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Mostly Unfunny, unredeemingly ugly, and a bit boring really.
Rob-O-Cop26 October 2015
I really enjoy Amy's TV show and was expecting big things from this movie but ended up feeling I'd wasted my time watching it and it's off delivery leave a bad taste in the mouth. Was it that Amy just wasn't up to a feature length film or was it Judd Apatow's direction that made this not work. Where Amy's mischievous bad taste gender stereotype flipping gags work on her show, here they were missing the knowing nod. Amy fitted her self centered character's skin too well and at feature length you started to believe this was a real person and someone you wouldn't want to spend time with, even in a movie. Schummer was too ugly, and I don't mean that in a physical sense. Hader was good, as were most of the actors, apart from the product placement sports stars. It really started to drag in the last 3rd, possibly because it had nowhere to go, which is exactly where it ended up.
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Great comedic timing from Any Schumer and a hilarious supporting cast
stephendaxter2 August 2015
Trainwreck is a romantic comedy directed by Judd Apatow and starring Amy Schumer and Bill Hader, and this film comes in very strong with the comedy. The romance side of the film kicks in about 30 minutes in, so for the first act of the film it really has some pretty damn good laughs. There was a pretty steady flow of jokes and comedy gags throughout the film and you have to give most of that credit to Amy Schumer who was incredibly hilarious in this. She is one of the funniest people out there today and she proves it in this film with perfect comedic timing. Her style of comedy is so blunt and fairly subtle at some moments and that makes it very unpredictable so she can hit you with great jokes left right and centre and you never see it coming.

Now even though she does manage to pull it off the best, Bill Hader and the supporting cast are also hilarious and provided a lot more laughs than i had initially expected. Bill Hader of course is hilarious and he works in this film really well but he was slightly overshadowed by Amy at some moments in the film, and the large supporting cast also took away from him a little. But man were the supporting cast hilarious, i have to give credit to LeBron James because that guy is hilarious. He was one of the biggest surprises of the film, almost every scene he was in i couldn't stop laughing, it looks like Apatow and Schumer managed to teach him a few things in terms of comedy.

As well as being jam packed with great hilarious moments this movie really had a basic but also pretty good rom-com story thrown in there. And it worked well, they didn't just force any random plot in there to add to the run-time. For the first two acts they did a great job at blending those comedic scenes and romantic more plot driven scenes well so they could switch between the two vary naturally. But the third act for me didn't work as much. The romantic side began to take charge and the comedy took a back seat. There were still some pretty funny scenes in the third act but it felt uneven tonally and a little jumpy. There was a pretty sad moment at one point then it tries to crack a few jokes immediately after then going back to the romantic stuff and it didn;t work for me as well as the rest of the film. I don't think it was an issue of being too long just needed a little more refining towards the end. But otherwise it was a great funny movie.

Amy Schumer's comedy may not be for everyone so those who are not a fan of her 'Inside Amy Schumer' skits probably won't like this as much but as far as a romantic comedy goes, this one was actually very good and had quite a bit in there for everyone. - 7.1

ALSO, on last thing, i just checked the list of cast and was surprised beyond belief when i found out that Tilda bloody Swinton was in this film. Like WTF? she was completely unrecognisable and hilarious, so see if you can pick her out when you see the film.
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Surprisingly Hilarious
LenaKrones24 August 2015
I liked it, it's not like any other Rom-com i've seen before. It's obviously not a masterpiece but it does the job, it's entertaining, funny and different:

The characters are not the typical "model-looking"Rom-com cliché, they are normal looking and relatable characters. the movie is an exaggeration (for comedy proposes of course) of quotidian situations, thoughts, problems etc that happen everyday. People laughed ALL the time during the movie it's been long since I've seen people laugh so much.

I also discovered my new favorite comedian, the brilliant Amy Schummer. If you are looking to have a great laugh and a good time this movie is for you.
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swordsnare7 April 2021
Firstly, I am not a fan of Schumer but the supporting cast, cameos and Judd Apatow's typical treatment of a RomCom makes this a reasonable outing and worthwhile.

