The Osiris Child (2016) Poster

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Starts off as sci-fi, ends as an 80s B-movie
soundoflight2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This film would have been amazing if they had done one simple thing: left out the mutating monsters. They could have had a very similar plot (replacing the monsters with a virus or something else), and then the focus could have been placed more on the use of the prisoners as slave labour and the moral dilemmas. The monsters were simply not believable, and seemed like something out of an 80's B-movie: pure cheese, with all the associated plot holes and leaps in logic that go with it (a human turning into a huge monster in under 10 minutes for example, clearly breaking laws of thermodynamics). Don't get me wrong, I like cheesy monster movies, but it wasn't what I was looking for. I wish more people would have the guts to hard pure science fiction films. Those are rare pearls, hard to find.
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Competent, above average indie SciFi...Not a waste of time but...
mariusar3 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The review for this film hit it on the head - it's an ambitious, at times visually interesting effort that is like an occasionally tasty ghoulash of tried and true SciFi tropes and themes. Not always a bad thing as a superb film like Serenity proves, but here, despite good performances and fairly capable writing, is somehow not quite enough to lift this effort to "great" status.

The technicals are all competently done with some generally interesting visuals. The acting is non-cringeworthy and played straight. Worth a view for fans of the genre. I will also say that I would indeed be interested to watch other efforts from the creative team behind this one.

A solid 6...check it out if you enjoy this stuff.
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Its a shame as you could tell people put effort into this.
eve_dolluk6 August 2017
Thats not to say that this is a terrible film, far from it. The productions values were good and the acting was pretty good also.

The problem here is the script and pacing as well as some editing. Its clunky and Non Linear and is broken up into chapters.

The problem with this is that none of the reveals in the chapters, in the form of flashbacks tell us anything really interesting, they work more as a conduit for understanding the next scene/chapter.

The film also seems to take itself way too seriously with hammy dialogue and what i call Hollywood paint by number exposition.

There could have been real mystery here but instead they reveal this to us, the viewer within the first 5 minutes. So we have no mystery or suspense.

What about action ?? Well there is very little of that either, what little there is, was however done quite well but nothing very unique or with a wow factor.

Humour or dark humour was virtually non existent.

The whole wasteland environment was vaguely pushed upon but with not enough meat on the bones for it to really set the scene.

What your left with here is a quite well produced, quite well acted, average script with average sfx and a fairly bland story with an underwhelming ending.

It would be interesting to see the people who made this do something with a better script and story and something a bit less generic and average.

Overall you have a pretty forgettable sci fi film which is a shame as you can see the effort put into the project.
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Bad "Monsters"
roach54091 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This movie would have been a great movie if it weren't for the worst monsters ever. The monsters were human test subjects that looked like the turned into super snapping turtles. The back and forth chapters were interesting because it gave you more knowledge into Sy's story, and it showed why he was there on Osiris.

The main reason this movie gets a 5 instead of an 8 or 9 is because of the "plot twist" at the end. Sy gets attacked by the monster and starts to transform into one, but he ask Indi to give him something sharp to kill himself. She doesn't do it, and it cuts to another backstory in Sy's life. This was my favorite part because it showed why he was in prison, and that he was good loving man who lost his family but made a very wrong decision. Then the bad part happens. After the planet had been wiped clean, two explorers search the planet to find indi and creature that turns out to be Sy... really? Sy turned into one of the crazy monster soccer who had been killing people the entire movie? But instead of being crazy, he is guard dog for Indi... should've let him die or survive. One or the other.

I still hate how terrible the monsters were. Made the movie so much less interesting.
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This movie brought the "fiction" back into science-fiction movies!!!
billdtrav3 September 2017
I was really astonished with the innovation and originality this movie brought... It has been years since we last saw an attempt like that, movies tend to become a generic marketing mess to please the corporate overlords with bombarding the same... movie.. in a different package... Osiris Child begs to differ.. and it does it in a very good way! No product placements, no generic plot, no pseudo realism (an other demand of the marketing overlords) it's like a 21st century Star Wars without having anything to do with Start Wars other than the core elements that made those movies great in their genre...

Pure fantasy not filtered out by PC think tanks and survey polls, nice action, imaginative plot and very nice overall scenery, costumes cast and a, very carefully selected, colorful pallet.

The only downside is that they gave in on one of the corporate cravings and squished this great movie into 90 minutes of film.. The plot deserved to be easily a 2 hour one if not a 3 hour one without stressing the audience...

