Ghostbusters: Answer the Call (2016) Poster

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Average fluff piece with a brilliant cast. Haters are beyond delusional.
Krusiv9 August 2017
You have got to be kidding me. This is the movie that has caused so much hatred, rage, and controversy? This harmless, average, fun fluff piece? Pretty much everyone already knew if they liked the film or not before it was even released. I think a lot of people need a reality check not only on this reboot but on the original as well. Hailing the original as some sacramental divine piece of cinema that cannot be improved on is a complete joke. No, I don't hate the original. No, I don't love the reboot. They are both somewhere in between with the original barely edging this out in terms of filmmaking. If we were to rate comedies on their "laughs-per-minute" then the edge would go to this reboot.

But how, when the special effects in the reboot are clearly superior? Turns out that there is far more to film technicalities than bright lights, pretty colors, and realistic green slime. Where Ghostbusters (2016) falters is in the editing and how the humor is set up. The film is too focused on being a ball-busting roller-coaster ride; rarely stopping to catch its breath. There are quite a few legitimately funny bits in here that could have landed even better if the editing was more precise. Silence and patience can work wonders in action comedies. Hell, just look at what Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton were doing literally one hundred years ago.

The cast members are at their best when they aren't forced into doing line-o-rama improv. I found Leslie Jones and Melissa McCarthy to be the shining stars of this with Kristen Wiig and Kate McKinnon not far behind. McCarthy notably is a groan-inducer to most, but she does well in films that she or her husband did not write or direct (Spy, St. Vincent, and now this). Jones acts as the grounded everywoman who keeps the nutty ghost hunters in line, and for my money has the best comedic timing out of the four. McKinnon seems to have downed a few energy drinks before every shoot as she is incredibly extra in every scene, often more so than required. Wiig tries to bring an emotional backstory to the picture but it gets lost in all of the neon rainbow effects.

If you're one of the few somehow still on the fence about this: give it a try. It won't ruin your childhood, or kick your dog, or kill your family. At worst you'll walk away unamused and then proceed to pop in the original.
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A lot of fun, it felt like the Ghostbusters to me.
ozma-1495917 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I really like the Ghostbusters franchise. And I don't mean that like some people, who mean they loved it when they were little and still love the movie now as they look back on it through the rosy tint of nostalgia. I cannot be like that; I didn't see Ghostbusters until I was a teenager, and I did not love the film until I was a young adult. However, once I click with a story, I never let it go and tend to pursue it beyond its most famous and mainstream component. In this case that involved watching "Ghostbusters 2," playing "Ghostbusters: The Video Game," watching all of "The Real Ghostbusters" and "Extreme Ghostbusters," and reading every single one of the IDW comics from "The Other Side" all the way to the most recent issue of "Ghostbusters International." Oh, and I also have a pair of Ecto Goggles which I clip onto my pistol belt and wear with a Ghostbuster zip-up shirt I made with a name badge, no-ghost patch on the right sleeve, pocket on the left sleeve, and velcro fasteners on the cuffs. Those are my credentials, that's the kind of person I am. So the big question is, "What did I think of this reboot?"

This remake of Ghostbusters made me laugh a lot, and I liked the characters. While one of the main characters is clearly drawn to Chris Hemsworth's character Kevin, she is not persistently/creepily perusing him in the same way that Venkman does to Dana in the 1984 film. In fact, she actually keeps enough possession of her sanity to not be mindlessly blown away by his muscles and good looks and instead suggests they not hire him because he would clearly be a horrible secretary. Setting her attraction aside, the movie did not have a romantic subplot, and I think that is fantastic. We got a bit of backstory for a few of the characters, which is more than we can say for the original Ghostbusters film. And despite the trailers' best efforts to convince everyone that Patty was a certain overused character type, I was able to enjoy the character as she actually is in the movie, where she is quite the history buff and actually seems pretty laid-back a lot of the time.

