Undisputed 2: Last Man Standing (Video 2006) Poster

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Great action sequences!
shawn-14827 March 2006
I attended the premiere at Paramount Studios and have to say I was impressed by the breathtaking fight scenes. They were filmed at a very high speed, so there was a hyper-real crispness to them and interesting time changes throughout. Things were slowed down and sped up to catch Michael Jai White's amazing choreography.

Michael Jai had a hand in much of the production and his attention to detail in these scenes in particular shows. Scott Adkins is also an incredibly adept martial arts performer and comes off as an appropriately menacing villain. Michael Jai plays George Chambers with all the hubris and latent anger you could want, but also with an undertone of humor not present in Ving Rhames' portrayal of the character.

The last reviewer made a good point about this film having an 80's action feel to it. There's a no-nonsense brutality to the fighting that you don't often see these days. This is no Jackie Chan hit-em-with-a-broomstick fest. Think Rocky meets UFC. A definite adrenaline-pumper!
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Very Entertaining
yodaccm9 February 2007
I thought this movie was pretty fun. It was certainly by the numbers, but it didn't really disappoint. The characters were all pretty good, some over the top, but still engaging. Michael Jai White was pretty good as the protagonist (certainly uses the expression "F you" a lot), the bad guy was pretty standard but fun, and the Russian inmates were more than just cardboard cutouts. I thought the fight scenes were great, nicely choreographed, exciting and inventive. As a sequel, well, it's kind of interesting the bad guy from the first movie is the hero in this one, but you don't really need to see the first one to enjoy this movie. One needs to certainly turn their brain off a bit, but as an action movie, I would definitely recommend it for fans of the genre.
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Not your average fighting movie !
sathanic2 May 2006
When is saw Undisputed I thought it was OK , and the cast made it be interesting , although the plot was simple and boring until the fight. I didn't think a sequel would be made but here it is .

From the beginning to the end this film is exciting and intriguing. The plot is solid and interesting and the cast is very well chosen. White does a very good acting as well as fighting scenes , while the other character (Boyka) assures the spectacular.

Not your average fighting movie at all ! The scenes are remarkable and very close framed , the details are extraordinary and that is what makes the whole fighting look so good and realistic . Even the training for the fight looks technical and realistic.

The other stories ... Stevie's and Crot's (Nikolai) add the drama that makes this more than just a kick , punch , block movie . They're also good actors doing a splendid job and making this movie rate high.

What else is there ... Oh ! Great soundtrack and ... almost forgot an ABSOLUTELY AMAZING ending ! Watch this movie !
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Good fighting movie
0U23 February 2020
This is way better than the original film. It's explosive and heart-pounding from start to finish. The best American made martial arts action film in years. An action classic. An adrenaline-charged action-packed edge of your seat thrill-ride that packs some of the most intense, mind-blowing and bone-crushing martial arts sequences I've seen in some time. It's stylish, hard-core, gripping and wickedly entertaining. One cool as hell action flick that delivers. A stunning, thrilling and well-crafted piece of action movie. Michael Jai White and Scott Adkins are just pure dynamite, they deliver with their great performances and power packed fight sequences. These two set the screen on fire with their extraordinary energy. A tremendously exhilarating movie. This film in every sense of the word is a knockout.
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Brilliant fights, truly unique!
supertom-315 August 2006
Bizarrely a sequel to a film no one saw, about boxing, only this time it's about kickboxing. Now surely there must be more to the plot? Well no, it is essentially an excuse to have some downright superb fight scenes. Michael Jai White stars as George "the Ice Man" Chambers, played in the original by Ving Rhames. He's not playing the Wesley Snipes character as we might have assumed, considering White has been rumoured to be replacement Blade for Snipes, and after all Snipes and White are both martial arts demon's.

