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Not a comfortable movie to watch....
rphanley31 August 2020
But it's well done and I like that it's dialogue was mostly unscripted and most of the actors are real people taken from the streets. It felt like a real dysfunctional road trip with some interesting characters. Pretty raw at times.
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Where Did the American Dream Go?
evanston_dad6 February 2017
With all the talk generated during the most recent presidential election about how out of touch one half of America is with the other, it takes a British filmmaker to give us a movie that brings the socioeconomic discrepancies between one part of America and another to light in a way that no other recent movie has.

The young drifters in this movie are amazed at Kansas City, never having seen so many tall buildings together in one place before. A conversation with an older, professional trucker reveals that a dream both characters share is seeing the ocean. One girl thinks people who make $100,000 a year are rich.

Wow, talk about a world away from where I live (Chicago) and where a salary of $100,000 makes owning a home barely affordable. For awhile, "American Honey" is a compelling glimpse into the life of those who have long since been left behind by the American dream. But the film goes on far too long and is far too monotonous to remain compelling for its entire duration. We only really get to know one person in the movie, a young woman named Star who is running from the hopelessness of her situation to.....what, exactly? She doesn't know, and that's the point of the movie. But that point is made long before the movie itself ends, and without much character development (Star's character arc is awfully short for a nearly three-hour movie), I found my attention and interest wandering in the film's final half hour or so.

Grade: B
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Ramascreen26 September 2016
Much of Andrea Arnold's American HONEY reminds me of Larry Clark's 1995 film, "Kids," struggling adolescent years, but American HONEY is much more nuanced in that on one hand you have this somewhat social commentary about how we are the richest nation in the world and yet so many of our teens live in poverty and they have to hustle and do certain demeaning things just to get by, just to survive, just to feed themselves. On the other hand, you could see American HONEY from the perspective of the characters and the impressive way in which they organize, you can see their selling and marketing skills, despite it being a scam and rough around the edges. They're doing what wall street does basically but on a smaller, smaller, way smaller scale.

Sasha Lane plays free spirited teenage named star who leaves her troubled trashy home to go on a road trip with traveling laborers her age, they go from town to town, door to door, to sell magazines. Riley Keough plays Krystal, the leader of the crew, and Shia LaBeouf plays Jake, who recruits new members. There's freedom and hard partying that come with this life, Star doesn't essentially agree with some of the group's methods, although young love and jealousy ultimately motivate Star to bend her own morality rule just to prove herself.

Firstly, just a heads up, this movie is 163 minutes long, probably not quite as long as those "Hobbit" movies but definitely one that you'd have to be willing to set aside a big chunk of your evening for, should you want to check out this film. I have to give credit to writer/director Andrea Arnold, not only for this raw depiction of American youth living on the margins, but also the casting decisions, the actors in this film are so convincing, in terms of their looks, their attitude and the way they carry themselves, you start to wonder if they really do live on the margins. Many of the moments in the film are spent on the characters bonding, so it seems that, and I'm assuming, cinematographer Robbie Ryan had to sit inside that van and operate the camera around as one character has their dialogue with another, and it's already crowded as it is, it'd be interesting to see behind-the-scenes video on how they pulled that off.

Arnold is not focusing on income disparity in the inner cities, nope, American HONEY showcases income disparity out in the plain fields of the American midwest. But this isn't some kind of poverty extravaganza either like "Winter's Bone," or "Slumdog Millionaire," the characters in American HONEY get by, they do OK one day at a time, but they undergo unforgiving journeys through suburban sprawl through small towns clearly affected by economic downturn, and you see the resilience in their hearts. You may disagree with their methods, some might even see it as dangerous but what can a fractured, abandoned life can do but to fill the cracks however way they can. They're still teenagers going through crushes and heartbreaks, your usual teenage ordeals, but they're also in a situation where they're forced to be independent adults faster, and Andrea Arnold beautifully captures all of that in American HONEY.

-- Rama's Screen --
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Gritty, Compelling and Harsh
DiscoVinyl31 December 2016
If you are a fan of Larry Clarks Kids then this is the film for you. It portrays a harsh reality that most people would rather not see. It's got that train wreck quality that won't let you turn away and at the same time has you horrified.

