Justice League (2017) Poster

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see the Zack Snyder version instead
mrtommyb-586-55335711 April 2021
Don't waist your time on this bland, watered-down version of the movie, bungled by Joss Whedon and the mis-led executives who hired him. I mean, it's kinda fun, but forgettable, cause too mich of its gits were removed. Whereas, the newer director's cut by the original director, Zack Snyder, is the lengthy, epic extravaganza the story needs!
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Justice League is, unfortunately, plagued with post-production issues.
TheMovieDiorama25 February 2018
Here we are. The Justice League. DC's greatest superheroes come together to save the world...and what is the first scene you ask? Henry Cavill's CGI'd shaved face. Ohhh dear...yup...we're in for quite a ride. So with Superman dead, Batman and Wonder Woman must arrange a team of gifted individuals to stop the world destroyer Steppenwolf from, you guessed it, destroying the world. Sighhhh...I kinda just want to hug this film and repeatedly whisper "there, there...it'll all be alright.". Apprehensively, I went into this unmotivated and expecting the worst superhero film since Suicide Squad. Fortunately, this isn't that bad. But, it's not great either. The film's greatest achievement is the coalition of the Justice League members. Their interactions, mannerisms and even their physicality was pretty much on point. Aquaman, although absolutely useless in this, had the physical prowess of a beastly underwater warrior. The Flash was quirky and provided several comedic moments. Cyborg was essentially the technological logistics manager. Wonder Woman and Batman were the parents who lead their children into battle. Heck, she even refers to them as children! Yet it all worked so well. Remember, this is a comic book adaptation, so the humour and light hearted nature of its source material does show. The human CGI for the most part was actually executed well (far better than "Thor Ragnarok") and the slow motion scenes with The Flash were gorgeous to watch. Snyder is typically style over substance, which is apparent here. The story is so boringly uninspired that it defines the word "lazy". I cannot be dealing with another 'save the world' situation. I'm also becoming irritated with underused, bland and weak villains who are supposed to be absurdly powerful. Steppenwolf was wasted potential. Constant use of green screen, hit and miss script, rushed third act...just too many flaws I'm afraid. Was it too soon for a Justice League film considering no origins for Aquaman, The Flash and Cyborg yet? Personally, I think so.
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daftdwarf16 November 2017
Justice League felt like going through a list of specifications with no identity whatsoever. It's not a bad movie per se, it's just extremely dull. Of course there's nothing new in the photo department but that's to be expected, it's kind of an identity for the whole DCEU. I don't like it but hey, that's an artistic choice I won't criticize here, at least it's coherent. But some flaws are more crippling than that.

Every single characterization was a bit off and some of them felt like they were forced, especially Barry Allen. Still, the actors do the best they can with the material so it's not unbearable.

Every situation (and even the chain of events) is so predictable (cliché even) that it gets you out of the movie. This level of "nothing new" is damaging to the story as it stops you from caring about anything. And it seems like the producers knew this cause they threw in the mandatory helpless family so that you could sense the danger a bit more. After all, it's just the end of the world, how could you care if there was no kid in immediate danger ? Oh wait... Still, even that falls flat as their scenes (and they're not the only ones) are filled with incoherent behaviors that were put there just so that the plot can go forward.

I attended a screening where the only bursts of joy (or emotions at all) occurred when a new character appeared. Kind of a "fanboy effect" that fills you with hope at the sight of one of your beloved comics characters. But the rest of the time, everyone was quite bored and numerous sighs were heard. In a sense, it reassured me as I understood I was not the only one who was disappointed in the movie.

*****The following paragraph might contain a minor SPOILER (depending on what you consider a spoiler)*****

Plus, something else bothered me. But I know everyone won't agree on this one cause it's kind of a speculation. All the points above still stand even if I'm wrong about it. So here it is : Justice League felt like it was a failed attempt to adapt the Avengers in the DCEU. And I'm not talking about the strangely similar theme. Nor am I referring to the tension inside the team before they reconcile that felt like a watered-down version of what we saw in the 2012 movie by Whedon. But the characters are bent so that they match their Marvel counterparts. The Flash takes the place of the slightly weaker and wisecracking Hawkeye, Aquaman clearly corresponds to Thor with his royal and out-of-place persona, Wonder Woman goes through the same soldier- leader dilemma as Cap did and even Batman is slightly changed so that he's closer to Tony Stark (making decisions that make absolutely no sense for the world's best detective that we all know and love). That's a shame cause DC characters are interesting and have a lot more to offer than a mere copy.


