Captain America: Civil War (2016) Poster

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A master class in screenwriting
AlsExGal30 July 2021
What impresses me about this movie is how much good was done in a short amount of time for each character. There are really clever time-saving 'tricks' like Tony using the broom to bust open the hatch that caused the Spidey costume to come dangling down. That saved them minutes of precious dialogue; it just cut straight to the point. And during that whole scene in Peter's place, almost every line of dialogue counted toward something important, with just enough 'fluff' to make it sound like a real conversation instead of 'movie dialogue' (the funny asides like 'please move your leg' and 'your ridiculously hot aunt'), etc.

The same is true about the scene near the beginning with Tony's holographic 'flashback' . That scene served so many purposes at once - first, it got me caught up in the background story; then, it gave me an insight into Tony's attitudes and regrets concerning his parents; then, when it was shown that it was a therapy technique, it showed me that Tony still has unresolved emotional issues concerning his parents, which then set up the stage for a reveal that causes Tony's later actions.

These two previously mentioned scenes took about four or five minutes tops, and many other scenes in the film managed to squeeze in a half-hour's worth of material (per scene) into 5-minute snippets by accomplishing a lot of stuff simultaneously (story-building AND character-building AND plot development) , and making it feel natural and not rushed or forced.

This film serves as a great example for others to study when it comes to screenwriting effectiveness. Something really remarkable was done here. And it was very refreshing after seeing so many big-budget blockbusters with horrible screenwriting.
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andreascaloni7 April 2021
Captain America Civil War is a gripping, bold, smart and awesome superhero movie. It boasts of a talented cast, a great direction and awesome action sequences. Matching spectacular and epic moments with the smarts of a great, grown up thriller, Captain America Civil War is a fun, epic and emotional ride that you won't miss.

Rating: 8,8.
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Marvel at its finest
Ch4ndler_B1ng16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Captain America: Civil War is an amazing superhero movie, it features one of the best action sequences in cinematic history (Iron Man's group vs Captain America's group) and Spiderman's reveal made me jump up and down like a mad fanboy (seriously the outfit is so fresh). The music really fits the superhero theme, easily one of the best superhero movies of all time and Chadwick Boseman's performance is great and moving (rest in peace). The character development is perfect (except Black Widow) and it's as good as a superhero movie can get nowadays.

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Captain America: Civil War is one of the best in the MCU
Venomage0330 May 2021
This movie has a fantastic plot and brings all these characters perfectly on screen. The conflict between Steve and Tony is written so well. Zemo is also a good side villain in this movie. The action scenes were well-made.
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I don't understand the hate a descent awesome MCU super action superhero - Captain America is the king
ivo-cobra82 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the hate for this movie it actually surprised me, I really enjoyed this film. Captain America: Civil War is a descent awesome MCU super action the third film of the Captain America trilogy. To me the second movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier is still the best one I just love that movie to death, but I like this one I love the first one but I just love all three of Captain America films. I thought the cast did a good job Chris Evens kicks ass once again he is Captain America and I look this movie from his point of view. He is really become my favorite hero of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Avengers films especially Age of Ultron, Captain America is still a guy who has a lot of screen time that it is the focus of a movie and he is still the guy I can take a side I agree with him, I can understand his choices.

We have also almost everyone from Avengers films except Thor and Hulk actors Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo did not appear. Chris Hemsworth thought that MCU fired him because he was not cast as Thor but he was later explained that MCU wants his own movie and his own stand alone path which I can't wait for Thor: Ragnarok.

The cast beside Chris Evens includes Robert Downey Jr., Scarlett Johansson, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie, Don Cheadle, Jeremy Renner, Chadwick Boseman, Paul Bettany, Elizabeth Olsen, Paul Rudd, Emily VanCamp, Tom Holland, Frank Grillo, William Hurt, and Daniel Brühl.

In Captain America: Civil War, disagreement over international oversight of the Avengers fractures them into opposing factions-one led by Steve Rogers and the other by Tony Stark. We have two opposite teams now fighting each other:

Team Iron Man: War Machine, Black Widow, Black Panther, The Vision, Spider-Man.

Team Captain America: Hawkeye, Sharon Carter, Falcon, Bucky Barnes, Ant-Man, Scarlet Witch.