Anyway director Isaac Florentine has always shown a knack for filming fight scenes, without ever really getting the rest particularly right. Similarly his films never really look too polished, unable to look beyond their clearly meagre budgets. Similarly Florentine's previous films tended have bizarre mixes of time periods, costumes etc, to create non descript worlds, which just came out as strange on film. Bridge Of Dragon's for example was a pretty bog standard kind of fairy tale action movie. Also his use of cartoony sound effects for every movement, no matter how small, become tiresome in previous flicks. For example someone would raise an eyebrow and it would be accompanied by a "whoosh!" Having said all that I enjoyed his previous films for the action and the cheesiness of them. But Florentine has reigned himself in here, and in what is probably his most high profile and lavish production, he has produced a kick ass action film. Previously too he never really got any particularly good performances form his cast, be manages to here. White doe okay, and has the build and a certain amount of charisma that makes you wonder why he's not competing in the DTV wars with the top dogs like Seagal, Snipes and Van Damme. Strangely he's not much of an action star despite the huge muscular frame and martial arts prowess. Ben Cross also appears and as he did in the Lundgren flick, the Mechanik, he adds class to proceedings, because he can act. He does well in making his supporting part memorable in a fairly tragic kind of role, and he gives it some humanity and some humour. Ken Lerner too makes a welcome appearance playing a role we've seen many times before from him, and he of course he'll always be remembered as the agent, Arnold stabs in the back with a pen, in Running Man. Eli Danker is also superb.

However the real star of this piece is Scott Adkins, the British born, Kickboxer/Gymnast, here playing a Russian prison tournament champ. Adkin's not only has a good screen presence but like White is built like a brick outhouse, and to add to that he's an amazing athlete for a guy so huge. If marketed right Adkins could be the next big action star, he's got the ability to be one of the best. Adkin's performs some amazing gymnastic feats here. He's not a bad actor either and I think people will actually assume he's Russian, so he does a good job here, despite playing a comically two dimensional villains worthy of Ivan Drago himself. The fights are really well done. They feel unique too, much down to Adkin's himself but also the great photography, dolly and steadi-cam work.

This may have a plot that could have been written on the back of a match box, probably reading something along the lines of "Michael Jai White is forced to fight Scott Adkin's, twice!" However the film looks polished thanks to Ross Clarkson's photography, while Florentine is allowed to show some auterism that many DTV directors for hire aren't allowed to. It's simply a few situations that are thrown in to lead into fights, but the fights come thick and fast, and as well as that they are original, and pretty awesome. Thankfully the cast are good enough to rise above the trite situations which is why it's important in these films to include guys like Ben Cross, who can act.

Overall this is a film that will no doubt gain cult status amongst martial arts fan's. It's the most Drive-ish film since Drive, something simple yet for what it is, brilliantly delivered. There's rumours of another sequel, which I'd hope to see, but truthfully if it didn't have Adkin's it would be sorely lacking a one man special effect. Adkin's is even better than Kong! ***
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Welcome to the party, Scott Adkins
Leofwine_draca12 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The second of the UNDISPUTED franchise, LAST MAN STANDING sees B-movie action specialist Isaac Florentine taking over from Walter Hill for what is a very different beast to the first. Gone are that film's cast, with Michael Jai White playing the hulking hero and taking over from Ving Rhames who played the same character in the first. It's still about martial arts tournaments in a Russian prison, but otherwise it's all change. The emphasis is on staging a series of brutal fight scenes both inside and outside of the ring, and they feature violent hits and extreme choreography. They're fantastic, to put it simply, and they help to lift what is otherwise an average plot and storyline into something special. Jai White is okay as the hero, although his character is perhaps a bit too hard to be very sympathetic, but then-newcomer Scott Adkins is the stand-out as his opponent, the Russian beast Boyka. It's amazing what Adkins does with his role here - his introduction in the ring alone had my eyes popping out of my head - and he would carry on the story with a further two sequels in which he would become the redemptive protagonist.
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Great sequel
xredgarnetx11 August 2007
Michael White takes over from Ving Rhames in 2002's UNDISPUTED, to play a former boxing champ, "Iceman" Chambers, who finds himself locked up in a Russian prison on phony charges. The purpose is to get Chambers to fight the prison's undisputed champ, a big bully of a guy named Uri Boyka (impressively played by Brit thesp Scott Adkins). Boyka fights with both hands and feet, so Chambers must learn to fight the same way. He takes lessons from a fellow convict, an old Russian general (played by Eli Danker) who is confined to a wheelchair but whose mind remains razor-sharp. This film, like the original, is heavily padded with sporadic fight scenes and other bits of business like Chambers ending up in solitary with rats for cell mates and later being staked out in the bitter-cold prison yard. The ring matches are the best part of the movie, and are amazingly staged and edited. In fact, they are better than those in the first movie, although UNDISPUTED 2 feels like a TV movie. I imagine it was an STV, since there are no big names in it.
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Great Kick-ass Movie
fastlane7651 May 2006
This is better than the first one, though i like the first one too... but this one really kicks ass. The execution of the fight scenes, the action and stunt sequences are choreograph very nice and hard hitting.

