Bill & Ted Face the Music (2020) Poster

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A very good film...provided you are a fan already.
planktonrules9 December 2020
If you've never seen the first two Bill & Ted movies, I suggest you pass on "Bill & Ted Face the Music". While this third film isn't bad, it certainly isn't as fun and original as the previous two...and it might also prove to be very confusing. But, if you are a fan already of the series, you'll enjoy this film provided you don't expect the impossible...for the film to recapture 100% of the charm and humor of the originals. Adjust your expectations and you will surely like the film.

As far as the plot goes, it's pretty confusing. Suffice to say that after the second film, when it appeared that the whole world was saved by Bill & Ted, over time you come to see that it was a fluke and Bill & Ted of 2020 are losers. How do they over come this and why do they need to? See the film.

To me, this film clearly was best released to video...which is what happened due to COVID. I would not have recommended you go to the theater to see it...but as a direct to DVD or film on a pay channel, it's well worth your time.
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It's okay and better than I expected for a movie made in the dying days of Hollywood
davebartle20 November 2020
We have to face facts, the reason there are so many sequels and remakes of movies from the 80s and 90s is because Hollywood peaked then. The 2000's marked the beginning of the decline, which has been rapidly descending in the last few years. Despite this decline and despite the mediocre Force Awakens style influences in the script, the charm and humour... and of course the nostalgia saves this from being unwatchable, which is high praise. Zazz as the robot steals the show along with the woman from Flight of the Concordes but I mostly left feeling a little sad that this movie wasn't made in the 90s and sad that Keane Reeves may not actually be immortal.
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Not a patch on the first two, but fun for fans
BrickNash28 August 2020
It's "ok".

That's all you really need to know. It's ok, and it does its job. This film was never going to top the first two, becasue they are a product of their time, and you can never re-create that, but Bill & Ted Face The Music is a decent enough send off for the characters.

It is a bit sad though that it is just "ok". The film does have a certain cheapness to its look and feel, and Keanu was sounding a bit tired if I'm honest. It retreads some ground, but not as much as you would think, and there are genuine laughs in here for sure. Dean Parisot's directing is solid, but a bit lacklustre in places, and I think they should have got Peter Hewitt back from Bogus Journey. It's not awful by any means, but I think it lacks a bit of magic (which was probably the 80s/90s).

A special mention must go to Alex Winter who does a great job here. He IS Bill S. Preston, and he has his old mannerisms down to a tee which was very familiar and very comforting.

In a way, the film made me a bit sad. Bogus Journey tied up the story quite well, but there was always a bit of the door open to do more if they wanted, and now that it's done it was a kind of uneventful. 1994-ish would have been a perfect time to do a third film, because as upsetting as it is, Bill and Ted with all their "Wows" and "Dudes", are The past.

However, they are MY past, and from MY generation, so I was very happy to see them once last time, and despite all the nitpciks, I had fun with the film.

All that's left to say is the best message in any film ever:

Be excellent to each other...

... and party on!!!
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Be excellent to each other
iamnotkojima30 August 2020
It's great seeing some of the actors return. You can tell everyone had a blast filming this. That alone in certain moments can bring a smile to your face. Not all of the jokes land, but that's comedy. The finale damn near brought me to tears. I guess 2020 has been a rough year.
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Goofy franchise gets victory lap
youngcollind7 May 2021
Maybe coming from a place of bias for having loved the originals as a young 'un, I can't help but respect the team for having another go at such a stupid premise. An A lister like Keanu could have scoffed it off and went back to making Oscar bids, but instead swallowed his pride and returned to the dopey character that kickstarted his career. It properly pays homage to the feel of the originals, bouncing from one illogical time travel scenario to another, never taking itself seriously and roping in a couple celebrity cameos who also seem to be just enjoying the ride. It nods to how absolutely ludicrous the idea of a "song that unites the world" is while still maintaining that earnest 80s belief that rock 'n roll can save your soul.
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Didn't laugh a single time
Erlik_Han31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So first off. It was very very predictable from the start that the two daughters would end up "saving the day".

