My Sister's Keeper (2009) Poster

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Handles tough issues with flair.
jazza9239 May 2010
80/100. This was so much more interesting than I was expecting. It tackles several issues and does so with finesse and without the over the top melodrama movies of this type so often have. It's touching, thought provoking and it is certainly not predictable. Nick Cassavettes deserves a lot of credit for creating a film that faces the issues without getting too maudlin and does so with sensitivity and objectiveness. The performances are good from everyone. The casting of Cameron Diaz isn't perhaps the best, but I admire the effort she put into the role. She did very well. The character development is outstanding, you get to know each character and you understand each of their perspectives. Joan Cusack is particularly affecting in an offbeat role for her. Good score, the subtle cinematography is effective.
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This one's a keeper
C-Younkin26 June 2009
Nick Cassavetes is almost like a walking advertisement for Kleenex at this point. After such shameless melodramtic weepers like "John Q" and "The Notebook", I wasn't so keen on seeing "My Sisters Keeper", based on the book by Jodi Picoult. Yet, every once in a while, a chick flick comes along that touches the chick in every man.

Cameron Diaz plays Sara Fitgerald, who along with her husband Brian (Jason Patric), makes the decision of genetically engineering a child who will be a direct match to their leukemia-stricken 2-year-old daughter Kate. Abigail Breslin plays the engineered child at age 11. Her name is Anna, who since the age of 5, has had blood taken from her and been put thru medical procedures to help keep Kate alive. Anna loves Kate, played as a teenager by Sofia Vassileva, but when her parents want to give Kate one of Anna's kidneys, Anna finally says enough. Sure that no one is looking out for her interests, Anna hires a lawyer (Alec Baldwin) and sues for the right to her own body. Sara, a woman who has made caring for Kate her full-time job, is upset while Brian understands. Meanwhile, Kate feels guilty that her disease is tearing the family apart.

Cassavetes and co-screenwriter Nicholas Leven are dealing with a straight-up tear-jerker here but it's astonishingly free of heavyhandedness and it cuts deep with probing questions and real emotion. These are characters with feelings and concerns, torn between such complicated issues as saving a daughter by experimenting with another, sacrificing your own body even though you know it will diminish quality of life, and dealing with how a disease can burden a family. The movie uses flashbacks (such as Kate being diagnosed as a young child, her parents being given the choice of invitro, and a very young Anna disturbingly forced into operations) and forwards (Kate lying in a hospital bed, looking at a scrapbook of her family) that add dimension. As do the switching of narrators, each character getting a chance to offer their points of view and feelings about how the diagnosis, and everything after it, has effected them.

Unfortunately it's also going in a lot of different directions, and add in a dyslexic and lost-in-the-shuffle brother (Evan Ellingson), and it's sometimes hard for Cassavete's to keep track of all of them. The second act, in particular, has very little to do with the Sara-Anna conflict and the more light-hearted scenes, such as the family frolicking happily on a beach together, seem odd because you feel like there is some contentiousness between Sara and Anna that really doesn't come out til the ending courtroom scene.

However these are small problems rendered almost excusable by powerful performances. Abigail Breslin has surpassed Dakota Fanning in all-out maturity, juggling her characters fears for her own well being with the remorse of not being strong enough for her sister. And Diaz is strong-willed but obsessive, perfect as a one-track minded mother so intent on trying to keep one daughter alive that she's not even thinking about anything else. Jason Patric is the open and understanding father and Alec Baldwin is good comic relief, playing a lawyer so cocky, he sued God. And Sofia Vassileva is nothing short of powerhouse, her heartbreaking performance rising above all the cancer make-up and bloody vomitting and nosebleeds to find Kate's burdensome guilt and brave soul. And only stone-hearts won't share in her joy as she gets dressed up and goes to prom with another terminally ill boy (Thomas Dekker).

I'm not saying this movie isn't a cheap excuse to make you cry, but as far as cheap excuses go, this one is richly made. "My Sister's Keeper" is as surprising and heartfelt a piece of work as I've seen all year long, and the acting is about as good as it comes. With this and his previous, "Alpha Dog", Cassavete's signals himself as a real filmmaker as he rarely ever hits a false note. In a year filled with movies that I've seen fail at finding the humanity in their stories, this one is a keeper.
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Good if you haven't read the book
wild-yennifer1 July 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I was quite eager to watch this movie first of all because I'm a great fan of Mrs Picoult and her novels. I hoped to see a very refined story of happiness diluted in tragedy and family bond that overcomes everything.

Unfortunately, the movie doesn't quite meet the expectations of a book- reader.

I don't even pay attention at the fact that not all the key plot lines were shown - that's understandable, not all movies can last 3 hrs like my beloved "Titanic". But the ones that remain are mostly rudely messed up with.