The battle between Captain America and Iron Man draws a political line in the sand. On one side, you have Tony Stark, a man looking to protect the world from super-powered individuals who've proved in the past to be more destructive than helpful. On the other, you have Steve Rogers championing civil liberties. It's the age old debate of safety coming at the cost of freedom, and we'll get to see it play out to a hopefully satisfying conclusion this year.

The action scenes are fantastic, the fight scenes on the airport are incredible heart pulse breath taking awesome. The fight scenes were very well done and well choreographed. I liked this movie more the story drew me in, the villain wasn't that good.

Robert Downey Jr. Does a good job, Paul Rudd he is fun in the flick, he has a great moment as Ant-Man he has a few moments but one predictable. Scarlett Johansson did great! Black Widow kicked ass specially in the beginning of the flick. Anthony Mackie I really like him as Falcon he as a lot of good stuff in this. He was down played in Age of Ultron but has a lot screen time in here which was excellent and they made that for that in this one I am glad for it. Anthony Mackie has a lot of good screen time, specially in the action moments. Falcon has a remote control like a mini Flacon I thought that was really cool. Chris Evens is to root for this character, Black Panther interesting the actor playing black panther was really good I like him and I am really interested seeing his up coming movie. Bucky Barnes: Winter Soldier did fine.

A lot of people are complain about how terrible this movie is I am sorry I don't see it that way, I don't see at all it is peace of sh**. I wish that Frank Grillo as Brock Rumlow / Crossbones wouldn't die and it was nice to see him in the beginning of the movie. I still wish he would work for the villain I still enjoy his screen time.

I thought Chris Evens and Robert Downey Jr, did work great as a opposite team. I love the end of fighting between Cap, Iron Man and Bucky Barnes. I thought the last fight scene was well choreographed I honestly think Iron Man would have won and he would killed Bucky Barnes. If Cap wouldn't have hurt his heart. I know when Tony find out Bucky killed his parents and he killed his mom in 1991 he decide to kill him. I mourn with Tony and it was a great dialogue "That shield doesn't belong to you. You don't deserve it! My father made that shield!"

Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Captain America, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.

I understand the hate, because Captain turn the law politics back to save his friend, but he actually try to safe an innocent man who was framed by Zemo.

Captain America Civil War WAS BETTER THAN X-MEN APOCALYPSE, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, Man of Steel and Deadpool I don't like those movies they are peace of sh** and too way overrated. The rating I am giving is 10/10.
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I could do this all day...
JWick2331 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Captain America: Civil War was a great sequel to Winter Solider. It does take some minimum inspirations from the comics. The elements and plot devices and had outstanding cinematography. A great addition to the MCU.

Solid story with some minor flaws. The writing was good and the acting was great. The characters are well written. We are introduced to two new characters such as Black Panther and Spider-Man, even in their minimum screentime they were amazing. It takes time and depth to understand Tony's decisons, during the final moments of the final battle he was consumed by vengeance and his emotions and not guided by his intellect. And lastly with fantastic CGI and music.

Overall an enjoyable film.

Memorable: No Rewatchable: Unlikely.
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I am proud that Sebastian Stan had the chance to speak Romanian and was a nice introduction of Chadwick Boseman
cotandreea30 August 2020
I am proud to have a fellow Romanian in the States that represents us, our language and values. I am also super happy that I had seen Chadwick Boseman in this movie, because he was a very good actor. I feel shocked that he died so young.
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Excellent character dynamics
SebMoz23 November 2020
Captain America: Winter Soldier was everything I wanted from a superhero movie. It was well directed, written and acted, and I was very excited for the next Captain America movie. And this movie most definietly delivered in quality. Is it as good as its predecessor? No, definietly not. There are a few flaws, which I'll talk about later. With that being said, this movie gets 4 things right for every one thing it does wrong. The plot is engaging and for the most part easy to follow and the pacing is solid. The characters all feel very 3-dimentional and fleshed out, and none of them feel different from what we already know. The movie's biggest strength is the interactions between the characters, and the different arguments presented by both sides. I love that despite obviously wanting us to side with Cap's team, the movie doesn't really make one side the "correct" one. Both sides present reasonable and logical arguments, and there is no right answer to what the Avengers should do. The new characters such as Black Panther and Spiderman are both very interesting and compelling, and both feel like a natural inclusion to the character list. All this is of course helped by some excellent performances as usual. The direction and cinematography are also both really good, and the action scenes are almost just as good as in Winter Soldier, even though some feel a little meaningless. And, while it might not be a big deal, MAN was it good to see a truly great antagonist in Zemo. He's well written and very well played by Daniel Brühl, and he challenges the ideological perspectives of our hero in a way no other villain in the MCU has done before. With that being said, his plan is somewhat ridiculous, and felt a little too complicated. The movie also feels a little dumb sometimes. It feels like Cap and Stark could've solved the issue much sooner had they just communicated better. Those are my main complaints, and while there are a few other things I could nitpick, nothing really ruins the film by any means. It's a more mature take on the Marvel formula, and while it's the best movie in the franchise, it's still more than good enough for me to recommend it.
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Too much contrivance, insults the viewer's intelligence
KenToo13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A movie can do everything else right, but if the story requires the characters to do something that they would never do, ignores a huge elephant in the room that no one would ignore, etc., then it suddenly becomes garbage because it forces me out of the experience of going along for the ride.