This is the only reason I gave this movie 7/10 instead of 10/10! The what ever minor issues it might have are surely forgiven and ignored for this movie is a rare gem appearing after so many years of stagnation and Hollywood should get a lesson or two by Shane Abbess' action science-fictional masterpiece!

EDIT: I lowered my rating to 6/10 because I was about 20 minutes before the movie finish while writing this review... Nothing changed dramatically its only what I mentioned in my last paragraph this movie should have more time for the plot to "stretch its legs" develop the characters a little more and for us the audience to get into this new world deeper than we did.

Unfortunately, I presume in order to put an end within 90 minutes, they wrapped the last scenes in haste and put some clichés in mix too and "that's all she wrote"... Still one of the best Sci-Fi movies I watched the last couple of years if not even more.. If it only could last longer...
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Decent beginning unexpected twist but not much in the middle
abisio23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The idea had a lot of potential. A company colonizing planets creates some kind of monster/weapon that suddenly goes out of control. In order to cover up decides to blow up the hole planet Osiris; killing everybody there. One pilot (with heavy drinking problems) has to save his daughter who is alone in the city with the help of an ex-con escaped from Osiris prison. The trailers are fine and the movie star decent (to much dialog and exposition little action). Sadly, the low budget, the director's lack of experience and specially the very lazy written script kick in and movie becomes too tedious and cheap to be acceptable. FX action scenes are decent; but the monsters and their attacks are too cheap for recent movies (even low budget ones). Sam Raimi with less money was able to make things terrifying; here are lame. The final twist near the end gives some value to the movie and make it more interesting and wanting some more. If sequel is ever make; please get a better budget, writer and director and perhaps you might have a hit.
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People don't change. Only their version of the past
nogodnomasters23 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Kane (Daniel MacPherson) is a military pilot working for Excor a colonizer of planets. Excor has created beings that are adaptable and can clear out the indigenous population of planets. Things go wrong at the prison labor camp where the creatures are created and Kane is on a mission to save his daughter (Teagan Croft) who lives in the capital city.

The story was interesting, if the main characters were not. The dialogue really wasn't bad, it just lacked delivery, i.e. the acting and directing were poor. The creatures looked like something out of "The Dark Crystal." The movie is divided up into chapters, why I don't know. It also has some narration and flashbacks on characters. After watching Kellan Lutz on screen, the awkwardly introduce him at the end of the film with a flashback. It needed an editor.
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Boring dross
robwhite-770-30981830 July 2017
No spoilers. I was amazed by the positive reviews on here, "am I looking at the page for the film I just watched?" Had to check the title.

It claims to be "mad max meets Star Wars". I disagree, it's nothing like either, except it has some spaceships and a sci-fi wasteland scenery.

The film has a fair start and promises to be some medium quality, with passable cgi. But quickly falls apart, as the film progresses it starts to feel more TV movie like, acting becomes sub-par with cgi and creature effects wane into hammy budget sci-fi in places (blurry camera angles on creatures to avoid more cgi.

The film drags relentlessly on and i started to get very bored, even flicking through my phone, which i never do during films.

My summary is, don't expect too much, i think the critics have bigged it up to be something it's not, which is not a good starting point.

Go in expecting a TV movie with a weak plot and you will probably think it's passable.
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Interesting story concept but bogs down in the middle and doesn't quite recover by the end.
TxMike10 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this at home on DVD from my public library, my wife skipped.

I was a bit concerned by the somewhat low IMDb rating for this movie but had hopes based on the brief description. I have always been a Sci-Fi fan, especially for stories set in the future and involving space travel. After watching it the rating seems about right, maybe even a bit high.

The story starts good showing an 11-yr-old girl in a space suit in a large mine cavern. She is the child, she is on Osiris, she will need to be rescued. The story ends with her being rescued but the vast middle, even though it is barely over 90 minutes, seems long because it is mostly uninteresting. We see a futuristic bus traveling through wasteland. We see fights in a prison. We see rough-looking people getting high in a bar and threatening others.

So when the last scenes came my mind had pretty much turned itself off to the story. I watched the DVD extras, I was impressed by the team that is responsible for coming up with the story and filming it in Australia, their intentions were admirable but they just were not able to put together something that is really good and entertaining. Just mediocre.
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Average Sci-fi Movie
silverstinger3 June 2018
Though it could have a better script, the plot is quite interesting and the characters are likeable. The CGI and special effects are both average. Overall a good movie to ease your mind off the unending Marvel Superheroes Marathon that is currently flooding Hollywood.
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Wasted ambition
scandinavianmail3 September 2017
The Osiris Child gives a strong feeling that at some point during the production the team realised there were no new ideas in the story or in the world-building or in the characters, somewhat deflating their high ambitions and resulting in a choppy ride when quirky editing choices and unchronological order attempt to liven up the seen- that, been-there proceedings.