The story is not that new to movie-watchers, though there's some twist but still its some kind of a stereotype story...

But if you want hard hitting, bone breaking action entertainment, this one is a must see!

The cast especially actors Michael Jai White and Scott Adkins Kicks Ass! Isaac Florentine and the action cinematographer did a very good job!
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Enjoyable Low Budget Action Flick
walken_on_sunshine21 January 2007
I absolutely love every film Scott Adkins has a major role in and i thought Micheal Jai White was fantastic as Spawn so i was definitely satisfied with this well made low budget martial arts film.Where many feel the martial arts films of the 1970's and 1980's was the prime age of karate movies i disagree and believe the newer martial arts films are far better.Look at Ong-Bak, Fearless, The Protector, Unleashed, Kung Fu Hustle, The Transporter, Transporter 2, and this film Undisputed:Last Man Standing.While i'm not an enormous fan of martial arts movies i do watch them a lot due to my karate obsessed friend.Today he and I watched Undisputed:Last Man standing and I'm surprised at the quality work put into this low budget movie.The storyline makes you root for Micheal Jai White as he's framed and put into a Russian prison, there he is forced to fight a dangerous man in a mafia run UFC for prison inmates.This film focuses on the morality of selflessly helping others in need even without gaining anything but that feeling that you've done good, it's overall a very uplifting movie that is more than pointless violence.The fight sequences are amazing as Scott Adkins shows off his stuntman skills with fast paced grappling, punches, and of course his signature spin kick.The actual fight scenes are shot at normal speed but when a punch or kick connects it freeze frames just as the shot connects and returns to normal speed a very exciting film technique that shows off some great karate moves.The dialog is solid and the lines that are meant for comic relief are actually funny (a rarity with any film today)not to mention the very British Scott Adkins putting on a very believable Russian accent and playing his character to perfection, in fat all the actors played there characters to perfection.If Undisputed:Last Man Standing received a theatrical release it could probably hold it's own against big budget martial arts films like The Transporter or Dead Or Alive.The flaws are in the pacing and a few of Micheal Jai Whites fight scenes without Scott Adkins as his attacks look very phony and the reactions are far too over the top but overall this is another good martial arts film that the year 2006 has to offer I now await the next martial arts movie Rogue.
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"The Iceman" is back and he is bad as ever!
coloss-128 March 2006
As a martial art practitioner I want to assure the audience that the movie will like to those of you who expect to see a really tough fight! Even this time the creators made the fight scenes even more interesting, mainly because this time you will see not only clear boxing (as the previous "Undisputed"), but also you'll see very exciting moves by kicks, knees and even grappling. This time Chambers, unlike, the previous part, will have to face much more devastating opponent in the person of the Russian prisoner Yurii Boika, whose character will take your attention from the beginning of the movie with his splendid moves on the ring. In my opinion the character is created perfectly for the atmosphere of the movie.