Sasha Lane as the protagonist Star gave a great performance. Her anger and sadness come to the surface even when she's silent. I've always liked Shia LaBeouf but I've usually felt like the films he's done don't interest me so I don't get to see his performances that much.

I realize that the film is long, but I think it's part of what makes this film special. It takes time to develop and meanders a bit in the process but again it's part of what makes the film seem so genuine. Though the premise of the story is a bit ridiculous in itself it's really just a vehicle to let us in on the behavior of these young people. What makes them tick. What kind of music they like. How they relate to each other.

Clearly this film isn't for everyone. You should have an idea what it is about before you partake in the investment of watching it. But if you are like me and enjoy the sociological aspect of feeling like you are eavesdropping on the life of these young people then it's a great film.

I'm not familiar with this director but now I'd like to see her other films. Hopefully her hand is on the pulse of a lot of different subsets of culture.
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Repetitive film that gets by on pure talent
tyleramato-2868020 October 2016
Andrea Arnold's "American Honey" is a bold and ambitious film filled with good performances, and for the most part I like this film, but boy does it have a ton of pitfalls. "American Honey" is repetitive, bombastic, overlong, and filled with unlikable characters, and most of the repetitiveness comes from these characters constantly listening to and singing to rap music in their white van. Sitting through 2 hours and 43 minutes of this film felt more like a chore than a cinematic experience. I'm looking forward to what Andrea Arnold has in store for us next, I truly am, and hopefully her next film won't be as preposterously long as this.
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Lost and found on the road to nowhere.
SimonHeide2 January 2017
A young girl, named Star, with no economic abilities, bears the heavy responsibility of raising her two younger siblings.

Hungry after living the life of a teenager she gets attracted to a group of young people at a supermarket with high spirit and a bad attitude. She leaves her siblings behind and joins the group who lives from day to day selling magazines to whomever they meet. The common denominator is the selling of magazines. How to do it? How to manipulate the potential buyer with different kind of stories up the sleeve that is supposed to impose sympathy? As Oliver Twist is lured into Fagins lair and is taught to pick pockets without knowing what he is doing so is Star initially. At the point where she understands the rules and laws of the group, she is involved in such a way that she accepts the game and takes some very big risks and further compromises her own moral values.

The force of the movie is the depiction of the life on the road, the interaction between our marginalized young people and slowly getting to know our protagonist, who in the beginning is the silent observer and little by little starts to unfold her personality.

I can see that the movie is being criticized for being very long and not having a story that develops from a start- to an endpoint. I agree that some of the scenes are prolonged to a point that seems unnecessary. Besides this I think that this movie is a perfect example of how the truth often lies in the detail. This means that we need to dwell in some of the scenes and that the artistic challenge is to let this happen in a way that gets the audience involved.

Again I must express my deepest respect for director Andrea Arnold who has the rare ability to show a milieu in such a convincing way that it at certain points seems as if you are not watching a movie but instead a documentary but without losing the storytelling.

