10 Things I Hate About You (TV Series 2009–2010) Poster

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Better than Expected
beremnl2727 July 2009
When I first heard that there would be a TV series based on one of my favorite films, I thought, "Why are they trying to ruin it?" I was certain that I would be disappointed but upon watching the first episode I was more than happy to admit that I was wrong. The writers take a refreshing turn with the characters while retaining some of their qualities that remain faithful to the movie. Lindsey Shaw's portrayal of Kat Stratford is definitely the best part of the show as she shines in playing both the cynical and human sides of the character. The storyline is also very enjoyable and keeps you on your toes so much that I've often been scouring the web for spoilers. Watch it and you'll find yourself wishing it were longer than half an hour.
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Really Good, but Something's Missing
crow-oakleaf22 July 2009
10 Things I Hate About You is a show that teeters on the precipice of being really funny, but doesn't quite make it. Lindsey Shaw, who plays the main character Kat, is fantastic in the part, playing an unapologetically smart and politically-minded teen, who tries hard not to care about the popularity contests of high school. In contrast, her sister Bianca (Meaghan Jette Martin) is obsessed with becoming popular.

The problem is their paranoid father (Larry Miller) won't let Bianca date until Kat does. And Kat has no intention of dating. Until she meets the "mysterious" Patrick Verona (Ethan Peck, grandson of Gregory Peck). In the movie, a geek with a crush on Bianca pays Verona to date Kat, so he can date Bianca, but that hasn't happened yet. The show doesn't try to copy the plot lines and characters of the movie, and I think the show is the better for it.

This show has a lot of things going for it: Lindsey Shaw was a pleasant surprise (since I wasn't all that impressed with her on Aliens in America), and the chemistry between her and Ethan Peck is great. And every episode is full of great quips.

It's a little surreal, which I think works both for and against it. Meaghan Jette Martin and Dana Davis, who plays the mean girl villain of the piece, both go at their roles with over-the-top panache that makes the show fun to watch. But the over-the-topness is really annoying in the case of the nerds, especially Michael (Kyle Kaplan). They're a little too pathetic and clueless for my taste.

But overall, this is a really good sitcom. Lindsey Shaw is a star. A-

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Better Than I Expected
plasticanimalz28 June 2013
I watched about 3 episodes and I was kind of unsure about this show, at first. It has Robin Schiff who is a great writer, and so from the beginning it had some snappy dialogue and the cast is likable. I think the first few episodes I was having trouble with it because I couldn't help but compare it to the original movie and cast. This is almost nothing like that. And when the writers tried to throw in little snipits from the movie it just came off weird, because then you're expecting it all to be like that. I liked the first 3 episodes well enough, but didn't love it and felt it was missing something...but then I found myself coming back and continue to click for more episodes. It's not great. I don't love it...but I find it entertaining enough to come back for more. There is something about it that has appeal. My favorites are Kat and Bianca, Mandela, and Chastity. I like the dad, of course, who's character is identical to the movie (same guy). Cameron grows on you. I just found him slightly annoying at first...and Joseph Gordan Levitt is so likable as that character it's kind of hard to compare. I guess it's more believable that the movie Bianca would eventually fall for him, where the TV Cameron is a little too dorky to make it believable. TV Patrick is a little too pretty and swoony. I liked the Heath Ledger grit, which managed to make that character sexy. TV Patrick is just pretty so he's not used to working for it which lessens his appeal beyond the physical level. See, I'm comparing. Hard not to. I just think the girls, the dad, and the writing are what sells this show. I don't know if it's the music or what it is, but it sort of reminds me a little bit of Parker Lewis Can't Lose. Oh, and I really like the principal and Mary Cherry playing the guidance counselor. She should be a regular character.

It's definitely not as sharp as Grosse Pointe, which was my favorite of Robin Schiff's work, other than Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. But the show is cute enough and the characters likable, and I've seen 9 or 10 episodes, so far, so I think that's enough to get a good idea of the show.
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How dare they take this show off !!
literaturedevourer3 December 2010
Honestly out of the lots of teenage shows on TV ,it was the only one which made me laugh . Lindsay Shaw is so natural in the role , it seems believable . The dialogues are great .Everyone fits in perfectly in their roles .

What else do we need ? I have no idea why the show did not work .I guess people were comparing it with the original movie . The movie is awesome no doubt , we all loved Heath Ledger in it . Thats no reason to hate the show .

