Halloween Kills (2021) Poster

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Colossally stupid characters...
benjaminskylerhill15 October 2021
God bless these actors...they're all trying so hard with what they have. And there are so many good ideas on display here: a town going mad with bloodthirsty revenge because of what Michael has done, violently coming together to hunt him down? So good on paper.

But I swear...this script was written in two hours...by a group of aliens who have never actually interacted with human beings before or heard real human beings speak. Not a single thing here is believable or genuine in any way.

These characters are all so stupid. 80% of the deaths in this movie would have been avoided if they had just acted like real people. I have no sympathy for anyone who dies. I feel no fear for them. I feel nothing.

The only reason I don't give this a lower rating is because one of the deaths made me laugh so hard I forgot how underwhelming the rest of the movie was.
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Kill them all
edaniels-3678918 October 2021
Never been so frustrated watching a movie. Every last character just made stupid decision after stupid decision right the way throughout. They all deserve to die. #TeamMyers.
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Everyone in this town makes the dumbest choices possible
MJC_4215 October 2021
The movie takes place immediately after the events from 2018's Halloween. I imagine that if you liked that movie, you'll probably like this one as well. I'm sure you're familiar with the drill. Michael Myers kills a bunch of people, the end.

Here is my problem with this movie. For things to happen as they do, every single character in this movie must do the dumbest thing possible. People are literally throwing themselves into Michael Myers' path to be murdered when they could easily avoid it. People go off, alone, in a house to go looking for him. They never have a chance. When they have the opportunity to call for backup, they don't. When they have a gun that they can use to shoot him, they don't even try to get a good shot and just shoot wildly. Even when they are like two feet away, they can't hit him. They are worse shots than the stormtroopers from Star Wars. Even when they do have an opportunity to take him out, they totally blunder it by letting up and by getting in close to fight, one by one. This movie even goes back in time to come up with new scenes showing people making the dumbest choices possible. Michael Myers just keeps going about his business, and all of these people go out of their way to get murdered by him. Everyone in this town is a moron. So, if you're looking for a movie that isn't remotely scary involving Michael Myers walking around slaughtering people dumber than livestock with occasional scenes of Jamie Lee Curtis screaming wildly for no real reason, you will probably like this.
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A movie filled with morons
FeastMode5 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Early on I was enjoying the mindless slasher flick, especially the jaw-droppingly brutal kills. Unfortunately the characters in this movie are all morons. All of them. One more time for emphasis: ALL OF THEM. A hundred moments that make me shake my head or throw my hands up in exasperation. I even had to pause the movie a couple times and close my eyes to comprehend the stupidity.

Other than that, this is a pretty bad movie in general. The acting is poor all around. Cliched lines of dialogue and cookie cutter conversations. And overuse of fan service without serving a purpose. Scream 5 did this the right way. (1 viewing, 3/4/2022)


There are so many dumb moments I want to talk about but I don't have all night. So I'll only mention a few. Like how the 3 characters from the end of the last movie are all so sure that Michael Myers is dead and are all so shocked when they find out otherwise... but we saw early in the movie all three of them yelling when the fire trucks were heading there. "Don't save him, let him burn." Soooooo why were they so sure???

But the scene that really hurt me to my core is the car scene at the park. How many things can be wrong in 3 minutes? Well start by having the driver be the one to leave the car and check on the kids... why the driver of all people. You know a killer is on the loose.

When Michael jumps on the roof, they want to get out of the car, but the doors are locked....................


Is this a cop car? No. Child locks? Dunno. Terrible writing. So the wife in the nurse outfit smartly jumps out of the window and she has a gun. But maybe 90 seconds go by and she's nowhere to be found. I wondered if she just ditched her husband. After the husband is killed, the wife now comes back to shoot Michael, but she's like 30 feet away from the car, walking towards it......................................


What possible scenario could have caused that to happen. And she shoots multiple times into the car with her husband in it without knowing he's dead. But whatever, you have the jump on Michael, he's in a small space and you have a gun. But of course you walk right up to him and allow him to kill you.

Dumbest. Characters. Ever. I wanted them all to die and I was happy when he killed them all at the end.
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Made Me Root For Michael Myers
CinemaClown16 October 2021
Completely clueless about what it wants to be or where its priorities lie, Halloween Kills is an absolute trainwreck of a sequel from start to finish. A dull, pointless & thoroughly frustrating entry that fails to capitalise on the blank canvas after the 2018 film wiped the slate clean by retconning the franchise, this latest instalment is an utter mess that's all over the place and unsure of its own identity.