Regards Simon

Ps. When you read reviews that gives max score check to see if the user has made more than one review. If not consider the possibility of a lobbyist. If you agree consider putting this post scriptum at the bottom at your own reviews.
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The frustrating workings of American Honey make for a tedious yet beautiful watch.
trublu2155 September 2016
American Honey follows a young woman as she embarks on a road trip of sorts with a bunch of hippies as they try to swindle their lives away in hopes of living in the purest of utopias. It is an indie film through and through. Everything from the story to the look reeks of an independent production which really intrigued me from the minute American Honey started. Despite this everlasting and enthralling feeling of watching pure art in the way of the indie eye as seen through director Andrea Arnold, I can't help but shake the feeling that this film could have been more. To start off, there really isn't anything terrible or bad about the film outside of its indulging and bloated running time of close to 3 hours. The acting is great, the cinematography is amazing, the soundtrack is arguably perfect and the story (while being paper thin) is acceptable. The biggest enemy the film has is itself. The editing is probably my biggest issue with the film because it ends up damaging the story through this overbearing and extremely indulgent pacing. At times, there are moments where the film is unrelenting. You can't wait to see what happens next. Then there are other moments that move so slow that you question whether or not to get up and stretch your legs. It ends up being a very frustrating film to watch because anyone can see that there is an undeniable masterpiece underneath the running time. A timeless story of youth and innocence is lost in a barrage of fire pit songs, drug fueled rage and useless character traits that end up being lost or muddled in, what felt like, an assembly cut of the film. Despite this, Andrea Arnold has a very keen eye and a natural ability to make her characters feel real even if the film is as boring as the average person. Whether or not this is what Andrea Arnold was going for, I have no idea. Overall, American Honey is a film that will most certainly test the patience of its audience but those who are fans of Arnold's Fish Tank, or just simply fans of character studies or coming of age stories, American Honey will certainly leave you feeling satisfied.
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American Honey (2016)
rockman18215 December 2016
Been anticipating this film ever since I've heard of it. This is a well made coming of age film about hopeless youth who are on the go. The film really reminded me of Kids but with stronger focus on its core character and her experience. It also reminded me a bit of Spring Breakers so maybe its a Harmony Korine thing. Sasha Lane stars as Star, a young drifter on the run who stumbles across a gang of people who travel in a van and are in "sales" and getting money where they can to get by. You're immediately curious about Star's previous life and experiences but you start in the moment and go on the road with her. Sasha Lane is just starting and I'm curious as to what her story is because this role was second nature to her. She's great. Love him or hate him, Shia LaBeouf can be a force on the screen. He is most certainly one in this film. There is a charismatic nature to his character and his relationship with Star (through the rage and love) is very entertaining to watch. I wish there was more of Riley Keough in this. I'm a huge fan of her after seeing her in the very excellent The Girlfriend Experience and she was the main attraction for me to this film. I may be biased but she steals the scenes she's in. The confederate bikini and oil rub scene in the motel room is fantastic.

The film has some other really beautiful scenes. Star and Jake sitting on top of the car as the wind blows and the bright lights pass by; its so wonderful. The stage is set in southern America and you get a real sense of that world on every pit-stop. Not all the character's in the gang are fleshed out in this near three hour film but its hardly a detriment as not many of them are necessarily memorable. The film is heavy on soundtrack which makes sense as you take a car trip through the eyes of Star as she goes from place to place. The scenes during the day always look like its almost sunset. I think it adds to the grittiness and roughness of the American South. The camera is mostly personal and very zoomed on Star so you get to see the world through her first hand experience. I saw a message of how tough it is to set your life straight in a hard world and having to do whatever it takes to get by on a day to day basis. I think at its heart Andrea Arnold's film can be interpreted in a few ways but I saw it as the story of a down out of luck girl who will do whatever it takes to survive. Star potentially puts herself in dangerous situations in the film but she's just fearless throughout. Which takes me back to the curiosity of her past. To me, she's unfazed with what she's exposed to and can adapt very well. Once she realizes she can make it there's a moment of beauty as she takes whatever comes her way. She's always setting animals (and other people) free in this film because she seeks to set herself free.

The first thing I'd recommend is not to be daunted by the running length of the film. Also be prepared for more of a visual, sonic, and spiritual experience over a film that's plot heavy and focused. I enjoyed it just as much as I thought I would.

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Took a shower after watching this
Draysan-Jennings28 November 2019
Cool movie but very unsettling. Kinda reminded me of the movie KIDS. Watched the trailer in theaters and instantly hated it because of the new age hip hop soundtrack. That's probably why it took me so long to sit down and watch it. Noticed it on Netflix and decided to give it a chance. I'm pretty sure the casting director walked down Hollywood Blvd and auditioned any squatter they could find. If Shia wasn't in this film. I never would of gave it a chance. The main actress was great and the story was actually pretty good. Kinda didn't go anywhere but I still liked it. The soundtrack made me cringe tho. Who composed this movie? Migos? Sounded like they picked the trap rap station on Pandora for the playlist. Movie would of been a lot better and not as long if they would of just cut those scenes out. At least Cardi B wasn't relevant during the filming. I'm sure a few of her songs would of been featured. Thank god for that.
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The Cannes Jury Prize? Seriously?
Superlove99930 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't get it.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I was this baffled over the Grand-Canyon-sized gap between a movie's rave reviews and my own experience viewing it. Granted, the on-the-road scenery was pretty to look at, but everything else was so laughably bad. Not one character, event, or line of dialogue rang true, and there were points where I actually felt insulted by being expected to believe what was happening on screen. Here are my major complaints:

  • Say what you will about Shia LaBeouf - at least he demonstrates an ability to convey different emotions through facial expressions and vocal inflections. That's kind of an important quality for an actor. Unfortunately Sasha Lane didn't get that memo. The movie was nearly three hours long, and I can count on one hand the number of times her facial expression changed. Casting a block of wood as Star would have been a more economical choice, with virtually identical results.

  • Here's how the adventure begins: Star is walking along the street, she sees a guy pressing his buttcheeks against the window of a passing van, and BOOM, she's instantly drawn into following them. That's supposed to be a believable precipitating incident? She's entranced by buttcheeks in a moving car?

  • The character Crystal actually says the film's title on screen within the first 15 minutes. The only way it could have been more on-the-nose is if she looked directly into the camera and winked.

  • Would it have KILLED Andrea Arnold to do some research on what it's actually like to work a door-to-door job? As someone who's worked as a canvasser, I can unequivocally say that not one magazine-selling interaction in this movie was remotely believable. According to this movie, people just LOVE when strange youngsters interrupt their day to show up on their property (dressed like total slobs in this case), selling them things they don't want and didn't ask for... especially rich people! They'll always invite you right in, and never assume you're about to rob them or case their home for a burglary! They're fine with you copping an attitude and talking back to them when you're inside their home!They'd love it if you appear out of nowhere and start following them up their driveway! They'd be totally cool with you playing around with their outdoor decor right in front of their faces! Most of all, they'd certainly never call the cops on you, not even if you're smoking weed or brandishing a deadly weapon on the sidewalk in broad daylight! Yep.

  • I'll just give one specific example of one of the many non-reality-based scenes in the movie: So, Star is picked up by a car full of older cowboy types and brought to their house for a barbecue. Total strangers pick up some random girl they've never met, and just bring her right into their home to hang out (with no obvious ulterior motive). This was completely ridiculous, but as soon as Jake shows up with his gun to steal the car, it was catapulted to outright absurd. I mean, come on... a group of older caucasian gentlemen in middle America who are all wearing matching white cowboy hats - these are the kinds of dudes who probably keep a gun next to the toilet "just in case." In what alternate universe would they have NOT been packing heat, and NOT have shot Jake dead in a nanosecond? There were probably 100 more believable ways that this scene could have played out, but the one that actually happens just left me shaking my head.

  • There were multiple parts where we could have seen the character depth/development that was so sorely lacking from this movie, but it was just one missed opportunity after another. Take the scene where Jake shows Star all the jewelry he's been "collecting" (i.e. stealing) over the years. This could have very easily been a catalyst for an argument between the characters about morals, or economic inequality, or the American value of "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps," which would have been a perfect way to actually build the characters and make them seem like real people. Instead, there was nothing. It's difficult to feel invested in bland, unsympathetic characters in a movie that doesn't give you one good reason to care about them.

  • I was waiting for the whole "Star getting into cars with strange men" motif to take a scary turn, which would have been super predictable but at least interesting. It never did. Not once. This isn't just unrealistic - it makes for an unbelievably boring movie. Again, so much potential for character development/conflict/new lessons learned, but every opportunity was completely wasted.

  • While we're on the car thing: Okay, Star is constantly jumping into vehicles with strangers, including an actual trucker who says he's running late... and then once the particular scene is over, she's magically back with her group of sales associates all hunky dory. HOW DID SHE KEEP GETTING BACK TO THE GROUP???

What exactly was the point of this movie? What conflicts were resolved? What did the characters learn? How did they change or grow? To reiterate my original point, I just. Do. Not. Get it.