This movie could have been good. I love superheroes, especially when movies work in lesser known heroes. There's some witty dialogue and plenty of star power and special effects. However, the plot has an absurd contrivance that I cannot get past.

In order to plot Captain America versus Iron Man, the authors could not come up with an intelligent misunderstanding. Instead, Captain America's friend is framed for a crime and Iron Man thinks he's guilty, even when event after event makes this highly dubious, and even when his "friend" Captain America tells him he thinks his friend may be innocent. Sorry, based on the track record of this relationship in the movies, Iron Man would HAVE to step back and think twice about this friend's guilt if Captain America really asked him to.

Moreover, when towards the end Iron Man learns the friend was framed, but learns this friend also had been previously brainwashed to kill in the past, and had killed his parents, he then tries quite un- heroically to kill Cap's now un-brainwashed (and framed) friend.

What part of brainwashing and mind-control does Iron Man not understand? If some one kills while under the influence of brainwashing and mind-control, they are the VICTIM, and you do NOT try to kill them after they manage to escape and overcome the brainwashing and mind-control.

The writers somehow thought they could just sweep this under the intellectual rug by just moving the action along very quickly, as if this would not give the audience time to connect the dots and see how ridiculous and unrealistic this "dilemma" really was. Sorry, there was no true dilemma. Captain America was right and Iron Man was wrong, completely, and in a ridiculously contrived manner.
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"Captain America: Civil War" Pits Two of MCU's Biggest Heroes in One Epic Confrontation
thependragonscribe27 April 2016
The Marvel universe gets tenser with the most-awaited "Civil War". For what fans clamor to be a storyline that the MCU is building towards, here comes a showdown of Marvel's biggest properties.

"Captain America 3" starts off where "Avengers: Age of Ultron" ended, when the New Avengers, led by Steve Rogers/Captain America (Chris Evans), are cornered by international concern in response to continuous collateral damage. As a result, a governing act is proposed to the Avengers, fracturing the team to two sides, one led by Rogers and another led by Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.). But when a new threat is on the horizon, the team has to face the repercussions of their brawls.

It is a huge help that the Russo Brothers returned to hold the weights of Marvel's Phase Three, after their spontaneous effort in "The Winter Soldier". Though "Civil War" may not be as solid as its predecessor, it is still a worthy addition to the Avengers storyline and Captain America's saga. Yet, it excels for taking a mature route that brings a compelling character study, a token from the first Avengers movie. Out of such character study is the major theme of vengeance. I am not going to give any more details about it. It is best to be seen and be enamored by how such themes are delivered with an affecting yet entertaining vibe.

Kudos to the cast ensemble that all brought their A-game, even though some characters are not that fleshed out, or feeling shoehorned. Evans is at his most moving as the fading patriot who wishes the best for his team and loved ones. Downey Jr. is still what we expected from RDJ. Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow has a neutral but affectionate presence, despite her rather little involvement. The rest of the cast is great to see, with notable breakout performances from Paul Rudd as Scott Lang/Ant-Man/Giant-Man, Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa/Black Panther and Tom Holland as Spider-Man/Peter Parker. And Daniel Bruhl as Helmut Zemo is a better addition to Marvel's lacking lineup of antagonists. But despite the cast's collective efforts, there is an obvious battle for screen time with all characters. Thankfully, it was all salvaged as the two parties brawl in a cleared airport, in an exhilarating action sequence that will surely make every audience member cheer.