The ghosts felt much more dangerous than they did in the original two Ghostbusters films. For the first time I really felt like this was a potentially lethal line of work *before* we got to the the main enemy at the end of the movie. Some of the ghostbusting sequences were very cool, maybe too cool if you want this movie to be just like the one from 1984, but I think the sillier moments help to balance that out. (There are some situations only Ghostbuster type action heroes find themselves in because all the uber-cool heroes like James Bond somehow manage to avoid being smushed by gigantic parade balloons and the like.)

There were new weapons for the Ghostbusters to use against the ghosts in this film, but I was surprised to find I was okay with that. I suspect this is because I have become accustomed to similar versions of several of them in the fantastic IDW comics continuing the adventures of the original Ghostbusters. (In the comics, Egon invents similar grenades and modifies several of the proton packs to include pistol-style firing mechanisms.) If I have one complaint, it is that I do not think the technobabble was as good in this film as it was in the 80's movies.

This movie may contain the most entertaining credits I've ever seen, and there was an easter egg waiting for fans of the original movie at the very end. When the lights came on, my first thought was, "I hope they make a sequel," which may make me a terrible person in the eyes of some, but I don't get my opinions secondhand from the "cool" people, I try to think for myself.
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Might as well get mad at a donut
kreniigh5 August 2017
Yeah, whatever. It's a special effects popcorn movie. If you like the actors -- and I was pretty entertained by McKinnon and Helmsworth -- then it's enjoyable. I'd pay to see a sequel because I think it would be fun.

There's nothing here to merit a 10 star review. And nothing to merit a 1 star review. And yet, look at all those 1 star reviews. I wonder if it's possible that maybe they are all getting all worked up over a donut. Yeah, I think that's it. Bad donut. Bad.
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How Has This Shot Up To A 6.6?
flowerstardust19798 April 2021
There was no need to make this. It was diabolical in many ways and after just viewing the trailer for Afterlife this pops back up with a 6.6 star rating. How?! Ghostbusters 2 has a 6.6 rating. You're telling me that people think this crap is equally good?! No! The only good thing about this disaster was one particular scene in 3D. Hopefully Afterlife will be far better.
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wpeters-7388920 March 2023
6.8?!?! How is this rated higher than the 1989 sequel?!?

This movie was awful. Like, really bad. I'm a huge Ghostbusters fan, but this was not it. Such a pointless movie to make, terribly acted and I'm pretty sure the rating was rigged somehow. Either that, or people have terrible taste in movies. The other three movies in the franchise were great, but this was horrible. Only thing remotely enjoyable (if I had to choose SOMETHING) was the cameo appearances by some of the original cast. Other than that... ummm... hmmm... cure for insomnia.

