Highlander: The Source (TV Movie 2007) Poster

(2007 TV Movie)

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There can be only one - and this isn't it!
slcchina20 September 2007
Highlander fans - there simply are very few ways to enjoy this. Aside from totally ignoring the mythology of both the films and the series, the fight scenes were either poorly choreographed, poorly shot, or both. There are no flashbacks in a film that desperately needed some sort of underlying sub-plot and/or simple explanation of the main plot. The dialogue is cheesy, not one of the characters approaches anything like three-dimensionality (other than the recurring trio from the series - and that's only by virtue of fans' past experience with them), and there is no real motivation given for any of them aside from lame "having visions" plot.

Like the last Highlander film that attempted a futuristic setting, this one misses everything that made the first film and the series great. And unlike Highlander 2, the vision of the future here is never really explained and doesn't make a great deal of sense.

They should have stuck with the monkey and the airplane. (See the trivia section.) I can't even really say that if you aren't a Highlander fan it might be enjoyable - because even then it didn't make a lot of sense. I saw it, so I can't un-see it, but if you haven't spare yourself the train wreck.
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A Bitter Disappointment.
paul_lenkic10 July 2007
"Highlander: The Source" is to "Highlander: Endgame" what "Highlander II" is to "Highlander".

I really liked "Endgame", I thought it was a good way to continue the story set by the TV Series and Adrian Paul proved a more than worthy successor to Christopher Lambert. However, "The Source", which has been in the vaults of Lionsgate since late 2006 is a bitter disappointment.

The first cut of the film has been released on DVD in Russia. I ordered a copy from XploitedCinema.com (a great website, BTW) and watched it last night.

Initial fears were realised when it was revealed that the film was set "In The Near Future", which stirred up bad memories of "Highlander II". The premise of the movie and the motivation of the characters is poorly explained and the execution is rushed, which is very disorientating for the viewer. However, I will try to sum up the plot as succinctly as I can.

A group of Immortals, led by Methos (Peter Wingfield) are trying to locate and verify the existence of The Source, which is believed to be the origins of the Immortals. Methos is reluctant to involve his former good friend, Duncan MacLeod (Adrian Paul), but is forced to when Duncan encounters The Guardian, the Immortal Anti-Christ, while searching for his ex-wife, Anna, who is somehow drawn to The Source.

The Source, good. The Guardian, bad. Got it? Speaking of The Guardian being bad, it's really hard to fear a villain when they talk in a funny voice and act like a complete tool.

The Director, Brett Leonard, overuses trendy editing techniques that modern filmmakers are so eager to apply, giving it a "music video" style, essentially making the direction seem trite and cheap.

The sad thing is that this film has/had potential. While I'm glad to hear that it is currently being re-edited before a general release, I fear that without some re-filming, which I believe is not happening, certain flaws can never be rectified.

Overall, "Highlander: The Source" is a great disappointment, especially to a fan of the Movies and the TV Series.
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shaden920 September 2007
I loved the Highlander series. I loved the first Highlander movie. But holy crap, this movie was terrible.

It has the acting, effects and plot of a made-for-TV Sci Fi channel movie (oh wait...). Everything about the film stunk of terrible quality. It was actually kind of sad to see Paul and the Highlander franchise in general in so bad of a continuation. Nearly every character mailed it in and sleepwalked through their characters. The rest played so over-the-top that you want to hold your head in your hands and groan. And, once again, the Highlander writers find another half-assed reason to make another movie (the prize in the last movie? no no no, that wasn't the REAL prize, THIS is the real prize.).

If you're a Highlander fan, don't even watch this. It butchers that which you love.
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Highlander: The Down Payment
tim-plummer-117 September 2007
OK, I've watched & loved, Highlander the series.... I enjoyed it more than the movies themselves. Adrian Paul is a really talented actor & though I feel their acting was dead on... the script for this movie was HORRIBLE.

It was as awful as Highlander II... it just left me feeling like someone... wanted to revive the movie to make a few dollars. It was as if they threw this script together on a weekend & convinced some great actors this was a good idea.

Highlander creators... we'll act like this didn't happen if you promise not to produce another movie to finance a new house.

2 thumbs, way down.

