Nancy Drew (TV Series 2019–2023) Poster


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People never give anything a chance...
freekmunkee-57-3560957 November 2019
The majority of the bad reviews are from people who either haven't finished the first episode, or didn't go further than the first. Do yourself a favor, think for yourself, and give things a chance before you listen to the negativity. No, it's not exactly like the books about a younger Nancy Drew. And the generation that the show was actually produced for probably has no idea the books exist, so is that really such a huge deal? The show isn't the best on TV, but the story line does pick up if you give it more than 5 minutes before you make a judgement.
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staciarose2011 October 2019
It seems like a requirement that all teen shows have a sex scene within the first ten minutes. I guess that is to lure in teen viewers and seem cool. This isn't the Nancy Drew from the books. I was hoping for a paranormal drama with a strong and smart female lead.
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Hated it at first...Not really Nancy Drew but still entertaining
alexannsharp-637-84656310 October 2019
I wrote a 1 star review after the first episode and I was fuming. I hated it all because this wasn't Nancy Drew. Why can't someone just make an authentic Nancy Drew movie or show? It's not hard!!

BUT despite it NOT being OUR Nancy Drew, by itself the show is pretty interesting and enjoyable. I really look forward to it now. Still bitter about it not being Nancy, but I want to see how this show plays out. I want to see how the mystery ends. I don't mind the twists on characters. But someone PLEASE make a real Nancy Drew that we grew up with, in her time period and all.
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Don't listen to the negative reviews, it's a great show
amazon-769696 November 2019
As you can see, most all of the negative reviews here are from people who've read the Nancy Drew books. As someone who didn't read the books, I came into it with few expectations. Probably Nancy Drew never had sex in the books, and the writers quickly make it clear that 21st century Nancy Drew is not a prude. I don't see much else that is especially edgy, and I'm pretty sure that's what's bothering the older fans. But the show has so far been very good, and is first and foremost a mystery/detective show. There are mild supernatural elements, which I think are really well done. The show doesn't have any political agenda that I can see. So if you take reviews seriously, and are turned off by the number of bad reviews, I'd recommend you give it a try.
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Such a great update
ygoenaga124 October 2019
I think everyone here is judging this series based on the books first published in the 1930s. The character has gone through many permutations to adapt to changes in society including eliminating some of the racist tropes in the first novels. Nancy Drew is college aged here and yes she is having sex and is sex positive which is so refreshing. I love the Twin Peaks vibe and plot twists where you don't know who has more to hide. The character is much more interesting (Buffy meets Miss Fisher) than her character in the books. I think the cast is also an interesting mix. A complex Nancy Drew for our time with ongoing story lines - not a monster/mystery of the week setup. I really hope this series continues.
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Pilot had Issues, but much improved
KathrS5 December 2019
Similar to ELEMENTARY w/ Johnny Lee Miller, the pilot episode for the CW's NANCY DREW started out trying a bit too much to shock and vary widely from the original. But from the second episode on, the story and characters are much improved. I grew up with Nancy Drew, enjoyed Pamela Sue Martin as a teen in the 70s, and find this show intriguing as well. The characters are likable and the mystery just keeps evolving. Well done and hope it continues.
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Using the Name for a Lame Show
michael-4689311 October 2019
Watched the show with a Nancy Drew fan and could barely make it through the first episode. We won't be watching again. Save yourself the time and read the original Nancy Drew books. The CW is simply using the name to draw people in. Unfortunately, the show is a waste of time.
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Underrated mystery drama
dianamarinelli7 November 2020
Wow this series impressed me this is coming from a person who read all the Nancy drew books. Nothing like the books but just took the characters names

This show brings all the twists and drama you'll never expect
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Another boring, pointless CW teen drama
thefendiprint10 October 2019
Save your time. Nothing about this show is original or interesting. The lead actress and cast in general is forgettable and there is nothing making me feel anything towards any of the characters. The show overall is as bland as unseasoned chicken, from the acting to the writing to beyond.