As of 11/16/2017, this movie has an 8.1 score here on IMDb. Now I'm not a hater and won't say it's the worst movie in history but more than 8 ? Seriously ? It barely does the job so it's a 5 out of 10 for me.
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Just okay
luan-penna16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I grew up watching the Justice League animated series and I enjoyed every DCEU movie so far, so I was really excited to finally see these heroes together for the first time on the big screen. Unfortunately, the movie was a letdown. It's not bad by any means, but it was not as epic as it should have been. Here are my pros and cons:


+ The acting is really good

+ Great chemistry between the League

+ Some good action scenes (Amazons vs Steppenwolf is one the best moments of the movie), even though the movie lacks any memorable action like the ones in Man of Steel, BvS or Wonder Woman

+ Superman is finally done right

+ There are some fun scenes

+ The Flash is great and you can't ignore Wonder Woman every time she's on screen. Aquaman and Cyborg were fine. Batman was fine as well (Ben Affleck didn't look very interested in this movie as he was in BvS)

+ The post credit scenes are great


  • The plot is weak (bad guy wants to destroy the world, just like The Avengers, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, X-Men: Apocalypse, etc). You can tell how it all ends, everything is very predictable

  • The villain is really awful. I didn't fear him for a second

  • Not a lot of surprises

  • The VFX is a letdown compared to Man of Steel and BvS (Superman's erased mustache is really distracting)

  • Very little character development

  • You can tell basically all the scenes added in reshoots

  • The jokes didn't work. Most of them are silly, not funny

  • Gal Gadot's acting is not very good in some scenes. It looks like she is as good as her directors. With Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman's director), she was great. Here with Zack Snyder/Joss Whedon, not so much

  • Some of the dialogues are really bad (like the ones with Mera and Aquaman). Half of them are pure exposition

  • The movie lacks stakes or any sense of danger

  • The final battle is really generic

  • The movie is never really exciting. It's almost exciting, but never really really exciting.

It's not a bad movie, but it's not great either. Unfortunately Justice League is just okay. You won't remember it in a year. I didn't love the movie, but based on the last post credit scene, I'm excited for where this universe can go next.
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Big-budget superhero mash-up switched directors in midstream
AlsExGal14 September 2020
When an alien invasion, led by the sinister Steppenwolf (Ciaran Hinds in a motion capture performance), seems imminent, Batman (Ben Affleck) recruits the world's heroes to stop it. He seeks out Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot), Aquaman (Jason Momoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher), but their combined power may not be enough, and they realize the one missing factor that could turn the tide of battle: the recently deceased Superman (Henry Cavill).

This was another tortured production, with director Zack Snyder leaving the project either due to a death in the family or by the studio's insistence, depending on the source. Joss Whedon was brought on to finish the movie and ended up reshooting some earlier scenes. The final product seems rushed, under cooked, and dreadfully overloaded with too much unnecessary CGI effects. The common weakness in many of these superhero movies is the villain, and this is yet another example of that. The character is fully CGI and looks it, and it's difficult to feel menace from a cartoon in a non-animated movie. And the worst part is, it wasn't even needed, as the character was a normal human-looking person in the comic books, and the actor hired to basically just provide the voice, Ciaran Hinds, is a very good actor and would have been fine without the CGI embellishment. Another glaring visual flaw lies in Superman's mouth. Since the shoot ran over, Superman actor Henry Cavill was contractually obligated to start his filming on the upcoming Mission: Impossible film, a role that requires him to grow a bushy mustache. When he had to come back for reshoots on Justice League, the producers decided to just CGI out his mustache, with the end result a laughable, often deformed upper lip.