Such a cool series, such a bad movie.
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Dreadful - Too Bad There Aren't Minus Ratings
paula_kw21 September 2007
I loved the first Highlander movie, loved the series, and have found every movie after the first to be pretty awful - but I watch them anyway, hoping against hope that they'll prove me wrong. I thought it couldn't get any worse than Highlander: Endgame, but I was very much mistaken. This is just a terrible movie - like watching a train wreck.

If they didn't destroy continuity in every movie and rewrite the history of the Highlander universe, it might be bearable. Like every other Highlander movie, this one acts like nothing came before it and nothing about it makes sense - it's an insult to the intelligence of the fans. And we have to suffer through yet another half-witted attempt to re-invent the source of immortality and what happens if "there can be only one." The post-apocalyptic world is just plain dark and dreary. Endgame was sort of heading in that direction - it was significantly more world-weary and tattered than the world of the series. However, The Source just plain doesn't make sense. For the world to have gotten in this condition, more than a few years would have to have passed, and Joe Dawson should look more than a couple of years older - by rights the character should have been dead before this movie takes place. But hey, I guess they figure we can't add either.

The fight scenes are terrible - the speeded-up special effects destroy the fun of the fight scenes, and you always expect one decent sword-fighting scene in a Highlander movie - not this one! If I had realized how bad this was going to be, I could have resigned myself to ogling Methos for a couple of hours. This movie is so bad even *that* isn't enjoyable. If I had seen this in a movie theater I'd have wanted my money back. As it is, I want back the time I wasted watching this dreck.

I'm giving up Highlander movies for good. As far as I'm concerned, There Can Be Only One Highlander Movie - and this isn't it.
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The worst in the franchise
driverforhire18 September 2007
If you're a true Highlander fan, even a desperate one, steer clear of this movie. It is a disaster. The worst movie I've ever seen, and I've seen quite a lot of bad ones. Perhaps it's just because I love the original Highlander so much, that I am so angry. But my review is as follows: -The story is confusing, more supernatural than ever -The acting is horrible, particularly on Adrian's part. I could stand him in Endgame but he seems to be sleepwalking throughout this so-called sequel.

Need I go on? Let's just say Highlander 2 is a masterpiece compared to this... exactly.
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The movie is so bad, you can't stop watching it!
henry_wyckoff16 September 2007
I thought that Highlander II and the animated Highlander series were the most horrible incarnations ever created, but Highlander: The Source proved to be truly horrible and might win the award for "Worst Highlander Film Ever." The dialogue reads like unedited fanfic, continuity gaps and non-sequiturs are frequent, the special effects are laughable (as in, so bad that they induce involuntary laughter), and the sword fighting sequences -- which make Highlander what it is -- are too painful to watch.

The sad thing is that there was a lot of potential for this story. The overall effect was a movie worthy of a showing on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

I watched this on the Sci-Fi channel, which means that I didn't have to shell out money for a movie rental or a theater viewing, but it still cost me dearly: two hours of my life have been spent. I could have spent that time at the pub, but oh no. I didn't even have the foresight to bring home some beer to dull my senses and make the movie seem to be enjoyable. Highlander had been that much redeemed since Highlander II that I didn't even consider the possibility that it would be a bomb. That reminds me: this movie demands the development of a drinking game.
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Sad, just sad...
idoru209927 July 2007
What went right with the Highlander TV series starring Adrian Paul? First it was the main protagonist that really got into the role of the highlander, second it was the fact it it had very good swordplay and martial arts action and third it was those well done flashbacks into history, that showed many different time-lines and presented conflicts that lasted for centuries...

So, what is wrong with this movie? All the things stated above are missing...Yes we have Duncan , Mythos and Dawson but the script is really poor, the main villain is ridiculous , there are no flashbacks no swordplay whatsoever. All we get is a clown jumping around talking gibberish (the so-called guardian) and a crappy story about the "legendary" source.

The direction tries to seem cool but it ends up rather boring, and the acting is poor. Of course I wasn't expecting any great acting or imaginative direction but at least I was expecting some believable special effects...I didn't get those either the SFX are bad and uninventive. Obviously the movie hasn't got a big budget but it would have been adequate if it was used properly and with a story that didn't involve guardians with superpowers and other cosmic forces.