The daughters are super cringe worthy. Bill and Ted were a comedic surfer dude stereotype. The girls take it a step further. They don't just take some mannerisms from their dads they are like a satirical sketch of their dads and it was hard to watch. They could have just been normal or said "dude/most excellent" etc without the whole weird body poses etc.

On top of that remember bill and Ted used to wear stuff that wasn't that strange or out there for their time periods. They wear super 80s stuff in the 80s and super 90s stuff in the 90s and now they again wear very period appropriate regular clothing. The daughters on the other hand wear these super strange outfits. Esp the short black haired girl was wearing this incredibly weird tight top thing that just looked so stupid and out there.

Anyway. So I'm no "man's rights activist". In fact o hate those people..but MAN did they try hard to basically remove bill and Ted from the movie and make it as female centric as possible. Before you dislike, hear me out.

1. Bill and Ted the leads of the movies are shown as utter failures and versions of then are even worse. Alcoholic, liars, thieves and inmates etc. Even their best versions suck, can't make any good music etc

2. They have two daughters who from the start look like they are being set up to take the franchise over. It really looks like the writers / creators would preferably just not use Bill and Ted at all and continue the story with their daughters

3. Great ones are now all female.

4. Rufus is dead and his daughter now continues his work while his wife has become the great one.

5. Ling Lun is a female in the movie (supposed to be male)

6. Greatest drummer ever? A black cave woman who makes monkey sounds.

*Not only did they turn Ling Lun into a female, which is culturally insensitive. They made a black woman into an ape like cave woman that jumps around like an animal and makes weird faces and monkey noises. How is that acceptable?

7. Daughters unlike their dads (who have always been shown as rather daft) are geniuses who understand quantum physics and can write the most brilliant song ever without knowing how to play any instruments etc.

*I legit thought the rapper was made up / fake but apparently kid cudi is a real person. And accordihg to the movie he understands quantum physics. WHY? I googled him.hoping he'd have some degree in real life that would justify it, but no. The first thing that came up is that this guy called Jaden Smith "the chosen one". I'm sorry but no one with anything over 1/5th of a regular human brain would say that unironically. Why not have an actual intelligent / genius black dude in the movie? It's not like they don't exist and there are far smarter (and better) rappers too. Also, the rapper is station? What? At least it would explain why he is so smart but then again they are using a real life rapper.

8. The (male) robot is also an incredible failure. So is Ted's dad

9. It's the daughters that manage to convince Death to join the band while B&T fail.

10. The daughters are the ones that write the song and save the universe in the end. Bill and Ted are "there for them" and "part of their band".

That doesn't make any sense! And I'm not looking for too much logic in a movie like this, but this is the dumbest (and most predictable) plot twist I've ever seen. If that's the case why does the future worship B&T? Why do they listen to B&Ts music and talk about their song etc? Why not a single reference to their daughters?

Also the song SUCKED like it was so bad. It wasn't even really rock even though we heard rock in the future (previous movies). And everyone is supposed to play an instrument. You'd think the song would sound like a giant orchestra but it sounds like some computer generated electronic song with some electric guitar mixed in.

To whoever makes these movies. It's OK to make a movie about two (white) dudes. You don't have to shoehorn in female cast members etc or try to turn every movie about a bunch of dudes into a movie about a bunch of dudettes. I'm sure many if not most women also don't care about shoehorned in women. Instead of ruining movies that happen to have male leads with efforts to shoehorn in women, write a good movie with women leads.