On the plus side, Ezra Miller is amusing as The Flash, Gal Gadot continues to look great as Wonder Woman, and Momoa makes for an interesting twist on Aquaman, who is nothing like his comic book counterpart. Many of the acting heavy-hitters, including Amy Adams, Diane Lane, and Jeremy Irons, are just cameo window dressing.
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WHY Warner Brothers.....WHY?
ezramandela17 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The film was okay. Definitely not bad. How I wish Warner Brothers experimented with more standalone films before they finally got to Justice League. As a big DC fan, I was a bit let down. 2hours was definitely not enough to put this film's story across. There were great plot points but everything just seemed to go by too quickly. Henry Cavill's CGI upper lip was very distracting, and his superman- even though I really liked him- but he was just too powerful for Steppenwolf, or maybe Steppenwolf was the one who was too weak for the story they were going for. For someone who wanted to destroy the world, I think he wasn't menacing enough. Ray Fisher was great as Cyborg, I liked Gal Gaddot as Wonder Woman, Mamoa as Aquaman, and even Miller as the flash. But I didn't like how the flash runs in this movie....his legs move in a weird way. Batfleck owned his role obviously. There were great moments in the film, especially when Superman returns and meets the team for the first time. Loved his reunion with Louise and his Mom, and I'm really looking forward to where this universe will go.

The first credits scene didn't do anything for me (I thought they'd both run instead of Superman flying).Many scenes in the trailer were not in the movie, and I feel like there was more to this film than what we get to see. The CGI also needed more polishing. It's definitely getting a lot more hate than it deserves. I really feel sorry for Zack Snyder...I know the backlash he gets from people will definitely affect his confidence as a director, especially for DCEU films and his vision of it.

I give this movie a 6.5/10. An argument can be made for 7/10. Anyone giving this movie more than a 7/10 is not being completely honest with themselves. I really looked forward to this movie, but the theatrical release hasn't done much for me. Definitely a forgettable movie.
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Better Than Expected But Deeply Flawed
garethvk15 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The long anticipated "Justice League" has finally arrived finally combining the biggest stars of the DC universe into one film. The proposed film has faced many obstacles on the way to the big screen ranging from script issues, massive reshoots and a change of Director for said reshoots due to a family tragedy that Director Zack Snyder suffered.

The film follows Batman (Ben Affleck) and Wonder Woman (Gal Godot), as they look to assemble a team of other gifted individuals to help fight off a pending invasion. The death of Superman has left a void on the Earth, and this has paved the way for an ancient evil to return as he attempts to conquer the planet after he collects the three needed artifacts that his plan requires.

In a race against time, Batman and Wonder Woman recruit Aquaman (Jason Momoa), The Flash (Ezra Miller), and Cyborg (Ray Fisher), to battle to save the planet. Naturally they battle amongst themselves as well as their massing enemies but ultimately decide on a dangerous plan that can tip the odds in their favor and save the day.

The action in the film is good but it often plays out like a video game. With so many blatantly obvious CGI backgrounds, the movie looked like a video game. There were numerous scenes that looked like they were lifted from Injustice and Injustice 2 that I muse d to myself that someone must have used their Power Up for the shot. Affleck and Gadot are good and work well with one another, but there are some serious casting issues with the film. The biggest for me was Ezra Miller as The Flash. I did not like his effeminate, nerdy, socially awkward, and neurotic and at times cowardly take on the character. This is not the Barry Allen I grew up reading in comics or the one that has been portrayed twice in a much better fashion on television. His comic relief status grew old fast and his character really offered little to the film.

It has been well-documented that Joss Whedon not only handled the rewrites for the film but took over directing duties to complete the film. You can see elements of his humor scattered throughout and the film does move along at a steady pace without dragging.

The biggest issue is that so many of the characters are just stiff and one-dimensional. They really are not overly interesting so it is hard to really connect with them and the tasks they are facing. Unlike Marvel who have excelled with dysfunctional groups who fight amongst themselves as well as the forces of evil, this group seems to be going through the paces rather than being fully engaged with the task at hand and each other.