Let's start with the age of the main character. In the book she's 13, in the movie - 11. Not that much of a difference, it might seem. No, there is. The girl is trying to demonstrate and prove that she can make her own decisions about her body and health. With a 13 y.o. girl that looks quite credible. With an 11 y.o. kid that looks quite ridiculous, and sometimes her actions looked stupid, especially since the girl starring in the movie looks very childish. Not to offend the very girl, of course.

Secondly, the character of Jesse. Perhaps, they chose an actor who's too young again. Perhaps, something was wrong with directing. But a young guy with serious psychological problems and yet some life philosophy portrayed in the book turned into a capricious kid. Still, to director's credit, the importance of this character for the plot was underlined in a proper way.

Lastly, the ending. Without the author's agreement, the creators of the movie changed it completely. In the movie Kate dies and Anna thinks of her often after that. In the book, however, Anna and her solicitor Alexander get in a car crash and Anna dies. Her kidney is given to Kate and the latter suddenly recovers completely from her disease. Kate's death also has a point, I mean, the movie does have an idea, and something to think over, but that's something totally different from what the writer was trying to tell, which I consider not really appropriate.

My rating is not higher because I had read the book before watching, but not lower since, if you haven't read the book, you'll most probably love the movie a lot.
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Started Out Well, But Became Too Melodramatic
Willie-124 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I will say this: My Sister's Keeper was one of Nick Cassavetes' better movies to date. But what started out pretty decent, ended up being a melodrama that was so wrapped up in wanting to tug the tears out of its viewers, that it was about as subtle as a punch in the face. And it seems that this is not the first time that Cassavetes has had this problem. We've seen it before from him in The Notebook, and especially in John Q. It seems he can't help himself. For some reason he does not trust his actors to do the job. When all that is needed is a subtle look, or some reflective quietness amongst the characters, Cassavetes finds it necessary to tell us every single thing that they're thinking, or not thinking for that matter. Indeed, he packs way more dialogue into a scene than is needed, and what we get as a result is a screenplay that is somewhat sappy, and very manipulative. But that's not to say that there weren't any strengths to Sister's Keeper. There were a few. The acting is pretty good. In fact, I think the most restrained performance came from Jason Patric, and his restraint made it the best performance in the film. I also thought the scene where his character grants his daughter's wish by taking her to the beach, in spite of his wife's desires, was particularly moving. It was a scene that felt real and genuine, and because of that, it worked quite well. There were others, albeit not as many as I would have hoped for. Too bad though. This was a film that had some promise, but because of the melodramatic screenplay, never lived up to what it could have been.
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Heroic, Realistic, and truly inspiring.
SoloHero529 June 2009
I'm currently in the middle of a battle in witch my aunt just finished fighting and beating cancer for the third time but I'm not here to discuss that... I'm here to explain how this movie is compelling, realistic, and above all moving.

This movie shows the struggles and sacrifices many families come across during battles involving not only cancer but also all diseases. It shows the drama, love, fighting, and encouragement that all people face in battles but it also shows that most of the time it isn't happy or encouraging to go on fighting but instead a painful road to ride on.

This movie helped me rekindle a little faith I lost over the last few years, and to prove that this movie is for everyone, I'm an 18 year old male Canadian Solder so if anyone says guys can't watch this movie their wrong because this movie speaks to everyone.

Trust me... This movie is a story of Heroes, and I'll never forget it.
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Good Movie, Better Book
falling_in_love_with_mus29 January 2012
The movie was actually very well-put together, but they left out several important things that were in the novel, including the existence of a child advocate, the way the court found out about the reason for her suit, and the fact that in the novel, Anna lived at the fire station for most of the trial because her mother was the opposing council. Let's not forget the fact that they added characters --the aunt and the various other family members. They even changed the end of the story! The majority of the details remained the same, such as Campbell's condition, the name of his service dog, and most of the listed medical procedures Anna endured, but there are still depths of the story that are left out because of the narration style (they did well at the beginning, but they tried to keep it all from Anna's POV after that, and that doesn't work for this story...) This is actually one of the reasons I wasn't sure I wanted to watch the movie: Hollywood is prone to ruining good stories. The movie was wonderful, as long as you don't try to reconcile it too closely with the novel it's based on.
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I'm sorry I let them hurt you … My Sister's Keeper
jaredmobarak22 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you have seen the trailer, you know what you are in for. Kate has leukemia and is dying from a very early age, only prolonged due to the chemotherapy and her little sister. This sibling, Anna, was a test-tube baby, devised as a cure—a literal spare parts factory. The family's mother gave up her law practice to stay home and be there for her daughter while the father works as a firefighter and does what he can to bring money in. As Brian Fitzgerald says, being the parent of a sick child is a full-time job. Sara's main focus is in saving her daughter, no matter what, even sometimes to the detriment of her other children. Brother Jesse is neglected in his schooling and Anna is looked upon to endure excruciatingly painful procedures, at risk to her own wellbeing, in the hopes they help Kate. As the day of reckoning looms closer, Anna finds a lawyer and decides that she is finished being a lab rat—she wants to live her own life without worrying. The Fitzgerald family was already hanging by a thread and this action is the last straw, threatening to break them apart forever.