And that's it. Don't waste you time. Watch anything else.....
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A failed reboot with a mediocre script
Elvis-Del-Valle21 March 2023
This reboot of the classic Ghostbusters film tries to be an improvement, but falls short in terms of script and characters. It has a good production, good cinematography, crazy action scenes and dazzling digital effects. The design of the ghosts is amazing and gives them a very cartoonish look. The rest of the movie leaves a lot to be desired. It has a fascinating story with an interesting villain, but it's not fully exploited. The female leads that replace the original cast show some grace, but their characters are not well written. There are moments that, instead of being funny, the characters end up giving pity to others, like much of the comedy in the film. Chris Hemsworth's character is too clumsy and silly. He can make people laugh at times, but unfortunately his character is so goofy that he doesn't make for good comic relief. The script is pretty mediocre and that ends up making the movie far from a good reboot. Even the cameos by the actors from the original movie don't help much. This Ghostbuster movie is sadly a failed reboot and because of that it is the most inferior installment in the entire franchise. My rating for this movie is 6/10.
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CGI cannot replace good writing.
jgesselberty-114 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I reluctantly gave this a 6 star rating, but could easily have gone lower. This is a perfect example of what happens when you insult women by plugging them into the roles of near iconic male characters, and then give them little quality material to show off any comedic talent. The funniest line for me was when the ghost got on the train to Queens and the black lady says "that'l be the third scariest thing on that train." See what I mean? Then, you complicate matters by plugging Chris Hemsworth who is not really known for his comdeic talent, as the receptionist, resident hunk, stupid man (because in a movie with all women leads, you know the man has to be studpid). Above all this movie relies completely on CGI special effects so much that the story, if there is one, gets lost in the shuffle. The closing credits almost had more entertainment value.
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Just bad...
gehards2 April 2024
I passionately dislike this movie as a Ghostbusters movie. Let alone the fact that it's also a bad movie but it's just- no! Rated higher than Ghostbusters II and they call themselves critics!? Its the worst in the series. Not in a sexist way but they might've created some of the dumbest most boring characters ever. Afterlife, though there isn't much development they still had decent characters (Paul Rudd was good but unfunny) It's just really stupid and to corny. I know Ghostbusters is a comedy series in general but this is just brainless and unfunny mish mash of a generic alien invasion film but with ghosts. . Yeah, it's got some alright ghosts and good VFX but it 50% just recycles the plot of the original! I mean if you "critics" are still gonna give Ghostbusters II a what, like 5? Well at least it has a unique story! It's just like your usual horror/science fiction "Oh look the paranormal is haunting all of the city!" Thing. It just tries to be chaotic and cinematic and you know what!? Its just a disgusting monster mess. Bad humor, unoriginal plot, but some cool ghosts and ghouls!
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Even Adam Sandler would be ashamed of this movie.
JKDahl20 January 2020
How do you go from being involved in Freaks and Geeks, The Office, Weeds and Arrested Development to this?! Paul Feig has just lost every ounce of talent he once had. It's really sad because I love all those shows.

He has a talented cast to work with. I like both Wiig and McCarthy and MacKinnon has made me laugh several times on SNL. Hemsworth is also a good actor, as are several of the the supporting cast. The script however is just mind-bogglingly bad. It would have been rejected in a grade school drama class. If you add the fact that Feig's direction seems to consist of telling his cast to improvise, and whether the improvs are funny or not (mostly not) keeping them in the movie you have the recipe for a really bad film.

There's really no story, no characters to care about and the parts that are supposed to be funny fall flat. It's a waste of money, talent and a franchise that could have been resurrected and profitable, had it been done right.
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I loved this movie!!!
crifantasy17 July 2016
So I was super excited to see this movie and after reading all the bad reviews on this movie it made second guess going to see the movie, but I decided to take my kids to see this movie since one of my daughters is a super fan of the Ghostbusters and I am glad I did. This movie was surprisingly entertaining and I would definitely pay to see it again. I don't understand how this movie got a one star from most of the reviewers on here and I think it is ridiculous, this movie did not deserve a one star. I definitely believe that this movie had a great story to it and I hope that all of these bad reviews do not hurt on the making of a new Ghostbusters 2.
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Not the sequel/reboot we hoped for, but a good bit of fun
george_kearse25 June 2017
As a huge fan of the original movies, like the millions of others I was very sceptical about this reboot and whether it would stay true to the formula. It does to an extent, but it also adds in a lot more. Remember that the whole reason for this movie was to open it up to a whole new generation and audience, and I think it has done that well. Younger kids will really enjoy it. Sure the plot is silly, and the humour is a bit mundane and forced at times, but despite all of this I enjoyed the movie and it was just a good bit of fun to watch, original movie sentiments aside.

It was a big flop at the box office so only time will tell if any planned sequels come to light. If not, then it's no big deal. The franchise has had a great run. If so, then I'll watch them and try to remain open minded. So my advice is: watch this with an open mind, and you'll have a good time.
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Yeah. This Was Terrible.
xiaoli737720 December 2022
I don't know, even after many years this one is still controversial. I think it's cooled down a lot with another "Ghostbusters" film being released since this one. The original 1984 movie is kind of a "lightning-in-a-bottle" type deal. The sequel with the original cast altogether wasn't that great. The "Force Awakens" style Hollywood nostalgia money grab wasn't pretty mediocre. This remake is awful. You can make a movie like "Ghostbusters" or "Back to the Future" that just has a very original plot and concept, and no matter how badly you want the dollars that came with it, it's always gonna be a hollow attempt.