As a minority I see what Hollywood is doing as well intentioned but it's so damn stupid. Like the virus song that gal gaddot did etc. STOP. Just make good movies. Stop with the forced characters and gender,ethnicity changes etc. Instead make good newmovies about women and minorities etc.
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It's not great
jmathies-1412622 November 2022
The directors tried to reinvent the movie with Bill and Ted's daughters which was a huge mistake. I'd recommend watching the movie but skipping over the scenes without Bill and Ted. This vastly improved things and got me through watching it. I had no interest in the daughters and it was a mistake to put them into the movie as such an integral part of things. What made the first movies great was Bill and Ted. New characters that dominate the scenes just take away from who would see this movie. More Bill and Ted would make this better and completely scrapping the side story of the daughters. The actresses aren't bad that play the daughters but it just isn't something that ties into what made the first two movies great.
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I REALLY wanted to like this
b_trought31 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I loved Bill & Ted! I watched the movies, cartoon, started saying 'dude' and bogus because of it, and hoped that this would be a nostalgic look back to my early teens. And it kind of was, in a way. And there was a sweetness in watching Bill&Ted again fumble their way to saving the world/universe/reality.

But the problems with B&T are the usual problems with most remarks and sequels coming out of Hollywood.

* I'm definitely for equality, but the males (with backstory) in the film are either dysfunctional or complete idiots while the women come to save the day because they're portrayed as smarter and more resourceful. Spread the cluelessness around, and spread the resourcefulness around.

* (Future) Bill&Ted were even painted as being manipulative and nasty in some parts, which is not who they were in the original films.

* the daughters bring everyone together in the end and are credited with creating THE SONG. But neither plays an instrument and just offer some feedback on what each musician was attempting to do. So they don't really have any talent other than telling seasoned and talented musicians what to do (cause the daughters listened to lots of music and therefore know better then them I suppose). If they are to be the heroes then they really should have had stronger parts written for them. Hollywood, if you're going for strong female leads in a film then give the female lead a backstory, with skills that justify them being in that role. No-one deserves a leading role just because they fit a particular demographic.

* the music. What can I say other than there was soooo much more they could have done with this. The music in B&T was build around the time period they were in. Metal & rock were cool at the time so the original films can be placed in a time period. This one however... it's almost like they didn't have a clear idea of what they wanted to portray.

* I have to say I like Bill's daughter and how she tried to go full Bill/Keanu. She nailed a lot of his idiosyncratic movements and facial expression. Ted's daughter though could have been played by anyone. So this missed the beat for me. Either make sure the daughters are girl versions of the Dads, give them their own personalities&mannerisms, or even swap them (Ted's daughter behaves like Bill and vice versa). Unfortunately we got half of one of these.

There are more, but other reviewers have covered these points.

Finally, I just want to say that it's sad that the film missed the point of Bill&Ted - it was never about saving the world, or their marriages. They were just 2 sweet dudes, a little clueless, trying to do what they thought was right in their own way. And we like seeing their positivity come through even when times were rough. And because they were always positive things worked out in the end, sometimes with a little help from Rufus.

There was a glimmer of that here, but not enough.
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Just chill and enjoy it
brandonsoler-1477516 December 2020
I mostly watched this to see Keanu go from John Wick to revising his surfer dude persona.

He looks like he's having loads of fun and I'm deliberately ignoring all the usual crap Hollywood writers did to promote "women good, men bad" as that is just going to be a trend we put up with until producers are sick of losing money.

This is a silly movie, with a silly plot, with actors enjoying being silly. I had a good time watching it for what it was.
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My life is poorer for having seen this.
iainfryer12341 September 2020
Watched this in stunned silence except for one brief, lonely titter.

Given what an abomination 2020 has been, this film perfectly sums up the year - crap, lifeless and leaving you in desperate need of a hug.
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It was good for what it was meant to be
NS-movie-reviews2 October 2021
I was thoroughly entertained by this installment of Bill and Ted. Loved the way it incorporated so much about music. This movie, having been meant to be stupid-funny and being a 25 years later revisit, was a good movie. It was a fun way to spend 90 minutes.
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Party on Dudes
anshumaan_b28 August 2020
It's exactly what you expected from Bill and Ted,

Again 2 most unique characters will get an impossible job of saving the world.

And in 2020 they do it with flair, any good and enjoyable movie I watch this year is a blessing which it is.

Be Excellent to each other And party on Dudes.
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No... way...
boe_dye28 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is a movie that didn't need to be made.