Whereas the story itself is somewhat obvious, (why is it that Anna decides now to stand up for her rights?), it is with everything else that surprises. Number one on that list is Cameron Diaz. I am a self-proclaimed non-fan of this A-list actress for a number of reasons. I believe she has gotten by on her looks, which confuses me to no end, and, of late, has been looking way too old to play the roles she has, namely the bubbly blonde airhead. Here, however, she is a mother that cannot accept the fact that her daughter is dying, a mother that lets the pragmatic lawyer come to the surface, micromanaging in a utilitarian way, seeing that her dying child needs help and that pain for her other daughter is justified. The grief, the tiredness, the dedication, and the hidden love behind a stiff façade of mechanics rather than heart all show on her face. Probably her best performance ever, Diaz is playing someone her own age and shows that she can act if given the chance. I thought she did well in In Her Shoes, and she builds on that success here. I hope she sticks with it because this is a Cameron Diaz I could watch.

Nick Cassavetes, director and co-writer of the film, is the second surprise. Son of prolific auteur John Cassavetes, I used to laugh at his early work. I mean John Q is far from a masterpiece and then there is the infamous The Notebook, the film lingering with the potential of being forced to watch on request by every man's girlfriend. But 2006 brought the solid Alpha Dog and, coupled with My Sister's Keeper, maybe that Nicholas Sparks yarn no longer appears as scary as it once did. Cassavetes shows a nice touch in tempering the emotionally draining with subtle comic relief. You get inside of each character, learning what they think during their moment of voice-over and flashback. I loved the collaged scrapbook as well. What a powerful little prop that expressed so much of the past as well as so much hope for the future.

The acting is stellar throughout, including some stalwarts like Jason Patric as father Brian and Alec Baldwin in a rare serious role as lawyer Campbell Alexander. Even Joan Cusack brings some emotional weight in a role as the lawsuit's judge, her life mirroring that of Diaz's Sara. Evan Ellingson is also very effective as Jesse, the keeper of Anna's secret and silent presence of strength for the family, watching everything fall apart, trying his best to stay sane and hope it all works out. And you can't say enough about young Abigail Breslin, my vote for best child actor around. Dakota Fanning has nothing on this one as Breslin acts with the poise of an adult while still being a child rather than a twenty-year-old in a twelve-year-old body.

The real shining star, however, is Sofia Vassilieva as Kate. This is a powerful performance that resonates every single second. Combining the angst of an adolescent with the pride and vanity of a young girl who has lost her hair and a body slowly shutting down, this young lady captures the pain and heartbreak perfectly. Oftentimes too, that heartbreak is not for her mortality, but instead for what her condition is doing to those she loves. You will see the helplessness in her eyes as she watches the tears, anger, and frustration of those trying to fight for her life. But, through flashbacks, we also catch glimpses of the moments in her life that helped her feel like a normal kid. Thomas Dekkar's Taylor is a big part of this, but her family is as well. Those moments in the photo booth or on a trampoline amongst hundreds of bubbles are the ones that linger in your memory. They are the moments of innocence, of childhood that we hope all our children experience. My Sister's Keeper succeeds in showing us not to take life for granted because it can be taken away without notice. Kate Fitzgerald knows this fact and she just hopes to be able to convey it to her family so that, when she is gone, they will be able to live on.
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strayed from what i hoped it was about
dork-dude21 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch this movie because I thought it would be about morality and the ethics behind genetic manipulation, designer babies and a parents right over their child. I was wrong. Although it begins seeming like it, it soon became a drama, dealing with a girls decision to die and the mothers choice against it. To say the least, I was slightly disappointed at the beginning, when they immediately started straying from the morality issues and started with a roll of flashbacks. Of course, I got over this and started to see the emotional aspects of the family and how they were struggling through the troubles that plague them.

Needless to say, it was breathtaking. I cried, I laughed, I smiled at how normal the family seems. It wasn't a stereotypical straight plot. It seemed longer then it actually was, and that was a good thing. They put a lot of things in the movie, and yet it wasn't choppy or hurried.