Man, this one is very bad though. Like almost insufferably obnoxious and stupid. It's disappointing because I honestly have nothing bad to say about any of the people who worked on the film. I liked a lot of the cast members in other projects like "Saturday Night Live" and "The Office." Chris Hemsworth is really funny, but they didn't even try to give us any chemistry between him and Kristin Wiig like they were teasing throughout the whole film. Not even anything like a funny joke. Just short little jokes about how sexy she thought he was or something.

The story is more or less a retread of the original's plot points, but I can at least give them the complement that it's a different one? Like at least not a beat-for-beat remake? Kristin Wiig's character is the only Ghostbuster that I liked, all three of the other ones really got on my nerves and the actresses all seemed like they were trying way too hard to just force jokes that didn't come naturally. I was laughing at some points, but at most of the others they just fell completely flat on their face.

Really terrible special effects and awful jokes mixed with extremely obnoxious forced attempts at poop and queef humor (yes there was a terrible queef joke in this that obviously went over like a wet fart) made this one incredibly hard to watch. And for that reason I would only recommend this movie to those with a very high level of curiosity or if you're a "Ghostbusters" fanatic, which I guess by this point most of them have already made up their minds on the 2016 version. It gets relegated to a footnote in movie history, like "hey remember back in 2016 when they tried to remake 'Ghostbusters' with an all-female cast?" That's really all there is to it.
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I enjoyed it! Average movie.
andy-3330616 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Before anything, I just want to say that I'm a teenager.

This movie was just a movie. Plain and simple. It had a plot, a climax, a conclusion and everything a movie needs. Was it great? No. Was it terrible? No. If you absolutely love the original Ghostbusters movie and don't want to see it tampered with, don't see it. If you are willing to see something different and have a couple honest laughs, see it. It's entertaining and funny.

In my own opinion, the movie should be looked at as if it has no connection to Ghostbusters. Look at it as a comedic movie and you'll enjoy it. It reminds me of Jurassic World as you have to watch it without thinking to get an amazing experience out of it.

Leslie Jones saved this movie for me. The first 30 minutes was unfunny with one of the first jokes being a fart joke. Leslie's character Patty was this outside perspective that I could relate with. Just sitting there being confused. On the other hand, Chris Hemsworth was probably the only person who got almost no laughs out of me. He was just stupid.