Co-written & directed by David Gordon Green, the story shift the focus on other survivors of Michael Myers' 1978 killing spree by sidelining our protagonist yet does it so awfully that we are never for once invested in the new characters. Green does the bare minimum to improve the ride, has no idea what tone to settle with, and branches the story out in directions that's neither warranted nor called for.

It attempts to give us a peek of the trauma that Myers inflicted on not just Laurie Strode but the entire Haddonfield community and skims on mob mentality in dumb, facepalm-inducing ways. The film is devoid of tension, build-up & atmosphere, Myers' looming presence is also gone, and the narrative flow & editing is a nightmare. The only aspects working in its favour are the grisly kills & Carpenter's score.

Overall, Halloween Kills features a healthy dose of gnarly kills & slasher brutality but the rest is not only underwhelming, it's almost cringeworthy. The callbacks are mere distractions, the subplots lead nowhere, performances are forgettable, and it really made me root for Michael Myers as he creatively slaughters a lot of stupid, annoying folks in this. A wasted potential at best, this newest chapter adds nothing to the saga.
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Halloween Kills, well it caused me some pain.
Sleepin_Dragon28 October 2021
The latest saga in the world of Halloween, what an absolute mix of good and bad this was. It has the same feel as Halloween 2, the first time I saw that, a slightly patchy follow up.

The previous film I really rather enjoyed, I was hoping for this to follow the trend, where the had the vibe of a horror thriller, this ventures more into the horror fantasy genre, Michael is transformed into some unearthly killing machine.

The opening few minutes were awesome, I loved what they did, and how they did it, creative, well realised, and somehow respectful, it was incredible, it really did work. The core of the film was as you would expect, lots of gore, lots of violence, and the ending was again a mix of good and bad. It didn't have much in the way of suspense.

The only upsetting death here for me, was the suicide, that was about the only time the screen went silent, it was a very upsetting moment.

My favourite characters were Big and Little John, those guys were really good fun.

It'll have its fans and its haters, for the season it's a thrill ride, does it enhance The Halloween catalogue, sadly not, it lacked structure, it lacked a cohesive narrative, it was just a killing spree slasher.

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Terrible movie with really dumb characters
hnt_dnl15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I've never been the biggest fan of the Halloween franchise, but at the end of the day, I know what feels like a good movie and even if I don't care for a series, if a movie within the series is good, I will gladly acknowledge it. HALLOWEEN KILLS (2021) is most definitely not that! Just like in any movie, what I want is internal logic and character consistency. People always use the excuse that characters in horror movies are supposed to be dumb and make mistakes, but unless it's some parody or spoof, the decisions that characters make should be internally consistent and for them to be relatable to the viewer, externally as well. The character decisions in this film were mind-bogglingly stupid!

Jamie Lee Curtis was barely in this movie and she's the headliner. Laurie was literally in the hospital for the entire movie while most of the action took place in the streets of Haddonfield. And sadly in the little screen time she got, Laurie sounded like a philosophical rambling lunatic! But she wasn't the only character. For some reason, EVERY character spent the bulk of their time pontificating about evil and Michael Myers and when they actually were face-to-face with him, acted like total dummies.

Where to start? First, the character of Tommy (dubiously played by 80s icon Anthony MIchael Hall) is the worst character in this movie! When he gave that incredibly bland and weird monologue at the bar recounting the events of the 1978 movie, I knew that this film was going to be odd. He spends the entire movie playing a fake tough guy wielding a baseball bat and forming and inciting a town mob to track down Michael Myers. Hall's acting is so 1-dimensionally loud and obnoxious and I didn't buy this character for a second. And there were way too many close-ups of him. He was featured so much that he felt more like the main character than Laurie.

Second, the cops were totally useless. Why is the Sheriff even allowing Tommy and this mob to get so out of hand? He literally gave one order at the aftermath of the fire massacre, telling his cops to set up a perimeter around the town, then spent the remainder of the movie doing nothing. For some reason, none of the police in this movie (and there were a bunch of them) ever did anything to try and stop Michael. It was always armed civilians trying to do their job for them. The cops didn't even try to stop the mob at the hospital and were never roaming the streets looking for this serial killer, who was so easy to spot. You had a perimeter set around a small town for a killer who was leaving a trail of blood easy to follow and you couldn't catch him?