To watch this movie was amazing.

just, if your expecting what I was expecting, you won't get it. but you will still watch a great movie.
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Letting Go
jon.h.ochiai3 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
In "My Sister's Keeper" amazing Thomas Dekker as Taylor gently holds a bedpan as momentarily fragile Sofia Vassilleva's chemo weakened Kate vomits. Taylor says, "That could be me tomorrow." He unwraps a stick of gum, and gives it to Kate. Then he unwraps a second as well, and gives it to her. I was in tears. Director and Writer Nick Cassavetes's scene is sweet, and understated in its humanity. Not all of Cassavetes (director of "The Notebook") and Writer Jeremy Leven's "My Sister's Keeper" is as gentle. Their "My Sister's Keeper", based on the bestselling novel by Jodi Picoult, is a heart wrenching tear jerker that will both stab and touch your heart. It may be one of the best movies of the year. Alec Baldwin is amazing, reminding us what a powerful actor he can be. Sofia Vassilleva is astounding. Thomas Dekker is awesome. Cameron Diaz gives perhaps her best performance, ever.

In "My Sister's Keeper" 11 year-old Anna Fitzgerald (spirited Abigail Breslin) is expected to donate her kidney to her leukemia stricken older sister Kate (Vassilleva), who is in renal failure. However, as it turns out Anna was specifically sired to provide body parts for Kate, be it bone marrow, platelets, and now kidney. Weary of the overwhelming responsibility for an 11 year-old, Anna hires famous attorney Campbell Alexander to file for emancipation from her parents. Her mom is Sara (Cameron Diaz), a former attorney who retired to care for Kate. She swears to her husband Brian (quietly strong Jason Patric), "I'm not going to let her (Kate) die!"

Sara slaps Anna, when she receives the court summons. Enraged Sara confronts Alexander (Baldwin) in his office, confessing that he is good and almost had her believing that he cared about Anna. In utter solace Alexander admits, "Funny? I was about to say the same thing to you." Baldwin is so powerful. His Alexander illuminates the heartbreaking question: We know that Sara would die for Kate, but does she also love Anna, the daughter they had entirely to save her sister? Abigail Breslin is stellar in both her heartbreak and joy. Cassavetes paints a wonderful scene as fireman Brian watches Anna spend dinner with the other firemen at his station. It is the only time she really gets to be an 11 year-old girl, and not her sister's keeper. Brian says to Sara, "What if she doesn't want to do it?" For Sara that is not an answer. Here Diaz is painfully human as a mother outraged by the unfairness of life. She will not let go, even if costs her the love of one daughter.

To that end Cassavetes has the electrifying Joan Cusack as Judge De Salvo, who hears Anna's case. Turns out this is her first case since suffering a nervous breakdown following the death of her 13 year-old daughter in a hit-and-run accident. In her meeting in chambers with Anna, Anna asks De Salvo, "What did it feel like when she died?" Cusack is shockingly and powerfully silent for a minute as a tear runs down her cheek. Anna apologizes for asking. Cusack says, "Death is death." That is counterpoint to Sara. Finally, Sara's sister Kelly (beautiful and strong Heather Wahlquist) implores Sara, "You gotta let go…"

There is a surprise in "My Sister's Keeper", though in retrospect it makes a lot of sense. In the dramatic court scene brother Jesse (surprisingly strong Evan Ellingson) screams to Anna, "Tell them the truth!" But it is the quiet moments that moved, and had me in tears. Suffering Kate confesses to Anna, "I'm sorry I let them hurt you… I was supposed to protect you." Vassilleva as Kate is amazing in scene with Diaz, as she tells her Mom, "It's okay." Life goes on. Death is death. And you gotta let go. Nick Cassavetes's "My Sister's Keeper" is beautiful and moving in its simplicity as the story celebrates life, family, and power of love. See "My Sister's Keeper".
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Potential Story with a Promising Beginning, Confused Screenplay and Melodramatic Conclusion (15 October 2009)
claudio_carvalho16 October 2009
In Los Angeles, the eleven year old Anna Fitzgerald (Abigail Breslin) seeks the successful lawyer Campbell Alexander (Alec Baldwin) trying to hire him to earn medical emancipation from her mother Sara (Cameron Diaz) that wants Anna to donate her kidney to her sister. She tells the lawyer the story of her family after the discovery that her older sister Kate (Sofia Vassilieva) has had leukemia; how she was conceived by in vitro fertilization to become a donor; and the medical procedures she has been submitted since she was five years old to donate to her sister. Campbell accepts to work pro bono and the obsessed Sara decides to go to court to force Anna to help her sister.

