"Star Trek: The Next Generation" Descent (TV Episode 1993) Poster

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Data and the Borg become BFFs.
planktonrules30 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The Enterprise is attacked by surprise by the Borg. However, the type of attack and the Borg ship are very, very different from past encounters. Their ship is NOT a cube and they show more initiative, the Borg seem angry and their attack is quite different than previous Borg attacks. Could the Enterprise's recent contact with 'Hugh' end up strengthening the Borg and making them better when it comes to strategy?

Another plot in this one involves Data. During the attack, he smashes a Borg attacker to bits and realizes that, for the first time, he feels emotion--anger at the attacker. Later when he tries to replicate the attack in the holodeck and review his thoughts, he realizes that he also felt another feeling...pleasure! While all of this is normal in the circumstances, Data is puzzled. And, things get REAL puzzling when Borg meets one of the Borg and they run amok together. This is a two-part episode and you'll need to watch the next one to see how all this works out in the end.

I like this one mostly because of WHO is behind everything. This guy is a real jerk--and an enjoyable jerk he is!
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Effective start to the two-parter
snoozejonc1 January 2022
Enterprise encounters Borg drones unlike any seen before and Data experiences his first emotion.

As the first of a two-part story it sets up a premise strongly and makes you want to find out what happens next.

There are two interesting aspects to this episode and the first one is Data. He experiences anger and chases the feeling again, seemingly in pursuit of greater humanity. Brent Spiner is excellent in all scenes and takes the character through some great exchanges with others.

Secondly, the portrayal of Borg drones acting like psychopathic humans is an interesting concept that foreshadows where Data is potentially heading in this story. It is the first Borg episode since the introduction of Hugh and it puts a different spin on what may come of drones after disconnecting from the hive.

There are scenes, particularly those that involve the heavy technobabble, that feel dragged out to get us to the "to be continued" moment, but the actors deliver regardless.

Lots of questions are asked in this episode and to make the overall story work, they will need to be answered well.

Visually it's very good with some strong makeup, costuming and set design.
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Data Unchained
Hitchcoc7 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The ending of the season with a narrative hook. Something is going on as Data experiences the emotion of anger, killing a Borg in an encounter and "enjoying it." Things progress when a group of Borg, acting outside the collective, board the ship. Upon a return to the planet, it is discovered that Data now is in a position of authority and his brother, Lore, is in command. The expression, "You just don't understand," is used over and over. Data is fixated on experiences more emotions and Lore has him where he wants him. The sociopathic android has not the least respect for anything but his own power and this episode leaves us with our guessing what will happen to the Enterprise and how the Borg issue will play out.
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Finding emotions.
russem3130 April 2006
Warning: Spoilers
ST:TNG:152 - "Descent, Part I" (Stardate: 46982.1) - this is the 26th and last episode of the 6th season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.

In this beginning of a 2-part episode, the Enterprise responds to a distress call from Ohniaka III, where the Enterprise confronts an ominous-looking alien vessel orbiting the planet. An Away Team to the planet though discover a group of Borg that are hostile but self-aware (calling themselves "I" not "we") - at the same time Data begins to experience emotions for the first time ever (more specifically rage).

Soon one of the Borg is captured while the Federation prepares for an invasion by the Borg again (lead by Vice Admiral Alynna Nechayev - played again by Natalia Nogulich). And this Borg convinces Data to yearn for more emotions and that may lead to the betrayal of his crewmates.

What really is going on? What the Enterprise crew finds leads them to familiar figures from their past, with Dr. Crusher in command!