If you disliked this movie as much as I did, check out Tina Hassannia's review of it in Canada's National Post. You'll feel less alone.
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Too real for a disconnected culture
isaacthe11 June 2019
The actors brought subtle truth to the roles. If strictly analyzing this film for hitting the beats, delivering clear themes, take aways, pushing the boundaries of writers table paradigms, yeah I can see the 1 star rating. Connection to a story is subjective. But if I'm watching a movie, it's usually to escape reality for a moment. I found myself not seeking out the analysis while watching but simply riding along in the van. I lived out a chapter of someone else's life. Someone completely different than myself. And to me, to be completely pulled into a story and world is something a billion dollar production like avengers couldn't do with it's Hollywood quips and polished CGI everything. Those moves may entertain me. But this movie made me feel and search. Like life, you don't always get clear themed and empty platitudes. Sometimes you just have reality and it shapes you, with or without a recognizable point.
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Could have been so much better
stangpt-7207315 July 2018
Both the critics and supporters of this movie have valid points. The Good > There's definitely an artistic element to the script which is played out quite nicely for a while. Much too long? - yes - But the statement was there. Secondly, the cast does an excellent job selling it with well received acting. Several individually nice performances throughout the movie save it from being a waste for me. The Bad > The length is completely and utterly unnecessary. There is so much repeating of the same concepts and dialogs that an hour could have cut without any affect on outcome or presentation. Way too many scenes were deja vu. The Awful > Worst music selection humanly possible save a couple songs. I mean seriously.....if we're stuck watching repetitive scenes of youth listening and singing along with music while riding down the highway in a van at least choose some real music. Editing out 1/2 of those monotonous scenes would have cranked out a couple more stars from this viewer. Good Luck with this one. For what it's worth, I can say I don't regret watching it.
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Waste of Nearly Three Hours
Paul42535 March 2017
If you enjoy movies that have some interesting visuals but lack any substance in storytelling, this is the movie for you. Watching this garbage, I couldn't help but think that somehow Shia Leboeuf and his nonsensical artistic views played some role in the direction in which this was made. Frustratingly repetitive. Obnoxiously boring. Two hours and forty three minutes proving that current youth culture is composed of morons. Possibly the worst watch I've had in five years.
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Sasha Lane!
ghost_dog861 January 2017
Featuring a cast riddled with amateur actors (aside from Shia LaBeouf and Riley Keough (granddaughter of Elvis Presley) "American Honey" is more than just another Cannes Film Festival calling card for writer/director Andrea Arnold, it is a gritty, startling master-class example of "slice of life" direction, the likes of 2016's "Manchester by the Sea" or "King Jack".

Synopsis: A teenage girl, living in extreme poverty, is recruited into a traveling sales crew filled with other teens in her same situation. The group travels cross-country, scamming people into buying magazine subscriptions by day and partying incredibly hard by night.

Arnold's hand-held camera work only helped immerse me into this lesser known subculture, watching these economically disadvantaged teens make sketchy life choices as they come of age inside a van sized commune of their peers. But it's the stellar performance from newcomer Sasha Lane which gives major credibility to this film and justifies some of its more minor flaws as well as the run-time. Much of the satisfaction I received from "American Honey" came from watching Lane's character evolve throughout.

Final Thought: There are a few misplaced lines of dialogue, which seem to force-feed a bit more than I would have liked, and at a nearly three hour run-time, this Indie will be perceived as an intimidating venture for some, but boy is it worth your time. The genuine atmosphere of "American Honey" speaks to this generation like not many movies do, and will stay with you for days after viewing.
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take a van ride
ferguson-613 October 2016
Greetings again from the darkness. Movies are often classified according to genre: comedy, thriller, romance, drama, etc. Writer/director Andrea Arnold (Wuthering Heights, 2011) pays little attention to such labels, and seems to take immense pleasure in spotlighting a segment of society that rarely gets the silver screen treatment. Rather than bring us yet another lawyer, cop, teacher or writer, Ms. Arnold demands we pay attention to a group of misfits.

Our introduction to Star (Sasha Lane) comes from inside a dumpster as she and her young siblings are diving for food behind a grocery store, and afterwards hitchhiking for a ride back home. A chance parking lot meeting with an energetic young man named Jake (Shia LeBeouf) leads Star to take some drastic actions … including joining Jake and his traveling troupe of free-spirited cohorts as they drive around the country selling magazine subscriptions and staying in cheap hotels. In between fabricated sales pitches, there is much alcohol, drugs, hip hop, and sex.