For all the makings of a summer blockbuster, "Captain America: Civil War" gets it all started right. Besides being a loyal companion to the comic book storyline, it is a worthy setup to Marvel's other properties and one that truly can hold on its own, courtesy of its consistent superhero action scenes, the Russo brothers' tense direction, the excellent cast, its thought-provoking themes and its exciting story with its signature Marvel snappy dialogue. Let us hope for the best for MCU's future, including Tom Holland's "Spider-Man".
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Didn't really like it
jami-imaj29 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Loved the first two, seriously they were awesome, everything about them, action, drama, comedy, suspense ... everything, they were perfect. This third movie didn't feel the same though, felt more like a TV show or something, I was bored through most of it. The only great things about the movie was spider man and ant man. They made the movie.
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Team Steve. PERIOD.
browniesnack5726 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I mean, he was right to do that, wasn't he? Bucky was innocent, Ross was on his ass to keep the bond between SHIELD and...the only source of vibranium? Seriously? Tony could absolutely suck up to T'Challa and save the team a lot of grief- and shave off some of the truly epic runtime.
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Why civil war is so overestimated
laetitialan27 April 2016
I'm a big Marvel fan, especially the comic books but i have to say it... i'm a little bit disappointed. I know everything about this universe and i love the Phase 1 and 2. But it's without any surprise that i discovered Civil war.

Don't misunderstand me, It's a great movie but the story is predictable (bad guy with a thirst of revenge, how original), the sequence of the story is interspersed and finally it's an other Marvel movie without surprise (same storyline has always).

They should have follow the story of the comics and bring more character and depth (mostly for captain ! The story behind Tony Stark is touching and moving)

fortunately, spidey, Black Panther and the Amazing Iron "Robert Downey Jr" man enhance the level of this movie.

Special effects and battle scenes are amazing though.

with all the hype, the media publicity etc I was expecting a stunning movie and I end up with a good action movie but banal
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Could have been a game changer, but they opted not to....
joebloggscity4 February 2018
I've come to this late, as I seem to now with all comic book movie. I'm tired of them, and probably this was impacted by that.

The premise to this seeing the superheroes go head to head is really interesting, and a geek's fantasy come to life. However, that all seems to get lost soon after, but Captain America is the show stealer but not helped by the creators trying to ram everyone in possible like a big fancy dress party, in order to advertise their new films to come (Black Panther, new Spiderman etc).

Shame really, this could have been so much more. The comic book films are becoming tired and repetitive, despite the genuine efforts of some. There's a lot of life in them, but they need to divert a bit more. They aimed for that and then seemed to just divert back.

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Now this is a good superhero movie!!
gangstah_vino12 April 2016
Hi, I saw civil war and I come with good news; it's AWESOME! Im not gonna spoil one single thing, since this movie should be seen by only the two trailers you probably saw. Don't watch any tvspots after the second trailer or whatever! Im gonna touch a few aspects and rate them. Acting: Of course it's amazing. The characters we were waiting for were black panther and of course SPIDERMAN! Both were done amazing! Spiderman has a bigger role than I personally expected and it's done with grace. Love it. Black Panther was such a good character with great motivation why he's doing what he's doing. The acting per usual from the other characters were great! 10/10 Story: Now where another (let's leave it) unnamed superhero movie failed this year, and no I'm not talking about dead-pool.., was the story. Now this story is what I expected from the other unnamed superhero movie. I didn't know what side I wanted to be on; cap's or iron man's. I was so conflicted and even while they're fighting you don't know who to root for. The villain in this movie felt a bit, not really out of place, but unnecessary in my opinion. But Marvel always struggles to find a good fleshed out villain except for Loki & kingpin in the series. 8/10 Action/Cinematography: O boy..If you're an action freak you will love this, if you're a comic book fan.. you're gonna LIVE these amazing action set pieces. The much anticipated airport scene is AMAZING. You've seen nothing, literally nothing of the amazing action that will bestow upon you guys. The airport scene is in complete imax and has a runtime of around 17 minutes. Just let that sink in! The Russo brothers know how to create great action and film it great as well. I can go on record and say this is by far the best superhero action scenes ever. 20/10. Verdict: Was it a perfect movie? No. But for me as a fan it came darn close. The only thing that bothered me were the villains, well actually one of the few that are in there. Was it better than... Batman v superman.. yes by far. I mean we're in a comic book movie year, so we might as well compare it. Batman v superman lacked in a lot of places and civil war just did it better. Just the conflict in ideologies made it so much more believable why the characters fought and because this whole story arc is happening now after 2 cross over movies, 3 iron movies and 2 cap movies.. the stakes are so incredibly high. I tried to compare dead-pool with it as well, but it's a different movie in terms of it being a solo movie and setting something up, instead of showing a conflict between good and good instead of good and evil. 9 out of 10! Near Perfect movie for the fans(9.5) and a good solid action film for the general movie go-ers(9)
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Movi3DO27 March 2021
"Are you Tony Stank?"