In conclusion, this movie is an average summer movie. The Jurassic World of the Ghostbusters franchise.
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lots of slime, lots of fun
pariah-careyhd116 July 2016
The Ghostbusters reboot was exactly the kind of lighthearted fun I want in a summer flick. I really enjoyed it and have seen a number of posts on Facebook from friends both male and female who saw it and really liked it, too. There were so many laugh out loud funny moments. The "meta" moments were really fun, too, such as the nods to the original Ghostbusters and some of the jabs taken at, shall we say, the haters. I want to watch the original again so I can re-watch the reboot and see what I might have missed the first time around. I also particularly enjoyed Kate McKinnon and her deadpan deliveries. The closing credits were also a lot of fun. Make sure you stick around for the added scene that comes after the credits!
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Should never have been made
Leofwine_draca9 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I admit from the start that I'm a massive fan of the original GHOST BUSTERS, although the sequel isn't so hot. Both films look like absolute classics compared to this ill-advised reboot of the series, recasting with an all-female ghostbusting team. Although the film looks similar to the original movies, it feels absolutely NOTHING like them. Gone is the character interplay and genuinely funny and droll performances that could be enjoyed by kids and adults alike; it's replaced by the kind of modern-day sarcasm and idiocy that I always end up hating. The new cast members are all unlikeable, and the likes of Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy seem to be competing as to who can be the most irritating of the lot. Yes, the new-fangled CGI effects are very colourful and pretty, but they don't have any of the character and finesse of the old effects, which you knew were hard to do thus all the more impressive. The plot is as predictable as they come, and the only person who raised the occasional smile was Chris Hemsworth. I'm afraid the new GHOSTBUSTERS should never have been made.
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Very fun
hayleyadey16 July 2016
Definitely not as bad as some people are saying. I found that the movie had an overall pretty good 'entertaining' element, it knew it was going to be silly and played well into that. I felt that the animation used on the ghosts was perfect, it was stylized to look realistic yet cartoonish, fitting well with the humour and overall feel of the film. There were more little nods towards the original movie than I thought there were going to be, this was greatly loved, they ranged throughout the whole film and were not just lumped together. All the characters were played wonderfully by the actors, particularly Kate McKinnon and Neil Casey, they gave their all and it really worked for their strange characters. The pacing of the movie was very good, it certainly didn't feel like I sat there for two hours, boredom never once took hold. I appreciated the struggle the main characters went through to assert themselves where as in the original movie the Ghostbusters where accepted quickly and without much hassle. The remake made good use of artistic interpretation, sticking to a similar plot as the original but not copying it word for word or scene by scene. Overall I found the movie quite enjoyable and would gladly watch it again.
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Like 150 Minutes of Watching a Stand-Up Act Flop
johnspringer-9544015 February 2023
Contrary to the original, 2016's Ghostbusters is broad and lowbrow with pratfalls, bodily-function gags and buffoons mugging for the camera. Broad and lowbrow doesn't necessarily mean bad - even Blazing Saddles had the bean scene. What sets GB 2016 apart is its pervasive sense of desperation. The people making this movie clearly realized their loud, dumb, goofy approach wasn't working; and like a flailing stand-up comedian their only recourse was to become louder, dumber and goofier in the hopes of garnering a few pity chuckles. It's not just unfunny, it's downright uncomfortable and cringe-inducing.
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Great movie, definitely go see it!
nazrafel-77-13255425 July 2016
Look, I get that it's a remake- but it's fantastic. Watching it I went from being 38 to 8 years old again- it was exciting, funny, and well made.

Several original cast members have cameos that reference their original roles in creative ways and there's a homage to Harold Ramis. The ghosts/effects are well done and include some recognizable characters.

The main characters- Abby, Erin, Holtzman and Patty are hilarious. Holtzman has a fantastic scene that made my inner- 8 year old want to start planning my Halloween costume around her. It was an amazing experience watching a movie where the 4 main characters are women, no one is dressed/designed to appeal as eye candy, they just going through the movie being hilarious and bad ass as very normal looking women.

I'd absolutely go see this movie again.
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It's not that bad...
sass_i_am1 August 2017
This movie was made to entertain, period. It is not a movie that will make you question life and all of its' mysteries, but it will make you laugh. If you want to shut your mind off for a couple of hours, enjoy. If, however, you can't find humor in what isn't cerebral, buy a book. Preferably a textbook.
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Holloywood needs to quit remaking classics and start something fresh
elizy-3309224 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
When I heard that they were remaking the movie Ghostbusters with female cast members, I admit that I was actually looking forward to it, specially considering the four particular actresses they had chosen for the part. I understood that movie remakes are typically the greatest, but considering the fact that 3 out of the four cast members are currently or were once members of SNL, I had some hope. Unfortunately, Wigg's comedic talent wasn't able to shine with her boring character with a lack of personality, McKinnon's character was just upright stupid and unrealistic, Jones's character was just a black stereotype, and McCarthy's role lacked character as well. Many of the jokes just fell flat (Steve Higgins small role and joke with the middle finger, the won tons, Kevin's (aka. Chris Hemsworth's) logo scene, the thing with the hair dye at the end, and so on). Also, the had many references to the original ghost busters throughout the film, and yet I suppose the setting takes place in a universe where the original squad had never existed, it's like a slap to the face to the original cast. Sure they had Bill Murry and few other actors for the older version show up in a few small parts, but they play such tiny roles, and as different characters..