I hope the ABC people bring the show back . Katrick's chemistry is so intense that it blows the lid off . I have cut their parts of the show and have seen them 100s of times and still haven't got bored.

All the people who love this show should try to get this show back . And who haven't seen it , give it a chance . Its the best in years and the most underrated ever.

Please sign this petition here in order to help bring back 10 Things I Hate About You http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/10thingsihateabtu/
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Is there any possible way to get this gem back on the air?
condemned_until_rebirth8218 February 2011
Dear ABC, you have made a HUGE mistake axing this show. It was funny, believable, witty and overall enjoyable. I don't see why people compare it to the movie, there's nothing in common with it except for the characters names and slight mannerisms. As for everything else, it's incomparable. Frankly, the show did a great job in enriching the characters. Kat is more intense and funny, Patrick is mysterious and charming, Bianca is not as shallow, she's actually sometimes more levelheaded than Kat. Cameron, is cuter and funnier. And the rest of the cast is just as brilliant. The screenplay is modern and bold. I really applaud the writing crew, as they did an excellent job in weaving together a well-fit, clean and smart comedy.

It's unlike the rest of the current teen shows out there. So why on earth did it get canceled? If the ratings were low, then this proves that our contemporary youth don't appreciate smart comedies and prefer, tacky, aimless ones, like Secret Life, or 90210 Beverly Hills. I pity them, really! I'm in my late 20s, and I can assure you, it's a show for all age groups. So if you're bored and in need of something intelligent and funny to watch, pick it up. You will not regret it! I URGE TV execs out there to give this show another chance. It has potential.
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OK. Not the movie, doesn't try to be.
MarilynGraceBogart9 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This show will get a lot of slack for trying to re-invent the 90s teen comedy 10 Things I Hate About You, which is notable for being a better teen movie than most in the 90s and as being the launching pad for Joseph Gordon-Levitt and the late Heath Ledger. However, the show is not, and I repeat IS NOT the movie. Some characters have stayed the same, many have changed. Cameron is no longer the new kid in town--now its Bianca and Kat. Bianca is no longer popular or friends with Chastity, she is trying to climb the social ladder. So many situations have changed that the show really bears little resemblance to the movie, save for a mention of Cameron tutoring Bianca in french and the always funny Larry Miller. Without knowing any long term arcs for the show, its hard to say how closely, or loosely, the show will try and emulate the movie that came before it. But lets put this in perspective: Its mildly funny, and its better than most "teen" programming on right now (Hello, Secret Life of an American Teenager and anything on MTV/VH1). People shouldn't crucify it for being a remake. After all, Clueless also had a TV show based on it which was pretty cute.

If it bothers you that much that they remade 10 Things, don't watch it. If you want to give it a shot, go for it. Its really not that bad.
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egyptkidd14 July 2009
OK, I agree that it is not like the movie but it is a very excellent show. Lindsey Shaw plays Cat amazingly, she shows how stubborn Cat is and how tough she can be also she does come up with a lot of witty remarks.

Bianca in the movie I have to say was a real jerk but in this T. V. show she is portrayed differently. Bianca here is a jerk but at times it is like she doesn't know she is one. It's sort of being a sweet jerk in my opinion.

This T. V. show is one of the best that ABC Family has come up with in a long time. One of the greatest shows I have seen this summer!
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Catchy Followup
Deathtyger16 August 2009
I am a big fan of the original "10 Things I Hate About You" and I wasn't sure how I would feel about this new TV version. I was very surprised to find that they kept the father from the original movie version staring Leger and Stiles.

This added to my appeal to start watching the TV show. For the most part the cast is fairly new to the world. A few have done other items but this is a bigger spot light for them.

The show itself has turned out to be cute and sassy. There are some moments that I am reminded that the this may be set for an audience of a younger age then I but I still find it entertaining. I wondered how they would turn a movie into several little shows. It has turned out pretty well from what I have seen so far. They have given the all the characters a chance to develop and have put more into their personal backgrounds.

The interesting twist of this series vs. the movie is the relationship between Kat and Patrick. That has blurred a bit in this version. But the overall reaction is still attractive between the two.
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Pretty decent
NotWar9 June 2010
I just caught a couple of episodes on Fiver, and I have to say this is a very funny and decent program. I am at a loss as to why it was canned (other than the fact that the episode lengths were much too short).