Trivia note: Data plays poker on the Holodeck with Isaac Newton (played by John Neville), Albert Einstein (played again by Jim Norton whom we last saw in "The Nth Degree"), and the real-life Stephen Hawking. Nechayev also questions what Picard did with Hugh in "I, Borg". Data also reveals that you need 2 senior officers to disable the Holodeck safety protocol. And, Picard mentions he was Locutus of Borg again.
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Data gets angry
Tweekums27 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
As this two part story opens Data is called away from a game of poker he is playing with holograms of three famous scientists when a distress call is received from an outpost. When they get there the away team are attacked by a group of Borg; these aren't like Borg we've seen in the past though; they appear to be individuals, refer to each other by name and make no attempt to assimilate anybody. That isn't the strangest thing about the encounter though; as Data fights off one of the Borg he feels anger followed by pleasure when the Borg dies. Back on the Enterprise he tries to come to terms with this and investigates ways to experience other emotions. With the Borg present in the area tensions are high and several Star Fleet vessels search of the Borg ship. Eventually it is intercepted by the Enterprise; some Borg beam onto the bridge but are soon forced to retreat leaving one dead and one injured behind. The injured one tells Data that they are individuals and that they will eliminate lesser lifeforms rather than assimilate them; he also talks to Data about how he might feel emotion again. Shortly afterwards Data and the Borg steal a shuttle craft and head off. The Enterprise gives chase and when the crew see Data again they are in for quite a surprise!

This is a fine opening to a two part story that gives us a great season-ending cliff hanger. It is interesting to see these different, potentially more dangerous, Borg; their changes make sense as they link back to the episode 'I Borg' where a Borg, separated from the collective developed a sense of self and was given the name Hugh. In that episode Picard had to deal with the moral dilemma of whether or not he should use Hugh to infect the Borg with a virus; now he must wonder whether he made the right choice. Data has always wanted emotions so it is interesting that when he finally experiences then they are in a negative situation. Brent Spiner has always impressed in the role of Data but here he gets so show another side to the character; he does so in a way that seems entirely plausible given what we've seen before. The conclusion should leave viewers keen to see what happens next; I'm glad I won't have to wait as long as original viewers had to wait to find out! Overall a great conclusion to the penultimate season.
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Season Six
zkonedog5 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
One would think that a show like "Star Trek: The Next Generation" might be running out of gas a bit at this point. This is the fourth really strong season in a row, and it would be easy for the actors to get restless or the writers to starting scraping the bottom of the idea well. Fortunately, neither of those things happen in this Sixth Season, and in fact it is rather the opposite, as I consider this season to be the best of the entire run top-to-bottom.

What I really like about this Sixth Season is that each episode is so unique and the balance across the season is absolutely perfect. In other seasons of TNG, one could really sense when the writers were working under certain themes or tracts (e.g. the show really dealing with some political topics for awhile in the middle years). This season had a little bit of everything.

Some of the highlights include...

-The return of Reginald Barclay (Dwight Schulz), who is always a treat, this time paranoid about the transporters! -The seemingly impossible return of old-school engineer Scotty (James Doohan) in a wonderful episode. -Picard (Patrick Stewart) getting captured and tortured by the Cardassians, one of the best episodes in show history. -Remember Professor Moriarty from the holodeck? He's back! -"Tapesty", probably my favorite single episode of the entire show. Picard, via Q (John De Lancie), gets a chance for a do-over in regards to the incident that caused him to need an artificial heart. -The powerful acting of Jonathan Frakes in the Riker-centric "Frame of Mind". One of the best "concept episodes" the show ever produced. The same can be said for Frakes (in a dual-role) in "Second Chances". -It wouldn't be Star Trek without a time-themed episode, and "Timescape" delivers a doozy.

So, despite the fact that the season starts off with a whimper ("Time's Arrow II" is a train wreck) and doesn't end much better ("Descent I" isn't worthy of a finale), all the content in between is stellar. Even the episodes that may not work quite as well are at the very least entertaining, such as a take on Die Hard ("Starship Mine"), some of the crew reverting to childhood ("Rascals"), and Data and Troi hamming it up in a holodeck Wild West ("A Fistful of Datas").

Another big part of Season Six's success was a strong focus on Stewart as Picard. Not that he wasn't featured before, but he just really, really shined in a number of character-stretching roles here. He's such a key character in setting the tone for what TNG is all about that the timbre of many episodes can be made or broke by his subtle nuances.

