Hot Rod (2007) Poster


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Funny? Hell Yeah.
thekiltedhammer25 July 2007
My wife and I saw a screening of Hot Rod. From some the comments posted here I thought we were going to be bored. Nothing could have been further from the truth. This film was really funny! So funny, that I'm wondering if the people who say they hated it actually saw the same film. No, its not fine art, its a summer comedy, and it delivers plenty of laughs. I am middle-aged guy whose not into early Adam Sandler, or Napoleon Dynamite type comedies, and this movie had me laughing hard. Sure, not at every single joke, but at most of them. If you are into absurdest humor, or enjoyed movies like Hot Fuzz, or Super Troopers, you'll find plenty to enjoy. P.S. My wife liked it too.
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A Triumph Over American Comedy Trends
colin-mcarthur5 November 2007
I watched Hot Rod for the same reasons i've watched any of the generic American comedies that Hollywood seems to churn out. Because i had nothing better to do, i didn't want to have to think and i expected to be very mildly amused. I was very pleasantly surprised when Hot Rod turned out to have a bit of heart. This movie seems to occupy a middle point between the fairly predictable but fun Blades of Glory and the rather more charming and oddball Napoleon Dynamite. Most recent American comedies seem to function like early Tom Cruise films : Take a vocation and run with it. Blades of Glory had the fairly ridiculous world of figure skating to draw from, and i guess you can't really go wrong with a grown man in lycra on ice skates, but it's humour relied heavily on that. Hot Rod is a film about a (pretty terrible) young stuntman who's objective is to raise enough money to save his dying step-dad by means of a life saving operation. His underlying reason for doing so, however, is because he wants to earn his respect by beating him in a fight. This little quirk and more are what make Hot Rod a little more satisfying than other films in its genre, and, despite some rather obvious jokes and a criminally underused Will Arnett, it's well worth watching.
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Great movie to watch and not think too much once its over
satydg8 December 2007
Its been a while that i have come across a comedy movie as light hearted as this one.I think this movie caters to all genres of audience and the best part is that you don't have to drag the movie storyline home and ponder over it.Its got a feel-good attitude to it and has got a simple storyline. I recommend this movie to one and all.. A great release of 2007 !!! The directors done a good job and so have the actors.. haven't heard of them before but if its their debut, then well done ! The soundtrack is a mix of techno and 80s music which again adds a brilliant touch to the movie and they are very situational, which does not happen in most of the comedy movies..
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Can't wait for August 3rd!
leaning_tripod10 July 2007
This film screened in Minneapolis last night (at which they also distributed free T-shirts, pins and fake mustaches) and I have not laughed this hard in a very long time. I laughed so hard it made my stomach hurt, and that hasn't happened to me in a movie in years.

It reminded me very much of Will Ferrell's "Anchorman" and "Talladega Nights," but even moreso it seems like a throwback to the kind of movies Adam Sandler used to make. There's a lot of "Billy Madison"-inspired randomness and absurdity that just cracked me up, and the stunts look truly dangerous.

I will not say anymore about this film except I can't wait to see it again when it opens August 3rd and I think Andy Samberg could explode after this film. Not literally, let's hope.
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Landmark Achievement in American Cinema
j-burke-26 August 2007
If you're looking for THE ground-breaking cinematic achievement this summer, look no further than this hidden gem. This movie is chalk full of cool beans! It is destined to have a long life as a cult-classic. Sissy Spacek plays an extremely strong woman with unending patience and the emotional strength of Hercules. Don't be surprised if she garners a lot of support come Oscar time.

Our hero is surrounded by a devoted team of friends that double as his stunt crew. In the spirit of Evel Knievel, each stunt is meticulously worked on until perfected. The characters are well developed and the writers and directors go to great lengths to demonstrate the difficulty in being raised by a step-father and winning his respect, especially when your younger, half-brother is of his blood line. The dramatic tension at times got so thick, I constricted into the fetal position and caught fleeting glimpses between my fingers covering my face.