.... *Riverdale has entered the chat*
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Nancy Drew meets the 21st century, with bad results
westley3410 October 2019
I saw the trailer for this and was intrigued and hopeful. If as good as the trailer, it might have been worth watching. It wasn't. This felt like people that direct MTV videos produced this. It was choppy and everything felt forced. The characters flet unmotivated. This really makes the Hallmark mystery movies look like masterpieces. I did like the lead actress. She is beautiful and did a good job as Nancy but that is not enough. It's a real shame though because I had very high hopes, but no, this is very typical of 21st century dumbed down TV. The average person will probably like it though.
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Love it!
courtneyaviles26 October 2019
I have been a huge fan of Nancy Drew my whole life, from the books to the video games, and was super excited for this show. It is a modern twist and I love it! I hope it gets renewed for a second season.
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Nancy Drew as a young adult.
TxMike24 October 2019
This is not the Nancy Drew we might have expected, it isn't about the very young Nancy Drew of old, just like "Riverdale" doesn't have the kids of the old Archie comic books. What The CW has done in most of their shows is present a more mature and darker set of characters and storylines. In this show's case "What might Nancy Drew and her friends be like as young adults?" Admittedly I too was annoyed that the very first episode had her and her boyfriend in bed together, that was unnecessary. But put that fumble aside and the shows are pretty interesting for a TV series.

This is neither a very good show nor a very bad show. It is light entertainment and personally I find it mostly entertaining. I plan to keep watching it, at least this first season. It isn't for everyone but that DOESN'T make it a terrible show. It's just a show!!

Feb 2021 update: While I enjoyed most of the first season I am now officially abandoning the show. It has come to focus almost entirely on the Aglaeca and ways to bring it out and send it away permanently. That mixed in with some soap opera type of relationship stories. To me a good Nancy Drew series, even as a young adult, would be interesting if she pretty much focuses on a different mystery each week.

Bye Nancy, it was fun while it lasted.

July 2023 update: I gave it one more chance, I couldn't even finish the episode it was so boring.
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I've read the books, and this show is so good it lives up to them!
TheGreatGreenBadger26 June 2020
This show was so awesome! Way better than Riverdale. Can't wait for Season 2!
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Hannah Gruen just threw up!
ChaCha4413 October 2019
Why even bother to use the Nancy Drew name? I don't mind that they wanted to modernize it but there is NOTHING resembling Nancy in this pilot nor is this entertaining in any way. If anything, They could have gone for camp. I would have even understood if they made George a lesbian (c'mon, didn't we all think it?) but it's just so dark. Our Nancy was made for roadsters and smart luncheons - not this disgrace.

Hold on Hannah, I'm going to join you!
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Watch if you are looking for entertaining, teenage show with supernatural aspects
eliskabajgarova20 October 2019
Ignore the critical reviews. Yes, this isn't highly sophisticated adult show. But if you just want to enjoy your evening with a bit of mystery and fantastic lead actress, watch the new Nancy Drew! Get some snacks and enjoy the scares!
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Not the Nancy You Expected
hollygolightly-414328 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After reading all the negative reviews I feel compelled to say something in defense of this show. I myself didn't read Nancy as a kid---my literary idol back then was Anne of Green Gables---but many years later, as a book dealer, I discovered the series through my customers who were all clamoring for vintage copies of The Brass-Bound Trunk. Once I'd dipped into the stories I began to understood why so many readers, for nearly a century, have loved Nancy Drew. What a cool character she is! Smart, brave, curious, loyal to her friends, and an absolute genius when it comes to solving a mystery!

When I tuned into Episode 1 of the TV series I was initially shocked. I hadn't expected to see Our Nancy on her back, being loudly banged by her boy friend! This gratuitous sex scene was off-putting and probably drove away some viewers. Notwithstanding I tried to take it in my stride. Any brand-new show can make the occasional misstep, and I decided to give TV Nancy another chance and then judge accordingly.

I'm very glad I did. So far I haven't missed an episode, and to my surprise I've enjoyed the storyline very much. IMHO the writing is not "terrible" but actually rather clever, with both funny and scary twists. A genuine mystery unfolds. Kennedy McMann is perfectly cast as Nancy; she looks and lives the part. I am also glad to see so much diversity in the young actors who play her friends. The original books were, at times, a tad racist: the good guys all tended to be white-bread Wasp-y, whereas the bad guys had Hispanic or Eastern European names! Not so here. George is Asian, Nick is black, Bess is gay. And what's more, the richest white family in town turns out to be rotten to the core. And hey, there are ghosts too...not "Scooby Do" ghosts, but real ones! So much the better.

Nancy Drew the book series was always meant for kids. Nancy Drew the TV show is Nancy all grown up. It may not be the Nancy you expected to see, but it's a pretty good production all the same. I hope that people give it a chance.
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Needs stronger writing
wolfpup311 November 2019
Before I get in to this, I'm going to comment on the people writing negative reviews because Nancy has sex. Yes, there's a sex scene or two in this show. (I can't even remember when the last one was.) It's no more graphic than any other show (less than many), and the characters are all adults. It's semi-pointless, but would be semi-odd without it. If THAT is why you don't like this show, you have a virgin fetish. That's your problem, not the show's.