In the end "Justice League" is better than I expected, and the two bonus scenes in the credits show some interesting potential down the road. As it is, it is flawed entertainment that requires audiences to overlook a lot of issues. 3 stars out of 5
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Watch the Snyder cut that's the only Justice league
eyad-bakour27 March 2021
After watching the Snyder cut i will never ever acknowledge this cut the josstice league , doesn't matter now this terrible corny tacky version is dead to me and surely every comic book fan you don't have to like Dc or love it you can hate it but once you watch the Snyder cut you will be like wow this is a comic book masterpiece.
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Every One Star or Ten Star is a lie, it's a good movie, not terrible, not amazing, good.
ig-bic14 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hey, don't go with high expectations, the movie is far away from epic, but it's pretty fine and funny, I enjoyed a lot of stuff, the characters are awesome! Even Steppenwolf isn't the lame they said, he is just not memorable, he's OK, a generic villain who delivers what everyone should expect (come on, it's Steppenwolf, why would you guys expect a mind blower villain here?) The plot is simple and works. The only fatal flaw for a huge fan of DC is the return of Superman, damn, that's was sooo weird :/ And Zimmer would be so much better than Danny was, buuut there's nothing we can do about it now, at least it's nostalgic.
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Another movie assembled quickly and dirty like Suicide Squad
gianlucatrovato21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As super hero fan, the movie is not bad, still the things happens too fast with weak logic. Cool superman reawakening and the final battle.
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srivineet27 March 2021
Please be careful while releasing the movie... don't cut essential scenes important to the movie.
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Nice-packed action movie! Entertaining!
zerone2315 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
One year and 7 months since BvS, the Trinity is back with additional members. A half-man half-robot guy, a man who can talk to fish, and a man who can only push something when he is running.

First, let's talk about each member character's development except the Trinity. First is Aquaman. Because of his role is somehow important in this movie, he's got a lot of background story. Can't explain more because there is a spoiler on it. Next is Cyborg. He has similar portion with the man who uses fork to fight. However, he has a significant role for the movie. Last is Barry Allen. The movie brings premise to Flash movie in the next year. Overall, it is great.

Move to the plot. Personally, I do find it fast-paced :( Maybe it is true that Zack Snyder is lack on delivering the story. Up until now, it bothers me why Warner Bros used this kind of plot to bring the league. Nevertheless, I was delightful to see the action scenes. The first last battle makes me shivers.

Conclusion's time! Justice League is a nice-packed of several action scenes movie. I would say that this movie is a jumping stone for their next crossover because of its lack essence of the story. For fanboys, there are lot of hints that you can find in the movie. It pleases your thirst, I mean hunger, for comic book references. The score is 8 of 10. (If it is seen by the action, I would definitely give it 9)'

P.S : There are two post end credit scenes. To be honest, the last credit scene almost make me lost my mind on DC Cinematic Universe. Totally love it.
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The end of good DC movies
Nuntius-Caelestis15 November 2017
Imagine history backwards. Imagine that you were lucky enough to watch the Edward J. Olmos' version of Battlestar Galactica first, and then, after a while, they came back with the Lorne Green's version of it. That's exactly what happened with this Marvel-infected version of the Justice League.

Gone is the brooding menace of what people with these special skills would harbor in real life. Gone is the sense of peril when you have the whole world at risk of being destroyed by god-like forces. Gone is the beauty of imagination beyond what Marvel would ever deliver.

This is a parody of what the DCEU gave us before.

We were THAT close to have a Justice League movie worthy of being called art; instead, we got another forgettable Marvel movie.

Thanks for what you gave us, Mr. Snyder.

Shame on you, Weldon, for ruining the art of bringing comic books to life.
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Who ever made this justice league into garbage!
marvinooril27 March 2021
Should be fired and sued for destroying justice league movie.
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Not a Zack Snyder movie
saurabhkishore013 April 2021
Why is it still listed as Directer by Zack Snyder , when all world knows that Joss Whedon directed it.

Please pls give credit to him. Snyder shows that he is far better then him.
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Justice Comedy central
Ska4Live16 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, forget the dark tone of MoS and BvS, new Zack Snyder movie Justice League it is a comedy! And I think this could be one of problems of this movie. SO here is 3 main problems. PLS beware of spoilers below!!