So, Season Six of "Next Generation" not only shows no signs of dropping off, but may actually be at the very top of its game. The acting is top-notch, the idea chest is overflowing, and there truly is "something for everyone" in terms of variety of episode types.
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Deconstructing The Borg
XweAponX24 May 2013
Warning: Spoilers
This episode and it's sequel have been unfairly panned as "The Destruction of The Borg" - In fact, this episode is a sequel to "I, Borg" and also "Brothers". It was logical to pursue the stories of a Borg named Hugh, and what had become of Lore after he swiped the emotion-ship made for Data by Dr. Soong. We just never expected the two to be intertwined in this season 6 cliffhanger and season 7 opener.

But this episode has one of best teasers of Next Generation: As Data plays cards with Sir Isaac Newton (The great John Neville), Dr Albert Einstein (a totally uncredited performance and reprise by Jim Norton, he had played Einstein across from "Broccoli" in "The Nth Degree"), and the great Stephen Hawking as himself, who you could tell was having so much fun, and even looked at the huge bucket of a Warp Drive after doing this "cameo" and stating famously "I'm Working on That".

The Borg in these episodes must be in fact the remnants of the Cube which Hugh had returned to. As we see, it is no longer a "Cube"- The Enterprise is confronted by a ship of huge proportions and ghastly, nightmarish design. But as we see here, it is still effective in being a threat to The Enterprise and The Federation by default. And something else - The Borg have a way to traverse galactic distances by what is called a "Trans-warp Conduit" - Explaining how the original Borg Cube which the Enterprise came into contact with 7,000 light-years away could show up at the Federation's Doorstep so quickly. But we also know they had been tooling around in the Romulan Neutral Zone, per season 1's "The Neutral Zone"

And so we see two things happening: The Borg are now acting more like Klingons, and they are naming themselves, and even taking vengeance for personal injury, and using battle tactics the Federation or even the Cardassians or Klingons would have used. And the second thing: Data has become angry, and when he kills a Borg with his bare hands even finds pleasure in the act of Murder.

But the entire confrontation was a setup from the start, to get The Enterprise and Data in particular involved. Why? A Borg named "Crosus" (Brian Cousins) ignores "Locutus" and takes special interest in Data- And pressing a button on his arm, is able to affect Data - Apparently with Emotions.

So it was no surprise to find that Lore was behind this somehow, what was Hugh Borg's involvement? Because we KNOW that he had something to do with this as well.

And so as Away Teams beam down to the surface of some Borg-Infested Planet, it's "Doctor's Orders" as Beverly Crusher is left on the Bridge to command The Enterprise. This was one of my main interests in this episode, and also the gorgeous Ensign Taitt who shows up in the conclusion.
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The Borg are back, but it's far more terrifying than previous episodes
robert-macc28 May 2024
To me the renegade Borg potentially pose a far more dangerous threat than the Collective, as they have hatred, and want to be cyborgs (which Data is comlpetely). They hate biological life, but they also have feelings and take their Collective traits to sadism, as the Borg were based on non-Anglo Germanic groups who weren't Spaniard, and all have a history of barbaric, and brutal imperialism. Think Denmark and their major empire, Belgium with the Congo, Prussia in parts of sub-Saharia, Russia and their major empire. And we know what the Danes did to anyone who insurrected against Danish rule. The Borg were written as symbols of that without the emotions and needless cruelty.

The episode starts rather hilariously, "Seinfeld"-like as an episode where Data is playing a card game with Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein and Issac Newton. The old historical figures are arrogant, while Stephen Hawking is just cocky and daring mostly. It's all hilarious as they talk about the game of probibility. The nice thing is that this scene is smart and treats the viewer with intelligence, which this show, that often glorifies elitism and killing red shirts, fails at a lot. This is cut short when the crew run into a mysterious ship, and receive a report that Ohniaka III, a Federation base, was attacked. They investigate the ship and eventually Picards sends the Away Team. They see a very graphic den of dead bodies, and its downright R-rated and bloody. Again this was "TNG" which was syndicated (and being this aired, usually on what would be, 2 years later, UPN stations, meaning they were independent, and on Fox stations they got away with more) and usually on independent stations. When Data opens up the base's door, the terror begins, a Borg has been waiting to ambush them.