This leads to all the dumb actions of the characters in this movie. Why did no one ever just run away when confronted with Michael? Characters could easily just get away from this guy who was WALKING, but instead they opted to stand there and try to fight him. The group in the car could have just driven away, but nope, let's sit here and battle a crazy killer! The gay couple who lived in Michael's old home were cringe. None of their jokes landed and instead of just leaving the house they decide to stay there. Michael was upstairs and they were safe downstairs, so where do they go? Upstairs, of course, and the one guy just stands there and let's Michael mutilate him. Why did no one use a cell phone to call 911 when they were in danger? It's like writers were confusing the 2018 scenes with the 1978 flashbacks and forgot that the modern day characters actually had cell phones.

Other issues. This movie had really bad editing with weird and untimely scene transitions to the point it felt like scenes were interrupted abruptly. Characters spent a bunch of time rambling about evil dying tonight. Moments that should have been sad and heartfelt were incredibly bland and empty. Michael's kills were all dragged out ad nauseum. Characters were obviously dead yet Michael kept on going for like 2 extra minutes after each kill dragging it out unnecessarily. Also, how on Earth did the old lady at the farm survive Michael shoving that glass light bulb through her neck? He almost took her head off yet somehow she was still alive. How did Michael even get by all those people downstairs to Karen in the end? And where were the cops during all of this? This is a murder scene where 4 people got killed and it's a bunch of civilians, yet again, doing their job for them.

What was that weird scene with the 1978 flashback of the young cop stopping Loomis from shooting Michael? He had just accidentally killed his partner so if anything he should want revenge on Michael for forcing him to do that. Why would Loomis give up just because this rookie cop stopped him one time? Why would he care what this kid thinks when he knows the depths of Michael's evil and menace? What were the other cops doing just standing there? Why didn't any of them stop Loomis? Apparently, they were OK with him killing Michael, so how did the rookie grabbing Loomis' hand one time have any effect? Loomis or the other cops could have easily still finished Michael anyway. Made no sense.

Finally, the dialogue and acting in this movie was so bad. Most of the conversations felt unnatural and the tone was inconsistent. No one talks like the characters in this movie. And there are actually several good actors in this movie, but they couldn't overcome the terrible writing. I actually watched the predecessor Halloween movie from 2018 on the same day before watching this sequel to prepare myself and I honestly thought the 2018 film wasn't very good. But Halloween Kills is so bad that I might re-evaluate my opinion of that movie because at least it had a semblance of decent writing and simplicity that Kills completely lacked. Halloween Kills is a contender for worst movie in the entire franchise and that's saying something as there are some real bad ones in the mix.
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Just Incase You Didn't Already Know
sattnin-239772 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is Marion Chambers 2nd death. She was killed by Michael Myers already in Halloween H20 but people pretend that movie doesn't exist so they brought the same actress, Nancy Stephens, back to die again. She almost died in 1978. She died in 1998 and 23yrs later she dies for the second time.
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An Embarrassing Take On The Halloween Legacy
zkonedog23 October 2021
When Blumhouse's 2018 "Halloween" hit theaters, it was billed as the franchise sequel that would be the most faithful to the spirit of the 1978 original. While that film was a mixed bag in terms of overall quality, it now seems like a masterpiece compared to the near-complete incompetence of "Halloween Kills".

For a very basic overview, "Kills" picks up right where the 2018 effort left off. Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis) is in the hospital with daughter Karen (Judy Greer) & granddaughter Allyson (And Matichak)--all recovering from their horrifying ordeal--while The Shape (aka Michael Myers) escapes his presumed fiery grave and proceeds to his old Haddonfield home, leaving a trail of carnage in his wake.

Getting right to the point here, there is not a single idea that works in "Kills", and many puzzling filmmaking decisions are made. Some examples include:

-The Strode family--such an interesting dynamic in the first Blumhouse one--is largely inert here, largely constrained to scenes looking worried in the hospital.

-A supposed theme of mob mentality? Almost laughable in its execution. I'm not sure what would be worse: if it was meant to be serious or joking.

-A big selling point of "Kills" was bringing back some legacy characters like Tommy Doyle (Anthony Michael Hall), Sheriff Brackett (Charles Cyphers), Lindsey Wallace (Kyle Richards), & "Nurse" Marion (Nancy Stephens). Regrettably, not one of them is given an ounce of interesting character arc. Hall's Tommy is especially egregious in its cringeworthy nature.

The one scene in this movie that I actually enjoyed? A flashback to that fateful night in '78 that fleshes out a few behind-the-scenes details. Though somewhat sad to say, it took being placed in that exact environment to make me feel anything. The present-day material from the writers and filmmakers certainly wasn't doing enough to make that happen.