Ahhh the actions just keep getting better and better. But now we had more superheroes fighting each other. Of course the best was Spiderman who was both funny and charismatic.

As entertaining as the action, I felt the story wasn't as strong as in Winter Soldier. However, it's still a good story that led to awesome fight scenes.

For sure one of the best trilogies. 9/10.
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Exceeded my expectations.
djsmileyface13 April 2016
I loved every second of Captain America: Civil War. Everything was so well put and the story and plot worked very smoothly. This movie is everything Batman V. Superman should've been. Every character fit right and at no point did the movie feel crammed with superheroes. In my opinion, the two heroes that stole the show was Spider-Man and black panther. They got both of these characters right especially black panther. As much as I loved Batman V. Superman, I have to give this movie more credit. The Russo brothers did not disappoint and they delivered another marvel masterpiece just like the winter soldier. This movie was very good and I plan on seeing it again when it comes out to all theaters and maybe a couple more times! This movie made me very excited to see what comes next in the MCU.
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Huge amount of spectacle & character moments
snoozejonc24 July 2021
When an incident involving Wanda Maximoff causes a deadly explosion in Lagos, the UN want to regulate the use of the Avengers.

'Captain America Civil War' is an enjoyable but slightly overlong MCU movie that has some fantastic spectacle and strong character moments.

The plot has an excellent premise with a plausible world reaction to the exploits of a group of people with superpowers and a good villain. Where it slightly falters as a stand-alone movie is the introduction of several new characters that somewhat bogs down the proceedings, but for the wider franchise narrative (and expansion) it is necessary. Several characters have emotional arcs to go through in this story and there is only so much time to do it all.

All that being said it has some of the best moments of the franchise, particularly during the scenes of internal conflict amongst the central characters. Iron Man, Black Panther, Captain America and the Winter Soldier are involved in some very compelling scenes, as are Wanda and Vision.

Some of the visuals are incredibly well done. The early Lagos action scenes hit like a sledgehammer and you can almost feel the impact of what is being shown. The airport showdown is excessive but so much fun you can imagine the writers planning a fanboy's ultimate fantasy. The final confrontation is well made from a spectacle and character perspective.

The first time I saw it was my first sight of the digital effect that makes actors appear younger. This is a very impressive use of CGI that feels like real movie magic.

All performances are strong especially Robert Downey Jr and Daniel Bruhl.

It's a 7.5/10 for me but I round upwards.
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a wonderful character study to go along with the BEST action I've ever seen!
AfterBuzz14 April 2016
At the start, the film finds Captain America yet again adjusting to working under the increasingly morally ambiguous ways of the new Avengers structure. The set up is masterfully done. This is the fifth time we've seen the character and it's remarkable how complex and how much depth has been layered on to developing this icon. The Avengers film touched a bit with his feelings of what it was like to be in the modern era, and Winter Soldier drove the point home. Following that classic sequel, Civil War is a wonderful character study to go along with a purely thrilling plot. This was exactly the perfect vehicle to deliver a film to advance the character of Captain America but also give Tony Stark a perfect finishing arc and more development himself. What makes BOTH Steve and Tony interesting aren't their abilities or weapons but the men themselves. Steve's moral code and "man out of time" elements are tested in this film but not in a way anyone saw coming. The viewer that normally would trust that Cap is doing what's right can look at his actions in a different light. He is still coming to terms with a past that is long gone and he is still longing for a better more decent era. Putting Bucky back in the mix clouds his judgment. Dealing with the shades of grey of the modern era and being part of any controlling organization after the events of the Winter Soldier movie has changed him. It's exactly like all the epic events and decisions Tony Stark has made over five films has changed the character of Iron Man. The resulting conflict between the two is as epic as can be.