While the opening scene was amusing, the rest of the movie was little more than a mashup of the first two movies. As a story it adds very little to the mythos and storyline of Bill and Ted, and quite frankly had more to do with their daughters (which is really no surprise).

Brigette Lundy-Paine actually did a remarkable job emulating the mannerisms of Keanu Reeves 25 years ago, but there just was no real chemistry between her and Samara Weaving, The ending of the film was basically just a rehashing of the ending of the second film where they did the thing and all the world unites (again) in harmony and song, with a maguffin device straight out of Doctor Who.

With the original(s) there was at least a sense of growth and maturation with Bill and Ted, overcoming an obstacle. In this, things happened, and then more things happened, and no one was really better or worse for it -- things just happened. Sadly, Hollywood is just bent on regurgitating everything that was delightful and fun 20 years ago, and is dragging everything kicking and screaming into the present. Many were saying this, myself included, that Bill and Ted, like Wayne and Garth, Jay and Silent Bob, Randal and Dante, Han and Chewie, exist in a time that is no longer, and there is no real place for them as they were back then today -- let them stay in the past, so we can build on the legacy for tomorrow.

Movies like Bill and Ted are locked in time, and today it just doesn't translate well. There was something interesting about Socrates, Billy the Kid, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, Sigmund Freud, and Beethoven that fit the narrative well: What would these historical figures think of San Dimas California in the then present time?

In this you just have an assortment of random, name dropped historical figures, Mozart, Hendrix, Louie Armstrong, some cave man on drums, Kid Cudi and a Chinese Flute Player, all who are just there for no real rhyme or reason, more so because they came up on an algorithm generated by Spotify or Apple Music based on "your personal likes".

For the most part, I found the story and the film to be lacking in any real substance (and this is comparing it to the not at all serious, light hearted BaT:EA and BaT:BJ), or point. It was just... there, and then it was done. It adds nothing new or interesting, and really doesn't have to be watched at all. As far as I am concerned Bill and Ted saved the universe 25 years ago, and I am content with that.
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Oldschool Fan. Hated this new garbage.
Lauren198831 August 2020
I loved the Bill and Ted movies, especially Bogus Journey. But this was a disaster.

You can feel the cringe all over this, from the undeveloped script, the callbacks, the woke Hollyweird stuff, and that cheese finale.

Alex Winter did sooo much better than Keanu Reeves in this one. Which was surprising.

William Sadler was amazing as Death, again. The scenes with the princesses also played very well.

The daughters and all the new side characters didn't work. The robot might have worked if the rest of the film played better.

I would have given this 1 star if it wasn't for Alex Winter. The future versions of Bill were golden. British Bill was so creepy and Old Bill's face will keep me laughing for a couple more days. You can tell he worked so much harder than everyone else involved.
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Bill and Ted Face the Music
marmar-6978029 August 2020
Bill and Ted Face the Music may actually be the weakest of a entire trilogy but it was still a fun watch and it was great to see all this characters back together after a very long time.When i said that is film is the weakest one from the rest,i didnt mean it in a bad way,cause truth is that first two films had that teenage charm around that that was packed in a good 80s and 90s charm but here they decided to modernized a story for a bit..Our girl characters were fun but they were little to simple and like just a girl copy of Bill and Ted,also some scenes were little unfunny cause they work only when you are younger age,so it was weird also to see Keanu and Alex acting this way in their 50s.Bill and Ted Face the Music was a fun film to see but it isnt on level of first two
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needs more Death
SnoopyStyle11 November 2020
Bill Preston (Alex Winter) and Ted Logan (Keanu Reeves) are still struggling to write their epic song. They have broken up with Death (William Sadler). They start couples counselling with the Princesses. Rufus' daughter Kelly (Kristen Schaal) arrives from the future with a dire warning. Space and time is unraveling. They need to write the song right away to save existence. Their daughters Thea (Samara Weaving) and Billie (Brigette Lundy-Paine) try to help by assembling the greatest band ever.