This is part of the confusing behavior. The Borg fight the Away Team and the differences are quickly noted. The Borg have feelings. It's really disturbing. They hate and and have revenge. They kill one of the crew and the fight carries on. The Borg retrieve their dead. They go back on the ship and attack the Enterprise. The Borg has a new invention, transwarp. At the Ready Room, after the fight, they notice the Borg are acting differently. This leads to a disturbing conclusion, that they are far more dangerous and angry now, as a Collective. Data trying to understand his behavior is also very disturbing as well. He tries not to be angry and he tries to find out why he was angry. Unknown to him is the fact that someone is controlling him and giving him the emotion chip. It gets ugly not long after when the Borg finally attack them. This is a very frightening episode that keeps true to the Borg, even as renegades, more than what "First Contact" and "Voyager" did to them. See it for yourself.
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The poker game
bkoganbing18 November 2019
This particular TNG story has the famous poker game. That old earth card game certainly flourished in the future with the Enterprise brass enjoying it for all it's worth.

But Brent Spiner has got himself a holodeck program with 3 of the greatest earth minds ever, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and the real Stephen Hawking. No bluffing in that game.

The bulk of the episode consists of Data dealing with a flash of a human emotion, specifically anger in an encounter with the Borg. Not just any Borg, defectors from the collective who have their own mission.

But it's the poker game you will remember.
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"We do not assimilate inferior biological organisms."
classicsoncall3 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As a relative newcomer to 'Next Generation' (I started watching the series less than a year ago), I seem to have picked up on an idea the writers appear to be going for, and that's to gradually bring Commander Data (Brent Spiner) to a point where he can call himself 'human'. The android officer had some humorous moments in the eponymously titled episode 'Data's Day' and the concept was furthered in 'Starship Mine' with his attempt to master the concept of small talk. This story had Data puzzled by the fact that he became angry when drones of the Borg attacked the Enterprise, but even more troubling for him was when he stated he felt pleasure after killing one. Citing yet another prior episode, the mention of 'Hugh' from 'I Borg', the officer crew of the Enterprise wrestles with the conundrum of seeing Borg drones that appear to operate independently, and not as members of the hive. In an attempt to reason with one, Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) even refers to himself as Locutus of Borg from 'The Best of Both Worlds' two-parter. What bothered me about this story was the virtual impossibility of the Enterprise being thrown sixty-five light years off course, the writers taking great exception to the laws of physics to cast the crew to a planet where they encounter Data, after a Borg drone spun a logical argument for the android officer to kill Commander LaForge (LeVar Burton). The concluding twist to this story was a good one, with Data joining his brother Lore, calling themselves the 'Sons of Soong', bent on destroying the Federation! You couldn't ask for a better hook to set the viewer up for the eventual resolution.
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Descent is decent... i guess.
thevacinstaller4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The borg are weakened in this two party episode by providing them with human emotion. What makes the borg such a compelling antagonist is that they have no emotion and they leave their true motivations unknown. The episode does explain how this happened but even if the logic makes sense, it completely diminishing the threat of the borg.

There are other plot holes big enough to send the enterprise E back from First Contact day to the 24th century. This episode is all over the place and touches upon what could be interesting idea's but we end up getting a readers digest version of it.

I have never enjoyed episodes with Lore (except in a campy/so bad it is good way) because he is simply a robot psychopath and has no motivations beyond being evil. He's essentially a bond villain or a saturday morning cartoon villain ---- I expect better from star trek.

I enjoyed the poker scene at the start of the episode and the on locations visuals were quite pretty. I'm reaching for positives here ----

It was interesting (?) to see Dr Crusher be given command of the Enterprise and then she ends up being incredibly competent and destroys the Borg cube with a genius move of strategy that would impress Jim Kirk himself. I guess it gave her something to do?! Can we give Dr Crusher something to do but also make it logically consistent with star trek!?