In the end it just feels sad that the Highlander franchise probably ends with such a bad movie. It's even worse than "Endgame" and that is really an achievement. Adrian Paul isn't much of an actor but give him a Katana and let him do his martial stuff and he'll work some magic. Unfortunately in this movie he does nothing of the above so in the and we get nothing , not even a good action scene...
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What the hell happened
mathewlisett15 August 2007
i gained a copy of this months back and have to say that they did something wrong with this film. There is nothing special about it, its seems half ass way of producing it with the effects and location, gives the feeling they had £20 to play with and they seemed to have gained £19.99 back in change.

the effects of the head slicing is better and i was surprised it happened, but from that the special effects are half ass , the story line is boring and tiring , there is not one single section of the story or visual that makes you actually want to stay in the cinema to watch the film, it simply gives you the feeling of when you were watching a bad b movie in the 80's where the budget was extremely low and with no talent behind the camera.

considering AP took over production near the end f the TV series i was strongly expecting lots more from this.... Has he lost his touch has producing become to much of a stressing situation. Hell the team and even him don't seem to be bothered with doing the production notes and b lo g on their own official site, so from that are we to take it they are re doing the whole thing to actually drill in some intelligent action with a spot of special effects and dash of story line that will blow our socks off, or should we take it that they simply have given up and are now hoping they can get away wit the slow progress of a crappiest produced film of the 21st century and I've now just read that its in fact going straight to sci-fi channel, How pathetic is that Im highly saddened by this because this was going to be the ultimate film for me to watch, I've been a highlander series fan for years and just gained the box set, so to know that they have simply destroyed and made a film worse than end game is soul destroying.
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Terrible. I feel sorry for Adrian
Scoval7115 September 2007
The bewigged, face lifted, slimmer and worked out, but, still so very handsome, Adrian Paul is back as the Highlander. This junk is horrible. Please, Adrian, the Highlander was great and superlative as a television series, but the Highlander movies (Endgame) and The Source fail, and fail miserably. Let them die. Do no more. I think he got the idea now from the reviews of The Source. This concoction was hard to watch. A murky, dark movie, and dark meaning everything looked as if it were shot in the middle of the night. Acting was awful---some weird plot to find the source--the origin--of the immortals. Adrian walks his way throughout the movie. He knew it was crap. He looks great with his new wig and face lift and slimmer than ever, but this is way beneath his talents. A ridiculous movie with so much screaming and yelling and fighting, it makes no sense. Takes place in some future world with trite sets and some maniac wearing a half helmet acting as a guardian, but to what, I have no clue. The movie has no purpose, no direction. It was awful.
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Someone took a dump in a box and labeled it Highlander 5
djcounterstrike2 March 2008
If you haven't read the comments in Steve Segal's "Attack Force", then you need to in order to put this movie in perspective (yes, I tried watching that movie too). Well, this competes with that movie for the worst movie ever. If you haven't read some of those user comments, go do that now and you'll get a picture of what this movie is like...some specific one's to check out about "Attack Force":

  • How to waste 12 million dollars.

  • Steven Seagal makes yet another piece of total crap.

  • Is Steven Seagal dead?

I actually REGISTERED with IMDb specifically to write this comment...I couldn't let this one go...glad I didn't pay to see this "piece of total crap" as the Segal movie was. Have you ever had a dream that when you wake up, you're like, "What the hell was that?"...like it had NO continuity, made absolutely NO sense, and you couldn't even understand most of it? Yeah, that's this movie.

If they had filmed a close-up of Adrian Paul's ass hairs for the 1:25:43 that this movie ran, it would have been better.

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Not fantastic, but not nearly as bad as anyone says.
ssj-alhazred23 January 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand the hate for this movie. It's obvious that the movie has problems; in particular, it needs another twenty minutes of running time and more budget, but if those are the problems, it means there's still plenty of good ideas to enjoy.