Bill Hader was underrated as usual and Tilda Swinton played an atypical role for her which I found amusing due to this fact. Although I enjoyed this film despite being a little cliche, but I don't think I will ever make an effort to see "I Feel Pretty".
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Wanders in the wrong place
chaos-rampant24 October 2015
There are some makers who although talented in a specific way, move into a space that simply shows their talent to be little. Alexander Payne for example could be making stylized comedies with no problem, but as soon as he moves into elegy and meaning, it all becomes a sophomoric play. We've known Malick in that field and Payne is like a film school grad next to him.

So it would seem Apatow has an effervescent personality, at least enough to want to move out from his comfort zone. He could be cranking penis joke comedies till the cows come home but wants to move into more somber reflection about the pains of life. He has tried this a few times by now.

Here he tries a few switches. A movie about the usual slob who never grew out of adolescence but she's a girl. Men are almost entirely immature or idiots, and for some reason I can't begin to fathom, half of them gay, that is except for the knight in white armor who patiently helps her grow out of herself. He puts them in that New York movie romance where a couple are on and off again and might even think he's turning Woody Allen upside down. Indicative; the familiar romantic scene on a bench looking over at Brooklyn Bridge ends with a blowjob.

None of it sticks after a point and it's off-putting to think he might be thinking of any of this as transgressive. So he has moved out from the familiar safety of what he can do well, into a space that shows him to have trivial insights and odd hangups, from primarily a comedy about life where laughter sanctifies reductions, to primarily a drama about life where muttering dialogue and stereotypes rattle in the nothingness of not having anything to impart. He moves, even if ever so slightly, into territory that Woody, Bergman, and Altman have occupied. But in this space he's shown to be a dunderhead.
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A Film That Amy Schumer Fans Will Enjoy
lwood2819 July 2015
Trainwreck is a pretty good comedy film but it's not as great as everyone says it is. Some people believe it's the funniest film of all time and some think it's the best comedy of this decade so far but I would have to disagree with them. The film is funny but it's not gut busting laughing. The laughs are more of a chuckle. The acting is great everyone played their part very well. Amy Schumer wrote this film and I think she did a great job for writing this film. The chemistry between her and Bill Hader is great. Also this is probably Judd Apatow's best film since 40 Year Old Virgin. The film is more of a chick flick but there are some chick flicks that I thought were funnier than this film like Bridesmaids. Also this could be a great date film for couples. I do find this film way over-hyped and probably one of the most overrated films so far this year. Overall if your a fan of Amy Schumer or Judd Apatow then you'll enjoy this film.
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Tame and tedious
JoshuaDysart30 July 2015
Schumer genuinely makes me laugh. I dig her show. But it turns out creating sustained, feature-length comedy is a different bag altogether.

I appreciate Schumer/Apatow's attempts at grounded, human comedy. This doesn't have to be as broad as say, "Spy", which was way more funny and, I think, thematically much smarter. But if you're going for grounded comedy then the characters have to be... well, interesting. And every single character in this is a one-dimensional shell. Each one has their role to play in the script and are nothing beyond that. The performances are strong, and the actors work hard to humanize their characters, but no person in this film is expansive or complex or terribly engaging or remotely unpredictable in any way. In fact, absolutely nothing is unpredictable in this film. So, for me, it comes off as not broad enough to be funny, and not genuine enough to be grounded.

Combine this overwhelming predictability, flat characterization and the sports-stunt casting with Apatow's habit for long running times, and an uninspired, robot-written third act, and you get a film that's more tedious than fun.

But Schumer herself is funny. And more than that, she's important. She's at her best when she's exploding the precious notion of female body imagery in joke after joke about bloody tampons and promiscuity. But the film lacks the courage of its star, which is a complicated criticism, since she actually wrote it.

There was the potential to make something outrageous and beautiful here. That potential was pretty much blown.
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mailstudiostar26 October 2015
This movie is like a lot of similar type of movies; meaning movies that aims to challenge preconceived notions of "what a lady should and should't be like". It quickly becomes banal, predictable and irritating. There's no depth of character here, because you sort of get the gist of the jokes before they're halfway delivered. Having said that; these kinds of movies can and have been saved by good performances. Unfortunately Amy Schumer doesn't deliver that. I don't know why scriptwriters and directors hit the same creative pitfalls every time a movie like this is to be made. We get it: here's an urban girl with a modern outlook on life who does what she wants, sleeps with whom she wants and doesn't apologize for it, etc etc.. good, but then what? A movie needs more than just a cliché of a character, predictable jokes and bad acting.
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Really sweet, honest and funny movie
elizrug25 October 2015
All the critics seem to be male, which I find interesting.