Lets start with obvious problem which we saw in BvS and Suicide Squad – montage and editing. Warner seems like didn't learn they bad lesson at all. JL is a great example of terrible editing. All 2 Hours of movie you see different scenes hard cut one-by-one . Such switching between locations, Time and characters, may look like you was napping for few minutes and then suddenly wake up in the middle of some action scene. Time on screen for such characters like: Comm. Gordon, Mera, Martha Kent, Alfred - overall takes 5-6 minutes of screen time. Together! Some scenes which you was able to see and enjoy in Trailers are cutted. Well, probably fifth part of all scenes in all trailers - are NOT in the movie! SO, editing I think is the main and the biggest minus.

Second, it the tone and genre. By looking on colors you see that studio already leave gray tones like were in first movies, now we see more warm colors like it was in WW Themiscira world. That definitely positive moment. But changing genre by 180 degrees, from dark drama to colorful comedy, even for good purposes, it is completely stupid decision by Warner and DC. Some of action\fight scenes looks completely not dynamic. They are boring and you don't empathize to protagonist. Remember Bat fight in warehouse in BvS? You won't see this in again. Instead of this, we saw in opening scene, battle choreography like in Batman 1989, Michael Keaton level. I know that Danny Elfman was happy to bring 1989 Bat-theme to this movie, but create movie in 2017 and makes it style like it was from earlier 90-s, that is damn shame.

Third, characters and their chemistry. Main Antagonist. Forget about Steppenwolf from trailers and his lines "no protectors here .bla bla bla this world will fall..bla bla bla" and etc. and - Nope. Our guy spoke simple and annoying things so often that maybe this is main reason why JL need to stop him. The colors used for Stepenwolf - cold-gray pallet. Which is, I think, too insensibly for such character. Superman. Yes he is in the League. Yes he was returned from the dead. I will left details of this process. But the emotion that we saw on Clark face after his 'returning', and emotions after a day in hugs with Lois, changed his view on things. From brutal and cold Bizzaro to 'Your best friend neighbor Superman, from Kansas' only few hours in corn field with Lois and Mom, and you are ready for saving world and joking together with your new teammates.

Details, Mistakes, Mismatches all of this could by only 2 reason. On my opinion those were caused by: changing director + reshooting and hard cut. Just few quick examples. SPOILER below!! After Clark has been returned to his memory and mood, he flight to help his new friend. We saw him in in new suit where this suit come from? Who made it? We doesn't have answer. Another, very personal mistake. On first scenes somewhere close to abandoned nuclear plant, we saw old building with letters on the top – ОТЕЛ, - which translates as HOTEL – from Russian. In the scenes of final battle we see, another (or even the same building) with letters ГОТЕЛЬ – which also means HOTEL – but from Ukrainian. Yes maybe for many of you it is just small details, but believe me for Slavic people, in modern world, this is huge error. And it is based on disrespect from movie makers who just don't gives a sh*t on such things. I want to believe that this is Joss Whedon feature. He always put into his movies some empty civilian personages who are suffer during battles. And from Avengers time he didn't learn nothing about alphabets of other countries.

Positive moment(s). Chemistry of the Heroes. Relationships between Diana and Bruce, Victor and Barry,Arthur and all others members, it is great examples of how teams should look like. The Flash and Aquman are main positive moments and only because of them rating are higher than 5 stars. As a conclusion, my verdict 6.5\10. I really want to believe that we will see Ultimate version, and this will bring rating growth. But for now – I can stop expecting any positive moments from DC and Warner. They must to sit down, calm down, clear their minds and heard and find a final decision, what are they want to see more. Only money from fiction movies or movies with ideas and souls.
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Better than expected
alijanmalhan23 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I went into the movie with really low expectations and i was pleasantly surprised. The movie was actually good not great but good. Humor was good character chemistry was cool.story was OK as well. At some points league was even surpassing avengers.cgi was OK as well. Unfortunately media has stomped this movie really hard. I saw spiderman home coming and through out the movie i couldn't figure out why i was there. This is a lot better than that. It is on par with thor ragnarok. You will enjoy it. The real problem where the movie is lacking is the editing. They have cut many scenes and some scenes come out of nowhere. Its the only flaw this movie has otherwise you will enjoy it. I did. It is a start of something really good. Different than avengers more powerful heroes. Overall a good movie, a satisfying movie. Thor ragnarok left a lot to be desired in the end this one doesn't. one more thing, from now on im not relying on the critics to decide for me what to watch they have not done justice to this movie.
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This Above Average film by DCEU has got Enough Explosion to be called a Safe film.
SAMTHEBESTEST16 November 2017
JUSTICE LEAGUE REVIEW : It was one of the Most Awaited flick for me during pre release period but later Critics reviews declared it an Average to Below Average film and i lost all that year built excitement in minutes. Let me say it straight, i'm not reviewing a Great film, i'm talking about Average film so if you see any soft corner about any field then that means Average one not even Good.