And what's the deal with remaking older movies with female actresses or poc as the main characters. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Hollywood wanting a bit of diversity in their work, but they're doing it all wrong. While this movie has good intentions when trying to cast female members, I guess either to have more representation for younger girls to look up to or show that women are equal to men or whatever, but when they try to do with a remake of a movie that was already amazing, it only makes matters worse. This movie will be forgotten within a few years from now, unlike the 1988 version, which most people had at least heard of reguardless of age before this one. On second thought, this movie isn't trying to create diversity, they're doing this for profit. They know that with the adults and their nostalgia these days, and with the younger now being obsessed with the classics due to them being conditioned to think that everything from their own generation sucks (which is clearly saying a lot about the older generation ironically, they're the ones whom produce our movies, not us), they can get some quick and lazy bucks by bringing back a film that should've been left alone in the first place instead of thinking up of a new script and story (that of which could also have female and/or poc leading characters), because they know people are more drawn to things that they are familiar with (as was I obviously). Whatever, I'm so done with remakes. There are many movies out there in today's time (yeah they exist) with original plot lines that are currently or were recently successful in the last year or so, so why watch a crappier version of a movie you've already seen before?
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Spooktacularly bad.
BA_Harrison12 February 2017
Three scientists (Kristen Wiig, Melissa McCarthy, and Kate McKinnon) and a subway worker (Leslie Jones) form Ghostbusters, a team dedicated to ridding the world of unwanted spooks. The foursome have their work cut out for them when weirdo janitor Rowan North (Neil Casey) puts into motion his plan to unleash malevolent spirits on New York.

I'm not a huge fan of the original Ghostbusters, so I wasn't at all outraged when they announced the remake/reboot, with—God forbid—a female cast. Despite the trailer not boding well, and terrible word of mouth on the film's release, I was willing to go in with an open mind. However, I'm sorry to say that the film is every bit the total (ghost)train wreck that I had heard it was, well deserving of all the hatred and scorn thrown its way.

A terrible script loaded with extremely lame gags, four leads who share zero chemistry and who are not in the least bit funny (but very irritating), an extremely embarrassing supporting role for Chris Hemsworth (as dumb hunk receptionist Kevin), pointless cameos from stars of the original Ghostbusters (all of whom should have said 'No!'), and waayyyy too much CGI: Ghostbusters 2016 didn't have a ghost of a chance of succeeding.
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Wow. I Didn't Expect Something This Bad
Michael_Elliott18 October 2016
Ghostbusters (2016)

1/2 (out of 4)

Wow, what on Earth were they thinking? I will freely admit that I love to see films remade. I mean, it gives the original some attention and in the best cases you end up with another good movie. In the worse cases, hey, you've still got the original film there. If anything this 2016 remake of GHOSTBUSTERS just makes the original all the more impressive because it's amazing how bad this thing is. And no, I'm not sexist or racist. I'm just being honest. I was okay with this film being made but it's really shocking how awful it turned out.

I'm not even sure where to begin in regards to the bad stuff. I guess we can start with the story because there really isn't a story. There's pretty much a bunch of stuff ripped off from the original movies and toned down here. The horror elements are all toned down. The sexism is toned down. There's really no "story" here outside of four women trying to capture ghosts. I kept watching this expecting something to happen but it just never did. Even worse is the fact that the film didn't make me laugh a single time, which gets us to another problem.

The four female leads here are just downright awful. I'm not going to put an awful lot of blame on them since I'm sure they'll all talented actresses but the screenplay pretty much gave them no characters. In the case of Melissa McCarthy, she's pretty much playing the same type of annoying character that she plays in all of her movies. Kristen Wiig was downright annoying, Leslie Jones was even more annoying and Kate McKinnon didn't even register on the screen.