When discussion of great directors comes up, the names like Scorcese, Coppola, and Spielberg are bandied about. Well, it is time add the name Akiva Shaffer to the pantheon of Hollywood Heavyweights. The plot twists keep you guessing, until an ending that I just didn't see coming.

Let me be the first to congratulate Andy Samberg for his ascension to SuperStardom. He is officially a MegaStar.

Honestly, this movie is Napolean dynamite on steroids. My eight-year-old son, my wife, and I loved it. And, I'm not as think as you dumb I am.
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listen to this mother...we all loved this movie!
boneheads17 August 2007
Our family consists of a fiftyish dad, a fortyish mom and two teenaged daughters. We all saw this movie during a sneak preview just before it opened, and I (the mom) laughed so hard I could barely breathe sometimes. I had to stop laughing so I could hear what I was missing. One of my daughters said it was a cross between Napoleon Dynamite and Talladega Nights...maybe. It was completely improbable, I mean, who's going to be doing stunts on a moped? But it was so sweet. The characters never over reached who they were or tried too hard. It never felt forced, like so many movies like this do. The best part was when Rod went to his "Quiet Place". I saw one summary that said it would have been better with Will Ferrell...I've enjoyed everything Will Ferrell has done lately, but Andy Samberg was perfect for this movie. The ending was pretty predictable, but it was like taking a knew where you'd end up, but it was so much fun along the way. We definitely loved this movie and recommend it to all our friends (and you!)
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Funniest movie in a long time
SophieKowalski23 July 2007
I saw Hot Rod a while ago at a screening and I have to say it is the most funny movie ever. This is the way comedy should be. Free, Silly and Funny. The jokes are just fresh and the actors are great. Andy Samberg is great as the leading man but the supporting cast (Bill Hader, Ian Mcshan, Chris Parnell, Jorma Taconne and Will Arnett) also really stand out. Besides from the jokes the action is enjoyable too. I heard people comparing it to Napolion Dinamite but I can't see that. It has his own vibe and is not really comparable with any movie. The style is a bit more rawer than the usual comedy and that makes it original. I highly recommend to go see it if you want a good laugh! If you are a Lonely Island fan you will not be disappointed. It has the same silliness. Nothing but Love for this movie!
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Dumb fun with rousing performances...
shaneo63227 November 2007
Shaun Munro's Reviews (

Hot Rod, quite simply, is one of the strangest, most offbeat comedies to come our way since Napoleon Dynamite (a film which, I hasten to add, I wasn't terribly fond of upon first viewing). Filled with irreverent gags, and so-called "random" interludes of "humour", Hot Rod is a curiosity of a comedy.

It becomes clear early on that much of the laughs to be sought in Hot Rod are physical, beginning with an impressive, and surprisingly funny (considering how often it was shown in trailers) instance where our protagonist fails a stunt and pays for it in rather brutal spades.

Whilst I did end up ultimately enjoying Hot Rod somewhat, I must admit that I was incredibly apprehensive that this would just end up as another offbeat screwball comedy that, were you to show even a pinch of contempt for it, you would be lambasted for "not getting it" (see: Napoleon Dynamite). Hot Rod didn't grip me right away - whilst the humour was notably different from most of the romps you'll see this year, it really didn't seem to work to begin with. It was almost as though they were trying too hard to deliver a different, edgy brand of laughs. Perhaps this was just the warming up stage for me, as there were parts of this film later on that had me laughing heartily.

The basic premise of Hot Rod is that Rod Kimble (Samberg) is an amateur stuntman, and is suddenly informed that his abusive step-father Frank (McShane) is in dire need of an extortionately expensive heart-transplant. Whilst Kimble and Frank have contempt for one another, Kimble is determined to beat Frank in a fight some day (so as to finally be deemed "a man"), and so wants to ensure that Frank doesn't die (although surely fighting a man who's had a heart-transplant can't be too healthy either). As such, Kimble hatches a plan to perform a jump over 15 buses in an attempt to raise money for the heart transplant.