Like in Steve's last solo movie, his past comes back and explodes all throughout his new life. Tracking down his old pal Bucky, who was once an amoral assassin and a mind controlled Russian thug, proves to be a catalyst to everything that happens. Everything happens and unfolds in a believable and an intelligent manner. Every single ultimately cool character gets a chance to shine including Bucky but also incredible new characters like Black Panther and Spider-Man. Each one is fleshed out wonderfully for their supporting roles. Again, beyond cool.

I really enjoyed both previous Captain America films but this movie is as dark and exciting as Winter Solder but also adds a degree of depth. This movie has a whole new flavor and that's exactly what was needed and what Marvel does so well. The 1940's romance and even the "Raiders of the Lost Ark" tone fit the first film quite nicely. The conspiracy thriller vibe of the second film was refreshing and so well done. Here, just like the Cap character, adaptation is a key. What they deliver with this Civil War feels fresh and is certainly amazing. Steve is still a patriot but he's continuing to question authority. His old-fashioned values pay off in many cases but here, are they leading him astray? Questioning what is wrong and questioning what is morally cloudy is a test of true character. Yet, being old school stubborn can result in missing key points and can result in bad consequences. That is exactly why the character of Steve Rogers is so interesting. He's so much more than a super soldier boy scout. There's depth, angst and pathos and we all can relate to him. He is out-of-place and he is old-fashioned but proud of that in a way. In a movie like this, pride comes before the fall. Tony Stark is ahead of him on that curve. Tony knows the price of arrogance and even the price of acting unilaterally with the best of intentions. He knows the road to hell is paved with those best of intentions. When these two philosophies and life lessons collide, that's as cool as the superhero brawl that accompanies it.

The story itself is an amazing action thriller with a ton of intrigue and psychological issues. Honestly, I didn't expect it to be this clever and this deep. I did expect it to be exciting and it certainly delivers on that. Each new character and each hold over Avenger character works in to the story perfectly. Everything about this movie is a joy to watch. The cast is perfect and everyone is used exceptionally well. This IS the best sequel the genre has ever seen and I know tat's saying a lot. It could be Marvel's best effort ever.
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Very good
riordantheking2 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
While I don't think this film deserves the immense praise it is receiving, I truly think it is a lot of fun and is one of the better MCU films.

The acting in this film is all very good, Robert Downey Jr plays Tony Stark great, like he always does, and Chris Evans fits the role of Steve Rogers well. The film juggles many characters, and for the most part, does a good, commendable job, though some characters, like Hawkeye or Rhodey, get very little to do and aren't as fun to watch as some others. Tom Holland kills it as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, he certainly is the best Spidey to date. Every scene with him is great and fun to watch. Chadwick Boseman does a great job at Black Panther, and the character is interesting and entertaining. Once more Paul Rudd is funny and likable as Ant-Man, even though he is sorely underused, he does get time to shine when he turns into Giant Man. Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen are good and Vision and Scarlet Witch, respectively, and their characters have nice arcs.

The story is well put together and runs smoothly for the most part. It does gets convoluted towards the end, but it mostly works. The villain is one note and has no charisma, but his motivations tie into the film nicely, and he gets some time to shine. The cinematography is quite boring, under saturated and gray. The airport fight is severely hurt by the amount of gray in it.

The action in this film is handles magnificently, aside from a couple of shaky segments, like the tunnel chase, which was straight out of Taken 2. The big fight scene at the airport is extremely fun, and it is great seeing all these unique powers playing off each other. Ant-Man turning giant is pure fan-service, but it adds a great dynamic to the battle and in turn makes it more fun.

The film has good emotion, specifically towards the end, when it is revealed that Bucky murdered Tony's parents, which leads to a heart wrenching conclusion.