I still love the boys. Alex Winter is the same guy, just 30 years older. Keanu is no longer that dude. They should probably try to write to his present day personality. The main takeaway is that they're still good friends and that's the most important part for this movie. My favorite section is the counselling and that section says it all about them. As for the princesses, I accept that they would be different actresses. I do wonder if they could play that up by turning into something completely different. Why not insert different multiple sets of princesses into the movie? Why not use their real life better-half? Instead, they are just a bit younger which is another different and not a fun one. They are now about a decade younger than the guys. My favorite side character remains Death. He just makes me laugh and it's disappointing that he doesn't show up until the second half of the movie. My least favorite new character has to be the killer robot. He's no Station. If he's to redo Death, it would be better to just use Death for that plot device. Maybe the future could trick Death into hunting Bill & Ted for revenge which can be solve again in a game challenge. I like the daughters for the most part. They're pretty good Lil' Bill & Ted. Their quest is a rehash of the first movie. I don't really like the prophecy since it's obvious what the reveal will be. At the end of the day, this is the Bill & Ted franchise. It's not going to make logical sense. The Scooby gang will always remain the best of friends. The big goal is hokey and mostly light non-sense. There is a lightweight joy to this franchise which this movie is able to maintain. That's all that matters.
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Huge disappointment!
denowen794 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
(SPOILER ALERT!) I didn't enjoy this. It messed with the history and wasn't even funny. Rufus clearly states that Wylde Stallyns' music saves the world, not a specific song and Elizabeth and Joanna are members of the band. Death is the only member to even play the song. Changing the mythology to Preston/Logan is not what Rufus said. I'm a feminist, but I hate the current trend of crowbarring in female characters. Little Bill and Little Ted were obviously boys. If they really wanted girls in this, they could have had more children. The Princesses were too young and, if memory serves, they're meant to be the same age, not two years apart. The plot was predictable, except for Dennis in hell, which wasn't explained. Waiting decades for a sequel is always a gamble, but this was worse than Episode One and Crystal Skull. I don't want to turn this into a total rant; I was mildly amused by Missy re-marrying and by the future Bills and Teds, but I don't think I'll watch it again. Despite still collecting DVDs and having a touch of OCD, when it comes to completing sagas, I won't be buying this. I love the first two films, I'm saddened by this one.
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God gave rock and roll to you?
JacklandStudios8316 September 2022
First of all, hear me out but as a musician I gotta say that the song they played at the wedding was actually pretty cool, highly creative and it had layers upon layers of sonic dissonance that brought note resolution to a new step in each direction using non-conventional tools. I could not believe it was written as a throw away joke.

Now, about the movie. That it could've been better? Yes, it most definitely could've. Specially if they had picked up from the events from Bogus Journey. But alas, that movie was written as a finale and not planned to have a sequel.

The gender swap of little Bill and little Ted was troublesome at first, but given the most excellent and honest performances by the two actresses mimicking their movie dads, it was quickly forgiven.

That being said, that I wished it would've been better written with higher character development and a bolder comedy standard? Most definitely.

That I enjoyed it? Yes, I kinda did but I think it was because I wasn't expecting much due to the state those long term sequels are working nowadays. Would I recommend it? No, not really. The movie is non, non, non-bogus, but it's also non-Excellent.

Either way, remember the lesson from the first two and Be Excellent to each other.
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Some things better to be left in the past
evagreen-1062 September 2020
I was worried it's going to be bad and yes it is bad. Cringefest! Not funny at all. No jokes. Keanu's face looks like he's made of wax, there's no life in them. And seriously did you really need everyone to be a woman, their children, people in the future?? The daughters were cringe to watch too. I only gave it 2 stars as I like Keanu Reeves as a person.
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Bill & Ted's Alright Comeback
AdrenalinDragon28 August 2020
The very long awaited sequel to both Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey is finally here! Does it live up to expectations? In some ways, yes, in other ways not quite. If you're happy to see both Bill and Ted together trying to recapture the attitude they had in the first two movies, they sort of half-succeed at doing it, despite feeling a little awkward at them being way older now. There are some good jokes that land, but its pretty much close to impossible to recreate the magic of the first two films if you ask me. It's definitely my least favourite of the three.

