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Surprisingly,fairly funny little comedy. Arnett and Forte,provide a strong Comedy team.
callanvass30 December 2009
I don't have much background info,on Will Artnett,or Will Forte. That being said,I managed to laugh quite a bit during this film,it's wonderfully moronic,while being hilarious at the same time. The stupid things they do,like seeing each other naked in the shower,or the way they talk,we all just can't help but laugh at it. The whole idea is absolutely absurd. Having John and Dean learn to be father's,while being completely incompetent,is certainly out there. But they managed to make it quite amusing,so that was pretty impressive. It's quite crude at times,but never too crude,to where it turns the viewer off,like Bruno ,persay. The Brothers Solomon isn't gonna make your world spin,it won't become one of your favorite comedies of all time either,but it will brighten up your day,it will take a load off,and provide you with some much needed laughs.

Performances. Will Arnett&Will Forte are both very funny,very likable. They make an excellent comedy team,that we can all like. Here's hoping,we get to see them again,sometime soon. Chi McBride is a funny character actor,and here is no different. Kristen Wiig does her job well,I quite liked her,even if she was bitchy at some points. Malin Akerman had a snobby written role,but who cares when you look like she does?. Rest of the cast are fine.

Bottom Line. This is a fun little comedy. It has laughs,spirit,and most importantly it's fun to watch. Worth the watch

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An Average Comedy
jplank14753 May 2010
I would have given this movie a higher score if kept me laughing throughout the whole film. Don't misunderstand, there are HILARIOUS parts in this movie but as a whole, it deserves an average.

Will Arnet is amazing at being awkwardly hysterical, and I feel he really did his part. Will Forte though just didn't hold up his part of the deal I'm afraid.

One thing I thought was funny was how they are such horrible drivers, they may have hit five cars or so swerving around traffic and nobody said a thing about it. Something subtle like that really makes me laugh.

I must say though, the opening credits were the highlight of this movie. My sides were aching before the movie even started...but the rest of the movie just funny, not side splitting.

Worth a watch for sure
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Strange Little Movie
pmdawn14 September 2008
Like other reviewers said, the opening titles of this movie will pretty much predict if you're going to like it or not.

My thoughts were, WTF was this? And indeed, that was my opinion of the movie after finishing it.

Two weird brothers look for a baby so that their dying father can see his grandson. Laughter ensues? Sometimes. They act like a washed-out crossover between "Dumb & Dumber" and the "Butabi" brothers (which, BTW I dearly missed here). John (Will Arnett)'s behavior, with women in particular, is either hilarious or annoying.

If the two main characters had been replaced with more 'suitable' (I don't want to say 'talented') comedians this movie would have been much better. The hollow script relies on physical gags and the brothers weird-but-supposedly-funny behavior. I really like Will Forte in SNL, and here he is bearable.

However, to do what Will Arnett attempted to do here, you need to have a funny face. Some actors have it and some don't - Will Ferrell and Jim Carrey come to mind. Arnett certainly doesn't, and comes across as a psychopath rather than a funny guy making a fool of himself. It's not funny - it's uncomfortable and embarrassing. If that was their objective, it worked.

This movie certainly has a style of its own, however. James provides some extra laughs, but I suspect most people will be turned-off by the dry nature of the humor here.

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Far to syrupy and not that funny
eternalsea3 September 2007
I'll be blunt, this is a bad movie with no real pros. A few times I was amused by a joke and the lead pair share some chemistry, but the overall feeling the production induces is not one likely to satisfy cinema goers. The director is Bob Odenkirk who directed last years mediocre Lets go to jail. That film wasn't awful just not very memorable or indeed in any way original. The Brothers Solomon actually looks at one point like it might form into a decent movie, the premise isn't brilliant but it does initially seem like a solid idea for a comedy. The whole mentality of the picture is sweet and overly syrupy, I mean at times the thing should come with a dental warning. The script has one or two dcent gags in it's aresenal but not enough to make this worthwhile for anyone with an IQ over 30. Opening alongside Shoot em up it's hard to see how The Brothers Solomon could make anything more than 5 million on it's opening weekend, I haven't seen it that highly advertised and when the reviews come out I doubt they'll differ much in terms of opinion from mine. Avoid the film, or if you must see it wait until you can watch free on cable.
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dbborroughs14 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Stupid, and I do mean stupid, tale of two home school raised social misfits with high IQ's who want to give their comatose dying father a grandchild, but are unable to get any woman to go out with them.