"My Sister's Keeper" has a potential story with a promising beginning. However, the screenplay entwines flashback of situations of Kate's cancer sometimes in a confused way and has a melodramatic conclusion that could be shorter. The greatest problem is the shallow and unrealistic Hollywoodian approach, reducing the strength of the powerful drama, and I believe that this theme would be better explored by an independent director in a more realistic environment. The teenager Sofia Vassilieva has an awesome performance and Cameron Diaz is also great in the role of a mother that becomes obsessed to save her daughter and forgets her family. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): "Uma Prova de Amor" ("A Proof of Love")
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sophie-l-chapman27 June 2009
Although the film differs from the book, it is still amazing. The acting was believable and you could really see the heartbreak of the family. But, there were also some funny moments, making the movie slightly uplifting. I am a huge fan of the book, and if i had been expecting to see on the screen exactly what is in the book i would have been disappointed. However, the film has earnt the 10 stars respectively and should, in my opinion, receive an Oscar. I can tell already that the actress who plays Kate will go far in the film industry and i feel that Cameron Diaz has done herself proud, discarding her comedy label. Overall, a brilliant film with a strong message.
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A brilliant and truly moving film
helenakipl13 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
When I first read the book "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult, I was stunned. I've never read a more emotional story and I cried buckets at the end, where Anna dies.

When it was first announced that there would be a film based on the book I had my doubts. I was afraid that it wasn't going to be true to the book. I was right. The film was much different than the book but, surprisingly, that didn't bother me much. The movie was brilliant, moving and beautiful and the acting was remarkable. Abigail Breslin, the girl from "Little Miss Sunshine" was wonderful and I loved her as Anna Fitzerland. There were some really sad scenes, like the one where Katie and Sara are lying on the hospital bed, Katie comforting her mother who breaks down in front of her after seeing the album with memories that she made her.

Of course, I was kind of disappointed to see that the ending was not the same, not even similar, to the book's ending. See, in the book Anna gets into an accident resulting in her death. Her kidney is given to her sick sister who recovers and lives. In the movie Katie dies. I would prefer the book's ending but, still, I loved every bit of the movie.

So, If you've read the book you may not be very happy with this change but I still recommend you to watch it, since it will bring tears to your eyes.

I apologize for any grammatical mistakes. I don't live in an English speaking country.
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Good movie, fails the book
stietjen-18 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
If you've read My Sister's Keeper, you'll be disappointed. Was the acting good? In some cases great! Kate's character will probably get an academy nomination if not an award. Everyone did a great job as far as performances are concerned. HOWEVER,Hollywood made some big mistakes here that some of us won't forgive them for. For the sake of time, which is money, I understand clipping portions of the story that neither make or break it. Taking away the attorney's (Campbell Alexander) ex-girlfriend was understandable (but sad), but downplaying Jesse's arsonist revenge against mom and dad, which highlights how angry he is at being deserted in sissy's favor, is just plain wrong. There was too much time wasted on extended family involvement and not enough given to some of the other characters, including dad. We get the gist he's a fireman, but his role in the book was much more important than that. And as to the ending? HOW DARE THEY? The most important message in Jodi Picoult's story is how ironic/tragic it was that Sara worked so hard ruining Anna's life to save Kate. She could have loved Anna to nth degree while helping Kate but wastes so much of their lives, hoping for something that appears to be impossible. Then, when she begins to see the light and time for goodbyes have come, Anna "dies" in the auto accident and becomes a kidney donor for Kate after all--allowing her to live after all--and removing Sarah's opportunity to love Anna forever. Was it painful? Yeah! Was it a warning to all human beings who need to remember to love while you can and not take things for granted. Yeah! Did this movie deliver? No. Not for me. Was it a good movie for itself? Sure. Enjoy it. As for me (and Jodi Picoult), I'm just disappointed. Had they left the story intact and kept the "messages", both the obvious and the more subtle intact, I think this could have been an academy award movie. As it is, I think it will just go down as good.
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Heartwarming adaptation
kreed1126 June 2009
One of the most interesting movie going experiences came when toward the end of this film, the noise of someone blowing their nose filled the theater. A soft giggle then filled the theater. I hate to say that this is one of "those movies," where you know there's a chance that you might end up in tears by the end, but I'm afraid it's true. The struggle between life and death, not only for middle child Kate, but also for the whole family, is heartwarming. Cameron Diaz, takes a serious turn, somehow she seems very comfortable in this role. And Sofia Vassilieva shows both sides of cancer. The heartache and the pain, but also the beauty in how tragedy can bring families together.
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We make choices in life every day, and you should make a choice and see this movie
the-movie-guy24 June 2009
(Synopsis) Sara (Cameron Diaz) and Brian Fitzgerald (Jason Patric) have just been informed that their young daughter Kate (Sofia Vassilieva) has leukemia, and that she only has a few years to live. The doctor suggests to the parents that they try an unorthodox medical procedure of producing another child in a test-tube that would be a perfect match as a donor for Kate. Sara will try anything to save Kate, and they have a new baby Anna (Abigail Breslin) to be used as a donor for Kate. The first thing they use is blood from the umbilical cord for Kate. As years go on, the doctors must take bone marrow from Anna to give to Kate. At age 11, the next thing Anna must give to her sister is a kidney. Anna has had enough of all of these medical procedures, and she decides to sue her parents for medical emancipation and the right to decide how her body will be used. The whole family is being torn apart by Anna's decision because everyone knows what will happen to Kate if she doesn't get a new kidney.