Continuing from that point, we have Ian McShane, who by far brings the strongest performance to the table as the bitter, acerbic and down right thoroughly dislikeable step-dad. His first line - "never sneak up on a man who's been in a chemical fire" pretty much says all you need to know about him - he's an aggressive madman of the highest order. This character really wouldn't work if it wasn't for the great chemistry between McShane and Samberg - McShane plays a great tease whilst Samberg, conversely, makes a convincing frustrated chump.

From here, we also meet the predictable love interest, in Denise (Fisher). As with McShane, Samberg gels quite well with her, and it makes the emotional cripple that Samberg plays all the more convincing. One notable instance of this is when he tells Denise that she looks pretty, and when she says "What?", he nervously returns "You look shitty!", much to my laughter. This was a man I could sympathise with.

Soon enough, Will Arnett shows up as Denise's rich, egotistical boyfriend. His character is one giant cliché, but Arnett has fun with the role, and next to McShane, provides the most enjoyable performance of the film. His character is one you can love to hate, and they gave Arnett some of the best lines of the film, such as, after running over a raccoon, proclaiming "the raccoon wouldn't have stopped for us", before laughing heartily. This isn't his best work (that honour would be bestowed to Mitch Hurwitz' brilliant Arrested Development), but it's still a good turn.

The rest of Hot Rod is essentially a dense collection of wild set pieces, from impromptu dance numbers and money-making montages, to faux poignant interludes, to a curious Asian man appearing virtually out of nowhere. More often than not, they all end with our protagonist being injured in some way, be it falling down an extremely long hill, flying through some sort of building, or being hit by a car. I felt that the dance number came a little too early in the film to really inspire much of anything, but the ridiculously violent ending to this and other skits were surprisingly funny. I still attest that physical humour (particularly that which is in this film) is a lower form of wit, but with a film like Hot Rod, I took my victories where I could find them, and these just happened to be the continual violent torture of our protagonist. It is worth noting, though, that these moments get very, very close to becoming tiresome by the film's end, and by the time the "cool beans" montage comes around (by which the characters utter these two words over and over until they lose all meaning), I was close to holding my head in my hands. Furthermore, gag-wise, an entire exchange regarding the pronunciation of "wh" seemed to have been poached from a Family Guy episode, much to my dismay.

There is the occasional injection of superficial emotion into the film, where our protagonist experiences a number of ups and downs, and ultimately begins to doubt himself. This almost appears to be a turning point in the film, and just as the viewer may be able to feel something for this character, he's hit by a van. I'm not complaining about it, mind, just noting that the instances of emotion are generally just padding for the comedy.

Everything eventually sets up nicely for the finale, and we have further ups and downs, and ultimately the film ends exactly as you'd expect. Yes, Hot Rod is very predictable, but that didn't stop it being an entertaining ride, with some great performances from Arnett and McShane, and some hit and miss humour, but when it hit, it hit hard. It won't be the best comedy you'll see this year, but it's dumb fun and I'm sure that's what the creators were going for.
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Give it a shot.
outlawstar144 August 2007
Few movies in recent cinematic memory have fit into the category of "Love it or Hate it" as well as this one. Its humor is so varied, oftentimes so random, that you either find it hysterical, or you think it's stupid. Me? I'm going with the former... I think this movie's completely hilarious.

It possesses a goofy, charming quality, and has a lot of moments that left me laughing while asking my wife, "what the hell the was that?" It seems to echo a Family Guy style of humor in that regard. I personally found the characters all pretty likable...the kind of characters you enjoy watching. There was an obvious (and effective) effort to give each character a real personality, quirks and all.

In the end, I suggest you keep an open mind, sit back and enjoy the utter ridiculousness this movie affords you...and I'll bet you find yourself laughing, even if it's in spite of yourself.
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Funny in the way that your friend is funny...
stevetseitz9 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
...And you aren't sure if everyone else "gets it".

This movie likes to party. "Hot Rod" has a real silly sense of humor and eschews most artificial plot advancers that weigh down other SNL-based film comedies.

Much of the humor was juvenile and stupid, but a good portion of that was funny enough to keep me in the seat.

I predict that either you will like "Hot Rod" or you'll hate it. I don't think it will have a "Napolean Dynamite" type following although you get the sense that that was the intent.