Bob Odenkirk should keep this occasionally-very occasionally-funny but incredibly stupid movie off his resume if he ever wants to have sex again since its insulting to pretty much everyone. I don't know who's idea it was to make this movie but its yet another Jerk rip off that goes nowhere new. Yes, some of it is funny-the sky message bit at the end for example, but over all it just doesn't work, probably because the two main characters are clearly so stupid as to be believed. Only worth seeing if you stumble on it
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a new version of the dumb and dumber movies
MLDinTN29 June 2008
This movie reminded me a lot of Dumb and Dumber. Two dumb brothers that have no luck with the ladies decide they need to have a child for their comatose father. They are annoying and quite disgusting at times. This movie was not laugh out loud funny, but was amusing at times. I really liked the airplane banner at the end. That was funny. In the beginning they buy women groceries in hopes of getting phone numbers. But no such luck. One of the brothers ask a woman to marry him on the first date. They just don't get the dating game. But of course think they are cool. There were many more silly things throughout the film.

FINAL VERDICT: This is for people who like all those silly Jim Carrey films. So check it out, if you fall in that category.
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This is a hilarious blast...
paul_haakonsen12 July 2021
I had the opportunity to watch "The Brothers Solomon" for the second time here in 2021. Sure, I watched it back around 2007 or 2008, when it was relatively new, but I have to admit that I couldn't remember the movie. So as I had the opportunity to watch it again, of course I did so.

And I must say that "The Brothers Solomon" is definitely one of those comedy movies that just work out on just about every level. I had completely forgotten the storyline told in the movie, and I had forgotten just how amazingly funny both Will Arnett and Will Forte are.

The storyline told in "The Brothers Solomon", as written by Will Forte, is actually one that is every bit as funny as it is one that is entertaining. So Will Forte definitely churned out something good here with the script, and gave director Bob Odenkirk some solid material to work with.

There is just so many funny moments and scenes to be enjoyed throughout the course of this 2007 comedy, so I was laughing most of the time. That was something I enjoyed about the movie, because this is how comedy is done right.

Aside from the great comedy team of Will Arnett and Will Forte, then "The Brothers Solomon" also had the likes of Kristen Wiig, Chi McBride, Lee Majors, Bill Hader, Sam Lloyd and Bob Odenkirk on the cast list. So you really are in for a good treat with a stellar comedy cast.

Having returned to watch "The Brothers Solomon" was definitely a good move on my part, because this movie is just hilarious. And it is a great addition to the comedy genre.

I am rating "The Brothers Solomon" a well-deserved seven out of ten stars.
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zetes29 March 2009
This was kind of a test watch, the first film I watched through Netflix's instant watch option. I didn't expect this film to be that good, and I didn't want to waste a place in my queue for it. My instincts were correct about the film's quality. Bob Odenkirk, one of the funniest men who ever lived, hasn't had great success as a director. This film is unbelievably sloppy in both its script and its editing. I rarely notice editing mistakes, but they're rampant here. Everything would be forgiven, of course, if the film were funny. The Brothers Solomon has its moments, but, in general, it's lame. Will Arnet and Will Forte play too socially stunted brothers who want to have a baby before their coma-afflicted father passes. After failing to land women who would willingly have their children, they find a woman (Kristen Wiig) who is willing to do it for money. I can come up with a lot of things wrong with this picture. For example, Will Arnet is too much of an alpha male type to play a hopeless loser. Plus, as that alpha male type, he's better suited to jerk roles. It can be hard, if not impossible, to root for him. And Forte is funny enough on Saturday Night Live, but he never stood out. He comes off as weaker than Arnet, and, even if I'm not laughing at Arnet, he ends up burying Forte. Wiig is usually a pretty funny gal, but she's cast here as the straight man. The only actor who consistently gets laughs is Chi McBride as Wiig's enormous African American boyfriend with a foul mouth. Swears may be cheap laughs, but when watching a comedy with a dearth of laughs, I'll take the cheap ones.
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Dumb & Dumber revamped for Modern days.
moselekm19 April 2009
I usually don't write reviews for comedies, because they usually don't deserve one. These days, we know our actors and can say, "Yea, it's going to contain this sort of comedy, if I liked what he (or they) did last year, I will love this," and that isn't to put down comedies at all, they are made that way and they're hilarious (as most comedians usually write or co-write and produce their films these days). This film, which I never even heard whimpered or scoffed of anywhere, deserves a review, because I don't think many people paid it any mind.