Here's a female point of view.

Maybe not all females have been in the protagonist's shoes, but it is very common for women to have problems with monogamy, just like men. Showing a woman who treats men the way most men treat women is not only realistic, but eye-opening. I think that's the problem most men have with the movie. No one wants to see the shoe on the other foot--it's uncomfortable, but guess what? It's reality.

I thought the movie was funny and touching. LeBron James is hilarious as himself.

For whoever says there is no real strong story-line? They obviously missed it. It's about maturing, about figuring out what a person's priorities are in life. It's about the realization that compensation isn't all it's cracked up to be.
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It's not the worst film you've watched
TimelessSelf3 June 2021
I had very low expectations for this film, I'm not a fan of Amy and this film didn't change my mind about her. But I was surprised that it was better than expected :)

It may be becuase I'm lonely and single and will take anything at this point, but I did enjoy the romance in this film. Bill Hader's performance was really sweet and I really enjoyed the resolution of their arc.

So overall will this fim be a classic? No, of course not. But is it a decent film to watch when you want to wallow in your loneliness and occasionally giggle, sure thing.
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Simply Not Funny
aharmas31 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Much has been said about the talented lead performers, and they have done decent work in previous endeavors. However, not much can be done with a weak script and with overextended dialogue that doesn't substitute for quality."Trainwreck" deserves its title for it crashes early on and never recovers.

We are subjected to the required introduction to explain the protagonist's wishes to remain unattached. It's most likely the first misstep for now there's not much to discover in the development of the film. We know and see a disturbed and socially inept person who is unable to bond with a person of the opposite sex. What we also get is a very unattractive person because her language, attitude, and behavior are really not much to entice any guys beyond the overnight date.

Yes, we can look at it as statement for a woman's right to choose how to live her love life, but why make the character so unlikable and vulgar. We have our share of challenging and difficult girls on screen before, but there were compensating qualities, and the script gave us intelligent and funny lines. Apatow continues on his crusade to trivialize and gives himself an easy way to please the crowds and not demand much from performers and the audience.

Overall, it's an experience that will tempt you to walk out if you are in the mood to expect at least a decent film.
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a smart and sharp romantic comedy that does a clever gimmick but keeps it real
Quinoa19841 September 2015
Trainwreck is one of those winning cases of an original movie being a success from this summer. Director Judd Apatow makes Amy Schumer (also the writer) a star with just one movie. It reverses the roles of a romantic comedy, and in this case the woman here is the one who "sleeps around" a lot, then meets the man who clicks with her and then the tropes ensue. What makes it all work is that Apatow, Schumer (who also writes the script) and Hader and Quinn et al *commit* to it and the acting is really terrific across the board.

And it is FUNNY throughout, very funny, all about behavior and not even innuendo, just coming out and saying things. It has people you also wouldn't usually expect in a movie like this, people like John Cena and even more surprisingly basketball star Lebron James, and, no kidding 100 year old Norman Llloyd.

I recommend it, except for one caveat: it's too long. Apatow needs an editor to tell him no, but he won't listen since he doesn't have to. Thus we get a very good movie in the style of his influences, James L Brooks and John Cassavetes once again. Though with Schumer in the lead, it's crass in the best ways and likable too.
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How this was nominated for a golden globe is beyond me
This was unoriginal and only saved by the characters that are actually funny people in real life. Written by Amy Schumer, she manages to have the worst character and performance in the film. And herein lies the ultimate irony: the worst performance in this film was also nominated for a golden globe. A collection of clichés and stolen one liners from Sex and the City... a really poor effort that is only worth watching for Bill Hader's performance and the supporting cast. John Cena's and Lebron's performances might be a sort of surprise but anyone who had watched interviews in laid back settings knew they had potential. Adding brilliant comedians to the cast who can ad lib and improvise is a smart move but doesn't add value to Schumer's work. I have been noticing in the last few years an effort to hype Amy and turn her into a sort of new Tina Fey or Amy Poehler, but nominating this disaster for golden globes is a disgrace and steals credibility to the awards.
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Great Name for the Film!!
blairparkinson2 November 2015
And what a trainwreck it is! I have actually watched a few episodes of 'Inside Amy Schumer', laughing a few times and sitting there confused for most times. I understand how hard it is for a stand-up comic to not only star in, but write a comedy that lasts at least 90 minutes. However, with all my understandings I just didn't like this film. Small parts of it were kind of funny, but the rest of it was like a mashup of ideas that were trying hard to come together.