Lots of 80's in-jokes and spoofs that will be lost on much of today's youth who were weaned on Jack-Ass, Jim Carrey, Captain Planet and cell-phones.
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Impressed... That I managed to sit through the entire movie
Amourek29 February 2008
First off, to give you some idea of my taste in movies...

2007 Comedies I enjoyed: Superbad, Knocked Up, Hot Fuzz, Blades Of Glory

2007 Comedies I hated: Evan Almighty, The Brothers Solomon, Good Luck Chuck

I should have followed my first instinct and turned off "Hot Rod" after I got to about the 20 minute mark. I knew by that point that this movie would not make me laugh once. The script is absolutely brutal - I have no idea how this monstrosity managed to crack 6 on IMDb. Any one older than 10 years old who enjoyed this must be some kind of mental defective.

This doesn't come close to anything with Will Farrell and it's clear that Andy Samberg can't carry anything longer than a 5 to 10 minute sketch on YouTube or SNL. I don't know how they roped Ian McShane and Isla Fisher into doing this movie... they must have owed favors or something. I came in knowing that it would be a dumb movie, but I thought it would at least be funny. I didn't so much as smirk.

I don't normally comment on movies at IMDb, but this was so awful, I just had to warn people. This is only the 4th movie I've seen that I've felt compelled to rate 1/10.
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Absolutely Hysterical
jonok029 June 2007
I just saw the first screening ever of Hot Rod at the Los Angeles Film Festival.

As a fan of The Lonely Island, I went into this movie with high expectations. I can happily say that not only were they met but they were exceeded. This is by far the funniest, strangest and most ingenious comedy of the summer. The movie has some of the most random gags ever seen on film. This film is not for everyone: it has no stars and the comedy is very strange. But give it a chance and you will not regret it. The directing and editing of the film is both stylish and fast paced. Andy Samberg is hilarious as always but the supporting cast truly shines, particularly Bill Hader, Will Arnett and Ian McShane. Also look for an INSANELY hilarious cameo from director Akiva Shaffer. If you love the SNL digital shorts this movie is for you. Hot Rod is destined to be a cult comedy classic.
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Pure Slapstick Fun in a Time of Thinkers
Def_Man26 July 2007
I am a huge fan of comedies. In recent years (with few exceptions) the comedies I have seen have been highly intellectual. Sure, they're witty and have a complex plot and I love them, but still... I am an avid supporter of slapstick: a genre I felt to have slowly shriveled to death in recent years from those witty comedies (and bad slapstick in general i.e. Jack Black). It seemed like everything was making you think about the joke before you laughed. Sure, I love it... but I wanted good slapstick. And then, I got to go to a preview for Hot Rod starring Andy Samberg of Saturday Night Live. Now, I have faded away from SNL in recent years... but that didn't stop me from seeing this. It was free and in convenient walking distance. Yes, this comedy does not make you think... but very few slapstick ones do. But what it makes you do if you do it right... is just enjoy yourself. Samberg may in fact be the next king of slapstick as long as he doesn't get typecast. He pretty much controls the screen by crashing into everything and spouting lines with nervous perfection. You could actually feel for him throughout the movie... a feeling that may have seemed odd with original choice: Will Ferrell (who is good, but kind of boisterous for this role) I was relieved to see the return of slapstick to it's glory. This is more of a tribute than an insult as they make every move their own with every stitch worth a laugh. I definitely recommend this people who will take it for what it is: pure slapstick enjoyment.
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This film was so bad...
Cards_fan6 November 2007
I got up and walked out. And I saw it on an airplane. OK, I didn't literally walk out, but I unplugged the head phones and stopped watching. Sitting in total boredom during the flight was preferable to this feeble attempt at a film. I had just seen the predictably asinine romantic comedy "License to Wed" on a flight the week before and thought that it couldn't get any worse than that. It most certainly did with "Hot Rod". Amateurish best describes the film. It looks like what a film might look like if a group of high school kids got together and made a movie. I stopped watching after about 30 minutes and there was nothing even remotely humorous in that time. Based on the silence on the plane and comments from the few who actually listened to the entire film, nobody else on the flight found anything amusing either. The rave reviews found here for a film so obviously flawed and deficient are extremely suspicious. I suspect many of the reviewers are the same person, likely involved in the film. Check the reviewers history and see how many have never written another review for the answer. The rest are mind dead teens who think "Snakes on a Plane" was a great film.
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Locally Controlled Confetti
tedg19 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Some films come baked. They're whole. Once they adjust you into the space, they can do things with the shared imagine that cannot be done anywhere else.