The film was written by Forte (Dean Solomon), a recent SNL personality (I never watch it personally). I never knew his comedy style, but the two brothers, (John Solomon played by Arnett) both have symmetrical characters who play off each other as pretty much two men who were raised in a sheltered home and pretty much see everything in a very positive light.

Their own characters weren't even that annoying, as one might think, and I am easily annoyed by characters. They were straight forward guys who would ball-bust people with a smile on their face. The comedy is situational to them pretty much completing scenes with their personalities (playful 'burning' of each other with wise cracks or situations that happened to them and getting by spotty and racy situations by their pure ignorance to their offenses).

Simply put, if you like comedy, you will like this movie. It has a very good modern plot with a twist and two characters who are hilarious. If you liked Dumb and Dumber you should be reminded of the quaint quirky humor back in the 90's, with this new fresh look at situational comedy.

The plot also keeps moving, unlike some comedies that catch a snag. This movie is continuously in motion with pretty much trial and error scenes that are all a laugh.
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Worst movie I've ever seen
ceko6411 February 2008
I rented this movie with my girlfriend because we just wanted to watch a no-brainer comedy. Was I amazed to find that you really need to have no brains to actually like this movie. It starts off with an incredibly long intro, names rolling and showing the bling-bling smiley heads of the two main characters all the time. I guess the reason they showed the names before the movie started and not afterward, is because the makers knew that people would leave the theater before the movie was over.

OK the movie starts. We see how amazingly stupid the two brothers are. But not in a Dumb and Dumber kind of way. No, these guys are just really, really, unbelievably stupid. They mess up the jokes by their plain looks and when there's room for a great joke, the makers totally mess it up by massively overdo it. (See the plane-banner joke...) There was one moment I started to smile and that was when this rotten tomato of a movie was finally over! How anyone can rate this movie higher than 2 stars is a mystery to me.
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There's a test to see how much you enjoy this film...
will2000uk9 March 2008
If you find the opening credits funny, then you will love this wonderfully absurd film. Of course, if you're not in touch with your inner idiot, you will be bewildered and ask "Why is this funny?"

Like Charlie says in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory "candy doesn't have to have a point." This is a film that revels in its oddball stupidity.

Will Arnett is funny for me simply by his facial expressions and tone of voice (I often quote "Michael. Selfish, selfish Michael" in my head.) Will Forte (who also wrote) is adept at twisting audience's expectations, the two Solomon brothers completely unaware of their actions. Kirsten Wiig, a superb comedy actress, is in a relatively straighter role here, but still pulls it off well.

In short, if you want wit and sophistication, watch Robert Altman's The Player. If you want depth and moral ambiguity, watch Fight Club or A Clockwork Orange.

If you just want to amuse yourself laughing at idiots, this film will please no end.
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Having a baby
jotix10022 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
John and Dean Solomon are two guys that have been away from civilization for too long. After their mother died, their father Ed, decided to take them to the North Pole where the boys wanted to live and gave them a home education. The result of their upbringing created two guys that are misfits in a society such as ours where being cool is the norm. These brothers have no clue as to how to act.

When Ed Solomon collapses into a coma, the boys decide to bring him home together with all the medical paraphernalia that will keep him alive. In one lucid moment John and Dean figure what could be best to get the father out of his condition? They decide it must be a baby that will restore his lost health because of the joy it will give the old man. The only problem is these guys do not know how to create it.