Overall, while I can't quite grasp giving the film a 10/10, I did enjoy it, and feel that it is a great addition to the MCU.
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One of the best
Mohammedwagih99320 October 2021
One of the best marvel movies,great character development,good storyline A great answer to the question " how will the governments of today act if superheroes existed?
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More of the same
euryan3 May 2016
Aren't you getting sick of seeing the same characters doing the same things? How many Marvel movies do we need this year? Maybe its just me but I'm getting bored seeing the the same old stuff.

The first half of the this movie was extremely dull as they set up the premise for the civil war. You'll know exactly when it starts getting exciting. Its moment you saw in the previews when they introduce Spider-man. In fact, Spider-man was my favorite part of the movie and the only reason I didn't hate it. His lines are funny and his interaction with the other characters is very entertaining. Tom Holland will become your favorite Spiderman.

The only other part of this movie that I found entertaining was the other new character Black Panther. Without these two new characters this movie would just be same old characters doing the same old stuff. Yes, Marvel has great characters and great actors to play those characters, but that doesn't mean I want to see a movie with them every other week.

P.S. If you haven't seen all the other Captain America, Avengers, and Ironman movies you'll probably be lost. I believe all movies should be able to stand alone, even in a trilogy, but if you haven't seen those other movies you're not going to understand a lot of whats going on.
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Marvel Does it Again!!
zekromshk13 April 2016
I was one of the few fortunate people who got to watch this early. This movie was everything i hoped Civil War to be. It was funny, got you emotionally involved and Action Packed. Yes! the action is done brilliantly. The best I've ever seen in a comic book movie. Maybe one of the best in movies in general. This movie is not your average comic book good vs evil movie. It's much of a clash between ideologies which was really interesting to see. I also have to talk about how Spiderman was portrayed in this movie. I really liked him. As expected he was not the focus of the movie. However, he was not just a cameo either. The few scenes he was in the movie was enough to like him. If i have to point out flaws there is hardly any. Marvel is almost perfect. Almost. I do have one problem with the movie. It was the main villain. Like other marvel villain, this villain just didn't work for me. The movie would have done fine even without the villain. It feels like he was just there because ...he was just there!. But it's not a deal breaker people!! The story isn't about the villain. It's about Civil War. And you're gonna get it.. I can't recommend this movie enough. Believe me guys, the 1 star reviews are all from Marvel haters. They just can't accept the fact that Civil War was a great move. Most of those reviewers probably haven't even watched the movie. Ignore the haters and watch the movie. You won't be disapppointed.
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Pretty good movie ruined by terrible ending
Redneck_McPoopy6 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For a long time I thought the idea of a movie where superheroes got into teams and fought would be cool. And, although it was pretty good in the fighting scenes and plot, I hated the ending. I knew it was gonna happen. Film companies always do this thing where if they create teams of good guys they more or less make it a draw so that no one watching feels disappointed when the team they were routing for loses. This bugs me a major amount. I want them to declare a winner even if it's not the team that I am routing for. It just makes marvel look kinda like a sissy. Building up all this hype about picking a side, and then they don't even pick one themselves
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Captain America Survivor Series: leave your brain at the door, you won't be needing it
conanyouredevilish27 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This movie's entire marketing campaign is exactly the same as WWE's Survivor Series, asking the viewers if they're #TeamCap or #TeamIronMan. How about #TeamNeither? Well the movie doesn't disappoint if you were expecting WWE with superheroes. This movie was a massive insult to my intelligence. It was one big contradiction after another that I was enraged by the end.

You remember how HYDRA infiltrated SHIELD and the government in the last Captain America movie? Seems like it would've been an easy setup for Civil War amongst the heroes right? Well the writers don't remember this because absolutely zero of HYDRA infiltrating things was mentioned in this movie. Instead the film wants us to think the Avengers are now reckless heroes who killed mass amounts of casualties in their battles in the previous films despite there being no prior hints this was the case. If you can believe this massive contradction that was never addressed before, this is what motivates the United Nation to force superheroes to register as government employees. Two things here: 1) Aren't the Avengers already government employees? They work for SHIELD which is the government. And have a military headquarters which also comes off as government. 2) The United Nations were the same people who fired a nuke at NYC during the alien invasion in Avengers 1! That was somehow better than what the Avengers did? There's some more idiocy in this one scene, but I won't get too detailed into it because the movie forgets about this plot point by next scene. I kid you not. As you probably seen in the commercials, the Avengers are back to destroying things like airports by the halfway mark.