The movie's biggest problem is that it sets up a whole lot of ideas and then doesn't follow through with them. The practical effect here is that thinking about anything going on will, every single time, lead one to realize that none of it actually makes sense. The characters, often maligned as flat, over the top, or, at the worst, simply phoned in by the actors, are actually the most interesting and sensible part of the movie. This is a big reason why the movie needs more running time, so it can include the expected flashbacks to previous decades and centuries And it should explore Reggie and Giovanni, and why they've been lead to where they are now. We know plenty about Duncan and Methos already. Reggie's Jack Sparrow attitude about perceived insanity and his insinuation that he was in the military are hints about his character that would've been great plot points. The writers could've concocted whatever BS they wanted to make it relevant and it still would've worked fine. As for Giovanni, the guy's an immortal Catholic priest with enough zealotry and instability to scare Fred Phelps. His backstory could probably make a movie in its own right.

The fact of the matter is, the characters are interesting already if you watch closely, but there needed to be more effort to make it actually matter. I'm also outright baffled that people use "The Guardian is ridiculous" as a criticism. Anyone who says this will invariably turn around and say that the original Highlander was either the best movie, or the only movie that should've been made, period. Was everyone watching a different movie than I was? Because I remember the Kurgan licking priests and scaring hookers with his level of kink. Ridiculousness in Highlander villains is hardly a thing to criticize. Duncan fought demons in the series like he was Buffy.

Naturally, the plot suffers the same problems as the characters; it's relevancy is simply not explained. Why does the Guardian just kill Reggie and Giovanni instead of giving them their chance to make the same choice Duncan does? If he believes they've already failed the test - Giovanni can obviously be explained this way - why isn't there a single line of dialog even hinting at it? This is even contradicted in the Elder's flashback sequence, which clearly shows two of the immortals from the last celestial alignment trying for the Source, and the Elder is implied to have been cursed because he skipped the Guardian altogether without being tested. Is there some kind of malfunction going on with the current Guardian? One might say there SHOULD be, given that the Elder never talks about the old Guardian leaving the Source and coming to them like he does with Duncan and friends. Methos even suggests that the Guardian's sole purpose for leaving the Source is to hunt down the specific immortals seeking it. Maybe he's trying to win the Prize the old-fashioned way? And yet, this is explored no further. It would've taken very little dialog to give these things some justification and logic, and more runtime could've let the movie do it better than just having throwaway lines.

Finally, I also don't understand the general opinion that the Russian cut of the film is better- sorry, "less bad" than the Sci-Fi cut. Anna's opening and closing narrations are, at best, annoying. At worst, they're outright stupid, especially the ending monologue where there can be no question that the meaning of the Game and the Prize is being completely retconned. With the Sci-Fi version, you at least get the implication that it's an alternative to winning the Prize if you don't want to play the Game, instead of saying "lol the immortals have been wrong all this time even though it totally cheapens the entire franchise to wantonly change this fact that has been established since the beginning." Was doing that in Highlander 2 not enough to prove it's a bad idea?
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continuing the highlander - series
vollenhoven28 August 2007
This review is based upon the Dutch official release in September 2007.

Having enjoyed the original movie long ago its sequel was a kick in the groin. Then came the series that took some time to establish itself but with six seasons of Duncan Macleod of the clan by the same name he had created a character that had surpassed the original Connor and shown an immortal that wanted to leave the game and was sorely tested by its bloodthirstiness. Highlander endgame was flawed because it was neither Duncan nor Connor.

Highlander 5 is the continuing story from season 6 where Duncan is no longer the bright hero but a man who carries guilt, loneliness and many questions around. he no longer seems to want to be part of the game of immortals. This happened after he married (Tekla Reuten) and she left him because she wanted the impossible, a baby. She seems to be followed around in some apacolypical surroundings always being followed she feels by Duncan. Due to some ancient legend other immortals are chasing a mystical source (of great power to the immortals) and Duncan gets pulled back into the life he left behind, Dawson of the Watchers & Methos. In the end this movie is less a quest for immortals but more about Duncan finding himself.

The baddie is a sheer invincible immortal who moves in a mind numbing speed, the world is seemingly crowded with cannibals that see other folks as a nice snack. Yes it is a dark tale that lacks the great fights that the series always gave us, but then again this movie was never about death and killing but about hope, love & life.

For folks expecting a Connor Highlander story, they are in for a bad surprise. These are the continuing adventures of Duncan the Highlander and his search for answers. He not unlike us flawed mortals seeks for the reason that made him immortal and what he lives for.

A very dark and enjoyable tale in which the Queen songs are re-interpreted by other bands who lack the greatness of Freddy Mercury but are good enough. The music itself is very well done.

great line by the baddie: There can be only one me.