"The Brothers Solomon", directed by Bob Odenkirk, a man that has been among the writers for Saturaday Night Live and has been involved in a lot of television. The comedy was written by one of the stars, Will Forte, who plays Dean Solomon. This is a picture that is obviously not for everybody, and, judging by the negative comments submitted to this forum, has equal amounts of lovers and haters. Some of the gags work better than others. The director gets deadpan acting from the two principals that deliver their lines with a straight face.

Will Arnett and Will Forte play the inane brothers with gusto. To their credit, both actors are never obnoxious. This is a perfect party movie when friends are looking for a few laughs enjoying a cold beer. Kristen Wiig, also of S.N.L., Malin Ackerman, Chi McBride and Lee Majors, who never utters a word, are seen in supporting roles.
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One of worst films ever
crappii7 June 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst films I have ever watched. I expected much more from a movie with Will Arnett and Kristen Wiig who have been so funny in other shows. It proves that actors alone can't save a badly written movie.

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! It was so cliché and predictable. At the end of the movie, I knew that the baby was going to be black. Surprise surprise. That's never been done before! I also knew that his father (Lee Majors) would come out of the coma at the end. Another non-surprise. Predictable and not funny.

I have advice for anybody who liked movie. Watch it again when you're not 12 years old.
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Worst of the worst
robmd2729 December 2008
well. I said to my friend ' lets watch a comedy ' hmm whats on sky he said and switched over the channels to find the single most worst piece of crap i have ever seen. The quality of acting in this film was....well to put it plainly i seen better in drama class in 1st year of secondary school. Will Arnett should NEVER EVER be allowed to act in a comedy film again, he keeps pulling these faces and instead of laughing you cringe... I actually thought the reaction of some of the characters in this movie was actually in response to his god awful acting rather than script only bit we actually laughed at was the stereotypical black dude who practically said the fword or the motherf word every time he spoke in the movie(of which wasn't much)
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What A Let Down
ghettodogaudio0628 December 2007
I have to say that I was very let down with The Brothers Soloman. I watched the trailer a bunch of times and thought this movie might be entertaining. The two brothers are both stupid. They are not very entertaining. This comedy is just dumb humor and is just that. There is no smart jokes or intelligent character's. The story line is completely unbelievable in every way. The story line is slightly funny. I think the funniest scene was the one from the trailer where they are trying to get the little girl into there car at the local park. It makes them look like a bunch of old gross pedophiles which is about the funniest part of this stupid movie. I actually paid to rent this movie and suggest anyone else not to waste there money on such a lame film.
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Greatest cast, terrible movie
elvis31622 June 2014
With so much fantastic talent in this movie, it is very difficult to believe how bad this is. The actors and the director in this production are among the funniest in the business. Amazingly, the movie is not very funny.

There ARE a couple of good bits--namely the plane banner message--but overall a waste of time. Just one bad joke carried out to a sublimely ridiculous extreme. I have to believe that there was a better film on paper than ended up on the screen. I look forward to much better work from everyone involved in this, and I guess since this is seven years old by now? They have done much better! They can't all be great movies, I guess, but don't waste your time on this dog.
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Popcorn and Dead Bird
scoochie92 January 2008
"The Brothers Solomon", while quite funny, could be compared to "popcorn and dead bird".

Much of it is laugh-out-loud-funny in a bit of a commercial, "popcorn" kind of way, and much of it lays inert on the ground like the proverbial "dead bird". "Dead bird" is somehow proverbial, isn't it? I mean, you've got the Phoenix, and maybe the Raven (was the raven dead? I can't remember)... but that's not really the thing I'm talking about here... Oh well... Nevermind.

Awkward pause.

So anyway, the actors Will Arnett and Will Forte (also the writer) were fabulous in their perpetually upbeat cluelessness! The story was sweet, completely absurd (which is a good thing, in my opinion), and full of every possible type of comic hilarity. I just found the pacing a little bit too uneven to give it a higher rating (sorry guys!!!).