Justice League starts very slowly, looks like a bore flick for first 35-40 minutes and then picks up smartly. Later it continues the flow but after every explosive and entertaining scene there're 1 or 2 minutes loo breaks followed. Don't know why it happens, why film gets slow for few moments when screenplay was in top form? Then enough explosion at the end and later one surprising factor after end credits saves this Average flick to look an Above Average stuff. We've seen Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman in prequel and i'm glad to welcome 3 new guys in the team, Aquaman is Good, Flash is too good, Cyborg is decent. Some musical scenes feels irritating. Runtime is shorter than 2 hours and thanks to the editor for that but how could he trim that Superman's re-entry scene from Trailer (Alfraid says, Let's Hope you're not too late) ? Superman's Returning is slightly curved towards emotional bonding but it doesn't work at all. Villain is powerful but a fairy tale and retro look doesn't impress much. Visual Effects are Brilliant, could have been better for 3D viewing. Direction is messy, Snyder either needs to improve or needs to be removed from DCEU. We're waiting for One Good film from him and we're still waiting. Thanks to Jenskine for that one good film Wonder Woman otherwise Snyder has almost finished DCEU. Why he always go for a Dark film, why can't he just go for some fun and light moments like Marvel?

Overall, Justice League is an Above Average film, obviously not that bad as critics said. Chuck the critics and go for it, those who liked BvS will surely like this and those who did not like BvS will also find it an Average One Time Watch. Enough Explosion and action in middle and at the End makes this one to worth your ticket Purchase. Talking about Box Office this one should do decent business in the range of previous 2 DCEU films or might even struggle to reach there while $1 Billion club is out of reach. I'm going with 6/10* and hoping for better a sequel which will have a League of Villains (This might be a spoiler).
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Warner Bros. should be ashamed of themselves.
d-beckton23 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone knows by now that due to unfortunate circumstances, Zack Snyder (Director) and his wife, Deborah Snyder (Producer) had to leave the project for personal reasons, which enticed to the studio (Warner Bros.) to bring in 'Avengers' director Joss Whedon and ''finish'' it.

Ultimately, the film seems to have been almost completely re-written and re-shot. I've read a fair amount from people claiming that the film is still around 80% Snyder's vision, I don't think so.

The films original composer (Junkie XL) was quickly dispatched and replaced by Danny Elfman (One could argue that a films score makes up 50% of the film, easily).

Danny Elfman's score is completely flat and heartless. There isn't a shred of emotion in a single note. It sounds out of place, is consistently uneven and the little homages to past themes seem to be thrown in and are used at completely the wrong times.

Almost every scene where Superman appears, he has a ridiculously expensive, computer generated botch job of a mouth to cover up a moustache that Henry Cavill wasn't allowed to shave off for the re- shoots, due to commitments to another film.

As I can recall, there was one scene for Superman where he didn't have the CGI mouth.

The tone and atmosphere of Snyder's style is almost completely lifted from the film, something I'm sure was tampered with in post- production.

It doesn't have any kind of atmosphere at all really, it just feels empty.

The actors are all fine and deliver worthy performances for the characters, it's not their fault that the film which is built around them is a complete disaster.

It just goes to show that the studio couldn't care in the slightest about delivering a serious and decent production. They had a release date and they forced themselves to stick to it, regardless of the outcome.