I would look forward to the next installment of Duncans adventures but I fear that this movie is not the movie the fans wanted. It dared to enter a new course and direction away from the road already well traveled by the Highlander franchise. It just might be the one that does kill the franchise because the complaining fans never did give it a chance and actually just wanted more of the same. The Source is just not more of the same.

Adrian Paul did a great job and in the role of Miss Macleod Thekla Reuten is very impressive, she's quite believable the star of Duncans universe. The supporting cast from the series Dawson & Methos do what they aways were bound to do they give Duncan his mythical greatness.
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Hot mess.
reb-warrior5 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The world is in apocalyptic-ish chaos. Planets are aligning. Duncan MacLeod along with Methos, Joe, Duncan's wife, Anna, and a couple of other immortals try to track down The Source that they think will decide who The One will be and save the world from itself.

The movie is all over the place. It's about immortals. It's about "the one". Wait, it's about the planets aligning and the world coming to an end. It's about existentialism. It's about a new Jesus or something or whatever. It's about too many things. You know what it ain't about? Highlander, that's what.

Ever hear any of these words in the series or movie: "the source," "the guardian," "the elder," "planets aligning." No. Nothing from this even exists in the series or movie. They just kinda made it up here.

No flashbacks of Duncan MacLeod except for a brief go over of his relationship with Anna. Flashbacks are one of the hallmarks of the Highlander universe. And they had next to nothing. None of the historical flashbacks with costumes and at key points in history. Nothing. Are you kidding me? And Anna is special? We don't know why. She just kinda just is. She has visions etc. No mention of a special woman in the of the Highlander mythos from the series or movie.

The camera cinematography was weird with weird filters and odd movements. The amazing fights we saw in the series and movie which always took on a realistic approach are ruined here by Mr. Speedy, The Guardian.

Peter Wingfield, Methos, looked the most handsome I'd ever seen him. Despite wearing that stupid leather jacket with the fringes. Let's face it, Methos would be nowhere near this. He would very nicely go underground and wait for everything to smooth over. Bad take on him in this movie.

Joe got killed. I guess he lived up to what I always said in my series reviews which was that he had a man-crush on Duncan.

No mention of Amanda. I don't why, or why Elizabeth Gracen wasn't in the movie. But a mention would have been nice. This movie was targeting the series fans and this was Duncan-led. She should have been in it or got a mention.

The movie seems like it's really some other story, and they slapped in Highlander characters to accommodate the story. It looked cheap with cheap fx. The quickening looked awful. We're not given an explanation as to what happened with humankind.

The explanation for the immortals just seemed stupid. So the universe only wants goodness, so they threw out this stupid thing about there can be only one. Only one immortal can have a kid. That's what they really meant? Huh. If they only wanted only goodness a lot fewer people would have died from their stupid rules. Isn't that evil in it, itself? I always felt if they were gonna continue the franchise the answer should never be reached. It should always be a mystery. It leaves endless room for more stories and adventures.

This movie was as if though it was written by a 10-year-old. I hated the exposition and narration. If you're a fan of the series and the first movie(or even Endgame), I don't recommend this. Skip it. Even if you love Adrian Paul in the series. Skip it. I gave it a 1/10
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It hurts, it hurts... please make it stop!
ShaolinWK20 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am admittedly one of the biggest highlander geeks out there. I have all the DVD's (and VHS before that), I own swords and clothes from both the movies and the series. I am a huge sci-fi geek and I can always find some reason to like a sci-fi movie that nearly everyone else laughs at... UNTIL NOW!

The Source is probably the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I wanted it to be good. I really did. From the first opening scene and voice over, I was trying to like this movie. I kept asking myself, "what is this?" I can explain in great detail every aspect of the Highlander mythology… and I don't see how this movie fits in it at all. I feel badly for Mr. Paul. What little he was able to do for this movie was not nearly enough to justify the existence of such a bad movie. I find it amazing that teenage girls would be able to hold Adrian's amazing physique as justification for liking this movie. And as much as I love to look at him, this movie is simply too horrible for even my beloved 'Duncan' to save. I will just have to watch the series or 'End Game' for my Adrian fix.

