First Sunday (2008) Poster


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I didn't see what was horrible about it, but it's certainly not that good
Dragoneyed36317 May 2008
Let me start off with the downsides of this movie. There was a lot of unbelievable material, and it got so out of hand at times that I really couldn't enjoy it for how ridiculous it was being. Some of the acting was poor, and I felt the actors and actresses really didn't care how they portrayed their characters, except maybe a few, and therefore they ended up being unlikable and ultimately forgettable. Most of the funny material wasn't funny at all, and I got super tired super fast with all of the lame jokes and mundane, black comedy antics. Not to mention it was predictable to the point where I wasn't enjoying any surprises.

Now, the actual upsides. I did laugh a few times, and it was because the material was actually humorous. No, it wasn't hysterically rolling on the floor laughing, but it got smiles and chuckles nonetheless. It managed to keep me entertained, and I was actually sucked into the story plot a little. I became interested because even though most every attribute about this film is average or poor, the plot truthfully seemed endearing to me, for some odd reason, and overall, while the movie is mediocre, and I certainly wouldn't watch it again, it's not terrible. I wouldn't recommend it, but you don't have to completely avoid it, per say. It was nothing special, but if you feel like watching it, be my guest.
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Entertaining, Not Award Winning
LadyGotthelf21 January 2008
I really enjoyed this film for a number of reasons. I think Katt Williams is hilarious all by himself and was a great person to cast as choir director. I thought the plot was not as generic as most theft-based plots that hit Hollywood. I thought the transitions that happened as the film developed were fun to watch. Overall I thought the movie was really good.

If you are trying to decide whether or not you want to go see this movie, consider this as you make your decision. First, the film is stereotypical. The main characters live in and attend church in a run down community exposed to crime, drugs, and other stereotypical things you expect to find in a stereotypical community overrun with stereotypical people who are stereotypically Black or Hispanic. Second, the film is funny. Things that are funny to people who understand the complexities and realities of being Black will realize this; people who do not understand will find it challenging to find the comedy. Third, the film will not be an Oscar nominee. The movie was not so well shot, scripted, edited, or presented that you will see it up for major awards. That being said, a number of movies come out every day that are entertaining but are not award-winning and we watch them because we want to be entertained. This is another one of those films. So, if you want to be entertained, you understand the positive and negative inner workings of Black society, and you do not mind viewing a film that displays both stereotypes and truths about the way Black people live, move, and have their being, this movie is for you.
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Uneven but worth a watch
Paul-27123 December 2009
I'm baffled by the anger in some reviewer's critiques. Sure, this movie is hardy Citizen Kane or even up to the level of the Barbershop movies, but it's not terrible. It's main issue is its inability to sustain a tone. Instead, it varies between pathos, light comedy and (of all things) hostage drama.

As with the Barbershop movies, the persistent theme is community and family. The central characters are two petty criminals who remain criminals because of previous convictions. This isn't a laughable theme. A felon has a very difficult time making a living. When's the last time you saw a job application which didn't ask about previous criminal record? Anyway, in an effort to both pay off scary people and maintain family cohesiveness, two of society's losers decide on one more crime.

The subsequent series of events combine serious situations with interesting characterizations and then throws in some scenes of such silliness that they tend to stomp a bit on the rest of the movie. Approach with an open mind and you'll be for a light, decent movie with some interesting character sketches.
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Shamelessly deeding stereotypes on screen!
janyeap5 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
With scenes pumping off like in a TV show, this film exposes an urban community with an appeal that's worst off than the dirty red-light districts in some cities. The film blares with loud music that seeming competes with noise from the loud-mouthed characters. The Writer/Director brings out a Baltimore community, inhabited by either dysfunctional characters or low-based folks – gangsters, masseurs, street alcoholics, homeless folks, macho men who can't resist glaring at female bottoms, and those who fill their time in an overheated church where the choir director maneuvers around like a court jester and any one dressed like a manicured, fruity dude could be troublesome! Even the court room has the appeal of a noisy street market! Hhhmh, what a pathetic way to portray a community… especially when it's so absurd to see Ice Cube's Durell – a man obviously with brains and talent – so easily becoming enticed to crime by his dysfunctional pal, LeeJohn, or having nothing better to do than be obsessed by a female's wriggling rear end.