And then there are the candy store movies like this. They are incoherent, a jumble of notions and gags from all sorts of different perspectives and conceptual modes. You take it in bits as small as 30 seconds and only as long as 5 or so. Its a TeeVee thing, and to buy into it at all requires a step back from expectations of anything that really works.

So when you comment on this, you're really commenting on the one or two elements that offended or pleased you. I'll comment on the one that I thought was clever, cinematic, fun.

Its toward the end, before the big scene where our designated doofus makes his big jump, gets the girl, restores his family, achieves fame and becomes a man. It starts with the familiar march, first of our hero. Then from the sides come his sidekicks. I think there was some of that triumphant slomo strutting with swelling music. Then more and more people come from the sides and join the procession, literally behind our boy. Then at the appropriate time, they break out in song, rising in excitement over the forthcoming climax which we know will go well because of his resolve.

But then in what is perfectly timed crescendo, the energy increases until it seamlessly tips into a riot. Its not a bloody, violent thing, but a Jerry Bruckheimer sort of riot with cinematic movement. Cars get turned over, people move.

Its a pretty brilliant effect — very, very effective — and would have mattered in a real movie.

Ted's Evaluation -- 1 of 3: You can find something better to do with this part of your life.
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I dare you not to like this movie! Hot Rod is indeed funny!
ironhorse_iv22 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
While, this movie isn't a Saturday Night Life skit turn into a movie. It's feels like one that works. Hot Rod is a sports comedy film directed by Akiva Schaffer, written by Pam Brady along with Andy Samberg, Akiva Schaffer, and Jorma Taccone, who were uncredited. Rod Kimble (Andy Samberg) is a man-child daredevil stunt man, who is aspire to follow in his father's footsteps and become a famous stuntman himself. Meanwhile, his stepfather Frank (Ian McShane) fails to respect Rod as a man, often going out of his way to beat him in sparring sessions and mocking his stuntman dream, but when Frank is in urgent need of a heart transplant. Rod find the strength and courage to win his heart, by raising the money by doing a jump over the length of fifteen school buses, and give the proceeds to his stepfather's surgery. The movie's jokes, both physical slapstick action humor & dialogue humor, at less for me, hit me like the hard ground after a fail stunt. It really broke my funny bone. It's weird that Rod, despite the many accidents he's involved in he never receives any long lasting injuries. Great use of a brick joke. Brick jokes are a joke that introduce in the beginning of a film that have no punch line, until late in the film. A good example of this is the Taco VS a Grill Cheese fight. Great use of retro humor, but it is 2007 when it was film, not 1980s here. So, some of the jokes, the audience might not get. Still, there is a lot of Youtube type jokes that younger audience might find interesting. I have to say, while some of the jokes seem old, stolen, or recycled. Hot Rod gives a new spin to it. A good example is the dancing out of rage, sequence which is loosely based on the movie Footloose. While other comedies like TV show's Family Guy spoof it already, this version end up being a lot funnier, because you don't what happen next, coming. Another joke, people think Family Guy or Hot Rod stole is the mispronouncing of words gag. According to the producers, this was inspired by a skit on Gang Starr's album Moment of Truth. I wouldn't say it was stolen as revamped. It seems like the humor, here is updated and adapted well to the surrounds. It knows that the movie is supposed to dumb, and they over top it everything to the extreme. It's aim for those with high toleration for idiocy humor. It goes without saying, that this isn't a sophisticated comedy movie, but somehow, it works as being funny to me. Andy Samberg works both in the charm of the man-child character, and making up new jokes at the spot. I can't see, the original actor, it was written for, Will Ferrell in this type of a role. Already, at the time, he seems a little bit too old to be playing this type of a character. The supporting cast is just as easily as funny as Andy Samberg. All his friends Rico (Danny McBride), Dave (Bill Hader) and his half-brother Kevin (Jorma Taccone) gives out some really funny scenes of their own. Even side characters like AM radio station host Barry Pasternak (Chris Parnell) and boyfriend of Rod's love interest, Jonathan (Will Arnett) nearly steals the movie from Rod. Will Arnett plays such an over the top over the top, jerk off guy, that it's serves a continuing inside gag of over acting. Indeed, he was more evil, than Evel Kenevel. Adding Denise (Isla Fisher) to the mix is great as Isla gives some really need, beauty to the group, even if she seems like a not- realist girl character in real life. It's still kinda weird to see, such serious actors like Sissy Spacek, and Ian McShane playing minor characters in here. They really get lost in the film as they don't bring that much humor to the mix. At less, Sissy's character, doesn't. I hardly remember, Sissy at all in the film. The music is great, and well-use in the film. I love Swedish rock band Europe. The band called Gown that plays at Rod's final jump is actually Queens of the Stone Age if you wondering. The best use of music for me, is 'You're the Voice" by John Farnam in the town scene. That scene alone, got me laughing my head off! Now, to the faults of the film. One thing, I wish wasn't there was the potty humor. It wasn't because it was gross, it's the fact that it wasn't funny. That whole tai chi Chekhov's Skill poop joke is stupid. The whole Acid trip scenes weren't that great. The whole scene with Rico going crazy on a guy was just pointless. Pointless violence play off like that as humor isn't my cup of tea. For a PG-13 film, there was a lot of raunchy jokes that clearly the movie got away with. Sexual dialogue is present, but it's nothing too explicit. There is very mild language in the film, and few crude humor. Overall: While the movie was a bomb at the box office, in the years following, it has gather up a number of cult fans due to its off-beat humor. If you go into this movie with an open mind, you should enjoy the heck out of it. It's really hard not to like this film.
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Jump over
Prismark106 June 2018
Hot Rod is a daft but enjoyable film. Keep your expectations low, have a good time with the stupid stunts and the middle of the road soft rock soundtrack.