Hader was the only redeeming factor of the film. He acted with intent and knew the role he was playing. All the celebrity cameos (especially from some of the sports stars) seemed strained at the best of times. Amy herself is unrelatable. I don't understand why people are going crazy for her?? Is it because she is a female in a highly male dominated industry? I'm sure she truly is a funny person, but maybe test run these things a bit more before sending them out into the world.
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Great film, but the story gets off the rails in the second half and goes in the rom-com cliché direction. Amy Schumer is just breathtakingly talented.
fabiolpinheiro19939 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I didn't have anything against this film, but somehow it was never in my plans to see it in a movie theater. But my friends made me go see it and...

I have to say i liked it quite a lot, i might even loved it a lot if not only for the huge feeling of freshness that critics made me believe it was. This is one of the better rom-coms of all time, but thats the problem.

I was expecting something really original, and different from everything i've ever seen, and the first hour of the film is exactly this. It has laughs to spare, jokes every minute, genius writing, it was awesome. But then the story goes in the wrong direction (then again, to me) and becomes a unrelentlessly 100% rom-com, with all of its clichés, which i love, really love, but not in this movie that showed so much promise and potential to be so unique.

Amy Schumer is a genius, she has perfect writing, i love her humour, like really love, and she's one of the better comedians of all time, and an incredible actress overall. But she chose to became overly sentimental and cliché in the second hour of the film, and i think that the her characters 180º change, goes against her character, and if she chose to continue to be an independent woman, that loves to have sex with whom she wants, to do what she wants, whenever she wants, to continue to be this amazing person that shows that not everyone has to be the same, and have a traditional family with an amazing husband/wife and 2 kids, a white house with a green garden, this would be a much more interesting story and film that would be different from the 300 rom-coms that comes out every year.

She basically shows she has to change everything she is so that the man she loves can be with her, and she basically changes everything about her to get the man she wants because of course she has to have a husband by her side for ever. She begins as one character and ends a totally different one.

The score and OST are amazing, and add a lot to the film. The cast is incredible, and there's a lot to love here. But the films greatest asset is the breathtakingly talented Amy Schumer. What a shame she didn't choose to accept a different path for her character. But this is a really good film any way, and i dare to say an almost perfect one if you want this kind of direction for your story.
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Annoying female lead, but not a bad movie.
KineticSeoul3 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Now I am not a huge Judd Apatow fan. But I do enjoy the style of movies he comes out with when directing. And this is one of his installment that I sort of got into. As a matter of fact, I personally thought this was him at his peak especially with his early previous works. Maybe he will churn out something better, but this is a Apatow film that I was at least amused with from beginning to end. And that has to do with the execution of the awkward humor. Now the premise has been done before. Where a character that doesn't believe in love or that gets into a relationship with a person that does. But I liked the direction Apatow went with this for the most part, mainly because it has that Apatow signature vibe going for it. Which is raunchy, a bit crude but amusing without going over board. I however couldn't see what the lead male character saw in the lead female character that made him really fall for her. I mean he is a sports doctor that knows a lot of athletes and is rich. Plus the guy has integrity and a heart of gold, he could get just about any women if he wanted. And yes I know, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. But it just didn't make any sense, he just deserved better. It seemed like this was going into the radical feminist fantasy direction during certain parts which actually got quite annoying. On the plus side though, this has to have the best cameo appearances from an athletes in a movie ever. John Cena is hilarious in this and LeBron James nails it. I didn't expect LeBron's cameo scenes to be so darn entertaining to sit through, but he really works in this film. This isn't one of the best romantic comedy I have seen, but it's still a fun and amusing watch. It's a raunchy comedy that does have some genuine heart to it and I liked that. Yeah, if Amy Schumer wasn't so annoying and aggravating while spilling messages that drag down women from achieving happiness. Just so her and her group can feel better about themselves by bringing others down. And sending messages that men should put up with the crap she did in this movie and bend over backwards. I would have given it a higher score. Still not a bad movie.