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 6 overall:

I totally my review scores for the entire season and end up with an average score of 7.15 for the season, putting it behind season 3/4/5 but ahead of 2 and 1.

We did not get a 10 out of 10 this season but we did get three 9/10's with the chain of command two part episode and Tapestry being very strong episodes. There was a few 4's and 5's peppered throughout this season showing a bit of a crack in the TNG quality foundation.

I was emotionally moved by the acting performances in Chain of Command and the episode Lesson's with Lt. Daren.

I agree with the math calculation. This season is right in the middle in terms of quality for TNG.
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Questions abound
Mr-Fusion2 August 2017
'Descent' is one of the many episodes I've never seen before, and I can honestly say I have no idea how this will end. The best parts are all in the first half; a charming poker game with Stephen Hawking, Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein; Borg drones that behave like individuals; and Data's surge of emotion (anger that veers towards sadism). But even with all the phaser fire and crewmembers dropping like flies, it's never as good as those opening mysteries.

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Marred by poor writing
Qanqor31 December 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is really a very poorly written episode. There are gaps in logic small and large which mar an otherwise decent story.

Let's start with the small stuff:

o Picard is put in command of a squadron of three starships. But except for one brief mention of notifying the other two ships about a false alarm, we never see nor hear from or about the other two ships. Why did they even bother putting that in the script?

o The Enterprise gets fired on by the Borg, then gets all damaged going through the space-subway-tunnel-thingy, Worf announces that the shields are down to some dangerously low level... but then a short time later, the ship is just fine, all that damage is just forgotten.

o Data leaves in the shuttle, and the Enterprise is a mere minute or two behind him. After they go through the space-subway-tunnel-thingy, it takes them another couple of minutes to find the shuttle. But when they actually land on the planet, they assess that the shuttle had been sitting there for three hours. How could Data have gotten there three hours ahead of them, when they were only about 5 minutes behind him? Huh?

o They find the shuttle in the middle of nowhere, cumbersomely distant from the actual building they eventually find Data and Lor in. Why on earth did they decide to park the shuttle *there* and walk all that way to the building? Huh?

OK, enough with the small change, let's move on to the Big Flaw. The big, fat, ridiculous flaw. The one that really drops the episode down to stinker level: the absolutely preposterous, ridiculously contrived way that Dr. Crusher ends up in command of the Enterprise.

They've traced Data to this planet, and conveniently can't scan the planet and have to go searching for Data on foot. So Picard orders down search parties. OK. But not just regular search parties, he's going to send practically *everyone* down to the planet, and leave just a skeletal crew on board. Let's say that again: in essentially a time of war, he's going to leave the flagship of the fleet with just a skeleton crew. Including virtually all the officers.

But even that is not enough, he *personally* is going to go down to the planet on the search. Huh? WHY???? What's so special about him that *he* needs to be on a simple search party mission? When he's *clearly* needed on the ship? He has sent himself and at least the next four people in the chain of command down on a simple search mission, leaving him to leave in command of the Federation's flagship... the ship's *doctor*???? Double Huh???? Why didn't he just send the doctor on the search mission instead? And how is it that, for the first time ever, Riker doesn't object? Not even a little bit?

And remember, it's not just his own ship he's abandoning, *he's still supposed to be in charge of the three ship squadron!* He's utterly abandoned *that* responsibility! What happens when one of those other ships calls in with something critical? What, *Crusher* is going to make a fleet-level command decision???? And all of this, this incredible risking of both his own ship and the Federation's very security is for the priority-taking reason of... locating and retrieving one lone officer???