Boy, aren't we getting rather bored with film after film that makes excuses for irresponsible bums who turn into gun-trotting robbers just because they are short of cash or are being hounded by ugly loan sharks? Boy, it's even more freakish to have to watch misfits turning over a new leaf by some lonely old church ladies with ogling eyes! Absolutely a lame movie without any witty humor, but with lots of unflattering stereotypical clichés to attempt at drawing out laughs… and where events and characters flow and end at very predictable expectations. Yep, this film is simply overloaded with non-complimentary logic and ugly characterization of an urban community!
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Subpar Comedy
JohnDeSando11 January 2008
Let me see: It's January, and a film is released with a recognizable star and an obvious audience. Should be a winner? Nah! Not for nothing is this called the "dead season" or the "dumping ground" because almost all the films released at this time are potential losers, films deemed by their owners weak for a variety of reasons, but most certainly heading for panning by the critics.

First Sunday, a heist film set in a church, fulfills all the requirements for this notorious time of year: The plot is thin and almost silly: a couple of slackers decide to rob a local church in order to pay debts or salvage a family, mixing guilt with almost innocence; Ice Cube stars against his type as a robber with at heart and he produces, an act that guarantees this weak film distribution.

Yet, I liked First Sunday well enough to keep it from my slag heap of grade F. I liked the sub-textual seriousness of kids without dads, dads dealing with unemployment and disrespect, and mundane church matters. In addition, Cube (Durell) has a solid persona, not varying much each film, of an intelligent, serious but secretly warmhearted guy, a working stiff who just hasn't had the right breaks.

His sidekick LeeJohn (Tracy Morgan) provides the feckless, goofy, but lovable klutz, whose heart is bigger than Durell's. Beyond reasonable humor is Katt Williams' Rickey, a choirmaster with loopy observations and mannerisms. The women in the congregation serve as enablers for the errant crooks, and in one case, as major eye candy. Most of the characters in the film are shameless stereotypes.

The responsibility for this sub par comedy rests with writer director David E. Talbert, whose more that a dozen successful plays with heavy social themes remind of the success Tyler Perry has had with a similar profile. But Talbert lacks Perry's refinement of style and substance that deftly mixes broad comedy with social concerns. Talbert may never reach the success of Perry, but he should keep trying because social comedy is a powerful part of our popular culture.
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What a piece of crap!
aeo16 January 2008
I went into the theater, sat down with my popcorn, saw 25 minutes and then left the theater. In fact, I should have left 15 minutes sooner. Where to start with this crap of a movie. First, the characters are so lazy that you have no sympathy for them. Whaaaa! I don't like my job! Whaaaa! Well who does?! Whaaaa! The boss orders me around. Whaaa! So of course, they turn to crime and surprise! They get caught. They get 5000 hours of community service from the judge instead of jail time. That's where all the fun is suppose to begin but none of that happened. It was just one long tedious boredom after another.

Ice Cube: You better stick with Barbershop 3,4,5,... Or better yet, why don't you come out with a new album instead of scaring us with your crummy acting ability.