Most of the film feels completely rushed and cheap, which it shouldn't, given it had a budget of $300 million.

It's simply unacceptable for something of this capacity and scale to be the epitome of a mindless product from a bloodsucking and power driven cooperation.

Would it have been such a loss to put the project on hold until Zack and Deborah Snyder returned, or delay the film until everything was as good as could possibly be? Apparently yes.

There's been absolutely no respect for the source material, the vision of the original director or the target audience from Warner Bros..

Zack Snyder's complete version, I'm sure has its faults and flaws, but nothing can compare to this lacklustre effort.

This should have been the best superhero film ever made, but has been dropped and fallen straight to the bottom of the barrel.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop there.
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A Very Well Done DC Comic Movie Adaptation
MichaelNontonMulu15 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Wooooow! This movie was everything that I could hoped for in a team of superheroes movie. It was fun, intense, exciting, full of action and humor at the same time. And overall one heck of a very entertaining superhero movie. I had lots of fun watching this movie from beginning till end. The start of the movie was already making us intrigued, then slowly the revealing of other superheroes were totally cool. It was very enjoyable to see one by one introduced to us. When Wonder Woman was shown again, my wife was very ecstatic and she immediately was reminded why she loved that movie so much. Then when we were shown The Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg's abilities when they teamed up to fight Steppenwolf, it was amazing. But what was very enjoyable was actually the performance of Ezra Miller as the Flash, who was characterized as very fun, young superhero. He was able to make me less upset for taking over the role which I thought should have gone to Grant Gustin who portrayed as the Flash in the TV series. Lots of the funny moments involved him. Jason Momoa I think suit the role of Aquaman (and I cannot wait to see his solo movie in 2018). While Cyborg was the one character that felt not too much explored (perhaps only my feeling), although he did have brief moment of fun when relating with Barry Allen. The action sequences here were absolutely thrilling, intense and greatly done. There were so many of them that I loss count (not that I was really counting anyway). The solo fights of the superheroes, their brief internal fights and of course the climax scene which was totally awesome but still showed a bit of surprisingly funny moment (be sure not to miss that part). There were not a lot of dramatic moment here but as a movie of superhero team, this one certainly did not disappoint. My wife and I who are fans of comic superheroes, were really satisfied and absolutely thrilled with the whole movie. We even think of possibly watching the movie once again. The special effects and the sound effects were awesome! I am confident that you would get an even better experience watching it in a good quality theaters, especially ones with Dolby Atmos or in IMAX as it was shown in the end credit scene that the movie was specially formatted for IMAX. Talking about the end credit scene, there was 1 fun scene in the middle and another important scene at the very end which would give us excitement of the future movie of DC Extended Universe. I know that some people still could not find the good in the movie, perhaps due to the bias/low expectation, but I totally feel that it would be a shame if this movie was not enjoyed as a fun superhero movie. I honestly hope it would make most people satisfied. I am really recommending this to be seen as soon as you can, so you could discuss the movie with your friends or families.
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it is awesome
kratoslncool26 November 2017
the movie is fun to watch, I am a DC fan, I have to admit it so I have watched this movie about 5 times to fully get all the stuff this movie offered. Differently, from the edgy tone of Suicide Squad or Batman vs Superman, this movie is just like a real-life version of the old justice league animated series. The movie has its moment, maybe too long with too much detail just in case for newcomers, and I am OK with that. What I'm trying to say is, don't expect an Oscar worthy movie or a deeply underrated masterpiece like Watchmen, the movie is fun to watch, it has its tone, one of the closest live action of the old justice league animated series. 9/10 because there is no green lantern, there cant be any justice league without Hal Jordan or John Steward
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Just a shattered movie with no heart and identity
nothimme26 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This was such a good downgrade, it's unbelievable. The movie doesn't shelter a soul. You can't show feelings to it. It's ugly. There isn't much thought put into it. It's like not a part of the Trilogy: Forced and lame jokes, casual and uninspiring score, stereotyped and predictable plot, cheesy and generic writing, undeveloped villain, inappropriate atmosphere, wrong character development... I mean how does one go from this ''Tell me, do you bleed'' to this ''There's something definitely bleeding'' It's like a 'joke'. Who wrote this garbage? I mean why, what was your motive?