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I liked it
Johnny-1137 August 2015
When I first saw, "This if 40," I really didn't like it, but over time, I discovered that I loved it! I think one must watch Apatow's films a few times to really soak them all up. I liked "Trainwreck," but didn't love it. I'm hoping I'll like it more after I've seen it a few times. It was very obvious that some of the jokes just didn't work. Some of the scenes didn't work well enough. The intervention scene was clunky, contrived and sophomoric. I think Apatow could have done a polish on the screenplay to improve it a little. I love his long films, but this is the first time where I think he should have cut down the length.

Lebron James was funny. During his first scene, his acting was pretty wooden and made me uncomfortable, but it got better as the film progressed. Amy Schumer and Bill Hader were excellent. I think this is Colin Quinn's best performance ever. I didn't realize that Tilda Swinton was in the film until the credits. She was excellent as well.

This was not a train wreck of a film, but it did need some tightening up and extra thought.
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I walked out after 1 1/2 hours!
SquirePM25 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is *not at all* the movie they're advertising.

I expected a hilarious, raunchy romp. What I got started off gross, although not very funny, but then it slowed down. Before long it became tedious, with some touching scenes with the father, which carried it along for a while.

By the 1-hour mark I was willing to stay but waiting for it to end. Then it really started to drag. It's like somebody said, "Let's make a really, really bad imitation Woody Allen movie without the comedy or the genius."

When I finally just couldn't stand another minute I got up and got out. I knew it must be near the end, but it didn't matter. I did not care what happened to the two protagonists *in the least.* UGH! LEMME OUTTA HERE!

***SPOILER*** I don't actually have a spoiler, my whole review is a spoiler. The movie makers seemed to get desperate after the 1/2-way point. They threw in random scenes, apparently trying to spice it up, but oh, my, are they dumb.

Lebron James is a big surprise. He is good, and funny, and fresh. Tilda Swinton's prodigious talents are curiously wasted. Marv Albert, Chris Evert and Matthew Broderick must cringe at the very thought of what they had to put on the screen to get their paychecks.

Trainwreck is a very surprising huge disappointment.
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Raunchy Comedy That's Actually Funny
stargazer_starrygazer23 April 2015
Unlike some comedies out there, this one is actually funny. I didn't really know Amy Schumer too well as a comedian - her roles have mainly been with television but let me be the first to say that Amy Schumer, acting as a chronically commitment-challenged career woman, is some serious comedic gold. Throw in some dirty jokes, a solid script (written by Schumer herself) and SNL veteran Bill Hader, and you've got a good movie for a Friday night.

What made this movie enjoyable was the script and great comedic acting. Amy wrote herself a good character. She showcases her comedic chops and also subtly subverts the stereotypical Hollywood romantic comedy women leads (instead of pining for Mr. Right, Schumer's Amy Townsend has sworn off the happily-married-with-two- kids phase for a...different source of romance).

The script, even while developing the budding connection between the two leads, still maintains gravity by exploring how each person's problems has affected their relationship. By this, I mean that there are no silly love rivals or dramatic altar scenes with sad music in the background, but rather a more realistic look into Amy's entrenched commitment-phobia and Aaron's relative naiveté with deep relationships. Schumer cuts out the clichéd dialogue and relies on well-placed scenes and double entendres, to good effect.

And of course, with the main lead (Bill Hader) playing a sports doctor, there were quite a few brilliant cameos from big-name athletes like LeBron James and Amar'e Stoudemire (LeBron in particular plays a penny-pinching, egotistical version of himself to perfection).

You may be concerned about the running time (over two hours), but the twists and narrative detours that Schumer writes are, in my opinion, justified. They don't necessarily further the plot, but they contribute to the world that the characters inhabit by fleshing out side characters. In particular, Tilda Swinton, playing the unrecognizably bronzed Anna-Wintour-like editor of Snuff magazine who bosses around Amy and her colleagues (Randall Park from "Fresh Off The Boat" and Vanessa Bayer from SNL), was another hilarious addition to the movie.