This doesn't succeed to save much, though, as buying the story depends on buying its monsters that are done with genuine 1980s rubber-suit quality. Maybe the original intention was to give the film a vintage vibe but if that was the case it fails to translate on the screen, leaving the main story driver outright ridiculous and sinking whatever was still afloat.

If something positive needs to be said, Kellan Lutz is trying harder than he has ever tried, and next to the monsters he is the less distracting one.
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A pleasant surprise
mzand-751-53957212 August 2017
Being a devout science fiction fan I've developed a philosophy: "We have to suffer for our sci-fi." Meaning that until recently there have been so few choices in sci-fi and even though most low budget attempts are mediocre and cheesy, we suffer through them anyway because we love the genre.

Every now and then a low budget indie comes along that surprises us by being even better than most high budget kin."Time Lapse," "John Dies in the End"and "Revolt" are prime examples of these overachievers. "Science Fiction Volume One: The Osiris Child" is also in this category.

Set in the future, the story of SFVOOC, (abbreviated title)is about a disgraced former space pilot who sets off on a barren planet with a convict whose escaped the prison from hell in a race against time to save the pilot's twelve year old daughter -- a cross between "The Road Warrior" and "Alien." It's a gritty Aussie film with few pretensions a good story and good acting. Released around the same time as "Alien Covenant," it is head and shoulders above Ridley Scott's ponderous, idiotic remake of his sci fi classic. I would go so far as to recommend skipping AC and watch SFVOOC instead. You'll have a lot more fun and be far less annoyed.

SFVOOC is not a perfect film like "Ex-Machina" but an enjoyable effort worthy of our time.
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An fruitful display of cinematic brio and ingenuity
sossevarvo26 April 2017
I caught the Osiris Child at a preview screening in Sydney, with director Shane Abbess and cast members Isabel Lucas, Kellan Lutz and Luke Ford all present to take questions after the film. I knew nothing about the film except that it was a low budget Australian science fiction film. I also knew Kellan Lutz was starring, and all I knew him from was the totally woeful (and totally hilarious) Legend of Hercules. And I was happy to find that The Osiris Child is a great little sci fi flick.

What's really quite inspirational about the film is how ambitious it is. Normally low budget sci fi fare is one of three things - it is overly earnest but can't stand on its own two feet due to obviously poor production values that suspend all belief (Skyline), it embraces its poor production values by making a tongue-in-cheek mockery of it all (everything by The Asylum) or it utilises its low budget by making a film of ideas rather than spectacle (The Man from Earth, Coherence or Primer.) This is why The Osiris Child is so impressive. It's not trying to be something small, it's reaching for the skies. The plot is just as sprawling as anything from Star Wars or Star Trek, as are the large scale action set pieces. And, god knows how, but Shane Abbess has made something that feels almost as expensive and impressively mounted as a 150 million dollar studio space opera. There's meticulous production design and detail that goes a long way in convincing you of the tactility of this future world. There's great costuming and location work, as well as menacing practical effects. There's even terrific VFX, made most apparent in a breathtaking dogfight sequence that is as thrilling and heart racing as anything in a major Hollywood production. Hollywood, look this way, Shane Abbess can make your insane blockbusters on a tiny budget and have them look and feel every bit as spectacular as you want.

Aside from the sound and fury of the piece, the story is pretty engaging and multilayered, packed into a mightily efficient sub 100 minute run time that feels like 2 hours + (that's a good thing). It's also told in non linear "chapter" format, which sometimes feels arbitrary, but adds a lot of narrative surprise at times, especially for Lutz's character. Which brings me to Lutz - I've seldom experienced a greater 360 in terms of my perception of an actor's ability. After witnessing the atrocity of The Legend of Hercules, and Lutz's equally atrocious attempt at a British accent, I had written this muscular man off as a Taylor Lautner-style, inept-at-acting hunk. I was evidently wrong - Lutz is really terrific in this movie in a difficult role. He balances toughness and vulnerability well and for me was the most impressive performance. His back story was the least conventional and consequently the most compelling. Daniel macPherson, probably the protagonist if you'd have to assign that label to someone, was solid, if unremarkable: that being said, his character was the most vanilla out of all. Isabel Lucas and Luke Ford have great fun as a rambunctious redneck couple, as does Temeura Morrison as a vicious warden.