Those of you who'll watch the movie, expecting something as good as the first part, wont be disappointed at all just because the director presents one well known of the audience Jorge Chambers. In that movie he is the same tough and proud guy, who, becomes clearly, that if you try to tell him what to do, he would crush at least your nose. Namely that side in the Iceman's character, to be proud, fighting for his honor, made him one of my favorite characters I've ever seen.
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more a remake than a sequel, but still entertaining
movieman_kev1 February 2007
Former heavyweight champion, George 'The Iceman' Chambers (Micheal Jai White, taking over for Ving Rhames) is sent to a Russian gulag on trumped-up charges where he must fight. Once you get past that this movie is less of a sequel than a remake (one that misses the whole crux of the original I might add). Once you surrender to the fact that Walter Hill is the Undisputed winner in directing. You'll find that this direct to DVD movie is actually pretty good in a brainless action movie kind of way. White does the best with what he's been given and the fight scenes are well staged. One could find worse ways to spend around an hour and a half, can't vouch for the film being very memorable though. To sum up, more in common with the Penitentiary films of days of yore than a sequel to Undisputed, but it's still solid.

My Grade: C+
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His best movie to date!
sokudo19 February 2006
This is by far Isaac's best movie to date! This movie is reminiscent of the '80s action flicks. The film will appeal to the masses due to its charismatic leads, impressive fight sequences and its varying plays on the audience's emotions.

Regarding Isaac's choice for the lead players: Scott Adkins has the potential to become the next big thing for action movies. He has the moves, the has the looks and the build and on top of all of that he can act!

This film, I think, shows Isaac at his best and I was very impressed! Some of the scenes had me slack-jawed and cheering.

Again, I was very impressed and I sincerely look forward to watching his next film.

My hat's off to Isaac!
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Too much hype and far too serious
filmnut118 January 2007
In juxtaposition to Walter Hill's uneven but very stylish prison movie Undisputed, this shot-in-Bulgaria cheapie doesn't come off well. In addition Isaac Florentine's bland direction, while enlivened as usual with martial arts flourishes, is just not much fun. It's bleak.

I'd been wanting to see this for a couple of years. Anxiously waiting an eternity for release. I was expecting something with the polish of Drive and the impact of a Tony Jaa flick. Something special. But while Scott Adkins pulls off some great moves it's just not enough to make this something special. His one scene in Special Forces, his first collaboration with Florentine, had more impact.

The action is decent and J.J. Perry's choreography is very good. But I actually enjoyed the fights he put together in Road House 2 more. I know that my muted reaction to the film has a lot to do with coming to the film with too much expectation from the hype, but fights excluded it just isn't very appealing.

With notable similarities to Van Damme's In Hell (same prison set, similar themes and scenes)Undisputed 2 doesn't give us enough that's new. U.S. Seals 2 with all its flaws is still head and shoulders above this. A colourful and fun movie. While the leads here are both excellent martial artists with opportunity to showcase their skills it's amazing that this is so weak.

Though still admittedly far better than most other B martial arts flicks I recommend approaching this as you would any other DVD actioner.
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Didn't really like it
max_g-3035026 March 2022
The movie has bad pacing and a bad story. On top of that the acting isn't great either.

Some decent fighting scenes. But they are just that, decent

This movie leaves a lot to be desired.
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More ridiculous than the first movie, but a more entertaining sequel
KineticSeoul14 February 2011
This is one of those movies where the sequel is better than the original. This sequel has everything from the fight sequences to the characters done much better than the first "Undisputed". Everything is just more engaging and entertaining to watch compared to the first movie. I just don't get why they had to use the character George "Iceman" Chambers from the first movie in this one who was first played by Ving Rhames. The premise of the same character going back to prison I sort of found kinda dumb, but at least this time it's played by Michael Jai White. Now I am not a big fan of this actor but I liked his presence in some of his past action movies. The fight cinematography and fight choreography is really well done in this one compared to the first movie as well. Another positive is how it has mixed martial arts instead of just boxing. The story this time around however is more ridiculous, but if you look pass this you will probably have some good fun watching this.