I really enjoyed what I have seen, and I will definitely be looking out for more or a DVD at least. The characters were true to their original counterparts, and it was nice to see one of the original actors returning to his role.

All the actors do great jobs at portraying their characters, really giving an insight into their lives.

Worth seeking this one out, even if it has been cancelled indefinitely.
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sakram14 October 2017
There isn't much to say, really. I had fun watching this movie, I had fun seeing my favorite actors nail their teen roles when they were young.

The story was satisfying, the ending...etc. There are sad and happy parts, what else do you need ?

If you're into teen love stories, this can be for you.

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an embarrassment to the movie
emotionsgirl27 September 2009
I am a HUGE fan of the original movie, so I'm admittedly a little hard on this show. But in all honesty, it doesn't even come close. Lindsay Shaw does a good job of playing Kat, but the other four are absolutely horrible. Meaghan Jette Martin (Bianca) conveys no emotion, and neither does Nicholas Braun (Cameron). Ethan Peck, who plays Heath Ledger's character Patrick, is the worst. Dana Davis (Chastity) and Larry Miller (Walter, who was also in the movie) are actually pretty good, but they're support characters, so you don't always see them. The casting is 80% of the problem. The writing itself isn't horrible, but the acting totally sucks. Not worth watching. I'm waiting for it to get canceled. Sorry.
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Amazing show that's got even better qualities than the movie
lopcar19938 July 2009
I've sen good shows, I've seen bad shows, and I've seen great shows. And this one is great, this teen drama is inspired by the 1999 film of the same name but the two have absolutely no relations. And that's the great thing about it! It doesn't try to be the movie or even update the film for a younger generation as a T.V. serial.

No 10 things I hate about you is a wholly original and very well made dramedy that brings the total and full aspect of being a teenager to the small screen, it's like the comedic version of The secret life of an American teenager just minus all the sex.

This show has a little something for every teen and some parents who like to watch other teens besides there own screw up. This show is very good and has allot of good qualities to it that make it something to watch on a Tuesday night. It's funny, witty, touching and all around fun for teens. It shows a more comedic and less serious side to being a teenager, which there is. It's not all serious all the time it's pretty fun which is what this show is trying to get across, being a teenager isn't always serious work.

This show has awesome qualities and I think it's going to be around for a very long run on ABC. All in all 10 things I hate about you is something you've got to love.
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Good Try BUt Nothing Like The Movie...
abhishek-league6 January 2010
10 things i hate about you is 1 of my favorite romantic comedy.. D series is nothing like d movie, they've picked up bits n pieces 4m d movie n tried to build a story 4 d series. D character's background in d movie is more detailed wen compared with a series put in Bianca's case, i feel that she has been totally blown out of proportion, she is given most importance in d series, which i feel is unnecessary. Speakin of acting, most of them suck, Kat seems 2 have done sum homework, in sum scenes she acts just like Julia Stiles, d rest don't even try. I personally feel that TV shows or d so called Small Screen is an insult to d Big Screen or movies, from acting t0 small features like background score have always been poor in TV wen compared to d movies, i've been wrong many times i.e I've seen sum TV series which r really awesome but I'm damn sure that i'm right this time.
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Only one good thing about this show - Lindsey Shaw
johnbobmeister19 August 2009
I gave this series, at least the first 7 episodes, a 1 out of 10 ranking. Overall, the show is awful and a complete waste of time.

The only reason I have watched this series is to see how Lindsey Shaw evolves as an actress.

The 1 point I gave is for Lindsey Shaw. She is a solid actress, clearly comfortable in her role from the start and was perfectly typecast for this character

If she can somehow get out of this doomed TV show, she could be a very promising actress.

The show is the 2009 version of saved by the bell - not funny, low budget, and very weak acting.

Props to Lindsey Shaw but this show has got to go.
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Addicting characters, interesting plot, amazing show.
Rileybob100430 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Going into my first episode of this show, I was positive that I would be in for bad acting and a horrible script (The Secret Life of the American Teenager, anyone?). However, upon watching the first few episodes I found that the only problem with this show is that is it way too short for me to get my fill.

The show's storyline is split between that of Bianca and Kat, two completely opposite people. Kat's story consists of her efforts to make men value her more despite their sexist views, and of short, but charming, interactions between her and the school bad boy. Bianca's consists of her quest for popularity and her obliviousness of her stalker…I mean…admirer, Cameron.