The rest of the movie consist of chasing Winter Soldier which is the prime motivator to get the characters to go all WWE on each other. Anyone remember Electro from Amazing Spiderman 2? Remember how his character went from a Spiderman fan to his enemy without any real reason? Well I hope you enjoyed Electro's character development (or lack of) because pretty much everyone in this movie is going to do the same thing. Hawkeye last we saw him just wanted to retire with his family. Well here he's betraying his former friends and risk losing his family to help a wanted assassin because screw reasons. This is made worse how the film even brings up the people he's fightng are his best friends. Ant Man is now mysteriously best friends with Falcon and Falcon even has him on speed dial despite they're only meeting was their fight when Paul Rudd was trying to break into Avengers HQ and Falcon was trying to arrest him. Did Ant Man became good friends with all the henchmen he beat up in his solo film too? Rudd was trying to show his family he's a changed man and reconnect with his daughter. So what does he think is a good way to show that? Betray the government fight the Avengers, help a wanted assassin and risk being thrown in jail which *spoilers* he does get thrown in jail. Why did he do all of that? Your guess is as good as mine. Scarlet Witch is established to have Vision taking care of her in this movie, and flips sides shortly after. Wdoes she all of a sudden attack her caretaker to help Steve's cause? She's an idiot I guess. Yes these are the "reasons" the film gives us for this "civil war".

Believe it or not, this film actually has a "villain" that most people including myself forgot even existed until others brought him up. Yes he's that insignificant to the film outside being the one initiating all the problems with Winter Soldier. He's typical forgettable villain trying to kill the heroes, except here he wants the heroes to fight each other instead. You want to know what his plan is?
  • Get resources to build up army then find new super soldier serum formula to power up army.
  • Find codes to Winter Soldier so he's effectively part of your team.
  • Kill the dad of a non Avenger and frame it on Winter Soldier so non Avenger can kill Winter Soldier.
  • Seize every opportunity to have the heroes try and kill Winter Soldier if non Avengers fails.
  • Kill new super soldier army while they're frozen.
  • Initiate fight between Captain America and Iron Man by revealing Winter Soldier killed Tony's mom. This step not only requires for only these three to be in a room together, but for his previous steps to have failed.
  • Kill himself.
  • ???
  • Profits

Yes people this is what actually happened in the movie. Everything I said is meant to be taken seriously and not a farce or parody. This movie really has a thing for taking anything resembling continuity and logical sense, bringing into the back and shooting it. Other memorable parts of this idiot train is the "villain" great plan to initiate another Winter Soldier fight while he's in captivity in the good guy's HQ, Iron Man refusing the follow Winter Soldier's lead to capture the "villain" which is what caused the whole airport fight to now deciding to follow Bucky's lead BY THE NEXT SCENE! Apparently his change of heart was caused by Tony being mortified that when heroes get arrested, they go to jail. As well as Black Panther going Electro after spending the movie refusing to believe that Bucky didn't kill his father, and the most laughable of them all, the film actually tries to make you believe the heroes fractured because of the "villain's" moronic plan. No they fractured because the heroes in this franchise can't stop beating each other up, and this time a number of them thought it was a great idea to help a wanted assassin along the way for no reason. And that could've easily been prevented if the other heroes just followed Bucky's lead at first instead of deciding to follow his lead the next scene later after they already destroyed an airport.

This film emphasizes what's wrong with the Marvel Cinematic Universe films. These films main priorities evidently is to have as much shameless fight scenes as possible and to bait for upcoming characters whose payoffs are just going to be more WWE fight scenes. And the filmmakers will do anything to achieve these fight scenes regardless how much it butchers story development, character development, continuity and anything resembling logical sense. It's harder to name a MCU movie with more than one hero where the heroes are actually getting along from beginning to end rather than a MCU movie with more than one hero where they can't stop wanting to beat each other up because that's all the MCU seems to care about.

Anyone who tells you this movie is "emotionally deep", "thought provoking", "morally complex" and anything that tries to make this movie sound beyond a WWE match is lying to you. Any message this film could've had will get trampled all over it and thrown it into a wood chipper sooner or later as the film progresses. This is possibly the worst movie I've seen in 2016 and possibly the worst MCU movie so far, though I'm sure Marvel Studios will make me eat my words later on.
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