Jake is the top salesperson, but it's Krystal (Riley Keough) who supervises the group with threats, punishment and insults. She understands this is a captive audience with few options … even asking Star "Will anyone miss you?" That question is at the core of what keeps this group together. The van gang is the only community to which they belong – the closest thing to family they have. The handbook's stated purpose may be to "make money", but fundamentally, these folks just want to fit in somewhere.

Director Arnold takes a quasi-documentary approach (similar to last year's Tangerine) that delivers a realistic feel to a world most of us have little knowledge of. Seeing these scam artists bounce through suburbs and rural areas, willing to take advantage of most anyone along the way, generates both empathy and disgust. By design, it's Star with whom we most relate. She clearly has a conscience, but is as naïve to the world as she is sensitive to her own desires. A simple question (used twice) is a kick in the gut to viewers, and the dreams and hopes of these misfits are most puzzling of all.

The use of music is exceptionally well done, leaning heavily on hip-hop and Rihanna (twice). The titular Lady Antebellum song has its moment, as does Darth Vader philosophy and a few flying creatures. Though the run time is entirely too long for an indie that really doesn't follow a traditional narrative, we don't mind too much since we are watching the birth of a new star. Sasha Lane makes an incredible debut, and though the director "discovered" her on spring break in Florida, the natural talent here runs deep. I'm not sure of the market for this film, but it seems obvious Ms. Lane has a much brighter future than her character – or any of the others riding along in the van.
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Great movie
jameshinton-6203220 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really liked it and when I saw the length of the film thought it may drag but it was nothing like that. The music tracks were truly great and the buzz feeling conveyed by the partying troupe was infectious. Throughout the film it seemed Star was going to meet with some unfortunate experiences and it made me anxious that she was going to find trouble but it was like riding waves for her.

I felt at the end it was a rite of passage, an initiation, by her going into the water and overcoming her fears, a parallel with that is the guys jumping over the fire. I am quite critical of films but I found this a watchful enjoyable experience.
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authentic performances
SnoopyStyle8 May 2017
Star (Sasha Lane) has to dumpster dive to feed her young siblings while fighting off the advances of the man in the house. She is taken with Jake (Shia LaBeouf). She leaves the kids with their partying mom and follows his group of traveling youths led by Krystal (Riley Keough). She calls her a real American Honey. Ostensibly, they sell magazine subscriptions door to door but in reality, they get the money any which way.

Newcomer Sasha Lane has a real presence about her. Shia LaBeouf is fully harnessing his instability. The young cast brings a sense of authentic intensity with the pumping music. I would have liked an older actor for the Riley Keough Pied Piper character. It would add to the creepy sexual tension in the power dynamics. Although, there is value to a scantily clad Riley. As for the story, the movie is a little long and rambling at times. Tighter writing would ratchet up the natural intensity of the performances. This movie is a nice revelation. It could have been a real standout of the year if the editing bay is employed more.
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Not a Hollywood blockbuster
danielcereto20 May 2019
People tend to hate something that is different, that is a fact. This movie is different, so do not expect to compare with any other movie. In my opinion if you watch this just for pleasure, you will enjoy the ride. The acting is so real, cinematography is great and also both lead actors. The plot is... there is not a real plot so just try to understand the message, try to be openminded and consequently try to love something different. This is not Twilight.
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Shia and Riley Carry The Film
cmandvl1 June 2019
I'm three years late. But this movie proved to me why Shia Labeouf is and will always be a great actor. Riley Keough, too (though this is the first time I've seen her). Those two characters made the film for me.

I like Sasha lane. However, I think that the movie is carried by her love story with Shia's character. If it wasn't for that, I wouldn't care about her because she seems a little too naive and temperamental for her own good. Such as when she continuously hops in cars with strange men (which is the whole plot of this film tbh) and constantly has a temper in an environment where maybe keeping her cool would be the better option. (Especially when she chose to be there in the first place).