(My Comment) Everyone knows from the movie trailer that the story is about a young girl who has cancer. You would think that it would be a depressing movie, but you would be wrong. It is a story of some of the choices we make in life. Having a test-tube baby as body parts for another child was a choice made by the parents. Anna wanting to stop giving her body to her sister was a choice. As with all choices, there are consequences. Kate will die without a new kidney. There are many very hard choices in life and in death that we must make, and this is a good movie to show you the way. Diaz as the pragmatic lawyer who was fighting to the very end for her daughter lost focus on life, and the rest of her family. I believe that this is Diaz's best part and performance as an actress. Sofia Vassilieva played Kate, who was in pain for most of her life. Sofia played Kate so well that you could see the helplessness in her eyes as she fights for her life. Anna was also part of this pain, and Abigail Breslin played this part as a professional. Actually, the whole cast was outstanding throughout the film. I loved the collaged scrapbook with voice-over and flashbacks that Kate made to give to her mother. This is a good movie to see with your loved ones. (New Line Cinema, Run Time 1:49, Rated PG-13) (10/10)
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"My Sister's Keeper" says we don't know much about death or the afterlife, but we do know about love.
helraphaelfsp26 June 2009
"My Sister's Keeper," much-loved novelist Jodi Picoult's first book-into-movie, is about death and familial love. It looks death straight in the eye and comes up blank. As it should. The film's conclusion is that we don't know much about death or the afterlife, but we do know about love.

A very determined mother is impregnated with a daughter who is specifically designed by medical science to be compatible "spare parts" for her sick older daughter (leukemia). At eleven years old, the younger daughter sues for control over her own body. Sound like creepy sci-fi? It's not at all portrayed that way. As these technologies become commonplace (think: Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Broderick's twins, recently carried and birthed by a surrogate mother; Octomom; the widespread use of IVF; sperm and egg "donation"; frozen embryos; etc.), emotional, home-y narratives will accompany these decisions/choices/actions, and thus, these stories will become just "normal." As is well known, the Catholic Church sees the above-mentioned "solutions" as disrespectful of human dignity. Anything that treats human beings as objects, things, products, tools, "rights," possessions, etc., is not in keeping with that dignity. (Certain technologies to aid fertility ARE approved, as long as it's within the context of the nuptial act, aiding the natural process. Contrary to popular belief, the Church wants you to have sex, and is very back-to-nature, crunchy granola.) "My Sister's Keeper" is really a bio-ethical drama, but I've never heard anyone put it in that context which is kind of scary in itself. It's also a legal drama—what are the little girl's rights, if any? While watching the film, one is acutely aware that this is simply the state of the question/problem FOR NOW. Things are only going to get weirder.

The conclusion-twist, although altogether a probability, clever, generous and heroic, felt like a bit of a cop-out (like the miscarriage in "Citizen Ruth"). Why NOT follow the real question through to the end? Actually, we know such cases have already happened (families having a child for the therapeutic purpose of healing another child). What ARE the rights of these too-young-to-speak-for-themselves-de-facto donors? Should this ever be done? (Starting from babyhood, Anna has been through many painful procedures with side effects that compromise and jeopardize her health.) This film is quite well done (director Nick Cassavetes, "The Notebook"), and only treads the edge, but never falls into the chasm of sentimentality. This is not to say that you won't be sniffling.

In the courtroom, Anna's lawyer comes close to asking: "Where does our 'culture of absolute choice' end?" We pretend it ends when my rights crash into yours, but that happens early on in many cases, and I'm afraid we've learned to deny, justify or just force our way.
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Bring something to dry your eyes!
jonathanjackson1312 July 2009
This movie is amazing, heart worming, sad, fantastic. I read the book, yes there is some changes done, but is all the movies turned into books just like the book? Are they really going to do every single thing? No. Yes the ending isn't the same as the book, but the ending was still sad. If you see this movie and don't cry, than you don't have a heart. The acting was fantastic. The best I have ever seen. I cried. Yes I'm a 16 year old teenage boy. I cried, even my dad, a 48 year old cried. It's girlie movie, But a damn good one at that. It's the must see of the year. Of course it did poorly at the box office cause they decide to bring a movie more directed to being sad out at the same time as transformers2 (which was stupid). But really you need to go see the movie. and bring something to dry your eyes!
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Book was a lot better and had a better message
amandawilcox1 July 2009
I loved the book. I have say the book had me in tears almost the entire way through. After seeing the movie I was seriously disappointed when they changed the ending. It ruined the whole book experience for me. By changing the end of the movie they ruined the whole integrity. The whole message behind the story was turned into just another movie about a dying girl.