Both story lines can be amusing, but I doubt that anyone really watches for both. Either they're a fan of Kat and Patrick, or they are rooting for Bianca to replace Chastity as a head cheerleader and steal her football-playing boyfriend . In the movie, the two story lines were linked together in some way, but in the show they only intertwine when Kat and Bianca argue at the dinner table, which is where the separation of fans comes from. I'm not so sure this is a good thing considering the half-hour show doesn't leave too much time for either of the story lines to be played out much.

Though Meaghan Martin plays a funny, bubbly teen very well, Dana Davis plays the bitchy popular girl so convincingly that I am often just tempted to smack her, and Nick Braun plays the awkward, dorky, and all-around lovable secret admirer as if that is who he has been his entire life anyhow, there are in my opinion, only three characters/actors that really deserve accolades.

Larry Miller plays the part of a psychotic father in such a charming and funny way that I can't help but adore every scene he is in. There is definitely a reason he got the part of the father in both the movie and TV show. The strong acting is great since his character is responsible for what little tie the sisters have to one another in the show and creates good family humor.

Lindsey Shaw is so convincing in her character that I can't imagine any other actress even attempting to play it. She has a natural energy that shines through in her character and she can deliver comical lines like no other. In fact, I probably laugh at her dialogue more than any other character's simply because of the way it comes out of her mouth. Kat gradually goes through a personal growth throughout the show and the audience can watch as someone so sure of herself fights to stay on track and stick to what she has preached. It's quite intriguing.

Ethan Peck, though soft-spoken and not exactly convincing as the bad boy he is supposed to play, delivers a good, unique version of Patrick Verona. While in the movie the character really seemed as if he could have lived up to the rumors everyone had heard about him, I don't get that from this version of Patrick. To me, he seems like the misunderstood kid that wants to appear scary only so that people will leave him alone and so that he can be sure anyone that does make an effort to get to know him is worthwhile. Basically, the character just seems deeper and more mysterious, which I like. However, I'd like to see more of the bad boy side of him so that we know more of him than just what Kat sees. We hear about how scary he is, but because we only see him in scenes with Kat, when he is being nice and trying to charm her, we don't view him has anything resembling scary.

Overall, this show is just downright hilarious and the characters are endearing and addictive. The sarcasm alone is funny, but the characters themselves have such strong personalities, each one with their funny little quirks. The best thing is that the characters don't seem one-dimensional like so many other TV characters are. You are really able to get an idea of who they are to the point that you feel as if you know them. The audience cares about them, and that is the sign of a good character.
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liked all the young actors
SnoopyStyle27 October 2014
Kat Stratford (Lindsey Shaw) is an outspoken progressive feminist environmentalist. Her younger sister Bianca Stratford (Meaghan Martin) wants more than anything to be popular. She sees the rich mean girl lead cheerleader Chastity Church (Dana Davis) as her chance to be popular. Cameron James (Nicholas Braun) loves Bianca but she sees him as her friend. Kat falls for bad boy rebel Patrick Verona (Ethan Peck) despite her better judgment. The girls' single father Walter Stratford (Larry Miller) can't stand that boys are in their lives.

It's a cute teen dramedy series. It's definitely cute. Sometimes it's funny. The young actors especially the two girls are all very likable. They all are very compelling. The Taming of the Shrew story is given a perfunctory going over. The idea of Bianca needing Kat to date first is not carried over from the movie. Overall, it's a fun teen show and better than most.
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not hating this TV series at all
ukimo14 September 2009
at first i watched only the first episode of season 1, and i thought, well, just another show for teens. yet after the second episode, things are becoming much more interesting. this big sis with bitter tongue is really fun, contrast to the contrast superficial girl Chastity who i really wanna strangle. this TV series is light and more 'close to normal teens' comparing to S, B, J, C, and N in GG. the obstetrician father exaggerates his overprotection but he really gets the heart of his daughters, and he's funny in a father's kind of way, too. not even mentioning the bad boy Patrick Verona (his name is so Shakespearean, btw.), he's so gorgeous & supercute.
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Make more episodes!
lolaville21 May 2021
Loved this show! Please make more episodes of this fantastic show eventually. Absolutely great to watch because each episode just got more interesting, interesting and interesting 😃. I don't understand why not a lot of seasons ; Producers/Writers created a non-boring plot.
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Not Good Enough
PennyReviews4 August 2019
This spin off of the movie with the same name was just not good enough. There was a faint idea of the main plot from the movie, but overall, it was superficial and idiotic.
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Needs more episodes!!
katrina-0791011 August 2023
It really sucks it ends with all of the cliffhangers!! ABC needs to bring it back on air with a new season to finish it!! It is such a great show. I just can't believe I just found it on hulu in 2023!! It's so romantic and interesting, so it really can't just end like that. I really hope they end up seeing all of these reviews and make another season to finish this off. I honestly don't think they ran enough ads for it is why people are just now finding out about the show!! I love the original movie, but I think I love the show more!! Dear ABC PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE bring it back on air and finish it!!
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My Rating's Generous
nammage18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
(No real spoilers, I just mark it that way)