The other side characters feel like real life people I would see from my generation. The fact that the film cast actual people rather than actors shows. But in a good way. It makes the film feel like it is a "ride along" rather than a movie.

If it wasn't for the random, "why is this here?" artistic shots (like a grasshopper on Sasha's character's arm)...well, I feel like this was like being a fly on a wall in this particular place and people of the world.

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163min to tell nothing
yves-vanherreweghe1 April 2017
Wasting 163min to show the life of a nobody on the run. Probably it is this deeper meaning that made this movie so successful for the critic's popes. Besides the good acting, there is nothing in the movie. With a story-line of Max 5 minutes about kids selling magazines. I wonder for who this movie is made, for people who have no clue what happens in the world I guess. Very surprised it can have such a high score
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what a movie!
sofiamoro1 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't choose a better movie to start my new year. When I saw the trailer for the first time ( yes I admit I must have seen it 10 times more then ) I was already captured, and my expectations weren't disappointed. This is a great portrait of a generation, it talks about beauty and hope through little frame of a road trip going around without a fixed destination, except for the pursuit of money and the ransom that comes with it. But what makes this movie so magical is the relationship between the two main actors. The tuning breaks the screen, we feel the intensity, the impetuosity, the joy of a stealthy young love, grew up in an 'hopeless place', as Rihanna's song perfectly suggests. The soundtrack is also amazing, well interrupted sometimes with calculated moments of silence. Last but not the least, I was completely enchanted by the cinematography.
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So I did not dislike this movie, but it's too tediously slow moving for my taste
subxerogravity6 October 2016
I did like Shia LeBeauf in it.  He tends to pick these type of movies lately. He's an interesting cross between (wanna be)good actor and movie star that allows me to have something to pay attention to.

I like the relationship his character has with the lead character, Star.  It was intense, although not the best intensity that filmmaker, Andrea Arnold has put on celluloid.

I like Star's journey as she tries to get out of her not so good situation for something better. Andrea Arnold does a great job of picking lead actors. Nothing is really going on in the film yet I'm very attracted to the life and persona of Star to keep wanting to push through this movie to see what happens.

And this is the part that is not so good about American Honey. I am pushing through it. It's long, too long and it feels long. It's too real and that makes for a movie that goes long for no reason and you can't wait for it to end.

I liked Shia in it and the character Star, but the movie starts out getting to know the supporting characters, A group of kids I just found more annoying than interesting. Although my announce is more of a compliment to Arnold's ability to capture real people, it's just my unfortunate that her mastery of these kids is as brilliant and repulsive to me as Lena Dunham's brilliant portrait of the charters on her TV show, Girls.

I understood the artistry in Arnold's last movie, the somewhat attempt at mainstream called Wuthering Heights, but to be honest this film does not live up to the intensity that I expected from Arnold. To me, her best movie is still Fish.

So I really don't want to say it's a bad movie, but it does get boring in the mundane and that's bad when you don't care as much about the content.
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I guess I don't get it...
seanmcbeth11 August 2019
Ever wanted to drive across middle America with a bunch of bumbling idiots and not have to leave your couch? Then this is the perfect movie for you! Holy mother of god what a bore. I was patiently waiting for the van to get tboned by a semi so the pain of watching this would end.
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Worth Three Hours
wisneskilife2 January 2019
American Honey is like Requiem for a Dream and Blue Valentine had a less mature baby. At base value, American Honey is sort of an angsty, slow story about young love. But dig a little deeper and it's actually a heartbreaking story of deceit and misfortune that develops nicely. There's this constant theme on needing to save life no matter how insignificant or lost that life is and I love that. This movie has a little bit of everything: crime, manipulation, sex, and even a a hint of romance. I didn't think I'd like American Honey as much as I did, but I strongly recommend watching it. Fair warning, I wouldn't say this is the happiest story on the planet.
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"We fell in love in a hopeless place"
Quinoa19844 February 2017
This is sun-drenched, ultra-cinema-verite, like if the Maysles took a couple of bong hits before making a movie about kids selling magazines halfway across the country. This said though, by the end of it, not unlike Springbreakers (this is VERY Larry Clark and Harmony Korine, more on that in a minute), though it's also clearly the same voice that did Fish Tank as well, I thought to myself... what was the point? But then when you have so many compelling little details it's bound to amount to something.