While it's not a deeply emotional movie (and it shouldn't be), it will resonate for anyone who's ever went through troubled times in a relationship. The script is cheeky and the acting was cheekier. Watch the movie. It's good.
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Despite the usual Apatow frustrations, Amy Schumer rises above the flaws to deliver a great debut
diac22820 July 2015
Continuing the fantastic Summer season for females (Charlize Theron, Melissa McCarthy, Anna Kendrick) we have Amy Schumer branching off from her stand-up and television success (Comedy Central: Still Trying to Replace Dave Chappelle) to deliver a fine performance in an Apatow movie that has all the typical Apatow strengths and weaknesses. Just like Apatow's best, we have a delightful staff delivering the laughs and the dramatic undertones to make up for sloppy directing and loose editing that we've seen far too many times from the Team Apatow comedy circle.

We've seen this movie before, and we know the destination. Regardless of how raunchy or how off the PG-13 spectrum, romance movies carry the same formula and usually produce the same results (With 500 Days of Summer and Before Midnight being notable recent exceptions). We continue watching these because of the joy of said journey. Amy's voyage as she tries to shed her provocative past to become happy is a lengthy yet enjoyable watch, mostly because of her slick and slightly jagged sense of humor. This is her script and it has her brand of comedy sprinkled all over the place. Expect off-the-cusp movie references, uncomfortable content, good raw emotion, bite of New York flavor, and even some MacFarlane-like unpredictability.

Schumer has the comedic chops, and will earn your attention even when she is at her least charming. Helping the movie is Bill Hader, who played the perfect straight man getting caught up in Amy's whirlwind of a life. Although the cameos are a bit distracting (This Family Guy-like technique dates the movie slightly), LeBron James, John Cena, and a few others provided a surprising amount of laughs, with Cena being especially impressive in a short yet pivotal scene.

Apatow still lacks the ability to chop the movie to a more acceptable length. This has killed/damaged his recent efforts like This is 40 and Funny People (especially). Trainwreck once again has that slowdown period that has people checking their phones and watches, which especially hurts after a strong first half. And as previously stated, we know the destination, the journey has to maintain its interest. Despite the strongest efforts from everyone involved, it gets a little tiresome before the heartwarming finale. Unless the movie spans decades, no romantic comedy should run past two hours. All of the best romantic movies (Princess Bride, Eternal Sunshine, Beauty and the Beast, Before Sunset/Sunrise) run under two hours.

Yes, I know the gem Love Actually breaks the rule I just placed. Moving on....

Despite the flaws of time and distractions, Schumer does a great job in her debut cinematic vehicle. I can see a good future with her as long as she works with the right people and expands her range. She's funny, fearless, and has a nice dosage of New York charm. All of those ingredients make this an entertaining viewing and far better than Apatow's previous flicks. It won't shatter the movie industry or alter your perception of her or the genre, but it won't be a total disaster sitting through this---you'll find plenty to laugh and be shocked at.
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Unfunny, unoriginal, unbelievably boring.
jambon7523 August 2015
No spoilers here, there's no plot to spoil and not big amazing scenes or reveals to discuss. Suffice to Trainwreck is a huge waste of time and talent. It should not have been such a bad film but it's beyond terrible. The humour is weak and practically every joke misses the mark. Lebron James is the best thing in the movie - he's the only saving grace. Judd Apatow needs to learn how to edit a comedy down to a short, sharp 1hr 30min as well. I shouldn't be sitting in a comedy wondering if I've missed a week of my life because it feels like the movie has gone on forever. I should have learnt my lesson after This is 40! I am sure fans of Amy Schumer will lap it up but if you're not one then steer clear.
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Super funny movie with a great cast
gtylerpayne9 February 2016
I'm not usually into romantic comedies, but this movie is freakin hilarious. I have been watching it over and over and just can't get enough. I usually just go back to my favorite scenes, and watch those, but there are a LOT of really funny moments in this film. During the second half, it get's more into the "story" and the romance aspects which I think work well also, but I don't really need to see all that multiple times.