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pretty good
fav_fan17 July 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I was very pleased to see a movie where the conditions of a foreign prison were held true. I know some people might struggle with some of the story line that is hard to swallow, however, the camera work and the fighting choreography are some of the best I have seen. I really liked the fact that the fighters used mixed martial arts and hand to hand combat. I like also the story line that a man who is falsely accused and sent to do time, even though he could rebel, finds a way to learn something about himself and do good things for others. there are some non-fiction books that can be picked up that cover true American stories that have a similar flair. It is also refreshing to note that the director did not try to say negative things about any Nation, but rather proved something Universal. Corruption is corruption, whether you eat it out of a silver bowl or a hog trough.
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Not as bad as you may think!
Aiike20 April 2008
I caught this movie one late Sunday night on TV. And i must admit I was not expecting much. Anyway to the point. This movie is pretty damn good. Not to much riff raff Hollywood dialogues which is a saving grace is this genre. Though make no mistake the movie follows the same predictable formula. Though mind you it is got some slick action scenes and also some pretty cool bad Russian accents. Which in my book is some comic relief of the movie.

Think of it like this. If you are male (or female who likes action movies. sorry) Have a hour or so to burn Want some light entertainment

Then this fits the bill. Enjoy it. Like i said it is not as bad as you think!
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Excellent Movie
walterlajack19 February 2006
Undisputed 2 was a big surprise for me. I really enjoyed it. I don't particularly like sequels and I did not go into it expecting much but found myself hootin' and hollerin' at the big screen. I enjoyed the first Undisputed, but this one was much better. Although they both are based on the same idea, I found U2 to be much different and in a class of its own.

The fight scenes were very well done and from what I understand there were no wires used which is really impressive given the level of aerial kicks performed.

I recommend it highly.
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An Improvement Over The Original
tarbosh2200012 May 2010
"Undisputed II" is an improvement over the original. It has more bone-crunching fights.

The plot: Heavy-weight boxing champion George "The Iceman" Chambers (White) is once again thrown in prison after being framed. But the twist is that he's in a Russian jail chock full of stereotypes. The only way to live.....is to fight the reigning champion Boyka (Adkins).

It's a simple plot, but with a lot of setup towards the big fight. There are actually two fights between them though. All the fights are well-choreographed and exciting.

White is a good replacement for Ving Rhames from the first. Adkins plays his bad guy to the hilt. You root for him to get knocked out every second. Ben Cross is on hand as another prisoner. He puts in a good performance also.

The only weak point is the ending. It's too nice. I understand why they did that, but some of the grittiness is lost.

Overall, "Undisputed II" is worth seeing for the fights and White's performance.

For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
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Great movie!
kentbancroft20 February 2006
Movies are about entertainment and this film doesn't disappoint. The storyline was easy to follow, but not boring and slow. The characters were well-developed and more interesting than the typical action movie ala VanDamme and Ahnold. The fight scenes were shot so well that I couldn't look away, and they were amazingly entertaining! I was wincing at every punch and kick! The locations were visually stunning, and added positively to the effect of the environment on the viewer. Several times I was asking myself, "where do I know these actors from?" They were very familiar, and very good at their craft, who are these guys? I'm sure I'll be seeing them again. Go see this movie, now!
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Building Blocks
refinedsugar14 February 2024
I didn't enjoy much of what was on display in the original 'Undisputed', but I was pleasantly surprised by this first of dtv sequels in '2'. The ex heavyweight boxing champ gets recast from Ving Rhames to Michael Jai White, but he's an upgrade. Heck most of the movie from directing, emotion beats to the fights is an improvement. Of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Scott Adkins too and the beginning of the Yuri Boyka journey.

Chambers (White) is in Russia to perform and framed for the possession of drugs so he can be sent to prison and persuaded to fight in an illegal underground fighting ring. A much more likable guy that when we last seen him the horrible conditions within break George down. He accepts an offer to face champion Boyka (Adkins) who considers himself the best fighter in the world in return for being released as tons of money ride on the showdown.

The sequel switches gears to adapt more of a MMA feel than straight up boxing, but it works well. I won't tell you the story is anything special because it's not. There's betrayals, abuse and everything else that belongs in a formula prison movie. However the fights are well done, White is always likable and Scott Adkins is fantastic as the Russian villain tapping into a character (that we all know now) had potential for exploration.