Rod Kimble (Andy Samberg) wants to be like his late father a stuntman who worked with Evel Knievel. However his stepfather Frank (Ian McShane) thinks he is a loser and not really a man. They usually spar where Rod gets the hell beaten out of him, but it is all in good fun. Rod just wants his stepfather's approval.

When Frank needs life saving heart surgery, Rod and his friends decide to raise the money by performing a dangerous stunt.

Hot Rod is a goofy movie, not too funny but its heart is in the right place.
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The Jerk meets Billy Madison
brandnewthursday36 August 2007
Andy Samberg is the hero of the internet age. Through SNL digital videos such as Lazy Sunday and Dick in a Box, he has managed to coral a fanbase, score an emmy nod and land his own starring role in a movie. Being that sly, witty and subtle comedy is taking over the box office(The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, etc)it's safe to say that plain old silly farce is having a hard time reaching the same audience.

Steve Martin made The Jerk a hit, with his genius way of creating a character who was so naive and stupid yet easy to relate to. Samberg is trying to recreate that same character type, but it seems as though audiences aren't having it. Be that as it may, he does it successfully and with such a delightful awkwardness that it may put Martin to shame(no offense Steve).

Although Hot Rod starts off a bit slow, with those watching feeling that it may not come out of its slump, it progresses into a laugh out loud comedy that will have you literally howling. For instance, in one scene, Samberg takes out his frustrations by, as he puts it, "punch dancing" in the woods. This is followed by one of the longest and funniest falls in cinema history.

Most critics probably feel that the movie is just youtube videos strewn together, yet they aren't taking it for what it is: A blatant farce on 80s under dog stories. There was not one serious moment in this movie. And that is a good thing. Highly recommended for anyone who wishes to laugh their asses off.
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Stupid and awesome
doomedmac9 May 2020
This film is a ton of fun. Really stupid, but really funny and entertaining.
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"My name is Rod and I like to Party" - Favourite Movie!
mellymoo197 January 2010
This is by far in my top three best and funniest movies! An absolutely hilarious film guaranteed to make you laugh out loud.

