studio planted reviews!
pauljoseph-5975819 August 2018
As soon as i saw the 6.6 score for this movie i immediately became suspicious. The studio planted reviews on this title are so obvious and there are so many. Just look at the dates they were posted, numerous suddenly pop up on the same day.. also most of them containing the same or similar writing styles, and almost all of them giving it from 8/10 to 10/10 which NO honest person would.This is your typical shoe string budget movie with bad acting and 'tv movie of the week' cinematography. Oh, and to make it worse they had to put some typical 'cute' annoying kids in it. 3/10 would be almost too generous to give it.
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People can be fools
legionofthesnowzombie20 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The idea that this movie has been deliberately ratioed is dumb. It clearly has a natural bell curve for what it is, even granting the 10/10 excess the rating isn't overly weighted, maybe a 5.5. Why some expect more from a million dollar film is beyond me.

It's a light Sci-Fi fantasy movie based on the fountain of youth with a modern interpretation. People who bemoan the accuracy of the physics seem to think we understand how time works and the films doing it wrong, they clearly have no idea about how theories work or that time is a human construct, just ask Einstein. There are plot-holes and writer contrivances, but I'm willing to let them go by and imagine what if...

Anyway the movie is a solid 5 or a possible 6, so six it is, just to further upset the 1 out of 10 drones. I've seen worse films with tens of millions of dollars thrown at them and they are far worse than this offering. Haven't any of these affronted critics seen a DC movie, Ghost Busters (2016) or Captain Marvel?

Like all professions the young need to practice their craft, and skills are accumulated over time.
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A Decent Premise Burdened By Weak Execution
sddavis634 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I thought the premise of "Time Trap" was decent. A group of young people (ranging from a couple of pre-teens to some university graduate students) go off on a search for a professor who's gone missing. In their search they come across a mysterious cave where they believe the professor has gone to explore, and once inside they discover they're trapped and that time is passing at a different rate inside the cave than outside. While time for them (inside) is normal, they realize that constantly shifting light patterns they see are actually the rising and setting of the sun and that time outside the cave is passing at an incredibly rapid pace. Inside, they discover an assortment of people who've come into the cave from different time periods - from "cavemen" to a futuristic type. I have to give credit to those who developed the basic story. It was mysterious and intriguing. I liked it.

The performances in this were inconsistent - fair at best. The cast was a definite "B" list of actors at best. It's interesting to me - and perhaps it says something - that most of those who were in leading roles in this haven't really done much of note since. As intriguing as the story was there were also some inconsistencies that bugged me a bit. If time was moving faster outside the cave than inside, then why didn't Furby age (even die, for that matter - because a lot of time would have passed for him relative to the others) during the time that he was outside while the others were inside? I also thought this movie ended rather too abruptly. More often than not I think writers try to milk a story and make it go on for too long. In this case, I thought a few extra minutes might have been productive. Without giving anything away - what kind of world did those in the cave finally emerge into? The comment was made that "we're pretty big news here" or words to that effect. I would have liked to have learned just a wee bit more about where and to whom they were pretty big news. I don't think there's enough to this to warrant a sequel - but tying up that loose end with maybe another 15 minutes would have been positive.

So, essentially, I thought there was a positive premise and a half decent story with some mystery involved. But it failed a little bit in its execution. (5/10)
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Great unexpensive sci-fi.
neoclone0728 August 2020
Well, there are some flaws, the acting is average and they won't win an Oscar for sure. But the plot... truth be said, for those who enjoy time travel and phisics theories, the plot is a bit predictable (some guy enters a cave and the movie title is Timetrap, this is a spoiler by its own right) but by no means less interesting. Felt like a tale from Ray Bradbury with some teen action done good. About those bad reviews from people that did not understand the movie or said it was without rhyme or reason, they probably don't read much about time bending theories, thus they really won't understand the movie concepts. This is a great movie and a living proof that one don't need fancy expensive fx to make a good flick. Actually, special effects are kinda cheap... but you won't care about because the plot is really cool. All you need to have a nice flick is strong script and good direction. 8 stars with thumbs up.
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Not horrible but not great...
justbill1931-94-84753416 December 2019
I don't understand all of the horrible reviews. It wasn't that bad. But it wasn't really that good. It was kind of just...eh. The acting was believable, the story was interesting, and the plot was unique. On the other hand, it was obvious they didn't have a huge blockbuster budget, the special effects weren't all the special, and some of the characters seemed a little one dimentional like they were pulled from an 80's B-movie horror flick. With all of that being said though, it wasn't that bad. If you are looking for something a little different than the usual, give it a try.
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Did the entire cast and crew write these reviews?
Theshornwonder15 October 2019
This was an interesting set up, with a terrible execution. The idea this movie has a 6.5 is laughable. The acting was ok, the set up ok, the execution and story were atrocious. Unless Nickelodeon produced this, it was trash.
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Don't Watch...
tomgoff-320293 November 2019
Please don't watch this. This has to be a bad joke.
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