I'm writing this after having watched the first five episodes. It's got a good cast-particularly Kennedy McMann as Nancy (who by rights ought to have a long career, I hope). It's got a good look, the town and scenery. There's more of a mystery element in the first several episodes than I feared there might be. Some actual detective work here and there.

I've really got two issues. I don't like the supernatural element. I'm not opposed to such things-I watch 900 billion other shows with supernatural elements-it's just 1) not that interesting here, 2) not what I'm looking for from Nancy Drew. Spooky, sure, actual ghosts and whatnot, no. The CW alone already has Charmed, Legacies, Supernatural, and even Legends of Tomorrow, all of which do the supernatural thing vastly better than this does. I'd really like clever mysteries from Nancy Drew, and all the supernatural elements here just feel like a boring waste of time. Filler. I'd rather if they were used that they be subverted, just superstitions that aren't real. I was kind of ignoring it, but episode 5 puts it front and center to a somewhat ridiculous degree, completely stalling out the mystery.

The other element I don't like is how stretched out this first case is. I think it would be much stronger if they were doing a case per episode, or one case for every few episodes, whatever worked organically for an idea. This has already been stretched out longer than it should be, with (particularly in episode 5) nothing but filler in the form of supernatural stuff.

At this point I'm torn on whether I'm going to keep watching. I think there's potential without much retooling to make this good or great, if the writing was there. Just wrap up this first case, quietly dump the supernatural stuff, and give us some good mysteries. I don't believe that's actually going to happen, but it could, which, combined with Kennedy's strong performance makes me reluctant to quit.

Even as is, it's far from the worst thing out there, and a pleasant enough way to spend time-just hardly a must see, for me at least. Unfortunately that all pretty much describes this creative team's Runaways as well. We need better writing!
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Not the Nancy Drew I read as a child
gail_mcc10 October 2019
Updating a show for present times would be ok, but this wasn't an upgrade, it is a total rewrite. other than Ned who is now called Nick, only the names have remained the same. Nancy's father looks to be about the same as as the rest of the cast. show is geared for young teens, not Nancy Drew fans.
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The Nancy Drew I've Always Wanted
jillmontague5 December 2019
I grew up reading Nancy Drew books from a very young age in the 60s and although I loved the books, I always wanted something more. This series definitely adds more; a Nancy Drew for those of us who like our detectives a little snarky, cynical, and sarcastic. I love the diversity of the cast as well. It also helps with my Veronica Mars fix. It may be too different from the books for some, but not for me.
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I liked it!
hewalkerlaw11 October 2019
It took a bit for me to warm up to it but once it got going I liked it. I didn't care for Scott Wolf and his acting but Nancy did a great job. Also Need was a bit of a miss but otherwise I will keep watching for now.
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Too much deviation
himpersonal11 October 2019
Way too many differences from the original characters. Carolyn Keene would've been so disappointed, like I was and probably all fans. I read every book as a kid. Will never watch another episode. Characters are way too old and none of the characters are as she intended.
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Don't watch a teen drama and get mad cause it's a teen drama.
jessrenee-4059017 October 2019
Loved this show so far. The mystery is thick and the characters make you wanna cheer for them. You don't want the girl living in a van or the girl in love with an older man or the non judgmental slacker to be the killer but they all have their secrets. Yes, Nancy has sex with nick. She's 18 not 5. They're in a relationship. And you see nothing except a cup fall from a shelf. It's a teen mystery series with a ghost story. It has secrets, clues and jump scares. She does what Nancy has always done she searches for clues, breaks into places for answers, and hatches elaborate schemes.
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Gave it a 7
miliki23 March 2020
I think it's kind of interesting and doesn't feel like dragging feet. I've seen 16 ep and I wanna know more. How they just accept ghosts and supernatural is really refreshing. When you spend time watching ep after ep of people denaiyng the same stuff, is super triering and annoying, looking at you Once Upon a time! They're isn't too much teenaiyng shenanigans, 'cos they're like 20 I think. Never read a single Nancy Drew book so I'm not comparing this to that, but Riverdale sucks.
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Epic Fail
mikasusuwatarimi11 October 2019
Just give another name for that teen-show. Fans of true Nancy - save ur time - don't wach this show.
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i have no idea why this doesn't have more good reviews
tomuchgrace10 December 2019
This show is an amazing mystery and as an avid nancy drew lover, this is a great modern day representation of her! 10/10!
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