OK, let's put this in perspective. Imagine that during the gulf war, the second officer of a U.S. aircraft carrier flew off in a plane during time of war, and went and landed on an island somewhere. The carrier tracks the plane to the island, and starts sending out landing parties to the island to find this guy. Now imagine that the captain of the aircraft carrier orders *everybody* except a skeleton crew, including all the top officers, to join the landing parties looking for the second officer. And then he himself also leaves the ship to join the search, and leaves the ship's chief medical officer, with no actual command experience, in command. Which means a United States aircraft carrier is basically just floating helplessly there off the shore of the island. Can you fathom that actually happening? Can you *imagine* what the court-martial trial would be like? Do you think that that captain would ever be permitted anywhere near a naval ship ever again?

And yet this is what we're supposed to swallow.

Oh! And just as an extra bonus stupidity: when Picard gets to the planet and leads his four-man scouting team, one of the members is *Geordi*. Geordi. One of the highest ranking officers on the ship. Why wasn't Geordi leading his own team???? Or better, why wasn't Picard sitting on the bridge, with Beverly in Georgi's team?

The answer, of course, is that a) they wanted to contrive a way for Beverly to be in command, and b) they wanted to contrive a way that when one of the search parties just happened to stumble onto Lor's hideout, that all the cool central characters would be there. Laudible aims, perhaps, but the laziest, sloppiest, poorest thinking went into achieving those aims.

This really represents some kind of nadir for the series.
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Data is going to the darkside.
amusinghandle8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What is the range of this carrier wave that Lore is using to control data?

I have to be in a special mood to enjoy Lore heavy episodes --- that mood where one enjoys campy comic book super villains and I just wasn't feeling it today.

Would you believe that the entire command staff went down to the planet and (a clearly drunk) Picard decided to leave command of the ship to Doctor Crusher. Why not the cook or the barber? Lucky for the Enterprise it would appear that starfleet has a robust medical school that teaches command level strategy and procedure and she manages to destroy a Borg ship with the help of green ensign. That's impressive and all but it really kneecaps the threat level of the borg.

I do not like this two part episode.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEASON 6 scores an average of 7.07 out of 10.

Overall, a very solid season of star trek but we are experience a slow gradual decline from the heights of S3.

This season had 3 terrific episodes: Chain of command, tapestry and Lessons. I gave all three of those episodes 9/10. We had a few stinkers in this season but there was a good episode with Troi being on a Romulan Ship, Quality of life and Ship In A Bottle.
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Descent into disapointment
snarky-trek-reviews27 February 2019
Will ensign Korelkie survive this away mission? No.

Are these Borg part of the collective? No.

Is it possible to describe feelings without referring to other feelings? No.

Is New Berlin up to date on Star Fleet's ship recognition protocols? No.

Should Picard be watching TNG reruns during this crisis? No.

Is the moral thing to do the right thing to do? No.

Can a single senior officer disable holodeck safety protocols? No.

Will Franklin survive the Borg attack? No.

Should Data be left alone with the captured Borg? No.

Is it Ethical to take pleasure in another beings death? No.

Would Data kill Geordi in order to feel emotions again? Yes.

Is sending well over half the crew to look for Data a good idea? No.

Is leaving Crusher in charge of the enterprise a good idea? Turns out it is.

Will the Sons of Sung manage to destroy the Federation? Tune in next time to learn that the answer is no.

Verdict: Bad for the Star Trek canon, especially with regards to the evolving nature of the Borg.

Fun Facts:

The three red shirts that get killed in this episode are all in yellow uniforms.
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Putting together 2 of the 3 overdone themes of Next Generation
ghatbkk22 August 2018
Q (and other all powerful aliens), Lore and the other Frankenstein stories and the Borg are the 3 overdone themes of the Next Generation. In this (and the following episode), the writers combine the Borg and the Frankenstein themes and make a terrible pair of episodes. Some of the decisions made by Picard are downright bizarre (supposedly leaving only a skeleton crew on board the Enterprise under the command of Dr. Crusher and beaming everyone else in a crew of 1014 personnel to operate in search teams of 4 and only getting 15 search teams). And one of those search teams has the Captain, the Chief Engineer and the Ship's Counsellor in it. And when the Enterprise leaves, it leaves all the senior officers except Dr. Crusher on the planet. The entire plot is absurd.
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Just awful
skinnybert24 June 2023
After one of the best opening scenes in all of Star Trek (featuring noted physicist Stephen Hawking in a wonderful cameo), this episode quickly turns to crap: Starfleet can't remember its own motivation, Picard can't competently run a ship, and everyone is forced to go along with what will be a tedious and nonsensical plot. Sometimes we can enjoy a lesser episode as at least being well-intended, and having some good idea to get across, but this is simply time-filling. The only excuse for such an lobotomy of an episode was to have a melodramatic cliffhanger for the season's end -- and that's all it succeeded in being.