This movie most certainly won't appeal to everyone, but if you enjoy extreme silliness (as I do!), you probably won't be disappointed by this kooky, stupid, sweet, and utterly ridiculous film.
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Don't ever watch this movie!
ry_snyder31 May 2008
I have been a member of IMDb for several years and I have never been so inspired to write a movie comment before. From the very start, The Brother's Solomon made me sick to my stomach. It's tough to put into words how bad this movie was, but I'll try. The two actors that were cast for this appalling plot were so clearly lacking in any kind of talent that it made home movies of my dog taking a dump look like a Steven Spielberg Oscar-winning classic. How in the World is this movie allowed to exist? The actors suck, it wasn't funny (except for how bad it was), and it was almost impossible for me to sit through. It was clearly a rip off of Dumb and Dumber minus any opportunity for laughter. If your friend says, "Hey, wanna see The Brother's Solomon?" Your answer will be, "F$%K NO! I'd rather be eaten alive by a flock of ebola-ridden seagulls." Friends don't let friends watch this turd of a movie. The past is the past and I can't change the fact that I saw this movie. I wish I could get my 93 minutes back but Bob Odenkirk and Will Forte stole them. Fortunately, I wrote this and hopefully you take my advice to heart and forget about ever seeing this movie. You're welcome.
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Strange, yet mildly funny
freakfire-12 October 2008
Will Forte and Will Arnett make for a duo of blubbering idiots. These two go out of their way to make things as crazy and difficult as possible. Who ever heard of going to Craigslist and hiring somebody to have your baby? Well, maybe you have but I have not.

The 'boys' go all out and I mean all out. The hospital equipment in the apartment, the over-done baby's room, the super-long skywriting. All of it was original and somewhat funny.

Its not a bad movie. But a third Will, Will Ferrell, would have made it 10X better. Heck, even adding Bill Cosby would have made it better. But I doubt he would have allowed himself to be in this after Leonard Part 6. Overall, slightly above average. "C+"
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Soooooo Bad
what_a_fat_pigeon30 October 2008
I try and like all comedies I watch, I appreciate that it's not easy to be funny and therefore they should be given a fair chance. So I watched this all the way through and felt like crying at the end. Not because it's emotional, but because I had literally wasted $6 hiring it. The only good things I can say about this film is the fact that Tara is Hot, James saves the comedy aspect of it, and that the "Magic Numbers" song during the end credits is one of the best songs committed to film for a long time. I'm sorry to slate the actors, but Will Ferrel, Jim Carrey, John C. Riley, Paul Rudd, Steve Carrell, literally ANYONE, would have been better in this film then the two Wills. I only hired it because the advert before another film I'd hired seemed relatively funny, I will try my hardest not to make the same mistake twice.
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I hate everyone who was critical of this movie!!!!!!!
Lostboysproductions11 July 2008
The ratings I have seen on this movie have cemented the fact that people on IMDb take movies way to seriously. After laughing my a** off for the second time in a row, I read the reviews for Brothers Solomon on IMDb and was pi**ed at what I saw. Besides the fact that it was ranked 5.0 out of 10.0 when it was one of the funniest movies I have seen in the last five years assures me that either I have a bizarre sense of humor, or that people who are on IMDb take themselves way to f***ing seriously. I've decided both are true.

First off, if you like Wet Hot American Summer, stop reading now and watch brothers Solomon. It's hilarious.

Easily the funniest opening credit sequence I have ever seen. And simple too.

I read people saying that this movie wasn't developed properly, or it was random. What THE F***!!!! That's what's funny about this movie. It's Crazy Absurd!!!!!!!!! It's the two most absurd male characters since Lloyd and Harry from Dumb and Dumber. This movie is not Schindler's List. I'm sorry for whoever thought it would be.

If you want silly ridiculous comedy, watch this movie. I am now sitting in a room with 6 people who are laughing their asses off at random parts of the movie. Honestly, its good. I don't know why it didn't do better.

Will Forte and Will Arentt both RULE!
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A comedy with no jokes? How cute!
FatMan-QaTFM25 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
The Brothers Solomon is a concrete example of why actors (poor actors at that) shouldn't fancy themselves writers or directors. I'm conducting this review as an open letter to several of the key players in this failure.