Valentin Ganev and Mark Ivanir make their first appearances as the Warden and Boyka's manager Gaga respectively, but would be built on / appear in the next sequel as well. In Chambers corner is Ben Cross as a British drug addicted felon & Eli Danker as an old man confined to a wheelchair. American actor Ken Lerner plays Chambers somewhat greasy agent and it's a role he was born to do.

Coming from experienced dtv b-movie director Isaac Florentine who knows how to deliver fight scenes well on a budget and from studio Nu-Image no stranger to this genre, 'Last Man Standing' is a solid action pick that fans should definitely check out if they haven't done so already. It concludes Chambers story, but it's only the start of Boyka's saga. In that regard it's not the peak of the series, but it's solid ground to start from.
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Florentine's best film, succeeded in creating an action legend BOYKA.
Fella_shibby20 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Its directed by Isaac Florentine ( Savate). This is one of those movies where the sequel is better than the original. This sequel has everything better than the first. U can call this a remake coz it ain't a continuation. If you like fights that are totally out of control and awesome this is the film for u. Adkins plays his bad guy to the hilt. You root for him to get knocked out every second. The impact of the character he played stays there with u. Boyka Boyka Boyka. Michael Jai White and Scott Adkins produce some amazing fights scenes, show some amazing moves and both act very well. The choreography is brilliant and make all the fights scenes look amazing. For a straight to DVD movie its almost a classic. Before this, I wasn't aware of Adkins. Its after this flick that I started following his works but till now hasn't come across any film which is as good as this. Have seen Florentines earlier works. But this is his best too.
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Ring of the bell equals good fight
torstensonjohn1 August 2018
The recast of George "Iceman" Chambers with Michael Jai White seemed off putting to me because the authenticity Ving Rhames brought to the character. The plot, albeit similar to many we have seen about set ups and prison life was ill advised in this film. Setting up George in order to have him fight prison champ appeared to be vindictive in plight. Set in Russia this time where the prison is much harder and more immoral George is in a place he has never seen. The addition of Scott Adkins as the antagonist Yuri Boyka is highly entertaining. A huge addition as he is ripped, fit and vicious in the ring. Great fight sequences and choreography involved as the story mixes together life and fight.

It's a riveting ride of action and drama. The character Chambers shows the same toughness and attitude as the first film, but we get a glimpse of a changing stride in the viewpoint of Chambers life. I truly enjoyed the storyline and character development. The film flowed nicely and had a good soundtrack to support the scenes. I give it a resounding 7 out of 10
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Oh dear what an absolute joke
scottcox31620 March 2006
Warning: Spoilers
this movie is so dire and unrealistic, ( i love tony jaa and his style of kickass movie) this one reminded me of a collection of every lousy van damme movie i have seen.

Van damme movies sucked a bit back then, so to be copying them in 2006 is a disgrace to the film industry, all the characters are stereotypical and more wooden than pinnochio, this movie is basically blood sport and death warrant made modern day and very poorly. You have your nice cellmate who the good guy helps out, the fight where the good guy gets his water spiked so he loses the fight etc.

Abysmal would be saying too many good things about this movie, the only saving grace is the pointless acrobatics of the bad fighter.

I laughed at the movie often at how poor it was and each time i couldn't believe the shambles in front of me, avoid like you would a dangerous neighbourhood!!!
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straightforward story, wooden acting, drawn out but great fighting
jdring200729 March 2022
Straight to the point kind of movie, moves fast for the most part. What cripples this though is that the simple plot is unnecessarily drawn out. I'm a big fan of Michael Jai White and an even bigger fan of Scott Adkins, though both of them aren't exactly great actors. That shines most for Jai White while Adkins with the Russian accent and tough guy attitude is actually believable and his fighting is particularly impressive throughout. The audio is pretty bad, though, with music and action effects much louder than dialogue, which often seems muffled especially when Jai White is talking. There are some emotional moments thanks to Eli Danker, including a surprisingly wholesome ending. The only major props are the fighting and choreography, and occasionally good script, though it's mostly subpar. A 6.5 from me.
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