The writers should be shot but only after many long years of heinous torture. I know… we could make them watch this movie, over and over again. What were they thinking? Really, I would like to know. The Highlander mythology is so rich and wonderful it would have been easy – even for me – to write a plot for a movie. So, why was it so hard for them?

With the story alone being so horrible it makes the rest of the movie making process seem almost insignificant for discussion. However, I think it might have been possible to make the movie watchable through the other aspects of the movie making process. So to that end I sadly comment: •the director is horrible and should not be allowed to continue to work in the industry. •The editor's clumsy cuts show an amateur pretending to be a professional •The music. Oh, what have they done to the music? Seriously, how much would it have cost to get the original music or just pay any of the many out of work composers to come up with something fitting? •There were actual drop outs and wow's in the sound… again, most amateurs would probably not have made these mistakes, how could a professional? I have seen student films that got F's that were handled better. •What little the actor's were allowed to do was not enough. They came off a flat or two dimensional. The only character I actually recognized at all was Methos. I know that Adrian, Jim and Peter can act, but this movie hides that fact very well.

I was bitterly disappointed by this movie. I feel betrayed by the film makers who took a mythology that is precious to me and distorted it so much as to render it unrecognizable. I would have been there greatest advocate… but this movie is far too bad.
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ccwalters-122 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I really hate a movie that gives away the ending in the prologue. I spent the entire movie really hoping that the opening narration just didn't give the whole thing away... to find out it really did.

I came into Highlander with the TV series first, then the movies. The bad guys are always caricatures, but this time was worse. The Guardian is unreasonably evil with no real explanation.

I agree with everyone else's criticisms. Character development is nonexistent, the characters we know are unrecognizable, the post-apocalyptic future is inane, and seems just to help create a world where the masses are cannibals (what?!?). And random abandoned BMW SUVs manage somehow to look as if they've just been detailed.

I hope no one else has to sit through this, and the only thing I lost is time, since I Tivo'd it from SciFi.
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Great for a laugh, don't waste your time otherwise
claven-claven5 August 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Few movies can beat this one for unintentional hilarity. Okay, that was to be expected, the Highlander movies were going downhill for a while.

But if you thought it couldn't have gotten any worse after Highlander IV, you're in for a big surprise. First of all, the script has only one real idea - the Source of the immortals, the big mystery. The rest looks like a result of a brainwashing Monday morning session when no ideas were crossed out. Cannibalistic bikers? Check. I know, I know - hear this one guys - a leather clad S&M weirdo that talks like he just sat on his balls and makes next to no sense and we'll... we'll call him something big, like - what about The Guardian? Check. We'll kill someone to show the fans we mean business - what about Dawson? Check. We'll have planets moving! Check. A story that goes back tons of thousands of years! Check. A man fused with stone wall (no s**t). Check! Flashback to the stone age with 17th century swords! Check. Immortal archbishop who looks like he fell out of Scooter music video! Check.

Second, the whole point of the movie is that planets align themselves just so Duncan could get laid. Seriously.

If you're in a mood to see the Highlander intellectual property s**t on and have a good laugh, watch it. Otherwise you'll be better off not seeing it.
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Unbelievably Awful
kelzan21 July 2008
I was waiting for this movie to come out for a while, Highlander had not had anything new come out for a few years and I was eager for something new. I could not have been more disappointed. The actors from the series are all there, the ones whose characters survived the series anyway, and that is the only plus I can possibly give this movie. The writing was horrible, the actors shouted their lines unconvincingly much of the time. Elements of the Highlander universe were just added with no explanation, and the characters treated these additions like they were always there. The one thing about Highlander that even made some bad episodes watchable were the sword fights, not here, the sword fights were idiotic and the villain was ridiculously fast and strong and yet the characters are able to fight him long enough for the writers to have a long enough fight. The acting was terrible, even actors from the series who gave very good performances before seemed just awful. The ending was so bad, I literally laughed out loud.