P. S. Part two won't get better.
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iamirwar1 October 2022
Having recently watched each of the 26* episodes of Season Six again, I decided to rate them in order of MY personal preference.

The points awarded to each episode are only used in comparison with other episodes of this season. Those Top 6 shows as listed below are the ones I would choose to put forward from season six and add to my list of Top TNG shows of the entire series.

*In the case of the first episode of Season Six being the conclusion to a two-part episode which began as the Season five finale, I decided to rate both episodes as a part of Season Six. Therefore 'Time's Arrow, I & II' have been rated in this list and not as part of Season five.

**The Season Six finale: Descent, Pt I & II will feature in my Season Seven reviews.

Each of these S06 'Top 6' shows will be reviewed again once I have completed watching the entire series as part of my REVIEW 2022.

Chain OF Command, I&II (10/10)* Timescape (10/10)* Relics (10/10)* Tapestry (10/10)*

Several other episodes could have been included in this list, but overall missed the cut simply because I didn't feel they were quite as strong as these six.

Ship In A Bottle (10/10) Rightful Heir (10/10) Starship Mine (10/10) Birthright, I (10/10)

Bottom Four Shows Of Season Six Second Chances (06/10) Aquiel (06/10) A Fistful Of Datas (06/10) Man Of The People (05/10)
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A Senior Trekker writes..................
celineduchain3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The Golden Age of Star Trek: we had the 6th Season of The Next Generation and the 1st Season of Deep Space Nice on our televisions, Generations on view in our cinemas and First Contact due out soon. This season of TNG contains some excellent stand-alone episodes and several spectacular two-parters, with only the occasional make-weight. Despite the length of time it had already been on the air, it still represents some of the highest standard of television Science Fiction ever broadcast.

It's always a bad sign when you remember the teaser trailer better than the episode itself but, in my defence, this one was rather special. Science Fiction regular Jim Norton reprises his role as Albert Einstein and joins the splendidly grumpy John Neville (aka Baron Munchausen) as Isaac Newton in a card game played against the REAL Professor Stephen Hawking.

This turns out to be a holodeck program devised by Data to commune with some of the greatest minds of history but Dr Hawking's participation also served to establish the credibility of the series as a vehicle for the serious as well as the nonsensical exploration of science. It doesn't seem to have the desired effect here, however, as the android is soon losing his cool big time (as they say) when he exhibits quite a thrill whilst throttling an injured Borg.

What has happened to the Borg since Picard re-introduced the Hugh character to the collective with a new sense of identity? It looks as if we are about to find out but not before most of the rest of the episode is spent setting up a cliff-hanger on the "Borg-planet on the other side of the universe".

First, though, Admiral Nechayev (played throughout this series and again in DS9 by Natalija Nogulich) comes aboard to berate Picard for not destroying the Borg when he had the chance, the bridge crew give us a quick re-cap in the Briefing Room and Data starts up again with the simmering rage.

Rogue drone then kidnaps Data and we head off in pursuit to some attractive forest retreat in the Simi range of Southern California. Whoops, no, the golden filters should have told us that it's a planet on the other side of a trans-warp corridor and here, for no properly explained reason, Picard decides to beam down a big chunk of the crew leaving the Chief Medical officer in charge of the ship. Finally we get to find out who's been tampering with the Borg and its...........oh, no!

To be continued

It's just as well Senior Trekker scores every episode with a 5.
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