As the minutes ticked on during my viewing experience of "Kills", it became clear to me that this movie was all about the carnage being inflicted by the jump-suited boogeyman. Almost torture porn-esque in certain spots. Had this been a Saw sequel or some B-horror schlock, fine. But for a franchise that seems to want to bask in the aura of the original (more focused on thrills than gore), this decision seems wildly out of place.

To a certain extent, "Kills" also suffers from the "second in a trilogy" conundrum in which the stakes are relatively low when the knowledge of a third entry ("Halloween Ends" coming 2022) is already on the books. Yet, I'm not going to let this one off the hook that easily. As the legend goes, when John Carpenter was asked/forced to pen a sequel to his masterwork he was utterly terrified. He went out on his boat with a copious amount of alcohol and churned out what ultimately became 1981's "Halloween II". As flawed as that movie is, it still remains the best attempt to capture even a glimmer of what happened in 1978. "Halloween Kills" certainly did not in any way, shape, or form.
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Calicodreamin15 October 2021
While not perfect, this installment in the Halloween franchise was quite effective. The entire audience was screaming and shouting and just in general having a spooktacular time. The storyline was modern but yet paid homage to the original. The scares, the gore, the stupid decisions, it all came together to make one killer movie.
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The man that can't be killed or injured...
deloudelouvain1 November 2021
For Halloween yesterday I watched the new Candyman and Halloween Kills. Both movies have been done repeatedly and to be honest at one point enough should be enough. Candyman wasn't bad though but it's nothing like the first movie when it was all a surprise. Halloween Kills on the other hand is just another movie too much. Nothing new, Michael Myers can't be killed, it doesn't matter if you stab him, shoot him, set him on fire, he just can't be killed nor injured. It's getting lame to be honest. Jamie Lee Curtis hasn't a huge role and that was maybe best like that. I hope this one was finally the last one because there's no milk to be milked anymore here.
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Would it be a horror movie without stupid victims?
toonyjakes23 March 2022
Okay I think people have their genres mixed up, either that, or their standards are too high. The Halloween films have always been a bit hard to believe, yet they scare and entertain. It seems like people had a problem here though.

Yes, there are silly elements to it- such as getting an angry mob to chant EVIL DIES TONIGHT, a virtually defenseless town (like 3 people had a gun,) characters that try to go it alone when facing imminent danger, people just panicking to the point that they surrender and die. But its a horror movie! A slasher! Did you come into this movie hoping for some Oscar worthy, "elevated" horror drama like Hereditary? Well thats your fault. No, this movie is a fun time- a genuine slasher. You get grossed out, you get spooked, you laugh at parts that arent meant to be laughed at, and there are deliberately funny moments too.

This movie, yes, it will frustrate you, but no differently than any other Halloween movie; THEY NEVER TRY TO KILL MICHAEL IN ANY LOGICAL WAY. In my opinion, the first one lacked in proper story placement. This one only lacks in terms of character smarts- everyone is basically really stupid besides a couple exceptions. It's a fun slasher, never a dull moment.
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Team switch!
confirmeddeath30 October 2021
The time has come for one to reconsider who truly deserves ones admiration.

The old hag who has been trying to kill Myers for over 40 years and failed every time?

They stab him once, he comes back, stab him another time and he comes back, then they kick him in the head and pat themselves on the back "job well done"... he comes back. They never learn their lesson.

These people...

Myers on the other hand is smart, is always one step ahead and kills with intent. If he wants you dead... you are already dead. He gets the job done.

Those are admirable qualities, qualities apparently nobody else in this franchise has.

Halfway through this movie I realized everybody aside from Myers is an incompetent imbecile and Myers is doing them a favor by ending their miserable lives!

I've hated these movies rooting for the "good guys", but now that I'm on team Myers, these movies are so much more enjoyable.

Why do we root for these nincompoops who bring nothing, but stupidity to the table? Like die already!
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David Gordon Green sticks the knife in and twists it.
BA_Harrison16 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Those who thought that Rob Zombie was the worst thing to happen to Halloween, think again. David Gordon Green is the new boogeyman, out to terrorise fans of the original film with his atrocious approach to all things Michael Myers. I thought that his Halloween (2018) was pretty bad, but this follow up is an absolute travesty: the tone is all wrong, the dialogue is laughable, and the acting sucks. Sure, it features plenty of gory kills - and god knows, I love my splatter - but Halloween has never been about the gore. It's about atmosphere, palpable suspense, sheer terror, with believable characters you can care about. And Halloween Kills has none of that.