I'm a film lover, and the same goes with TV (which also is film.) Maybe I'm biased since I loved the film and the "The Taming of the Shrew" by Shakespeare. There's no concept of "hate" in this. Or "sadness". Or any type of emotion except giddiness. There are periods of anger and condemnation but overall: they're fleeting. They water down some characters or over exaggerate others. They lost me the moment they made Patrick Verona into a sleezeball, I think that was around episode eight. Bianca isn't overly vapid because if she was then a guy like Cameron most definitely wouldn't be into her. And, speaking of Cameron: he's not showing actual love and depth in this show like he did in the film, he's showing some lapdog future stalker type character. Kat is Kat not solely based on her ideals and philosophies but also because of the tragedies she went through as a young girl. The Kat in this show is unattractive, in my opinion.

The only originality in this is the father (played by the same actor) other than that: this is just every other teen flick out there for teenagers, that's probably fine, but for those of us (or just me) who loved the film and the original story, this is lacking everything those two were. My rating is generous because I wanted to give it a 1/10 but I didn't because there's probably value here for others, just not me.
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listen up
louishaw9626 January 2013
Yo to all the fans of this TV series that never took off !! Why has nobody tried to get more of this dam show released !!? It just stopped at episode 20 of season 1? there is way more you can work with and the story line was sick , it gave so many people a laugh!! its been almost 3 years since the creator has released a new episode and i think you should,with the amount of shitty reality shows now you would have a good chance of picking up viewers. Give it a shot, and people get around this comment PLEASE! If you didn't like the show then why would you be on this page so make more episodes please. Even if you get new writers i don't care just make it funny and give it a good come back ! Ta.
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A Fun Ride
skpn1235 August 2022
Worth it just to see Gregory Peck's grandson Ethan Peck aka Patrick Verona!

Larry Miller's character is a bit over the top and grating but Lindsey Shaw and Meaghan Jette Martin are strong leads

There is nothing serious in this show - it is perfect chaos with a strong script and an impressive young cast. It is silly but uplifting so don't review it if you are not expecting this or wanting something else......
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WoW! Awesome Teen Show
Sam-ben1054 April 2010
Really... Just until yesterday i was bored coz all my favorite shows were coming to an end. So I was up for another mean of entertainment, that is why i looked to hulu.com to check my options. Well I saw a name "10 Things I hate About You" names, kinda familiar so i checked it out and it was amazing.

This show has just begun to air its second part and i woke whole night to watch its 11 episodes back to back and i didn't fell like sleeping even a single second. It has a teen background, Loved IT! Also the cast is smart, beautiful, and hot :-P On story, /the best thing about thing is that it airs on "abc family", so i never had to worry about any sexual scenes which are tooooo embarrassing in front of anyone. So It on the whole combined is one of the best teen show which i have seen till date...
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Oh snap!
zazanatar29 April 2010
Warning: Spoilers
It sucked SO BAD! I already knew it would, I mean Lindsey Shaw and Meaghan Martin? Really? Really? This is SO horrid. Way to take a WONDERFUL movie and tear it to shreds. And NO other review users, Lindsey Shaw portrayed Kat terribly. It was an all around awful show and I hope when the topic of 10 things I hate about you comes up we are talking about the movie and never again the show. Because it sucked. If you wan't to feel like you need to claw your eyeballs out then by all means watch this show, otherwise RUN.FAST. And my review is too short so now I have to do this: The purple butterfly flew away. The orange donkey danced the night away. The red fox jumped higher then the green frog. When I go to the store I buy the pants.
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