Skip this movie, it is not worth watching.
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do not watch this, ever, no matter what (might not contain spoilers)
turin211216 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
there is NOTHING about this movie, absolutely nothing, worth watching NOTHING

if you liked the movie, if you liked the series, do yourself a HUGE favor, do NOT WATCH this

1) the music is terrible (cheap at best)

2) the writing is so amazingly bad

3) talking heads, rather than acting

4) stilted acting, wooden heads reading lines from cue cards

5) worthless directing

6) INANE dialog

7) the ending? insipid

8) special effects? why bother, NOTHING could save this movie

9) sword fighting? nope, people banging sticks together

I really don't understand why anyone spent any money on this. I can't understand why the scifi channel broadcast this.
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The Flatulent Guardian.
NousPax-125 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
Being a huge fan of the Lambert Highlander series, I had to watch this although I've never seen Adrian in the TV series. Gave this 5 stars because its so bad its good and will provide lots of laughs. First off, Adrian Paul is good, in fact he was probably 90% of the budget. The Guardian seems cool near the beginning where he kills a highlander after announcing "There Can Be Only Me" but when you get a good look at him and hear his voice, he's like a punk rocker with a double lobotomy (thats a slice down the middle and a left-to-right slice). Its cool that he can zip around at about 10X speed but when he does you hear this sound like a playing card in a bicycle, or a drawn-out fart (is that how they did this sound effect?). OK, it post-apocalyptic and these highlanders team up and cruise around is a shitty old sedan. Do immortals need a car? They find out the "Elder" has knowledge of the "Source" so they travel to this Transylvania looking monastery which looks like it was repossessed from Count Alucard himself and lo and behold, Duncan MacLeod's ex-wife shows up by coincidence and they drive their crummy vehicle through this like 100 Ton door and the monkeys inside stand there like they're thinking "Come On In" and they go inside to see the Elder and the Elder looks like a flattened version of Jabba the Hut! (Actually the Elder ate all the Sauce is why they can't find it -source). Anyhow they continue their search in some woods full of cannibals and they all get tied up by these drunken stOOpiD slob cannibals. They get away, that is the idiot cannibals let their "Food" run away! Oh, I forgot to mention the Cardinal Giovanni character would get his head lopped off by me just for having an OBNOXIOUS HAIRCUT! There's another youngish immortal traveling with them and he appears to be a moron, but with a twist - he explains to Duncan's wife that he is very bright, but just acts stupid! Shortly after the Guardian takes his moronic butt out. There's a scene where Duncan's wife and he are having a romantic conversation and its about as authentic as a 3-cent piece. Don't miss this great comedy!
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Not a the best Highlander movie
masschaos6 April 2008
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was definitely a disappointment, and had a lackluster soundtrack. The original movies, flawed though they were, came out at the birth of "the cgi era" so their effects weren't special, but they looked like most every other sci-fi film of the time and were at the time "cutting edge."! The Source granted was based on the Highlander story, but fit in more with the late 80's than the early 21st century. The original had a edgy soundtrack, that fit the story well, even the TV show which came out much later incorporated the original music,, why did they try to update the song by making it tame and horrible, it felt like a "crooner version". Music is ageless, if it stuck with the original movie, and stood the test of time for decades, then don't mess with it.

Adrian Paul is the ultimate Highlander, so I rented this because of his character, that wasn't as good an idea as I thought though. Duncan was a jaded warrior as opposed to Duncan in the TV series, where he was the altruistic hero capable and willing of dealing with anything. The guardian was more laughable not to mention out-of-place as "the guardian of The Source" who didn't do a very good job as he was traipsing all over creation to kill the immortals or something. Methos was and is one of the best secondary characters in the story. The Source itself was enough to motivate the immortals. A little rough language at appropriate times, but the violence was more silly gore than shocking, so it's probably not a good flick for young kids, but older kids might like it, but why would they, there's so much better out there! Worth a watch for a popcorn fix, but I'd try to catch it on TV.
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Should have thought it through more
ben_thurber15 March 2010
Warning: Spoilers
While I must agree that The Source was a terrible embarrassment (made The Quickening look like Oscar material), and that I think they should've thought it through and pounded out a few more drafts (it is played like a first or second draft screenplay), I do have to say that there is one element in it I kind of like.

If we remember that the idea of The Gathering was dropped after the first season of the series, it becomes apparent that there are still more immortals out there, maybe many more that have yet to find their destiny. This does, in effect, create a paradox. How can there be only one when the supply keeps on getting bigger? Enter the idea that The Source is supposed to represent the final prize. Put in a supposedly unbeatable immortal in the name of The Guardian, and we have one solution to the paradox.