Following a flashback to the aftermath of events in Carpenter's original classic (complete with CGI-enhanced Donald Pleasence lookalike), the film picks up immediately after Green's previous film, Laurie Strode and family driving away from the burning house in which Michael is trapped, presumably gone forever. Except that Michael never dies, and when a firefighter crew turns up to tackle the blaze, the killer emerges from the burning building to slaughter the lot of them.

From there-on in, the film consists of a series of graphic murders at the hands of the 'boogeyman', resulting in the townsfolk of Haddonfield declaring enough is enough, and forming a mob to track down Michael and put an end to his grisly shenanigans once and for all. Don't they ever learn? Writer/director Green, once again assisted by Danny McBride, fills his script with characters who act and talk like idiots, and frequently places them in perilous situations from which they could easily run away, but never do. There are numerous touches of comedy throughout, none of which has any place in a Halloween movie. There's nothing funny about Michael!

Jamie Lee Curtis is given nothing to do but pontificate from a hospital bed about the nature of evil. She's not alone: several characters expound long, boring and completely unnecessary theories about why Michael kills, when all we need to know is that he is pure, unbridled evil. It's been said before, and doesn't need expanding upon.

There are so many awful scenes in the film that it's a tough call to pick the worst...

The gay couple (who call themselves Big John and Little John) checking their house for an intruder is a serious contender, especially when the second bloke (Big or Little... I can't remember) spots Michael and just stands there waiting to be killed.

Or could the lousiest scene be the attack on the car in the park, in which Michael kills one of his victims by kicking the car door, causing the person to shoot themselves in the head (it actually pains me to type that!)?

Or does the film hit its nadir when Tommy Doyle (an embarrassingly bad performance from Anthony Michael Hall) rallies the masses in the hospital into finding and killing Michael? The crowd, chanting the slogan 'Evil dies tonight' ad nauseum, spots one of Michael's fellow escaped lunatics (who just so happens to wander into the building at the wrong time) and assume he is the killer. They chase him and trap him in a corridor. Terrified, the loony smashes a window and falls to his death on the concrete below. It's a terrible scene that adds nothing to the film except for the messy sight of a smashed body on the ground.

In another ill-advised move, Green tries to placate long-time Halloween fans with nods to previous movies, the most obvious being the inclusion of the deadly masks from Halloween 3. It's not a clever touch: it's just a reminder that even the much-maligned (unfairly so) Season of the Witch is a far better film than the one we are currently watching.

The movie's ending - another possible choice for most ludicrous moment - sees Tommy and his chanting followers finally cornering Michael and bludgeoning and stabbing him, then turning their back on him, only for Michael to stand back up and get in a few more kills before the closing credits. It's bad, not only for the way that the people allow themselves to be slaughtered so easily, but for the fact that it heralds another sequel: Halloween Ends, coming October 2022 (how I hope that the film lives up to its title).

1/10 - I don't hand out the lowest rating lightly, but the way this film trashes the legacy of the original movie, it deserves it.
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Awful characters and adds nothing to the 'Halloween' universe
jtindahouse15 October 2021
'Halloween Kills' is the definition of a sequel for the sake of making a sequel (or more accurately the sake of making money). It not only adds nothing to the story, it destroys some of the good things from the 2018 version. I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time with the COVID delays, and I sadly have to say it was not worth the wait at all.

The characters in this movie were atrocious. Firstly, they destroyed 'Laurie Strode'. Not only does she do absolutely nothing in this movie, she is rude to kind nurses and assaults a doctor. Yup, that'll get us on her side. But that wasn't even the worst of it. The side characters they created for this film were embarrassing. There is a scene where a character just stares at 'Michael Myers', says something to the effect of, "Michael, you've come home", and then just stands there and waits to be killed. That's the worst example of it, but this is very much a rinse and repeat thing throughout the film.

The pacing of the film is all over the place too. There's a very strange and uninteresting opening scene. Then we get a couple of admittedly great scenes with the firefighters and in a house with a couple. At this point I was having a good time. 'Michael' was ferocious and in no mood to mess around. Then we hit a wall and frankly never recovered. Even at the end when the film should be building up to the big conclusion, it feels like it's stuck in first gear.