I don't want to say what the end of the book was because if you haven't read it, I don't want to ruin that experience for you. The rest of the movie, besides the ending, did follow the book somewhat. What I miss is the whole perspective of Anna. It was only briefly given in the movie.

I would say this is a good movie, but if you're a huge fan of the book, I think you'll be disappointed.
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Just See It
acs_joel4 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
When I entered the theater for the test screening, I thought I was about to see the world's biggest chick flick. From the first few moments the film rolled, I was entranced. My Sister's Keeper is one of the greatest films I have ever seen. It is poignant and powerful. Cameron Diaz will no longer be considered for romantic comedies. She is now on par with any great actress of any era. I have found a new respect for her talent.

Sofia Vassilieva shall be nominated for best actress across the board. The SAGs, Golden Globes, the Academy . . . and she deserves to win. Her portrayal is magnificent.

Each individual acting performance throughout the film is superb.
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My beautiful princess can act
dtucker8623 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I was probably one of the last people to see this film on its limited theatrical release. Its a shame to me that big budget films like Harry Potter, Star Trek and Terminator get all the headlines and box office while an excellent art house film like this is lost in the shuffle. A movie about a dying child doesn't have mass appeal and in fact if Cameron Diaz hadn't been in this film, I probably wouldn't even have gone to see it. I'm glad I did however because it is an awesome experience and the reason why people should go to the movies. I have always loved Cameron Diaz ever since I saw Charlie's Angels, in fact she is the only actress I have ever had a crush on. I think she is one of the most beautiful actresses of all time, if not the most and she proves in this film she is also an excellent actress as well. She plays a mother suffering a mother's worst nightmare, having a child dying of cancer. She finds out her daughter has leukemia at an early age and she and her husband bear another child for the express purpose of saving the first. Her young daughter eventually grows tired of the constant needles, pain and hospitals and seeks medical emancipation. Diaz's character just cannot accept the fact her child is dying and there is nothing anyone can do. She really makes you FEEL this poor woman's anguish. She has so many mind blowing scenes in this film I hope they remember her at Oscar time. At the same time, I am not taking anything away from the two young actresses who play the daughters. They really do an awesome job as well. They really do an awesome makeup job for the sick girl and she really LOOKS sick. After listening to his hate filled rant against his daughter, Alec Baldwin will never be a favorite of mine, however the jerk is a good actor and he has a great turn as the lawyer who helps the emancipated girl. Catch this film when it comes out on DVD and please have a box of tissues close by. I need to warn you that even though this is technically an excellent film, its very very sad. SPOILER ALERT, the young actress playing the sick girl has a touching deathbed scene in the end when she shows her mother the beautiful scrapbook she has put together.
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Disappointing, despite some good points
neil-4768 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
It would be wrong to call me a Jodi Picoult fan. Those books I have read have in common a powerful motor to drive the story and fine writing, but I find them such an intense experience that it is difficult for me to read them in quick succession. Consequently I have not read the book on which My Sister's Keeper is based, and my review is therefore exclusively based on the movie.

And I have to start by saying that this, too, has a powerful motor. When Kate is diagnosed with leukaemia as a child her parents opt to have a genetically modified child, Anna, in order to provide a wholly compatible tissue bank for the many procedures Kate will need in order to keep her alive. Then, at the age of 11, Anna takes them to court for medical emancipation, in order to establish that they do not have the right to make her, for instance, give up a kidney to her sister. This is a great device to drive the story along.

And somethings went wrong and some things went right.

The performances, particularly of the young people (the three siblings are all portrayed by several children at different ages), were all first rate - where does the US get all these terrific child actors from? Alec Baldwin, in a small but crucial part, is also very good, as is Joan Cusack in a delicate but pitch perfect performance. Jason Patric is little more than a cipher, and Cameron Diaz is called upon to give a one-note performance of a mother who is so single minded in her pursuit of the welfare of one child to the exclusion of the rest of her family that she amounts to simply being a monster, with no subtlety of characterisation.

The story is told partly in flashback, partly in sequential narrative, and partly in voice-over. I felt that there were some bad choices here, particularly near the start - Anna's opening voice-over rendered the first flashback, in which baby Kate's medical condition is first discovered, completely unnecessary. Better to have shown than told, I suggest.