Even the ghosts are downright pathetic and lazy. I use the word lazy because there's just nothing creative about them and once again it just goes to show how wonderful the original film was and they even make the stuff in the sequel seem better. I could go on and on about the awful stuff in this movie. I honestly had no idea the movie would turn out as bad as it did and it really makes you wonder why Bill Murray would refuse to do a sequel for so many years yet he'd sign up for this thing? I'm hoping he and the other cameos were paid quite well.

GHOSTBUSTERS is a film that could have worked and should have worked. I'm really dumbfounded as to what went so horribly wrong with this but just changing the sexes of a character certainly isn't enough to make a film work.
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Don't believe the buzz... just turn your brains off and relax,
florianposch22 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Admittedly, as 80's or 90's child, after watching the trailer and following the social buzz around it, you could instantly hate this as another franchise which was sacrificed for creating a modern rip-off that even breaks with original (male) cast and characters.

For some reason, I still gave it a chance, maybe because there's not too much must-see movies around in summer months and I thought it could be funny if I just see it as a standalone- movie not having to care with all that Ghostbusters legacy.

And surprisingly, it did a pretty, pretty good job in entertaining me, nothing more, nothing less...

The female cast in general did a pretty good job in playing their quite diverse characters, their performances ranging from okay-ish to insanely funny - I really fell with in love with Kate McKinnon and her playing the bats**t crazy Jillian Holtzmann.

Despite of what you've heard or read before, its clearly not a feminist version of the original - way too many stereotype jokes pulled off, some even trying too hard ("That stuff went everywhere..."). In general, Ghostbusters goes for every potential joke, goof and stereotype, but most of the time, it just scores. Maybe too much, but not for me... sometime I appreciate a high pace of stupidity and can deal with a simple plot and several inconsistencies. I really had to laugh quite hard and absolutely think it was worth the money - I'd watch it anytime again, at least on Free-TV.

Regardless of the character overhaul, it still picks up most of the traditional elements of the original movie in terms of equipment, locations and even ghost characters, maybe it even tries too hard with lots of references and many original cast appearances. Could be an excuse for the female cast thing, though....

Some also complained about the cheap CGI but I think they were clearly above average, in ghost detail animations as well as on New York City total shots when hell finally breaks loose.

To sum it up: Get rid of expectations, anger about the remake and any feminist prejudice and just enjoy a 'good clean fun' summer blockbuster - there's still more love and detail in it than in the new Die Hard movies.
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Who you gonna call? someone else.
josephbarros-1640712 February 2023
When news of a Ghostbusters movie hit in 2014 I was buzzing for it, finally a ghostbusters movie, finally a conclusion to GB 1 and 2 and a continuation with the old gang passing the torch to the new recruits. Oh how I was wrong, instead what we got was a slap in the face to the fandom, slap in the face to the mythology and a slap in the face to the movies that came before it. What was show was a complete reversal of what was expected and wanted which got rectified with the awesome and true sequel Ghostbusters Afterlife.

The fact that it had women has nothing to do with how bad this movie is....its just plain and simply a bad movie and rubbish storyline.

This movie deservedly thrown in the same category as Batman & Robin 1997 which nearly crippled a loved franchise, same can be said with this, the hate is justified.
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Keep an open mind
Spnxer15 July 2016
I went to see this film with a complete open mind and i left the cinema pleased with what i had watched. I also went to see it for the originals making an appearance - which was amazing!

The four main leads all did a good job, some of which wasn't their strongest performance but was still good acting. The two stands out were clearly Chris Hemsworth and Kate McKinnon, they stole the show.

With this being a reboot all four leads were always going to be compared to the phenomenal cast of the original and in a way they should be as they try to clearly take certain personality aspects from their counterparts.

The USER reviews this film has received, some of it has it's merit and can be justified but a lot of the hate is simply because it has four female leads which is very disturbing for this day and age.

That aide i would highly recommend seeing this film, weather you're a fan of the originals or not. This film is a must watch and a highly enjoyable one at that.
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