Also there's a subplot involving a mental patient that is just unpleasant. It's not scary, it's not clever, it's just depressing and unnecessary (and quite insulting to the audience that we are expected to buy it). I didn't find much to enjoy about this film sadly. It looks great and the start was decent. Otherwise though it's not one I can recommend. 4/10.
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mkayseryan16 October 2021
Wasn't expecting tht much of a fun time .... I think there's something wrong with me but I enjoyed every min of tht it really was a good movie especially with a friend.
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Complete waste of time!
maryamchoudri16 October 2021
It is so bad that I had to write a review here. Please stop with the sequels. All characters are stupid and Meyers is a God in this universe that cannot be killed while everyone presents themselves voluntarily as a sacrifice. For some mysterious reason, everyone kept falling on his knife so that the God doesn't have to make an effort. Save your time and brain from this stupidity. Cannot burn him, shoot him, or stab him; the final chapter of Halloween will nuke his ass but he still wont die.
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You get what you paid for.
jwoody201323 December 2021
The number one thing I enjoyed about this movie is that they really seemed to amp up the kills. Michael Myers has a high body count in this one. I enjoyed this movie, but some of the elements were absolutely just dumb along with the plot.
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Analog_Devotee15 October 2021
The ending to the 2018 film was way too satisfying to be undone for such a mediocre, convoluted, needlessly padded and ultimately underwhelming sequel.

So disappointing.
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Watch it a 2nd Time
tborden-7025124 March 2022
I originally had gone to the theater to see this movie and I left underwhelmed. Fast forward 5 months and I sat down and watched the extended cut of the movie and I really really enjoyed it .. Do yourself a favor and give it another go you won't regret it .
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Let Michael Rest In Peace
Tweetienator17 October 2021
Halloween Kills is a mindless splatter movie, and that's already all that the movie got for you - some well staged killings. The rest is a rather tiresome affair, including characters who I can't related to and don't care for. The story? Just filler time till Michael does his next job. Is it the worst Halloween movie? I don't know, because all those new additions of the late 90s and after 2k I watched only once and are hidden behind a dense cloud named oblivion. To be honest, I can't remember anything of those movies. Verdict: Halloween Kills won't get a recommendation, but if you just need some dose of splatter, you may give it a try. This one is for sure just made to milk an almost dead cow.
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I don't care for people who don't like it, I love it
inescesnjaj15 October 2021
I've been a fan number 1 since I saw the first one a long time ago, I love every sequel. This one is scary, I love the plot, unmasking, I love the story of children who grew up and a cop grew older. I'm looking forward to see another one, can't wait to be honest. I don't give a duck for people who don't like it, whatever, people gonna hate...But to me, Jamie Lee Curtis and Halloween franchise is everything <3 <3 <3 <3 <3.
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OwensDad118 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
My initial rating here is a 7. That be more for nostalgia than the actual film. I truly enjoyed the first hour plus but then, man, I don't know what went wrong. I love Michael Myers. I can sit and watch any & all of the films with enjoyment. They're certainly not all good and some, are truly bad. (I'm looking at you Halloween 6). This one left me feeling hollow, almost empty. I love Halloween (2018). I know it has its detractors but I really think it's the best sequel of the bunch by a mile. The ending was perfect. I had no idea how Michael was going to survive but knew he would. This one, I don't know how you justify his survival here. Shot, stabbed, beaten with bats, stabbed again, beaten again, shot again. Somehow he keeps getting up? He's able to get back into the house and kill Karen? The ending, really the last 20 or so minutes, were not good. I feel as though the filmmakers really ruined what had been a great retcon. I can't see where they go from here. If we get the cult bs or 'he's more than a human' garbage that we got in Halloween 6, I will be utterly disappointed and truly ticked off.
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I hate this stupid movie
matthewssilverhammer12 November 2021
Considering the entire series, Halloween Kills is most reminiscent of Halloween 5; boring, forgettable, unfocused, uninspired, and so full of cliches and corny one-liners that the scares come across more like Scooby-Doo than John Carpenter. The cartoonish characters, plotting, and dialogue ("he's hunted this town for 40 years...now we hunt him") feel like first draft material. Officially, the HallowGreen timeline is the worst of all the different Halloween franchise timelines. And none of them are very good.
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yusufpiskin15 October 2021
David Gordon Green is one of the few people I trust in the Hollywood community and has a prominent place in my DVD/Blu-Ray archive. But this movie did not happen. They've abused a myth so much that it's empty. It is no longer exciting.

Even if the stars I've always loved, from Thomas Mann to Will Patfon, are in the cast.

Hollywood must stop exploiting cult productions to the bone.
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