Dear Bob Odenkirk,

I know you're a hip hipster and an accomplished actor with such great shows under your belt like Tom Goes to the Mayor, Dr. Doolittle 2, and Monkeybone. It's a shame you managed to get into 9 episodes of SNL during some of it's better years, but the only reason I bring up your acting "experience" is to comment on your supposed directing. Your last failure, Let's Go To Prison, should have been a strong hint that you're a talentless hack, but still you pressed forward into new, uncharted seas of bad. In the world of movies, we've got a flat earth, and the good ship Brothers Solomon just headed off the edge. I hope with all my hoping strength that your talents as director, writer, producer, actor, or (HA!) songwriter are never employed again. If there's a black list, I hope you're on it. If there's a revolution, I hope you're first against the comedic wall (right next to buddy Will Forte).

Love and Kisses,

The Fat Man

Dear Will Arnett,

I write to you with only the best intentions in mind. Please, oh please, read the script before you sign the contract. I know they're telling you something about nondisclosure or whatever - they're lying to you. Your career will continue to suffer should you ignore my advice.

Hugs and Cuddles,

The Fat Man

Dear Will Forte,

I say "dear" only because it's a formality. I would have rather begun with "Die, Will Forte." First, a congratulation is in order. You've managed to do what no man thought was possible - write a comedy with no jokes. Considering your writing experience is from SNL in the past 5 years, it's easy to see where you think that writing random lines in the hope that someone will save it for you with a wacky gesture is "script writing." In the world of movies, you have to actually write out what's going to happen. Here's your idea of humor:

Picture if you will, in your little mind, a man with a chicken on his head. Got it?

Oh ho ho ho!!!! Look it's a man with a chicken on his head!!!! That's so funny!!! It's even funnier because... wait wait wait.. THE CHICKEN IS POOPING!!!!

Read that over and over for an hour and you've got Will Forte writing a movie. And I know it's only a comedy, but a little consistency would be appreciated. Their either idiot losers, or they're smart but socially awkward homeschoolers - not knowing how to turn down volume on an electronic is a complete violation of the premise you started with.

That said, I wish you well in your new career. After a two week total of less than $1 million, I doubt you'll be doing much more writing or acting. If there is any justice in the world, you'll be a fry master at Biggie Burger on 3rd shift.

Love and Daggers,

The Fat Man

PS Even your opening credits were moronic.

Dear Stephen Farber, Adam Graham, Tom Keogh, Jim Lane ("oddly winning"? really Jim, really??), Sue Pierman, Keith Phipps, Dustin Putman, and Eric D. Snider,

You are not movie reviewers, despite what you've been told. How can you rate Brothers Solomon as fresh on RT? You disgust me. Your humanity is questionable. Your sanity, even more so. You deserve to be strapped into a seat, eyes propped open, to watch this mess for the rest of your miserable lives.


The Fat Man

And lastly...

Dear Readers,

I am sorry I am so very angry. It's just.. I had to watch this movie. You would be too.


The Fat Man
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Forced Humor But Some Good Moments
wayens20 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Brothers Solomon for me is filled with many conditional likes.

I wouldn't call this bad but for a comedy some of the humor seemed really forced as if the actors themselves don't even truly believe everything they say. The leading duo Arnett and Forte do have good chemistry and have some good deadpans. But I think they could deliver the lines more naturally or at least more fluidly. They try for energy to show the characters' eternal optimism but often end up only pulling some gags to the extreme and losing some of the visual quirks that can be expressed with less time and effort.

Plus the absence of even ambient soundtrack for most of the film actually detracts from the film's world than focus. I get a feeling of dead space. Added to the soundtrack quirk, the strange semi-graininess of the film print gives the impression that the film should be set in the 1970s more than the 21st century (whether that was intentional I don't know).

*spoiler* The one that steals the show more but don't see as often is the surrogate mother Janine (Wiig), who's best scene I think is when she stands up for the brothers to get the girl Tara (played smoothly by Ackerman BTW) off her ass and go out with the brothers to celebrate. When the girl refused, she turns around and sticks her tongue out at the snobby girl and leaves. This scene though simple and obviously would look boring on paper is important to the plot of the mother accepting the brothers and so naturally played out by Wiig that I the viewer fully believe and agree with her. Plus the subsequent scenes with Forte's Solomon hearing it on the baby monitor and later confronting lovestruck Arnett's Solomon is one of the dramatic highlights. Maybe they should do drama instead. ;) *end spoiler*

Ultimately, I love the chemistry and the concept but feel a little forced to accept the film's reality instead of sliding in and enjoying the whole atmosphere. The brothers were meant to be cheerful optimists but I get more the feeling of ludicrous jumping beans... with a lot of heart.