Apart from the garbage writing, the coloring sucked too. The whole movie was ugly as hell. After Superman's resurrection, the fight scene was completely miss edited. Why is the sun rising? Do you guys wanted it to make more colorful? Is because Superman takes his power from the sun? Because of this garbage coloring, the VFX and the CGI looked garbage.

Where is the villain? That villain shouldn't have wasted like that. He made a pretty good entrance, but the movie didn't capitalize on it afterwards. We didn't get to know him. He was in exile, Superman died so he has sent to earth to destroy it. Yeah, sure.

Fight scenes were a big downgrade too. Although there were some good shots, especially where Amazons and Steppenwolf fight, most of the fight scenes were just casual and emotionless.

Overall, this movie is just another ''Batman & Robin''. Back then, due to its darkness, they gave Batman nipple. Now, due to its darkness, they gave Batman ''Do you really talk to fish'', ''There is something definitely bleeding'' lines. The history repeating itself.

They gave $300,000,000 for this movie, but it doesn't look like that big of a movie, right? WB really did something. They've disposed of movie's original composers. They've re-edited and rewrote the whole movie. They've brought a new guy, who doesn't care about the characters or bother to know them, as a writer and director to make the movie look more like a Disney movie. And with that guy, they added a bunch of reshoots which doesn't add too much to the movie other than garbageness and a bad CGI mouth. This version of Justice League is just wrong, doesn't add up, doesn't lead anywhere. Every storyline that we started, every future we were building up to gone with this movie. It just depressing.
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Quite entertaining, by the standards of the animation episodes..
nnkknnkk4425 November 2017
Not sure what movies the critics e.g. rottentomatoes watched..as conspiracy theories go, one is tempted to wonder if they were paid to tear apart, and it looks inconsistent esp considering they loved Wonder Woman..

Anyway I think JL has nailed it, by the standards of the animation episodes which I thought are quite entertaining..Ben Affleck nails it as Bruce Wayne and as Batman, Gal Gadot IS Wonder Woman..and finally they've got Superman right (to me)..and Flash, Cyborg and Aquaman are great as well (also Jeremy Irons is great as Alfred), and maybe this is a good precursor to their standalone movies..

It's worth keeping in mind that this is a superhero flick, an escape, a fantasy etc -- if one wants a real life uplifting catharsis, one should stick with The Shawshank Redemption and so on.. JL is certainly not perfect, it does not do character development on the scales of the Dark Knight or some such..but it is definitely entertaining, fast-paced, positive and relatively lighthearted, and the characters are mostly placed correctly (at least along the lines of the animation episodes), as individuals and as part of the League.. this is certainly comparable to Wonder Woman in terms of how hopeful it feels overall.. and in some (inexplicable!) sense Synder's take on the previous movies also makes a bit more sense now, within this universe..at some level.. I also found it amusing to be reminded of the Batman animation theme and the John Williams Superman theme..!
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This is not Zack's movie.
mainecreep13 April 2021
What a butcher job. Let the master (Zack) do his thing, he knows how to make a great movie. I mean come on (Dawn of the Dead , Watchmen, Man of Steel, and the extended version of Batman vs Superman) All 5-Star movies, and then the studio steps in, screws Zack and gives the movie to Joss. This movie should be removed from all media outlets and be replaced by the Zack Snyder Cut. (the real justice league movie) Burn in HELL JOSS.
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Not as good as I hoped
Gordon-1116 November 2017
This film tells the story of Batman and Wonder Woman putting a team together to fight against evil forces who try to bring the fragments of the mother box back together.

The visual effects are very impressive, and the story is very fast paced. In fact, it is so fast that it sacrifices the story telling. The main backbone of the story is there, but there's no cohesion, engagement and no captivation. The plethora of characters also mean that each of them get little screen time, hence there's little developer of characters. I thought I was just being fed some fragmented scenes. The socially awkward young guy tries too hard to provide comedic relief, that it makes the heroic efforts of the league less credible. Unfortunately I did not enjoy this film as much as I thought I would.
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