It's a bit disappointing that Abbess felt the need to Americanise the entire film, much like the similarly Australian (and balls-out incredible) Predestination. Lutz is the only American actor, and only Morrison keeps his native (Kiwi) accent. It feels unnecessary that this world has to be American, much like how Ancient Rome and Greece always seem to be British, it's a weird convention of science fiction that left me a bit cold. This is a nitpick really, though; there's rarely a moment where root accents are perceivable, even from pint sized Teegan Croft. But this sadly is not the only pitfall the flick faces. A big issue is overwrought narration, which rung alarm bells at the start of the film. Thankfully it's not consistent across the film's run time, but most of the time it happens, it's hackneyed and laboured, and feels like dumbing down, especially at the end of the film. In addition, the film feels the need to occasionally go really sappy. Some moments are genuinely emotional because they're subtle, but there are instances when Abbess can't resist but lay on the treacle, mostly concerning the relationship between MacPherson and Croft, and it's frustratingly clichéd and sentimental.

Even with a few missteps, The Osiris Child is an ingenious, thrill-packed blast of a science fiction film that thrillingly forgoes its low budget to deliver a space opera that's just as thrilling, and perhaps a bit more original, than the glut of far more expensive Hollywood fare.
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Can't recommend this.
sastrash21 February 2018
This film was about 80% expository dialogue, 15% hammy drama and 5% action. The exposition part really drags the film down - scene after scene of two or three characters sitting or standing around explaining what's happening. I guess the editor realized this was too boring so he tried to mix things up by overlaying two expository scenes over one another (one sentence of one exposition, cut to one sentence of an "earlier" exposition, cut back to the first one, back and forth for on and on). This helps a little bit with the drag of the scenes but it also jerks the viewer between the sets confusingly. It also gets old quickly and it happens throughout the entire movie.

The hammy drama is unfortunately not entertaining enough. There seems to be only one group of actors who realized they're in a trashy sci fi with rubber monsters and acted accordingly (the prison buddies and antagonists that get about 5 minutes of screen time). All the other actors seem to think they are in the American Beauty and go for subtlety. The result is boring and a little jarring.

The action parts are actually good, but they are few and far between and they start and end abruptly as if they ran out of budget before they could properly complete them.

I don't recommend this movie. It's droning expository scenes will make your eyes glaze over and the people that made this were just competent enough to not make things unintentionally funny.
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technically functional but still bad
SnoopyStyle10 January 2018
On a distant planet in the future, General Lynex (Rachel Griffiths) has been leading immoral works under colonization company Exor. When the situation gets out of control, she intends to wipe out the population to cover up her crimes. Military pilot Kane Sommerville (Daniel MacPherson) learns of the scheme and tries to save his daughter Indi who is still on the planet. He crash lands to find Sy Lombrok (Kellan Lutz) who claims to be a nurse.

This is one of those smaller sci-fi movies that has found a space in the myriad of distribution streams. Kellan Lutz does not fill me with confidence. He's fine if somewhat forgettable. There are various flashbacks that don't help the tension. The story could be straight forward but none of it really helps. With the opening act with Indi, I assumed that it's her story but she disappears for most of the middle. The CGI action seems functional as far as modern movies go. The creature design is a step back. The positive is that it's a real creature effect but it's not a mobile design. There are real limitations which CGI could help. I also dislike the first appearance of a creature during a flashback. Obviously, Sy survives because it's a flashback. There are too many flaws to overlook despite some functional elements.
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Good production, albeit spoilt by dumb Hollywoodian values
gabestoian31 July 2017
I gave it 7 due to the quality look and fx. And only 7 because of the poor script and dialogue worthy of a run-of-the-mill Hollywood sci-fi. Being an Australian production I assume it had a relatively low budget and I thought they did a pretty good job at making us believe the place and story, though obviously made for the American market - with American accents, moronic script and (over)acting. I find the latter to be the downfall for many a scifi production and it baffles me why spend zillions on a movie and write a poor script to accompany it.. Its as if it was written specifically for a dumbed-down audience which can't digest anything remotely intelligent. Anyway, could've been better but it is what it is.. I hope they read my review and put a bit more effort into writing a more intelligent script and dialogue for the next project. Well done as far as the overall production is concerned. Cheers.
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Science Fiction Volume One The Osiris Child: You can do a lot worse
Platypuschow22 July 2017
This Australian sci-fi action flick is pretty run of the mill, it doesn't look great, it isn't fantastically written and is hardly original but here it's done competently enough to be watchable.