That being said, Face the Music is a very easy watch and does have cool references that old fans will appreciate and notice. I wasn't the biggest fan of their daughter characters taking up almost the same amount of screentime as Bill and Ted personally, so whenever it was just them two it kind of lost me for a few minutes with them trying so hard to act like Bill and Ted. I did like the new robot character though and of course seeing old characters reappear and take part again. Make no mistake, this movie does aim for nostalgia and familiar story beats, but you know what it was an alright sequel that could have been way, way worse like Dumb and Dumber To. This at least stayed true to the tone and characters.

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Totally Non-Triumphant
HickorySnickery7 September 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This movie felt like it was written by people who neither loved the original films, nor cared to even watch them. It was heavily politicized and the storyline was fractured with little connection to anything remotely comical.

Even the Grim Reaper, The Doc of Shook, the Duke of Spook, who i always felt was a hilarious addition to Bogus Journey, was incredibly weak here and his accent was way off.

Seeing 50 year old men behave like teenage stoners just didn't work... why not bring back Bethoven like in the original instead of Mozart? Where was the metal and rock influence? It was gone... Who the hell is Kid Kudi and why was he even in the last song? What did he do?

The actors playing the daughters are both really good in other projects i've seen them on, but in this they felt like carbon copies of Bill and Ted from the originals and again... it didn't work.

This movie gave me serious Ghostbuster Reboot vibes and that is the worst thing I could possibly say about any movie ever.

As far as I'm concerned, Bill and Ted ended perfectly in Bogus Journey, and yeah the Reaper really did win the Indy 500 - who knew he could run so fast?
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I've never left a review before and am not qualified to.
epbillington30 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Born in '84, raised by the 90's. I don't know why there are so many bad reviews. It is definitely not a serious movie, but neither were the first two. I for one, was happy they decided to relight this fire. The music was awesome, the duel between... and... was epic. And I got that wierd feeling at the end of the movie when I don't know if it's going to be a laugh or a cry that comes out of me. I really like this movie. It put me in a really good mood. Party on and be excellent to each other.
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Worthy addition (if you take off your nostalgia glasses)
guasco-28 October 2020
The first two bill and ted films are classics, they're nostalgic, BUT they aren't "masterpieces" and neither is B&T 3.

The third movie has a plot that's more streamlined like the first film rather than the second. This is a good thing. The daughters are a fantastic addition and used to their strengths. They aren't here to replace our leads but to give them a shot of youthfulness. And it works! Some of the jokes however don't land as well as they should. Some of that is due to editing and directing rather than the actors or writing. The ending, though abrupt is satisfying and actually does a very good job of bringing some reasonable answers to some obvious questions, such as, "how was a single SONG going to unite the whole world?"

Overall, the film if flawed but so were the first two. After rewatching the first and second in preparation for this one, I was able to see the flaws of the originals. Though I love those films, it's clear to me that this one joins them in their humor and fun, flaws and all.

I encourage everyone to maybe remove their nostalgia glasses and give this one another shot.

Be excellent to each other and party on dudes!
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Very Dull Bill and Ted Movie
salfmus1 September 2020
I really enjoyed the first two movies but this one was very boring. It lacked of the former edge of the series; it was way too sanitized and politically correct. The result is a soulless Bill and Ted with no charm and fun.
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Play music, not wars
gy-att29 August 2020
Not an excellent movie and I am not sure many of you will like it, specially if you haven't seen or enjoyed the previous 2 movies, which I greatly did enjoy. Well, time is and will consume everyone as time consumed Bill and Ted and it's cast as well but the ultimate message got delivered again. It was good to see them having a great time making this easily consumable movie. I was 8 when the first movie came out, 10 when the second and now I am 39 years old. Farewell Bill & Ted! And thank you!

"Be Excellent To Each Other." because "The Best Time To Be Is Now, And All's We Can Say Is...Let's Rock!"
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