The One, then, would be someone who only participates in The Game for his own life's safety, one who feels every death and mourns every passing, and we get Duncan McLeod, earning the prize by not killing an enemy that was bent on his destruction.

The basis of the story is okay. The movie sucked big time. Of the 5 movies, this one ranks at the bottom, even lower than The Quickening.
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Amazing, a first, I've never seen anything like it!
Rickb_bad4 March 2008
This is truly a masterpiece, this gem of a film should be shown in every film school in the world, it is a modern day classic! From the astonishing cinematography to the spot on acting, from the amazing editing to the incredible pacing, from the surprising story to the inventive dialogue...this movie does NOTHING RIGHT!!!!!! I give it ten stars out of ten simply because this kind of horribly rotten movie can't be made by accident. This must have been done purposely, it's the filmmakers telling us that if they can't make a good movie, they'll make the worst movie they possibly can! And they succeeded! They succeeded wonderfully! This is a marvelous disaster! The cinematography is amazingly bad, every single shot is wrong, every one, you can't do that on accident, it's mathematically impossible! The acting is spot on, that is if they were making Harold and Kumar go to White Castle; it frequently appears that every single scene had something different than what we saw precede it. It doesn't make any sense, it's genius. The editing is amazing, it makes the viewer so nauseous that it is literally painful to watch. The pacing is incredible, it makes no sense, and builds not a scintilla of tension. The dialogue is so very inventive, just when you think each character might say something that makes sense, they either go into a dry, boring monologue or make a bad cliché'd remark. Usually they do one when they ought to do the other and they always make sure they do it at the wrong time. It's fabulous. But the best part of this Oscar caliber (especially these days) bad movie, is the STORY! OH MY GOD!!!!! Not only did they take a flimsy, half-hearted, ridiculous premise--Immortals looking for the source (of what I don't freakin' know)--but they used it to tell a completely retarded, non-sensical, meaningless, confusing, and very, very, stupid story. Brilliant, of all movies (yes I do include "Batman and Robin") that grace the worst of lists, of all the movies meant to be the worst of the worst, this has to take the cake. My hats are off to the writers and producers, you have made the worst movie in history, and you should be proud of yourselves. I can't wait for the sequel, "Highlander: making love to a dead and decayed franchise".

Please, if you're going to try to resurrect this franchise--A franchise which I love dearly--please, please do something right, like hire actual writers!
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I liked it, even though it was mad-cap
gobz-124 September 2007
I have all of the highlander series box sets and have seen every episode before, this film, whilst not of a mega Hollywood budget, obviously had a much bigger budget than that of a couple of TV episodes. Yes Duncan seems a bit glum and miserable throughout, but he had become that way by the end of the TV series, so it makes sense.

Granted this was not a high brow attempt to bring the franchise to a conclusion, but hey it's a movie not an episodic ongoing saga and as a movie it conjured up a good looking dark twisted and evil world with some larger than life characters somewhat akin to 18 rated comic book characters, plus some decent sets and FX.

My god I have seen lots of really bad reviews for this, people take things too seriously, it's basically an action/fantasy/horror movie and as such was fun too watch which I believe is the point to such movies.

So not an intelligent conclusion but what the hell, it was fun and remember the whole idea of Highlander was always insane with inherent floors all over it so come on you die hard 'Trekkie' type people, lighten up and don't take such a rigid approach to mythical fantasy icons. 7 out of 10.
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Who were these people and what did they do with our 'Highlander'?
ladywen_0616 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
The Highlander films were good, but I fell in love with the series. The quality of the production was excellent and the characters were superb. I saw 'Highlander: the Source' on the SciFi Channel and couldn't believe how second-rate and sad it seemed. There seemed to be no excitement, no passion, no interest on the parts of the actors. It was as though the veterans of the series were just going through the motions because they had resigned themselves (with great resentment) to being typecast and performed mechanically out of some sort of obligation (or necessity?). I am happy for Duncan that he was finally able to have a child, but the film was a great loss to the tradition. I will stick to watching the original series and just be glad that I can get videos of the series at second hand stores for $1.95. I am so sorry :-( for our loss. At least I have immortal memories.
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