Tracy Morgan and Kat Williams: It's back to stand-up gigs again!
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chopfigo28912 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Let me first start off by saying this movie kept true to the words of the bible and kept the sabbath day holy, as this movies plot was riddled with them. If you wondering why I have "HA." as my summary title that is because at the time i read that they called this movie a comedy under genre. This movie has about as much comedy as Roots (and no I did not find Roots remotely funny). So first let me start with the plot. This story is completely messed up. First off lets start with something i noticed off the bat while watching the movie. A man in the movie (spoilers) is blind and cleans the church at nights. This doesn't bother as much as the point that in one part of the movie he is able to walk by a gun within mere inches of his face and not notice it, yet later in the movie is able to find a bag of money which no one else can. Another thing in the movie that i only realized happened afterwards was that two characters were completely missing for half the movie. In one scene there is the character of a woman in a greenish shirt with black dots on her shirt played by comedian Rickey Smiley who is a man. Her character another character who is sitting next to her in a church meeting they are having, completely disappear within minutes. The director didn't even bother to show where they had gone. Another thing that i hated about this movie was the acting. Ice Cubes performance rivals Clitista Flockhart's performance when she stared in Ally McFeal. Not only were his drama scenes unconvincing, they were the funniest parts of this movie (not really a good thing). Another thing that bothered me was Tracy Morgan and Katt Williams. They are put in the movie for comedic relief and do not deliver. They act in this movie exactly the same way the acted in previous movies they were in such as Who's your Caddy? or Gone with the Wind. By now i hope you noticed that i hated this movie. The acting ability is equal to that of someone in a elementary school play, the plot has more holes than a pasta drainer, and the jokes aren't present. Im just hoping they called this movie First Sunday for some other reason than to open the possibilities for a Second Sunday. I would recommend this movie to no one unless you are a amateur in the movie industry, whether it be a director, actor, or even producer, and want to know what not to do. In that case this is a good movie to watch as i shows how not to act nor how to direct a movie. If you aren't one of mentioned people, Stay Away!!!.
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Not the worst movie I've seen
jordan224013 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Well, I think the rating on here of 2.7 thusfar is probably a little low, but this movie certainly doesn't have much going for it nonetheless. It's not original at all, and in terms of being a comedy, did little more than make me smile at a line or two. But it is rather harmless, and it does try to have a positive message. Frankly, I think the writer/director was trying to imitate Tyler Perry, and did so rather poorly. There's even a character in one scene that appears to be a male actor impersonating an older female (though the character mysteriously disappears with no explanation). All in all, I wouldn't recommend this, but if you're looking for something to watch with the kids, they might enjoy it, and won't come away traumatized.
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Funny, but only in very isolated parts.
The_Matrix_Rocks26 November 2008
So, it turns out "blaxploitation" films are still alive and well, and these days cast Ice Cube, Katt Williams and Tracy Morgan in the leading roles.

This offensive film parades just about every stereotype about African Americans that you can get away with while still maintaining a PG-13 rating. That translates into a ghetto setting curiously devoid of drug dealers and crack whores. There is one character who dresses like a pimp, but I'm convinced that was because of a mix-up in wardrobe, rather than a deliberate attempt at authenticity.

What is inexcusably absent though is a discernible plot. The screenplay seems to be a weak attempt to re-purpose the flimsy dramatic premise that powers "Die Hard", but relocating it in a church and mashing some Agatha Christie mystery elements for good measure.

What emerges then, in place of a plot, is a severely frayed thread, ambitiously intended to link together a series of set pieces where the various performers deliver signature material - kind of like what you'd find at a school concert, only less coherent.

"First Sunday" does have some funny moments and to be fair, the family did chuckle about the movie for a couple of days after watching it. So think of this movie as a set of toppings in search of a (first) sundae.
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I actually had a good time; not as bad as some people say.
patriciogl1016 September 2018
I went into this movie looking for laughs and that's exactly what I got. The premise of the film is rather daffy; two decent men are in desperate need for money; one (Ice Cube) to prevent his beloved son moving to Atlanta with his mother who has no other choice since she has debts that she cannot afford; the other (Tracy Morgan) secured a deal with a Jamaican thug to sell wheelchairs but messed it up, lost the wheelchairs and now owes the guy a lot of money. So what do they do? They stumble upon this church, they sit, they enjoy the music and the singing; and notice that the church's deacon handles a lot of money for the church's upcoming repairs. The next day, Tracy Morgan's character LeeJohn suggests they rob the church to Ice Cube's Durell's outrage. He immediately refuses but after an impass concerning his son's departure, he becomes determined to do it. But not everything goes according to plan, quickly the two are compelled by circumstances to turn the robbery into a hostage situation.

The main characters are not thugs, they are men who are driven by despair and see no other way out to get money on such short notice. They are driven by their enclosing circumstances; at many points during the movie they struggle with their morality. Durell is a serious man, but has a soft spot for his son. LeeJohn is a goofy man-child who doesn't even have an idea of when his birthday is. The most interesting aspect of the plot is that when the two men realize that the money they are after is not actually there, meaning somebody stole it first; which can only be one of the people having a meeting on the church that same night.