There were some elements which appeared to be unnecessary - Aunt Kelly and Baldwin's dog, to name but two.

And, ultimately, the potentially fascinating court case is pretty much skimmed over in pursuit of the mawkish story of a dying child. A great deal of potential put to one side and abandoned in pursuit of (in story terms) the mundane, in my view.
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"my sisters keeper" does not disappoint
butterflytraps29 June 2009
I have to disagree with the bad reviews that this movie is getting. Unlike "Twilight" which left important and essential parts from the book, My sisters keeper included the most important and the most memorable from the book. I am a fan of Jodi Picoult, don't get me wrong, and I really didn't mind the ending. Sometimes endings need to be changed for the benefit of the movie, and I believe this time it was a good call. I am a huge fan of Jodi Picoult. I really loved the book, but I think the movie made was so much better. The acting displayed in this movie was exceptional, they replaced the characters I had created in my mind while reading the book. The emotion displayed really hit me hard, and I cried from the beginning until the end. There are worries that Alec Baldwin ruined the movie, in my opinion he did a great job. So stop being bitter, and go see it people!
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A touching and very well written drama.
tsmithjr5 February 2011
My Sister's Keeper is a very touching drama about a family and the daughter (Kate) who is dying of Leukemia. It is extremely well done and moves you to really feel for Kate and the family.

Cameron Diaz plays the mother Sara and is fantastic as the mother fighting to save her daughter Kate. Early on, after learning Kate had Leukemia, Mom decided to have a third child primarily to help save Kate. But what does a mother do when the third child doesn't want continue with the variety of procedures used to save Kate's life? This is the first I've seen Sofia Vassilieva and she was fantastic as Kate. What a difficult part that was playing a child with Leukemia. Fortunately for Abigail Breslin she has a nice smile because she really can't act. Couldn't her parents or manager recommend her taking some remedial acting classes or whatever beginning actors do? And Joan Cusack is perfectly cast and plays the part well as the judge who must get to the difficult truth. For the most part the casting was terrific.

My Sister's Keeper is very well written and was a true joy to watch. You'll be very happy you saw "My Sister's Keeper".
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What did they do to the book?
shannonk323 July 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'm just really irritated after seeing this movie. The book was so amazing and I had such high hopes for the movie because of the amazing cast.

They RUINED the book. Nothing about this movie was true to the book. It was disjointed and jumbled and made no sense. They took all the best elements of the book and left them out. The girl from Campbell's past? GONE. The judge is now a woman, Jesse doesn't have issues with getting in trouble.

and then the most insulting part? the ending. WTF? how do they take what made the book SO amazing and just change it? That's NOT RIGHT! I wish movies came with money back guarantees because I feel I deserve a refund.

I will say the girl who plays Kate did an amazing job. She's the only saving grace in the whole rotten thing.
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Watch, watch, watch!
muze_8138 June 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely something to watch for if you want a little peace and something to make you appreciate life better.

I watch this movie out of curiosity because my friend posted that she likes it and wants to rewatch it. Well maybe another reason is because Cameron's starring in it.

I thought that Cam is the "my" being referred to in "my sister's keeper" but it was a surprise when i learned that she played the mother. More so, I thought this was another fun, crazy flick just like the one she did with Kutcher. But i was surprised with the 'lil emotional, mature kind of role she's playin'.

Anyways, at first i thought the movie was kind of boring and had the urge to stop it. On second thought, i wasn't even halfway so i decided to give it a chance to further on.

The moment i did, i was entirely hooked. The acting was good -- well at least for some.

I really hated the character of Anna because i thought she was a selfish brat (Breslin's acting was really convincing). But it all change into sympathy and admiration.

The one who played Kate was also very good. During the course of the movie, i mused whether she was really sick in real life and was just hired to do the role. That's how good she was.

Diaz, on the otherhand, did a pretty good job on drama. I was used to her doing the wild stuffs. She proved she can be as versatile as an actress. And oh boy, the one who played taylor was such a cutie. I especially love how a love story was assimilated into this sad kind of flow and how one could not be afraid to die because she knows that somewhere out there she could bump into his love anytime.

On another note, the music added hugely to the dramatic effect. I especially love the one played in the beach. That was my favorite scene. I think that was the highlight of the movie. Spectacular scene!

The narration effect was also good. It showed the different emotions of the characters from the past to the current situation.

This one is definitely a tearjerker. Unlike other books translated into a motion picture, this one had no holes. The story is well related and understandable -- well connected from the beginning to the end.

I'm really surprised that this did not gather more awards. I personally think it deserves more.
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