What makes this movie so great is the writing and the cast. You can tell that Amy spent years thinking about comedy and fine-tuning her stand up, and took a lot of her funny bits to incorporate into this movie. And the cast is so perfect. Even the supporting cast like John Cena, Brie Larson, and Lebron James killed it. I was really surprised how funny Lebron James is.

I really think that Amy just has that "it" factor that makes her fun to watch. She's just a really funny person and the more times you watch this movie, the more you will notice the little nuances in the performances.

It's only so often that a comedy will draw me back over and over and continue to make me laugh and this is one of them.
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Pretty funny movie, maybe not the best thing ever, but I liked it!
emilyaschubert6 January 2016
Honestly, I'm surprised there are so many poor reviews for this movie. Yes, granted it's not gonna be my favorite movie and it plays off of some clichés and is vulgar..... but what the heck did these people expect?! Considering it was written and performed by Amy, I'm pretty damn impressed. There were some parts I thought could have been a little different or cut (subway scene to finale), other parts made me laugh out loud and think of this movie in hindsight (calling for the check part). As a feminist, I'm always gonna root for a show that can show a strong female character who's not a size 0 and doesn't mind slutting it up a bit. But I loved the chemistry between the main characters (probably because I wasn't expecting it) and I had a good time watching! I hope Amy keeps it up, she's cool.
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sadako1127 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I saw this movie last night with my girlfriend and we were expecting a romantic comedy but what we saw did not have much romance or comedy.

This movie is about an unappealing and dull surgeon that (for some reason that I never understood) fell in "love" with a completely unappealing, dull, dumb free-spirited woman that doesn't seemed to have absolutely nothing in common with.

That's the main problem with this movie. Amy Schumer's character is completely unlikeable the whole movie and I keep trying to figure out what the men that went out with her saw in her!! There was absolutely nothing attractive, cute, charming, spunky and/or wise about her personality. To make things worse she is not physically attractive. I know her character is supposed to be unlikeable, but dammit not the whole movie!!

The second problem with the movie is fails as a romantic one. I did not feel anything for the characters. They did not have anything in common and I am still trying figuring out how the hell they clicked. For this I blame the script. The are not enough situations in the movie showing how their connection grow. They had nothing in common!! They just had dinner and sex and they love each other. Did I mention that there was absolutely nothing attractive, cute, charming, spunky and/or wise about Amy's personality and to make things worse she is not physically attractive. When the doctor told Amy "I love you" I rolled up my eyes in disbelief.

The movie is also way too long and in many parts slow and boring. We laugh about four times during the whole movie. Many people left the cinema half way through.

I did enjoy Tilda Swinton's Dianna.

While watching this movie I kept thinking about "When Harry met Sally" a far superior film.
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Say Hello to Movie Star, Amy Schumer
aciessi25 June 2015
I'm not so proud to say that I belong to the "Tinder" generation. We tend to cater to the id, cutting right to the chase. It's between the sheets first, and maybe love after. I saw this film in college, where I would bank on the hook up culture thriving the most. Do you think this kind of accidental love story resonated with anyone? Will it make you think twice about being loose? Highly doubtful. For the most part, we were too busy laughing to care. Trainwreck in on track to becoming one of the most interesting, talked-about films of the year. I hope I'm not wrong. This is a new, bold, intelligent comedy from Amy Schumer. Regardless of how the rest of America will feel, she isn't going anywhere. Trainwreck manages to be a unisex comedy, that is more guy- centric than Bridesmaids... and Bridesmaids had some classic guy humor. Amy Schumer is really something to behold. She is as nasty and brutal as her "Comedy Cellar" friends, but then, she's adorable, and vulnerable. This is unique, and something we haven't seen before. This isn't just her show, however. Trainwreck features the most unexpectedly funny cast in any movie I can think of. What sticks out in my mind is John Cena and LeBron James. Two sports legends, and wouldn't you believe it, they have terrific comedic timing. Hollywood should take note, and cast people in comedies that have never done anything funny. I also have to single out praise for Colin Quinn. A great comedian, seen rarely on screen these days, and his performance is stellar. As for Judd Apatow, he's still so incredibly gifted with directing new talent, and surprisingly restraint from placing his wife Leslie Mann and his two daughters in cameo roles.. not that I don't think they're talented. This is a sweet movie. Spread it's praise.
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