It has many ingredients to make it appealing; the interactions between hostage takers and hostages, Katt Williams' funny input, the final message of the movie delivered by Momma T (Olivia Cole) and the funny exchanges between Durell and LeeJohn.

Ice Cube plays his usual self, acting all tough but warm inside; Tracy Morgan also plays his usual character, very similar to his character Tracy Jordan on 30 Rock. That's what functions, that's the verified formula for comedic success. The other supporting actors give fine performances: Chi McBride as the Pastor, Loretta Devine as Sister Dory, Malinda Williams as the Pastor's daughter Tianna, the aforementioned Katt Williams as the church's choir director and Michael Beach as the deacon, who is great!

I had a nice time watching this flick and would definitely watch it again when in the mood for comedy. It can be a bit stereotypical at certain moments, but is definitely very watchable.
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fun performances can't quite overcome uneven script
Buddy-5117 July 2008
A very appealing cast is left with little to work with in "First Sunday," a manufactured comedy whose script fails to rise to the level of its actors. Desperate for some quick cash, Durell and LeeJohn come up with a scheme to break into a local church and carry off the fund earmarked for the construction of a new building. Unfortunately, this seemingly simple robbery quickly turns into a complicated hostage situation when a dozen or so of the most prominent church members unexpectedly show up on the scene.

"First Friday" does elicit a few hearty laughs, due, in large part, to its game cast and the occasional funny line scattered in and amongst the numerous clunkers. Ice Cube effectively plays straight man to Tracy Morgan's endearingly bumbling sidekick, and they, together with the other actors, help to comprise a fine comic ensemble. The problem lies in a screenplay which often goes for the obvious joke over something truly original or clever, and which pours on the syrup to alarming proportions near the end just to ensure the movie its status as a morally upright, "feel-good" comedy.

It's a harmless enough little diversion if you have some time to kill, but the company is far more appetizing than what it is they're dishing up.
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For all of you bad critics
danceability-12 December 2009
For all of you bad critics.

I've been looking at the comments people make on movies such as "Dough Boys" and "Never Die Alone" and all I have to say to the bad critics is a few comments. Most of you who rate these movies based on it's cinematic beauty and character, never take the time to view it for what it was meant. These movies are all great in my book, one being because they are things that I have seen since I was 8 years old and still see today, so I can relate to them. Which is what they are, stories that are told for the enjoyment of people who can relate to them and to show those who cannot, the reality that these characters lived in relation to real life situations.

But since we have a lot of people who were born with silver spoons in their mouth trying to make their voices be the base of the percussion line, they can and will never see it that way. Every time they watch a movie their looking at the camera detail, the acting to be 10 stars, the story to be about white houses with picket fences and a happy ending under a rainbow, while we who relate to the story always think the movie was great because it speaks for us, it lets everyone who see's it know that these things do happen, regardless of it's budget and cinematography.

So to all you bad movie critics, My advice to you is to stop watching these movies that you cannot relate to, or just stop being a critic and just keep it to yourself.

Amsterdam, Holland
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A good comedy
apetitefor4 May 2008
The movie can really touch with its emotional aspect, which consist of the old motive that money can't always buy anything. There are some good in the hood laughs, but not worth to remember. I personally think that Ice Cube can do better, and he can achieve something more great the "Friday" series.His acting is getting better and better, but he should try to change the plot of his movies or maybe a drastic change in his character.At all, this movie production is not something amazing,but this is not its main mission. It's just a good comedy, that can waste your time, without wasting its limit. By the way its worth nothing the fact that there are some really funny characters that are really moving the thing in this production. Like the chore director for example, or the priest.Actually this is the main element that makes me rate the movie at a more high score. It seems that almost everything was half-baked- the plot is good, but could have been better, and the actors a re funny,but could be funnier.
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A very mediocre comedy...
paul_haakonsen15 May 2020
This 2008 movie wasn't a particularly outstanding comedy. Sure, it had some nice moments here and there, and there were some rather interesting aspects to the storyline as well. But the movie as a whole was just mediocre.