Revolving around a man attempting to save his daughter we have the usual batch of clichés but nothing too obnoxious.

If I had a daughter who was in grave peril on another world I have to say my response would be a bit different. I'd use the funds that she would have drained from me over the next few years to gorge myself on nice food, spoil myself rotten with my usual nerd chic and go on holiday! If somehow she survived and made it home then we'd deal with that bridge when we came to it. That awkward....awkward bridge.

The Osiris Child is harmless enough though I have no idea what this Science Fiction Volume One nonsense is!
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Loved this movie
abusaied13 September 2017
Although the actors are not the most famous, but this is a movie you gonna love.

This movie is balanced in a marvelous way, it has the exact needed amount of action, drama, light horror, feelings, violence. i loved it a lot. Watch it, wont be a wasted time.
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Well, well, what can I say?
pietclausen2 September 2017
After reading the best reviews I came to the conclusion that this film, made down under, would be most watchable.

Having now watched the movie, I decided to read the hated reviews. It's either good, boring or worse having scanned all the reviews. Well, well, what can I say?

I like sci-fi and good adventure stories. There is an adventure of sorts in this movie but what a let down! I can only think that the writers and makers of this movie did not know themselves what they were doing, or trying to achieve. The story and acting is mostly bad and broken up in chapters. Most annoying to watch. Those giving it high ratings must have smoked something as I cannot. It's an awful and wasteful, boring movie without any merits. But for the endeavor I give it a rating of 2.
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Took me by surprise!
chiatplay25 September 2017
wow this was a total surprise. It borders on cliché but then takes each scene into unique territory that builds very interesting characters and circumstances. It has its basic action set pieces but the story and characters elevate this into something special. Story is told via chapters (something like 7 of them) so its 3 act structure is revealed in a fun and artistic way. Music and digital effects are top notch as well. All in all I was taken back by how good it really is. And that dog fight in the sky.... ohhh yes!
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Could have/should have been so much better
iantrader12 November 2017
Oh dear, oh dear. Writer-Director!

Which only goes to prove that there are more dumb producers in the movie business than anywhere else!

Anyway, this is not at all badly directed (which I confess is a surprise) and the production values are excellent but, oh, the script! OK, so it's not THAT bad but, really, it's not that good, either. It's derivative, sloppy in places, not best organised and some of the dialogue could have done with a script editor.

It's difficult to envisage that it set itself up to be anything more that a B-movie but you must presume it did.

So, watch it if you're a SF fan with nothing else to do on Tuesday night but just be aware that it doesn't live up to its promise.

The music, however, is excellent!

But for the want of a better script it's a wasted effort.
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Decent good budget sci-fi effort
mark-179-36074319 July 2017
This movie has decent acting for the most part, very good effects and CG, a good score and a reasonable story - you get involved, care sufficiently about the characters and so forth. Its not earth- shatteringly original, but I didn't feel short-changed at any point. There is a lot of attention to detail, nice shots, some really nice sci-fi ideas (Love the perpetually revolving prison cells, for example...). Some bits are a little annoying, like the daughters diary voice-overs, a bit Terminator rip-off, but the whole thing works well, looks good and feels suitably polished to warrant your time. Its not going to break any new genre ground, and the gobby title will put off some, but this could easily be a decent pre-marvel cinema release, and I enjoyed it a lot. Some other reviews here look like shills, but it really is head-nodding-at-the-end decent.
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A hidden Gem
With a relatively low budget and a few recognisable names this was going to be a tough sell, but while watching this I got more and more into it. The space / air dog fights were impressive, the acting and direction were very good and the make up effects were better than I would have hoped for. This was an original and enjoyable sci-fi movie that I hope gets a Volume Two.
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Man my house is clean
arcanjl27 February 2019
This movie was so bad, that I started to clean my house to avoide watching it.... made my wife happy though.
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Terrible movie...
edwinchoy6 September 2017
A terrible surprise Being a devout science fiction fan I've developed a philosophy: "We have to suffer for our sci-fi." Meaning that until recently there have been so few choices in sci-fi and even though most low budget attempts are mediocre and cheesy, we suffer through them anyway because we love the genre. But this movie even is cheap low budget and no actors no FX and no producers and no directors, seems like the neighbors gathered and put a green screen and make a home movie Star Wars, this movie is insufferable, terrible and mediocre, for sure all the good reviews come from the families, friends and trolls
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