Andy Samberg (from Saturday Night Live) plays Rod Kimble an aspiring stuntman trying to live up to his dead father's legacy, unfortunately he lacks the necessary aspect: any talent whatsoever. But backed by supportive friends.

Along with Lonely Island best friends Akiva Shaffer as director and Jorma Taccone as his step-brother team up to create this great comedy equals pure awesomeness! And Bill Hader as a friend and fellow team member Dave made me laugh so much too! From the most epic fall down a hill, safe word "WHiskey," Satan for a stepfather, killer dance moves and a Tai-Chi move guaranteed to make a grown man crap his pants and not know why. Hot Rod is quite the adventure. I would love to live in a town like that.

And after this movie you probably won't be able to look at stunting or mopeds the same way again.

Be sure to rent or buy this movie and the extras are pretty awesome.

"Life is pain - we've got to scrape the joy from it every chance we get."
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Heartwarming and Quintessentially Slapstick
mikinifinity11 March 2023
Short review:

Slow start, but builds quickly enough that you get invested. Not as funny as Blades of Glory or Talladega Nights, but still good and surprisingly heartfelt.

Long review:

I didn't have high expectations for this film. It boasts credits by Lorne Michaels and Will Ferrell. It is by all accounts a classic slapstick, made during the era of SNL's reign on satirical sketch comedy. But it COULD be construed as a wry and comedic commentary on middle America, the hobbies of the working class poor, imposed expectations, natural talent versus hard work and determination, nuclear familial splits, and the fickleness of dreams. Incredibly dumb, with a slow start that is reminiscent of Napolean Dynamite but pleasantly nostalgic- the kind of film you enjoyed when you were young and had more of an attention span, so you watch with a wry smile. By the middle, you're engaged, and by the end, you're gasping with the crowd and cheering Rod on. You've emotionally connected. It becomes one of those films you can just throw on in the background-- or, watch with intention again. Watching it harkens back to the days of looking around and having few options. This film makes you wish you had the support of Kevin, the vision of Rod, the pent up energy of Rico, the soft eye of Denise, the calm demeanor of Dave, and the motivation supplied by Frank. Weirdly categorizable as a classic by people who enjoy slapstick, monster trucks, 4x4 basetball games, and have grandparents that had gingham curtains (all apply to me).

This is the worst movie I've seen all the way through. I liked it.
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What on Earth is wrong with you people????
todd_mcduffie23 August 2009
This was one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Horrible acting,Not funny at all, and well just boring.

I can only assume all these 10 out of 10 fav. all time movie comments are actually the actors themselves in disguise.

Idk what the runtime on this movie is I'm sure its listed on this page It certainly felt like an eternity

If your looking for a tough challenge,attempt to sit through this awful movie.


Don't waste your time as I did on this one
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Cult classic.
carlsone-9471011 July 2022
This movie will forever live in infamy. I can't get enough of it. 10/10. Funny, refreshing, stupid as hell, and hits all the right notes for me.

Apparently my review needs to be at least 150 characters so here's another sentence.
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I like to party, do you like to party?
MattyRich929 July 2021
The real charm of Hot Rod is that the cast plays their roles earnestly, which definitely benefits the film. The slapstick and nonsensical humor is effective in spurts. But its commitment to maintaining a standard comedy formula hinders the pacing.
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Just horrible
MvWatcher13 March 2009
This is without a doubt, one of the worst movies I've ever seen. It was so bad we couldn't even watch the whole thing in one sitting. We had to stop after an hour to go restore our sanity. Only reason we came back later to finish it was because we wanted to see if it in any way redeemed itself in the last half. It didn't.

I didn't laugh once. A smirk in a scene or two was the most I was amused in the entire film.

We were also wondering why Sissy Spacek in this movie? Is her career really that far into the toilet, or did she owe someone a HUGE favor? Do yourself a favor and don't even waste the time looking at the cover of this movie.
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