For a comedy of this type, then "First Sunday" doesn't really offer anything outstanding or memorable, unless you perhaps is a fan of some of the actors or actresses on the cast list.

And speaking of the cast list, then there definitely is a handful of familiar faces and names on the cast list. It was Tracy Morgan that carried the movie in my opinion, mostly because I've never been a fan of Ice Cube. But the movie does also have the likes of Loretta Devine, Michael Beach, Keith David and Regina Hall in various roles - which was nice.

For me, "First Sunday" was mediocre in most aspects, and while I did manage to finish the movie, it is hardly a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time.

My rating of "First Sunday" is five out of ten stars.
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Few laughs and a lot of Camp.
vince_cadena22 May 2008
Warning: Spoilers
First Sunday is about two losers played by Ice Cube and Tracey Morgan. The two guys go through life getting in trouble with the law again and again. The courtroom scenes feature a white prosecutor and a black female defense attorney, there's one funny moment between them in the first courtroom scene. Ice Cubes character tries to do good but Tracey Morgan keeps getting them into trouble, so in this clique ridden film what happens? They need to get money to buy themselves out of trouble and to stop Ice Cubes kid from moving. They decide to steal it from a church, thats when the movie finally takes off, halfway through the movie. Katt Williams is funny but he tries too hard. It becomes a whodunit for a few minutes. Long story short, the Deacon of the church was stealing the money anyways, so the Judge lets Morgan and Cube go, they reform blah blah blah. OK, I thought it could've been a lot funnier, it was too preachy and unoriginal. It really seemed like a Christian movie, which is who it was made for the Tyler Perry fan base. Williams, Morgan and Cube have all been better, this was a letdown and a waste of 5 bucks. If you're a bud head or a Christian you might like it. If you're a Republican or a Cineast you'll probably hate it.
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If I go back to jail they gonna make me a woman!
lastliberal29 December 2008
The Eagles were thumping the Cowboys and the Jaguars wanted us to watch them lose again instead of letting us see Miami beat the Jets, so I checked out this film knowing that I probably wouldn't like it.

Now, I was totally satisfied watching Malinda Williams (Idlewild, "Soul Food") trying to keep from spilling out of that form fitting outfit she had on for the entire 96 minutes, so it wasn't a total waste.

Other than that, it relied too heavily on stereotypical humor and "Jesus is the answer to all your problems" thinking. Even Jesus doesn't have enough jobs to keep everyone happy, even if they managed to get more than a little education.

But, there is always Malinda to save the day.
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church comedy: this one doesn't work
MLDinTN1 December 2008
This movie was not entertaining in the least. It was quite bad, but I wouldn't call it one of the worst films I've seen. In this movie, Ice Cube and Tracy Morgan play two semi losers, whom keep getting in trouble with the law. Cube's ex is planning to move his son out of state because she can't afford the house payments. She owes thousands. Cube comes up with a brilliant idea to rip of a church to pay her bills to keep his son close by. He gets help with his rather dysfunctional partner, Morgan, whom one could call Tweedle Dumb. They hold some of the church members hostage only to find out someone has already stolen money from the church. They try to find out who has the money while trying not to feel so guilty talking to his son. As one would expect, the two realize ripping of a church is not such a good idea and it takes a lot of friends to get off on hostage charges. Is the money found, does Cube get to keep his son nearby. I say who cares because this movie has no surprising twists.

FINAL VERDICT: Terrible, don't know how it even got made.
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Turned out to actually be a rather entertaining comedy
krelsman1225 December 2009
This movie truly exceeded my original expectations.

Okay, maybe not "exceeded", but it certainly wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be, although close.

I had rented this movie a couple of weeks ago, along with several other films, and never hearing about or any mention of it I thought it was going to be one of the more unforgettable films I'd have sat through.

After watching it, however, I was proved wrong.