I put aside my disbelief at their actions and enjoyed the show. If you do the same you'll enjoy it too. On 3...
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Tacky and unnecessary - like a sky-banner
StevePulaski24 July 2013
There is an audience who will find The Brothers Solomon uproariously funny and an under-appreciated comedy gem. They will regard its humor as indescribable, zealous wit that the masses are too jaded and uptight to get. I wish them well and a positive viewing whether they're on their first or second view of the film or even their tenth or their eleventh.

But I'm not gonna sit here and pretend to be a part of the aforementioned group. Bob Odenkirk has effectively made one of the most intolerable comedies I have seen in years. An ode to the odious qualities of comedic filmmaking, and a depressingly long, boring excursion I wouldn't wish on the guy responsible for my misery. It concerns the two brothers in the title, John (Will Arnett) and Dean (Will Forte), two socially inept losers who believe that getting a random girl (Kristen Wiig) to have to their baby will bring their father out of a coma, which he has been in for a lengthy amount of time.

Stop right there and take them premise in. Reread the statement again, if you feel so inclined. Here is a film so desperate for an idea that it resorts to an idea so incredibly strained and embarrassingly thoughtless; Beavis and Butthead would know better than these two imbeciles.

But the premise is just a fraction of what is deeply wrong with The Brothers Solomon from the get-go, which is the film is so desperate for a laugh that it becomes impossible for many of us to laugh under the given scenario and line of events that take place. It becomes an endurance test to see who could say the damnedest line and do the damnedest of things in hopes the audience will play along and laugh at its humor it justifies as "absurdist" or maybe "eclectic." Some may laugh at the humor and that is fine; we each possess our own different idea of what is funny and what is not - it is one of the most subjective things in the world. I just don't want to sit down and watch this with you if you do find this funny.

Comedies like these are the equivalent of unwanted guests in your home. You can't articulate quite why they bug you, but they seem so hung-up on the idea of alienating, belittling, teasing, and frustrating you that you're trying to simultaneously juggle forced-niceness while nudging them out the door. The material here is crass without ever really coming close to being funny or amusing, and watching talented people like Forte, Arnett, and Wiig squander their likability for redundant sight-gags and stupefyingly unfunny sequences is hardly a good time.

The Brothers Solomon is another entry in the genre of films with characters seemingly too stupid to function in the real-world. This kind of behavior can occasionally bring some wit and timing to the table, if directed and guided by someone with such talents (again, Mike Judge worked wonders with Beavis and Butthead on this idea alone). The Brothers Solomon has nothing of the sorts; it's one long, crude gag stretched far beyond its limits and is completely intolerable after twenty minutes. It's then we realize we have another long, relentless seventy-three minutes to go.

Starring: Will Arnett, Will Forte, and Kristen Wiig. Directed by: Bob Odenkirk.
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Okay...what...the heck did I just watch?
zombiefan898 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Saying the movie was weird is a gross understatement! Watching it on TV, I did not see the title, or possible the first five minutes. I wasn't even sure that it was a movie. It looked like one of those crummy TV sitcoms. At first, I thought the men were homosexual, which was fine for me. Then they said, "Oh, we're not gay, we're brothers!" My reaction was "WHAT!? You two act like THAT and you're brothers...?!" They get on Craig's List and on the whim of wanting a baby, they find a segregate mother, Janine. I was especially suspicious of Janine! First words out of her mouth were "Do you have the money?" like a drooling thief. This will never work out, I thought, she just robbed them. BUT oh and behold, she was actually a nice person! Janine's pregnancy is the major plot of the movie. However, the ending came as no surprise at all. The baby turns out to be black, but the two idiot protagonists don't even seem to notice or care that neither of them were the father. As weird as the movie was, I'll admit, I'd watch the sequel. I'm interested to find out if the black man will seek custody.
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