While I'm not sure in American Honey if there is a 'point,' maybe Andrea Arnold didn't intend for one. Not every drama needs a thesis statement, but I was hoping for more by the end of the movie than 'well, they just keep going on, and maybe this character will move on, or not, it's what it is, right?' I'm starting off by saying this since I want to get my gripes out of the way first; for the most part, Arnold's film is worthwhile and special as a document of 2016 while seeming to be a piece of fiction. If there is a point to it all it's... 'hey, this is America, wow, what do you think of it? hashtagTrump, right?' Actually, when I think about it now typing this, it may be another example of current-day American neo-realism (the year before Bahrani did that to an extent with 99 Homes), where we, whether we are familiar with this world of the middle America, with its sometimes okay sections (i.e. those who work in the oil fields, some town) and the much poorer ones, see what the people are going through via some select fictional characters.

This is a road movie that has the barest set-up - Star, a young woman who has a nowhere future with a man she can't stand taking care of kids that (I think) aren't even hers, is picked out by a sort-of-not-really-maybe-depends-on-which-way-you're-looking smooth-talker Jake, Shia LaBeouf plays, who asks if she'd like to come along with he and his group to sell magazines - and then takes off into nearly three hours of a narrative that is loose as hell, a series of episodes as Star and Jake sort-of-not-really grow closer, and she keeps on doing what she's always been: being herself, which can work and sometimes, painfully, not.

If I were to teach a serious screen writing class to some younger people, this would be an excellent example of how to make a movie that doesn't necessarily have to adhere to a three-act structure. This doesn't mean that it's without an emotional throughline, at least in some form: we see how Star and Jake have their relationship, which gets tested by the "boss" of the group played by a no-BS (except when she gets away with it, which is often) Riley Keough (she, like Sasha Lane as Star, is so convincing I thought she was like all the other people, likely plucked from the 'streets' so to speak, and actually I found out Lane *was* plucked from the streets, it's her debut, which makes this as astonishing as something De Sica or Rossellini might do, it's one of the underrated performances of the year).

But American Honey serves as a case where you don't have to follow some rigid structure, albeit it takes someone with a unique perspective to make it interesting. Does this mean it's totally unique? No, it's not; we've seen depictions of American youth who have no ties to any family and have made their own familial unit in a f***ed up way, but Larry Clark and Harmony Korine seem more like the closest of kin. The Springbreakers analogy may not be totally fair, however, as the crimes done in the movie are mostly (if not all) done by the loose-cannon Jake, who may or may not use that gun that gets set up pretty early in the story. And unlike that film, the 'don't-give-a-motherf***' world these people are in is anchored by Arnold's attention to details, and that Star is someone that, if we can't exactly put ourselves into as far as the full-blown empathy goes, she serves as someone we can see this world through up to a point, and the camera is often looking at objects and things: the scenery, bugs, water, oil derricks, fire, etc etc.

I think the curious visual aspect, how she moves her camera, which can be at times as frenetic as a found footage movie and at other times, with its natural lighting and sense of a place that has weight and grit and raw energy of finding things in spur of the moments, carried me through a lot of American Honey, and it's a film that has a love for little details in the world. Yet the other problem comes that there's simply too much movie here, too much looseness. It's great to see someone who, I'm sure, exercised her final cut without even breaking a sweat, but there came some points where we're hanging just too long, scenes lagging to a point where I found myself saying "alright, Get on with it!" ala Monty Python. That's not a nuanced criticism, but it turned me sometimes into a cranky studio executive.

All this said, there are passages in this film that are as affecting and effective as any major drama this year and LaBeouf is better here than he's been in years, likely taking from the energy that's there with Lane and the other real people to get to the point where he creates his own persona and (as much as he can try) is simply there with everybody else. While I didn't love it, I applaud it and hold it up as an example of uncompromising American independent cinema in this decade (again from the magnificent A24 studio, like the Weinsteins in the 90's only better and keeping the independent spirit in a truer sense). 7.5/10
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