The first half of the movie seemed somewhat difficult to laugh through, and contained a lot of badly-played-through jokes, but the second half completely redeemed it, in a way. I was consistently cracking up over and over. Ice Box and Tracy Morgan acted well all the way through, but I must say, Katt Williams' performance was absolutely, comp-uhletely astounding. I would watch the movie over and over just because he's in it.

Overall, this odd dramedy of an awkward story happens to be a casual, fun, and even compelling movie that I would definitely request for you to see in your spare time.
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nice, maybe
Kirpianuscus16 May 2021
It is a nice film first for the secondary characters. For the work of. Rickey Smiley or Loretta Devine or Malinda Williams or Keith David . But the story is so predictable than it seems a frame for the events who are just insignificant. I saw it more as a seductive film about faith and solidarity and compassion than like a real comedy. .
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If a white guy wrote & directed this he'd be ostracised for racism
neilwaynesmith24 November 2019
Deeply unfunny. Desperately cliché'd. Lame performances. Guess I'm the wrong skintone to enjoy it, but by God I tried. After 35mins, it became too much. Save yourselves.
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jaydabear0222 January 2008
It was supposed to be entertaining. I doubt Ice Cube is crossing all fingers and toes that he'll get an Oscar nod. Lighten up! Big deal.

Not every movie has to be a groundbreaking blockbuster hit. The inspirational messages (considered silly by some) might hit certain people that didn't anticipate getting a message from the movie. Momma T talking to Ice Cube at the end was a great message and the teens that might see this movie need to hear it.

Lots of teens will see this movie I'm sure and they will walk away with a positive message, who knows. If you saw this movie and were disappointed in it, you must have had sky high hopes and it was CLEAR AS DAY what the movie was going to be like in the commercials. If you think you wasted your time, you need to pay more attention to commercials before going out to the theater. Come on man!

But to me, Katt Williams made it worth while, he never fails me.
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Let's go to church
kairingler13 July 2013
Ice Cube is once again hilarious in this movie. I've never seen a movie, where the plot is about robbing a church, two men down on their luck need to come up with 17,000, after all else fails, they decide to rob the local church. The pastor is a bit shady and later on we find out the he has been bilking the church out of some serious cash. this movie is very funny lot's of laughs.. not Ice Cube's best and definitely not his worst.. the choir memebers are also funny as they are held at gun point for most of the movie,, the pastor's daughters even falls for one of her captors. funny movie,, lot's to laugh at ,, not gonna win an Oscars.. but not a bad movie either.
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Love thy neighbor
harrisashley-4288014 January 2022
I wanted to leave my review because the rating is low, this movie is a message to the community not just the youth, this is showing it's ok to give second chances, and to not be so quick to judge the next everyone fall short sometimes, but you have to learn from it. It's no misleading when it's the truth in America. Everyone wasn't born with a silver spoon in there mouth, so some make poor decision during that situation. We have to make a change first to see some change.
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The Humor Is Found If You've Been Part of a Black Church
griffith-187 June 2008
I got this movie because my wife likes movies that come out of the Black culture---I'd read all the reviews, which were uniformly negative. But we watched it together.

I'm glad I did. I'm one of those rare White pastors who has had the honor of serving as pastor of an African-American congregation. The comments about how this movie is "stereotypical" reflect a very Anglo view of life that has never been part of a Black church. The movie lifted up the humor of how Black churches work, and the sort of folks often found in them.

The Writer/Director grew up in a family of preachers. He was trying to show both the humor of what people are like in African-American churches, and how some positive male role models are needed in the Black community; men who care about their sons, may make mistakes, but will always try to do the right thing. To expect Ice Cube to be a "comedian" in this movie is to misunderstand his role: he was trying to do the right thing in the midst of craziness. He played the straight man, and left the comedy to others.

Those who look at this movie in the light of the way most Hollywood stories are reviewed didn't get it. Those who have never been part of a church community didn't get it. THIS WAS A CHURCH MOVIE! Taken on its own terms, it was a joy.
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Ridiculously NOT Funny Movie
awilife4314 January 2022
The only good message in this movie is that God/Jesus forgives anyone who repents wholeheartedly of their wrongdoings. He is the God of second chances.. This movie should'nt have been made as a comedy, because it wasn't funny.
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